The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1919, Image 1

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    hc lorth Jfttttc cmi-lttcchln rtbun
N6. 59
Unaided and alone Chief Mecomber
inarched olght gamblers to jail Satur
day about cloven o'clock.
Suspicious that gambling was being
indulged in in tho negro Joint on east
Front street, Chief Mecomber took a
walk down that way. As ho approach
ed the building ho noticed a big negro
standing at tho door with his face to
tho cast. Tho Chief approached the
watcher quietly, pulled his gun on
him and said: "Open tho door quietly,
walk on you tiptoes, don't cough or say
a word and lead mo to whore the boys
aro playing." Tho negro watcher
obeyed; and as the chief followed to a
rear room and stood in tho door, the
colored-pi? yers never oven looked up;
thoy did not know tho chief had fol
lowed the outside watch Into the
building. Tho chief waited a minute
or two until tho stakes on the table
liad run up to six or eight dollars.
Then ho throw his gun on tho players,
stopped forward, grabbed tho money
on the table and said "this pot is
mlno." Then ho virranged 'tho eight
colored men in a column of two and
marched them to jail.
ana were haled Into court for a hear
ing. Greeley Jacobs, E. Klssine, C. L.'
Thomas D. Thomas and Sam Aber-
nathy were lined $55J30 each. Jacobs,
and Kissino paid their fines, C. -L.
Thomas and D. Thomas elected to lav
out their fine, Abornathy gave bond;
and later Jumped It. Arthur Hunt
ter, who was not in the game was let
go, and Wm. Johnson was let go on
payment of the costs. ,
These arrests will probably result'
in closing up tho negro gambling
joint on east Front.
: :c: : i
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shelver return-,
ed Sunday night from a two weeks'
vacation spent In Chicago and Minne
apolis. ' All summer washable dresses and
white wash skirts at actual cost and
less-at BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. It. H.'Fowles arrived
Sunday from Los Angeles and will
"remain for several weeks while Mr.
Fowles looks after his real estate in
terests. At Last! French chokers! Of course
they are new. " See them In Dixon's
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins returned
yesterday from a visit in Omaha.
At The Sun
Tuesday & Wednesday
Screen Classics, Inc.
Presents the Dolly Sisters
in the
'Million Dollar Dollies'
The Testing ot
Mildred Vane"
"Mutt & Jeff."
We have a combination hard to heat
If you are needing new tires see us
before you buy.
We can save you money. Full line of
standard sizes in Firestone, Racine and
General tires.
6th & Lincoln Highway.
Mrs. Amanda Erb loft yostorday for
Beatrice after a week's visit at tho
L. 0. Klngdon home.
Have you noticed tho clevor little
boxes that Dixon's put their goods In?
They add a lot to tho gift.
H. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
H. Hirschfeld will leave tonight on
a three weeks' buying trip to Chicago,
Cleveland and New York.
Mrs Daisy Baker and Jim Elliott
came up from Brady yesterday to
spend, the day with friends.
Mrs. J. L. Kelso and daughter Gwen
dolyn returned Friday from a two
weeks' visit with friends in Cheyenne
and Mitchell.
Just received, another tray of those
$60.00 diamond rings. Dixon.
Mrs. F. R. Elliott left yesterday for
Kansas City and St. Louis, whore she
will attend tho fall millinery- lectures
and buy stock.
Advance models of new autumn
Suits now on display at BLOCK'S.
Advance models of new autumn
suits now on display at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. Bert Barber and two' chll.dren,
accompanied by Mrs. Ira LaRuc, left
yesterday for Ft. Worth, Texas, whero
Mr. Barber Is engaged In Uie oil busi
ness. v All of our wash skirts, also all of
our fancy silk skirts are now going at
actual cost and less while they last.
Wm. Thayer landed at Now York
Sunday after a year's service overseas
with an engineering corps. Before
entering the service he was employed
on the road aB an engineer.
Mrs. J. H. Donegan and daughter
Zlta loft Sundayv for L03 Angeles for
a visit with. Mrs. LaRoga, nee Miss
Mabel Dongan, after which they will
go to Nlehart, Mont., for a visit with
Mrs. Donegan's brother.
Every summer light voile and ging
ham dress Is now on sale at actual
cost and less. One lot of gingham
and voile dresses value to $10.00 spe
claljy. priced at $4.9S at BLOCK'S.
Scott Crowley, L. O'Keefo and Bert
Boyer were picked up by tho p.ollco
Sunday on the charge of drunkenness
and placed In jail. Yesterday they
(were taken before Judge Mlltonberger
and each paid $15.80 as fine and costs.
Figuring the quart of whisky at $7.00,
tho trio paid" an aggregate of $54.10
for their few hours of fun. Was it
worth It?
