The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 08, 1919, Image 2

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Tho rocont convention of the State
Suffrage ussoclntlon, held at Lincoln,
was tlio greatest In the history of tho
organization. It was decided at tho
mooting tlint hereafter efforts of the
association will bo centered upon the
education of women voters along the
linos of government politics. Mrs. 0.
li. Dlolrlck of Hastings was chosen
prcsldOiit for the ensuing year.
Tlie congregation of tho St. Jo-
soph's parish, near Nebraska City,
celebrated a big event recently when
notes aggregating $10,000 were can
celled nnd burned in public. Tho
money was used In tho erection of
the church, said to be the finest cdl
ilco in n country district In tho stnte.
Tho United States army transconti
nental motor truck train, compoatd of
about sovonty-flve trucks and touring
cars, and a crew of 230 inon, passed
through Nebraska last week, ovor tho
Lincoln Highway. Stops were mado
at Oinuha, Grand Island, North I'latte
and several other places.
Women can vote for all electlvo
olllcors In primary elecllons, Including
tho constitutional convention primary,
Sept. 10, under the partial suffrage
act of 1017, according to G. A. Soron
son, author of the women's suffrage
A total of 21,000 persons from
Adams and surrounding counties, In
cluding about 700 returned soldiers,
ittcnded .a reunion of world-war,
Spanish-American and Civil war vet
erans at Hastings. It was tho banner
iffalr of tho kind for Hastings.
The rains of tho past week came
Just In time to save crops and pas
tures from serious danmgo in many
sections of Nebraska. Crop experts
contend that tho long dry spell did
not danmgo corn to any extent.
One of tho most hilarious sessions
sver held In tho senate chamber of tho
state houso at Lincoln took place last
week when tho upper houso of the
itato legislature unanimously ratified
the, national suffrago amendment.
' Paving fsTelng laid upon a number
of streets at Geneva. If petitions,
which havo been presented to tho city
council, are favorably acted upon,
forty additional blocks will bo ndded
to tho first district.
Some sort of n hitch has occurred
between tho York and Hamilton coun
ty boards which may delay tho com
pletion of tho S. Y. A. federal aid
highway between Aurora nnd York
until next year.
nhoo expects a captured German
cnunon In recognition of Saunders
county's war activities, according to
n resolution recently Introduced In
congress by Representative Mc
Laughlin. Fremont burbors now charge 25
cents for n shavo and 50, cents for a
haircut. It is said Fremont is the last
town of its slzo in tho state to boost
Its barber prices to that figure.
The Nebraska railway commission
has authorized telephone companies
to charge Uurlcson installation rates
until a hearing October 15, when now
Btnto rates will bo determined.
Organization of a regiment of na
tional guards to bo known as tho
Eighth regiment, will soon bo under
way, according to Capt. II. 0. Stoln
of Lincoln, U. S. disbursing ofllccr.
L. I, Fusblo, stato club leader, ban
nnnounccd that one cntlro bnrn at tho
Nebraska stnto fair will be given over
to swlno exhibits by members of boys
anil girls' clubs.
Wheat fields In tho vicinity of Rig
Springs, are yielding splendidly nnd
some estimates llguro tho district will
produce nrotiud 2,000,000 bushels.
Announcement was mado at tho
Stato Suffrago mooting at Lincoln that
Nebraska women propose to form n
non-partisan political organization.
Over 100 citizens of Hooper nnd
vicinity havo netltloned tho eonntv
hoard to enlargo the bridge over tho
Elkhorn river nenr Hooper.
A company Is to be oignnlzed at
Fremont which will purchase an nlr
plnno to make (lights daily over tho
The primary election for selecting
candidates to the Constitutional con
vention will bo held on Tuesday, Sep
tember 10.
September 21 to October -I are tho
dates set for the Ak-Sar-llen fidl fes
tival at Omahu.
Lnurel has let a contract for 20,
000 yards of paving to cost about
Estimates based on school census
gives Omaha a population of 205,000
State hend(piarters of the G. A. It.
at Lincoln expects 1,000 people from
Nebraska will Journey to Columbus,
Ohio, for tho national encampment of
tho G, A. It., Sons of Veterans nnd al
lied organizations Septembor 7 to 1H.
