The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1919, Image 2

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fr.. CSfccLlfAG UCO. s-s -r r-. Ai3'
Peace or War? Dorothy Is
Forced to Choose.
Synopsis Gcoffry Carlylc,
master of snlllnp fillips nt twen
tyislr, s sentenced to 20 years'
servitude In tlio American col
onics for participation In the
Monmouth rebellion In England.
Among tho passengers on hoard
tlio ship on which he Is sent
across are Roger Fairfax,
wealthy Maryland planter; his
nloce, Dorothy Fairfax, and Lieu
tenant Sanchez, a Spanlnrd, who
became acquainted with the Fair
faxes in London. Carlyle meets
Dorothy, who Informs him her
uncle hns bought his services.
Sanchez shows himself an enemy
of Carlyle. Tho Fairfax party,
now on Its own sloop In the
Chcsapcalcc hay, encounters a
mysterious bark, the Namur of
Rotterdam. Carlyle discovers
that Sanchez Is "Black Sanchez,"
planning to steal the Fairfax
gold and nbduct Dorothy. Tie
fights Sanchez and lenves him
for dead. In a battle with
Sanchez' followers, however, he
Is overpowered and thrown Into
tho hay. In a desperate effort
tp save Dorothy, Carlylo decides
to swim to tho Namur. By a
ruso ho gets aboard and min
gles with tho crew. Tho pirates
return to tho Namur with Dor
othy, the captured gold and
Sanchez, badly wounded but still
alive. Carlylo finds n friend In
Watklns, an English sailor. Es
tada, acting captain, makes Car
lylo first mate of tlio Namur.
The Cabin of the Namur.
Both huge, black hands grasped tho
pokes, und It was evident that It ro
julred all his giant strength to con
trol tho bucking wheel. Ho was an
ogly-looklng brute, tho lower portion
ef 1:1s faco apellko and tho wool grow
ing so low as to leavo him ecarcely
an Inch of forehead. Ills eyes lifted
nu instant from tho blnnnclo card to
glance nt mo curiously. They exhib
ited no flash of recognition.
For half an hour Estnda hung about
aft, apparently paying no attention to
mo, and yet watching my movements
closely. Thcro was Httlo to bo done,
but I thought It best to keen tho watch
reasonably busy, so thoy might thus
learn that I knew my work. They
proved prompt and capablo enough,
although I was eyed with some curi
osity when I first went forward, and,
no doubt, was very thoroughly dls
cussed behind my back. Tho Idlers
iiraldships , were n totally dlfforcnt
class a mongrel scum, profanely
chatting In Spanish or swnggorlug
about tho deck, their very looks a
cltallongc. However, thoy kept out
of my way, and I fouud no occnslon
lo Interfere with their diversions.
After Estadn left tho deck tho ma
jority amused themselves gambling,
and as I had recolved no orders to
interfere I permitted tho games to pro
ceed. Mendcz interfered only once
on occasion of a brief fight. My only
Instructions from tho Portuguese on
his going bolow was to call him nt
onco If a sail was sightod. Apparent
ly ho was satisfied of my ability to
command tho deck.
No occasion to call him nroso dur
ing my wntch. It was still daylight,
tout with n purplo gleam across tho
waters, when LoVero arrived on deck
Tor my relief. Wo wero talking to
gether abaft tho wheel when Estadn
appeared in tho compnulonwny.
"Every promlso of a clear night." he
aid, glancing about nt tho horizon.
"Better chnngo tho courso two points,
LoVero; wo nro lying In too closo to
the const for our purpose. Tho tablo
call will coino very shortly, Scnor
I washed up hastily In my state
room and camo out into tho cabin
perplexed as to what might occur
within tho next few moments. Yet
whatever tho result there was no
voiding It. My every movo was one
it cxtremo caution.
Estnda and Ejtovan awaited me. Tho
'jitter wns all rigged out, and with
fcmooth black hnlr oiled and plastered
down upon bin forehead. I nover be
hold a mqro disagreeable face, or one
which so thoroughly rovcnled the mi'
turo of a man. Ab I touched his hand,
at Estadu's brief Introduction, It was
is If I fingered a snake.
