The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 12, 1919, Image 8

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    IKAVI BAKE, Editor and Publisher
Ono Year by Mall, In ndrnnco. .$1.75
Ono Year by Carrier, In adranco, $2.00
Entered at tho North Tlatte, Nobraska
Postofflco as Socoud Class Mattor.
A girl baby was born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egan.
Tho prices on tho Dixon diamonds
will Jntcrost you.
Mrs. Draco Kldwoll, of Dickens, vis
ited frlonds In town yesterday.
iMtss Efflo Durbln returned yester
day irom a week's visit In Donvor.
Mrs. A. W. Wilcox will entertain the
Tndlrm card , club toramorrow after
Mrs. Walter Crook and chldron have
returned from a visit with relatives in
Miss Clara Soronsou returned Mon
day iroin a week's visit with frlonds
in Kearney.
II, lUxon & Son, Sight Specialists.
Mrs. C. M. Austin, and daughter
Betty, loft Sunday for a mouth's visit
with relatives at Matloy, Minn
Always stop at tho Rcxall.
Mrs. Ed Rebhauson and Miss Cor
trudo loft this morning for a two
weeks' visit in Denver.
Miss Margaret Kockcn camo up from
Omaha Saturday for a visit with hor
father and sisters.
Mrs. A. P. Kelly has as hor guosts
this week Nrs. Otto of Lincoln and
Mrs. Scuddor, of Doniphan.
After a two weeks' visit with Mrs
O. W. Iddlncs. Miss Woodbury loft yes
toray'for hor homo In Council Bluffs.
Miss Comfort Conway, manager of
tho Tramp store, returned yceterday
from a ton-day vacation spent at
points in Colorado.
Just recoivod sorao now baby
apoous, storllng silver at $1.05. Dixon
tho iowcler.
Paul Harrington como down fromi
Donv.r this morning to look af tor bus
iness for tho Harrington Mercantile
Co. lor a fow dayB.
Dr. D. E. Morrill and daughter Alma
and Mrs. Chas. Yost and two sons ro-
turned today from a ton-dtfy fishing
trip to Saratoga, Wyo.
Androw Cnrnogla, tho world's great
est Btcol magnate, passed away at hla
homo at Lonox, Mass., shortly aftor
teovon o'clock yostorday, morning
Tho Union Pacific ball team wont to
Brady Sunday, and got tho Bhcrt end
of an eight to sovon ncoro. Tho samo
teams will play In this city next Sun
day afternoon.
Misses Eunlco Babbitt and Bertha
Thoelocko loft yesterday for MInno
apollB whoro they will Bpond several
weeks at tho lakos. Thoy win sponu
Bovoral days in Omaha whllo onrouto,
Cordova leathor Is known Uio world
ovor for its flno quality. Dixon.
Mtes Harriot foulorson, who for tho
oast week has boon in charge of the
proscription department at the Frator
drug storo, returned yostprday to hor
homo at Qenova, Nob.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Van Neon and
children and Dr. Parrel and family aro
guests of tho fonnor'a undo, Lochlol
Johnston, whllo onrouto from Yellow
stono Park to tholr homo In Mason
City, Iowa.
- See tho now Fronch chokers In
Dlxou'p window.
Mrs. Charles drau and daughter
Miss lrono left for their home at Ben
nlnutcu, Neb., a fow days ago aftor
spending a week at tho homo of Mrs
Grai b slstor Mrs. .Victor Beck and
Mr. Bock. Thoy woro onrouto homo
from a throo wookB' trip through Col
Tho aviation urouuds oast of tho
city was a favorlto resort Sunday af
tornoon and evening, many hundreds
driving ddwn to bco tho piano make tho
ascont arid descent Aviator Slonlgor
was kopt very busy for six or eight
hours carrying passengers In tho
flights. An attempt was mado In tho
o'vonlnc to uso tho Country Club
grounds as a landing flold, but tho av
iator has boon notified that tho
grounds cannot bo used for that purpose
New Wat Coming In Slowly.
