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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1919)
THE 8EMLWEEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SIGNING OF THE PEACE TREATY AT VERSAILLES OPENING OF THE PERSHING STADIUM IN FRANCE I i i ' " This photograph, brought to the United States by the British dirigible R-31, shows the historic scene In tho Hull of Mirrors nt Versailles when the pence treaty was signed. President Wilson, Indlentcd by arrow, Is shown affixing his signature to the document. ABYSSINIA SENDS MISSION TO WASHINGTON ! in' I ' UHiim I in IIMMimiii'lOTiqCWTOWWWym I A mission from Abyssinia, one of the most remote countries of the world, Is In Washington to offer congratula tions to tho United States on Its successful rolo In tho world war. In plcturesquo nnUve costumes they have nttractcd .great attention In the capital. From left to right they nro: Ato Slnkno (uto meaning a gentleman of high station), Ato Horouy, Kantlhn (mayor) Gnbrou, Dedjazzmatch Nado, head of tho mission and a duko of the royal 'Abyssinian H faintly, and Capt. Paul II. Morrlssey, tho United States olllccr detailed to attend the mission. WOUNDED SOLDIERS LEARN FARMING EX-PREMIER OF FINLAND Left to right: Col. Wnito C. Johnson, athletic director of the American expeditionary forces and chairman of tho Interallied games committee; General Pershing, President Polncare of France, and French Minister of Marine Lcy giiey Inspecting the allied soldiers talcing part In the opening day's ceremonies nt Pershing stadium, Jolnvlllo, France, near Paris. Every allied ntlon was represented at tho opening of the great athletic field, which Is Intended to bo a permunent monument to the American army in France. GREAT CROWD GREETS BRITISH DIRIGIBLE R-34 The photograph shows but n portion of the enormous crowd that turned out to see the R-34, the huge British air ship, on its arrival at Mlncoln, L. I. The R-34 made the trip from England in 108 hours. WINS DIVORCE Wounded soldiers, convalescing at base hospital No. 1, Gun nil) Road, N. Y., are being given Instruction in fanning and agriculture. Not only does this help the men regain their strength and health, but provides them with a trado which they may follow after demobilization. TESTING DOCK FOR SUBMARINES llTiW AvWirn Nwppcf"Unli & FINNISH LEGION FIGHTING BOLSHEVIKI ', "W V . . y : , i. i . . i . ..5.s..s,:...4 v v iV? 'f " ' '?: s' ' ''" 'v -!- - ' I iMBBBr Part of the Finnish legion operatl ng against the bolshevlkl in North Rus sia arc hero shown nt a halt during a march across a frozen lnke. MOTORTRUCKS START LONG TRIP 7 Oscar Tokol, ex-promler of Finland, who Is now serving as a Finnish oillcer In the legion formed In north Russia to combat tho bolshevlkl. Tim Finns nro now reported as offering stern re sistance to tho sprondlng bolshevistic factions. This Is tine of tho latest German submarine contrivances which has been surrendered to the allies. It Is a tostlng doclc for submarines. POSTSCRIPTS French scientists have obtained It per cent of sugnr and GO per cent of alcohol from a cactus that grows pro Cflcally In Algeria. Moro than 23 per cent of Scotland's illuminating gas Is mudo In municipal plants, to more than 01 per cent In Ireland and about 30 per cent In Eng- Thomas Jefferson, according to Wil liam M. Curtis, one of his biographers, was devoid of a sense of humor. Says the latter: "lie rarely told a story and seldom enjoyed one, and witti cisms wero wasted In his presence." A new shoo heel for use In slippery weather hns a numbor of adjustable points which are pushed Into position for use by a lever on the back of tho hcol. A Skeptical Investor. A woman with a few thousand dol lars to Invest asked a brokerage house to suggest a good Investment with a minimum of risk. A partner In this house, on reading her request, pro ceeded to wrlto his regular formula applicable to those who don't want any security which goes down. Ills recommendation was the 5 per cent bonds of tho United Kingdom aud Ire land. A few days Inter he received a com munication from tho samo woman and sho requested that he scad another Investment suggestion. "Whllo I havo faith In Great Brit ain." sho wrote. "I am not so suro about Irolnnd."--Wall StrWt Journul. . tMintn ivt. Wml.rn NewaMDCr UnlO i Beautlful Lady Daphne Clifton, for merly Miss Dnphuo Rachel Mulhol land, who has been awarded a decree against her husband, Lord Clifton. Lord and Lndy Clifton wero married In 1012. They have two children. Lord Clifton Is thirty-two years old and served during the war as n major in the royal urtlllery. Haunts Scene of Crimes. In the olden days Dovon and Com wall were notorious for their wreck ers, who tricked many a gallant ves sel ashore on tho rock-encircled coast by false lights. In mnny places tho spectres of ships wrecked in this man ner nro said to reappear. At Priest covo In Cornwall, the ghost of n noto rious wrecker who wns wont to luro ships ashore by moving lights In lan terns, which he hung round tho neck of a lame horse, Is said to appear on stormy nights clinging to the fragment of a wreck, which Is dnshed violently on tho rocks, eventually disappearing with tho wrecker In a cloud of foam. Hli Classification. A man was writing somowhat Impa tiently in a post office while the yotfng woman clerk discussed tho gossip of tho day with ono of nor admirers. Ills annoyance being evident In his coun tenance, she remarked, with Cockney sprlghtllness: "Well, you needn't look nt mo as If i were poison." "Not so much poison as a counter irritant," ho replied grnvely, London Tit-Bits. , Hero is the start of the long motortruck train which left Washington recently on n Journey which Is to extend across the continent. The fleet of GO trilcks and 200 men, said to be tho longest truck trnln ever assembled, Is In charge of tho motor transport corps, U. S. A. CONDENSATIONS Drug supplies of vnrlous classes aro very low In tho Canary Islands. A reflector concentrates tho heat at tho top of a now electric cook stove. The service ling was never used In any war previous to the world war. Farmers around Seymour, Ind., say that mnny of their chickens which have fed with a fine relish on 17-yenr locusts have died. Tho Eskimo Is tho namo of a maga zine published at Nome, Alaska, for the Eskimos of Undo Sam's settle ments. Previous to tho' war Belgian cotton mills operated about 1,850,000 spindles, of which about 800,000 could bo run now. History shows that previous to the abdication of the kaiser 50 of tho world's most Importnnt rulers- hnd given up their places. i