The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1919, Image 6

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smokes hln cigarette, sips coffee nnd
lets othorH toll for him, Is ready to
pay tho price. For lit 1h by no moans
bo poor ns lie gives his neighbors, fur
iiml near, to understand.
ic Tur.
IConstantinople Becomes Cosmo
politan City With Ending
of War.
(American Soldiers, Red Crow, Y. M.
C. A. and American Business Men
Now Throno City Call It "In
vaslon of Wealth,"
Constantinople. Americans make
IConstantinople hum with their energy.
JbnslnosB methods and way of "(joiner
'ahead" tlint makes even tho old Turk,
'Indifferent as ho In to all that passes
'around him, lift an eyelash In mild
(surprise. American soldiers. Red
iCross, Y. M. C. A., American busl
mess men, Amerlcnn-mndo machinery,
tfood, clothing, merchandise of every
sort and kind nro now In this most
jdlrty, casual and ancient city. The
'Turks, when they talk about It at alt,
leall It "Tho Invnslon of Wealth."
Tho Prussians have gone; the Ger
(man Invasion Is over. But, hesliles
Jthls American Invasion, Is the Hus
slnn Invnslon, which tho Turk, when
ihe talks nbout It at nil, calls, owing
(to Us contrast with the American
species, "The Invasion of Poverty."
Russians, Too, Abound,
Every day the orderly, prosperous
Qnislncssllke, v keen-eyed American
iprows more numerous, busier, better
fat homo in this most fascinating old
city on tho Golden Horn, the most
wonderful city tlint ever was, with
lis mingling of the races, Its white
marble palaces, Its noise, dust, and
Its seal of tho Orient
Every day more and more Hub
filans, poor, ragged, disordered, Idle,
"devil-may-care," hungry and pleas-Tire-lovlng.
flock hero from' tho bolsho
Tlflts, escaping by way of the Golden
fflorn from Odessa. At Stamboul, at
more or less Americanized Pera, at
Chlclln and other suburbs, Russians
And what a contrast! Tho Ameri
cans, clcan-shnven every day, method
ical, wldenwako to nil around; tho Rus
sians, dirty, unkempt, possessed with
tho ono Idea, to omuso themselves.
They gamble every night In tho hells
of Pern, throwing down sheaves of ru
bles In notes of a thousnnd, two nnd
Ave thousand, which they feverishly
change at tho fate of six cents per ru
ble Instead of the once nominal 50
American ways nnd energy have
even penetrated Into the Turkish
homes. Mnny Turkish women now go
obout with uncovered faces "becnuso
English women indulge In smoking more openly than do of America,
Tho photograph shows Capt. G. C. Martin and his bride both enjoying tho
wced as thoy left tho church at Stoke Pogls, where the wedding ceremony wn
: performed.
Doctor Builds Hospital
With His Own Hands
Hnstlngs-on-llutlson, N. Y.
Ilnstlngs-on-IIudsou's only hospi
tol, built by the village doctor
with his own hands, was opened
here. Dr. Gednoy Jonks spent
thrco years In Its construction
nftcr falling to raise funds for
tho work The hospital is two
stories, with an operating room
and modern appliances. Doctor
Jenks enlisted for overseas sorv
Ico, bnt tho villagers petitioned
Washington for his return.
Accepted the Risk.
Kansas City, Mo. Recauso he re
frained from kissing hoforo marriage,
tho brldo of u year wis glad. Be
cause ho refrained since, sho Is sad,
Lawyers bellevo sho accepted the risk.
Prince Rupert Is the most Important
fishing port on the Pnclllc const.
the American women do It," and a few
are tnklng an nctlve pnrt In politics,
holding meetings at tho famous Hip
podrome to agitate for womnn suf
frnge, quoting the woman lenders of
the suffrage movement In faraway
America which they have never seen
nnd whose language they do not know
Public order Is good throughout the
city. Patrols of Italians and Turks
see to that. At crossroads English po
licemen regulnf that curiously Intri
cate Eastern traffic with the same
calm thoy showed a few months ngo
at Piccadilly Circus.
