The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 12, 1919, Image 5

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    DR: 0. II. CRESSLER.
Graduate Dentist
Ofiico over the McDonald
Stata Bunk.
Great Majestic Range
Kodaks and films at tho Rcxull.
D. M. Loypoldt trnnsnctod business
In Ognlalla yesterday.
Wanted to Rent Office room In
business section. Phono Red 1174. tf
Floyd Steele, of Aldon, transacted
business In town yesctrday.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Thono Red 533. B9tf.
Frank Hoxle, of Ogalalla, spent the
week end In town with his family.
Always try Tho Rexall first, It
,pays. tf
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, of Cuba,
111., aro hero visiting their son M. K.
Mrs. Emma Wills, of Bridgeport, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ley
poldt. Arthur May, of Gothenburg, was a
woelc end guest at tho G. Huffman
Mrs. Reuben Scott, of Sutherland,
spont tho week end' In town visiting
, relatives.
For Sale Team of young nmrcs
weighing 2200. flnquiro of L. E.
EbrtRht, North Platte. 00-2
Mrs. E. R. Stoffriggen is spending
tho week in Denver visiting friends
and relatives.
Chaillo Souser is spending several
days at Kaig, Neb., looking after rail
road liiunoss.
When in North Platto stop at tho
New Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will
bb treated well. B8tf
Mr. and Mrs. Emll Andre, of Gree
ley, Col., wero guests Sunday at tho
A. r. Fink home.
Judge Woodhurst is spending sev
eral days in Kearney, being called
there cn business.
License to wed was. granted Friday
to Earl Elfcldt. of Sutherland and Ruth
Guyer of Valentino.
H. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
Miss Maudo Monroo returned to
Omaha yesterday after having visited
Miss Inico Pinkerton
Harry Bybee is spending a few days
up the branch on an inspection trip
for the western union.
Mrs. Miller, and daughter Altba, of
HerPhey, aro in tho city, visiting wun
friends for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Loypoldt wero
Sunday guests of Mr. ana Mrs. war
enco Moore at Hershey.
Tr. nmi Mrs. .T. B. Redfield returned
tho latter part of last week from an
auto trip to Rochester, Minn.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
Mi- nnrt Mrs. E. R. Plumer aro tak
ing a vacation this week and spending
Tim Wniifpr Bros, drove over to
Mullen, Neb., Saturday, delivering a
piano to a resident ot mat town.
Miss Florence Vecder left Saturday
for Fort Morgan where sue win maice
qn extended stay witu relatives.
Tin VAfin Wessburc will leave to
morrow for Ogden, Utah, where she
will visit Jier sister for several weens
Tho Hurry Scott property, on east
Sixth street has been sola to win
Hawley for a consideration or $i,uuu.
Wanted One office girl and one
saleslady. Must furnish references.
Permanent positions. W. R. Maloney
Co. . Cl-2
Mr. William Reynolds entertained
a dozen ladies Saturday afternoon
complimentary to Mrs. Conklin, of
D I A M 0 N D S. See H.
MIos Vera GougU returned today
from Aurora, Neb., where she has
been visiting relatives for tho past
two weeks.
Mrs. Stafford and daughter, who
had been visiting Mrs. Blancho Meld
for ten days, left yesterday for Grand
Junction, Col.
The Chas. Swcdoll farm of over 200 civ milon wost. of tOWn. has
been bold to Geo. N .Gibbs and H. L.
Pennington, of this city.
Eyesight Specialist!., H. IMxan &
and C. V. Turplo
havo purchased tho W. T. Banks ranch
nine miles southeast of town. There
aro 900 acres in tho ranch.
Tho second sections of tralnB No. 1
and 2 wero pulled off Saturday. This
is sa'd to bo duo to the BiriKe oi mo
shonmon on tho Iowa roads.
Mr. and Mrs., Geo. Fratcr and
daughter Miss Tholma, returned bun
day night from a week's visit in Den
ver and other Colorado points.
HhnrHo whoinn returned homo Sat
urday from tho mountains, being call
ed back on business. Mrs. wneian
and children will remain lnaounuoiy
Miss Mildred Fitzpatrlck, Is spend
inr thn -wofik with her Barents, com
inn fi-nm nmnhn. whora sho is a nurso
in the St. Catherino'3 hospital ot that
Sol Cornell, who had been spending
tho summor in this city, left yesterday
for hlr. homo in Syracuse, N. Y., where
ho will attend tho university at that
- place.
