The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 19, 1919, Image 1
Ehc l o rth THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, $EH., AUGUST 19. 1919. . No. (53 HEItSHKY WILL HAVE SUGAR FACTORY FOlt 1020 CKOL. Rollahlo information recolvcd In North Platto Saturday stated that tho American Boot Sugar Co. will com plete four additional sugar factories In Nebraska and Colorado within the next year and that one of tho four will bo erected at Horshoy. It Is tho In tention to rush work on these factor ies so that they can work up tho 1920 crop of boots. Tho factory, slto at Horshoy was purchased a couplo of years ago, and thero never has been any question as to tho ultimate erection of tho plant, It has been only a question of time conditioned on tho status of affairs following tho closo of tho war. Tho American Company evidently bellovcs that business will go along as usual and that It Is justified In erecting the LOCAL A3.T) PEItSOXAL Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Redmond ro turued Sundny evening from an auto trip to Donvor. Miss Ella Llppon ontortnlnod thir teen girls Saturday, In honor of her birthday. NEVILLE PLATS 100 ACRES I NORTHEAST OF CITY 1 Kolth Novlllo, who owns 400 ncros of land north of tho railroad tracks and east of tho boundary of tho Fourth ward, has platted tho and Into flvo, ten nnd twonty aero tracts and will Fight Atrninst Profiteers. Hero nro somo of, tho things thnt have been taking placb during tho last fow days In other cities, na tho rosult of activities by federal, city nnd coun ty officials, to combat proflcotrs: IMrolt 10.4C0.000 eggs and 300,000 pounds of butter solacd. fMcngo $50,000 worth nf hnttor seised nnd warrants Issued for sugar snnn nlnon it nn Mm mnrknt. Tim iTn- Dixon's diamonds nro priced right. mnml for acroaco tracts induced Mr. Miss Agnes O'Nell, of Lincoln, Is , Novllllo to plat this land and placo It 1 ,,n tho guest of roatlvos In town, having on tho market Tho tract is good Ohattan'oocm-Moro thnn 1 000 000 ni.rlv.v1 vnatnwlnw tmwl nrwl will mntrn l.lnnl MLlllllIlOOgUI AMOrO Uinil l.UUW.UUU . . . . I !!,,. ,. .ll ..ffll..t l t .lob1' BU14LU. Airs, tuimor uaKer nas rotrneu from i luu"u buuibioiu muu mi Omaha where sho has been for tho ( gardonlng, trucking and poultry, and past two months visiting relatives. thU8 to n lnrB extent cut down tho H- Tid t Tinninit w,. ilC. L. The land is situated within for Omaha, whero sho wll enter tho Mcthortlst hospital for an operation. Tho Rex till handles the goods. tf Mrs. Wm, Madison will leave to morrow night for Minneapolis whero sho will visit her parents for some Jacksonville 1,00(K000 oggs, 27,500 pounds of sugar and thousands of tins of canned goods soized. Tnmpa 32G.000 tins of canned I Mrs. Kolth Novlllo and chlldron, who 'had boon spending several wooks In Virginia, arrived homo this morning. They woro mot nt Omaha by Mr. No i villo. Paul Simon and Evorott Lawrbnco arrived homo today from Laramlo, whoro they had been working for tho past month. Miss Harriot Murrln Is spending the wook In Choyonuo, tho guest of roln Mvos. , Mrs. J. H. Fonda Is visiting1 with frlonds in Omaha this wook. Joo Piorcy,, of Tonapah, Nov., a s formor North Platto boy, passed through Saturday onrouto to Now York City to attend tho national as sociation of druggists. Joo is in tho drug business in Tonapnh and Is making oodlos of money. Ho Is nlso a momber of tho Nevada legislature Ho will stop ovor In North Platto upon hla return from Now York. President Wilson for tho second tlmo has vetoed repeal of tho day light saving law. Today congress will mako nn offort to pass tho ropoal over tho prosldont'a head. walking distance of tho city In factl'f Tooo cnscs o eggs and an is closer in thnn somo of tho othor , Li 