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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1919)
Srilrant Maxm THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. V NORTH PLATTE, r&B., JULY 29, 1919. " No. 57 i ' . . . r WORD AT LAST FKOM THE LONG EXPECTED AJIll'LAXK Seville gets $u,ooo for sixth and locust lot For six weeks past the people of North Platte have been waiting for word from the airplane which Is to stop nt North Platte on Its trans continental flight, but It was nbt until Saturday that word had been received. Information as to the plane was given tho public in the following dispatch which appeared In Saturday's dally papers: Dayton, O., July 25 Capt. Roj N. Francis loft McCook flold at 8:08 ! o'clock this morning In a Martin bombing plane for Now York, where in 'a few days ho will start on a transcontinental trip to Seattle, Wash. Captain Francis is planning to make only ono stop on tho trar continental flight, that boing at; North Platto, Neb. With him in the Martin bomber are Liout. Peter Welch Lieut. F. Cerrutl and Scrgt. S. B. Madan, , That tho plane would sooner or Inter begin Its flight has not been tiuestloned for the reason that Lieut. Gonklin and men, who wero sent here tho early part of Juno to get tho land ing grounds in readiness have re mained. : to: : Robbers Visit Store. The hardware store of Dcrryberry & Forbes was entered Friday evening and the cash register robbed of its contents, which was confined to small change, the exact amount of which is not known. Entrance was gained through an alley door.' This Is the thjrd time this store has been ontered within the past two weeks. On the former occasions goods wero taken, but Friday night no merchandise was taken so far as known. Keith Neville sold his lot at tho corner of Sixth and Locusts tho former Dr. Dick property to Bjatt, Goodman & Buckley for a considera tion of fourteen thousand dollars. Five years ago Mr. Neville bought the property for sixty-two hundred. While tho purchasers decline to state for what object or for whom tho property was purchased, it in generally reported that the buy was made for tho Standard Oil Company of Nebraska, who will establish west ern Nebraska headquarters In North Platto, making this a general distrib uting center, and at the same timq establish a service station for gasoline nnd oils. In this event the company will erect a building covoring tho en tire lot. This report is heightened by tho fact that the secretary of the company, accompanied by other of ticors, spent Friday and Saturday In town. Prior to buying the Neville lot, Bratt, Goodman & Buckley made Louie Lipshltz an offer of ?19,000 for his building on the corner of Front and Locust. Canvass Vote. Tup vote on the court house levy "wan canvassed Friday evening by County Clerk Allen, T. F. Healey andi E. C. Baker and the result was found 1 to tie as follows: Total vote cast 2950, for the levy 1867, against the levy 723, majority for the levy 1 144. ::o:: Imagine the surprise of the cheat ers when they discovered another cheater cheating them. See "Cheating the Cheaters" and how Clara Kimball Young does the cheating. Crystal the atre tonight. Those who have been waiting for the new beads will pleaso call in as rmn now Hnn hna nf Inst nrrlvnrl - TT DIXON, The Quality Jeweler. Jim Halvas was arrested yesterday for assaulting Bill Pappas rindwhen arraignea jjciore juago vvooauursc pleaded not guilty. Halvas will have a hearing August 5th. Sale of City Property John Jones has purchased the Mills property at 115 South Vino St. This hour.e was formerly owned by Henry Cordes. Ed Hoggo nas purchased of the Cordes estate the residence property lng the 100 block on south Vine street. Ed Robinson has purchased the former Dr. Cressler residence in the 900 block on west Third. Keith Nevillo has sold tho property at tho corner of Fourth and Vine, oc cupied by Albert Abel to A. M. Lock for a consideration of $5,500. Dr. States and States, the chiroprac tors, have purchased the home of H. N. Smith on east Sixth street for a consideration of $7,600. Tho put chas ers will take possession In the near future. Temperature Readies 103 The temperature record for the present summer was smashed Satur day evening at six o'clock when It. reached 103 degrees. However, the