-Just what you have been looking for
girls, a solid gold solitaire ruby ring
at $10.00. This ring has a large fctone
and we only have a limited stock.
Dixon, the Quality Jeweler.
A motorcyclo ridden by a young
man named Gordon collided with a
car driven by Mrs. John McGraw Sat
urday evening on south Dewey street.
Gordon was ,on tho wrong side of tho
road and run Into Mrs. McGraw's car
before she could get out of his way.
Tho motorcycle was broken and twis
ted out of shape and a bigTiolo knock
ed In the radiator of the McGraw car.
but fortunately Gordon was but
slightly bruised.
We have a few commercial lighting
fixtures which will change that dingy,
dirty looking store of yours into an
oasis of light. Light draws custom
ers. You lose If you don't think It
over. Electric Fixture & Supply Com
pany, Sixth and Vine streets.
Lieut. Loren Sturgis arrived homo
Sunday morning from twenty-two
months overseas service in tho postal
department. Few men overseas had a
more varied experience than Lieut.
Sturgis, who for months was stationed
at different points within the fighting
zones and for days at a time tho burst
ing of shells were not only heard but
actually seen, hundreds of them ex
ploding in such close proximity, to him
that many times ho thought his time
had cemo. He traveled over much of
the war devastated section of Franco,
saw in reality the horrors of war, and
had oxperlnces that If written up
would make a mighty Interesting book.
His last month or two was spent In
Paris where he had occasion to learn
much of that normally gay city. "Pop"
returns looking tho full picture of
"Teddy" Beauchamp, sovontcon year
old son of Walter Beauchamp living
northwest of this city, was found dead
In the hills Saturday forenoon with it"
bullet through his head. Tedi with
his brothors, had been spending the
summer at tho Beauchamp north"
... ..w. , "v.&uiiiu 10 u wuiiuunui success.
ranch. Thursday forenoon ho started! After more or less discussion Mr. Nol
out with a 22-callbro rlflo to shoot 1 son was authorized to provldo tho
praine aogs, a town 01 wmcu is 10-
cated a mllo or so from tho ranch
house, and whither ho had gone sever
al times before. Ho did not return
at noon but nothing was thought of
his not arriving, as ho frequently wont
ito a friendly neighbor to visit or take
a meal. However when evening came
4v..t t.-nn.A- - 1 1 .. .1
Iuiu ui uiiicio uui;uiiii: uiuxiuuu lulu
started out to look for him, but not
finding him went to tho neighbors
where ho was wont to go. Inquiry
j there dovelopod that he had not been
I soon. Darkness had by that tlmo come,
and tho following morning the search
was renewed. It was not until Sat-,
urday morning that his body was found
on n sandhill, tho body in a reclining
position with one hand on tho gun
and with a wound which indicated that
the bullet had ontered tho loft temple
and came out at hto right eyo. Near
him was fourid an empty cartridge box
with soveral bullet holes, and the sup
position is that ho had beerf sitting on
tho ground, tossing up tho box and
shooting at it, and that In handling tho
gun he had In some manor accldently
discharged It.
. Sheriff Salisbury and W. R. Malonoy
fldrovo to the ranch as soon as word
Was received here of the finding of tho
body, but under the evidence obtain
able It was not considered necessary
ot hold an Inquest.
liOyd Cliiinnire Sells Out.
Lloyd Gummere last Saturday dis
posed of his Interest in tint Gummere
Dent Drug Co. to Wilford Nelson, who
for the past six months has been em
ployed as a pharmacist in tho store.
Mr. Nelson Is a graduate of tho Ne
braska College of Pharmacy, and
cdme here following his discharge
frou. army service. During his resi
dence he has proven his capability as
a pharmacist and has readily mado
Mr Gummere. who is interested In
tht "Watchmakers' Document," an in
strument which Is a valuable adjunct
to the tools of a watch repairer, will
pnbally make his, future homo In
Denver. He is a progreslvo young
mar. who will be mfssed.from North
Platte's business circles.
r$2004)0 Buys
rlPwrobm house, two closets
and pantry, on a corner lot,
light and gas, water and sower. 903
we3t Sixth street. E. C. RICHARD.
Greek Fatally Injured.
Sam Batois, a Greek employed at tljcj
U. P; round house, sat down on a
track Sunday morning, fell asleep and,
unnoticed by tho engineer was run!
over by an engine that was backing1
out. Both legs were badly crushed 1
and his body bruised. He was taken'
to the" General .Hospital uhere he died
tho samo afternoon.
: :o: :
If you are building you cannot af
ford to miss our sale of lighting fix
tures. We save you one-half. Electric
Fixture & Supply Company, 6th and
Vine streets.
Repairs and Recharges Storage Bat
teries, Repairs and Recharges Magnetos
Recharges Ford Magnetos.