' But llttlo Lincoln county wheat in
tho section tributary to North Platto
has ns yst boon marketed. This Is said
to ba duo to tho scarcity of threshing
outfits. Tho North Platto flour mills
taro grinding about ono thousand bush-
ols per day, and this supply oi wnoai,
Avhlnh Is of flno quality. Is Blilppcd In
frnm Cliatinoll and Nig Soring. Tho
Lincoln county wheat bo far marketed
Is not of tho best qunllty, mucn oi it
bolng smutty and tho berry small.
Ctlinutnuuun Opens
The North Platto Chautauqu opened
yesterday afternoon In the big tent
located on tho formor play ground on
Bouth Dewey Btrettt. Tho opening
numbers yesterday wero tho Harmonic
singers and an address by Loluso
Marsh, an American Red Cross nurse
who spent a year and a half In sor
vlco ovcrBcas. Last evoning tho Bing
ors appoared again and Col. Bob Seeds
gavo c lecture.
Estrny Notice
Estrayed July 29Ui from Uio farm
of Davo Llndormuth, near Blgholl. one
sorroll horao, G years old, weight 1100,
stripe In faco, wlro cut on right hind
foot. Anyone having information of
animal phono 2431, Maxwoll, or ad-
Wc, tho undersigned dentists of
North Platte, will close our offices
Tory Thursday afternoon nntll Oc
tober 1st, 1010.
1)0 Of OK C. A. SEL1JY
Physician nnd Surgeon
Office over Ilexnll Drug Store
Office Phono 371.
Houso 10C8
oimiNANcn no.
Physician, Ofosietrictnn
Surgeon, X-Itny
Misa Mary O'No'll'i's a guest at the Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
IT. V. Stuck homo.
J. G. Deats, of Maxwoll, transacted
HhuIiipwh In town yesterday.
I O. Slttgarn, of Lexington, spent
Rimiifiv nt tho Chas. Mutcnio nome.
Mrs. Ed W soman, oi HUtuenanu,
snant Saturday with frlonds In town.
TInrrv T. lllock WnB llOSt last
Himriiiv nvnninc ut a nlcnlc and uwlm-
mln,. nnrtv Jit DlClC'S GTOVC lor UJU
employes of tho Blcok storo.
Card of Thanks.
Wis express our hearueit
Phono Office C12 Residence 070
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral DI roc ton
Day phono 41
Night phono Black CSS
llclns: li- Annual Appropriation Hill of
KMirnne of the City "t North IMnttc,
; Nflirnnkn, for the 1'iscni ienr, ne
I gltinliiK the Second. Monday In Atiff
1 liNt, HMD.
I He It ordnlned by tho Mayor and
I Council of the city ,of North Platte,
' Section 1. Thero Is hereby appropri
ated tho entire proceeds of tho occupa
I unti iixah nxcont the Gemination tax on
1 Vlre insulation Companies, collected
I during tho fiscal year beginning the
l marnnii Mnnilnv m AlltrllHt. 101 J. IOI'
I General Hevenuo Purposes including'
salnrlos of said city officials.
Rsptlnn 2. Thero Is hcroby appro
prlated the wholo proceeds of tho city
occupation tax on Fire Insurance Com
panies for tno use or tne iorm i-iime
Fire Department.
Section 3. Thurc Is hereb) appro
priated the wholo proceeds of the city's
levy of 0 mills for Wntcr Bonds Inter
est, to pay Interest and principal for
ti (Ino Hundred rriiousanu Jjouar
Water nonds heretoforo Issued hy said
city to bo known as tho water jionu
Interest Fund of 1910.
Rnntlnn 4. There Is hereby appro
prlated all of tho. city's l0vy of 2 mills
for Rewcr Hond Interest to pay Inter-
no nml nrlnrlnnl of Twentv-flVO ThOUS
and Dollars heretofore Issued by said
city to be known as Sewer Bond Inter
est Fund of 1919.