5.g ' .1" 1Unn subdivisions that have boon mndo.P "47 T p noTl --Vl' ,. It Is not tho prosont Intontlon to placo this lnnd within tho city limits,. now factories. Tho Tribune congratulates HerBhey time that its dream of a sugar factory Is to j "Mickey i coming." como iruc. it is a logical sue ior sucn .p ATTENTION 3IR. CAR OWNER! ; so RUgar nnd butter. . Nashvillo 1,000,000 eggs soized. Canton. O. 200,000 pounds of sugar San DIogo $250,000 worth of oggs, ,.. , , . " , . butter and ohooso soized. o linvo JiiHt received n Shipment Kansas Citv 7G.000 nounda of "T Tll ii 1 e . t A ... an industry, and it means that tho vil- Wla ', efnt i,r,.aif,, i, of Firestone Tires, which elves ns 1 ho nntet'. Rucked hy us, on (heso tires. uiuLiuu. hui, uuijr yiii xiuioiiujf uu!i.rn1 linvo twit lnnnfltnl llf lnn.l trU.llfnfV in tlio 1-1,11 UU' 4,1181 town Is certain to Increaso In value, I s,S,lt Specialists, II. Dixon & Son. and with tho growth of tho town a! Goo. N. GIbbs loft Saturday on a hotter market for tho farmers of that ! business trip to Iowa. He was accom soctlon will result. Tho erection of' panted as far as Omaha by his wife tho factory means a largely, increased 1 and daughter. acreage of beets, and a corresponding-1 siiu Fly and spray at the Rey.all. ly larger circulation of money, a por-1 Mrs Barbara Jonc3 and two chlldron tiuuu Vi"11 li 1 ri.a ,'.Kt . of Columbus nro vlBiting tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, on east Tenth street. Rny Bradley, who for tho past two years has been in tho navy, and a North Platto.x In fact the building of a sugar factory at Horshoy will prove beneficial, one way or another, to tho whole county. :o fill PRICE IS THE LOWEST A 0x3 The for $11.00 aOxSHS Tiro for Slti.lO A 32x3 JS Tiro for $170. Other Sizes in Proportion. soized. New York Mayor Ilylan ordored nil cold storago nnd warehouses inspected by firemen for hoarding of food sup plies. Ohio 100 indicted under storage nnd anti-trust laws; fcdoral author! High Cited for Rrnvcry. John High, who for ten years lived south of Horshoy, and who lately re turner from service overseas, termi nated a furlough hero yesterday and returned to Camp Dodge. While in Germany ho ro-enllsted for another year of sorvice and at present Is sta tioned at Camp Dodge as a member of a military police company. Ho par-' ticlpated in tho Meuse-Argonno of fenslvo and was cited for bravery. For twnty-six consecutive days he wns on tho firing lino, and for two days was without water or food, and during tho entiro twenty-six days did not havo a shelter tent or a blanket. In ono instance a busting shell killed or wounded fifteen men out of a squad of sixteen, ho being the only survivor. Ho has nine months yet to servo, and when discharged will go to Norway to visit his parents, and then return to Lincoln county. Akron, Ohio, will spend August 23d with us. Theso tires go on sale that day nnd wc ask you to conic in and iiit'ct theso men. They can explain nny tiro trouble thnt you may bo linvlng. S. & R. SERVICE STATION. Telephone S20. North Plntte, Neb. : :o: : Chicken Season Opens Oct. l.'ith. County Clerk Allen is in receipt of a letter from tho stato secretary of agriculture which says: "I wish to call your particular at tention to the new provision in the day afternoon, Aug. 21, at the church gamo law as enacted by the regu parlors. This is an important meeting 1 iar session of the legislature rclat and a full tendance is dosired. Rc-ing'to tho open season on pralrio freshments will bo served at tho close! chickens. Tho old law provided an of tho meeting. open season from September 15th to Frank Bell was arraigned before i Novomber 15th. Tho new law pro- fpi i i AUV,T r ? VU' to lo 2.420,000 pounds of Those Prices will Prevail Auff. 2: d. TOCat Mntoriai reductions of prices Two expert t ro men sent hero by noted in various cities and towns, tho rlrcstono Tire & Rubber Co.. of! nn,.,, rw n.v,i -oil ! .i.i.. vii vsu uonvu j it villi tiiiiiuu- Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. ' MITCHELL LEWIS IN "Life's Greatest Problem" Impelling drama of sensations and problems of every day life. Also LOCAL VIEWS taken recently. Admission Adults 30c. Balcony 25c. Children 15c. Including Tax. greater part of that tlmo cruising in foreign waters, returned homo Sat urday. Miss . Lola Scott and Frank Scott, formerly of this city;, but now resid ing In Denver aro hero visiting with friends and relatives for a week or more. Apples and crab apples for sale. An drow Oleson, Phono 780F11. 63-3 Methodist aid society meets Thurs- Judgo Woodhurst yesterday on the charge of entering the homo of August Carlson south of Maxwell and stealing a suit of clothes and $4.25 In money. Ho pleaded guity and was bound over to tho district court. "Mickey is" A miscellaneous shower was ten dered Mrs. V. F, Curtis at tho M. C. Rodgers libiile "Saturday, " wIiTc''as In California Will trade for property In North Platte, 5 acres unimproved, no alkali; 20 miles from Los Angeles, '10 miles atteSded b y twenty-five or more friends Zi,Tbm.r7' V and neighbors. Tho guest of honor Sfh- frnn,SJwm "Tic, f i' received many handsome presents. 2 miles from town on S. P., 1 mile Trn PlirMQ ' fnrmDr, M, p,lfloh from station on S. P., 3 miles from station on S. F., 2 miles from sta tion on olectric lino; 4 miles from producing oil wells; 80 feet to ar tesian water; will grow two crops two liberty bonds, yearly; will grow citrus fruits. Ideal Platte and Sidney location for California home. Shaffer. Mrs. Curtis was formerly Miss Phoebe Rodgers and was married August 2d. Sight Specialists, II. Dixon & Son. Lost Black hand grip containing between North F. P. Hurlburt, See Dr. 1G1G 5th Ave., Los Angeles, owner. ' $25.00 reward. C3-2 vldes this open season to bo from October loth to November 15th In clusive. The open season for any other game birds is unchanged, being the same as provided In tho Session Laws of 1917. "Tho force of regular gamo war dons will be increased by a number of Federal Gamo Wardens as well as- the ! law onforcemont officers of tho state and all of tho various inspec tors In tho Department of Agricul ture. Every effort will bo inndo to prosecute offenders who violate pro visions of this law before tho open season begins." : :o: : lstration to imposo tlmo limit on cars kept on track. Birmingham, Ala. Grocer fined $500; profiteering. Los Angees, Ventura, Santa Bar bara. Fresno nnd Bakcrsflold Butter, ogga and cheeso soized. Omaha No changes except a slight boost in tho prico of bread nnd milk during the last few days. Omaha Beo. : :o: : Sgt. Butler Mlltonbergor returned homo Saturday after over two years service as a mombor of Company E. Since tho signing of tho armlstlco ho has been with tho nrmy of occupa tion along tho Rhine. Cecil Cool, lately returned from ser vice, will go to Lincoln Saturday to mako arrangements for entering the stato university. The Baptist Missionary Society will meet at tho church Thursday after noon. Tho hosteses will bo Mesdames Cobb, Connelly, Tyler and Shahan. Abo Vonger, of Myrnn, Is visiting at tho homo of Louis Llpshltz this week. I 4rtb Wanted For Snlo :osldent properties, located ' In. tho cast and west ond. List It with tho H. & S. AGENCY, Brodbcck Building. ::o:; Soo 'Clinton & Son' For Sale 640 acres of hay ono mllo north of Wallace, Nob . 