Prlceo Are High.
Americans find life dearer here than
In New York. A cab, drawn by an
emnclnted horso, $15 for a short
courso; a cup of Turkish coffee, 50
cents, about tho size of a thimble.
' One furnished room costs $100 a
month, but no extra charge Is made
for tho various kinds of bugs that In
fest It. White breud can be had at no
cents per pound; American Hour Is
very popular In consequence.
Except for the women who hrve dis
carded their veils, nobody seems to
care about politics; the great thing Is
business business for Greek. Armeni
an nnd Israelite and each and nil
want to do business with the Ameri
cans. There Is n market for every
thing that grows or makes. And the
Turk, who does no business, but
Red Carnival of
United States Consul at Omsk
Relates Horrors of Bol
shevist Rule.
Reign of Terror Is Marked by Cruelty
Unparalleled in History of Civ
ilization Many Children
Are Murdered.
New York. John A. Embry, the
American consul at Omsk, capital city
of tho Kolchak government, arrived
in New York recently and told the
olllclal story of what had happened In
Siberia and eastern Russia In the last
eight mouths, during practically all
of which time he had been In charge
of American affairs.
Mr. Embry said no language could
New York. Announcement has Just
been made by William M. Dnnner of
the American Society for tho Mission
to Lepers of tho election of James P.
Wootan, director of publicity for the
Presbyterian church In the United
States of America, as a member of
tho American committee to assist In
extending tho committee's campaign
of world-wide usefulness.
The committee estimates that there
are not loss than 2,000,000 lepers' In
the world, 0.000 of whom have already
been baptized as Christians. It If
the intention of the commltteo to
preach tho Gospel to the allllcted vic
tims of this horrible disease to palliate
their sufferings, to supply their sim
ple wants and to help rid tho world of
Ninety-six stations In various parts
or tiio gioiic are maintained by the
committee. Of those no are In India,
Burma and Ceylon, M In China, three
In the United States and the remain
Ing scattered through Japan. Korea
lull the Mug and quo n of Eng
land were on a visit to Birmingham,
England, they passed u crippled sol
dler In a wheel chair. With his usual
kindness of heart, the king eiUled tho
queen's attention to him and they both
stopped to chat with the hero.
picture tho atrocities that have
marked bolshevik rule In the terri
tories recaptured by Admiral Kolchnk,
n reign of terror that had been
marked, he declared, by murder, vio
lation of women, theft, nnd arson,
perpetrated with cruelty unparalleled
in the history of civilization.
How They Took Charge.
"We were on our way to the Ufa
front, the southern sector of the Sibe
rian front. My first stop was at the
little county courthouse. There I
learned thnt at sunset on tho day
that the Kolchak forces withdrew tho
holshovists had entered the city.
"The first thing the bolshevlsts did
wns to loot the town, and then they
organized their government. At the
head they placed the most cruel and
outspoken of their leaders. They then
appointed committees, one of them tho
so-called extraordinary committee on
The Judges, the aldermen, tho coun
oilmen nnd other leading citizens
tlint Is, who had not been able
to escape were promptly .arrested,
and nil of those who were known to
be ngnlnst bolshevlsm or were sus
pected were taken that night Into the
public squnre and executed. They
were denied trial of any sort.
"I tnlked with a womnn teacher.
The bolsheviks lined up all the boys,
the little ones ns well, nnd questioned
them ns to their sympathies. All who
wore not killed were put to work of
tho most menial kind.
"The school girls wore ordered to
serve In the barracks, the reds curs
ing and heating those not blessed with
good looks. As for the good-looking
girls, to use the words of their former
teacher, they 'suffered Insults of the
most horrible nature.'
Many Hostages Held.
"They also named many hpstnges
and after subjecting them to the most
horrible treatment killed them and
throw the bodies Into tho river.
