The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 22, 1919, Image 5

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Starring Julia Dean and Edwin Arden.
Hate and Revenge were the ruling passions until Mercy brought
in Love. .
Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
Norma Talraadge
'The Heart of Wetona
an inspiring story of love enthroned
in an Indian girl's heart.
Crystal Theatre
Tonight and Tomorrow
A ruby ring for the July bom See
DIXON'S very large assormcnt.
Mrs. B. P. Ward, of Clarks, spent
Sunday at the C. E. Souser home.
Always stop at the Rexall. '
Clyde Trotter went to Omaha Sat
urday night to transact buslngtjs for
a day or two.
We have hard coal. Order at once
as It will not last long. LEYPQLDT &
Supt. Woodruff, of Cheyenne, spent
yesterday In town looking after Union
Pacific matters.
The Rexall handles the goods. tf
"Buddy" Hoagland went to Grand
Island yesterday where he will spend
tho week with friends.
Special Ice Tea Spoons $2.30 per
set. See our window display. DIXON
Miss Florence and Marie Stack re
turned Sunday from a two weeks visit
with relatives in Lincoln.
Shu Fly and spray at the Rexall.
The customary noon lunch will be
served at the Elks home Thursday
from twelve to oncthirty.
Always stop at the Rexall.
A Cordova bag from DIXON will
please her. There- quality cannot be
excelled. ' ' ' J .
Misses "'Cora, Ethel and Helen
Souser spent the week end .with
friends in Hershey.
Clyde Trotter reports the sale of
a Hudson Sedan to George McG'nley
and a Paige touring car to Dr. Drost.
Miss Hilma Sjogren went to.Lexing
, ton yesterday where she has accepted
a position with the Rosenburg Motor
Mrs. Mike McFadden returned Sat
urday, to her home at Paxton after a
Visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Herrod.
Frank Barber and family will leave
ttlO lnf tn nnrt il.'l- K..'k.l .
j4 i, ui una uuiv till till
auto trip to Colorado and probably
thence to Texas.
We have received Pennsvlvnnln Imni
coal Order at once, as (he supply
is anu win uc limited.. LEYPOLDT
Harry 6prungr accompanied by his
family, arrived from Denver yester
day.and has taken a chair in the
Landgraf barber shop.
Hot weather house and porch dress
es, cool and dainty, now on sale from
98c up at BLOCK'S.
Dr. Morrill and daughter Alma gnd
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yost will leave
the first of next mqnth .oiya fishing
trip to Encampment, Wy6 r. lr?t
After considerable delay Harry
Samuelson and famil.xiand Mr. .and
Mrs. Oscar Sandall left in their cars
Sunday morning for Estes Park
Tho local committee has started the
campaign for the sale of season tick
ets for tho North Plnlto Chnntimmin
which! opens August 11th and lasts
six days.
A. L. Kanold, of Laramie, chair
man of the B. of L. E. protective
board spent yesterday in town con
ferring with local members of that
Just received large shipment of new
new dainty cool summer street dress
es in either dark or light color voiles;
beautiful styles and paterns; all on
display and sale at BLOCK'S.
A number of golf enthusiasts wcro,
out on tne units at tne uountry ciuo
links Sunday afternoon getting in
shape for the more Intensive playing
which will start in a week or two.
The B. P. O. Elks will have a class
initiation next Monday evening when
a dozen or, more candidates will travel
over, this corduroy road. Following tho
ceremony a. lunch will be served.
Dorothy Hasenyager and Violet
Reynolds of Oshkosh spent the week
end with their aunt, Miss Hannah
Young and visited Mrs. Hasenyager
who recently underwent an operation
at the General hospital.
A nice "corn shower" fell Sunday
evening, recorded at the weather
bureau as forty-one hundreths of an
inch. The rain came from the north
and was accompanied by some hall
which, however, did not damage vege
tation In this immediate vicinity.
SeVen colored mennnd three color
ed women departed from North Platte
'Saturday night after receiving an
intination from the police that their
means of support were not visible.
Similar intimations may be given to
other folks who are not colored
Cyrus Fox, for over thirty years a
resident of Garfield precinct, and who
was stationed at old Ft. McPherson
as an Indian fighter nearly fifty
years ago, has purchased the Will
Soulcs property in the 800 block on
east Third street and will move to
North Platte next fall.
