M ortlt THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 8, 1919. No. 60 PASSENGER AIRPLANE IS NOW STOPPING IN THE CIT1' The first air craft to arrive In North Platto on Its own power, reached hore at, noon yesterday, coming from Lin coln in charge of two young aviators who had been In the government air service These young men are E. L. Slonlger and H. E. Gleason, tho form er acting as pilot and tho latter aa mechanician, although the latter Is al so an experienced air man. Theso aviators selected tho govern ment aviation field east of tho North river bridge as their flight ground. Tho piano encircled tho city early, In tho afternoon at a height of about 1200 feet, and this was tho first In timation of Its presence. It was Im LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ed Reynolds, of Edwards-Reynolds Co., ib spending this week with frlcntta In Ik'aver City. Kodaks and films at the Rcxall. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Morey leavo to morrow for Idaho Springs, whoro thoy will spond two woeks. ' Mrs. Edward Park, of Peoria, is vis iting her sister Mrs. B. B. Baker, hav ing arrived yestordny. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Johnson returned Wednesday from an uuto trip to Den ver and other Colorado points. W. V. Hoagland and family returned home yesterday from an extended auto trip In Estes Park and points in Col- FRANK GESSEL DROWNS IN THE PRESIDENT IS ASTOUNDED THE SCOTT SWIMMING POOI . AT ROBBING OF THE PEOPLE Frank Qossel. nsied twcnty-eichtJ i Washington, August 7. With oil of employed as a locomotive fireman, wns, Qio law-enforcement machinery i.t tho (5 drowned yesterday afternoon at the. Rovornment at work proparlng crlml Scott swimming pool at tho south i Iv or ffrldgo Gesscl, who was an oxpert swimmer, had been in tho water for some time, and had tnvum across tho mediately noised about that tho Diane i orai'0- camo hero as a commercial venture! A. P. Whlto and Joo Fllllon roturnud and that passengers would be carried Wednesday from nn auto trip to Ien- nt tho rate of $15 per flight of fifteen ver, Colorado Springs und Estes 1 arv, nilnutes duration, and immediately tho flight field was the mecca for a number of our people who not only wanted to see the plane but to enjoy a ride. Flvo trips were made during nal prosecution of tho "big five" pack ers and all food hoarders, Prosidont Wilson this afternoon line d up tho gtovornmental forces for tho uoxt stop pool sovoral times.. On his return tho to rorco down tho cost of living. Tho last time across ho cried out that ho president presided over a conference had been seized with cranina. A! of the various cabinet offlcorB and do- young boy near him who had a stick In! partraont chiefs nt which tho ontlro his hand extended It toward Goasol. who took hold of It, but ho cither ro lcaacd his hold or tho stick was brok en. Guard Jones was on tho ground, but before Gessel could be reached he sank beneath the water. Fearing that Goss.il might drown and that a physi cian would bo needed ono of tho bath ers Jumped Into an, auto, drove to town and home by the way of Laramie and Choyenno. Miss Laura Murray returned Wed' ne8dayq from the University of Chi cago where she had boon taking a, ii . . . r j i..Af r ...... ' tho afternoon. Those who made the special course of instruction for acv son, Dr. W. T. Pritchard, Matt Slias and Andy Scharmann. Tho plone Is well handled by the pilot and it certainly sails gracefully through tho air. It Is tho intention cf tho aviators to remain In town over Sunday and will .carry passengers each day If the air conditions aro right. ' ::o:: Burglars Frightened Awny. E. R. Goodman In putting up his car "Wednesday night noticed a car stand ing In tho alley with a man at the whoel. Mr. Goodman asked the fellow If he was in trouble, to which ho re plied that ho was not, that ho was waiting for a man. In tho meantime Mrs. Goodman had ascended the front stops, and as she did so a man ran from cover at the dark sldo of tho Iioubo. Undoubtedly It was tho In tention to break Into the Goodman liouse. ; -q; ; T. C. Patterson Doing Nicely. Word cf T. C. Patterson Is that he Is dolns nicely. Ho left the hosDital about a week ago, Is at a convales-', cent hotel, and expects to soon re ceive his discharge. However, ho will rmatn at Rochester until he regains Ills strength, a period which is of course Indefinite. ::o::- Tho best waists for women made In America to sell at $1, $1.50 and $2.50 aro to bo found at The Leader Mer cantile Co.'s. , , ' . S. H. Comlskey was the guest of Julius Pizcr yesterday while enronte from the east to his home In Choyenno. To' closo out wo tell all tho little suit-? at 20 per cent off tho former low prices. Buy now for futuro needs at' Tho Leader Mercantile Co. s. Mcsdames Guy Popejoy, Harry Cra mer and H. E. Mitchell will entertain at a luncheon at the Union Pacific din ing