Tho ftato fair management hns se
cured ns an attraction nt tho 1010
exhibition Lieutenant Omcr Lockelnr,
tho llyer who leaps from one nlrplano
to another while several thousand feet
in the air, crawls nil ovor tho plane
when In motion and who does n lot of
othqr stunts.
s Representatives of tho highway
departments of Nebraska, Kansas,
Iowu, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
Missouri and Texas havo Joined lunula
nnd propose to work as a unit that
will result In better roads in the states
Two Seward chaps who were fined
for lllegnl-llshlng the other dny got It
back, at tho game warden who
"pinched" them by filing a complnlnt
against tho olltccr for running his
nutb without u toll light. The guar
dian of tho law was assessed $3,00.
The fishermen pnld a totuTof 0.40.
The ense of Anson B. Colo and
Alien V. Grammcr, both under n death
sentence to bo put Into effect Sept.
10, for tho murder of Mrs. Vogt, has
been sent to the supremo court for the
third time, following rofusnl of the
district court of Lancaster county to
grant a writ of hnbeas corpus filed
for Colo by his attorneys.
The Lincoln street cnar company has
been permitted to Increase Its fares
from 5 to 0 cents In the city, nnd to
7 cents to suburbs by the federal
court, which also Issued a restraining
order ngalnst the railway commission
from Interfering with the establish.
inent of tho new schedules.
With tho turning over of tho tele
graph and telephone companies to
their owners by the government on
August 1st, word was received by tho
State Hallway Commission at Lincoln
thnt a now schedule of rates would go
Into eff.
Chancellor Avery of tho University
of Nebraska announced ho had denied
the application to admit to the Uni
versity of Nebrnskn for technical
training n numbor of students identi
fied with tho federal soviet republic
of Itusslaa.
W. E. Sharp, provident of the Am
orlcun I'olash company, nnnounccd
that he has received an order for IDS
carloads of Nebraska potash, valued
at .j,ouu,uua it is the largest sale I
of potash over made In the United
Nebraska meiubsrs of congress, es
pecially Representatives Ronvls and
Jeffries, played n leadlnir nnrt In tim
debnte In tho houso preceding the
adoption of a resolution demanding
mat surplus army foodstuffs ho sold
to the public.
County commissioners of Hull
county defied tho new Nebntsl
in refusing to appropriate funds fot
mo county farm bureau ution tlm ro.
quest to do so in the form of n pe
tition py n number of fnrmers.
Although whent Is ronchlm tin
Onmlin market at tho rate of 300,000 to
500,000 bushels n dav. railroad frnmIii
officials are of tho opinion that there
win no no congestion nt tho terminal.
Sixty Gago county veterans of tlm
world war voted nt a meeting nt
Bentrlco to apply for a charter, pre
liminary to the onrnnizntlon of n Tinrl
of the American Legion.
Mrs. Clnra G. Qulmbv. of Colorado.
hns assumed her new duties as super
intendent of tho state Industrial home
for girls nt Genevn. She succeeded
Paul McAuloy of Omnha.
tumoral services for T.t. ntim-int
Lnmborn, Nebraska flyer, killed while
employed as n government nir mall
carrier when ho fell 0,000 feet neni
Dlx Itun, Pn., were held nt Mlnden. i
THO tOl) nrlCO for Doilirn rnnnfi
land was reached tho other dov wimn
n 120-ncro tract near Fremont sold foi
$170 per ncro. Three years ago the
sumo farm sold .'or $200 nn ncre.
A fast lturllncton unssoniror train
crashed Into a herd of 43 cattle neat
O'Doll, Gage county, killing thirty
four of them. Soveral wero miru-hrod
Twenty Nebraska broom manufac
turers have requested tho stato bonrd
of control to abolish the pcnltcntlnrj
broom plnnt, which they claim is ruin
ing their business.
Orchnrdlsts of southeastern Nebrns
ten claim tho apple crop this yenr will
more than double thnt of 1018. Tht
yield is expected to bo about 00 pei
cent normal.
