The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1919, Image 8

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    gcntf3BBeebhi Srtbuite.
IRA L BARE, Editor nnd Publisher
uno lcar uy Ainu, in nurnnco.. , beefsteak In North Platto and the Pa
Ono Tear by Carrier, In advance, $2.00 , ciflc conat, -vcll Brother Koch does
Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska1 not 'avo to B B
Poatofflco as Second Class Matter. , only to go as far as Lincoln or Gnu d
nif TH1VRU lUfU'l'H IIP VOnil
Wage increase demands, to meet tho
elghty-five per cent rtse in tho cost of
llvlnr. In llio nnd vonr nrn l.nw mnrln
by six hundred and ninety thousand
ra lroad employes, tcprosontlng tho
four big brotherhoods. It is stated that
tho number of workers to bo effected
will reach tho million mark.
Tho workers not only will demand
an increase in their pay ranging from
twcnty-flvo to forty-five per cent, but
will also ask for time and a half for
overtime. This ultimatum has boon
presented to Director Hlncs, of the
railroad administration. It demands
that tho government take some immed-
iato action to reduce tho cost of living
or to meet tho railroad employes'
wage Increase demand. Tho govern-
mont will have ono month in which to
Hlncs refused to make any
mont regarding tho attitude of the
railroad men. Tho government has
l,nnn 41. I .tH,1 ....
and has boon making some investlga-
tlons of tho cost of living as a con-1
Aro Firm In Slnnd.
Practically all of tho four brother- iaiB0, 8WUC "l8 ' l"r " l"l " Vn
hood leaders havn been Interviewed own homo town. N orth Pint to has lmn
rolatlvo to demands tholr rospoctivo lreds of good citizens, a mayor who
branches of employes wore making. aPPcars to try to give us a good city
Some predicted that unless tho gov- government and also tends to hife own
ornment takes somo prompt action business and our council appearS to be
that rovwlution would follow, as other dP.,nS ? and tno P1Ico and th
workors in al lines v,ould take up the, c ty offHsiala . as good as any other
cry city of Its calibre In the state.
It was pointed out that, while tho! Why condemn harmlcsa amuso
rallroad men have received consldor- mcnta Bch as playing cards for n llt
ablo Increaso In their pay during tho u candy or tobacco or a same of
past two years, costs of living havo P. and undoratand tho wrltor dooj
doubled and nono of tho railroad cm-' neither) and object to a bunch of
ployos aro getting rich by their boosts ' singing and dancing girls appearing
In pay. Only tho food profiteers woro
benefited by tholr increase In pay, is
the way ono spokesman put It.
What They Wnnt. '
In tho ovont tho cost of living is
not reduced tho trainmen want a flat
Increase In pay amounting to forty-
flvo per cent of tho proscnt scalo. The
shop Workers will bo satisfied with
twintv.flvi nnr ennt tinronan nni
llmo and a half for overtime. Loco-,
Tn rt 1 vr nnfvlriAAra nnrt flrntnnTi will 1
meet today and determine their needs.
Votes havo boon taken on the pro
posed movement, which, it is admit
ted, has been considered for somo
tlmo. On three previous occasions n
strike was In prospect, but tho gov
orment was given additional timo In
which to fight tho food profiteer.
Tho brotherhood presidents say. that
inero is no possibility or a compromise
In this Instance, thnt tho men are de-
tormlned to got somo action. It is ad-1
mlttcd that substantial Increases in
pay nave uccn recircu uunng tne
past few months, but thnt in each In-,
Bianco tno roou prices woro ngninjBomo of our road a little sticky and
Doostca out ot roacn ot tno pay on-
velopos. i
Tho only ono uonoilitlng by in- two cars got stuck In tho mud nnd be
creases in pay givdn tho railroad cm- foro they could extricate themselves
ployes aro food profiteers," stated ono thoro woro eighteen more cars stall-
chairman. Ho a,lso said that the same
Was truo and would npply to nil class
es of labor, regardless of what In
crease In pay Uioy might haVo receiv
ed. Ho predicted a rovolt unless con
ditions woro changed.
Ki".UIHI Hliopmun OH StrlKO -
A dispatch from Chicago says: Moroiima got down from tho load to lash
timn i&u.uuu rnuway snopmen of tne
country aro Idlo as a result of tho i
strike called by, tho Federated Rail
way Shopmen's union, union officials
of tho organization said last night. I
with tho strlko spreading and no Indi
cation c1 an Immediate settlement In
Tho men arc out to remain on strike
until their demands for 85 cents an
hour for machinists and GO cents for
helpers nro granted, John D. Saunders,
secretary, said.
