The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 08, 1919, Image 4

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    Pntnlnne nrniinrt TCMTnCV are (IVOr- F0P1) HI'
.ftHlnii12CbaliiatWfJhore. and thof WTPH
tMftikHi rirtni la nrn nn i.mi nor iiiihii-.
ol Tho total yield In the Kear- D. V. Ford returned to his home
noy district Is estimated nl 150,000
i,frus vnoar sHiiviqe " '
To tho Patrons on the City Routes :-
This will explain Why thoro Is only
North Platte Wednesday night after one delivery a day on, most of th$
fifteen months' service overseas. Ford, routes. All the mall received at (his
I . . . i . I . .llnn I rf I . . X f f -J - iA. a 't- - . 1
, WHO UOIOre entering uiu minnu wu.h ouiui' uumua in iruui o o uiuck. ill
Christian Scicnco8d?vico Sunday " VmnkArpd as Union Pacific flreman.KvaB evening until 8:30 in the iriorninn
a. m. Wednesday "evening meetings .a. Ahktgth catnf, cariy, in IDiTS. cent fof tho small amount that comos
every week at .00M A' cordial wvl-.g )j0fty n,0rM'r was sent oyer- in on No. 2 nt 1:20 p. m., so when the
ration is exionueu 10 an iu i m Bnaa USf of Combanv' fE. pjirr ers CO out in tho mnrntntr nnrt not
r. B. T nnn ( " " 1. - o o - -
I Fourth Engineers. Upon arrival, on this mail delivered, they have practlc-
Fronch soil, his company lost out nt- any an mo man ueuvcreu mat comes
iThoso sorrlces. tfulldlng & Loan build
ing, room 25.
Si Wanted A felH Tor general house
work. Phono Red 533. C9tf.
Mrs'. Jane Guyman and children nro
spending tho week In Schuyler with
r relatives. . r
Aiwava stoDlit the Itcxall.
Wintcd Bxrlqit"co.. lady cook, and
vlady for pastry work. Apply in por
son at The Oasis.
"inn. w iini'irf nr Mr M i Over- drcii leave tonight for Payetto, Idaho,1 participated In the Mfuso and Arsonuo No. 2 comes In and han a small amount
"Itlllg Iier UOUgnior, airs, m. u. wvui ..,. .,,, ,. ,ni ftrn ,wina r,n,l uvnrnl ntlior linttln cauntlv ht ninll which tlin rnrrlnra ilnllvnr nm1
uiritif for bnvnrnl WPPk H ' m - hivj i uiimi. mvn uvuw uhh.j T 1 - - ---- , . ...... ,. - -
Birci.1, lor HLvorai uk. j homo. Mr. Smith expects to pur- as :ntenl?e, ufMib fortunately camo hlso make collections from street lct-
Tho Itoxall handlos the goods. tf chaR? an interest In a lumber business throuch without serious Injury. , ter boxes. When No. 11 came in ubout
Wl'ilam Elliott who had b(Hn in conducted b lils brother. , Not only has Ford returned homp, noon from the cast it used to m&ko the
Frniico for tho past year with thi
cinoenng corps, returned homo y
A vorv good 1918 Dodge Brothers f r ""s"'" i3,,luru",V and nravery. Ho was given the AmoV "CUT TIIK HIGH COST OF CALICO
touring car, ontlroly overhauled and J' i ,can distinguished scrvico crosa for We have H0OO yards of Light and
. 1 anAA T IT T)m n i ilfinl- UJU MM.r
guaranteed, ouu j. v. iiuhhbu, uh
Statement from. Vogtmnsjer. ThOjrfgunty comnJssIonFflwro ,-JnJ .OjwMuo.ynKUpyaitiln frpm
Nortli I'latte, August c, 1919. i-Besslon this week checking ' up the flieoicinc precinct ycsteniay, -saia mat
book? of tho county, treasurer. Thlsi
W'ork will be continued next week and .
floml-nnnual settlement made with the
other county officers. I
Always stop at tftq Rex nil.
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Smith and chll- tlo timo in gcttlngto the front, and in during t(io 24 hours. At 1:20 p. m,
prospects for corn could not ba bet
torin fact thoy had In that section
tho best corn west of Illinois. "Fifty
or 3lxty bushels to tho aero will be" the
yield in our section of tho county,"
Bald Mr. Youngs .
pn-'ritrii riMir-'iiffiir nnu'v dv 'iTirn" but HO lias orougni oacn wuu nun in- seconu uenvery very neavy, uui uijs
"IIJI lllli JIluJl tUSl l t lAlillU i...iu r ,nn nf wl,lrti )m U nrnml ti-ln lino lioon rllannntlminrl
os- We have JIOOO yards of Light and '"'"-". n T ST
I dark C Inch percale worth today 10c l" ' Y " ?Z V'l: x "
"J'" 1 oxtruordinnry heroism In action at the dark 80 Inch-percale worth today l()c
Mrs. C. A. Lowell and children, of Mvor Veslo on August 5th when ho per yard. On snlc nil day Saturday
ii,ft,i if Wf,infinv fnr Chlcogo, arc guests of Mrs. Lowell's snowed undaunted courage In build- August 0th, at 25c per ynrd.
