The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 08, 1919, Image 5

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The Chaff
,.-l vnys left inilH.the Instnftcr the igu;at,anrt
good grain lins nil boon laken. '
So today in the business work, and especially
in the automobile market with the present1 ser
ious shortage of good cars, there are new, un
known or makes of previous poor repute, which
can now offer you as their chief inducement, an
immediate delivery.
I appeal to you that now, more than in or
dinary times, you will do well to consider care
fully the car you buy. I am making deliveries
on gopd Dodge Brothers and Chandler cars, to
those who have ordered them in advance.
If you need a light, good, car for your service.
I would advise you to wait until you see the new
1920 Dodge models, which are 'now -being shipped
to all dealers. 'My first new models will be in
this week.
A little patience now will repay you many
times in the future service from the car you buy.
And if you do buy from me, you may expect to be
taken care of; for, from now on, my place will be
solely a sales and service station for my own cars
'Service for Our Owners'
North Platte.Neb.
Telephone 844.
6th & Locust St.
Graduate Dentist -Office
over th McDonald
State Bunk.
Claude Peters, of Grand Island, has
accopted a position as clerk at the
Hotel McCabe. - '
, Doctors Fetter and Selby, wero call
ed to Callaway Wednesday on profes
sional business.
Lieutenant Cecil Cool who has been
in France for the past year, is ex
pected homo tomorrow.
C. M. Trotter returned the early
part of the week from Denver where
he transacted business for several
days. v
ilr. and Mrs. Claude Welngand are
spending the week at Lusk, Wyoming,
where Mr. Welngand was called on
Mrs. John Clabaugh and Lena Mary
Stono left Wednesday for Greeley,
Colo., where they will visit Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Clabaugh.
Shu Fly and spray at the Itexall.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatch left yes
terday on a vacation trip to Denver,
Ogden and Salt Lake, returning homo
via Kansas City.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald left Tuesday
for San Diego, Cal., where she will
make an extended visit with her
sister Miss Carrie Belton.
Ray C. Lancford returned Wednes
day Irom Estes Park whore he spent a
month. Mrs. Langford and two sons
will remain there a week or so long
Mr and Mrs. J. Guy Swope and chil
dren left yesterday morning for Fair
field, Pa., where they will visit Mr.
Swopo's sister and other relatives for
several weeks.
Mrs. Miles and daughter Natnerine,
left Thursday for an extended visit
with relatives in Iowa.
Now Dodge Brothers models, 1920
series, will bo shown at Romlgh s
sales room this week. An early order
will get you an early delivery. J. V.
Romlgh, dealer.
Shu- Fly and spray at the Rexall.
"Jim'" Clinton, who enlisted In the
marlno medical corps and for a year
or more had been overseas, arrived at
New York Tuesday and will reach
liomo in a week or so.
' J.. K. Stryker, of Kearney, spent
several days in town ttils week taking
views of business buildings and res
idences for the pictorial book of North
Platte which he will issue.
When in North Platte stop at the
Now Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will
bo treated well. 58tf
Miss Bertha Thoelecko left yester
day for her farm in Arthur county, for
which sho was offered $8,000 cash a
short time ago but considers the offer
below the value of the land.
C. C. Hupfer returned to Oakland,
Cal., Wednesday after spending a few
days hero looking after business mat
ters. Mr. Hupfer has about concluded
to make California his future Home.
Wanted Liberty bonds at market
price. Louis Lipshltz.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richards were
visitors in Laramie this week, Mr.
Richards while thero attending the
monthly safety first meeting Of the
Wyoming division which was hold
'Chick" Clark, who was bound over
to the district court cn the charge of
I stoning a diamond ring and had since
been confined to jail, was released
fro-n confinement Tuesday under a
writ of habeas corpus,
i Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office over
Wilcox Department Store.
We can furnish you with a full cab
inet Columbia grafanola at $100, in
selected Africa mahogany, beautifully
finished. $10 down and $10 per month
will place one of these Instruments in
your home. Dixon's.
t A now corporation known as the
Loypoldt Pennington Company lias
filed articles of incorporation with, the
coutity. clerk Tho new corporation Is
a consolidation of what is known us
Leypoldt & Pennington of" North
Piatt.? and .tho D. M. Loypoldt Com
pany, a cprporntlou of Horshey- The
articles disclose that the corporation
has an authorized capital stock of
$200,000, of which $115,000 Is fully
paid nnd it Is now understood that no
further stock will be Issued at this
tima. Tho stockholders and original
Incorporators of the new compan are
as follows: Win. Slmants, Francis
Montague, Henry P. Hanson, F. B.
Kronquest, A. P. Kelly, M. P. Ras
mussen, W, C. Dolan, Frank Turpie,
Loo Mustard, Butler Buchanan, Geo.