The Women's Missionary Society of
tho Methodist church wlll hold their
tinnunl baskot picnic at tho city park
Friday afternoon. All mombors and
frlonds aro cordially Invited. Cars
wlll bo at tho church to convoy all
thbae wishing to attend.
m Model No. 10
Single Tub
it i
Washer witli
Tlilt Model offer the
houiewife the wlrintiiKr
ot the moTtble ewlujlni
wringer without tin
bench equipment of other
model. Wuher tab b
exactly the lima that
uied on otlirr nioJol
all modern iraprote
tnenta, Klectrio motor U
troutleproof will not
urn out," Wringer
winea to any nnaltlan ami
liaa Saretr Qalck Itolcau
feature. Tub la equlppnl
Tilth " apeelal adjuatablo
eaitera which permit
ralilm; or lowering
an? poaltlon.
??'l'ii-.t;'. r;iV:'i'-wifii-l ti.- n
A Watihor thnt that Will suit van
Monday. A Washer that Is famous
Washer mado for
Witt (M -Twashor
ITa K.T1 !
uuravio. waBhoo and wrings uy power. 4 great models
nttnahoa to any electric light socket guaranteed.
Two Ynlunblo Books FREE
Correspondent Mixes His Pickles.
Editor Trlbuno: In o rocont Issue
of your paper thoro appeared a com
munication from Rov. Koch wanting
i! nl. X w vlhrJ to
nm lifitttrnnti Mm Trlnn tt Ollfrni' find
IHlUIlfl UJ UIIU U1CUI1 III iuafcttuiuuva
selling for thirty-five cents which '
I would be at least fifty cenf.8 horo andi
ico cream sundaes there In tnoso cmos
..iti , .1 mi.n
r uiuvuu tu.iio m.
r. n .i A ,1lat nt.,1 la Mm WnV wltfl
, ;
JJg SfeSSg it o sily
"afl 10 WO Can explain 11 rilBliy
"u """'" i" J" ""il VninTt o
10 wl 8? " bJ,?MI & JLnA Ul
trBh of w" h a II four feet.
Wc B0f?'fbytlai , t,
naPr' "' "A'fi r
"uperc,cdnra yp?nL w ZJZm
on In N?,r"LPjH"e' ,VthJ
that our city was so wicked that the
court house lovj ' B "r-
F,1)ly boa,tcn- T,,,c nT? 2
,,y n maiT y f r. v? 0'hS
w "r r,i ,1 m
nftcr a- !c! rB(),alB", Lo1"
sa,"i , Uor lmtMl ?nrcalty W,?rn8
wJd that our neighbors would boy-
cott us- yct lhon? ftw,flBS ?, ?i th?
races theso people tllsregardcv the
state-'odltors r Slfhc?,a"d H,.MS;
P.aPr8' ?r CJ,8 "loy.d'd" .1?
",c" ,u,u "u " ' u"'.r'li uu," Zl
and boat bunch of vcop o In our cl y
) JnfSlJL0
'Shamo on an editor who will, heap
at our theatres und then turn round
and endorsb the swimming poot out
f outi of town. In our humblo opinion
11 8 a Por Pco for our glrlB and a
Slrl must havo as much cheek as a
m"10 to, don, one of those bath ng
8ul.tH and B In beforo a crowd at that
8W,in,mlng P B"t, Vicn maybe-:
Th. summing girl is very proud
Of What S SllO got
T"at's why wo see so much ot her
""i-" "'
llershcy News
(From tho Timos.)
Henry Frels, on the south table,
finished threshing yostorday. Ills
average on his wheat wlll bo closo to
fifteen bushels Der acre. This Is not
n bad yield when it Is considered that
Mr. Frol'a crop suffered material dam
ago from hall.
To Bhow the approximate, amount
0f travel on tho Lincoln Highway we
noto this little Incident. The heavy
ran of last night and today mado
the Lincoln Highway Is no exception
At tho Geo. White place, west of town,
ed behind them
A young man by the name of Wil
liams was repo.ted killed on tho old
Stobblns ranch southwest of Hershoy
last Thursday. As wo got tho par
tlculars, ho was driving a team of
titulna liltoliojl in n lnml nt linv. Tho
mnlnn wnrn rntlinr lmllcv nnd Wll-
thorn. They started up tho load with
a Jerk nnd tho doublo-treo broke
striking him in tho stomach, killing
him almost instantly. Ho had been
working thoro but a short tlmo nnd
was not very well known, although
later reports stato mat no was a
brother of Charley Williams who re
sldod In Horshoy about a year ago.
