The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 15, 1919, Image 4

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    'llUi--1 I. M.JPP IMW... !.
Grab npplos for snlo. Frank Cook,
nouto No. 1. C2-5
Wanted A lady cook, light work,
good pay. Phono 87.
Wanted Liberty bonds at market
price. Louis Lipshltz.
Miss Fay Parsons has accepted a
position at the Wilcox storo. J
Dl'xons grind tholr own lonsoe.
Alvln Ituuch left this morning for
Grand Island to transact business.
Host styles assured In our fall suits.
E. T. Tramp & Sons.
If you wish to rco Hie very iicwchI
thing In veils visit tho Style Shop.
Wyllo Walkor is spondlng tho week
end at Broadwater transacting busi
ness. ,
Special on tho lace striped silk hos
iery in black, white, brown and navy,
lcr pair 13. T. Tramp & Sons.
Mrs. U A Gariran has ri'turiind
from a weok's visit with relatives In
Malvern, la.
When In North Platto stop at tho
Now Hotel Palaco and Cafo. You will
bo treated well. E8tf
Miss Evallno Wilcox returned Tues
day from a month's visit in Abilene,
Kan., with hor aunt.
Reed craft leather is tho very latest
tiling in leather goods. Seo DIXON'S
mm mmw 1 1 '"' 1 1 '
Mrs. T. L. Greon and daughtor Kath
orlho are visiting rolativos in Grand
Always try The . Rexall first, it
pays. tf
Mrs. n. C. .Langford and two sons
rotur'ned Tuesday from a month's stay
at Estcs Park.
Silk Sutoir Neck Chains with Ellvcr
or gold lockets aro b.-ing used. See
DIXON, Tho 'Jeweler.
Mrs. Frank Buchanan and Mrs. Todd
arrived homo yostorday, from an ex
tended stay in Omaha.
Mrs. S. C. Baker left Thursday for
Now York City to make an extonded
stay with hor mother.
Wanted A girl for gonoral house
work. Phono Ited 633. C9tf.
Mrs. F. It. Elliott returned Tuosday
from a two weeks' buying trip to Kan
sas City and St. Louis.
For Sale Tenni of young ninrt's
weighing 2200. 'Inquire of L. I'.
Ubrlffht, North Platte. CO-2
V. W. Itlncker went to Cheyonne
Wodncsday, having bcon called thoro
by tho death of a sister.
To get what you want in wearing
apparel for ladles do not miss E. T.
Tramp & Sons' ready to wear.
Wanted to Rent Offlco room in
business section. Phono Red 1174. tf
Mrs. Allen Atchison camo up from
Grand Island Tuesday for a fow days'
visit with friends in town.
and Mrs. Win. Ooficr,
Joinph, Mo., aro the guests o
latter's brother, H. I. Block.
Dlxons grind their own Ion so
Guy S. Popojoy, who has boon trans
acting business In Omaha for tho'pnat
week; returned homo yesterday, jj
Shu Fly and spray at the Rexall.
Ilaph Hcncklo Is leaving tomorrow
for Montpolior, Idaho, whoro ha'wlll
make a brlof stay with rolativos.
Silk petticoats In all tho now fall
shados, Tramps' ready to wear.
1 Mrs. A. P. Hencklo leaves tomor
row for Salt Lake City, whoro she will
visit relatives for sovoral weeks
Kodakc and films at tho RoxallS
Mrs. Hugh Bird and daughtor Uel n
and Mrs. II. N. Getty and children left
Wednesday for a visit in Donver.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
! Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148
, Mlm Florence Suber, who has boon
visiting Miss Mario Martini, returtu'l
I to hor home In Omaha Wednesday,
i Attorney J. J. Halllgan has sold
his 100-acre Irrigated firm nair Lew
' ellcn for $32,000, or $200 per ncrc.
1 Always stop at the Rexall.
! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piolstlcker and
children returned yesterday from a
two weeks' trip to points in Iowa.
Do you want a good looking' silk
hose that will wenrl The .Stylo Slinji
have them in nil colors at $1.75 pair.