KnnHnn R. There Is hereby appro
prlated the wholo proceeds of the city's
to tho Sammy Girls, to members of
tho B of L. F. and IS., anu to menus
nml nnlchbors for kindness and as
sistance following tho sad enolng of
lioinir tho Cnirrnl I.cvr of Taxes
the Property of the Cltr of North I jcvy 0f mill for Bridgo Bond Intnr
ilnni. Vflirnnkii. for Itevcnue I'ur- . . ,,ov intnrnsl- nntl nrlnrlnnl of tin
powers, IlurliiK the Fiscal Year, Com-, rrvojve Thousnnd Dollar Bridge Bonds
iiifticiiiK tne sccoim .iioiiuiij iu nus-, heretofore issued iy tno saiu cuy, 10
imt, IDlli. . . . he known as the Brldf?0 Bond Inter
Bo it oruaineu oy uio luuyur 08t Fund of 1919,
Council of tho city of North Platte, ontinn fi. There Is hereby appro
Nebraska. , , , , prhucd tho wholo proceeds of the city's
tjptlnn T. Taxes aro hereby levied, , u, ,iii Ttriiin-n Tlonil Intr-
our nenhow and cousin, tho lato Frank on all of the property within tho limits Ht )0 fty torcst and principal of the
,our ntimuw mm tu , I North Platto, Lincoln rpn Thousand Dollar Brldno Bonds
iinanni. nun icir liiu iiuiui muuun . - i rtf n . . . . . ..
uouniy. fteurnsKih ui nt . " Heretofore issued oy nam ciiy, m u
mills on the aonar oi me aaseHseu vin
uatlon thereof, for the purpose of pay-
Inc lntorost anu principal on me
'nrinni. nnd for tho floral trlbuti
MBS. A. W. McKEOWN and
: :o::
Soo 'Clinton & Son'
about your Eyo troubles,
satisfaction every time.
Son is over in Gormany,
will bo homo in a fow
months. Sign of tho Big
known ns tho
Fund of 1919.
Section 7. There
Brldpo Bond Intcr0st
Is hereby appro
Hundred Thousand Dollar water Bonds prntcd the wholo proceeds of the city's
Imrnlnfnrn Irhi1P.i1 llV Said City.
Section Taxes aro nereuy leviou
on nil of the property within tho limits
of said city at tho rate of 2 mills on
tho dollar of tho assessed valuation ior
this purpose of paying tho lntorost and
principal oh tho Twenty-five Thous
nnd .uouar aewor uonus nereioiuie
Issued by said city.
lew of u mill for Fire Station Bond
Interest to pay Interest and principal
of the Twelve Thousand Dollar FIro
Station Bonds horotofore Issued by the
said city, to bo known as tho FIro Sta
tlon Bond Interest Fund of 1919.
Kent on 8. Thoro Is hereby appro
prlated the wholo proceeds of the city's
levy or mill for Park Bona1 inter
Section III. Taxes aro hereby levied j ct to pay the Interest and principal ol
bin the limits tho Twelve 'Thousand Dollar Park
on all of tho nronerty wlthl
of said cltv at the rate of mills on
dollar of tho assessed valuation thcro
of, for tho purpose of paying the In
terest on Twelve Tnouaana uouar
He Had a Reason.
a Torrn Ilnuto doctor met a friend
in Main street the other day and was IJrl(1s Bonlds heretofore issued hy
fplllnir him how busy ho was. BUt - section IV. Taxes are hereby levied
nnlr off pnouch time to go to n hnll on all of tho property within tho limits Sixteen Thousand Dollar Pavlnfr Bonds
tooit on. . ? . . of said city at tho rate of mill on heretororo issued by said city, to bo
gamo the Otnor uay, no nonsiui. th0 donar of tho nssessed valuation known as the Pavintr Bond Interest
"Well did you enjoy ill iiskcu um tnoreor, ror tno purpose oi nayinu mo t-una or iiy,
, , I Interest on Ten Thousand Dollar Bridge i Section 10.