That headacho may bo from your
oyes. Consult H. Dixon is aon.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nathan, of Dos
MnJnoq. who had boon guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Julius PIzor for tho past
week, loft yesterday for tho l'acmc
Kodaks and films at tho Roxall."
Fred Petorson, a formor member
nf Comnanv E. returned home Satur
day. Fred was in tho army of occu
pation, being stationed along the Rhino
six months.
Through special arrangements with the manufacturers,
and during this Bargain Week only, a beautiful, useful
and substantial set of Cooking Ware will be given with
every Majestic Range sold. This ware is good ware (not
cheap ware) it's worth a lot to you. Come and see for
And Remember
The price of a Majestic Range this week will not be in
creased, and there will hardly be a great reduction tfor
years to come, if ever, but there may be an increase soon.
Majestic Ranges
At Our Store One Week Only
August 11th to 16th.
To Be Truly Economical There Should Be A
Majestic in Your Kitchen
Economy is not merely spending tho least money buying
a range at too low a price is false economy. Tho first cost is
not the only cost the little additional first cost of a Ma
jestic is nothing compared with its economy of fuel, dur
ability and satisfactory service.
Nearly a million Majestic Ranges, now economically, sci
entifically and satisfactorily serving millions of people,
civilians and soldiers, is proof positive of their superiority
over. all others.
There is only one best. Tlio public luis judged. The Majes
tic is recognized as the standard of all ranges. The con
struction, material, workmanship and benuty of this won
derful range is unequaled, and it embodies important
features possessed by no other range.
Your Opportunity is Here
At our store during our Majestic Hargain Week. It's
your chance to got acquainted with real facts about ranges.
Wo assure you it will bo worth your while to investigate.
The Wonderful Unseen Riveting
Yes, it's rivet-tight, just like the old Majestic, but the rivets
clinch inside of nickeled parts, leaving nickel smooth as
glass, and there are no big, bulky bolt-heads on the inpide.
And, remember, rivets hold tight; bolts with only one or
two threads holding are bound to work loose and causo no
end of trouble. The Majestic is smooth inside and outside
it's a striking beauty more than skin deep.
Oh, Joy! Top Needs No Blacking
A smooth, highly polished cooking top, burnished bluo,
not only adds to tho beauty of the Majestic, but absolutely
eliminates the work, dirt and worry of trying to keep tho
range looking nice just an occasional thin coat of para
line retains its beautiful velvet bluo cloor.
If you haven't a MAJESTIC, avail yourself of this opportunity to get acquainted with this wonderful
range known the inside of ranges.
William Powell returned Sunday
from tho lakes north of the city where
he spent several weekB fishing. Ho
reports that tho fish aro biting fine,
and aro plentiful in number.
Postmaster McEvoy is asking for
bids for repainting tho tilo roof and
tho interior woodwork of tho federal
building. This is a Job of consider
able magnitude.
Freeman Hansen returned home
Saturday from Fort Dodgo, where ho
received his discharge from tho army.
Ho was stationed along tho Ilhino
with tho army of occupation for six
Always try Tho Rexall first, it
pays. tl
Lt. John W. Tigh. arrived homo Sun
day, having received his dischargo
from tho motor transportation corps
at Comp Upton, N. Y. Ho had been
in servico over two years, having left
hero with company B.
In a drive to Maywood, Curtis and
other points south last Sunday, quito
a few fields of corn wore noticed
which havo boon pretty hard hit by
dry weather, but on tho whole tho
corn crop promises to bo big.
A French chokor will interest you
Seo Dixon's window.
E. ti, Sloniger, tho aviator who is in
tho city giving passenger flights In his
airplane, loft Sunday for Lincoln, his
homo, whero ho will purchase minor
repairs for his plane. Ho will return
during tho ,week and resumo his fly
Mrs. Geo. N. Glbbs was tho first
North Platto lady to make an airplane
flight. Sho took a seventeen minuto
rido Friday ovoning and onjoyed tho
experience without fear, waving to
tho crowd as tho piano mado its dos
We talked to farmer in Cottonwood
canyon Sunday who said that ho had
purchased tho land on which ho lived
four years ago for ?5,000 and had
been made an offer of $17,000 for lt
last week. He expects to closo the
sale this week.