hall today complimentary to Mrs. Ralph Smith, who leaves for Idaho tonight. So far as can be learned tho corn crop prospects In every portion of Lincoln county Is away above normal tho best prospects W6 have had In ten or more years During the past week rain has fallen In all parts of the county. Tho earler planted com Is now in tho roasting ear stage. Exclusive agency for the Hartman wardrobe trunks. The best that's made. Tho Leader Mercantile Co. The race track at the city park is being rebuilt, raised several Inches 'and the turns built up and given the firoper slope. It will require pretty Ivoly work to get the track worked down for the fall races, but the fair officials aro confident that it will be in ship shape by that time. 1 No ball game is scheduled for noxt Sunday; In fact It Is doubtful if ve will have any nioro games other than by tca ns, of tho church league. The money raised by subscription has been exhausted, the greater part of which went toward preparing the grounds nt the city., park, However, the church league teams aro playing very' good ball they, aro fast enough to satisfy the average fan and tho admission is free. subject was discussed. This after noon's couforonco was preliminary to, tllo president's appearance before con gress tomorrow afternoon. j Administration officials wcro re sponsible for tho statement that "tho pjoaldont was astounded" at tho fig-' uros already presented to him show-! Ing how ,tho public Is being gouged In l secured Dr. Kefr. and when tho latter I tho prices of food and clothlnir. Ho' arrived tho body had been taken ro'.u;ia"s directed that every agency of the I tho water after lying on tho bottom of; government dovoto all of Its efforts tho Jako but a short time somj any, to restoring Bano prices and nominal not more than five minutes. Tho pal- prosecutions already forecast aro to mometer was applied, but all efforts bd carried Into localities where pro at rccossltatlon woro fruitless. j flteorlng is taking place, according to Tho deceased was a nephew of Mrs. Attornoy General Palmor. i A. W. McKeown, a splendid young' President Wilson had his address to man of clean habits and well thoaght coperess containing his recommonda of by all who knew him. Ho returned tldns for necessary remedial leglsla from army servico about two months iion practically prepared. But thoro ago. -wdre Bonio points upon which ho had ::o:: 'not yet tnndo up his mind and he Robbery Occurs Yesterday. wanted tho advico of men who have An outfit car standing near tho old been probing tho situation before com rouui.houso and occupied by Union pletlng the document. Pacific employes was broken Into yes- It was intimated that certain of tho torday afternoon and two suits of suggestions would bo vory radical and clothes, a valise and other nrtlcles cortaln to meet with sharp opposition taken. The robbery was not dlscovor- ln certain legislative quarters. Tho ed uor reported until several hours greatest possible secrecy jvas thrown naa eiapsea ana uio mier una mnue around tho message. his g-etaway without leaving a clow, o: ::o: Additional Precautions nt Pool. Tho Welfare Board held a meeting' S0ld his north hills ranch to John P, T?nWTif Trim! TlOnla Tho first of tho week Clarence Moore last eveplng to Investigate tho drown ing which occurred nt the lake yester Primrose, of Sutherland. This ranch contains 3,000 acres and the consld- AI1 Roads Mny bo Tied Up With 2,000,000 mombors of various railroad omploycs' brothorhoods united In demands on tho government for 'in creased wages or cut in cost of living, 450.000 mombors of brothorhoods of j cents, ireigm unuuiers, express nnu bthor employes begin voting today on question of immediate strike. Virtually all railroads in tho west nro ordered to accept freight subject to delay on account of spreading strlko of Federated Railway Shopmen. Pres ident of tho union predicts traffic will bo discontinued in three days. With n gonoral strlko of Donvor shopmen scheduled for 10 o'clock Fri day morning, 800 omploycs of tho Un ion Pacific road boat tho ordor by walking out of tho company's shops at Fortieth nvenuo and Williams street at 9:45 Thursday morning. Co-operation botwoen tho four great brothorhoods engineers, firomon, con ductors and trainmen for tho first time several years ago proved tho power of united action In passago of tho Adamson act. - Tho present situation wns said to bo similar, but Inflnltoly moro danger ous. Not only aro tho four brother hoods Involved, but all tho other un ions also which have to deal with tho malntonnnco of oqulpmont and tho moving of trains. Seeks n Divorce ' Emma Padgett has filed hor petition In tho district court asking for a di vorce from hor husband Lorou Pad gett. Tho plaintiff recites that they woro married In Lexington In Decem ber, 191?. that hor husband ontored tho military servico In April, 1918, and was discharged last