MIbs Helen Reed loft yesterday for
Oshkosh, hor homo, whoro she will
visit her paronts for a wcok or more.
John E. NclBon oxpects to leavo
tomorrow night for the eastern mar
kets to purchase stock for The Leader.
Mr. nild Mrr S. T. lloffniun, of
Omaha, aro tho guests this wcok ol
Mr. and Mrs. G, S. Huffman, of this
Sight Specialists H. Dixon & Son.
Tho Missc- Anna and Josle OHare
and Mrs. Tim .O'Keefo. and children
left or a two weeks trip to Estes
Tho Mlssos Elizabeth and Helen
Brodbcck left yesterday for Omaha
where they will spend a week visiting
The blouse department at The Stylo
Shop Is 'the most up to date and com
plete in the country.. We carry them
from $5.00 nnil up.
Mrs. Hazencamp and daughter Mar
jories, of Lexington, tpont Wednesday
hero with her on Wnltcr Hazencamp
and daughter.
Superintendent W. A. Woodruff of
the Wyoming division camo down
from Cheyenno yesterday to look after
railroad affairs.
Misses Jcsslo Baker and Marie Stu
art returned yesterday from a two
weeks' visit with friends and relatives
at Kalamazoo, Mich.
Royor Hastings, left last night for
Loni? Bench, Cal., for a two weoks' vis
it vlth his grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
John Singleton.
Miss Florence Fltzglbbon returned
Wednesday to hor homo In McCook
after a short visit bore with hor sister
Miss Ida Fltzglbbon.
For Salt My farm of 233 acres one
mllo south of Horshey. Good build
ings. Inqulro of Gus Anderson, North
Platte, or at tho premises. C2-3
Capt. B. M. Canrlght Is visiting his
sister Miss Ircno Canrlght and other
rolativos In town. Ho has just ro-j
turned from servlco overseas.
Dr. Morrill, Dourtst. Offlco over j
Wilcox 1 epurtmont Store. j
Mrs. Mary 1)111 and daughtor Ger
trude nrrlved Tuesdny from Chicago, I
having been called hero by tho 111-!
ness of her mother, Mrs. Yost.
Manted to Buy, A rosldcnce of six
or more rooms, west or southwest
part of city preferred. Will pay cash.
Address J. U3. Wasley, Mooreflold, I
Neb. G2-3 ,
Mr and Mrs Curt lllnman and chil
dren and Minor HInman left yester
day by auto for South Dakota where
they will visit friends for Bovcral
Fay Brewer, of Hersheyk arrived
homo Wednesday. Fay, who is a for
mer Company E man, has been in tho
mail servlco overseas for tho past ten
Fred Dlck( ' who wont overseas in
June, 1018, as a mombcr of an engin
eering unit, landed in Now York Wed
nesday.. Ho will probably reach homo
next week.
For Sale Good homo at 505 south.
Chestnut. Call at tho premises. 01-2
C. V. Turplo has gone to Idaho for
the purposo of shipping in a couplo of
thousand head of cattlo for tho com
pany which recently purchased tho
Rosedalo ranch.
Always try Tho Rexall first, It
pays. tf
M and Mrs. H. M. Bons, who havo
been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Georgo Troxler, for tho past month,
left Tuesday on a motor trip to Omaha
and Plattsmouth
Aprons and drosses for misses and
chlldron In percalo and ginghams, all
well mado and reasonably priced. E.
T. Tramp & Sons.
Tho Rexall handles the goods. tf
J. H Thompson, who lives just
north of the Lincoln county lino and
who is well known In North Platto,
hns sold his 040-acro farm for a con
sideration of $48,000.
Seo 'Clinton & Son'
about your Eyo troubles,
satisfaction overy timo.
Son is over in Germany,
win bo homo in a fow
weeks or months. Sign of tho Big
! ii -. i
Of All Summer Garments.
Here it is at Last!
The long awaited sale
has arrived, a real op
portunity to cut the high
cost of living and to save
dollars on every gar
ment purchased during
this great money-saving
I Mb il
rl feH
aasatra I'.HHiitna.
