The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1919, Image 1

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Crib unt
No. 56
Though the federal government has
urged the pcoplo to lay In their sup
ply of coal during the summer
months on account of a certain short-,
age during the winter months, thft
local dealers informed Tho Tribune;
that few .people are heeding the advice'
of tho government. At tho present time
all tho local dealers have filled their
storago capacity, but this supply will'
last bul a short time when tho con-1
sumption of coal begins, and tho fore
cast Indicates that there will bo cor
taln periods, when coal from tho pro
ducers cannot bo obtained and that a!
coal fanime will exist In practically
every town and village in the country.
2oa from tho irilnea can now be
secured and If people who can do so
were to now lay in their winter sup
ply it would relieve to that extent
tho demand when cold weather comes.
Another phase In the situation is
that the wage problems of minors will
come up for settlement In September.
Tho demands of the miners are some
what radical Including a wage increase
of forty per cent, a six hour day and
n flvo day week and a minimum wage!
of soven dollars a day with double i
time for Sunday and holidays. These
demands may not be acceded to by the!
producers, a strike may result and a'
loss of production occur, or if the de-'
mands are accepted it necessarily
means a considerable advance in the
price of coal.
It would seem tho part of good
judgment for all who can do so to
lay in their winter supply in the im
medlats future.
Mlns Florence Johnston entertain
ed nt a breakfast Thursday morning
complimentary to Miss Ethallne Goss,
daughter of B. 0. Goss, former super
intondent of tho schools here. The
breakfast took the form of an an- j
nbuncement party when tho guests'
found tho date August sixth hidden I
beneath Uib wing of the clever little!
blue bird place cards. Covers were
laid for sixteen. I
Xeiih Ttaatre,S aturday
Lila Lee
All jofnij ladles who are In love
or think they are should see this
picture for expert advice for
this little girl In a gingham dress
has enough sweethearts to reach
from her house to the cross roads
"In A Pinch".
The army motor train consisting of
twonty officers, 255 enlisted men and
sixty-two motor vchlclos is expected
to reach Omaha next Sunday morning
and remain in that city for twenty
four hours. Tho train Is evidently
traveling ahead of Its schedule, for
It was due in North Platte Saturday
evening, August 2d under tho schedule
and to remain ovor Sunday. If, how
over, It leaves Omaha Monday morning
of next week, it will probably reach
hero Thursday, evening, as an avcrago
of fully seventy-five miles per day
is being made by tho train and it is
only 300 miles from Omaha to North
Band Concert Program
Tho North Platte Municipal band,
Earl Stamp, director, will play the
following program, Friday, July 25th,
at 8 p. m., In the court house park.
March "Floto's Grand Pageant"
Musical Comedy Selectibn "Going
Up" Hirsch.
Serenade "Mooning" King
March Universal Freedom" Blank-
Medley "Retnlcks Stilts 19 B"
Waltz "Enchanted Night" King
March "The Cantonlans" Alexander
Julius Plzer received a letter yes?
terday from rolajtlves In Russian
itoiana, uio nrsi wora inai naa come
from them In two years. This letter
gavo Mr. Plzer the first news of the
death of his father, which occurred
eight months ago. The home of these
relatives Is near Warsaw, and while
they were wealthy people beforo tho
war they are now in very destltuto
circumstances and appealed to Mr.
Plzer for help., The local banks did
not have banking connections where
by they could transmit money to
Poland,' so Mr. Plzer left last night
for Omaha to see what arrangements
ho could make in forwarding funds to
his destltuto relatives.
Robbers again made their appear
ance Wednesday night when they
picked the lock on the back door of
the Model bakery and rifled Mr.
Stamp's cash register of tho small
change, securing about $3. The thief
evidently was hungry for ho helped
himself to a pic, some small cakes,
and .made some sandwiches, which
however voro not edible sinco in his
hurry; no used smoked nam. . Mr
Stebblns's cash register was not
touched, although it contained some
change. Bites In the sandwiches would
indicate-that-Hho thief was a-chl!dv-The
difference between Louis Ben
nlsen, who plays tho lead In "Speedy
Meado," showing at the Crystal Sat
urday and Monday, and the average
male star is the difference between
one of those rangey, easy riding, slt-and-be-comfortable,
western saddles h'o uses, and tho post
age stamp thing they put on an east
ern riding horso. If you want to see
tho real thing see "Speedy Meado,"
Saturday night.
: :o: :
Furniture For Sale
A number of pieces of good furnl
ture for sale at reasonable prices,
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons,
July 29 and 30, at 218 west Fourth
Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday.
A western picture that is different with a male star that is new,
different and a "comer".
Saturday the comedy Frisky Lions and Wicked
After many years of watting Lin
coin County Is to havo a now court
house, replacing the Inadequate, un
gainly and firo-luvltlng building that
was erected In the early part of tho
seventies. The election to vote on
tho proposition of making a flvo mill
levy each year for flvo years, was
held Tuesday, and tho proposition
carried by 1100.
