The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1919, Image 5

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'Vou don't know how anxious we are to have you in
Sunday School next Sunday. Even it you have not at
tended once this year. We will be all the more tickled to
see you. Encourage those folks that iust never iniss rain
or shine, hot or cold, who have been Avortderlim why you
nre not interested in the study of the .
It's the Book of Books, the lessons of which are un
dispencible to us a individuals and nationr, and tfip World,
The greatest men that are forming the world programs
today are Sunday School men and they say to us keep up
the Sunday Schools. Now if you arte not helping change
your program, come and see that your boys and girls are
there too. 9:45 sharp. i
" r
1 Girl for goneral housework. Mrs. J.
S. Slmms. Phono 38. BC-3
Mrs. J. W. Fetter left Thursday for
a two weeks visit with relatives in
Omaha and Iowa.
Always stop at the Rexall.
. P. W. Sitton spent Wednesday in
, town while enroute from St. Louis to
, his .homo at Rawlins.
For Sale Chevrolet car in good re- CO.
pair. Call at 414 South Walnut. 5G-2
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allemand left
Wednesday for a six weeks visit at
their old home in Stella, Neb.
, Always try The Rexall first, it
;pays. tf
' Misses Winnie Schriver and Fern
(NoreYorthy, of Gothenburg, .spent
Wednesday with friends in town.
I Andrew Hahn, of Fairbury, trans
acted business in town Tuesday. He
formerly lived southwest of town.
Wanted to rent for one year, five or
six: room house. Address P. 0. Box
C72. , 5G-2
Mrs. Julia Todd wont to Hershey
Wednesday where she will bo
;of Mrs. Frank DIckerson for a week.
, Lloyd Gummere, who accompanied
the ball team for the series at Scotts
Dluff; remained there for a week of
: The Rexall handles the goods. tf
' Mrs. H. I. Block and children and
her cousin Miss Jeannetto Freidstadt,
left Thursday for a month's stay at
' Idaho Springs.
1 Lost At the swimming pool at the
south river bridge Tuesday evening a
gold case Elgin watch. Finder return
Pto Dixon's and receive reward.
Mrs. Richard Moore came down
from Hershey Tuesday and brought her
small son to a local hospital to have
his arm broken and the bones reset
Creepers, Rompers and wash, suits
lor ciuidron in ngcs 6 months to C
years on sale at 76c, 95c, $1.25, $1,45,
3b anu up at THIS LEADER MERC.
Film Version of Famous Novel to be
ShoWn Here.
,Rlh in ' pathos, humor, stutlmont
and sweet charm, "Little Women,"
the celebrated story wrltton by Louisa
Mi Alcott, has for fifty years exerted
a wide appeal upon the reading public
of the world. "Little Womon" has
b'eon translated in many languages
and its beauty has been recognized
in fbrelgn lands with the rosultthnt
the littlo. herincs of the book, Meg,
Jo, Both and Amy, are tho most cele
brated characters in literature.
. .Thls wonderfully appealing st6ry
has been filmed and as a Paramount
Artcraft special picture, it will bo
shown at tho Keith theatro next Mon
day and Tuesday. Every man, woman
and child in the city who has read the
story should seo It on tho silver screen
for It visualizes the celebrated
characters which will never fado In
tho memory of those who laughed and
cried over tho novel in their youth.J
Tho picture was filmed in and about
tho home of Miss Alcott In Concord.
Mass., and it is more than usually in
teresting on that account.
Entertainment Delights Audience.
The musical entertainment given
hv local talent undor tho direction of
Miss Sadio Trovlllo at the Keith
theatre Tuesday evening demonstrat
ed that there is plenty of tnlent in
North Platte to plcaso tho most
ilTTLB 1V'WEJ AS ! mil Someone Tlcano Explain.
Having returned but shortly from
a visit to the Pacific Coast, nnd have
ins been Interested in tho High Cost
of Living there as well as bore, I am
desirous of'liavlng sevornl things ex
1st. Why, 1b sugar soiling for $9.25
a hundred pounds thorc, while It is;
a pouna. nore; Aicrcnnnis say it is
because of the freight rates. ( "
2nd. Why Is bcof selling thorc for
from 27c to 35c a pound (lncliiihg T
bone nnd sirloin steaks), whllo hero
In Xorth Platte we pay from 40c to
45c a pound? And the, meat on the
const Is shipped In there, so tho cry
of high freight ratos does not apply
io u.
We are interested In seoing cvory
one mako an honest living, but In our
simplicity we nre unable to under
stand tho great differences between
prices here nnd elsewhere in our
country, evon between North Platto
and Omaha. Will somcono please ex
plain. Respectfully yours,
Sells Patterson Land.