"This 1b your chair, Gates, and you
vttl find wo llvo well aboard tho Nh
nur wine, womon and song hoy,
Manuel 1 Why not, when all nro at
command? Steward, you told tho ludy
what my ordiu-s were. Then bid her
We stood In silence, as Gunsuulcs
crossed the deck and Inserted u key
In the after stateroom door. Manuel
was grinning In full enjoyment, but
tho expression on tho face of Estudu
was that of grim cruelty. I felt ray
hands grip like iron on my chair bnck
and my teeth clinch in restraint. God,
but I would have liked to grip the fel
low whero he stood all the bottled
up hatred In my soul struggling for
action. Yet that would only mean the
death of all hope, and I turned my
eyes away from him and stared with
the others at tho opening door.
Out Into the full light of tho cabin
tho woman camo and halted barely n
step In advance of the steward, her
head uplifted proudly, her eyes on us.
Nover before had I realized her beau
ty, her personality, as I did then, ner
posture was not that of defiance nor
of surrender; she stood as a woman
defending her right to respect, sus
tained by a wonderful courage. I
caught her glance, but there wns no
recognition In It; not by the flicker
of nn eyelid did who betray surprise,
and yet in some mysterious manner n
flash of Intelligence pnssed between
us. It wns all Instantaneous, for her
Knze seemed to concentrnto on Estadn
us though she knew him as leader.
"You sent for me? For what?" sho
asked, her Spanish clear and well
"To Join us at meal," he answered
unmoved. "It Is better than to remain
"Better I You must have n strnngo
opinion of mo to believe I would sit
with murderers and thieves."
"Harsh words, senorltn," and Estnda
grinned grimly. "Yet I expected them.
Thcro aro many trades In tho world
by which men aro robbed. We only
work at tho one wo like best; nor will
I discuss that with you. However,
senorltn, I can say that wo have taken
no lives In this Inst affair."
"No lives I" In sudden, incredulous
surprise. "You tnenn my uncle lives?"
"If you refer to Fairfax tho ono In
whoso room tho chest was hidden,
can only rcjily truthfully that ho lives,
"Peace or War?"
Ono of my men struck him down, but
It wns not n death blow. If that bo
the reason of your disdain thero Is' nn
cause. This chair Is held for you."
"But why was I brought away a
prisoner? To bo a plaything? A sport
for your pleasure?"
"That was but the orders of our
chief; wo uwalt his recovery to learn
his purpose."
"Sanchez I Was ho your chief? A
"A buccaneer; wo prey on tho ene
mies of Spain. It was at. Captain San
chez' orders wo waited the arrival of
your vessel from England. Ho loved
you; ho would no doubt havo dealt
with you honorably; I havo reason to
believe that to bo his purpose now.
Nothing will change his purpose. He
Is that kind, and ho has tho power,
no determined that If you would not
come to him by cholco you should bo
mndo to by force. You are here now
by his orders und will remain until
you consont to his purpose nil that
remains for you to decide is whether
you choose to bo prisoner or guest
"And if he should dlo?"
Estadn shrugged his shoulders In
differently. "Who knows?"
ner lips tightened as though to hold
back a cry while ono hand prossed to
tho open door steadied her. Thero
was u look In tho searching oyes I did
not Uko to see. It wns a moment bo
foro she could control her voice.
"I havo heard them call you Estada.
Of whut rauk In this company aro
"I am Pedro Estadn, formerly the
first olllcer. now. by occasion of Can-
1 tula Sanchez' wound, In full command.
These aro two of my officers Scnor
Gntos. one of your 6wn countrymen,
and Munuol Estevnn. And now that
I have answered your questions, what
Is it to be between us pence or war?"
Ilor eyes dropped, and I could dis
tinctly note tho trembling of her slen
der figure. When she slowly raised
her glance once more It rested on my
fnco us though seeking upproval, guid
ance. "If there be only the one choice,"
she said quietly. "I accept peace. I
cannot live locked In that room alone,
haunted by my thoughts and memo
ries. If I pledge you my word, .senor,
am I to ijoy the freedom of this
cnbln nnd the deck?" '
Estnda looked at us, a shade of
doubt In his eyes. I made no sign, but
Manuel nodded.
"Why not?" he asked In his harsh
croak of a voice. "So lopg as we be
at sea? What harm can the girl do?"
"Perhaps none; I will take a half
chance, at least. You shall have the
freedom of the cabin. So long ns you
koep your word, while as to tho deck,
we will consider thnt Inter. Prove you
mean what you say by Joining us
My recollection of thnt meal Is not
of words but of fnces. Estnda's oym
sought constantly tho girl's face, nnd
to my consternation exhibited nn In
terest In her personality which prom
ised trouble. T know n..t whether she
noticed this nwakcnlng admiration,
but she certainly plnypd her part with
quiet modesty. I believe that even
the Portuguese reached the conclusion
that she was not altogether regretful
for this adventure und thnt It was nafo
for him to relax some degree of vigi
lance. Ills manner became more gra
cious, and long before the meal ended
his language had a tendency to com
pliment nnd flatter. I contented my
self with occasional sentence. The
young womnn sat directly across from
me, our words overheard by all, and
as I knew both men possessed somo
slight knowledge of English I dare not
venture beyond commonplace conver
sation In that tongue. With quick wit
she took her cue from me, so that
nothing passed between us, either by
word of mouth or glance of eye, to
arouse suspicions.