Bon;ls herotoforo Issued by said city.
to ho known as the Park Bond Interest
Fund of 1919,
Soctlon 9. There is hereby appro
nrlatnd the wholo proceeds of the city'
levy of 1 mill for Pavlntf Bond Inter
est to pay Interest and principal of the
See "Clinton & Son'
about your Eyes and
satisfied. Son Is over on
the Rhine, will bo homo soon. Sign ot
tho Big Ring.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offlco Phono 8!) Residence .IS
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Kndlum Therapy
728 City National Bank Bunding.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Phone 808
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern Institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement casai.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. RedlieId.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
. .
North Platte, Nebr.
For tho troatment of Medical, Surgical
rind Obstetrical Cases. A place
where tho sick aro cared for so as to
bring about normal conditions in the Offlco Phone 70
easiest, most natural ana scientiiic
Phono 110. North Plntto, Nob.
5, C, 7 Building & Loan Building.
Res. Phono Bed 1009
Offlco over McDonald Bank.
Offlco Phono 113C Res. Phone 1120
Phsylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Of flee 130, Residence 115
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
Grnduato Veterinarian
Eljcht years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block' southwest of the
Court House.
Offlco Phone 340 Res. Black 378
O&toopathlo Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb.
Phono for Appointments.
Taxi and Livery
Phono 90S. Black 898
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
"Yph." returned the doctor very en
thuslastlcully Indeed. "I nindn $'25 oft
one of tho nlnycrs. Ho broke his leg
nnd I cot to set It." Indlnnapolls
Bonds heretofore Issued hy said city
Section V. Taxes aro hereby Ifvlea
on ill of tho property within the limits
of said city at tho rate of mill on
tho dollar or tho assessed valuation
thoroof, for tho purpose of paying In
terest on Twelve Thousand Dollar Fire I
Station Bonds herotofor Issued by said
Section VI. Taxes aro hereby levied
on all of tho property within tho limits
or said city at the rate of mill on
tho dollar of tho assessed valuation
Estrny Notice.
Estrnved from pasture 12 miles
....i.nnnt rf t-TAaliiiir -in nr unnilt.
r1'' '" ,,.,. W non, r" thereof, for tho purpose of paying tho
Juno 1st. two maro mules commy i. ,. nu.,c,u,a rp.,,', . ni
year old, dnrk brown In color. Reward har Park Bonds heretoforo Issued by'
for Information leading to recovery.
Andv Olson. North Platto, Phono
.ro: :
Estrar Notice;
Taken un by. the undersigned on
sectlori 23-13-30 who thoro resides,
on or about Anrll 15. 1919, a black
horBO, wolght about 1000 pounds,
about ton years old, no brands dis
tinguishable. Owner call, provo
proporty, pay chargos and tnke ani
mal away. SCOTT KcjiWUiiiJo,
North Platto, Neb.
Phono 78GF11 53-12
.Vntlce in Creditors
In tho matter of tho estate of Herman
said city.
Sectoln VII. Taxes are hereby levied
on all of tho nronorty within the limits
of said city nt tho rate of 1 mill on the
dollar of tho nssessed valuation thero-
or, ior tno purpose or paying the inter
est on tho Slxtoon Thousand Dollar
Pavlnir Bonds heretofore Issued by
said city.
Section VIII. Taxes nro hereby levied
on nil of the property within the limits
of the said city at tho rato of 10 mills
on tno dollar or tho assessed valuation
thoreof, for Kenoral revenuo purposes
of said city for tho fiscal year, boRln-
nB uio second .nionuay or August,
Section IX. Taxes are herein. tnvlArl
un nu
There Is hereby appro
priated the wholo proceeds of the city's
levy of 2 mills to be expended in the
mnlntennnce of the. Public Library In
said city for satd fiscal year to be
known ns tho Public Library Fund for
Section 11. There Is hereby appro
priated thf. whole proceeds, of the city's
levy of 2 mill to be expended nnd used
for amusements, for Iaylne out Im
proving and beautifying city parks
as tb
secuon is. Tnore is norooy, nppro
prlated the wholo proceeds of said
city's levy of 4tt mills to nrovlrlo
nnd pay for tho lighting of the streets
and alloys for said fiscal vear. to be
known ns the Street Lighting Fund of
Section 13. There Is lmrohv nnnro-
prlatod the wholo proceeds of said clty'c
Notice to Creditors
Estate No. 1GG7 of Cyrus C. Parsons,
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credit
ors of said estate will take notice that
the time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate Is
N'nvnmhor 20th. 1919. and tor settle
ment of said estate Is July 17th. 1920: TENTS
that I will sit at the county court room
for the payment of salaries and m saJd county, on August 20th, 1919.