F. N., Buchanan has sold all tho
former land owned by T. C. Patterson.
The purchasers and tho descriptions
of tho land woro as follows:
East half of section 3-13-32 to John
H. Mapes for ?60 per acre. "
EaBt half section 23-13-30 to Dr.
W. T. Prltchnrd for $C0 per aero.
Section 25-13-30 to Andrew Hahn
seventeen numbcrn wan vnrlnil In Its nt ncr ncr
vocal and Instrumental make up and, Soutn ,in,f of tlic cast half of
each number received merited ap-1 SPCt'n 32-13-29 nnd tho west half of
plauso. As a whole It was an enter-i thc south linlr ot section 29-13-29 to
talnment that certainly delighted and,1"- incn ior wt per aero.
reflected creditable upon Miss Trovlllo
nn .lLnU.H .1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 I
IT g!rjf!.?'!,dn0''. or U?e participants r m
North Platto resident. SDent several
days in town this week. He" brought a
son hero to a hospital to have his
tonsils removed.
Shu Fly and spray at the Rexall.
Lost July fl2 between Cozad and 5
miles west of North Platte on Lincoln
Highway, Bulck tiro, rim and cover
Please notify Nellie Armel, Lexington,
Nebraska, reward.
J. B. Redfleld tendered his resigna
tion Tuesday as city physician. The
Doctor's practice is such that he did
not. care to look nfter this branch of
the ciiys business.
Alwayp, stop at the Rexall.
Shu Fly and spray at the Rexall. I
Elmer Coates .who is at Estes Park
send us a card dated July 22 on which
Is written: "Senator W. V. Hoagland
narrowly escaped with his life today
by being drowned in Big Thompson
river. He was rescued by Mrs. Ray
Lieut. Ray D. Grimes, of Russellvllle,
Ind., lias been tho guest of Judge and
Mre. Grimes during the past week.
A pleasing feature was the stage
setting of potted plants and cut
flowers. , N
"The net receipts were nbove $200,
which goes to the benefit of tho choir
of St. Patrick's church-
and"' other houhomgds. ' Flrt Lout. Grimes liad been in a hospital
house east of Besack barn. Mrs.1
i . ' . charged from service.
Miss aMe Wiley, who recently under
went an operation at a local hospital
in France for six months, was invalid
ed home but has not yet been dis-
Chrlstlan Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every week at 8:00. A cordial Invi
tation Is extended to all to attend
these services. Building ft'Xoan build
ing, room 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Llpsy return
ed Wednesday from an auto trip to
Estos Park and Denver, after an
absence of two or three weeks.
When they left tho Park there were
not less than sixty North Platte people
quartered there
- "Little Women," Louisa M. Alcott's
wonderful story of four of the sweet
est girls in American fiction. Loved
by everybody, little and big. A picture
In which you will live that's hovf
good It Is. Keith theatro, Monday and
"Chick" Clnrk, charged with gram I
larceny in thc theft of a diamond ring
tho property of A. B. Hoagland, had
a hearing In the county court Wed
Chris Jordon defeated Bobbie Bylund nesday and was bound over to the
returned the -first of the week? to her In 'a wrestling match at the firemen's ct, court unuer a uonu or i.uuu.
IVml at Hershey " ner, ha Tuesiay evening, securing the Not being able to secure a bond, he
- Gales bf merriment follow in ihoLJJS. ! "l 1" ..
DUVUUU 111 IlltUUII I1IIIIU1.C9. XllUllt.ll llll-i 1'UI XV jUUU 111111,11 LU. -till
match was the best ever pulled off in at 803 south Walnut. 53-lp
North Plafte the attendance was. it is generally conceded tho corn
small. I prospect this year could hardly be
Kodaks and films at the Rexall.
Jazzy footsteps of Gaylo's Musical
Merrymakers at the K. C. Hall, Mon
day, August 4th ' 5G-2
; Tho most wonderful wash waists for
wmtion mnrln In Ampripn tn Kfill nt $1 '
$1.50 and $2.50 on sale
nt THE Field Agent Bryan, of the Grand;
better. With tho stalks in tasslo and
the ears forming, the present is a
rather critical time and moisture in
Island SUgar factory, Who Was down l,n Prminil is niwnsnrv. lint H la Hnld
Yesterday Win, E. Shuman nnd from Hershey, yesterday, stated that im onlv In' rare instances is tho corn
daughter Dorothy, left for a month's
trip upon tho Pacific Coast. They will
visit Mr. Shuman's brother at Spokane growers, howevor, are ready for them
his sister at San Francisco and
father and motherjit San Diego.