Believing the feeling of confidence
would be Increased by such action, I
was first to leave tho table, and It be
ing ray watch below immediately re
tired to my room, noisily closing the
door after me, yet refraining from let
ting the latch catch, thus enjoying n
slight opening through which to both
see and hear. Manuel did uot linger
long, making some excuse to go for
ward, but Estnda Remained for somo
time, endeavoring to entertain. His
egotism made a fool of the man, yet
even he finally became discouraged of
making her comprehend his mennlng,
and lapsed Into a silence which gave
her nri excuse to retire. This wns ac
complished so graciously as to leave
no sting, tho feliow nctunlly accom
panying her to the door of her state
room, bowing his compliments as sho
disappeared within. Tho fool actu
ally believed ho had made a conquest
and preened himself like n turkoy
"Gunsnules, you need not lock the
senorltn In her room or guard her In
any way hereafter. Sho Is permitted
to come and go as she pleases aboard."
Estnda entered his own stateroom,
leaving the door njar. When ho cnina
out ho had exchanged his coat for a
rough Jacket. Thus attired for a turn
on deck, ho disappeared through the
In Dorothy's Stateroom.
I stood crouched, with eye nt the
crack watchful of every movement In
tho lighted cabin, my own decision
made. I must see and talk with Dor
othy. Gunsnules turned down tho light,
and departed along the passage lead
ing amidships. A moment Inter I
henrd tho sound of dishes grinding to
gether propnrntory to being washed.
No better opportunity for nction was
likely to occur, although the situation
was not without peril. I crept along
close to the sldo wnlls, lifted the lntch
noiselessly, nnd slipped quickly within.
Thero was no light, except a glimmer
of stars through a largo after port,
but against this faint radiance she
stood vaguely revealed. Her first
thought must havo been Estada, for
thero was a startled note In her chal
"Who aro you? Why do you come
"Speak low," I cautioned. "You
must know m,y voice."
"Gcoffry Carlylo I"
"Yes, but do not uso that name alt
hope depends on my remnlnlng un
known. You welcome me?"
She camo straight forward through
tho dim star shine, a spectral figure,
with both hands outstretched.
"Welcome 1" her tone thnt of Intense
sincerity. "Your presence gives me
all tho strength I have. But for you
I should throw myself through thnt
port into the sea. But I know not
how you cumo here tell me, you am
not ono of these wretches?"
"No ; you must believe that first or
all, and trust me."
"I do but but tell mo all you can."
"Is thcro n divan hero, or anywhere
wo can sit down together? I can see
nothing in this darkness."
Carlyle saves Dorothy from
death at the hands of a mysteri
ous Intruder but is unable to ac
count for the sudden attacK In
the night. There Is some dark
plot behind It all. What will the
morning disclose?
Propitious Climate Enables Owner to
Produce Eggs to Better Advan
tage Some Obstacles.
(Prepared by the United Btates Depart
ment of Aurlculture.)
Increased Interest In poultry raising
In the general farming sections of tlio
Smith, with purchase of much better
stnfk, Is reported by n specialist of the
United States department of agricul
ture who recently Investigated the
status nnd activities of Old Mothci
Hen In Alnbnmn, Loulslnnn, Missis and Texas. Producers are work
ing not only to supply the home mar
ket but eggs are also being .shipped
from Mississippi, Alabama and Texas
to Memphis, St. Louis, New York nnd
other murketlng centers.
The advantages of the South for
poultry keeping are ninnlfold, nnd In
elude a propitious climate, which en
ables the flock owner to produce eggs
to better advantage during the winter
season, while he nlso can mnke uso
of simpler and cheaper houses than
can his northern nssoclntes. Further
more the fnvornble wenther conditions
In the South promote the feeding of
green stuff to the hens practically the
yenr around.
