THE SEMNWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I AM GLAD TO ENDORSE! PERUNA Glad to Try Anything g "Thrco years ago my system was In a. trrrlbly nin down con dition and I was broken out all over my body. I began to bo wor ried about my condition and I was Rind to try nuyihlnjc vrhtch vroiilrt relieve me. I'runn tvh ri-commetided To me as a fine blood remedy and tonic, and I Boon found that It was yrorthy of praise. A few bottles chnnued my condition materially and In a short ttmo I vrno nil oyer my trouble. I owe my restoration to health and strength to Veruna, I nut Bind to endorse It." Sold Everywhere Looking at the Bright Side, Oltl Lntly That parrot I bought yes terday uses most violent Iuiikuuku. Dealer Laily, I don't "ileny that he doen stvear a bit, but you must be thankful he doesn't drink or gamble. As Good and Better. "1 want a piece of meat without any bone, fat or Bristle." "YVd better buy an ckr, mum." The charm of a bathroom is its spot lessncss. By the use of lied Cross Ball Blue, all cloths nnd towels retain their whiteness until worn out 5c. Where there is much light, the shad ows nrc deepest. Goetho. THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Llki Plain Bltro. Phosphate to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strenrjth, Vigor and Nerve Force. Judging from the countless preparations and treatments which are continually be tas advertised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, developing arms, deck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by tne soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evi dently t h o u sands of men and women who keenly feel their ex cessive thin ness. Thinness and weakness are often due to starved nerves. Our bodies noed more phos phate than Is contained in modern foods. GEORGIA HAMILTON. P h y s I clans claim there Is nothing that will supply this deficiency ao well as the organic phosphate known among druggists as bltro-phosphate, which Is Inexpensive and Is sold by most all druggists under a guarantee of satis faction or money back. By feeding the nerves dlrectlv nnd hv Biinnlvlnp the bodv cells with the necessary phosphoric food elements, bltro-phosphate should produce a welcome transformation in the appear, mnce; the increase In weight frequently neing asiomsiung. Increase In weight also carries with It a general Improvement In the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, wnicn nearly always uccompany excessive thinness, should soon disappear, dull eves oucht to brl&rhten. and nalo cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. Allns Georgia Hamilton, who was once thin and frail, reporting her own experience, writes: "Bltro-Phosphate has nrouent about a magic transformation irt me. 1 gained 15 pounds and never before felt so well." CAUTION: Although bltro-phosphate la unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness, It should not. owlntr to Its tendency to in crease weight, be used by anyone who ooos not. uasira to put on liesn. Suffer from Millions of people Buffer year after year from aliments affecting practically every fiart of the body, never dreamlnc that their 11 health can be traced directly to acld stomach. Here la the reason: poor digestion means poor nourishment of the different organs and tissues of the body. The blood Is Impoverlshod becomes weak, thin, sluggish. .Ailments ot many Kinds spring xrom sucn conditions. Illllousness. rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, general weakness, loss of power and energy, headache. Insomnia, nervousness, mental deDresslon ven more serious ailments such as catarrh and cancer -of the stomach. Intestinal ulcers, clrrhosh of the liver, heart trouble all ot these can often be traced directly to acid-stomach. Keep a sharp lookout for the first symp turns of acid-stomach lndlirestlon. heart burn, belching, food repeating, that awful palntul bloat after eating, and sour, Eassy tomach. I5ATONIC, the wonderful modern remedy for acid-stomach, la guaranteed (o bring quick relief from these stomach mis eries. Thousands sav they never dreamed that anything could bring such speedy relief and make thm feel so much better In very way. Try EATONIC and you, too. will be Just as enthusiastic In Its