N. Gibbs, E. S. Davis, C. H. Walter,
Samuel M. Sondor, J, H. S,tono, A. J.
Sallabury, A, C, Wright, E. J. Vander
hoof, Thomasi Cox, W. II. Cramer, John
S. Twinem, Broadbeck & Son, E. B.
Yeypoldt, Loy H. Eyorly, E. R. York,
Harry B. York, M. Pennington.
Tho growth of the business of Loy
poldt & Pennington necessitated the
ro-organlzatlon nnd plans have boon
made for tho company, to branch out
and take over a number of elevators
and establish offices at various points
along tho Union Pacific railroad and
on the Northwestern road in the Elk
horn valloy. In tho threo years that
Loypoldt & Pennington havo been do
ing business In North Patte, tho re
cord. of the National Hay Association
disclose that they ara the largest ship
pers of pralrlo hay of" any company
in the world and aro rated as one of
the largest shippers of all kinds of hay
in the central states. Tho officers of
tho new corporation aro: D. M. Ley
poldr, president; H. L. Pemiington,
vico president; W. E Starr, secretary
and treasurer, and the board of di
rectors consists of the above officers
together with W. M. Slmants and Hen
ry Hnnsen.
-; :or;-
CliautniKiua Next Week.
Th? North Platte Chautauqua will
open next Monday and continue for
six days, closing Saturday night. In
looking over the program, tho talent
seems to be good and the attractions
sufficiently varied as to get away fruni
sameness. Committees have been,BG.ll
ing season tickets, but .with what suc
cess we have not learned. Howccr,
it is probable that the patronnge given
tho Chnytauqua will be up to tho normal.
Ready-to-Wear Specials
We have put special prices on all our Ladies'
Voile Dresses, Wash Skirts and Georgette and
Fantasi Silk Skirts.
Ladies' Voile Dresses.
One lot of fine Voile Dresses selling up as high as fin Ar?
- $18.00, your choice 51.3
One lot of Voile Dresses selling as high as $10.00
your choice
One lot of Voile Dresses carried over from last year (t f in
same Dresses sold as high as $18 your choice M 4rO
Ladies' Wash Skirts at
$4.95 and $6.45
These are all Wooltex and Never Shrink Skirts. They will not
shrink in washing either the bands or goods.
Ladies' Silk Skirts
Consisting of Georgette Crepes and Fantasi Silks, fl J J r
light colors, your choice $ 1 4-e4-tJ
Jim Halaras was bound over to the
district court Wednesday on the charge
of assaulting Bill PaDDas. The as
sault occurred ten davs ago. The
mon aro Greeks employed at the
round house.
Always try The Rexall first, It
pays. tf
The stork called at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pass Tuesday night
and deposited a girl baby. Mother and
daughter aro doing nicely, tho father
is of course very proud, and Grand
father Pass dances tho Highland fling
tat intervals.
Old timers had the nleasuro of
meeting an old time friend Wednesday
in the person of Phil Colin, who es
tablished tho Star Clothing House in
this city some forty-five years ago.
Mr. Colin was enrouto to Colorado
Wanted to Rent Office room in
business section. Phone Red 1174. tf
Eugene Combs, who was up from
Bignell yesterday, said he had thresh
ed hip wheat. He had in 100 acres,
eighty acres of which yielded twen
ty-four and three-quarters bushels per
acre, and twenty acres yielded at the
rate of .thirty-one bushels per acre.
We havo a few commercial lighting
fixtures which will ehango that dingy,
dirty looking store of yours into an
oasis of light. Light draws custom
ers. You lose jf you don't think it
over. Electric Fixtur.e & Supply Com
pany, sixth and vlno,streets..
John W. Cochran, tho Golden Rule
land man of Sutherland, was a busi
ness visitor in town Tuesday. He re-.
port? land sales in tho Sutherland
section fairly active. Mr. Cochran
says ho has listed for sale a lot of
flno farms and ranches.
For Sale Team of young ninr's
Weighing 2200. Inquire of L. E.
Ebrlffhti North Plufte. 60-2
Major J. R. Longley, son of the late
Dr. Longley of this city, has returned
to his homo at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
after having been for tho past year
stationed at Archangel, Russia, where
he was in coimand of tho medical
corps at that post Ho entered tho
army as a lieutenant, but was quickly
promoted to tho rank of major, in rec
ognition of his ability ns a doctor. He
will resume his practico at Fond du
Lac, where his wife nnd two children
have been residing during his ab
sence. Hiking from Los Angeles to tho At
lantic coast, Mrs. Myra Collins passed
through town the early part of the
ween. Sho is not a professional hiker,
but is making tno trip for tho novelty
of U. Sho is helped along mor or
less by auto drivers, who glvo her a
"lift." She .left her Los Anglees homo
Mav luth, and carries about forty
pounds of luggage. Sho is costumed
in a khaki walking Bult, has closo crop
ped hair and wears a broad toed walk
ing shoe.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Tho high cost of living is responsi
ble for many conflicting statements
Hon In North Platto many of our
people Insist that tho necessities cost
moro than elsewhere. The other ov-
cnlng a railroad man told us meals
of tho samo goodness wero ten tents
higher in Sidnoy than In North Platte
Yoitorday a Grand Island business
man was In town and unsolicited said
thlnss wero as cheap, if not cheaper,
hero thnn In Grand Island so there
you go; ono fellow says ono thlnn and
tho other fellow contradicts and wo
don't know whether wo aro or are not.