There are certain disadvantages, too,
such as prevalence of Insect; pests, In
cluding mltcs, lice, and In some sec
tions mosquitoes nnd stick-tight fleas,
ns well ns the blue bug In pnrts of
Texas. Furthermore southern mnr
kets nre not hlgh-pnylng consumers of
locally produced eggs. This Is par
ticularly true In the resort section of
Florida, where for many years tho
trade has been accustomed to Import
Its eggs from the North and West. It
does not readily transfer this business
to local producers. In addition the
Flocks of Mixed Breeds Aro Giving
Way to Purebreds In South.
southern mnrkct for eggs Is usually
"spotted," due to fluctuations In tlio
tourist trnfllc.
During tho heat of summer egg
losses In the South aggregate a con
siderable sum, largely due to tho de
velopment of fertile eggs. It Is essen
tlnl that southern producers exert ev
ery effort to produce and market only
Infertile eggs In order to control this
source of loss. A common opinion pre
vnlls that the leghorns arc particularly
adapted to southern conditions, but
nccordlng to tho experience of the spe
cialists of the United States depart
ment of ngrlculturc southern poultry'
men renllze Just as satisfactory re
sults and In many Instances more fa
vorable returns from tho maintenance
of the heavier, general-purpose birds.
A number of failures In the poultry
business on the part of newcomers In
Florida, who embarked In specialized
production of poultry products, are ex
plained by the fact that most of them
were unfamiliar with local conditions
nnd started on too extensive a scale,
A beginner In chicken raising In a new
locality should always start on a small
scale and expand his operations ns ho
lenrns more about local conditions and
as his returns from tlio business Jus
tify. For tho man who Is experienced
In poultry raising and who will adapt
himself to new conditions readily and
not take excessive risks, and who Is
supplied with plenty of working capi
tal tho southern states apparently of
fer a fair opportunity.
Fowls of Mediterranean Breeds Best
Suited for This Purpose Classed
is Nonsltters.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Poultry of tho Mediterranean or egg
breeds are best suited for tho produc
tion of white-shelled eggs. Repre
sentatives of this class are bred large
ly for tho production of eggs father
than for meat production. Among tho
popular breeds of this class are: Leg
horn. Minorca, Ancona, and Andn
luslnn. Ono of tho outstanding char
acteristics of tho egg breeds Is tho
fact 'bat they ure classed as nonslt
ters. That Is, as a rule, they do not
becomo broody and hatch thVlr eggs.
When fowls of this class uro kept
urtlficlal Incubation and brooding aru
usually employed.
?f Purity
Is a bottle of that sparkling
and delicious beverage
Cereal Beverage
Tho kins f H drinks. A fine
Uble beverage wholtiotne and refieth-
log. It poiiesse that true hop My
a ideal tonic and appetizer.
Order from your dealer, at groeertet, drug
itores, fountains, rettaurante, etc, or from
Distributors Omaha, Neb.
When PrtaU Are Ordered
Prints 2Kx3M, 8 cento j 2K4M. 4 cents;
postal card size, 6 ceuin, postpaid.
Beaton Photo Supply Co.
lBth&FaraamSU. Omaha. Neb.
Highest Prices
for Cream
Ship direct to manufacturer and eliminate the mid
dleman. Ship any day as we will Eire you benefit
of all raises In price while cream Is In transit. We
guarantee service and cood satisfaction.
Wo repair id supplr
parts for all makee of
electrical equipments
used on automobiles.
Aotsonied lactory representatlrei for Atirator
oot Mf. Oo.,nijur Motor LIuDtlDK Co., Colombia
Btorags Battery,Connectlcuta'l.& lSleo Co., Detroit
Blectrlo Burner Co.. Disco Uloctrlo Starter Co.,
I. ... . 1 1.1 I 1 ..... T ....... t(ri...
ujurm UlCl.llI! JI. , ...... l . tu AU IVUI,. w". p.. UtIM
ton Mfg. Co. (Uerllng AlnRiioto), Ornj & Jiarls. Inc.
xne k-w ignition ix. iMugnoio), noitn nasi uieo
trio Co., I'ormallfo Storaue Uattery Co., Bparlts
Wlthlngton Co. (Sparton Horns), Hplitdorf tforrlce
A Bales Co., Van BlcUrn Co. (Bpeeameters). Ward
Leonard Klectrlc Co., Westlngiiouse 11 loo. & Mfg. Co.
Auto Electric. Sorvico Company
ignition )
Klectrlo Starter SPECIALISTS
ti to rage Buttery j
2205 Famam Street OMAHA. NEB.
Our crude oil requirements are
permanently provided; that's why
Deep Rock products can be
depended upon because you
know you can get them the same
uniform quality always assured.