35 cents per acre, or one-third of hay in stack. Box 117, North Platto, Neb. about your Eyo troubles, satisfaction every time. Son is ovor in Germany, will be homo In a fow Address weeks or months. Sign of the Big 63-2 Ring. 1 1 j j -JL j j''Tj i!oii DAVENPORTS Makes heme a splendid place to live. Just like adding another room. A davenport is the only piece of furniture in your home that will give you 'twenty four hours service a day. W. R. Maloney & Co. Hardware, Furniture and Undertaking. BT1 C Kansas Wheat 31 m DIENER & COMPANY 3i Have the following September options on farms in Thomas County, Kansas, which they are offering to the public,' subject to prior sale, 5 increase in price or withdrawal from the market without notice. The margin of profit on these options is small, and the first buyer Si sets his choice. Reasonable terms can be given on most, and on the balance a loan can be procured. All are choice wheat farms in "I l 1 T 7 Alir1 allll 1 I t I 1 a l 1 v T 1 Hi the greatest wheat county in northern Kansas. All oi them will sell much higher within the next six months. L.all,at our olhce and let us show you some photographs we have taken oi these farms. 1. Three quarters, all level, two miles from market is one of the best wheat localities of Thomas County, which means one of the best in Kansas. Half section in pasture, 160 acres in cultivation will be sold seeded to wheat, Ave room house, barn, well, windmill, fences, pos session in September if desired. $50.00 per acre- Terms. 2. A splendid all level half section, seven miles from Colby, all in cultivation, in tho 30 bushel wheat neighborhood, entire half section will be seeded to wheat for purchaser. $55.00 per acre. 3. Good half section, all tillable, 100 acres wilj be seeded to wheat for purchaser, house, barn, well, windmill, plenty of good sheet water. Only ono and a half miles to market and school. Possession this fall if desired. $45.00 per acre. 4. A splendid wheat quarter, all level, all in culti vation, will be seeded to wheat, entire crop to buyer. Wheat on this quarter this year turned out thirty bushels. Seven miles from town, half milo to school. $52.00 per acre. 5. A line quarter section, good wheat on it this year, six miles out, near school. Can be sold seeded to wheat for $54.00 per aero. G. Quarter section one-half mile to town, no im provements, all in cultivation, level as a floor, will be sold seeded to wheat, the second crop, for $06.00 per acre, easy terms. 7. Half section, 40 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, all smooth, five miles from one town, four miles to another. $34.00 per acre. 8. Square section all in pasture, half level, somo bottom land, In well improved locality. $26.00 per acre. 9. Half section, 95 per cent tillable, all in grass. $22.00 per acre. 10. Quarter section mile out of Colby, improved, 80 acres in cultivation, balance In pasture, level, $85.00 per acre with 80 acres seeded to wheat, entire crop to buyer. 11. Half section fine level land, good hay In pasture, six room house, well, windmill, fences, other Improve ments, 180 acres In cultivation, will bo seeded to wheat, landlord's share to purchaser. $G5.00 per acre. 12. Three square section, all In grass except 160 acres under cultivation. Excellent wheat land, 95 per cent tillable. One crop will pay for same and all expenses when seeded to wheat. $31.00 jppr acre. Terms. All of tho above farms aro good buys and will make tho purchaser money on Increase in value and farm products. If you aro Interested call nt tho offico or wrlto us for f urtlior information. MYo will show you those farms, mak ing tho trip from North Platto by automobile.. .All your) oxponscs will bo pnid if you buy. W. H. DIENER DIENER 8c COMPANY 620 NORTH DEWEY STREET REAL ESTATE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA REMEMBER-There is only going to be one crop of land-no more is beinc manufactured-SO GET YOURS NOW. W. H. BARRETT fi " x