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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1919)
Glasses preserve iv . food sight ,'alasses arc sight Insurance. Tlioy roilovc the Btarin wliloh breaks !dwn thc musclosWt control the. eyeball andjparts of the eye, allowing thom to do tholr work normally. jts a sorlous mistake to neglect tho symptoms of oyc Btraln tired, aching, smarting eyes, headaches, nervous ness. Exhaustion. jlJamlnatlon at Clinton's will de termine the exact condition of the oyci?and what, If any, attention they require. C. S. CLINTON Jeweler nnd I UN optician. 'At the Sign of the Itlg King. Mrs. h. L. Wright went to Dcnvor Wednesday, wljpr.Q.hc will spend sever alwciiks . combining' biXelncss and pleasuro." ' ' Judge Woorihurat united In mar riage Wednesday Elbert Klmborllng, of the east part of the county and Mary Porter, of Callaway.' Mrs. JolyiJjBonner, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. P. Stobblns and John Wofcley Cramor loft Wednesday -on a two weeks motor trip to Omaha. W. B. Shuman and daughter'Dorothy loft yostcrday for San Francisco whore ho will spend scvcrnl wc6ks With his sister. ' Mrs. J. J. Crawford, Cillfto and Master Robort returned !Wednesday . . . -....? . t it. rrom a two wccks visit m iowu wim Mrs. Crawford's mother. : Carl Bonner spent thoi'wook end DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Cradcalc Dentist Office over th McDonald , Statu Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Kodaks and films at the Iloxall. Miss Esslo Wcssburg 1b quite ill with qulnscy. Wanted A housekeeper. Apply at the Marti Meat Market. Cltf George Fratcr made a business trip to Lexington Tuesday. Dr. Morrill, Dentfist. Office over Wilcox . department Store. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gray are visit ing relatives at Harvard, Neb. Wanted Liberty bonds at market Mrs. Tom Watts spent the first of tho week with friends In Omaha. Always try Tho Rexall first, It pays. tf Tho room occifpled by tho Dickey. bakery has been ro-decornted and tlip front repainted. Miss Fayo Elder and Miss Ferti Watts loft Wednesday morning for a visit in Denver. All tho Women's and Misseri wash drosses on sale at 20 per cent off-at THE LEADER MERC. CO. " . ' ' Mrs. Rose Garrison id taking a vacation from her duties aa, saleslady at tho Leader. W. E. Evans, of Bcdfordi Tbw has boon a guost pi Judge nxidWrs Grimes this week. Tho regular Lincoln county teach ers' examination wll bo hold Saturday, July'2Gth at North Platte. (. 5-2 Miss Comfort Conway left Wednes day" pycnlng for Denver and 6hor Colorado cities to spend uer vacation Miss M. illeman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, Indies and gontlo men. Phono 897. Erodbeck bids;. 85tf Mr and Mrs. Guy Cover left yetster day .for Idaho whore they will spond Bovefal wcoks with Mr. Cpvw's par ent.".. Harvoy Soronson returned this week from sorvlco ovoraeas looking as though ,Hfo in Franco had not been detrimental. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Sclilllor, ,ot Contral .Cilty. arrived Tuoaday for a visll "iyith Mrs. Whlttaker and Miss Whlttakor. Dn Howard Yost, who has been a guost at tho Gautt homo for tho past two woeks returned Wednesday to Lincoln. - Little? Elmlra Payno will bo hostess tomorrow at a theatre party followed iy lunch at tho Oasis in honor of her lirth birthday. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. S. Evans enme un from Kearney Tuesday for a fow days vlsi with friends in tho old homo town. XXsB Sco "Clinton & Son' 7.A3S about your Eyes and satisfied. Son is over on tho Rhino, will bo homo soon. Sign ot tho Big Ring. with Mrs. Bonner, returned Wcdncs day to Kansas where ho has about five hundred acres of wheat. Mrs. N. E. Buckley and Mrs. E. R. Goodman returned Wednesday from Denver where they hnd bo'dn visiting at the Chas. Hendy homo. Chas. Taylor and family, of St. Paul, Neb., were tho guests this weok of Rev. nnd Mrs. J. H. Curry. Mr. Taylor Is a brother of Mrs. Curry. FOR SALE Several pehn of thoroughbred White Wyandottes, cockerel with each pen. Address R. McFarland, Box C2G, North Platto. 