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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1919)
StmlWtMn Srtbuite. IRA L DARK, Kdllor nnd Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Year by Stall, In ndrnnco. .$1.7" Ono Tear by Carrier, In advance, $2,00 Entorcd at tho North Platto, Nobraska Postbfflco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JULY, 1919. A rosldont of Hall precinct said the reason tho votors of that precinct vot ed solidly against the court house was because "they wouldn't give . thorn good roads," and the mo plea was made by a rosldont of Dickens pre cinct where tho vote was ninety-three against and nono for the court house. Tho Tribune lias quite a bunch of subscribers in botli Dickens and Hall precincts and tho editor Invites one or moro of tlioin to toll him just what connection there Is between bad roads and n now court house. The residents of those precincts know, or should know, that the law limits the levy for roads, that eacli of these two precincts receive tholr full sharo of road work in porportion to the tax thoy pay and to demand moro than their share would be unfair and unjust to othor precincts. It is an uttor Impossible to have good roads in every precinct under tho road revenue law as it now I stands, becauso there are 1400 miles of roads In Lincoln county und rev enue for road purposes Is less than $25,000 a year, Hero in North Platto tho business men raised a fund of six thousand dollars to be Hpent on road maintonanco within a radius of six or eight miles of North Platte for tho year 1919. Somo of Uicbo men contrib uted a hundred dollars each, and yet they seldom use tho roads. Are tho farmors of Dickens and Hall precincts each willing to donate fifty or ono hundred dollars wortli of work on their own roads on tho roads which they aro constantly using and which thoy ay aro In such bad condition? If tho funds do not permit tho com missioners to holp you, why don't you liolp yourself. Wo have boon told that farmers often refuse to get out to drag tho roads, though thoy aro frtlrly well paid for tho work, and this certainly shows an utter lack of the good roads spirit. It is possible it is oven prob ably that some day tho farmors will demand that county bonds bo voted for good roads or that n general levy ' for good roads bo mado on all the tax able property of tho county. When that time comes wo want to assure tho peoplo of not only Dickens and Hall precincts but of every precinct in tho county that Tho Tribune will support tho proposition and will use Its best ondcavor to give tho good roads bonds or levy a majority as ovorwholmning tis was majority in North Platto on tho court houso lovy. North Platto Is part of Lincoln county and It has never yet railed ,toBtand up to tho rack, when an issuo that concerned the good of tho whole county was placed before It. ::o:: Men Wanted. To assist secretary In outside work gathering exhibits and matorlalo for the county fair. Apply in porson to It. D Dirge. Secretary. GUARANTEED MOT TO BREAK We Strive To Please When in need of good things to eat Call 212. Qaality in every pack age. Dick Stegeman, PHONE 212. 815 NO LOCUST. $2.00 orders and over delivered. SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA A VOCATIONAL SCHOOL. Open to Eighth (Jrado Ornduates. Minimum Aire Limit Fifteen Yrurs. NEBRASKA ROYS MAY LEARN to bo SUCCESSFUL FARMERS: ManaEera of Grain and Stock Farms; Dairy Farms or Ranchos. MANAGERS: Building Roads: Oporatlng Tractor and Power Machln ory: Managing nn Automobile Agoncy or Garage. MECHANICS: Export In Car and Ilbpnlr of Automobllos nnd Tractors. NEBRASKA GIRLS MAY LEARN to bo EFFICIENT HOME MAKERS: Sklllod In purchasing, preparing and .Borv,nB foCKl8' Doslgnors and makors of garments. TEACHERS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: In domaud becauso of spe cial training. Salary bottor than tho averago.. Hold a stato certificate x, . MAI' STUDY Millinery, Homo Nursing, Garmont Making. Clothing Values. Food Combination, Preparation and Sorvlng of Meals, Making Homo Attractive . A SHORT SCHOOL YEAR: 0 months Opons October 10, 1910. Ex ponsos light. No tuition. Wrlto for a catalog. SHORT COURSES Auto-Tractor Courso: Four wooks Opons Sep tember 20, 1919. Studonts may ontor any Monday thoroaftor Fep $10. Agriculture: Four Woeks Opons January 19, 1920. Feo $4. Homo Makors' Courso: Four Weeks Opens January 19. 1920. Foe $4. For girls aud women who want a toractlcal couroo in homo making. For further Information, address. 