js of person employed In the per- t n ...i-.t, nmi ntl Nnvomher
nnco of1 such labor, to be known .L ?' . , isocmDer
le Park Fund of 1910. 20th, 1919. at 9 o'clock a. m. to re
ceive, examine.
Just all claims
hear, allow, or ad-
and objections duly
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
levy of 2V, mills, to pay tho oxnenees of Estate No. 1674 of Albert Coolldge, de-
mainiennncn or tne city sewers in- ceased, in the County Court of Lln-
iAm.".r,,riA- 'J"a,'''' l"" coin County. Nebraska.
as the Sewer Malntennnc'p Fund of 1919. Tho State of Nebraska, ss. Creditors
Section 14. Thero In lmrnliv n nni-n. I n9 anA Aatfin trtlT tnlfA TintlpA thnf t.hf
RSf 'JUW? Upe limited for Presentation and filing
mo I'ire unnnrtmont. nn in nin.. uiuiiim ukuiubi. uiu oum couiw m .t-
les and firo protection for s.iM llnral csmlicr Gth. 1919. and for settlement
nil of tho property within the limits '"r' to ,,c known ns tho Fire Fund of 0f Ea estate is AUgust 1st, 1920; that
yi.e- B.?ii,.clt?r-nA tho rate of 2'mllls ........ t will M nt. tho nnnntv court room in
$12 for Korse Hides.
L. Lktoii'fZ.
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
109 West Sixth Street
Phone 210
on tho dollar of tho nB7i Jnt..;i., Section 15. Thnre ! l,rnW nnm. U Will Sit ai mo coumy court ruuui u
Notion lu
porsons having claims and demands
niralust tho estate of tho said Herman
Sounemon, docoasod, that tho 10th day
of Docomher, iuiy, nns neon boi unu
appointed ns tho day tor tho rocoptlon,
examination, adjustment and allow
ance of lawful claims nnd demands of
all persons, ' against said estate and
that tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
, xx. x iiAua am iicrour levied
on all of the property within the limits
of tho said city at tho rato of 2 mills
on mo uouar or tno assessed valuation
to bo expended for tho maintenance of
public parks In said city for said fis
cal year.
Section XI. Taxes nrn linrnliv im.lail
n a"C of the proporty within the limits i
County Judge.
General Farm Snlcs n Specialty.
References and Dates nt First Na-
thereof for tho niiiiiin lihmrv rn,i printed all of the cltv's' low nt miii. said county, on Sentombcr bth, 1919,
3onnoninu, duconsed. In tho County bo expended in tho maintenance of tho t0 9 pxpendod In tho maintenance and at 10 o'clock a. m. and on December
uouri or Jiincom ouuiy, ixouiuoiui. irco nuonc norary or said citv for snld "i'-""i oi me cemetery ror said fiscal rn. mm f in nwni, n m tn ro.
horoby given to any and all llscal year. year to he known as the Cemetery ' . 7 V'" "."' -
J1-! ?? .".er".V- levied - lru',VA" " "ri ?t v; ' "V.. Uoual BanL, North Platte. Nob,
.,v...v... i... iraio ib iioreDy appro-ijust nil muiuis uiiu uuj;vii.iuu.a uuij
j "iiuio inui'ccus oi tne city's filed mono mm.
JL x '"" "J no expended and ,cn.T x
used for tho payment of salaries nml OKALiJ
maintenance of the Pollco Force with- a5-29
in saiu city, to he known as tho Police
rurcp 1'unii or iyia.