Harvey Sorenson went to Grand Is
land yesterday for a short visit with
Anna D, Harturg and Frank Jj.
Eichmer, both of Kearney, wero grant
ed a marriage license by, Judgo Wood-
hum yesterday. They wero married
by Hov. Hess.
A new front will bo placed in tho
Nyal drug store, thus providing a
front entranco instead of an entrance
at tho side. It will be a deep en
trance with a show window at either
Tho now Herrod store room is being
fitted up with second hand shelving
pending tho arrival of tho new fix
tures, which Mr. Herrod lias boon noti
fied, will bo several months lato in
reaching him.
Ancompanlcd by Mrs. A. W. Mc-
Keown and daughter and four mem
bers of the IJrotberhood of Firemen,
tho remains of Frank Gessol, who
was drowned :n the Scott swimming
pool Thursday afternoon, wero taken
Saturday to Doxlcr City, Ohio.
John Toogood, who had been em
ployed in tho bridge and building
gang, d.'td Sunday from cancer of tlio
stomach. Accompanied by A. A.
Toogood, a son who Is a locomotive
fireman, tho remains wero taken to
Lona, 111., yesterduy for burial.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coo, of Nebraska
City, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Halllgan Saturday and Sunday while
onroutc to Wyoming. Mr. Coo resided
in North Platto in tho early days. hN
father as a member of tho Coo-Carter
Co., having largo cattle interests in
this section at that lime.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell wont to
North Platto today to find a houso a
thoy expect to raovo thcro. Mr. Powell
remained as ho entered upon his duties
as assistant chief onglnoor at tlio elec
tric light plant of that city, For ft
number of years Mr. Powell has been
employed aa onglneor by tho United
Electric Co. of this city,.- Lexington
"Tho Turn in tho Road," all star
cast including; Llttlo Don Alexander.
Story of a man who has fallen to tho
lowest depths, has boon made to seo
tlio light of tho Only Truo Gcd by a
llttlo child which afterwards turns out
to bo his own son. This is one of tho
most touching pictures screened.
Only two days. Prlco 10 and 25 cents.
"Four or flvo years ago," said a
dealer yesterday, "ladles hoso which
sold at twenty-flvo cents wore popu
lar sellers, now ypu can scarcely sell
a pair." Perhaps lt is this inclination
.to buy better stuff that has partially
led to tho high cost of living.
Dressmaking Dono
Children's clothes a specialty. Mrs.
Lain, 419 W. FItfh Street 61-2p
When in need of good
things to eat Call 212.
We receive daily Butter
nut and Kream Krust
Bread in sanitary parch
ment wrapping.
Blue Ribbon Coffee is
our leader.
Dick Stegeman,
PHONE 212,
Notice of Execution .Sale.
Notlco is hereby given that by vlrtuo
of an oxccutlon Issued by Wr.i II. C.
WoodhurHt, County Judge, In and for
Lincoln County, Nebraska, In favor of
Anna IIoldornoBS and against William
lloiderness and to mo dlractou, and
which said oxocutlon was Isaual out
of said Court on tho 2Cth day of July,
1919, I will at 1 o'clock p. m, on tho
23rd day or August. iaiy. at tno worm
Sldo Livery Darn, operated by Julius
Mogonson, 100 Block West 8th St., in
tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, of
fer for salo at public vonduo, tho fol
lowing goods and chattols tn-wlt: to
satisfy a Judgmont of $7G.8G and costs
of 9.00, and nccrulng costs, and also
Intorcst at 7 por cont from tho dato of
such Judgmont:
Ono bay mare, nainad Mollto, 7 years
old, weight about 1150 lbs., with wlro
cut on right hind foot.
Ono brown, named Daisy 5
yoarB old, wplght about 1100 llw.
Ono brown maro about 17 years old
with suckling colt, weight of maro
about 1000,
Which said goods and chattels have
been levied upon and taken under said
execution by mo as property cf tho
said William Iloldernoss to satlfy a
Judgment and costs and accruing costs
as above sot forth.
Dated this 11th day of August. 1919.
al2-22 Sheriff of Lincoln County,
tAnmri M AWPE
Cow Brand
The Best Flour
Made in
the Best Town
Western Nebraska
A Home Product Used by
all Home People.