The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 12, 1919, Image 1

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    l o rth
No. 61
At ii meeting of the board of educa
tion last night a block of land In the
now H. & S. Addition was purchased
for the site of a future school building.
Thin tract lies directly HoutJi of the J.
O. Deeler residence, and the price to
bo paid tho II, & S. Agency is S4,2o0,
which sum is considerably leas than
tho price which has boon placol upon
other blocks in this latest addition to
North Platte. Couce&slons were made
by tho H. & S. Agency In older to se
cure the location of tho building in tho
addition. Tho location as viewed from
tho noeds of tho school population is
just right.
Additional school accommodations
are badly needed, and a building In
this particular section became a neces
sity. Tho proposed building wlll
probably bo erected next yoar.
To the Public.
I havo returned to North Platte and
will contlnuo my work as painter and
pa oor hanger. Your order for work
will bo promptly executed in a manner
that will give satisfaction. Phono
Black 570.
61-2 , H. H. LANDGRAF.
: :o: :
We still havo a'iew of tyie $8.00 and
$10.00 ruby rings wo advertised last
week. Dixon, tho jeweler.
Mra. .T rt PntArqnn nnrf Ron will
leav5 fills ovo'nlng for a visit in the
eastern part of tho state.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Graves are spend
ing thies week in town whilo onroute
east from Denver.
Three candidates for dologates to
tho constitutional convention, have
filed their petitions with the count;
clerk, namely, w. V. noagiana ana
.1. U. Heeler, of this city, and win.
Ebright, who lives flvo milas south
west bf town.
Hhlle the delegates are supposed to
bo l'on-polltlcal, Hoagland is a woll
known republican, Beeler equally woll
known as a democrat and Ebright is
a non-nartisan leacuer. and tho can
didates will therefore draw their sup
port trom their respective organiza
Tho law provides that when there
nro threo or m6ro candldater in a
represontaltvo district, a primary
election shall be held, and therefore
as this county is a district by Itself, a
primary election will bo held Septem
ber ICth. Had there been buftvr
candidates a primary election would
not havo been necessary.
Eyesight Specialists, II. Dixon &
Mrs. Harry Murrln and daughter
Harriot left today for omaua, wnoro
they will vlBlt friends lor several uays
Genl. Supt Hammill, who had been
spending a couple of weeks in the
wesc, arrived last night and v ill re
main here for a day or two looking
afte.- Union Pacific affairs. Mr. Ham
mill reports freight traffic on the Un
ion Pacific about as heavy as in Aug
ust of last year. Fruit shipments are
especially heavy at this time.
It Is now a known fact that the
Standard Oil Co. was tho purchaser of
tho former, Neville lot at tho corner
of Sixth and Locust, and it Is furthor
known that tho company will install
a gasoline filling station on tho site.
Gasoline dealers in town now predict
that tho Standard Co. will retail gaso- and the attractions
lino at tank prices, that is, tho com-j Etaprd.
pany will chargo tho auto owner w' H. G. Moore, from the cast, ha? booh
patronizes tho filling station tho samo ( nppc tntod field director, and will look
prico now charged tho retail dcalors . aftrtr procuring tho exhibits for tho
in quantity, lots. This means that the1 agricultural dlspluy, which undoubted
Standard filling station will undor-j ly will surpass In numbors tbosu of
Tha annual Lincoln County Fair
wh'oh is to bo hold In North Plntto
Soptembor 24-5-0-7, will from nil in
dications bo tho largest and most suc
cos ful thtit has been hold o far,
largely bocnuso of tho the prosperous
agricultural conditions of the county
that aro to bo
For permanent satisfaction you must look not
only for reliability in the car, but also into the re
liability of the dealer from whom you biiy.
Reliability of car and dealer are usually associated-
We appreciate our obligation- tOithe public of
North Platte". We market cars that have a national
reputations for reliability.