average person did not feel tho heat as keenly as on Friday when It regis tered ninety-seven, or Sunday when it was nl.ietyrslxv. This Intense1 heat of the past week Is sapping the moisture from the ground, yet up to Sunday corn had not begun to show any bad effects. ::o:: 4 L. C. McMInn, who lives south, of Sutherland, was arraigned before Jiidge "Woodhuf st yesterday on the charge of assaulting his son. Ho pleaded not guilty and will have his hearing next Thursday. Mrs. H. A. Brooks and children and Chas. Leynoldt. of Hershoy, was in Tior olntnr Allrv T.nnn WAnt tn Tlnn-' town thin mornlngr nnnrntn tn Omnrf vor Sunday for a visit with her moth-j Island where he will transact busi er, Mrs. Louise Loan. ' ness for a day or two. Architect Consults Commissioners. W. F. Gernandt, an architect of Omaha, was In conference with the county commissioners yesterday rola tlvo to plans for the proposed now court housb. Mr. Gernandt drow the plans for tho court houso at Lexing ton and also for tho ono at Clay Con tor, tho later costing complete with furnlturo the sum of $275,000. He brought with him the plans of tho latter, but the county commissioners Informed him that the flvo mill Jevs for five years would not creato suffi cient funds for so costly a building. Tie commisBionrs wil aim to keep the cost of tho building and the complete furnishings insido the amount raised by tho levy, which will bo around $200,000. It is probnblo that Architect Gomandt will draw ptans of a build ing coming within tho sum Lincoln county can raise. ::o:: Lenses Harrington Building. C. M. Trotter returned this morning from a trip to Cheyenne and Denver. While In the latter city he made a fovo year lease on the Harrington building now occupied by Herrod, tho grocer, which ho will uso for an auto Miow room, still retaining tho two rooms which ho now occupies. As soon as tho Herrod stock Is moved to tthe now building., a new front will bo put in tho Harrington building, now floors laid and other Improvements mado. Mr. Trotter plans to have the most attractive auto show room In the west part of tho state. ::o:: Miss Selmnn Moves. Miss Salman has moved her mas sago and bath parlors from the Brod beck building to tho building at 312 east Sixth street which she recently purchased. Miss Seiman has remod eled tho building In a manner best adapted tothe needs of her work and is much better prepared to accommo date her patrons. : re: : , The Lutheran ball team defeated the Episcopal team at tho city park last evening by a score of twelve to two. The Lutheran men proved to be hard hitters, and Just about knocked Guy Swopo, tho Episcopal plachor, out of tho box. Johnson pitched a good game for the Lutherans. Martin Cato, a Mexican, was ar raigned in tho county court yester day on tho charge of- stealing a ring of Chas. Emple, of Sutherland. Ho pleaded not guilty, and his trial set for Thursday. For Sale Two iron three-quarter bedsteads,, isprings . and . mattresses,. and other.artlclcs. 305 west Eighth Robert Bybeo son of H. A. Bybee, wa-jqiite severely burned yesterday whon the toy cannon which ho at tempted to fire exploded, burning him about tho face and injuring his eyes." POST OF FOREIGN WAR ' VETERANS TO BE INSTITUTED Mustortng Officer P. W. Jowett will bo In North Platto Saturday, August 2d, for tho purpose of mustorlng in El mor W. Shuner Post Veterans of For eign Wars. This meeting will be hold at the firo station hall at 8:30 In tho ovonlng, All men who have signed tho nppll- 3IUTOR TRAIN SAID TO BE ONE DAY LATE While uo official notlco of a change) In tho schedulo of tho motor 'trans-1 port train, onrouto to tho Pacific coast, has been received, tho Davis Auto Co. received a phono mossago , Yesterday asking that company to bfi ready to supply tho train with 140U. 11 , i, m , ... I guuuus ui gasouuo on Aionuay, Aug-i canon wni neoa taKo wim mom toiust 4th. This would Indicate that tho hall their army discharges. All tho train Is running ono day Into. Tho ' men who lmvo scon foreign sorvlco! train Is In Omaha today and will ro nnd dpslro to become a member of tho sumo Its westward march tomorrow.' organization should see olther Com- This would glvo It four days to reach' mander Leonard Robinson, Adjutant North Platto, and It Is poslblo that it! Plina HrnaKv (119 Qtf.nmnin at.nnt . .. 