Section 17. Thero Is horobv nnnro
of 4 mills on Vr,at5.? tho w,,olo of tho city's levy o
ssed valuation l mlu, to ')0 expended and used for th
ty, Nohrnskn. will at said time rocolve, of said city nt tho rato
nxamlne. adjust anu allow all sucn tho dollar of thn nnReanmi
claims against said otitnte, as provld- thereof for the payment of the light-i pro?,lrInK' of muslo,
;d hy law, at tho County Court Iloom nng of streots nnd alleys of said city Y,tM'n l.h0 snlrt olty- to bo known as -nanpo 32 west of tho 6
In tho Court Houso In tho City of North for snld fiscal year. i the Music Fund of 1919. , B, xT i "u
nin.. T.lnnln flnnntv. Nebraska, and! RnpHnn vrr fr .... Ro.tlnti 1S I I COln UOUnty. JNeUraSKa,
all porsons so lutorosted In said catato on all of tho proporty within the limits nnlrted tho wholo of tho city's levy of sons claiming any Interest of any kind
Notice to Non-Rcshlent Pefendnnts.
Mary Ann Crali', Valley Loan &
Trust Company, and tho Northeast
entertainments Quarter of Section 18, Township 13,
6th P. ai. Ldn-
and all per-
will appear at Bald timo and placo and
iiniv tiresent tneir saiu claims unu uo-
mands In tho manner required by law,
or show cause for not so doing, nnd In
any cnBn any of said claims or de
mands Bliall not bo presented on or
prior to tho said 10th day of Docombor,
l'Jl'J, tno samo snail no rorover uarrcu.
Dated at North Plntto, Nebraska,
August C, 1919.
aiasb County Judge.
Of Bald CitV nt tho rnt nf 31i mlllo nn 3 mills for the nUrnO.XO Of ninntlnc tlioll., t,1 notnln ny nn7 nnrt tliorAnf.
the dollar of the assessed valuation obligations heretoforo assumed by said i,prpi,v tnko notice that Wesley
thereof, to bo oxpended In the mnln- , , Purchasing additional Fire 1i,,iercDy . , , ,,, ii
tonnnco ni flushing of sewero Truck equipment, duo to breakage, and T. Wilcox and John J. Halllgan, plaln-
oecnun ..iii, raxes nro nercnr levied iiiuimi(r necessary emergency tirrs In a certain action, wiiorem mo
on nu or tno property within tho limits i nospuni, same hav0 heen declared nn -ni.i Wpslnv T Wilcox and John J.
of said city at the rate of G mills on the emergency by snld city, snld fund to bo f?1" " esl0J , ,Vm wi nmi
dollnr of thn nxnnnao.1 vnliintlr... t,. known as tho Kmnn?(iniv l?iiml nf mm Hnlllcan nro nlalnUtlS anU yOU anu
of or tho lire lnnrtninnt nml Mm nnv. I Section 19. Thorn In lmrohv nnnrn. nunh nf T'nn nrn dnfpndants. filed their
lng for flro protectlonv for said nscal . pr'atf rt tho procoods of tho Income of netltlon In tho District Court ot tho
' ??!'tm?nt oC Pity for f""?, J na lH,i,'; ,n fnr Lin-
rircnon aiv. -j.axos nre nerenv levied
yyi;r,if..w;x.77i;v.ii, .
Model No. 10
Single Tub
Washer with
Thb Model offcri tho
houtevtfo tlw iilnntwc
of th moTblo wlnaln
n ringer without the
bench equipment of otlier
models. Wulicr tub U
ncU the urns ti that
uitd on other model
lita nil modern improve,'
dents. I'.lecttlo motor t
troubleproof wlU not
"burn out." wrineer
nvlnct to inj potltlon and
ti Bafetr Quick Releau
feature. Tub la equipped
with " special adjuitablo
caitera Mhlch permit ot
riiilnii or lanerluir hi
Hjny poalUon.