Estray Notice.
Takon up by, tho undersigned on
section 23-13-30 who thero resides,
on or about April 15, 1919, a black
horso, wolgttt about 1000 pounds
about ton years old, no brands dis
tinguishable. Owner call, prove
property, pay charges and take ani
North Platte, Nob,
Phono 78GF11 53-12
Ltic World-Famous
Fbrffiial iv
t mr Tin. ir
hnnnunn KO.OOO HmiswIvflB una it nvarv
for what It DOES. Thoro Is no better
your sorvlce. It is simple, strong and
Two complete books ot formulas on
washing nnd dry cleaning. Call and
get theso.
111 ascEN.
July 31, 1919.
Board mat pursuant to adjourn-
ment. ProMnt Kooh, Hormlnghauson '
Claims wore allowed as follows:
A. J. Salisbury, July salary, $145.80.1
Tim Sutton, July salary, J100.00,
L. A. Cambrel, July salary, $7t$.O0,
Esslo Wossburg, July salary, ?75,00.
A. S Allen, July Balary, ?lG6.(iG.
Alioen Cochran, July salary, $175V00.
Anna Andorson, caro of Bmmo -An-,
derson. 335,00,
Faye Elder, salary for July, $65.00,
Ailecn Cochran, office expenses,
$35.GC. I
A. S. Allen, office expenses, JU.GG.'call
0Vla n,i mtlnncrn
S. J,
E H. Springer, sorvlces and mile
age, $195.30.
F. W. Ilermlnghnuson, services and
mllgngc, $170.00.
N Elda Beal, clerk county Judge's of
fice $147.20.
Jorgcn Rosson, road work, $16.00.
Soren Rossen, road work, $16.00.
Commenced checking books of the
county treusurer.
Adjourned, to August 1st.
Wallnce NMvs
(Condensed from tho Winner.)
Passing engines net out fires west of the tlm(, Hmlted for presentation and
Wallace last week and sixteen stacks nllnR of clalms aBalnst 8ald e3tate is
of grata and many stacks of hay nnd Noveraber 20th, 1919, apd for settle
alfalfa were burned. 'ment of sald estate la July 17th 192o;
Howe & Fear, who own the electric tl)at x wlll glt at the C0Unty court room
light plant, will add heavier equip- ,n sald county, on August 20th, 1919.
ment, nnd Uius give greater and better ot 9 0.clock m and on November
sorvlce. The present demand for oquj 1919 at 9 o'clock a m to re
light and power exceeds the capacity ewamIn(V hcar( allow, 'or ad-
of i.h0 V. . ... 1 Just all claims " and objections duly
Tho Walter Tucker section of land
has been sold to C. Cordlco for a con-j (SBAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST,
Blderatlon of $10,000. j22al5 County Judge.
Dn Cul unit nltfn.l Nnm 'Jnnl "
and wlll remain for several months
looking after his real estate Interests.
Tho Wallace ball team will play
Sutherland August 10th,. Hershey
August 17th and Paxton August 24th,
all three games on the Wallace
Mrs. Joseph Stewart, formerly of
Wallace, but now living at Paxton,
was run over by nn automobllo and
badly bruised.
: :o: :
Estrny Notice.
Estrayed from pasture 12 miles
southeast of Hershey on or about.
June 1st, two mare mules coming 3
year old, dark brown in color. Reward i
for Information leading to recovery.
Andy Olson, North Platte, Phone ty, Iowa, that said last will and testa
780F11. 'ment was duly probated In the probate
Announces his discharge from mlllt- described real estate in Lincoln Coun
ary service and tho establishment of ty, Nebraska- to-wlt: The NM: of Sec-
nia ouice over nirscnieia s inotmng
Phones: Office 333. Res. Red 856.1
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Rcxnll Drag Store
Office Phone 371. House 10Gg
Notice For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, duly appointed as a build
ing committee, for the construction of
a sen ool house in School District No,
8, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, will j
receive seaiea uias ror tne construction'
ot a scnooi house m saw school i
DUtrlct up to noon of the first day Prbbate Court of Pottawattamie Coun
of September, 1919, at the office of tv. Iowa, and that said will be admit-
Beeler & Crosby, Attorneys, North I
Platte, Nebraska. Pans and specifica-
Hons are with Mr. A. E. Holtgren, 1
Herchey, Nebraska, and may bo
amlned there
A certified chock In the sum o
three hundred and 000-100 ($300 00)
dollars, payablo to the treasurer of.ty Court on tho 15th day of August,
bcuooi uistrict no. s, in Lincoln
county. Nebraska, must accompany
tho bids.