L nnli L vlirU nhl wn Parents, Judge and Mrs. Mlltonbergcr. ng bridges and In earring mcssagoa 59-2 THE HUH.
,,C?K n"'L M M TnrB. hfPll Ono object of her visit is to welcome through a terrific barrligo and ma- ::o::
'puroimse goous or .....-.u thQ rcUrn Qf her brother I5utlor from
Clothing to. I ovorcpnB Bcrvlco, who Is expected to
y Mary bought a now Edison on tue roach home tomorrow
ipaymont plan
Mary will bo a lucKy man
from Dixon tho Jeweler,
ijiu lima wnu muuiun . k nllo t..
lL,ntna Mitoln in nil Ita fnrmu fa nn In-
1'Htrumont you will be proud to own:
Wlliam Thoyor, who was with tho ,roud to play for your frlonds; afid
cnglnorlng corps in Franco, returned proud to have it grace.your household
Jiomo yesterday aftor a year's sor-; ns an artistic plcco of furniture. Such
S-lce overseas. ' is tho Now Edison. Harry Dixon.
Mr Hnrrv Dixon entortalned at a, Tlic city, council met in roAiuar bl-
qhlne gun fire. The other honor modal riles Complaint lllth CflnimIslon.
is thu Italian war cross presented lo Tho following paragraph appeared
him by an Itallnn commander ns ta In the State Journal Wednesday.
mark of merit for distinguished scr- "A. R. Turner and R. H. Smith of
vice In action, and for bravery in most North Platto have asked tho commls
desperate situations. Accompanying sion to Inform them if they can be
tho medals wero letters from both the subjected to tho hazard of life under
American and Italian commanding coal oil lamp conditions because the
officers local electric light company won't give
Wliilo Ford fully, appreciates thcae them service unless they pay a bill
recognitions of meritorious service, owing by a former renter. Tho land-
lio In modest about them, and claims lord won't Day tho bill, claiming that
Dartv TllOSday cvonlng In weekly eenslon Tuesday1 OVOllIng, pas.- Hint Mm wnrk lir nnrfnrmnd wns nnlv tho rnmnnnv'n dnlnv In remHnc tho
honor of Miss Burns who is vibiting rd an ordinance letylng taxes for tho the nuty of any good soldier who was meter was responsible for tho loss of
hero from Denver. ,cnsuinE and nllowed bills on inc.
t?,.i .i v.,.i The tax levy hl year will basayeral
luo i.iU8 . u a..u "'""" jnina higher than last year. There .111
Stovcns, who had been visiting rola- ' . 6 iP,.,MO f rvprnl 'miilH
lives in tho city, returned to their b 0 J " ln eaHe "f s"eri" lnll,H
In n..ttn Town voqfordnv. . ln ln0 SCIIOOI 11 y.
OC OU1I Will
willing to do his best.
VTr Pnetnitoann nnrl Mtfta ATnTITfirot
Frederlckeon left yesterday for Lar-,
rtmle, AVyo., whero they will make an
oxtonded stay with friends and relatives.
tho light bill, and tho company says
no money no service. Mr. Turner says
I tho company also refused to tako the
commission ns to
If you aro building you cannot af
ford to miss our sale of lighting flx-
Jlplscopals Defeat McMiodists.
Tlic Episcopal and Methodist tcanls Judgment of tho
of the church league played a goo!; whether this is a Just rule, claiming
game of ball Tuesday evening, the tho commission has no Jurisdiction
take care of your Eye former winning by a score of nine to
ninna trmihlo! wo crunr. I six. a numuer oi rooters ior Dom
antee to givo you satis- teams were In tho grand stand and en-
faction, sign or tno uig p.h ..
Iltnc Rnn la wlHi tlnf n Rnm In Gor- ""UUBiiuui nuts uiiui uniuiK nu
many, will bo homo Boon.
Mm. Geo. T. Field and Mrs. Fred W.
over light rates."
Lbonchcad plays were fow.
: :o:
tures. Wo save you one-half. Electric nlncker entertained nt bridge Tuesday . A Short Chickens I .