64tf Postmaster McEvoy was notified Monday of thff resumption ' of mall sorvlco with Germany. This .does not, however, apply to money orders. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Jt. Mnlonoy return ed Tuesday from a two weeks trip to Chicago and other points east whore Mr. Maloney purchased now stock. r , , FOR SALE New four room, house nt First and Ash. Modern except heat. Full basement. Good location and well built, see - J- BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Judgo and Mrs. M. Grimes ac companied by their guests Miss Lillian McCracken, "Lieut. Ray D. Grimes andjW. F. Evans, left yestor day on an'auto trip to Scottsbluff Oh Boy I See whats hero again! Gayle's Musical Merrymakers, that Ave piece "Rag-a-Jazz Band" from Lincoln. At the K. C. Hall, Monday, August 4th. 50-2 Mrs. Geo. C. White nnd daughter ftlyra and Miss Shoup of Sutherland were visitors In town Tuesday. Miss Shoup appeared on tho program at the concert given nt tho Keith theatre. M Blander Bird, of "Scottsbluff. ac cused of tho Illegal handling of liquor, wnB brought to tho federal jail in this city the early part of tho week to await his appearance in the federal court next Juno. Word. wis received Tuesday that Loron Sturgls, who hnd been In the hospital sorvlco ovcrsens for eighteen months, had embarked Monday for home. Friends of Mr. Sturgls will bo glad to learn that he will soon again be with us. WANTED-r-Houso or apartment furnlBhod or unfurnished, and " place for car; south side. Will take leaso for one year or longer. Responsible party, no children; good references Phono 340 between 9 ana 12 a. m. or 2 and 5 p. m. ' 53 Any , American nggresslvo attitude toward Mexico will bo disfavored says Yarazn Choko, a Japaneso paper re ceived In Now York. Tho paper also states thnt sending of a largo Amer ican fleet into tho Pacific at this tlmo looks Buaplclous. Holland will formally rofuso to sur render tho formor emperor of Ger many to tho allied nations for trial. It Ib admitted that he may appear voluntarily If ho fools so Inclined. Hollnnd will not pormlt his oxtra dltion. Henry P. Fletcher, Amorican ambas sador to Moxlco, told tho house rules commlttoo this weok that since his appointment threo years ago about fiO Amorlcana had been killed In Mexico without a slnglo prosecution bolng mado by the Mexican authorltlop The Trlbuno commends tho voters of Hlnman and East Hlnmnn precincts for tho business judgment shown In mnKing ineir voto one nuniirea por cent for tho court houso. Tho formor enst uurty-two voles for and nono against, tho latter Jlfty-ono for and none ngalnst. ::o:: Notlco to Water Consumers. liri i in wnior oiiis ior past quarter now duo. Discount period ends July 20th Water offlco located In flro station cornor of Front and Vino Btreets. HERSHEY S. WELCH. 53-2 Water Commissioner, CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Rov. Henry Ives, of Sidney, spent Tuesday with friends In town. Mrs. Hnrry Kelly of Chadron, Is a guest at the Harry Kelso home. Clyde Chappell has accepted a pdsition at the Green pool hall. Miss Hattlc Martin, of Bayard, spent Thursday with friends, in town. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Jnck Bcal has resigned, his position at 'the Carson barber shop and will write llfo Insurance. Julius Thoelocke spent a fow days with his nephew Otto, while enroute to his home In Idaho. , Miss Cora Souser went to Lexing ton Wednesday for a week's visit with her grand mother. ,,. ' Miss Gladys Markce went to Lewcl len Thursday to spend a week as the guest of Miss Ccclla Barron. Mrs. Hose Garrison nnd two child ren went to Paxton Thursday for a two weeks visit with friends. Hotel Opening Tomorrow Evening Tho formal opening of tho New Palaoo Hotel 'and Cafe will be held tomorrow evening beginning at eight o'clock and. tho owner and mannger respectfully jjoljglt ,tho attendance of the general public, An orchestra will be In attendance, punch will bo serv ed and souvenirs glvon to the ladles and cigars to tho mn. Wo trust the public generally will accept tho Invitation to attend and show an appreciation of Rlchl Ugnl's energy and push in providing North Platte with a modern seventy-six