"ICguan Is a city of perhaps 35,000
people. The bolsheviks murdered at
one time more than 1,500 citizens of
the place.
"In Rugulmn a large number of men
were thrown Into tho hold of a hnrgu
In the river at night. There were 00
persons In tho hold, among them Mt-e.
Sophia Iledrofsknka. tho principal of
the girls' hlgb school.
"The hnrge wns towed a long ,tu
tnnce down the river and during the
voyage nine prisoners were onlored
to the deck and none ever returned,
nor had any of them been heard from
up to the time I left for America."
Klnm tin,,u u....t
uu,ka omucilieniN, thn
Malay states, the Philippines. Afr,.n
............. ,, uuicii uuiauii
T"i- T w tTr m
... ... iui-tvuaii ()i Ullllintl, ti,.,l
of tho Chleng Mai hospital nnd ,ms.
pensary In Slam and the head of u.,,or
work In that section, reports to n,
Presbyterian board of foivlgn nils,,,, s
that the lepers have undertaken wiic.
ly voluntary offerings fr cl,,lrPh
benevolences. Not having any -i
envelopes they made their own out of
scraps of paper, many manlfestm
great skill In spite of lingeries huniW
or stumps of arms with which thoy
worked. 9
In Japan. Korea, the Philippine
nnd parts of China leprosy Is 4 id to
prevail to tho extent of one person to
encli 1,000 population. Doctor jr."
Kean warned the king of Slain and
through tho Presbyterian board wni"
the world that there Is urgont iHed
for tho enlargement In the scone
equipment and ofllclency of the lenur
Government to Give Army Equipment
Valued at $45,000,000 to State
Highway Departments.
Moro than $-15,000,000 worth of mo
tor trucks are about to bo distributed
by the secretary of agriculture
through the bureau of public roads to
I the state highway departments. These
trucks havo been declared surplus by
, tho war department and ure being dis
tributed to the states under the pro
visions of section 7 of the post olllce
appropriation b'll. They must bo used
by the states on roads constructed In
whole or In part by federal aid, for
which $1200,000,000 In nddltlon to the
former appropriation was given to the
states under the same bill. All that
the states must do to acquire the uso
of these 20,000 trucks, which range In
capacity from two to Ave tons, Is to
pay the loading and freight charges.
Of the 20,000 motor vehicles to be
Aft m
rmy Motor Truck Carrying Supplier
acquired practically free by the states
11,000 are now and O.OC0 are used, biit
all nro declared to be In scrvlcenblo
condition. Tho motors will be appor
tioned to states only upon request of
the state highway departments on tho
basis of the requests received from
tho respective states, and In accord
ance with Hln nniuirllntimnnf nrncliloil
' "I.' - , I . W . V. V I.
In tho federal aid law approved in
1010. The requirements of the laws
are such that the bureau of public
roads cannot distribute any trucks to
counties or individuals.
Recognized as Greatest Economic Need
of Agrlcultual Communities In
Eastern Statec
Good roads nre the greatest eco
nomic need for agricultural communi
ties. This is the answer of 200 prom
inent farmers of tho state of Maine to
questionnaires which asked them to
summarize urgent necessities to bring
their districts up to tho desired eco
nomic standard.
' The farmers who answered the ques
tionnaires were selected as those best
fitted to answer the questions, nnd
they were asked to furnish a digest
of the sltuntlon lu their respective com
munltles with reference to acreage,
crops, farm Improvements, civic nnd
social conditions, etc.
The definitions of the greatest need?
covered a wide nnd Interesting range.
The largest record of needs was good
roads, 85 emphasizing the urgent ne
cessity of adequate highways. There
were 45 who asked for more farm
laborers, 44 for co-operative buying
and selling, 85 for better school priv
ileges, 20 for more blueblooded stock,
20 for manufacturing plants, 20 for
better marketing facilities, nnd 21 for
greater credit extensions by banks.