Fixture & Supply Company, Gth and mn nt tho homo of the formqr. If-la"T8llVn.Bn 8C,ctln lt1rI,b
Vine streets, m.Lr-tnwn c.o.sts were the Mcsdames utar l? No.rth Platte h.av? liad. clllc
i r. . . ... n. ens stolen from tnom uurlnir thn nast
Mro. D. A. Russell and daughter Mar-,imxm oi uoiroii ,umum uu oa.iiu.u months, thev sIlould communicate immediately In North IMntt. Neb.
OI i;ncago, warren oi luiuim, r uw, ,. XTmlwl ofoH.At' whoro Mr nrnnllls In thn autoinohil
nt T.lnnnln ntul Mm " T .
1nrln nnil twn Hnnn lprivo todav for
Modfrrrt Orecon. whero thev will vis- It01' Halllgan,
! Hi fa Tfiicicnll'u tnnflifir Tlrn. Mnrv MISFCH
mtHwurth. formerly of this cltv. , Wyoming and Irving of Kentucky,
Kodaks and films at tho Rexall.
CvIl Cool returned homo Wednes
day after belnc dlscharced from tho ranges, stoves and household nrtlclos
army. Ho was In France over a year, Seo our low prices on men's and boys'
and was actively ongaged in battle, shoos. iuiiiiiijiJeiKX,
bolng both shell shocked and gaaqed. 49-C
Dick Cornell aTarrled
Miss Eda Vivian Wilkey and Rieh-
tho ard Donald Cornell were married Mon
day in Omaha by the Rev. Howard C.
Whlteomb of the Calvpry. BaptlBt
church. Mr. Corail Is a non of Mrs.
Allco Cornell of Lincoln. The bride's
home was formerly in Lexington, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell will be at home
Uligan. oi Lincoln, unu uiu ., , , . , . . ; ,
Doyle of Lincoln, Kocken of tha number, t ho dote ab out when talfe
Cut tho High Cost of Living-
Bargains In second hand furniture,
en and other information. If sufficient
information can be obtained there
promises to be a mild sensation in
North Platte.
Sells Ranch Property ,.,.T,iJ
business. Lincoln Journal.
Hand Concert Program
Following Is tho program of con
cert b" tho Nortli Platto Municipal
band, Earl Stamp, director, at court
house park, Friday, August 8th at 8
p. m
fni.rt T it.n1.1t Dnnntnnlnt.
104east FVont ranch twelve mi es of IlorS'v.l March-Gardes Du Corps-Hal.
nnn nln r. r;fl nnKAtt Wna anlil IifO WlUikUH-
week to John Pemrose, of Suthclnnd,
The tract Is all grazing land, and It Is
said that the prlco paid was a good
ono for that class of land. The sale
was mado through the Roberts Bros.
Land Co.
Two songs by Jas. Schaffer with band
accompaniment Kiss Mo Again
(from Mile. Modiste) Herbert. My
Barney Lies Over the Ocean Grant.
Four Part Suite Atlantis Safranek.
No. Nocturne and Morning Hymn
of Praiso.
No. 2 A Court Function.
No. 2 The Princo and Anna,
This Bank- A State Bank
Is ai Safe Bank.
jS'ew Bank Soon to Open. . ,
E. A. Olsen, ono of tho promoters of , v' j-ri,n n.otrtinn nf AtlnnHs
tho Union State Bank, which Is soon VajHe PathetIquo Hawaiian Moon
to 3 opened ip this city, arrived from ,iM truckman
Concord, Neb., yesterday accompanied serenade A Night in Juno King.
oy ins inmi y ana win maico Aorcn ; March0ur Starry Flag-Schoflsld.
fiauo ineir nomo. mr, uisen liunrms
The laws of this state are made for your protection.
Thev aro made bv men who are your neighbors
and friends. If yotiVould secure the advantages
. r and urotcctlon of these lawa you must put your
) '"' self in line with their action.
Wi Tlie Depositors' Guaranty Fund is the result of a
-.'State law and through its protection your de
posits ln this bank are Guaranteed 100c on the
Deposit with this bank The Platto Valley State
Bank and be SAFE absolutely.
Platte Valley St&te Bank,
Combination Sale
At Johansen's Sale Barn, North Platte,
Saturday, Aug. 16.
38 Head of Cattle
12 milch cows, 26 steers and heifers, yearlings
and two year olds.
10 Head of Hogs
Shoats and Sows.
Other articles too numerous to mention.
us that tho furnishings for the bank
aro enroute, and that it is hoped to
have the now Institution ready for
business not later than Soptember
: :o: :
O'Brien Sells Jtanch
Tho T. J. O'Brien ranch, northwest
of Sutherland, was sold this week to
Christ Beers, of Salem, Neb. There
aro seven thousand acres In tho
ranch and tho prico paid was $125,000.