'HIE MtlNOITAIi, SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY FARM, Lincoln. Nebraska. Commissioners' Proceedings. July 21, 1919. i Board met pursuant to adjournment,1 present Koch, Hermlnghnuson and Sprlngor and county clerk. ! fllnlms wnrn allowed im follows: ! A. J. Salisbury, Jailors foes and j board of prisoners, ? A. J. Salisbury, mileage state cases, ?25G.60. A. J. Salisbury, office expenses, $33.30 W. V. Babcock, dragging, $1.00 Frank Ebelo, carpenter work, $3G Wm. Bailey, hauling gravel, $14 Hohort Frcczn, plowing, $12 , J. E. Schratn, dragging, $16 Bert Baker, dragging, $5.20 Fred Clymont, dragging, $18.90 y. D. Wcstenfold, grocorios county pdor, $G3.04 Lawrcnco Hlte, road work, $30 Wm. Hnasc, road work, $12 John Tilford. road work, $32.90 James Itay, road work, $21.50 II S. Haskins, dragging, $47.50 Dalo Smith, road work, $31.60 Gcorgo Karlgor, road work, $18 90 P. O. Dcats, wall paper and work, $32.45 Nourse Oil Co., oil. $0.10 Paul Moyor, surveying, $07.50 It. I. Shappollc, service, $10 Edgar Ocwccko, dragging. $3 Harvey Nichol, dragging, $13 A. E. Woods, mdscj county poor, $189.40 Wallace Winner, publishing, $21.45 W. Hamm, hospital expenses, $13,75 Adjourned to July 28, 1919. .'if. : The railroads of tho United States hauled 4,270,949 troops on special and regular trains for nn average of GC0 miles each in tho first six months of 1919 according to statistics mado pub lic by Director Gncoral Hlnes In addition approximately 2,000,000 of ficers and men mado railway trips when on furlough and nnothcr million were transported from camps to their homes after discharge, making a total of 7,250,000 military passongcro ac commodated in addition to civilian travel, Tho military traffic Ih six months required 9,000,000 train miles Tho five mill lovy for a now court homo In Itlchnrdson county, this state, tho election for which was hold Saturday, tho proposition carried by four votes. Tho closo vote on tho levy was duo to a fight between Falls City nnd Humbolt as to whether tho former town shall remain the county scat. Since tho voto on tho court house lovy Humbolt has filed a petition ask ing for an election as to whether tho county scat shall 4)10 moved to Hum bolt. Tho election will be held on scptemuor utn. The .light is very bitter. FOR SALE Eight room houso at Thirteenth and Locust. Modern ex cept heat. Full basement. Good lawn and trees. Sco BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY Tho wheat crop on tho Scott Rey nnlfl a n n nil cmtttlinnaf rt Inufn Ima been threshed and found to averace I twenty bushels to the acre. George ' TM - ..t.n II T 1 1, uiuuui, yhu iivua uii uiiuiv morrow flats, thinks his wheat will avoraso twenty bushola, though lie has not yet threshed . Diet Shlnftlo, living northwost of TTnrftllftt wnn trnrianntori tmalnnaa In town yosterday, says ho lost twenty u.av , ...... UMU.,.Ut.U ... acres or beets through tho ravagos of tho worms, This land ho plowed up and planted to cano. Ho says grass hoppors are working strong on the second crop of alfalfa. : :o: : Nollce to Properly Owners. Notice is hereby given that tho City Council of tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sot as a Board of Equallzatoln beginning at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. of tho 5th day of AuguqJ, 1919. at tho City Hall building In tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for tho purpose of levying on tho real estate lying and boing within tho extension of Sower District "B" nnd "D", taxes for tho purposo of paying tho cost of tho' construction of an extension to lateral sower In said sower districts "IT and "D" and that tho said tnxo3 will bo lovled upon euch parcel of real estnto according to tho extent and of benefits to such proporty. by reason or tho construction of said extension to oaid lateral sower, and if tho said council Bhull find such benefits to be equal and uniform such lovy of taxes will bo according to tho front foot of tho lots of real estate within said extensions to Sower Districts "B" nnd "D" according to such othor rules as tho City Council slttlnK ns such Board of Equalization may udopt for tho dis tribution or adjustment of such costs. All porsons Interested will fllo tholr objections, If any thoy havo, to tho assessing of taxes against tholr pro porty on or bororo tho 5th day of August, 1919, at 8 o'clock p. nu with uuy uiorK. By order of tho Mayor and City council. O. E. ELDER. City Clork July 25 HOUSEHOLDER MAY KEEP LIQUOR FOR OWN USE. . Under the