1 1 1 1 -i . n.. n r , - ujviuiuiiu sun ruuuu mia ciiy oaiuruay or wuiiriermasior wan a. mincnn, on west Eighth street. : :o: : Nollre to Wntc-r Consumers, When lire whistle blows for flro wntcr consumers must shut off gprlnk lore nt once nnd kefcp them shut off until ono blast of the flro whistle nn. nounces that ilio fire Is out If this rule Is not compiled with parties dis regarding same wil l.o fined. This Is tho only restriction on wnt- ,or that tho city makes and It Is Im perative that snmo bo compiled with If tho pumps at the plant aro to fur nish sufficient pressure to fight fires. Last evening while going to the flro I noticed sprlnklors running nt nearly every houso I passed. If this was tho caso on one street it was probably gon eral all over the city and with 1300 sprinklers running, had last night's flro been a serious ono, It would have been Impossible for the pumps to havo furnished sufficient pressure to fight tho flro. Kindly remember this the next time the Are whlstlo blows and sco that your sprinklers are shut off at once. HERSHEY WELCH, Wntor Commissioner. evening. On tho bellof thnt tho train will bo hero Saturday evening and remain over Sunday, plans for tho entertain ment of tho corps havo boon mado, and overy courtesy passible will bo ex tended to tho membors. Theso plnnsj Includo a reception committee that will moot tho train at Maxwell and escort It! to this city. Upon arrival hero R. D. Blrgo will look after tho parking of tho cars hnd tho camp grounds at tho city park and will seo that tho buildings on tho grounds nro elenned In tho event they are needed. D. M. Loypoldt will ex tend to tho men tho uso of tho swim ming poal nt tho south rlvor bridge and will furnish autoes to transport tho men from Jho camp to tho swim ming pool. Carl Simon has chargo of a dance which will bo given complim entary to tho convoy mombors nt tho K. C. hall Saturday ovonlng. All tho tlmo tho convoy is iu town tho Red Cros3 Canteen will servo freo lunches to tho members both during tho day as well as during tho evening hours. Sunday aftornon tho conyoy will bo entertained at a ball gamo and band concert at tho city park. The nrrangomonts havo boon jnado In tho ovent tho motor train remains over Sunday. If, however, tho train does not irn Into rnmn nvor Rtinrlnv. In alighting tho nrocrram will hn chnntrnd tn tnint tho hnndlo' thn cnndltlnnn. Secretary Osterman, of tho Lincoln The six year old son of Mrs. C. C. Clark, who lives south of Maxwell, foil from a second story window fun- day afternoon nnd was ompaled on of a pitch fork, which penetrated the stomach. The embedded handle Hli'iiwn.v. nnnmnnnin iihv nn nirimr was .withdrawn, the child placed in , Wlll reach North Platto tomorrow, and a car, to bo brought to a North Platto . jt will thon bo definitely known when hospital for treatment but ho- died the transport train will reach this city, while enroute here. and how ionB it Wlll remain. Men's blue bib overalls on sale at ::ot: , $1.65, $1.95 and '$2.45 by Tho Leader 1 out. Ellis Barraclnuch arrived homn Mercantile Co. jyostorday after almost a year's sorr Thelmn Anderson, a fourtson year vice ovorseas. Ho was stationed at; old girl, who took three different aut-' Mohun, Franco, with tho Ordnance oraoblle3 for Joy, riding purposes and Shop. j also Issued three fraudulent checks, I Jack Dempsoy, tho champion pugl-, hastbeon committed to' the girls' homo list, was nn cast bound pasongor on nt f V - - .1 11, t. . 1 . . 11.1 I 11. 1 H. 11 VT (S ui. uuiiuvu uiiu wan iiu uuvuu iu until iuu huuuuu buvuuu ui inuu iu. o , Institution today or tomorrow by Mrs. Sunday. A. J. Salisbury. Mon's harvest work shirts on sale Messages wero received yesterday at 75c 05c aD(1 $1.25, by The. Lcador from Ping Sandall, Paul Marti and Tom McGovern stating that they had landed at Now York with tho Fourth division. niercantuo co. i Mr. and Mrs. John Wood camo over from Wallaco, to look aftor business lntorests Saturday. HUNDREDS ATTEND OPENING W OF NEW HOTEL PALACE , , The Now Hotol Palaco and Cafe, contly completed by Rlchl Ugal, and; which 13 ono of tho best appointed ho tels in tho west half of tho state, was fomally opened Saturday evening and hundreds of North Platto pcoplo and rcsldonts of tho surrounding country wero In