Iu North Platto tho sentiment in
favor of tho building was almosfun
anlmous, and though tho vote was
700 loss than at tho municipal olec
tlon held In April, tho total ballots
cast numbered 1447 and there woro
only, forty-soven votes cast against
tho proposition.
The total cast In tho county out
side of North Platte wan 1030 of which
634 were against and fcCO for the levy.
The vote by prcchicts was as fol
Nineteen precincts In tho county.
voted in favor of tho court houso and
twenty-eight against. Several of tho
precincts which gave a malorlty for
aro among the furthest from the
county seat. This particularly true of
Pcckham, Gaslln and Antelope.
For Against
North Platto No. 1 432 18
North Platte Nt). 2 33G 6
North Platto No. 3 4R9 7J
Norm 1'iatte No. 4 aao lfl
Antelope 12 5
Brady 49 10
Btrdwood , 1 14
Cox 0 19
Cottonwood . 5 9
Dickens -'- j' 0 96
Deer Creek 3 10
East HInman 51 0
Garflold 4 13
Gasolin , i 0 if
Hall 0 11
Henman . 31 0
Jeffrey 4 8
Kem . 1 6
Lemon .2 9
Maxwell 24 22
Miller 10 3
Medlclnce 16 35
Myrtle 6 11
North Rosedale 5 0
Nicholas 42 43
Rosedale 7 3
Osgood , IS 4
Plant 3 10
Novell 9 4
Payne ' 11 17
Peckham 11 5
Sellers 3 34
Sutherland 36 50
Somerset 2 ' ' 29
Sprlngdale -. 7 0
Sunshine l 0 16
Table j is i-asagteS - 8i
Vroman 6 10
Wallace 16 93
Walker 9 S
Whlttler 2 7
Hooker 1 5
AVell 3 14!
Buchanan . 4 11
Fox Creek 8 21
Willow Not reporting
Keith Neville arrived Tuesday
morning to again tnnko North Platto
his home. Mrs. Neville and children,
who are In Virginia will arrive In a
couple of weeks.
Ileal bnrgalns in ladies low shoes nt
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Davis and
daughter, Mrs. Lathore, who had been
gUests at the F. H. Hatch homo for
several months past, returned Thurs
day to their homo in Chicago.
FOR SALE Ten room houso. All
modern. Garago for two cars. Full
lot. One block from court houso. For
terms and Inspection see
See Bert Harto's "Outcast of
Poker , Flat," filmed In tho very
locations around which tt was writ
ten at tho Sun Saturday afternoon
and evening.
T!io activities of burglars and
thieves In North Platto last night
worp confined to breaking into tho
rbBiilonco of Ray Cantlln and tho
thoft of three automobiles, all of
which occurred beforo midnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Cantlln wcro at tho
Elks' picnic and when Gordon Love,
son of Mrs. Cantlln, arrived homo at
oloven o'clock and ontorcd tho houso
ho 'omul a man within who beat n
hasty retreat, but riot beforo ho had
rifled dressers and sideboard. He had
gained entrance by unhooking a rear
screen door, through which lie made
his exit. A number of small articles
of Jewelry aro missing.
A resident of tho First ward says
ho watched susolclous characters last
night who kept circling a tier of
Mocks. Throo perosns. ono of whom
ho U certain was a man dressed as
a woman walked on tho sidewalk while
another party rode In a car and both
used small flash lights as a method of
communicating with each other.
This First ward man watched the
actions of these parties from 11:30 to
ono o'clock, and once when passing
ono of tho parties was heard to say in
a low voice "ho shot at mo and then
covered up his head with tho bed
o.lothlng." Whether this remark ap
plied to North Platte Is not known.
: :o::
Big Ycomnn Dnnco
Dance to be given by the local
lodge at Hcr8hey, Friday ovcnlng,
July 25th . Evervbody Invited. Good
music. Tickets $1.00 plus wnr tax.
Ferdinand Stroltz nrrlved homo
Wednesday morning after sixteen
months' sorvlce overseas. Ho was
called while in Montana, sont to a
western training camp, thenco to an
j eastern camp ovor a southern route,
.and later, overseas. His military
I career covered a porlod of a year and
a half.
Dan Becker, of Hershoy, visited
f rlfciltls in town Saturday. Dan has
just returned from eighteen months
servlco overseas, during which time
ho wen through four big battles in
cluding the- St. Mihiel drive and the
fight of tho Argonno woods.
Wcnonali Camp Fire Girls will
havo home made ice cream and cake
for sale at tho Band Copcert Friday
Mrs. R. D. Blrgle entertained
siftcen ladles at a bridge party Wed-
nesdav afternoon.