In the mcantlmo smile nnd bo glad
you're alive. It costs you Just as
i much to be a pessimist as an optimist,
ana the latter is always the happ'T
W'dnesday evening at the homo of
M. N. Johnston, 14 south Elm street,
was solemnized the marriage of Mr.
and Mrs. Johnstons two daughters-,
Miss Frances becoming tho bride of
William Slebold. and Miss Florence
tho bride of Julius Forstedt.
As, Miss Florence McKay played
j.tftP ?n(1 of a p.rect .Pay " Mrs.
Leinlnger .sang, Miss Evelyn Chnmbcr-
lin. stretched tho whito ribbon form
ing, iho aisle through which tho two
coupies marcneu wniio uie strains oi
tha wedding march were softly play
ed.' The contracting parties wero pro
ceeded by the flower girls, little Flor
onco Hlnman and Lucille Fletcher, who
carried tho rings in little baskets. Tho
parties wero attended bv Ben Jolinston
and Margaret Johnston, brother nnd
sister of the brides Tho decorations
wero Dink and white with a profu
sion of cut flowers and a bank of ferns,
backed by tho U. S. flag, formed the
very prettv bower in which Mr. Curry,
tho officiating minister, met the
Both brides were gowned in white
georgette and carried whito roses, and
the maid's gown was of pink gcorgetto
and sho carried pink roses. About sev
enty cuests wero present.
The two brides are well and favor
ably known, both having been in the
past employed by local business firms.
Messrs. Slebold and Forstedt aro in
the employ of tho Union Pacific and
both havo latey returned from army
service. Mr. Forstedt was In tho radio
service nnd Mr. Slebold saw twelve
months' service ovorseas. These
young people aro among tho most pop
ular in the city.
The newlv weds left Wednesday
night on a trip to Denver and other
western points and after September
first will "at homo" to their friends.
Mr. rnd Mrs. Forstedt will reside at 14
south Elm and Mr. and Mrs. Slebold at
518 south Chestnut.
Among the out-of-town guests pres
ent at the wedding wero Mrs. Lowell,
Mrs. Tansloy and Mrs. Decker of
Ovenon, nnd Mrs. John Witt, son and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Witt
of Staplcton.
Traffic Is Heavy.
Freight traffic on tho Union Pacific
is heavy nnd crews are getting inly
about. Hie lawful lay-over hours at ter
minal points. Fruit, stock and coal
shipments havo been running freely
oast, and this business has been In
creased with east bound wheat shlp-
rnenta from elevators In Lincoln,
Keith, Douol and Cheyenne counties.
West bound cmptiou, in trains each
nearly a mile long, aro passing through
Mlko Salcettl recently sold his rosl- Editor J. J. Pfoiffor and wife, of
donee property at 203 east Twelfth NcluDn, wero tho guests of Mr. and
street to Georgo Bachman for a con-. Mrs. F. E. do Bauornfcind for soveral
sidoratlon of soven thousand dollars. ' dayB this week.
Clean, Klenzo Feeling
HERE comes a brand-new
dentifrice built from a
brand-new formula. Soft
snow-white and so pleasing
to the taste that rirown-ups as
well as children are eager to
use it morning and night.
The cleanness it creates is
evidenced by the delightful,
cool, refreshing feeling it leaves
in your mouth.
Get this CoolClean, Klenzo
Feeling today, by taking home
a tube of Klenzo.
The ItfaxafUL Store
-: :o: :
: :o: :-
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our thanks and
appreciation to our many friends for
their kindness and sympathy during
tho suffering, death nnd laying n.vay,
or our darling boy ivan, and ror tno
manv beautiful floral offerings. 1
Miss Helen Koontz returned Wed
nesday evening from a month's visit
with Mrs. C. A. Lowell in Chicago.
Soo 'Clinton & Son'
about your Eye troubles,
satisfaction every time.
Son is over in Germany,
will bo homo In a few
weeks or months. Sign of tho Big
mj j" m
- If
Cow Brand
The Best Flour
Made in
the Best Town
Western Nebraska
A Home Product Used by
all Home People.