April; that slnco his nlschargo ho has refused to rosumo his marital relationship and has told hor that ho will never llvo with hor again and that ho refuses to contrib ute to hor support Tho defendant, sho furthor nvors, Is living with his paronts at Wollfloot. ::o::- -::o: day afternoon, and to throw about the oration was $33,000 I t Jill 1 1 V 1 ' pool additional safeguards, it was decided by the board to ropo off the deepest portion of tho pool and pro hibit nn entrance thereto. DIG DANCE Hcrslioy Neb., Friday Evening, August 8(h. Tickets $1.00, plus war tax- W. H. Jenkins bought of John Fow- !or 'section 1-12-32, lying southeast of Hetghey. Tho consideration was $9,300, or $14.00 per ncre. Fred and Ed. Hcln bought of Peter, Jepsen tho NW& of section 23-13-32, south of Hershey and the consideration! was $70.00 per acre. W. R. Brooks, tho local rea estate man, handled the two' attcr deals. Hcrslioy Times.. First Lutheran Church. Morning worship 8:30 o'clock, spe- Jack Husband left today for Schuy- clal sermon. Sunday school at ono ler und Omaha, whoro ho will visit o'clock. REV. C, F. KOCH, Pastor, j relatives for sovoral days. ::o:: Thurston Woodhurst left this morn- Mrs. R. A. Garman left Wednesday . lnsrif or Kearney whore ho will snond night for oi woek's. visit wltlu relatlves Bungalow aprons on sale at 95c, $1.19, $1.45 and up' Mercantile Co.'s. a wjjpk visiting Mr .and Mrs. Tolof ('sen, and his brother Shcrwbod. M. J. Forbes has returned from'tb? at Tho Leader east where ho went to buy furnlturo for t'ie Derryberrv & Forbes store. Hcrslioy News. (From Tho Times.) Mrs. D. O. Lowry and Mrs. H. P. Callaway purchased tho Montgomery tostaurant tho first of tho weok. Mrs. J. TL Malfly will have charge. A card recolved by H. Y. Brewer stated that his son Fay, who has boon with tho army of occupation 'in Ger many, had landed at Newport News on tho third. Little Dorothea Moore, who recent ly had hor arm broken and re-set, was brought homo from the hospital at North Platto tho first of the week and Is .lotting along nicely. Ed Waro, of Choyenno, returned homo Sunday after a week's visit with HorBhey relatives. Ed has sold his homostead north of Cheyenne and ex pects to move t Hershey soon to make his homo. G. L. Mudd and family returned this morning from a month's sojourn in tho mountains. They visited Denver, Eldorado City, Manltou and other cit ies during their trio and had a vory enjoyable trip. ::o:: Church of Our Saviour Eniscoiml. Older of dlvlno services for noxt Sunday. Holv communion 7:30 a. m. 4 Sunday school 9:45 a', m. Morning prayer and. sermon 11 a. m Sunday school on north sldo 3 p m. R. O. MACKINTOSH. Rector. All tho summer wash dresses now. on salo at 20 per cent oft tho former low prlcos at The Leader Mercantile 1 Co.'s AT THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY "Blackie's Redemption" STARRING ,f BERT LYTLE AND Fatty Arbuckle Comedy, a SATURDAY "Pretty Smooth" STARRING PRISCILLA DEAN AND A 2 REEL Fatty Arbuckle Comedy. ; MATINEE AT 1:15 MONDAY BABY MARIE OSBORNE STARRING IN "The Sawdust Doll" AND "LIGHTNING RAIDER" WITH Pearl Whif . , 01 The Droppin Nickel on Plush Sofa Should be enough noise to cause you to read every word of this ad. IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU. c' You should have the H. & S. Bulletin in your possession now which contains a plat and price list.: good . for sixty clays only, from August 15th. ; FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th, THE BIG DAY 1 Because we are giving TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT on the first ten lots sold when sale opens and a 5 per cent discount on all lots sold on August 15th, providing your contract is signed and money paid downjg before 9:00 o clock P. M. of August 15th. The sale opens at 8:00 o clock in the morning and closes at 9:00 o'clock P. M. of the same day. Positively none of the above discounts allowed after 9:00 o'clock P. M. Come or phone our offices. We have automobiles in waiting. You will have to be prompt. First come first served. Money down and the signed contracts count. These lots will be worth three times the present price in August, 1920. Remember the improvements -city water, electric lights, sidewalks and crosswalks. JNo homes that cost less than $z5UU. The H. 8c S. Ad dition, The Ideal Home Addition, that is high, dry and lies as nice as God could make it. If you haven't got our August 1st Bulletin, please get one at our office at once lor particulars regarding prices and terms. Each .J lot will contain a sign giving the lot and block. Remember the lop number will designate the lot, the lower number the block. Call on or Phone . H. & S. AGENCY Phone Red or Black 612. Brodbeck Building. North Platte, Nebraska, l J. C. HOLLMAN, Legal Dept., Rs Phone Red 384. J. E. SEBASTIAN, Manager, Res Phone Red 348. C. F. TEMPLE, Real Estate Salesman, Res. Phone Red 681