The undersigned reserve the right
to roject any aud all bids.
J 31-A28.
Notice to Property Owners.
Council of tho cltv of North PHttn
.rU"." 1,10 ?ll. I WOrin 1 lattO,
U"US'. kV .W 11 ? a
uuuiij ol ciiuuiizuioin ueginninR at
m. t o ..!!, .i "br...
A..n..,f mm m... it.
nuuaing in the city of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, for the
purpose of levying on the real estate
iviiL nn.i ini,,n. wiM,i n, nvr.u
..0 ......... ..u uvvuciuil
of Sower District "B ' and "D", taxes
ror tne purposo of paying tho cost of,"' rin, , TrV V
tho MnntrnoHn,, nf nn .Yl.n.lnn tiffs' title to tllO NEVl Of Section 18,
lateral sower In said sower districts
"B" and "D" nnd that tho said taxes
wlll bo levied upon ench parcel of
ii vamiu uwuiuuii; iu iuu U.MUUI anu
of benofita tn rupIi nmnnrtv. iv
KAnl AD.n.A n n h .) 1 A. .1.. 1 A .
- -.u-w.T' J J . V,..UI
ot mo construction oi saiu extension
to nam ia.toral sowor, and if the said
,. . n . . . .
council shall find such benefits to bo
equal and uniform such levy of taxes
will be according to the front foot of
tho lots of real estato within said
extensions to Sower Districts "B" and
"D" according to such other rules as
tho City Council sitting as such Board
of Equalization may adopt for tho dls
trlbutlon or adjustment ot such costs.
All porsons Interested will fllo their
objections, If any thoy havo, to the
assessing of taxes against tholr pro
perty on or. boforo tho 5th day of
August, 1919, at 8 o'clock p. m. with
City Clerk.
By order of tho Mayor and City
O. E. ELDER, City Clork.
July 25
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 1670 of J. C. Pennington,
doceasod in the county court ot Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho stato of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested in said ostato tnko notico
that a petition has been filed for tho
appointment of Harloy, L. Penning
ton as administrator of said ostato,
which has boon sot for hearing heroin
on August 22d, 1919, at 10 o'clock n. m
Dated July 25th, 1919.
J29-3w County Judgo.
We, the undersigned dohtlsts of
North Platto, will close oftr offices
every Thursday afternoon until Oc-
tober 1st, 1019.
Physichuu, Obstotrletan
Surccon. X-Kay
s Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phone Office 012 Residence 07G
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Uny phono II
Night phono Black 588
Notice to Creditors
Esta.e No. 1667 of Cyrus C. Parsons,
deceased, In the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Credit
ors of said estate will take notice that
"Notice of Ilcnrlng.
In tho matter of the estate of Charles
Spies, deceased, in the County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Lin
coln, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Charles Spies, deceased, both
creditors and heirs, take notice that
on the day of July, 1919, Amelia
M. Spies, filed her petition In the
County Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, setting forth that Charles Spies
died on the 22nd day of December,
1899, leaving bis last Will and Testa-
ment, that at the time of his death, he
was a resident and Inhabitant of
Council Bluffs, Pottawattamlo Coun-
.Court of Pottawattamie County, Iowa,
'and was possessed of the following
tion n, 'lownsuip 10, xiango zo esi
lot the Gth P. M.; that Amelia M.
Spies Is the sole beneficiary under
1 the last will and testament of Charles
Spies, decased, which said wlll was
admitted to probate In the District
Court of Pottawattamie County, Iowa,
on the 2Gth day of Februrary, 1900,
and duly probated In said court.
You are further notified thit the
petition prays tho court to1 fix a time
and place of hearing on said petition,
.that notice of said timfj and place be
given to all persons Interested in said
estates- both creditors and helrj and
for the court to determine tho time of
tho death of the said deceased, that
he died testate leaving a last will and
testament, was dulv Drobated in the
ted to nrobate in Llncon Countv. Ne-
braska; that under said will tho title
to the above described land descended
ex-'free and clear of all debts to the petl
You are further nptlfled that said
matter will bo heard before the Coun-
1919, at 9 o'clock a. mi, when any
person mav appear, object or contest
said petition.