There are good buildings on th prop
erty, Including silos, and a consider
able portion of tho tract can bo farm
ed. Mr. O'Brien, who Is a well known
Omaha hotel man, purcased tho prop
erty a number of years ago.
::o: :
Boys Arrlvo From Overseas,
Wednesday! morning Paul Marti.
Francis Sandall, Tom McGovGrn and
Bryan HIggins, four North Platto boys
arrived home from overseas, sound,
' hearty and healthy. They sailed from
Ilrost July 10th. showlnc that they
Svoro rather rapidly moved toward
demobilization and their happy homes,
I'aul Marti left Coblenz. Gormnnv.
July 9th, tho Journoy consuming three
days less than a month.
Canteen's Courtesy to Convoy.
Tho Red Cross canteen was tempor
arily moved to tho city park last Sun
day ovenlng, and for about threo hours
sandwiches, coffee, doughnut3. Ice
cream and lemonade wero sorved in
March Our Starry Flag-
o ; i
Always try The Rexall
New Method Tire
Repair Co.
liberal quantities to officers and mon'on your tiros. Vulcanizing will do It
Hundreds of miles of scrvico can be
added to each of your tiro casings,
unions tho shoo is absolutely worn
through and ln a hopeless condition.
Vulcanizing tho way wo do glvea you
practically a now shoo or now tube,
and costs a frac tlon of. tho price of a
now one.
Wo handlo now tires, White Rose gas
and Red Crown gas, and good grades
of motor oils.
It was the effort of every true American to find his lilcho during tho war
period and to fill It. ;
Few men have succeeded so signally in this effort as Dr. Lincoln Wirt.j
It was not necessary for Dr. Wirt to change his subject or undertake addi
tional burdens in ordor to continue his work. Yet when tho call camo, ho
gave up his lyceum and chautauqua work the past two yearB to do his bit
In Red Cross work. Dr. Wirt made several trips to France in the Interest
of the Red Cross and holds tho honorary title of Captain. He has just re
turned from Palestine and Turkey where he was at the head of an American
Expedition of Red Cross Relief workers.
I Dr. Wirt will givo us first hand Information of tho great problems to be
met In reconstruction of the devastated countries of Europe, the great and
wonderful relief work the Red Cross is doing; a lecture full of information
and vital truths, A lecture every person in this community ought to hear.
For three years Dr. Wirt was Territorial Superintendent of Education for
tho U. S. government In Alaska, founding the public schools which today are
farthest north. Has travelled in most every country on the globe. Hear
him the evening of tho fourth day.
Liberty Land Company
Office Over Rexall Drug Store.
Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count
ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots
in all parts of North Platte. Look tor the qi l si..
of tho transport corps. All davj Monday
tho canteen at tho dopot was kept open
ior tno transport mon and many of
them took advantago of tho opportun
ity, to partake of tho well nrcnared
and nlcoly served lunches. Both of
ficers and men wero profuso In their
thanks to tho canteen ladles for tho
courtesies extended.
$2,500.00 Buys
A six room houso. two closets
and pantry, on a corner lot.
ugni ana gas, wator and sowor. 903
woat Sixth street. E. C. RICHARD.
No Trucks for Nebraska
Stato Engineer Johnson, who wont
to Washington this weok to seo about
C14 trucks and tractors which tho fed
oral government promised to turn over
to mo state of NobrasUa for cood roads
maifn.g, round upon iirrival thoro that
uio tniu trucks and tractors would
not bo given tho state. Thorn In n
clasn between tho ni-my and agricul
tural oopartments over tho transfer of
tho vohlcles. Congressman Klnkado,
uowover, siaieu mat no would sturt a
campaign to socuro thoso trucks and
tractors for tho state. Tho failuro to
get rue vomcios at this timo proved a
groat disappointment to Engineer
: :o: :
Our closing out sale of llchtintr fly.
tures starts at onco and continues un
til our stock is exhausted. You can't
afford to miss thoso bargains. Come
In any timo during tho day or evening.
.uiuviric nxuiro s supply Company.
Sixth and Vino street.
When in need of good
things to eat Call 212.
We receive daily Butter
nut and Kream Krust
Bread in sanitary' parch
ment wrapping.
Blue Ribbon Coffee is
our leader.
Dick Stegeman,
PHONE 212.
jAl P 1? iE S
Summer Apples
Siberian Crab Apples
Now on the market
at the ;
Glenburnie Fruit Farm
Two Miles North of Sutherland.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.