K'Tv "iv mt it i i r l
H An taHatic wona-ramousi
rorsBiiAim m
U'LE I. 1 .fc.
mtl. rM g wasner
1 Jr
The Choice of Women Who Know
A Washer that that will suit you because 00,000 Houawlvos uso It ovory
Monday. A Washor that Is famouB for what It DOE3. Thoro Is no bettor
wnniinr mnrio for your Borvlco. It Is slmplo, Btrong and
duraulo. WaBboo and wrings by power. 4 great modola
attachoa to any olootrio ngut bockoi guaranteed.
Tito Talunblo Iloolis FEEE
Two complete books ot formulas on
washing nnd dry cleaning, call ana
got theso.
proporty within the limits
at the rato of 2 mills on
on all of tho
f snld city
the dollnr of tho nssessed valuation
thoroof for tho cemetery fund, to bo
expended In the mntntonnnce and up
keep of tho comotary for said fiscal
Section v. Taxes nro herebv lAvied
on nil of tho proporty within the limits
01 saui city nt tno rato or G mills on
the dollar of tho assessed valuation
thoreof for tho nurnosn of nnvimr the
salaries of and maintaining tho police
luieu ui nuiu cny.
Hoction -X.VI. Taxes are horohv lnvicd
on an or mo proporty within the limits
ot saiu city nt tno rato or mill on
tho dollar of tho assessed vniuatlon
thereof for tho mirnose of nrnvl.llnor
mmlc, entertainments and amusements
within said city.
Sootlon XVII. Taxes aro horehv 1vled
on all of tho proporty within the limits
of snld city at tho rato of 3 mills on tho
uouar or me nssessou valuation there
of for tho purpose of mooting the enier-
Kensy unving ueen dccinrcu in said
city, arising from tho necessity of pur-
uuumuK nro ngniing equipment and
from mnlntnlnlne omorgoncy hosnltal.
. . I T T . V. 1 I ... " .
nuuiiuii .win, -iiiih ordinance snnii
take effect nnd be in foren frnm nml
after Its passage, approval and publl-
vtiiiuii iiuvuruini, 10 law.
Passed and approved this 6th day o
August, 1019. '
City Clork
Snid 1-nr tn l,n n-rm,r..1 l 13U1 JUdlCial UlStTlCl in and IOr iJlU
payment of snlnVlesi exp0nsVs -ind coin County, Nebraska, against you
maintenance, renewals and extensions and each of you, tho object and prayer
of the paid Water Works for said fls- . ,,, i,nio- tn milnr nlnln-
cnl yoar. and to bo known ns the Water
fund or litis
Section 20. Thoro Is hereby appro
printed out of tho city's levy of 10
mills ror General Fund, tho sum of
o.uuu.uti ior uridgps, culvorts, streets
grades, urnins, sidewalks, and crogs
Section 21. This ordlnanco shall take
effect and bo in force from and after
Its passage, approval and publication
according to law.
I'.xssed nnd approved this 5th day of
Attest: A. V. STUK1TZ.
u. is. I'.LiDkk (SE3AI.) Jlayor.
. uy i'ierK.
Estate No. 1C83 of Laura A.' Bergman, Mary Ann Craig, which said assign
deceased, In tha County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stnto of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested In said ostato tako
notlco that a petition has been filed
for the appointment of John W. Berg
(SEAL) Mayor,
Notlco of Petition.
Estnto No. 1C32 of Gust Katsnnos
deceased in tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho state of Nobraska, to all persons
lntorestod In Bald estato tako notlco
that a petition has boon filed for. tho
appointment of John Mastoros nn nd
hiiuistrntor of Bald estato, which has
ueen sot ror hoanng on August 22
luiu at u o'ciock a. in.
Dated July 22, 1919.
of said action being to quiet plain
tlffh' title to tho NEVi of Section 18,
Townshln 13. Ranee 32 west of tho
Gth P. M. In Lincoln County, Ne
braska. Plaintiffs Beek to havo their
title nuleted acalnst a certain mortg
aero unon tho above described real
estato executed by James u. Aiex
nnder and wlfo to tho Lombard in-
vostmont Company on July 13th, 188U,
which raortgago Is recorded In book
9 of mortKages page 320 or the real
estate records of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, which mortgage was after
wards assigned to tho doionaant.