Pender hns n new banking Instltu
Hon, tho Farmers' and Merchants
Stnto bank. It Is capitalized at $50,00C
and opened for business tho first ol
tho month.
Several farmers In Dodgo county re?
ported loss of stock from tho recent
hot period. One farmer reported tht
loss of a $1,000 bull from sunstroke.
Farmers south of Superior report
much excitement In tho vicinity of th
Standard Oil company's drilling, oil
having been struck, they say.
The Arlington Telephone Co. ho
nuulo application with tho state rail
way commission for nu Increase ol
25 cents on each telephone.
Nearly $1,000 dropped into tin
treasury of Rlehnrdson county when
Sheriff McNnlty sold four automobllei
taken from booze runners.
Fremont Is soon to havo nnothei
dally nowspnpor. It Is to bo estab
lished by tho Fremont Publishing Co.
Actual construction will begin oo
Ited Cloud's now $50,000 nudltorluir
and snles pavilion In a few days.
Workmen nro busy at Wahoo mak
ing preparations to lay n total ol
about forty .blocks of paving.
Omobn oxpects to have air mnll from tho east the latter pari
of next October.
Work Is progressing rnpldly on tht
new Cornhusker hlghwny through
Saunders county.
Dry ranges In tho wesf nro given
as the cause of the bronklnir of twn
records for cuttle, receipts nt tho
South Onmhn live stock market dur
ing the past week. Tho high mark for
a single day was 20,78.1.
Reports ronchlm: Stnto Hunnrintnnii
out of Schools Cleinmons nt Lincoln
indicate that manv sections of Knimm
ka will expcrlenco n shortage, of
school teachers this fall. Tho short
age of teachers Is said to lm duo In
better pay offered In other lines of
E. L, Krnuse. n Lincoln
killed and E. L. Wllmoth, nlso of
liincom, was seriously Injured when
an alrplano occupied by tho two men
fell 200 feet near Fremont. Th
mnklng u flight from Lincoln to Fro-
mont wnen tlio nccldent occurred.
After bentlnc his wlfo to Month
with a stovo poker Fred Hockineler,
weaimy runner of nen Leigh, hung
himself from the roof of
nenr tho houso where tho murder was
committed. Tho night prior to tho
tragedy the couple quarrolled about a
calf getting on the lawn.
1 Colored man wounded In Chlcego's race riots being escorted to snfety by mounted policemen. 2 Amer
ican color bearers marching at the head of the Yanks In tho great Bastllle-day parade In Paris. 3 Scene In Chi
cago during the street car strike when the people wero forced to utilize nil manner of conveyances.
Nearly Two Score Are Killed in
War Between Whites and
Blacks in Chicago.
8treet Car Men Strike at Same Time
Urgency of Action to Cut Living
Cost Impressed on Govern
ment Status of Peace
Treaty Contest.
Itnce riots nnd strikes made" Chltngo
the news center of the country for the
week, nnd the news from it was sen
sational and plentiful. Starting In a
trifling qunrrel over the "color line"
nt a bathing beach, a real race war
sprang up with stnrtllng suddenness
and quickly spread throughout tho
South side of tlio city, where most of
the negroes live, nnd thence to tho
downtown business district, with spo
radic outbreaks In other regions. He
fore the authorities got the sltuntlon
under control nenrly two score per
sons had been killed and several hun
dred wounded. For several days tho
mayor Insisted the police could re
storo order, but realization of his mls
tako was forced on him and he called
on the governor for assistance from
tho state mllltln. Several regiments
nt onco occupied tho "black belt."
However, the establishment of martial
law was avoided and thus the city
"saved Its face."