attendance. On tho reception, committee wero a dozen or'moro North Plhtto business men and their, ladles, and this committee received tho callers In tho lobby of tho hotel; Mr. Ugai standing at tho head of tho rocolvlng lno. Tho visitors wore taken by tho elevator to tho third floor where they wero shown around by other mombors of tho committeo, thcuco to the second floor whore othor committeo mombors presented tho la dles with roses and tho men with cig ars. Descending to tho ground floor tho callers wore escorted through the . refrigerating plant, tho bakery and the ", kitchen, and In ending tholr tour in tho dining room woro served with punch. ' During tho ovonlng muslo was furnlsh- od by tho Stamp orchestra Btatloned In tho lobby. This now hotol of seventy-six rooms Is thoroughly modern in its equipment and was orcctcd at a cost of $75,000. " All rooms are equipped with hot and cold water and tolephonos, a number of the rooms havo baths attached, and cn each floor nro public baths.' Tho rooms aro neatly and attractively furnished. Passongor elevator sor vlco Is provided. Tho lobby la eplen didly furnished, as is also tho writing and reading room to tho rear, and there is a largo samplo room for thov accommodation of commercial travell ers. Tho refrigerating plant, installed' at a cost of $6,000, is ono of tho feat-. lirnH. UrnffHInr. nn tt rlnna vntrltrarn.' tlon for all needs both In tho kitchen,,1, In the lunch room and In tho dining : room. Tho bakory and kitchen aro lnodolB of neatnoss and provided with all modern accessories. Tho dining, room Is splendidly furnished, well lighted and cheorful, whllo tho lunch, room Is all that could bo desired for tho comfort of patrons. Tho hundrods who Inspected this now hotol hod nono but complimentary words for its modorn oqulpmont and bright an1 cheerful appearance and complimented Mr. Ugal for tho enter prise ho displayed In giving to North' buum n tjyiuuum iiuiui. trow - Hor puritanical fathor had warned her that slio would bring a curse upon tho Breton viliago if sho continued to And joy in living. Soo Theda Bnra in "The Siren's Song at tho Koith .Wedr nosday and Thursday, and soo whothor his prediction camo truo. Tho Lutheran Girls' Club will hold its monthly missionary "meeting at tho homo of Miss Thea Hansen Wednes day ovenlngr at 8 o'clock. The lessqn on Porto Rico and tho Virgin Islands wlll bo given by Mm. C. F. Koch. So That You May Know Some of the competitors of this Agency are trying to convey to the people ot North Platte that the management of the J. E. Sebastian Life Agency had entered the Real Estate field-exclusively and was not writing Old Line Life Insurance, or vice-versa. This is False. If you want to know for your own satisfaction, our relations, titles, and connections, are as shown below. The J. E Sebastian agency has already submitted considerable over $100,000 in applications to the Old Minnesota Mutual Life during July. The full time Life staff is as follows: J. E. Sebastian, Manager; C. F. Temple, Asst. Mgr; E. W. Rincker, Field Supt; Wm.- Smith, Special Representative; A. W. Bullard, Special Representative. The above, together with 35 local banker agents in Nebraska is why the Agency is growing. If you want sound Life Insurance, phone or call at our offices, and mention the man you want to see. THE H. & S. AGENCY. J. E. Sebastian, Manager; C. F. Temple, City Property Salesman; J. C. Hollman, Attorney and Legal Dept. These are the people of the H. & S. Agency who are helping to make North Platte a bigger and better city. Watch for the new H. 8c S. Bulletin on August 1st. It will pay you. The Agency has also employed a live, experienced real estate man to manage the Farm Department of the H. & S. Agency. This Department will open September 1st. If you want to sell or buy farms and ranches see us as we expect to .render the same service in this department that we are giving in the present various departments of the agency. When you want anything in our line tell us your wants, pick your man, use the phone. We are here for business and if we please you tell others, if not tell us. Don't forget that we write Fire, Automobile and all other known kinds of In surance, except accident and health insurance. The H. &. Agency. 1 , kt BRODBECK BUILDING. PHONE RED OR BLACK 612.