In the District Court of Lincoln Coun
ty Nebraska. Ruth E. Winget, Plain
tiff, vb. Helen C. Ross, Ethel M.
Winget, Charles H. Winget and
Charles Ross, Defendants.
Notlco of Snle In rnrtltlon.
Notlco Is hereby given, that In pur
suance of a decrco of tho District
Court, mado and entered In tho above
entitled action on tho 31st day of
May, 1919, tho undersigned refcrco
duly appointed In said cause and hav
ing taken tho oath prescribed by law,
and having given tho bond provided
by law and tho Court, and which was
duly approved by tho Court, I, O. E.
Elder, the said referee, will offer at
public auction at the east front door
of the court houso of the county of
Lincoln, In tho state of Nebraska, to
tho highest bidder for cash in hand
tho following described proporty by
said docroo ordered to bo sold, to-wlt:
uot three (a) in liloclc slxty-nmo (69)
In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln,
County, Nebraska.
Said salo will be held, and said prop
orty offered for salo as aforesaid at 2
o clock p m., on tho 16th day of Aug
ust, 1919.
Dated this 12th day of July, 1919.
jl4al5 Roferoo.
mont is filed of record In book 7
nnco 575 real estato recordi of Lin
coln County. Nobraska. Plnlntius ai
lego that said mortgago has bn paid
and that the samo is barred by tho
Statutes of Limitations of tho State of
man as administrator of said estate Nora.ska, plaintiffs also seek to quiet
Which has boon sot for hearinir on moir uuo ngainBi mo ciuim 01 vuuo
August 22, 1919, nt 9 o'clock a. m. & T" Company under a war
llntnrt .lulu 9R 1010 I rilUiy UUUU uacuuiuu ui ouiuuui vuiti
(SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST. mossor and wlfo dated Docombor 19,
tooniR nmmw rnn 1892 and recorded in dook "l,
j uu..v,, " w 'l . . , .,
aecuB pago iui real ostato recorutj ui
Notice of Petition. Lincoln County, Nebraska; plaintiffs
Estato No, 1676 of J. C. Pennington, nlso alleged that thoy havo acquired
docoasod In tho county court of Lin- now Independent title to Bald roal
coin county, Nebraska. estato by adverse possession.
Tho Btato of Nebraska, to all persons You aro further notified that unless
Interested In said estato tako notlco you answer said petition on our bo
that a petition has boon filed for tho foro tho 2nd day ot Soptcmbor, 1919,
appolntmont of Harloy, L. Penning- judgmont will bo rendered against
ton as administrator of said estate, yon
which has been sot for hearing heroin WESLEY T. WILCOX and JOHN
on August 22d, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated July 25th, 1919.
HALLIQANk Plaintiffs.
By Halllgan, Beatty & Halllgan, their
Nollco to Non-Itcsldcnt.
To Nicholas Adatny, non-resident de
You aro hereby notified that on tho
4th day of February, 1919, Ellon Ad-
amy filed her potltlon against you In
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nob., tho object and prayer of which is
to obtain a dlvorco from you on the
grounds of extreme cruelty, In this,
that y,ou nro of sufficient ability and
being a strong ablo bodied man of
good health, and that you havo gross
ly and wantonly failed and neglected
to support tho plaintiff and her two
minor children slnco tho 13th day of
December, 1916, and for tho custody of
tho minor children tho lssuo of said
marriage, to-wit: Josephine M. Adamy
age 4 years and Wyno A. Adamy ago 2
years, for alimony and suit money, in
cluding a reasonnblo attorney fee.
You aro roqu!rod to answor this pe
tition on or boforo the 14th day of Sop
tombor, 1919.
ELLEN ADAMY, Plaintiff.
By Halllgan, Beatty & Halllgan,
Hor Attornoys. j28a22
July 22 A 15.
J29-3w County Judgo.
J29-3w County Jndgo. I