To this we add our strong desire backed by the
proper facilities to insure owners such satisfactory
performance as to deserve our reputation of
Dodge Brothers
Chandler Cars
'Service for Our Owners'
North Platte.Neb.
Phone 844.
Cor. 6th and Locust
the past, becauso of tho wonderful
success that tho farmers have had with
their crops.
Tom Andrews,, of Cambridge, who
is ronsldoml one ot tho best judges
sell tho other retail dcalora from
threo to five cents a gallon.
In putting in this filling station tho
Standard Co. is simply carrying out
its plans formed many years ago,
namely, that when opposition bo- of animals In tho stato, is la chnrgo
comer strong, root it out if possible. tof tup display of cattle, hordes and
Tho competitor to tho Standard Co. ' bono, (ind the doto of tho fnl; luut boon
In North Platto is tho National Re-! so r.rranged that all live stoc'f howii
fining Co., tho makers of tho White hero can bo shipped from one neigh
Rose gasoline. That auto owners i borla fair to unothor, whether it pro
consider tho White Rose suporlor tocee(L- or follows the Lincoln county
tho Standard Co. mako Is evidenced fair.
by the growth of tho demand for the
gasoline made by tho National Co. Last
month tho National Co. handled thlr
Ioitc and nutomobilo racing nro to
bo tho main amusements. Word has
been received from a largo number of
ty-stx thousand gallons nt tho North rc'- horso owners signifying their in
Plnitn nlnnt.. iiinnv.mnnt tiinnanorta r.f tontlon to enter their runners, trot
gallons than tho Standard sold. That,019 nnd pacers for the contests, some
tho National Co. was Kraduallv cot- twin being among tho fastest horses
.1 1 . . , .... . . 'I.. I-..
liiib u u'hu over me manuaru became 111 U1U mum.
of course, known to tho latter com- onirics for tho auto racer, huvo been
pany several months niro nnH tr 'coming in for tho past several woeks
checkmate 'this lead, tho purchase of . frox' racers living In tho nearly states.
tno Neville lot and tho establishment' wuue a numuor or wen Known drivers
of a filling station followed. I liaVo signed contracts to enter tholr
There may. or mav not. be nnntimr cars in tho different events.
act thrown on tho screen: it denonds ni3 track liaa b00'1 completely
upon wnetnor the National Co. will i P'oca up aim now is ooing nmooiuca
protect the local dealers who have anu "10 curves naniccu to a higher ac-
been buying its gasoline by furnishing 1 &ree 80 tImt wltu tllQ number and
them tho fluid at a wimlesnlo nri qhatactor of drivers, thoro will un-
which will onablo them to meet tho ! doubtcdly bo some of tho fastu't rac-
retau prlco of the Standard If soinB pier witnessed in uio state, witn
then wo may havo a war on gasoline i Perhaps a number of records brokon.
prices; in which event we will all I 0up ot tuo leading aviators of the
buy underground tanks ana lilt timm., country has signed a contract to ap
::o:: pear aauy, giving nignts and per-
Output of 3I1II Increased. forming arial acrobatics during the
Tho North Platto Flour MHla has four days
added another man to tho office force,! Taking all things Into consideration
unarms iierK, lormerly of tho I.ierk-, 1110 mir 01 1JVJ "'Hi excou any pro-
C -J 1 1 ft m. . .... I ..J..1.. 1. 1 .1 '
ouiKiuu u. me ousiness or tuts firm uuw.
has grown to an extent that hnu made I
it impossible for the old force to give i Notice to Water Consumers.
tne time and attention that the busl-! B'jgming Monday morning. August
ueaa ct ino city useit deserves. Mr. 18th, nil parties delinquent on water
Llerk will have charge of tho citv rent will bo shut oc unload Rnttnfnn.
business and will push tho local sales tory arrangements for payment aro
of Cow Brand products. mado before our employes reach them.