room hotel, nn Inspection of which is well worth your time. ' : :o:: Public Library Notes. Tlic Jlbinr; Is now provided with a large mall box, which means better service to the patrons, as they have the daily papers much earlier In, the day. Tourist express their appreciation of tho comfortable reading room. The addition of- Musical America to tho magazine department enables the music lovers to keep in touch with Cy Askwig, transacted, business in Lexington Tuesday. Erneljt Rlnckerf.'is BpondIng a' couple,' 'of Weeks In ScotlsblUff oil business. Byron D. Purdue df Llrtcoln, trans acted business In town , Wednesday anu -Thursday. Dr. and MrI. M U; Thonlas. of weeping Water, Nebr.. wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fratcr Thursday while ,enroute home from iuanuou. what is takinir nlaco In the musical Dr. Fetter left Wednesday night for. world, esneciallv in music centers of Omaha' on professional business. He this country. will return tomorrow morning. 1 ::o:: The Episcopal and Lutheran ball Grand Island Comes Sundav. teams of tho church league will play The Grand Island ball team will be at the city park Monday evening. ,hero Sunday for a game with the local Mrs. Walter Beam returned Wednes- team at the city park.. The Islanders day to her homo at Hershey, after a are fast players and may win tho short visit with Dr. Mario Ames. game, but they will need to play real Messrs S. and C. Walters, nf ball do so. Aurora, have been visiting their slstpr. ueorge ureen, a western League Mrs. John Deal while enroute to 1 P"cher who has Just been released Wyoming. from army service and wno was , , ,, . .... , .1 wounucu, win occuiiy win uux ior uirs. j. i. ivuibo iuii inursuay ior nintu tr fm,.i hv.,i Cheyenne and Denver, where Bhe vlll tno jopl,n team and relatives. i o...Wi 7 VAn rrrilD. Tho score or more North Platto men The folowlnE Is tho standlnc of the who are at Estes Park voted solidly sovon teams In the church ball league ror tne court iioubo levy anu win send, up to today: tho votes In by mall. i Won Lost Ralnh Adams, formerly cmnlovcd Episcopal 2 0 at tho federal building, arrived the Presbyterian a early part of tho week from Fergus Methodist 2 ills to visit friends. . utnerans z W. H. Turple, now connected with I n,. i, .,i n i r t IJLTU rn.UV.IV VUlllllllOOlVJf. Ill ill HA JLTUIIVUI has been In town for a day or two looking after business. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Popejoy return ed Wednesday from Denver where tt.A.. l.nnnnAln,l V I.. .1 ..I ..i. .. .1 UlUjr HUUOUlilUU UUBUlttOH UJJU VIBllLU , T,0 ,, l,M1a loft nnnnt Wl frlenus for sovoral days. i t i n L. u. Carrall and family and Chas. .i ii.. ...v. i i .1 ) . r Save Your Time and Bank-By-Mail Deposits sent to this bank by mail win receive the same careful, nonrtnnns nttrVn-1 tion tbat we would give- them , if you brought them in person. , ,i 1 . ' While you nre busy on tlte farm bank by mail and save your time for the bigger r, i things of your business. Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. o i i i o 0 Perct. 1000 1000 500 500 333 000 000 Baptists 0 ::o:: Our old friend George Young of Medicine nreclnct. who came into Lincoln county about tho time' tho Llork and family who have ben spend lng tho past two weeks In Esles Park are expected home Sunday. Word from T. C, Patterson Is that ho is recovering satisfactorily from the county was inclined to be a little peeved over tho result. But when that new court houso Is built vfo arc certain George will be ns proud of It as any man in tho operation performed at tho Mayo Bros, hospital at Rochester, Minn. Hogs sold for $22.85 In tho South Chas. Pass returned yesterday from a five week's visit with his son Leo In Washington, D. C. Mr Omaha market Wednesday, which is Pass had a very enjoyable visit In the 11. 1 I 1 1 . . . 1 n i 1 . . n.. 1 nnnllnl n n 1 nr. n ttlrrli, r,ir 1110 nigiicsi price ever rencueu.' a imuuuui tuimui uuu an u di(,uv-di continued rise in price Is expected. R. L. Baker, of Stnpleton, was a visitor in town yesterday. 