UlOUlCr OUlUreaK or.UlC SUgar Ueet shnwlni? tlm iinoil nf mnlnlnro.
worm is duo in a day or two The . ... ,,,, ,., t.ii. .,
1 I J V V III VII IT ItUllllllUll) AUtk4V
Montana aro still raging. Old blazes
hs with spraying machines and not much
demage to the crop is -anticipated
.TTTinilllHTTTDrtjnTft IMWHI i M .
Haven't You An 1
are barely, hold in check, and now out
breaks are occurring in many places
No rain is falling in the fire districts.
anu only tho ract mat there Is no
1 strong wind has prevented a dozen
holocasts. Several fires have leaped
divides and are steadily spreading.
nit . . . .
inese transactions involve over
seventy thousand dollars.
;tof ,
"We recently advertised In the
Tribune 'Ladles B. V. D. Union Suits.'
This we regret to say was an f error
as tho goods were of nnothor make.
In Justine to. The B. V. D. Company
and In order that our customers may
receive the best service, wo will not
hereafter use the trade mark B. V.
D.' in advertising or soiling goods un
less they bear thc red woven B. V
Ralph SniIUi Sells Home
Ralph Smith has sold his house In
the 500 block on west Second street to
Dr. J. B. Redfiold for a consideration
of ten thousand dollars. Mr. Smith
will resign his position as engineer
and with his family move to Idaho
where ho will engago In the lumber
business with a brother.
that you would like to make look
exactly like a beautiful real hard
wood finish, instead of covering it
with unsanitary carpet, hard to
handle and keep dean?
You can wash this heelproofjhard
wood effect surface, scrub it and
pound it with a hammer without
injury. Make over your carpet
into rags and enjoy tbo pride of
having a beautiful, brilliant hard
wood floor effect, co coif to keep
clean and, better 'jtu you can
apply the Chi-Namd Graining
Process as successfully as an expert
after but 5 minutes practice in our
Chl-Namel Store.
Come ia as quickly as you can and
let us teach you to grain ONLY
A practical method by which anyone can
apply beautiful, washable, beelproof hard
wood effects overold discolored soft wood or
furniture. Costs about 3 centa per square
foot. Looks and wears like real hardwood
finish. Learn to grain in 5 minutes at
These up-to-date merchants invite you to
investigate Chi-Namel quality finishes for
everything in your home. Made for new
or old auueet, tura or oit wood
rarsUhe csiaeti. wall coitino, etc
all a nude of elMevtitog wiur-prool
Quaec Oil by oat seem (voceu.
Eplscopnl Service.
Sunday. July 27th Holy Com
munion at 7:30 a. m., morning pray
er and sermon at 11 a. m. Rev. Dr..
Rollltt and Bishop Beechcr will be
present. A meeting of tho nation
wide campaign committee will bo
held nt the church at 7:30 In the
, ':o::. .
' Increased Rounly on Coyotes
.'Effective July 19th tho bounty on
Coyote, scalps was Increased from one
to three dollars. This will mako tho
killing of tho animals more profitable
and a more resoluto war of exter
mination will probably start.
Under tho old bounty of onedol!ar
for each scalp, tho number of Coyotes
killed in Lincoln county has averaged
over one thousand a year for a
number of years past.
:or: .
First Lulheran Church.
Morning 'worship 8:30 o'clock with
celebration of tho Holy Communion.
Special Communion service at 8:30 p.
m. for those unable to attend in the
morning. Sunday School one o'clock.
REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor.
2,100.000 lovors of the best In lltor-
P"t y-j , , . . ......I., linn, iiuuh" wic uubiv
. C. Peterson received a message . ,. mnnnnnn . i
vnctn.,ln,. I,l c C 1 "UIIIU1I. JU.UUU.UUU UlUtlL HilV I full It
Pntrnn ointw tiloi 1 1 i. i i'1 ovory one of them loved the story.
Peterson stating thnt ho had nrrlved'c-. t,,. it nt irnm. ht.1o,
safely from overseas' and was then Z ?SP, v Y
nt rVimn Morrltr N T lint ovnnMorl n,lu CS(iay.
to soon leave for Camp Dodge to ho, cyTx Seo c,,nton & Son
demobilized. Fred is recovering fromj (flfwtl about your Eyo troubles,
an nttack of appendicitis for which , wJPy satisfaction every time,
ho was operated upon three different! y- Son is over in Germany,
times. will bo homo In a fow
. These are busy times at tho big ice j weeks or months. Sign of tho Big
houses nt this terminal, for tho number! Ring.
of refrigerator cars Iced In transit i ::o::
run from three to four hundre'd ench ! JW. E. W. FETTER
twenty-four hours. These cars are Announces his discharge from tho
run In almost solid trains and there I military service and return to prl
are from eight to a dozen trains each I vato practice.
unices over Ilexall Drug Store
Phones: Office 382, residence C34.