praise. Make your life worth living no aches or pains no blues. or melancholy no more of that tired, listless feeling. Tie well and strong. Get back your physical and mental punch; your vim, vigor and vitality. Tou -will always be weak and ailing as long as too have ocld-stomach. Bo set rid of It now. Take EATONIC Tablets they taste good you eat them like a bit of candy. Tour druggist has EATONIC SO cents for a big bo. Get a box from him today and If you re not sstlsfled ho win refund your money. pEvery Woman W antsl . FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam mation. Recommended by Lydla E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh. ore throat and soro eyes. Economical. JF j on are h&flug business, domestic or other trouble, write us. We furnish expert legal advice and acilstanoo by correspondence. Ad vtos for ona year f 10, 0 mtbs. $5, In advance. LEu'AL AID BUREAU, 8 II Br BMt, tab. Ki. W. N. UTOMAHA, NO. 29-191.- F AT0M8C fjasa (Tor VOUR ACIO-STOMAOO Was in a Terribly Run Down Condition Mies niclcn Leopold, 289 Lnvco St., Menasha, Wis Bocy LleJcrkranz. Mlso Leopold's letter opposlto conveys In no un certain way ths Eratltuds she feels for Peru no. Ltqata nnd Tablet form NO NEED FOR THEM TO PART Young Man Willing to Sacrifice Him- celf to Soften Blow to Poor Father-in-Law. The young man had asked him for the hand of his daughter, nnd a pang wrung the fatherly heart of Mr. Jones as he looked at the youth, and thought of the bitterness of parting with his welMielbved child. "I suppose, Oliver," he said at last, 'It Is only natural and right that .when the young birds havo become old enough to fly, they should leave their parental nest and go with their chosen mates to build nests of their own, and yet It pains me when I think of one of ray fledglings getting ready to fly away." "This seems to be a good-sized nest," suggested tho young man, anxious to soften the blow; "perhaps you'd rath er have me and Gertie stay here." "BAYER CROSS" "ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with tho 6afety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which con tains proper directions to safely re lievo Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and. pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cants at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin is tho trado mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlc icldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. All Nicely Arranged. "Oh, yes, it's all nicely arranged Jack has found it practically Impos sible to live on his Income and m? needs me to economize for him." "But, my dear, you have found It practically Impossible to dress your- self on your allownnce," said her chum. "True," she admitted, "and so I need him to economize for me. It's n splendid arrangement, don't you think so?" If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like in endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, eo many people claim, that it fulfills al most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the urio acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. With Her Tall? "Whndju splllln' all that there good milk fer, Mandy?" "Flossie kicked Jest awful, Hiram." "Ool durn It, she never oven raised a hoof." "An' who Paid she did, Hiram Fod der?" Cuttcura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cuttcura Soap and touches of Outlcura Ointment. Also mako use now and then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cuttcura Talcum, one of tho Indispensable Cutlcura Toilet Trio, Adv. The worst Ubc that can bo made of success Is to bonst about It. Worry Is trying to mnke a $2,1 sal ary look like n $200 Income. Eesis. Relrulei. Sollies, Heals Keep your Eyes Strong and Healthy."