Where Good Roads Enable Farmer to
Savo Ono Hour Per Week He
Makes Big Gain In Year.
If n farmer saves an hour a week
by being enabled to uso good roads
as opposed to bad roads, it would
raeun 52 hours u year; estimating the
uso of man nnd team us being worth
$0 n day, this menus n saving of $31.20
n year.
Supposo his farm Is assessed at
$10,000, and the nddltlonni tax levy
due to the Issue of rond bonds by tho
county runs to $1 per thousand, which
would mean $10 u year additional
taxes as ngalnst n saving of $31.20 on
time alone. This means that he Is
Investing $10 urul drawing dividends of
$31.20, nn Interest rnto of 312 per
According to Member of State High,
way Commission Approximately
$12,000,000 Available.
Approximately $12,000,000 Is avail
able for road construction woric in
Texas In 1010, according to It. M. llub
bard, a member of tho state highway
commission. This amount Includes
about $10,000,000 from tho federal
post olllce appropriation bills.
"Fire Don'ts" for Vacation Campers in Forests;
WASHINGTON. Now is the time to stop forest fires by not having any
says a warning from the American Forestry association. The Minnesota
fire last year Is still fresh in the public mind nnd when It Is cstlmnted tho
flro loss In 1018 was $28,500,000 and
that 8,400,000 ncrcs were burned, every
precaution should bo tnken by sum
mer campers. Hore arc some "don'ts"
to be posted on every tent door flap:
Don't throw your mntch away ui
till you ure sure It Is out.
Don't drop cigarette or cigar butts
until the glow is extinguished.
Don't knock out your pipe ashes
while hot or where they will fall into
dry leaves or other inflammable ma
Don't build a camp tiro any larger than Is absolutely necessary.
Don't leave a lire until you are sure it is out; If necessary smother It with,
earth or water.
Don't burn brush or refuse in or near the woods If there is any chanco
the fire may spread beyond your control, or that the wind may carry spnrka
where they would start a new lire. '
Don't be any more careless with fire In the woods than you are In your
own homo.
Don't be Idlo when you discover a fire in tho woods; If you cannot put it
out yourself, get help. Where a forest guard, ranger or stnte fire warden can.
be reached, call hlrn on the nearest telephone you can find.
Divorce on the Increase
UT of every ten mnrrlages in tho United States on ends in divorce. These
flgures from the United States census bureau are startling or not, as one-
may view them. The ratio Is increasing rapidly. In 1800 0 per cent of nil
mnrrlages ended In the divorce courts.
man to permit his wife to bring tho
eult to end n condition of which they nre equally tired. Moreover, the wife
has more legal grounds for divorce than the husband. A husbund can be
dlvorced for cruelty, for Instance, nnd the statistics show that sho advances:
this cause four times as often as the husband. Then she can divorce her
husbnnd If he falls to provide for her, but a husband can only In rnre instances',
bring such a charge against his wife. Of the 108,702 divorces granted in 1910,
only 12.4S0 were based on unfaithfulness.
Those who believe that the Increase of divorce Is due to a growing desire
for freedom on the pnrt of women, and to their now economic Independence,
will be shocked to learn that moro and more of the women demand and get
alimony, indicating that freedom Is not the only thing they wnnt. In tho 20
year period preceding 1000 alimony wns sought in only 13.2 per cent of the
cases, and granted In only 0.2 per cent. But in 1010 alimony was sought ltv
20.2 per cent of nil cases and was granted In 15.2 per cent.
Aliens Going Home With Good American Dollars:
ALIENS to the number of 1,300,000 In the United States are planning to
desert this country for their homeland and they will take with them
approximately 4,000,000,000 American 'dollars. These facts nro disclosed la
u report by Ethelbert Stewart of Chi
cago, director of the investigation and
Inspection service of tho department
of labor, after an investigation of pro
spective emigration from America.