County Judce
Notice to Non-Rcsldent Defendants.
Mnry Ann Craig, Valley Loan &
Trust Company, and tho Northeast
Quarter of Section 18, Township 13,
Range 32 west of tho Gth P. M. Lin-
coin County. Nebraska, and all per
sons claiming any interest of any kind
1 in said real estate or any part thereof,
'wH1 hereby take notice that Wesley
W, ,, T-t,n T Wnlllirnn. nlnfn-
tVff in a cortain act onf wherein the
v., , Vr, it, t
said We3ley T. Wilcox and John J.
Halllgan are plaintiffs and you and
""r,!," i ntaf rYnV r,,V ni u o
?f.t.ltlSn..,n. . 1?I?t?, Co"r ot.
XOlll UUUlUlUa 1lQUlVl 111 -Vl-4VA tut
coin County, Nebraska, agalnBt you
, . .1 I
u"u Uluu'" uujcti. aim vw
i Township 13, Raugo 32 west of the
cth . P- M .ln..yncoIn Cunty' T
! orasica. riainuns seeK to nave ineir
Til II. Illlll' It'll IlLIillllHl. 1L UL'lLULIl 1I1U1LU
I 1. V j j 1
Use upon tho abovo described real
1 . -
i UDl"vu y v.
nnuor ",m wuc lo l" AA,"UU'" iU-
troatmnnt Pntiinnnv nn .Tulv 1 Jtt, 1SS!)
which mortgage is recorded In book
9 of mortgages pago 320 of the real
estate records of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, which mortgage was after
wards assigned to the dofendant,
Mary Ann Craig, which said assign
mont is filed of record in book 27,
pago 575 real tstate records of Lin
coin County, Nebraska. Plaintiffs al
lege that said mortgago has ben paid
nnd that tho same Is barrod by the
Statutes of Limitations of tho Stato of
Nebraska, plaintiffs also seek to quiet
their title against tho claim at Valley
Loan & Trust Company under a war
ranty deed executed by Samuel Corn
mosser and wlfo dated Dccomber 19
1892 and recorded In book "L" of
deeds pago 4G1 real ostate records of
Lincoln County, Nebraska; plaintiffs
also alleged that thoy havo acquired a
now Independent tltlo to said real
estato by adverse possession.
You aro further notified that unless
you answor said potitlon on our bo
foro tho 2nd day of September, 1919
judgment will bo ronderod against
HALLIGAN, Plaintiffs.
By Halllgan, Beatty & Halllgan, their
July 22 A 15.
See "Clinton & Son'
ii nut your Eyes and
satisfied. Son 1st nvir an
the Rlilno, will be homo soon. Sign ot
t.hs HIk Rin.
Sudclul Attention Given to
McDonald Dank Building
Office Thono 8.1 Residence 39
, Practice Limited to- '
SwrKerj- and lladluiu Theiup)
728 City -National Bank Building.
OmoJta, Nebraska.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
North Platto, Ncbr.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and , Obstetrical Cases. A place
whero tho sick aro cared for bo as to
bring about normal conditions In the
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phono 110. North Fldtte, Neb.
Office oyer McDonald Bank.
Office Phone 1136 Ros. Phone 1120
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
Graduate Veterinarian
EUht years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
ono-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Taxi and Liyery
Phone 909. Black 398
Notice-of Petition.
Estate No. 1682 of Gust Katsanos,
deceased In the county court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska,, to all persons
interested in said estate take notice
that a petition has been filed for the
appointment of John Mastores as ad
ministrator of said estate, which has
been set for hearing on August 22,
1919 at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated July 22, 1919.
County Judge.
Legal Notice-
To Amanda Soward, and If dead, her
heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in her estate; Samuel
Peugh, and if dead, his heirs- devisees.
legatees, or personal representatives
and all other persons interested In
the estate of Samuel Peugh, deceased,
Marlah Hartley, and If dead, her heirs,
devisees, legatees or personal rep
resentative and all other persons In
terested In her estate; Lillle M. Rich'
ards. and if dead, her heirs, devisees,
legatees, or personal representatives
and all other person Interested In her
estate; and tho unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other porsons in
terested In the estate of Josephine
Scanlon, deceased, Tho Southwest
Quarter of Section 14, TownshIpl2,
Range 31, Lincoln County, Nebr., and
all person claiming any, interest of
any kind In said real estate or any
part thereof, defendants.