-If they Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated. we Murine often, fiafefor Infant or Adult At all Druinritta. Write for Free Eye Book. M1m lyt ftaatWy Ctcy , Ckkjfv, 8,1, A. pviaisj 1 think he conquers all who wins content. Take what you may Of proffered Rood: nccept llfo as It stahtls And make the mosj of Its MVlft-fleetlnB days. FISH AND WAYS OF COOKING IT. Select llsh with firm flesh, clear eyes, red gills, scales bright and free from any unpleas ant odor. As soon as U Is caught or bought It should be scaled, cleaned and well washed. After cleaning place on u large plate In a cool place until It Is ready to be cooked. To boil llsh, wipe It carefully. dift well with salt and wrap In n cheeso cloth four Inches longer than the flsb. Place In n kcttlo of boiling wnter. add a teuspoonful of salt, a bay leaf, n sprig of parsley, a slice of onion and n hit of celery.' Cover the kettle nnd lot It Just simmer ten minutes to the pound. Lift out carefully and turn the fish upon a folded nnpkln on a hot platter. Garnish with slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley and serva with n drnwn butter sauce. Planked Whltcflsh. Ono may have a delicious planked fish at home which may be served t6 perfection, If one has a gas or coal range. Secure a two-Inch plank made from hard wood, oak, hickory or maple, a groove run ning around the plonk two Inches or less (In from the edge), will hold tho juices from flowing over. Have the fish split down tho hack and plnce It skin side down on the plank after heating It so hot that the hand con not be held an Instant upon It. Sen son the fleh with salt and pepper, baste with butter nnd plnce In a hot oven to bake thirty minutes, basting two or thrco times. When the fish Is done, take It from tho oven, garnish with parsley and lemon slices and send to the table on the plank, plnce on a tray a little larger than the plank. Tho longer the plnnk Is used the better flavor it gives to the fish. Scrape the plank to remove any char red wood and carefully cover It when not In use, nnd It will Inst for years. If one wishes to roast the fish before an open fire, the Ideal way, tuck the fish on the bonrd and stnnd It before the fire. Frying Small Fish The old saying Is that "small fish should swim twice, once in wnter nnd once In oil." Perch, smelts and trout mny be cooked in deep fat, putting the flsh In n fry Ing basket. Dip them after being well cleaned, snlt nnd peppered, In egg nnd corn menl, then put tliem Into hot fnt which will brown n small cube of bread In one minute. Cook five min utes, drain on brown paper nnd serve. If you've anything good to say to a man. Don't wait till ho b laid to rest: For tho eulogy spoken when hearts are broken la an empty thing at best. HOT WEATHER DISHES. During the wnrm venther cold meats and meat loaves are popular, as they mny bo prepared the dny beforo using, keeping well for several dnys on Ice. Jollied Veal Wipe u knuckle of vcnl and cut It Into pieces, put It In to n kettle with two quarts of water, bring slowly to the simmering point nnd simmer for two hours; then add two onions, oi.e blade of mace, one bny leaf, twelve whole cloVei, six pepper corns, half n teaspoonful of ground allspice nnd simmer one hour longer. Take out the knuckle, carefully remove the bones and put the meat Into a square mold Boll the liquor until reduced to nno quart, strain, add a quarter of a cup of good vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste, pour It over the meat and set away to cool over night. When cold turn It carefully out of the mold, Veal Loaf Chop three nnd onc-hulf pounds of veal and a hnlf pound f hnm, both uncooked; ndd to them one cupful of bread crumbs, one teaspoon ful of salt, one teaspoonful of onion Juice, half a teaspoonful ench of pep per, sage, cloves and allspice, nix thoroughly with two well beaten eggs and press Into n pan to mold. Turn nit on n baking pan und brush with !-:t-en egg and bake In a slow oven for two hours, basting three or four tin.-s while baking with butter nnd boiling wnter. Italian Cheese. Take one pound of veul, ono nnd one-half pounds of calf's liver, half a pound of ham, one wall onion, half a teaspoonful of sage, two tahlcspoonfuls of chopped purvey one-fourth of a box of gelatine, two tenspoonfuls of salt ono-fotirth of n teaspoonful of black pepper and a dash of cayenne. Wnsh the liver, rov er with boiling wnter and let stand five minutes, then drain nnd dry. 