There is no doubt that the casualty
llets of the nice war were kept down
by the fnct that the strike of the
street car men was coincident with
the riots. Not a surface or elevated
car was running nnd It was compara
tively easy for tho authorities to keep
out of the riot district the trouble and
curiosity seekers. The strike, which
had been Impending fqr some time,
wns preclpltnted suddenly by the rad
ical element In the car men's unions, n
compromise offer of tho cpmpnnles, ap
proved by tho state nnd' city authori
ties and the heads of the unions, be
ing rejected. Though seriously ham
pered In getting to Its work and In
transacting business, the public took
tho sltuntlon good nnturedly and made
Its way to the business district and
home again with rather remarkablo
facility. All manner of motor ve
hicles were pressed Into service nnd
the steam roads exerted every efiVn
to enrry their many thousands of ex..-n
passengers. The demand of the car
men for a heavy increase In wages
did not have general sympathy, for It
meant a corresponding Increase In the
fures charged.
There havo been many bitter com
plaints lately to the effect thnt the
government was not doing whnt It
might to reduce the cost of living by
Belting to consumers the Immense sur
plus stores of food held by tho war
department. On Thursdny the war
department put on snlo about 311,000.
000 pounds of those foodstuffs, Inelud
lug canned vegetables, corned beef,
bacon, roast beef, frozen meats and
poultry. The mnrketlng was dono
through local postmasters nnd mnll
curriers, who took orders from buy
ers, received tho cush and delivered
tho goods. The prices obtained rep
resented tho cost to the government
plus Jhe postage. This sale was es-
pccially well patronized by tho people
of smnll towns nnd rural districts, and
It wns predicted that the supplies
would bo disposed of within a week.
Of course such a measure as this
Is only a 'drop In tho bucket, nnd it is
being more and more forcibly Impress
ed on the government that it must do
something to mnke the cost of life's
necessities squnre with tho Incomes
of tho people. The advisory board of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers took up the matter directly with
tho president, presenting to him n
momornndum which ho characterized
us an "impressivo document" and
ordered made public. The board ap
pealed to the president nnd cabinet
for government action to increase tho
purchasing power of the dollar, fall
ing in which, It said, the engineers
would have to ask a further Incrcnso
In wages. Tho memorandum asserted
that the spirit of unrest existing
among all clnsses, especially wage
earners, was duo "lrnlnly to the con
scienceless profiteering by the grent
interests who hnvo secured control of
all the necessaries of life." The en
gineers are wise enough to see and
to admit that increasing the wages
Is but temporary relief so long as
prices continue to soar."
Just before the engineers visited the
White House Democratic National
Chairman Cuminlngs reported to the
president on his political Inspection
trip over the country, telling Mr. Wil
son of the growing importance of ac
tion to reduce the cost of living. What
form that action will take, when It
comes, cannot bo conjectured even
from the fnct that official Investiga
tions of various kinds of alleged profi
teering are under way or proposed.
The Immediate result of all this was
a conference of cabinet members and
heads of bureaus called by Attorney
General Palmer for the purpose of
discussing the situation nod possible
remedies. The government will seok
to stop and punish profiteering, to de
termine the contributing causes for
high prices and to devise remedies for
immediate relief for the public.
Tho administration Is gravely con
cerned over the manifest discontent
of the American farmers, which comes
Just at a time when the official es
timates of the tuition's wheat crop
have had to be greatly reduced. The
farmers have been dissatisfied with
the system of grading fixed by tho bu
reau of markets of the department of
agriculture, nnd now, ns Chairman
Rnrncs of the government grnln cor
poration told the president, they nre
protesting ngalnst an order from the
corporation fixing a schedule of dis
counts for tho lower grades of wheat.
This, they assert, deprives them of un
unreasonably largo part of the guar
anteed price of $2,20 per bushel, the
amount received being In some In
stnnccs ns low ns $1.45 per bushel.
Tho Franco-American defense treaty
was submitted to the senate, and at
onco became a subject of debate in
the committee on foreign relations,
nlong with the pence treaty. President
Wilson, in asking Its approval said
ho considered the treaty with Ger
many nnd the covenant of the League
of Nations gave France full protec
tion, but that he had been moved to
the treuty by considerations of friend
ship nnd gratitude to France. Oppo
sition senators, protested that this
pact violated tlie constitutional right
of congress to make war, to which the
president's supporters had the obvious
retort thnt It created no precedent,
similar action having been taken In
numerous cases In tho past.