Th3 North Platto mill was opened Do, net wait until the man la ready to
undr the present management two shut off tho water nnd then nttnmnt
years ago with a capacity of 150 bar-'to pay him tlio water bill a8 thoy havo
rels of flour dally and this summer I orders to accept no monoy. All bills ar
this capacity has been increased to 200 payablo at tho water office, and if
barrels dally to handle their Increased , you havo any complaints to maJco,
business. They grind one thousand mako tlmm in tho Wntw nm vn
bushels ot wheat every day and are ask courteous trnatmnnt. for tlm mm
putting North Platte back on the map J who shut off tho water. It is not their
as a milling point. fault nnd thoy aro only dolnir whnt wo
Mr. Carroll wll continue to hnndlo; hnvo told them to do. If vou feo 1 like
tho out of town sales and Mr. Lierk
will have charge of tho city.
: :o: :
C. F. Temple left this morning on a
business trip to McGrow on tho north 61-2
river branch, expecting to be absent
until Thursday, night.
'.m. f. ij.uiiu la vAi,cub(;u uuuiu I
il.ln ......1.. e Til. if. t . . i t , '
vuio tvemuB iium i-iijuvaipuia, wnere
scolding, call up tho water office, as
wo are tho ones responsible for tho
water being shut off.
Water Commissioner.
Yesterday thn fpdnrnl trriVdrntiinnf
started out to ascertain how much of
tho high cost of living Is duo to ox
C0S8iV0 nroflts. bv rtnilnr!. nmt In
order to gain this Information all stat4
food administrators who worked dur
ing the war havo boon asked to recall
Into servlco tho men who thoy had
appointed as county administrators.
During tho HooVor food administra
tion E. R. Goodman was county ad
ministrator and it Is probable that ho
will bo notified of his recall to ser
vice nnd directed to ninkn n t1inrniir.1i
and comploto examination into tho
pricoo charged by tho retail dcalors
in Lincoln county, and to report, cases
wnoro tno proiits seem excessive. Mr.
Goodman will havo authority tc ap
point fair prlco committoos and thoso
committees will mako tho nnmn in
quiries and havo tho samo power n
am committees under tho Hocvor ad
A boy baby was born yesterday tn
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Homnblll. Mntlinr
and son aro roported to bo dolnir nlr
Tho vestry, of tho Episcopal church
havo decided to stucco the church
building, roroot and make other improvements.
Mm. Olaudo Williams returned to
her homo in Cozad Sunday after
spending tho week with her sister Mrs.
Chns. Mutchlo.
H. A. Brooks wont to Denver Fri
day whoro ho will Join Mrs. Brooks
and the children and snond a counlo
of weeks in tho' mountains.
Mrs. Howard MeMiclinolnnd . chil
dren lcavo tho latter part of this weok
on an auto trln to the past nnrf nf tlm
tetate, whoro they will visit friends.
On account of the Chautaunua Mm
mooting of tho Public Welfare Associ
ation to havo been hold this evening
has been postponed until Monday ev
ening oi noxt wocic.
mo uoyii woigiiDors will fold a
regular meeting at tho K. P hall to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A
good nttendanco isvsxpected ac a class
or candidates aro to bo Initiated.
E. Brock, wlfo and baby, of Hustings
were in tho city Saturday the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gamble Mr.
Brock and family wero enrouto to
Curtis, Storling nnd other points west.
Tho Nebraska rural mall carriers,
in convention at Kearney Rsturday
passed a resolution In which they ox-
press tliomsolvos as dlssatlsflei with
tho pay which they aro receiving. Tho
men want a minimum of $1,500 per
year and tho government furnish and
koop up transportation equipment.
Thoy now recolvo a maximum of $1500
and from this sum must keep up their
vehicles. As most of tho men mo both
horse nnd cart, as well as auto, this
brings tholr actual earnings below
Tho holdings of tho Rosedalo Cattlo
Co, lying nortwest ot tho cltyv con
sisting of 9,434 acros of deeded land
and a school land lcaso on 640 acres,
has boon sold to flvo buslnos men of
tho city ror a consideration of t-cvonty
thousand dollars. All but two soc
tlous of this land is in a compact
body, and thoro are about fifteen hun
dred acres of lovol land that can ho
tarmcd. Tho land was sold under a
contract which oxpires after March
1st and tho local parties mado tho
purchaso for spoculativo purposes.