'lip the liver, the vcnl, the ham fall un cooked) very One; then ndd the snge, parsley, salt, pepper, cayenne and onion grnted. Mix well. Grenh-e a mold and press tho meat tightly Into it, cover nnd steam throe hours. Ite movo the cover nnd pour off the broth and add to It tho gelatine which lias been soaking In cold wnter to cover for half an hour. As ships meet at va, moment to Eethor. when words W greeting must ! spoken, and tlion away Into tho deep, si men meot In this world; and I think w should cross no man's path without hall liip: him, nnd, If he noeds, Hlvlnir hltr supplied. -Henry Ward lloechor. MORE SALADS. Sweet salads make a most dnlnty dessert, which Is easy to prepare and much moro wholesome In hot weather than pud dings nnd heavy des serts. Banana With Rasp berries. Peel small ba nanas and cut In hnlvcs lengthwise, spread with raspberry Jam or the fresh fruit crushed nnd sweetened, lay on n let tuce leaf nnd serve with n sour cream dressing or with a simple French dress ing. Cottage Cheese Salad Shape smnll flat cakes of nicely sensoned cottage cheese, make u depression In the cen ter with n spoon and nil with nny fa vorite Jelly or Jam. Serve on n plato or fresh lettuce. Dutch Salad. .Arrange well washed nnd drained lettuce In n bowl. Pour over three or four tablespoonfuls of hot bacon fat, season with salt and pepper, then add u tnblespoonful or two of hot vlnegnr. Servo sprinkled with hits of fried bacon or minced ham. Onion mny be added to this salad, or not, as tho taste dictates. The average boiled dressing Is spoiled by the addition of too much mustard. It Is safe to cut down near ly all proportions of mustard In most recipes one-half and In many three fourths. One-fourth i of a teaspoonful of mustard Is sufficient to season nn ordinary recipe for salad dressing. Mustard Is highly Irritating, ns one knows when It is used ns n plaster for the skin, so It Is reasonable to sup pose that the delicate membrnno of the digestive tract Is also Irrltnted by Its use. Simple Russian Salad. Arrange a bowl of crisp lettuce nnd heap chopped, seasoned tomatoes on the lettuce. Servo with any desired salad dressing. Cottage Cheeso Salad. Take n pint of cottage cheese, add two tnblespoon fuls each of shredded chives and minced pnrsley, or green peppers, sen Ron with salt, add one-half cupful of salad dressing and four cupfulB of shredded lettuce. Heap the cheese on the nests of lettuce nnd serve nt once. Prune Salad. Arrange cooked prunes In the form of n flower by cut ting them In halves, and nrrango on lettuce. Put n spoonful of thick boiled dressing In the center nnd serve with the boiled dressing, If more Is needed. Naturo Is man's svst teacher. She un folds Her treasures to his search, unseals his eye. IllumoN his mind, and purified his heart. An influence breathes from all the sights and sounds Of her existence; she Is wisdom's self. Alfred Stroet. SUMMERY SALADS. There Is no dish which "touches tho spot" equnl to a fresh, crisp, green salad. String Bean Sal ad Take ono qunrt of cooked nnd chilled string benns, ndd two tnblespoonfuls of chopped onto n, ono hulf teaspoon ful of suit, a dash of cuyenno and a few dashes of puprilra, cover with olive oil using two spoonfuls of oil und one of vinegar and let stand for two hours. Line a bowl with lettuce, put In the benns and pour over tho dressing. Serve well chilled. Tomato Aspic on Shredded Cabbage. ifook two cupfuls of tomato and onu onion for twenty minutes, add one teu spoonful of snlt and two of sugar and when well dissolved, strain. Soak fout tenspoonfuls of granulated gelatin In one tnblespoonful of water and ndd to the tomato. Pour Into smnll molds or cups and let stand until firm. Servo on finely shredded lettuce with may onnnlse or a boiled dressing. Boiled Dressing. Take two eggs well beaten, add two tnblespoonfuls of vinegar and two tablespoonfuls of wn ter, two tnblespoonfuls of butter, two tenspoonfuls of salt nnd half a tea spoonful of mustard with n dash of red pepper. Cook over hot water un til smooth and thick. French Dressing. Put Into n bowl, three tablespoonfuls of olive oil (corn oil will do, but lacks tho llavor), ono tnblespoonful of vinegar, one hulf tea spoonful of snlt and a few dashes of pnprlkn. Heat with an egg beater un Ul thick. Tomato With Onion and Cucumber Salad Cut thick slices of ripe, red tomntoes, or If small, cut In hnlves. Heap on each slice, a mlxturo of mop ped onion and cucumber well seasoned nnd mixed with French dressing; fin ish with a spoonful of thick boiled or mnyonnalso dressing on top. Threo