national prohibition bill passed by the lower houso of Cofigross Tnnalnv It !u nnt lllnirnl tn -liJiSn tn otto's possession liquor In a private dwelling while the samo Is occupied 'ami used .by the possosaor as his private dwelling, and tho liquor is used for norsonal consumption by the 1 owner, his family or his guests. The possessor of such liquors, howqvor, bears the burdon of proof that "tho liquor was acquired and is possossed lawfully. t Intoxicating liquor is defined as a beverage containing more than per cent of alcohol. Any house, boat, vehicle, or otheir place where liquor is manufactured or sold is declared a nuslanco. No person shall manufacture, sell barter, give away, transport, Import, export, deliver, furnish or receive any intoxicating liquors. Liquor for non-beverage purposes, and wlno for sacramental ui niny be sold under specified regulations. News Notes. Great Britain Tuesday placed her approval on tho peace treaty with Germany. The treaty was ratified by a vote of 163 for and 4 against. An , , , . A Ul ') J I. nuiu VOkUbU Hill luau UUkiLC tiiut attack was made on the peace terms t u Um,ted for prcaentatioil and by way of bringing up he Irish ques- fl of cIan8 a,d 03tuto , on and it was through this move Novombor 20th( 1919, and fdr settle hat a unanimous vote was lost Mom- mont of 8aId C8'tato July mh im I will sit at the county court room """" 1, , 1 '1 i ihnldn VlfL hln,evoPR10 mU8t flrBt learn to know themselves. Engineer Thomas Caroll, Fireamn A. II. Woods and Head Brcakman Charles Hobbs, the entire crow of an wore Instantly killed at 4:16 o'clock Utah, when the boiler of the engine exploded. Thq bodies of the three nien were taken to Evanston, Wyo., on a special relief train. Over six hundred divorce cases have State of Nebraska, County of Lln becn filed In the courts at Des Moines coin, ss. within th past six months. Ono divorce To all porsons Interested In the es ls filed against every three marriage tate of Charles Spies, deceased, both dlconscs Issued. Hosts of war mar- riages aro-said to be responsible. Twonty-flvo hundred military prls- oners In the disciplinary barracks nt tho federal prison at Leavenwarth, Kansas, went on strike Tuesday and resisted attempts of the guards to force 1899, leavlnjr his last Will and Testa them to work. Colonel Frederick Rice ment, that at the time of his death, he in command of tho barracks, received was a resident and inhabitant of a committee of 12 prisoners, who ask- Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Coun cd that tho men bo given shorter hours tv. Iowa, that said last will and testa- and moro to eat. When the men were ment was duly probated In tho probate ordered from their cells Tuesday Court of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, practically all of 'them refused and and was possessed of tho following guards who later attempted to forcp described real estate in Lincoln Coun tho men from their cells were beaten ty, Nebraska, to-wlt: The NV1, of Sec back, tlon .11, Township 15, Range 26 West Ralph T. Moyer, cashier of the North of ' the 6th P. M.; that Amelia M. Penn Bank, of Philadelphia, which Spies- Is the sole beneficiary under was suspended last week by tho state the last will and testament of Charles banking commission confessed Tues- sni fifiCasfid. which said will wns day that the shortage of the bank would approximate $900,000. The frauds, acordlng to tho commissioners Information had be6n going on for two years. Tho state bank examiners wore unablo to detect them became. according to Moyor's confession, lbpgo leaves were substituted by him Inline loose leaf ledgers when tho examiners came nround. Tho substitutes did not disclose any discrepancies. " ::o:: REAL ESTATE AUCTION In order to devote more time to im- proving and colonizing our oxtenslvo holdlngs. wo will sell tho following lands AT AUCTION. Sale to bo hela at Kit Carson. Choyenne County, Colorado, on July :i0th.:Jl8t, 1919. 