Tho sale was mado through O. H.
Thoelccko as agent for tho Roseday
"Thou Shalt Not"
Tricked by fal&c love she
learns the hollowness of
Christian charity in some
pretended righteous people.
Keith Theatre
Wednesday & Thursday.
J'nV Grocery Now Open.
Tho East End Grocery, at 709 oast
she has been visiting relatives for the'Four,h street on the Lincoln High
past six weeks. I way is now oncn for business. A
L.:;o:: now, rrcsh stock of groceries and
Tire ir. x z " Afipvrv candy in your immediate locality,
Opons their Farm nnd Ranch Dept.' M"6 the problem of an exponsivo
on September 1st with an exclusive ?,c,1:vcy aem- ,Your patronago so-
niaiiager in thnt department. I' yon ,lu"eu- uau ium wrry' UIV,J " " "
mint to soil or buy a farm or
ace us.
H. & S. AGENCY, Ernest Riucker is spendinc this week
jsrotiuccK uiiig aorth Platte, a eh. in Minataro and Bayard on business
i. i. &J.UUT, iHniiagcr, for tho Minnesota Mutual Life Insur-
J arm Dept. ci-G anco Co,
Built from the ground up.
Electric Supplies and Lighting Fixtures.
Phono 517. North Platto, Neb. 510 Loc usr S
The Greatest, Most Magnificent, Unequalled, Unparalled, Gorgeous
fc 1 in Death-Defying Stunts.
The Daring and Incomparable Bare-Back Rider.
The Bearded Lady. 9 The Acrobats. The Animals.
See Them All.
See them All.
See them All in
AUGUST 12 and 13.
Two Days Only. 2 performance Daily. Evening 8 and 9 P. M.
ADMISSION 10c and 25c.
"Nugget Nell"
She "didn't have a single thing
to wear!" except her shooting cloth
es. But Nell had nerve andjtwo big
guns and well watch her collect
gladrags from gasping, ladies' jight, .
oh the street! The latest in'gettiri
a new Fall Word robe. '
Thursday and Friday.
in a gripping, thrilling story of the North Woods.
"Jacques of the Silver Woods"
She was married to a fugitive of the law; she loved a man from
the states and a Canuck worshipped her. See the outcome.
Crystal-Tonight and Tomorrow.
Bilk. s
Paraylsisan extreme Form of Weak
ness that Chiropractic Helps
Health Talk No. 17 by
Health by one dofmition Is the
reverse of paralysis. When the
brain wills an action tho nerves
carry it out. When tho nerve that
runs that part of the body is completely shut off
by pressure at tho spine wo have pararysis.
Disease In 95 per cent of all cases is some form
of nervo pressure, or partial paralysis. Tho
stomacn which is weak Is not get
ting a full supply of nervo energy
due to pressure upon stomach
nerves at tho back bone. If that
pressure became 100 per cent
there would bo stomach paralysis.
Whon by spinal adjustments a
nerve Is mado 100 per cent free
then activity is complete and per
fect. Only abuse can prevent
FREE Call for a free consul
tation. Your questions and Inter
est arc welcome.
Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors.
Building and Lonn Building
North Tlattc, - a -. Nebraska.
l'nrnlyzcd By An
Accident Now "Well"
"In July, 1913, I
was injured In wreck
on tho Erlo Railroad.
Nino months aftot
ward I caught tho
physician examining
mo, pulling a pin out
of my arm. He pro
nounced it paralysis
and aftor a tlmo said
ho had dono all ho
It required two
hours and fifteen
minutes to tako tho
first trip from my
hpmo to tho chiro
practor. In . two
woeks I was doing it
in 35 minutes. In
(four weeks was
Sworn Statement
Ask About Cuso
No. U5.