good sized tomatoes will serve nine; the nmount of onion and cucumber can, bo used to f 'tilt tho tnsto. Celery may nlso be added using but a bit of onion for seasoning. Get An xoGs&s Heater For Your Range Would you like to have gas in your home for $45 ? Then buy one of these appliances and make your own gas out of kerosene tho cneapesr. iuei in me woria. No. 1, Oxo-Gaa Cook Stove Outfit We also have them for heating and be one of the nrst to get one of 3tj4 for Ctlozu and Full Instructions. Add re, OXO-GAS CO. 1508 Harney SI. OMAMA.NEB. I' '' . .,,. , . .... .... I.j.., TV I ,., . I . A P'H--- .1 f' ' .J yryjlA ....feS3v7 rrr. h 1 S&rc-a I i ...... J...,..-. ... i . .... I ---t JLirf..' ILZAbFl ' I I I '.,. . i tt:.,Li Luzi-LA . :4tE3ZL jC'H whip rn'mmmm, .u. . ,., , llL, UIU ,,nn . JJ Hoam. of Plcwbr i1 While are sure acre Many farms fatt. W. Wilson Patent Never-Break Trace M la truly gratifying and what a thirsty ol3 I 5 i'lfviKSi world Indeed this would be without water! H flJSyv But if in quenching thirst we can also Inv ft viVilMsSj part nourishment, then have we acted wisely a J 11 iraj JssWW and improved upon nature's suggestion WtiiMfmSf!P Not only slakes the thin! but yield that O invigorating nourishment so often demanded milmWrnuUliiffiaESiBl Onttr from your dtattr, at groeeritt. drag U Wmll&3iMinvUisSSm floret, Jountuint, rcttauranti, etc., or from EwIM Id SIS 1 1 cQrson Drug Co. I aWltf Itllll wflomlff I D,Btr,u'rs - Omaha, Neb. 1 miW H Iff HI I I T1IE INDEPENDENT BREWERIES CO, St. Louis. 1 Nebraska Directory I UOILKIW 8MOKUHTACKS I ' l'fchi tC J 8MOKUHTACKS TWO nVNTH DRAKE, WILLIAMS, MOUNT COMPANY Main omyi and Works 23rd, Hickory and U. P. It. R. l'liono Uouclas 101U UIIANOU 20th, Center and C. B. & Q. l'liono Douglas Hit Oxy-Acetylcne Weldlnu BTANDPIl'KH TANIUJ BESELIN'S PIPE SHOP We Make 'em anil Fix 'em Special Pricea to 9 Dealers 1405 Douglas Mi xsr a omaha IVmnnttlnl II r irur, jar DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work ffuaranteed 10 years, Fillinffs, Crowns, Bridco-work. Plates and Extracting. Home treatment for Gum Ditoaseo, tightens teeth and preserves health. It will pay yoo to come for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet B91 WOODUBN Of WORLD BUILDINa, OMAHA. NKbC oir Cook Stove A Lot of the Drudgery and Dirty Work About the House No coal to carry in; no ashes to carry out no wood to cut; no coal to buy; no coal to haul; no soot; no smoke; no getting up an hour earlier; no ex cessive heat in the summer; no fixing the fire every ten minutes in the winter; no getting up in the winter in a cold house; just put in kerosene and this little heater will do the rest, and you will wonder why you didn't get one before, but that was because they have just been perfected so any one can use them. stoves and furnaces. Write today these twentieth century wonders. Good Propositions to County or City Distributors. Wfstem Canada for veorahsa helDed to f eed the world the same retrjonai- Ml Itv of nmductlon still rests urjon her. idols prices for Grain, Cottto and Sheep to remain, price ot una is rnucn oeiow us vtuue. Land capable o? y folding 20 to 45 bush ml of wheat te the acre can be had mn easy terms at from 15 te $30 per geed grazing land at rnucn leas. paid for from a alnele year crop. Raising and hncrthrlntntMiiisrsufvesfl. The Government encourattea larmfna and stock raising. Railway and Land Companies oflerunususl Inducements to Home Seek rfl. Ifnrmsmnv tin wtnrlrcrl hvtaans at moderate interest. Western Canada offen low taxation, Kopd markets and ship pine; free schools, churches and healthful climate. For parttealsni as to rsdticsd railway rates, location of land, lltos tratsd literature, etc. apply to ttopt. ot Immlf .. Ottawa, Can., or V. BETffiETT, Km 4, Bet BtlWlsJ, OMAHA, RV. Canadian Government Agent Poaltlrely Guaranteed From RijjplnK.Stretchlne or Breaking Inquire of Your DeaUr , Wilson Trace & Mf. Co. 1721.Z1 Uwrsac 3L, Dur, Csh. Iry.l Kirli.lT. Mw la Vt4 llm OBlts flttmra It MM la liMrtta. fit Otnn 0..r (1.000 Sssn L OMM FIXTURE & SUPPLY GO. S. W. Cor. 11th and DoujL. Si., Omaha. Nab. Mm. of MODERN STORE, OFFICE and BANK FIXTURES Fbono Donwla 5751 All we ask Is a chance to bid. BEST BUYERSSELLERS cattuI homamshecp STOCK YARDS'OMAHAi Man