Ths Master Truck
Matter of (As Load
on Any Road
The best automobile truck made at a price within
the reach of all. Dealeri Wwled, Write or call onus
if you want a truck or our agency proposition
in Nebraska, Wuttra Iowa and Southern So. Dakota
1310 Jackeou Street. OMAHA. NEB.
Save MG Money by Having Clothes. Mats, Rugs,
T-. Moat modern plant. Guaranteed work.
DrCSnerS pay CXpreSS References, anybody In Omaha, Nebraska
or Parcel Post one DRESHER BROS., Cleaners and Dyers
way on any shipment. Dreshar Bldg., 22nd and Famam Streets, Omaha, Nob.
A Ghastly Loan.
Representative Buscom Sleiup wild
In Richmond the other dny:
"There'B something ghastly nbout
German resourcefulness, something
thnt reminds me of Blll'.s silk hat.
"Bill was on his way to Joe's fu
neral In a resplendent silk hat. A
friend nlso on the way to tho funeral,
met him und eyed the tile enviously.
"'Where did you get It, Bill?" he
snld. 'You don't own a tile I know
"'Shi said BUI. 'It's poor Joe's.
I borrowed It off tho widow.' "
Cutlcura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Make
them your every-day toilet preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, white
bands. Adv.
Father Dodged.
"1 couldn't decide among my
benux so I sent 'em ell to get father's
"Well 1"
"Now I'm worse off than ever. He
gave his consent to every ono of
Catty Comment.
Belle I'd Just like to seo any mou
try to kiss met
Nell Oh, nobody doubts you'd like
Shortly after marrlngo a man ac
quires the hnblt of listening. .
'nDfrVFZ Rests, Refreshes, So lies,
Heals-Kecp your Eyca
strong and Healthy, u
1 hey Tire, Smart, Itch, or
Burn, if Sore, Irritated,
Inflamed or Granulated.
use Murine often. Safe f-r Infant or Adult
AtallDrugtlst3. Write for Free Eye Book.
Hutee Ejc Keaedy Company, Chicago, II. S. L
r m
m in mm
If Not Already Represented We Wax
a Dealer in Your Town for
Cream of all
Hensliaw Hotel
T. J. O'Urlen Co., Props.
16th and Famam Sts., Omaha
Let Us Make a New Car Out of Your Auti
We bnlld to order a. solid Victoria top wit
beveled plato classes on aides and rear; or Coup
JJoUy, bculun, Hport or Itoadater liojy.
Painting, Blip Corers, etc. Our paint department
pnta 19 paint operations on a new paint Job. Kqual
to tho beat factory work. Wrlto Department No.1.
Vita, rfelffer Auto & Carriage "Works
SSth Ato. A Lcttea worth Bt., Omihfc, Hcb. PheatTjlbr 3Q&
Also bnlld Cabs and Track Uodlcs
Standard equipment. Ample power. InresU
jrato tills car beforo buying. Write or call fo
catalog and our proposition to dealers.
2107 Farnnni Street Omatiat
N. E. Cor. 24th ana .'aru in Sts.
Telephone Doupi SS
Night telephone Harney 4791
Few Indian Women Schooled.
In India only 12 women out of every
1,000 of full ago can read and write.
Naturally, when the fisheries fall,
the marketeers will have to raise the
price of vegotnble oysters.
Nerves All Unstrung?
Nervousness often comes from weak
kidneys. Many a person fho worries
over trifles and is troubled with neu
ralgia, rheumatic pains and backache,
would find relief through a good kidney
remedy. If i you have nervous attacks
with headaches, backaches, dizzy spells
and sharp, shooting pains, or if you are
anpoyed by bladder troubles, try
Boon's Kidney PUU. They have
brought quick benefit in thousands of
such cases.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Earl Curtis,
605 K St.. N. Auburn,
Neb., says: "I had
puffy sacs beneath
my eyes and suf
fered from nervous
headaches, back
aches, In fact, my
whole body wns In
pain. I used dliYer
ont medicines but
kept on gettlne
worse Instead of bet
ter. Finally I began
using Doan's Kidney
Pills and was entire
ly cured."
Cat Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Dos
A toilet preparation of raartt.
Italpa to crallcat dandruff,
n . : i
-ffl Enauty to Crny or FaHd I lair.
tVuntcd Lady permanently located to man.
ago a branch odlce In tliii district, Caaa
ilary. Otis Novelty Work. OHuvtllj, Mich.
on Ion tlme, easy terms, t per cent.
- v