1C180 Acres Divided Into Smaller Tracts LOCATION: 135 miles east nof Donvor, U. P. R. R. Lands on j half mile to 7 miles distant. No better land in Colorado. SOIL: Chocolate loam, levol free from adobe or blow sand, with an abundance of water at 15 to 35 feet. CROP: Com, wheat, cane, mile mnl fntArltn omlmi -ntn "-- """""I "" IMPROVEMENTS: Fenced and cross-fenced, well watered. ARRANGEMENTS : Address own- ors or nncHnnnor fnn nnmnhloK nnil pint or lnna. Special pullman will bo . . chartered from Omaha Lincoln and Knnnnn CMv Tiioan nniimnna .ni nrrlvo before sale and bo parked on sidings, giving ample time to Inspect land. Individual plats of land will bo furhisimii. if vnn nm lontin fn, n fnrm Imnrnviirt np imtnmrnrorl wlmro the first wheat crop will-pay for tho Innrt nnrt n nrn(t hoaliloa onmo fl.ln sale. If .you would buy land where 13th Judicial District in and for Lin you can double your money, in short co,n County, Nebraska, against you tlmo. bo nt Kit Carson. Colorado. July au-3u-ai. Kit uarson Istjii main lino Tlnloir Pnclfln frnm Kjinrnin Pltv in Denver. Tnkn TInlon Pnrinn nut fi Lincoln ami nnlnts smith tn Mnn. hattan, Kansas, and catch main lino train to Kit Carson Bnnd Concert & VuhUo Snnnklni? liniiv 'ruaiftia: z& per cent cash day of eale; 10 per cent Octobor 1st. 1019: 15 nor cent March 1st. 1920: rnmninrf or 3 years at 6 por cont first mortgage. Tltlo guarantcod. Abstract to date ' Immedlnto Possession. Railroad fares refunded to pur chasers. FRED L. PERDUE, Auctioneer, 320 Denham Building, Denver, Colo. STATE REALTY INVESTMENT CO., Ownors, 311 Fraternity Bldg. Lin coln, Nob. DR. C A. SELBY Announces his dlschargo from tho military servlco and roturn to prl vato practice. Offices over Roxall Drug Storo. Phonos: ortico 371, resldonco 1068. Norm Platto, Nob. ::o:: Always try The Roxall first, It pays. tf JO! I" Estray Notice. Takon up by, tho undersigned on section 23-13-30 who there rosidos. on or about April 15, 1919, a black horso, wolght about 1000 pounds, uuum ien years 01a, no brands dis tinguishable. Owner call, nrnvn proporty, pay charges and take anl- mai away. scott REYNOLDS, North Platte, Nob 53-12 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Wc, tlio undersigned dentins of North Platte, will close uout offices ery Thursday nftcrnponi; UntU Qc4 towr wt, iviv. Signed: A H. C. IlROCKf A. L. LANE, P. E. MORRILL, L. J. KRAUSE, II. E. -MITUHELL, 0. JI. CRESSLER, W. F. CBQ0K. DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstctrlctnn Surgeon. X-Ruy Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phono Office CIS! Residence 076 DERRYBERBY A FORBES. Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Director Day phono 41 Night phono Black 588 Notice to Creditors Estaie No. 1607 of Cyrus C. Parsons, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credit org of sa,(1 estat(J wl takft noUce lhat ,n sa,d county, on August 20th, 1919. o'clock a. m., and on November onM, .. , n ft' ?LB ? r k,L IT f.? I' ,?X 'r,a.t juoi Mtt viuiiiif? uuu uujuuiiuiin uuiv nied. ioalk WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. Notice of HearHi In the matter of the estate of Charles Spies, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. creditors and heirs, take notice that on the day of July, 1919, Amelia M. Spies, filed her petition In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne- braska, setting forth that Charles Spies died on the 22nd day of December, admitted to probate in the District Court of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 0n the 26th day of Februrary, 1900, and duly probated In said court, You are further notified that tho potitlon prays tho court to fix a time df hearing on said petition, that notlceor said time and place bo for the court to determine the time of tn(J 0f tnG saj,j deceased, that ho died testate leaving a last will and testament, was duly probated iu the Probate Court of Pottawattamie Coun- ty. Iowa, and that said will bo admlt- ted to probate In Llncon County, Ne braska; that under" said will the title to. the above described land descended free and clear of all debts to the petl- , Mner. Yu aro further notjiled that said matter will be heard before the Coun- ty Court on tho 15th day of August, l"9. at 9 o'clock a. m.. when any person may appear, object or contest sal petition. , H. C. WOODHUPST, County Judge. ' . JlOUCO 10 nUIWlUNlUIMll JieicnunniS. ..... m i- xr,i t f ' "'" ,.iluu WU,B' , "l"BJ'uu" r 1TUHl company, ana me iNoruieasi wuaner 01 oeciiuu 10, uwusmn io, Range 32 West Of the 6tll P. M. Ltn- nnln Pmi -f Tnliin aim ntirt nil T C T v-u'" " - BU"B i"b " uieroi ui uy nmu in said real estate or any part thereof, "J, hereby take notice that Wesley . unV. J' 'na"l?ai t,f?8 ,n, a certain action, wherein tho said Wesley T. Wilcox nnd John J. Halllgan are plaintiffs and yOU and each of yu are defendants, filed their Iiuuuuii in mo uibiriui. vouii. .ui mu n,lu t-"1" 01 ou' 1110 "J uu py.or Ul H'"u uciub iu yui iuuiu- t"IS' UUO 10 tlie KCJVt Ot Section J.S Township 13, Range 32 west of tho 6th P. M. In Lincoln County, Ne