The estimate, Mr. Stewart says, is
conservative. That the aliens will take
$4,000,000,000 Is figured on the basis
that the average amount each alien
will carry Is $3,000.
An official statement from the de
partment of labor says that up to Juno
1 Investigations covered Chicago, tho
Indiana steel mill district (South Chicago, East Chicago, Indiana Harbor, South.
Bend, Gary, etc.), Detroit, Pittsburgh and surrounding steel districts, Johns
town, Pa.; Youngstown, O., and Wllkes-Barre, Pa., and surrounding coal min
ing area.
Of 103,408 Poles covered by the investigation, 2-1,050, or 15.01 per cent
will return to' Poland; Austro-llungnrlans, 28.02 per cent; Itusslnris. 35.70 per
cent; Croatlans. 21.75 per cent; Lithuanians, 0.72 per cent; Roumanians, 04.20
per cent; Italians and Greeks, 11 per cent; Serbs, 30.00 per cent; Slovaks, 34.50
per cent. ,
LnJos Stelner of the intelligence bureau of the war trade board puts the
money to be taken out at $1,500,000. Do says the abolishment of several thou
sand postal savings stations, unscrupulous "private bankers," steamship.
agents, hard-up foreign language newspapers that grab at advertising urging
tho foreigners here to send their money back to Europe and an alluring
picture by the schemers thnt Europe Is about to experience a great wave of"
prosperity these ore some of the causes of the failure of this government fo
assimilate the raw immigrant.
Uncle Sam to Campaign for a Healthier Nation.
IN THE hope of meeting the physical deficiencies revenled by the draft
examinations tho United Stntes public health service, under Surgeon Gen
eral Itupert Blue, has prepared for congressional consideration a far-reachlng-
hcalth program designed to rnlso th'o
military service!"
Among the rejections for military service, 13.7 wero duo to affections of
tho heart nnd blood vessels : .12.85, bones nnd Joints; 8.05 to eye troubles; 8.7
to tuberculosis ; 8.37, development defects (height, weight, chost measurement,
muscles) ; 0.0-1, hernia ; 5.24 to mentnl deficiency, and 5.07 to nervous and
mental disorders.
"Many of the conditions discovered," according to Doctor Blue, "could
havo been prevented or corrected, especially If there had been proper health,
supervision In, early life." Doctor Blue's program Includes:
The adoption of measures for the adequate care and Instruction of ex
pectant mothers.
Safeguarding tho health of expectant mothers engaged In Industry.
Accurate registration of nil births.
Adequuto core of babies in homes, welfare stations and day nurseries.
Instruction of mothers In baby hygiene.
Safeguarding of milk supplies and establishment of pasteurization plants..
Ilunlth supervision of children of preschool age.
Supervision of home rnd school environment of school children, Including:
sanitation of school grounds nnd school buildings.
Medical inspection of school children. Including provision for the correc
tion and treatment of physical defect.
Mentnl examination of school children nnd to dotermlne and prrccribff;
suitable treatment and tralnlug for children who full In class work.
niffow Y0UV
MATCH "'i.r
oft ciaw BUTTS
UNTIL Tl" '';
ETC ev-
in the United States.
In 1000 the ratio was 8 per cent Now
It is 10. It is noted that In the Dis
trict of Columbia there were only 1&
divorces for every 100,000 of popula
tion, but In Nevada there were 007 for
the same unit of population. Outsid
ers raised Nevada's showing.
The wife applies for the divorce
in two-thirds of tho cases, bnt hero
ngaln statistics mislead. When a pair
agree to separate It Is customary for
stnndnrd ,of physical fitness through
out ho country by correcting the con
ditions responsible for the poor show
ing mnde In 1017.
"For that It was a poor showing,
nobody can deny," Doctor Blue says.
"Think of It I Out of over S.OOO.OOO"
men exnmlned men whoso age should,
havo constituted tham tho very flower
of this country's manhood only 70
per cent wore found to bo fit for full
SWvl '-ft-
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