North Platte, Neb. ,
The Rexall handles the goods. tf
The Ford One Ton Truck may well be classed
as ah agricultural necessity, it fits inlo and fills
so many wants on the farm. It is a reliable
bearer of farm burdens; not only doing thc
work of several horses
quicker and better than
the horse, nnd does
not "eat its head off"
when not working.
The accressive farmer
has only to consider the possibilities of the
Ford truck and he is ready to buy one. We
judge this to be so from the way farmers are
buying them. Truck Chassis $550 f. o. b.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Liberty Land Company
Office Over Rexall Drug Store.
Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count
ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots
in all parts of North Platte. ook for tie Dig l su.
day. Tho number of men oniployedat
tho ice houses In the several depart
ments now exceed seventy.
Supt. Wilson .Tout presented thc
Tribune man with a liberal quantity
of his ever bearing strawberries
Tuesday and they were of a very nice
flavor. Mr. Tout has been very suc
cessful In growing this variety of
berries and along with othors has dem
onstrated that they do well In this
section. It would seem that these
berries could bo profitably grown for "ro going to sell at wholesale price,
tho market. ,
Now that tho court house proposi
tion has carried, The Tribuno would
like to have some of our former
frlnmla wlin'vntnrl ntrnlnoi wn.
building tell us how and why a now! ,v,,,, t,iey !st liuJ nw for canning.
court house will bo of any more bene
fit to tho individual tax payer in
North Platte than it will- bo to any mentioning:
Individual tax payer In any nreclnctl
in tho county. A now building is need-, ,. ., , , ,
ed for tho protection of the T records. S,aM cun 1 ork nml l onns 10c
for tho moro efficient transaction of. Small Bottle Catsup 18c
lillntnnnn n .1 . n , 1 . 1 .....
uuaiu-on uiiu lui lliu UUlllir UCCOIll!
modntions of tho court officers and, lC-oz. can Cnhlmet Jinking powder 28c
the COUntv. Officials. In thinr nil-
vantages each tax naver slmr niikn' Campbell's Assorted Soups 12c
?! 'irI'? "J; Qart Mason Jar Jam 50c
ifiuch as Is tho North Platto man.'2J.lbs. sack of Flour $1.00
Tho chargo made that tho new
court house Is solely a North Platte i 8-Ib. sack of Flour $3.20
benefit Is too absurd to bo seriously!
Wo have just 100 sacks of sugar wo
$10.55 per sack.
Hero nre a fow other Items worth
E stray Notice.
Estrayed from pasture 12 miles
southeast of Hershey on or about
June 1st, two maro mules coming 3
year old, dark brown In color. Roward
for Information leading to recovery
Andy Olson, North Platto, Phone
Gamble with Springer
Store No. 1, 822 N. Locust, riioim 203,
Store No. 2, 110 East H, Tlionc 100.
Any Order Delivered for 5c.
The 20th Centry Fuel
Billions of Barrels in Storage. Over Forty Million Users of Ran
ges' and Heating Stoves want Cheaper Fuel
Are The Answer
No Coal to Haul. No Coal to Carry In. No Ashea to Carry Out.
No Soot. No Dust. Just Heat.
Hums 96 per cent Oxygen, 4 per cent air.T No Family can Afford
to be Without it. Saves You Money Saves You Work.
PHONE 876.
Model No. 10
Single Tub
- 4
,H1 - . .-I'M
rtii wasncr Willi n
Swinging p
Thti Model often (ha
hoiuewife t)i drinUitti
vi tho mortble iwlniclng
wringer without the
bench equipment of other
model. Wither tab U
eictlr the tame u that
tued on other modeU
hu all modern Improro
menta, Electrlo motor U
troubleproof will not
"turn out." Wrlncer
fwlnei to anj poiitlon and
hat Bafetr Quick R)eaaa
feature. Tub la equipped
with apeclal adjnitable
catteta which permit of
raUlnv or loiTertn. to
any poiitlon.
ii I j-.Jmuii
t . - - 11 1
4 Pi r ; is. i uT it r m
er ForOiiAliiv a
The Choice o! Women Who Know
A Washor that thnt will suit you because G0.000 Houswlves uso it ovory
Monday. A Washer that Is famouB for what it DOES. Thero Is no hotter
Washer mado for your service. It Is simple, strong and
durable. Wash03 and wrings by power. 4 great models
attaches to any electric light socket guaranteed.
v Two Valuablo Books FREE
Two complete books of formulas on
washing and dry cleaning. Call and
get those