Oxyacetyline Welding, all branches.
Ignition, Generators and Self Starters.
Rebores Ford Cylinders
1 Burns out Carbon by Oxygen Process.
woes all kinds of Automobile Repair
ing, In a very efficient manner; an
Automobile Engineer is in charge.
Sells Accessories, Gasoline and Oils.
Paints Cars.
Speclllzes on Ford Cars.
Consultation Free. Prices Moderate.
Glvo us a trial.
Auto Hospital.
Phone 152. GIG, G17 and C21 N. Pino St.
Including over a hundred different designs in new and up-to-date
ING THEM. This saves you all profits and gives you your
fixtures at half what you can buy them for anywhere else.
You cannot afford to miss this last chance of buying
at greatly reduced prices. COME IN EARLY WHILE THE
LINE IS COMPLETE and you have a good selection we
guarantee that both prices and quality will please you
The Electric Fixture and
Supply Company . . . .
Corner 0th and Vino Streets. , Torth Platto, Xohraska.
that the Chamber of Cbmmerco pro-
iup ireo camp grounds for auto tour
isty there wero thoso who
tho'proposltlon, but tho record of the
past two wfceks shows that Mr. Nnl.
grounus with a chenn bullilliitr in
which should bo. housed toilets and
shower bath for both men and women,
with facilities for either hot or cold
wnior. tno grounds lighted, garbage
cans placed and connecting inn it.
with the sower and wator mains, and
an Information bureau established.
To show how vroll these grounds aro
patronized by auto tourists It Is only
nocessary to look over tho register,
which shows the names of nearly 300
mon In tho men's register and ovor
COO in the women's and chlldrnn'a min
ister from July 2Cth up" to last evening,
a period of ton days
Last evening Tho Tribune odltor ac
companied Mr. Nelson to tho grounds
and found quito a colony of these tour
ists, Homo of whom had been camp
ing there slnco last Saturday morn
ing. One of these tourists who drove
In from tho west while we wero thore,
said he had heard of tho grounds
whon he reached Osdon, and Sunday
a tourist who reached hero from tho
east stated that ho had first learned
of the grounds at Bloomlngton, I1C,
which shows how tourists communl
cato with each other as thoy meet on
tho road, and is also ovldenco of tho
advertising North Platte Is rocolve
ing by reason of the maintenance of
the grounds.
It Is not truo that all these auto
tourists who camp out do so In order
to save expenso, for last evening wo
conversed with soveral parties who
had high priced cars, were refined
people and apparently wellito-do, one
party remarking, that his trip from
Sacremento to New York would cost
him four times as much as though ho
had traveled by rail.
These tourists spend hundreds of
.dollars with our merchants, our gar
aces and auto accessory dealers, our
'vulcanizing plants, and evon a phy
sician remarked tho other evening
that he had benefited financially by
reasdn of tho tourists stopping at the
camp grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Nathan, 'Of Cali
fornia are hero visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Julius PIzer while enrouto to tho east.
Mrs. Nathan Is a sister of Mrs. PIzer.
H. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
MfctfTMarla Nettln left Fridays fori
Middle. Point, Ore., where she will vis
It friends for a month.
Mrs. R. O. Smith and daughtor Ha
zel, of Grand Island, are guests at tho
M. Mcttln home.
Wanted A small gentle pony. In
quire of Julius Hahlor.
Miss Elizabeth Weir, of Grand Is
land Is hero visiting Miss Clara Sor
onson. Buy a diamond from Dixon and you
can'tmake a mistake. Tho prices are
low and tho quality high.
A largely attended danco was given
last evening at the K. C. hall by Gall's
orchestra of Lincoln.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Oswald, of Seat
tle, aro guests at tho C. J. Perkins
1145 miles on 1 gal. Oil
So said tho driver 'of the Reo Truck
which passed through North Platte
with tho army truck convoy.
Xo. repairs wero needed, everything
running nlcoly. Some, repjort.
Reo Garage
615-17-19 North Pino St. Phono, 152
Order your car and truck now.
Will Entertain E.lHnri.
The Chamber of Commcrco has ap
pointed committees to look after ar-
irngPMents ror entertaining at break
fast tho Nebraska and Iowa editors
who aro now making a tour of the
stato Tho special train on which tho
newspaper mon nnd their wives are
traveling will reach North Platto noxt
Saturday moraine nlinnf nluM nVwir
If tho stay, horo Is of sufficient length
mo excursionists will bo driven to tho
stato farm, whore thn Plintntmr nf
Comerce will nervo breakfast to them.
If tho time Is too short for tills trip
omer arrangements will bo made.
On till mnrlrCt Antrim IKtli. Tim
addition of tine homes. Get our Aug
ust m iiuiietln it trlls tho story.