oraKa. rminuua seen 10 imvo ineir la 1 T-l f A. 1 It. uuo quieiea ngainBi a certain morig- age upon tho above described real "llu u.i;uiuu uumva v. ander and wife to tho Lombard In- 1 vestment Company on July 13th, 1889, which morigago is recoraea in uook 9 of mortgages pago 320 of the real estate records ot Lincoln County, No braska, which mortgage was after wards assigned to the defendant, Mary Ann Craig, which said assign mont Is filed ot record in book 27, pago 575 real estate records of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Plaintiffs al lego that said mortgage has ben paid and that tho same Is barred by the Statutes of Limitations) of tho State of Nobraska, plaintiffs also seek to quiet their title against the claim of Valley Loan & Trust Company under n war ranty deed executed by Samuel" Corn mossor and wife dated December 19, 1892 and recorded In book "L" of deeds pago 461 roal estate records of Lincoln County, Nebraska; plaintiffs also alleged that they havo acquired a new independent tltlo to said real estato by adverse possession You aro further notified that unless you answor said potitlon on our be fore the 2nd day of Soptembor, 1919, judgment will be rendered against you. WESLEY T, WILCOX and JOHN J. HALLIGAN. Plaintiffs. By HaUlgan, Bcatty & Halllgan, tholr July 22 A 16, JOHN S. SiBOIS, BL D. 'StteCial Attention Given to Surtrcry . . McDonald Bank Building Office Phone &1 Rcsldenco 33 DOCTOR D. T. QUIQLEI Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Thorupy 729 City NaUonal Bank BuOdliiK. OnakA, Nebraska. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platto, Nebraska. THE TWHfEM HOSPITAL, 1008 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Vlattc, Nebr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where tho sick are cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phone 110. North Platte, Nob. W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY.AT.LA1 Office orer McDonald Bank. Office Phone 1130 Res. Phone 1126 Hospital Phone qiack 633 Houso Phono Black 633 W. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eliht years a Governmept Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. HERB HA3LTLT0N Taxi and Livery DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phono 908. Black 398 Legal Notice To Amanda Seward, and If dead, her heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal 'representatives and all other persons Interested In her estate; Samuel Peugh, and If dead, his heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives and all other persons Interested tn the estate of Samuel Peugh, deceased, Mariah Hartley, and if dead, her heirs, aevisees, legatees or personal rep resentatives and all other persons in tereBted In her estate; Lillie M. Rich ards, and if dead, her heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives and all other person interested in her estate; and tho unknown heirs, de vlsees, legatees, or personal repre sentatives and all other persons in terested In the estate ot Josephine Scanlon, deceased, Tho Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Townshlpl2: Range 31. Lincoln Courity, Nebr., and all person claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof, defendants. ou and each of you take notice that on the 25th day of Juno, 1919, J. L Demlng as plaintiff filed his petition against you In the district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, alleging tnat ho is tho absolute owner hi fee Blmple of tho following described land in Lincoln County, to-wit: Tho Southwest Quarter of Section Fourteen, Township Twelve. Range Thirty-one, Lincoln County, Nebraska. yti.1i . 1 . -1 . ngiuuiB wiu suiub uy gooa inu sui flclent record title and by reverse. open, notorious, continuous, unlnter rupted, exclusive, hostile, possession by himself and his Immediate grantors for moro than ten years prior to tho commencement of said action. The object and prayer of said petition Is to obtain a decree decreeing and con firming plaintiff's title In fee simple to said land, and every part thereof and quieting said tltlo in plaintiff as against tho defendants and each and ajl of them and forovor barring and excluding and perpetually enjoining tho defendants and each and all of them from over claiming any right, title to, or Interest In or Hen upon the said land or any part thereof of any kind or nature either In law or equity and for general equitable relief. YoU and each of you are required to answer or plead to said petition In said court on or before Monday, the 25th day of August. 