'For the past two months Dick haB been spend ing tho greater part of his time in tho Wyoming oil fields. took In about everything worth seeing in and around tho city. His son Leo Is a lenal examiner In the pension fle partment at Washington. Mrs. B. W. Wilson was hostess at a mlscellanous shower Wednesday Misses Florence and France3 Johnston, who aro to be married early in August. DR. HAROLD A- FEXNER Announces his discharge from milit ary service and tho establishment of his offlco over Hlrschfeld's Clothing store. Phones: Office 333. Res. Red 85G I nlrnnlnf IAM 1 t m Antn , f . Ilealey. of Omaha, spent Wed-, ,i t t, . . . . .... i r mi t;iii:t nun r tuiiutm tiuiiiin ncsuay m town looKing aitor business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Healoy',are nt tho head of tho Red Cross and Canteen service in Omnlm. Mrs. Roso Garrison and two child- day from a month's visit at Long Beach, Calif., and left that samo even ing for Omaha whero ho will spend sovoral weeks looking after business matters. At a meeting of tho clothing manu facturers In Now York this week It was decided to advnnco tho price of men's clothing from 25 to 40 por cent. Suits that cost $25 last fall will be ad vanced to $31.50, and $50 suits to $02.50. n 'Clinton & Son' will take care of your Eye Glass troubloj wo guar, anteo to glvo you satis faction. Sign ot tho Din Ring. Son 1b with Uncle Sam In Ger many, will bo homo soon. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Redfleld ac companied by Dr. and Mrs. Steven son of Gothenburg, will leavo Satur day morning for the Mnyo clinic by nuto. Tho doctors will tako a post graduato course in medicine nnd sursjory while tho wives will take an outing trip at somo of tho lakes of Minnesota near Rochester. Crystal Theatre, Tonight Dorothy Dalton IN "EXTRAVAGANCE" Two part Animal Comedy. "Frisky Lions and Wicked Husbands" n JAZZ DANCE Gayle's Musical Merrymakers at the K. C. Hall MONDAY, AUGUST 41h. If you like real Jazz music, the kind that juat wont let' you sit still, hear this five-piece "Original Southern Rag-a-Jazz Band". BE THERE! - E-. A. Watson, vice president of the Lincoln IJu&lness College, spent Wed nesrfayf in town while , enrouta to Estes. Fafk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Millard Perkins, of Pocatello, Idaho, are spending a couplo of weoks at tho homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins Joe Gnffoy, who has ben In charge of the local Prest-o-llto station hns accepted a position as traveling salesman for tho same company with a territory covering seven states. Estate Single Register Heater aThe Furnace that Breathes A Simple, Economical and Healthful System of Warm Air Heating. f V A Simple, Economical and Healthful System of Warm Air Heating. , ' 1 ; , i .i, - The Estate Single Register Heater eliminates the long runs of warm air pipes, invariable used with tho orr dinary warm air furnace, and which occupys a large part of the. basement, as well as increase installation cost. Only a single warm air register and two cold air intake register's are located in the fjpor. , ... i The Estate Single Register Heater is called "the Furnace that Breathes" because its action is much like the lungs of the human body. Warm air is constantly dis charged (exhaled) into the house while the cooler air is drawn back into the furnace (inhaled) through the two intake registers. In the Estate Single Register Heater there is no pos-; sibility of friction in the Circulating system. The cold air, being returned to the ifiirnace through ducts which are apart from the main casings, cannot become heated until it arrives at the base of the heater. At that point the air is quickly heated,, rises rapidly and is discharged into the house and will, produce a more complete circulation of air within a given time than any other, which ex plain its tremendous heating power. FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY BY Wo R. Maloney Co. NORTH PLATTE KtttCTRIC Ml r. r.5& i NORTH PLAXTE,NEB.f 9 COW BRANDS ... . ... vvvvC la Cow Brand The Best Flour Made in the Best Town in Western Nebraska A Home Product Used by all Home People. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. - RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretory. i