Ladies9 Outfitting Store,
Clean up all the summer
stocks in the shortest time pos
sible is the order issued. Thous
ands of dollars worth of
summer apparel must he cleared
away regardless of price cost
or profit. Plan to he here ear
ly to take advantage of the
most decisive and startling
bargains ever offered in the city
Sale Start
s at 8:30
100 Silk Dresses
In Taffeta, Satins and Georgette, mado up
to the minute in stylo and in all tho wanted
shades and formerly priced up to $43.60, aro
now going at
$14.98, $19.98, $24.75.
Wash Dresses
Lot 1. Colored voile, and somo whito voilo
dresBes, for Final Clearance nt
$1.49 and $1.98.
Lot 2. Dainty Summer DresBes of colored
voilo and ginghams, formerly sold up to
$10.00, Clearing prlco (jg
Lot 3. Small lot of smart evening dresses,
values up to $20.00, Clean. Up
All of our high grade Wash Dresses at
One Third Off.
100 Wash Skirts
One lot of Gabardine Tub Skirts, some in
plain whito and somo made of striped wash
able materials, values to $3-0,0 ,
Final Clearing Price
(V -
Handsome non-shrinkablo white Gabardine
wash skirts, values up to $5.00,
Final Clearing Price
All of our High Grade Wash Skirts at
One Third Off.
Ono rack of wool and silk Skirts, splendid
styles, all sizes, all shades, and formerly
sold up to $12.50, Final Clean Up price
$2,98 to $7.75.
All of our fancy Silk Skirts made of Baron
otto Satin, Fantasi, Georgette, etc., at
One Thir d Off.
All of our Skirts in dark shades in wool and
silk materials nt
20 per cent off reg. price
Middies! Middies!
One lot of good Galitea Middies, val
ues up to $1.75, Sale price
All of our high grade Middles and Smocks at
20 per cent off reg price
Bungalow Aprons and House Dress- 00
es, values up to $1.75, Salo Price UUb
Onyx Cotton Lisle Hose, regular 35c sellers
5 pair for One Dollar.
Onyx Silk Fibre Hose, regular $1.00 PQp
values, Salo Price ' UdU
Ladies' Gauze Union Suits and Muslin Com
bination Suits, $1.50 values, sale QQ
Price UUU
Corset Covers and Drawers in muslin and
cotton crepo materials, values up Jinn
to 98c, Sale Price HUG
Whatever fow Spring Suits and Coats
there aro left we will sell them at actual
cost and loss.
79c and 98c.
These Days of high prices on all commodities should make this SALE doubly attractive to all the Economical women buyers of
North Platte and icinily. With the apparel market still soaring skyward and the scarcity of desirable merchandise becoming more
acute each day, sijli This Great Modern Women's Store determinedly adheres to its modern Policy ol a thorough cleaning of all
stocks at each season's end, therefore starling, Saturday a. m. we are again offering you the Golden opportunity to share in this D!
thorough and concise riddance of more than $20,000 worth of up to date Women's and Misses Apparel al a saving in price from 35c
s- to ouc on me uoiiar.
One small lot of Silk Suits, regular values
up to $35.00, Final Clearance JJJ jjg
One lot of Jap SiJk and white Voile Waists,
formerly sold up to $3.50, 00
Final Clearance Price $ iUU
Beautiful Silk Crepe Waists, in all tho new- tf?
est styles and in all the wanted 0100 rr'
shades, special at tjrTuJU Ejx
Dainty Georgette Waists, somo are beaded 5
and some braided, values up On 00 iri
to $9.00, Sale Price $0iOU w3
Kill,- Snrnntora nrd t.lU,n,.n.n -i -
" j uuu onji-u vuia ill WUU1 mm
silk at
20 Per Cent off Regular Price
Children's Dresses.
From 3 to 14, in all colors, mado in Percale
and ginghams and formerly sold up to
$1.75, Salo Price
All of our high grade children's washable
Dresses at a
Discount of 20 Per Cent C
I This sale for Cash only. No charges, no approvals, no refunds. Every Purchase must be Final.
f? ; T7 1 ? ? r r-' - -;.- r- r 1 r -- k- r-? c r r r- - -- :r :? c t c . . - . .