1919, or the alle gations of said potitlon will bo taken as true and a decree entered accord ingly. J. L. DEMING. Plaintiff. By D. P. WEST, Attorney. J15a Notice to Creditors Estate No. 1673 of Maurice Lanning, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of said estate will take notice that tho timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estato Is Novombor ?, 1919, and for settlement of said estate Is July 3, 1920; that I will sit at the county, court room in said county, on August 8, 1919. at nlno o'clock a. m.. and on November. 8, 1919, at nlno o'olock a. m., to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (Seal.) war. h. c. woodhurst, JSal County Judge. Notice of Petition. Estato No. .1674 ot Albert Coolldge, deceased, Mu the County Court of Lincoln County, Nbraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said estato take notlco that a petition has been filed for tho regular administration of said estate, by Delia A. Coolldge, widow of deceased, for the Appointment of W. II. McDonald as administrator of said estate, which has been sot for hearing on August 1st, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. Dated July 7th, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C, WOODHURST, J8J23 County Judge. s- 'NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block Noilb ol Posloflice. - Phone 58 A modern institution for th fciantiilc treatment of medical, aurgical und confinement case. Completely equipped X-Ray nd diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lncas, M. D. J.B. Redfield. M. D. J.S. SIMMS, M.D. DBS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70 Res. Phono Rod 1009 GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclnn and-Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones; Offico 130, Resldenco 115 Office Phone 340 Res. Black 378 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb. Phone for Appointments. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L.LIPSHITZ. TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Tent aqd Awning Cp. 109 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Plione-SjoJ .. AUTO CURTAINS AUTO -TOPS ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specinlty. References nnd Bates nt. First National-Rank, North Platte, Jfcli. Phone 1000. NOTICE In the District Court of Lincoln Coun ty Nebraska, Ruth E. Winget.JPlain tlff, vs. Helen C. Ross, Ethel M. Wlnget, Charles H. Wlnget and Charles Ross, Defendants! Notlco of Sale In Partition. Notlco Is hereby given, that in pur suance of a decree 'of the District Court, made and entered in tho above entitled action on the 31st day' of May, 1919, the undersigned referee duly appointed In said cause and hav ing taken the oath prescribed by law, and having given the bond provided by law and the Court, and which was duly approved by tho Court, I, O. E. Elden tho said referee, will offer at public auction at the east front door of the court houso of the county of Lincoln, in tho state of Nobraska, to tho highest bidder for cash in hand tho following described property by said decree ordered to bo sold, to-wlt: Lot three (3) in Bloclr sixty-nine (69) In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln, County, Nobraska. Said sale will bo held, and said prop erty offered for sale as aforesaid at 2 o'clock p m., on the 16th day of Aug ust, 1919, Dated tills 12th day of July. 1919. O. E. ELDER. J14al5 Referee. Notlco of ncarlng. In the matter of tho estate of Herman Sonneman, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. To the heirs and all persons interested in said estate: Notice is hereby given that a potitlon for tho appointment of Minnie Son tato ot Herman Sonneman, deceased, tato of Herman Sonnerman, deceased, and also an application for an allow anco to said Minnlo Sonneman, as widow of said deceased, have been filed in this Court and that tho said petition and application for widow's allowance will bo heard before the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, in tho County Court room In tho court houso In the City of North Platte. In said County and State, on August 5, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. ra., at which tlmo any porson lntorestod may appear and showfcauso, If any there be, why tho prayers of said petition and application shoud not be granted. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, July 14, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, JIBal County Judge. 1