Tho foreign relntlons committee did
an unusunl If not unprecedented thing
In holding public hearings on the pence
treaty. Bernard Baruch was the first
witness nnd was questioned especially
regarding the reparation and other
finnnclnl clauses.
President Wilson postponed tho
start of his speaking tour of the coun
try probably until August 15, and con
tinued his efforts in Washington in
bchnlf of the peace treaty and league
covenant. He called In more senators
to conference, both Democrats nnd Re
publicans, and appealed for unquali
fied ratification of the treaty especial
ly on the ground thnt reservations or
nniendments would necessitate Its re
submission to Germany, which ho said
would be humiliating to us. To Sen
ator Fernald of Maine Mr. Wilson said
he had assumed there were nt least
sixty senators who would take a world
view of the situation.
"There are sixty men In tho United
States senate who take a world view'
of the situation," Senator Fernald re
plied. "Fortunately, they Include In
their view the best Interests of the
United Stntes of America."
Other senators told tho president
that while they recognized tho fact
thnt reservations would cause delay,
they considered the protection of
American Interests of grenter Impor
tance than speedy ratification. There
Is no doubt thnt both sides to the con
troversy would bo glnd to find some
dignified way out of It, but neither
seems to have made any converts. The
help which the administration expect
ed In the wny of a formal declaration
by Japan thnt It would restore Shan
tung to China was not forthcoming
nnd that grab clause remained a sore
Official dispatches from MnJ. J. O.
Green, director of the American re
lief administration's work in Turkey,
calls attention to tho imminent peril
of the remnlnder of the Armenian na
tion. The Turks have reorganized
their army and they and the Tatars
are advancing on the Armenians from
three sides, cutting them off from all
relief supplies and threatening their
extermination. Unless military pro
tection is afforded tho Armenians at
once, snys Major Green, the disaster
will be more terrible than the massa
cres In 1015. In Paris It Is said the
peace conference's hands nre tied un
til America decides whether or not It
will accept a mandate for Asia Minor.
Germnny's commissioners named to
attend to the delivery of live stock to
tho French nnd Belgians, and to the
transfer of the Snur coal mines has
arrived at Versailles and gone to work,
and In other respects the Germnns
seem to be trying reluctnntly to carry
out the provisions of the treaty. But
their army in Letvln remains obdurate
und General Von der Goltz nnd other
officers have become so Insolent In
their endenvors to prevent the Letts
from establishing n stnblo government
thnt tlio supreme council of the allies
has ordered the Immediate expulsion
of the German troops from Letvla.
Austria wns given until ono o'clock
In the nfternoon of August 0 to con
sider tho terms offered her. Her press
nnd public men have declared the
terms nro Impossible of acceptance,
and on Thursday It was announced
that tho cabinet, bended by Dr. Karl
Rentier, had decided to resign.
Though America was not at war
with Bulgaria, It was decided that It
should sign the treaty with that tuition
This treaty was complea-d with the
exception of some of the territorial
cluuses. All the Allies except Americn
wer,e In favor of awarding western
Thrace to Greece. Undersecretary of
State Polk, who hns taken Secretary
Lansing's plnce on the council, was
taking an nctive part In the discus
alon of this matter.
Commodities In First Class Condition
and to Go Below Prevailing Prices.
Retail In Lots Only.
Wnshlngton. In the face of grow
ing unrest over thc.hlgh.cost or living,,
tis Indicated by tho spreading &trlko of
railroad workers, nialiy government
ngeneles nro making stronuotij efforts
to effect n rcttirn to normal price
Immediate sale of all surplus food
stuffs purchased for the army, Instead
of only canned goods, was ordered by
the War department. Millions of
pounds of ments, beans, pumpkin,
squash and other commodities will be
offered to the public August 18,
through the parcel post system, Pur
chasers will have to paj' postage
charges from the place of storage.
The sale, tho War department said,
"will bo tho largest direct salt' to the
American people ever attempted." The
prices were stated to bo "materially
lower" than those prevailing In tho
commercial market and tho food was
described as being In excellent condi
tion. "All of tho commodities," the state
ment continues, "were government In
spected nnd prepnred In nccoulance-
witli nrmy specifications."