Tho lighting fixtures In vmir li
or In tho houso you hnve for sale are
tho most conspicuous furnishing of
tho room. If you want tho most for
you- money In this necessary lino of
iurnisnmgs, you can't afford to miss
our cloalnc out snle. EWtrlo Plvfnrn
& Supply Company, Sixth and Vino.
Miss Mary L. Downe., tho high chief
ranger of tho Women's Catholic Order
fo Forresters, spent Sunday In town
whllo enrouto on an Inspection trip
trip through tho west. Miss Downs
gavo a very interesting talk at tho
mooting Sunday, after which the mem
bors of tho local camp ontortalned her
at dlnno.r at tho Pacific dining hall.
Wo have 3000 ynrds of Light nnd
dnrk 86 Inch percale wortli. today 10c
per ynrd. On sale nil day Saturday
August utii, at L'&c per ynrd.
59-2 THE HUB.
C. C. Hupfer, for a couple of months
past located at Oakland, Cal., arrived
Saturday evening and will remain a
fow days looking aftor business mat
torn. Mr. Huier is handling electric
musical instruments in California and
is meeting with gratifying success.
Tho ladles' aid society, of the Pres
byterian church will meet in tho
church parlors Thursday afternoon,
entertained by Mesdames Jeter, Pratt
and Fenwlck.
For sale A good reed baby buggy.
Phono Red 1009. 59-3
Our complete lino of lighting fix
tures at' tho actual cost of manufac
ture. Como In early whllo tho selec
tion is good. Electric Fixturo & Sup
ply Company, Sixth nnd Vino streets.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
"The Littlest Scout"
A charming story of fashionable country life,
starring two of the cleverest kiddies in the world,
Master Charles Blackton and little Violet Blackton.
"Pettigrew's Girl"
We think you'll like Bill Pettigrew.
And we think you will like Daisy Heath, Bill did.
Come and see if you don't.
Must Be Sold This Week.
Located within two miles of North Platto.
12 room house finished in oak, Including furniture.
120 acres excellent farm land. 200 tons alfalfa in stack from two
cuttings. Crop of corn. 20 milk cows, 8 head of horses. Three
fine barns. Cow sheds. Dairy and implement houses. 300
chickens. Ford delivery wagon. Agricultural Implements of all
sorts. 8 Horse Power Gasoline Engine. Large Silo.
Price $42,000.00. $17,000.00 cash,
Balance on easy terms.
Phone Red 572.
Crcssler Buys Cummlngs 'Ilancli.
Dr, O. H. Crossler yesterday pur- -chased
tho B, D. Cummlngs ranch on
tho BIrdwood creek for a consIdoraSsft
tlon of fifty-five thousand dollars. Tho
ranch contains 3,600 acres, and is said
to bo very good ranch property,
Opens August IGth Get our August
1st Bulletin for prices nnd terms
Watch this paper for nds. next two 4
Issues. Phono H. & S. Agency.
Tho W. C. T. U. will moot this af
tornoon with Mrs. W. H. LoDIoyt, 403
west Sixth.
Miss Bonekomper a former teacher
In tho high school, Is tho guest of Mrs.
W. J. Hendy.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Frater and
daughtor Thelma loft last night for a
visit in Denver and other Colorado
points. ,
All summer washablo dresses and
white wash skirts at actual cost and'
loss at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. W. R. Hodshlre, who has been'
vlsttlng relatives In Canada for two
months, Is expected to nrrlvo Thurs
day. Claude Peters, who Is attending-tho
summer school at tho stato university,
ban boen visiting rolatlvcs In town for
several days.
Paul Ottenstoln returned homo Sun-',
day, having rccoivod his discharge v
froin the navy after olghteen months'
Mrs. B. A. Cram and chlldron, of
Lincoln, aro the guests of friends In
town. Rov. Cram also spout Sunday-1!
horo, roturnlhg to tho capital city
yostorday, if
Mrs. Beatrlco Mctcalfo was a guest'
ot her paronts Mr. .and Mrs. Frank "
Hoxlo, Bunday whllo enrouto to her
homo in Paxton from Rochester,
Minn., ttbero she had gone for au ex
amination and found an operation not
Our closing out sale of lighting fix
tures starts at once and continues un
til our Btock is oxhaustcd. You ean't
afford to miss thoso bargains. 'Comjj,.
In any tlmo during tho day or evening:
Eloctrio Fixturo & Supply Company.
Sixth and Vino stroet.
Whether you aro eight or eighty
"Tho Little Scout" will mako you laugh
until your sides acho and will give you
Just the right number of thrills to
make you think it Is tho clovorost
play you have ever seen. Keith the
atre Wednesday and Thursday.
and Friday.
& Company.
North Platte, Neb.