You and each of you take notice that
on tho 25th day ot June, 1919, J. L.
Demlng as plaintiff filed his petition
against you in the district court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, alleging
that he is the absolute owner In fee
simple of the following described
land In Lincoln County, to-wlt:
The Southwest Quarter of. Section
Fourteen, Township Twelve- Range
Thirty-one, Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Holding the same by good ind suf
ficient record title and by revorso,
,ppon, notorious, continuous, uninter
rupted exclusive, hostile- possession
uy himself and his immedlato grantors
for more than ten years prior to the
commencement of said action. Tho
object and prayer of said petition Is to
obtain a decreo decreeing and con
firming plaintiff's title In feo simple
to said land, and every part thereof
and quieting said title in plaintiff as
against tho dofondants and each and
all of them and forevor barring and
excluding and perpetually enjoining
tho defendants and each and all of
them from over claiming any right,
title to, or interest in or Hon upon the
said land or any part thereof of any
kind or nature either in lnw or equity
and for general equitable relief.
You and each of you are required to
answor or plead to said potitlon In
said court on or beforo Monday, the
25th day of August, 1919, or tho alle
gations of said petition will be taken
as true and a decreo entered accord
ingly. J. L. DEMING.
By D. P. WEST, Attorney. J15a
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 1G83 of Laura A. Bergman,
deconsod, in the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested In said estato take
notico that a petition has b6en filed
for the nppolntment of John W, Berg
man as administrator of said estate
which hns been set for hearing on
August 22, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. ni.
Dated July 28. 1919.
j29al5 County Judgo.
.General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postofiicc.
Pbone 58
A modern institution for th
cisntific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement case.
Complexly equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent M D. V. Lucas, BflT'D.
J.B. RedfieliED. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
G, C, 7 BnlldJag & Loan Building.
Office Phono 70 Res. Phono Red 1009
Phsylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention GItoh to Surgery
and Obstretrics.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb.
Phono for Appointments.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
$12 for Horse Hides.
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
109 West Sixth Street
Phone 210
General Farm Sales n Specialty.
References nnd Dates nt First Na
tiohnTBnnk, North Platte, Neb.
Phone 1000.
In tho District Court of Lincoln Coun
ty Nebraska. Ruth E. WInget, Plain
tiff, vs. Helen C. Ross, Ethel M.
WInget, Charles H. WInget and
Charles Ross. Defendants.
Notico of Snlo In Partition.
Notice Is hereby given, that in pur
suance of a decree of the District
Court, made and entered In the above
entitled action on the 31st day of
May, 1919, the undersigned referee
duly appointed in said cause and hav
ing taken the oath prescribed by law,
and having given the bond provided
by law and the Court, and which was
duly approved by the Court, I, 0. 1.
Elder, the said referee, will offer at
public auction at the east front door
of the court house of the county of
Lincoln, In the state of Nebraska, to
tho highest bidder for cash in hand
tho following described property by
said decree ordered to bo sold, to-wlt:
Lot three (3) In Block sixty-nine (69)
in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln,
County, Nebraska.
Said sale will be held, and said prop
erty offered for salo as aforesaid at 2
o'clock p m., on tho 16th day of Aug
ust, 1919.
Dated this 12th day of July, 1919.
jl4al5 Referee.
Notico to Nou-Rcsldent.
To Nicholas Adamy, non-resident de
fendant. You are hqroby notified that on the
4th day of February, 1919, Ellen Ad
amy filed her petition against you In
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Neb., tho object and prayer of which is
to obtain a divorce lrom you on the
grounds of extreme cruelty, in this,
that you aro of sufficient ability and
being a strong able bodied man of
good health, and that you have gross
ly and wantonly failed and neglected
to support tho plaintiff and her two
minor chlldron since tho 13th day of
December, 1916, and for tho custody o?
tho minor children the issuo of said
marriage, to-wit: Josephine M. Adamy
age 4 yenrs and Wyno A, Adamy age 2
years, for alimony and suit money, in
cluding a reasonable attorney fee.
You aro required to answor this po
tltton on or beforo tho 14th day of Sep
tember, 1919.
ELLEN ADAMY, Plaintiff.
By Halllgan, Beatty & Halllgan,
Her Attornoys. J28a22