Tlio department said surplus prop
erty officers at Boston, New York, Bal
timore, Newport News, Atlantn, Chica
go, New oceans, Fort Sam Houston-,
LI Paso, Omaha nnd Snn Francisco
had been dlrecvcd to mnke the sales.
About thirty carloads Of foodstuff
Is now stored at thu quartermaster's
depot at Omaha, the supply being one
of the lnrgest In the country. New
York Is reported to have only fifteen
Provision Is mndo for meeting the
flemnnd In towns where the chnrtcr re
strictions prevent the purchnse In the
manner prescribed by the war depart
ment. In such cases the mayor or
some commission mny act ns the
Instead of car load lots of 30,000
pounds, snles may be mndo In ns smnll
lots as n single ense or enrton. The
piices quoted to municipalities are tho
basic price of the department in offer
ing the commodities for sale through
the parcel post.
Prices for tho food were quoted as
follows :
Meats: Corned beef, No. 1 can, 30c;
No. 2 can, 58c ; C pounds enn, $2. Roast
beef, No. 1 can, 20c; 1-pound can, -tic;
2-pouiul can, GOc; G-pounds can, .$2.20.
Corn beef hash, 1-pound can, 23c; 2
pound enn, 40c. Bncon In crates, 34e
per pound; In 12-pound tins, 3Gc per
Vegetables : Baked beans, No. 1 cnnr
7c; No. 2 enn, 18c; No. 3, 18c. String
less beans, No. 2 can, 11c; No. 10 enn,
48c. Corn, No. 2 can, 12c. Peas, No.
2 can, 11c. Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 11c;
No. 24 can, 13c; No. 3 can, 15c; No.
10 enn, 45c. Pumpkin, No. 2 can, 0c;
No. 3 can, 9c ; No. 10 cau, 21c. Squash,
No. 2 can, 0c.
The numbers of enns available for
sale in each commodity range from
22,030,235 of the No. 3 cans of to
matoes to 1,025 cans No. 10 size of
pumpkins. Tho lnrgest amounts oth
erwise nre 15,000,000 No. 1 cans and
19,000,000 No. 2 cans of corned beef,
12,000,000 each of the 1 and 2-pound
cans of roust beef, 11,000,000 each of
tho and 2-pound cans of corned beef
hash, 13,000,000 cans No. 3 size baked
beans, 18,000,000 No. 2 cans of corn,
10,000,000 pounds of crated bacon, and
G.000,000 of bacon In 12-pounds tins.
Bomb Outrage In West.
Los Angeles, Cnl. Revenge for the
pnrt he played In the prosecution of a
group of dynamiters in the middle
west several years ngo was assigned
by the police here ns the probable
motive for nn ntttempt on the life of
Oscar Lawler, former nsslstnnt attor
ney general of the United Stntes. Mr.
Lawler's homo wns practically destroy
ed by a bomb and subsequent fire, and
ho and Mrs. Lawler both seriously
burned and otherwise Injured. The
Lawler home wns n large brick and
frame structure In the fashionable
WHshlre district, in the west part of
the city.
Nebraska 14th to Ratify.
Lincoln, Neb. Both houses of the
Nebraska, legislature unanimously rat
ified the proposed amendment to the
federal constitution, giving the women
of the country full nuffrage. This
action makes Nebraska the 14th state
to ratify the amendment.
Beer Proves Unpopular.
New York. Declaring thnt the pub-'
lie did notenre for the brand of beer
permitted under wartime prohibition,
155 New York liquor dealers have sur
rendered their licenses.
South Welcomes Negroes.
Nashville, Tenn. 'Come bnck home"
Is tho word Tennessee sends to friend
les negroes fleeing from Chlcngo be
cause of race riots. Gov. Roberts said
the negroes will bo welcomed bnck by
217 Americans Slain In Mexico.
Washington, D. C Two hundred
nnd seventeen American citizens have
been killed in Mexico since the end of
tho regliuo of Porlltio Din?! on Mny
25, 1011, the sennte wus Informed by
Secretary Ijinslng.