Elks' Picnic a lUir Success.
Tho picnic glvon by tho B. P. O.
Elks, members of their families and
lady friends last evontng nt tho stato
farm was a very eujoyablo and pleas
ant affair. Two hundred or more
woro in attendance, and divided In
many groups spread tho dinners thoy
had brought In tho grovo south of tho
farm bulldlngs.Uho commltteo serving
lemonndo and lco cream. Following
tho dinner a gamo of ball between tho
women nnd men was played, in which
of courso tho women won, and this
was followed by races for mon,
women, boys and girls, tho winner In
each event bolng presented with a
box of candy. When darkness came
,tho merry, makors ropalred to tho big
barn which is In courso of construc
tion, .whoro a dance was hold to music
furn'shed by tSamp's slk ploco or
chestra. Tho dancing was on tho
second story of tho building, tho floor
of which has been laid but the roof
or siding not yet on. Electric lights
wcro strung above tho floor, provid
ing an abundanco of light. Dancing
continued until nearly midnight.
Tho committee fcols gratoful to
Supt. Snydor and members of his
force for the courtesies extended for
to them, In a great measure, Is" duo tho
success of tho affair.
' Mrs. Fred Warron returned Wed
nesday Hvom a protracted visit with
relatives In Kansas. Her daughter and
son stopped over In Grand Island to
visit friends,
All ladles of the Maccabees aro ro
nuested to meot at tho K. C. hall to
morrow afternoon to meet tho state
Alutho women's and Misses wash
dresses on salo at 1-5 off tho former
low prices at THE LEADER MERC.
Tne autoes taken v. Ill probablv bo
found as It la supposed to havo-been
tho vork of those who wanted to tako
joy rides.
Will Brodbeck, who had boon over
seas for ovor a year, arrived homo
thin week fooling none the worse by
reason 6f his military "sorvlco.
Mrs, Jas. Carpenter camo down
from Horshey Thursday to spend tho
day with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Basklns, of
Stnpleton aro the guests of Mrs. C.
B. Davidson.
Miss Mablo McFarland roturued!
Tuosday from a two weeks visit wltMl
frlnnHa in fUmvonnrt. '
Clydo Trottor loft yostorday on a
business trip to Choyonno and
Oct ft pair of those bargain low
shoes nt &i.9l nt SHOE MARKET f
Rev. P. McDald, who was operated
upon in Omaha Tuosday is reported "to.
be doing nicely.
Mrs. W. B. Conklln, or Chicago,
accompanied by her grand daughter
of Council Bluffs, arrived this week
for a visit at the hidings resldenco.
200 pnlrs ludles black low shoes nt
Englnoor Georgo WInkowltch loft
yostordny for Encampment, "Wyc.
whero ho will dovoto a couplo "of
woekB to fishing for trout. '
A manufacturers samplo lino ol
wash skirts made to soil up to $6.50.
All go on sajo nt $2.95. Less than you
can possibly buy tho cloth nt THE
A. E. Tlmmorman and W. J.
LanJgraf loft by auto Wodnosdajr
aftornoon on a trip to Denver and
other points In Colorado, whore Mr.
Tlmmorman goos to look aftor hl3
mining Intorests.
it beats
the bolsheviki
Folks do perfectly natural things
unit yet make tho funniest errors!
Crimes that wcro not oven com
mitted mean Jail for
George Walsh
Help! Help! Police!
An exciting lore story Hint In
vokes two men, two girls, n safe
ty razor plot nnd $000,000 cash
"A Neighbors Keyhole"
ale of Ladies' Waists
Up to $15 Values
Friday and Saturday
Crepe De Chine and Georgettes in white, Flesh,
Sunset, Flame, Sand, Grey, Toupe, Bisque and com
binations. Flowered Georgettes: High neck tailored
Crepe De Chines.
Come early and take, advantage of the best of
the lot. All new clean up-to-date merchandise. The
objecrof this sale is to make room for our fall stock.
This is your opportunity to get bargains in waists.
North Platte's newest Ladies' Outfitting Stare.
Fatty Arbuckle Comedy
"The Outcast of
Poker Flat"
A Bret Hnrtos Novel.
"The Cry of the Weak'
"Lighting Raider"
7tti CfrapUr
Formal Opening
of the
New Hotel Palace and Cafe
The formal opening of the New Hotel Palace
and Cafe will be held
aturday Evening, July 26,
from 8 to 10 o'clock,
and the people of North Platte and tributary
country are respectfully invited to attend and
inspect this splendid new hotel of seventy-six
rooms, provided as it is with all the modern
conveniences in kitchen, dining room, lunch
room, lobby and sleeping apartments.
An orchestra will be in attendance, punch
will be served and souvenirs will be given to
lady callers and cigars to the men.
Richi Ugai, Owner.
1 1