Director General of Railroads
Frontier Days Special Seryice
North Platte and Cheyenne
July 24, 25 and 26 extra coaches will be
carried on train No. 3 leaving North Platte
2:55, A. M arriving Cheyenne 10:30 A. M,
July 24, 25, 26, special train will leave
Cheyenne 8:30 P. M. arrive North Platte 3:45
A. M. making all stops en route.
This special service enables passengers
from points North Platte and west, to attend
the Frontier Days Celebration and return in
one day.
For any other information consult
J, S. 4ORR, Agent,
The Rannie homcTon cast Thrd
street was broken into onrly FrltLy ,
morning by a burglar who enercd the
the room in which Miss Alice Rarniej
and a girl friend wore sleeping. Hr j
nosed- around for a "while, awnketii d .
resulted in tho burglar decampmp!
without taking anything with him
! What maljes a more sultnblo f'it
than a piece of hollow silverware ,
DIXON'S large stock Will inton t
you. , I
Two Mexicans entered' tho Hlrhh-j
fold elojthlng, store Saturday evening I
hung around for a few minutes and1
after tlley -had left two silk sMrts
were missing. A,n officer nnd a c'.trk
later rounded up the Mexicans, .lut
as they did not then have the shirts I
in their possession, tho officer did not
have tho necessary evidence against
them. ,
6rders for hrifrd coal if given .it
once will bo promptly filled. LEY
The Elks' picnic at the state farm
Thursday evening promises an enlov
nblo outing for membors, their
fmnlHpR nnil lnilv frlorwln Tho Pnni. I
mlttee has arranged a program of field
eventB in which a number of promin
ent Elks will participate nnd ouch
stunt is of -a nature that will crento
much fun. Attendants will take their
suppers with them, and tho commltteo
will furnish the lemonade and ice
cream. Seven o'clock Is time set for
the arrival at tho farm.
See "Clinton & Son
l'O'jt your Eyea and
"Ptlsned. Son is over on
the Rhine, will be home soon. Sign ot
the Big Ring.
Attached to east bound train
No. 2 yesterday, was a car containing
forty Germans who had been detain
ed in Russia as alien enemies and
were being deported to Gormany via
the United States, They occupied a
Rtandard sleeper, took their meals in
tho diner, ordering anything they
fancied, and apparently were having
a happy and enjoyable trip. Quite
a number of passengers on tho train
oblected to traveling on the same train
with these aliens, and refused to enter
the dining car when any of them wero
taking their meals.
Just received another large ship
ment of feather weight voile smocks,
ust the thing for hot weather wear.
AH sizes and made in cither plain
white or trimmed; also pink, Aiatae,
copen and tan. BLOCK'S.
"Extravagance," the Dorothy Dalton
ricture showing at the Crystal Thurs
day and Friday is one picture that
every man and woman should see. It
Is a vivid slice iof modern life -life
not as It should be, but life as it is.
Milady isn't satisfied with one car;
her pearl necklace Isn't as costly as
the one worn by Mrs. Smith. So
friend husband, who thinks he has
provided her with comforts, must put
lif 3 nose to the grindstone again to
sa'tisfy her latest whims. But In the
end she proves herself a worthy wife
and real woman, We know you'll like
"Extravagance," it isn't a bit peachy;
you know a hundred people likc.tlje
chief characters; the moral Isn't
drawn for you you will have te do
that for yqiirself. But anyway don't
miss the picture. . This is one time
that you can't afford to miss ENtra-vagance.
'Clinton .& Son' will
take care of your Eye
Glass trouble; we guar,
antee to give you satis
faction. Sign of the Big
Ring. Son is with Undo Sam In Ger
many, will be homo. soon.
. 'ty' :
Announces his discharge 'from the
military service and return, to pri
vate practice.
Offices over Rexall Drug Store.
Phones: Office 371, residence 1068.
North Platte, Neb.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Mary Ann Craig, Valley Loan &
Trust Company, and the Northeast
Quarter of Section 18, Township 13,
Range 32 west of the Gth P. M. Lin
coln County, Nebraska, and all per
sons claiming any interest of any kind
in said real estate or any part thereof,
.will hereby take notice that Wesley
T. Wilcox and John J. Halligan, plain
tiffs in a certain nction, wherein tho
Bald Wesley T. Wilcox and John J.
Halligan are plaintiffs and you and
each of yott are defendants, filed their
petition in the District Court of the
13th Judicial District in and for Lin
coln County, Nebraska, against you
and each of you, the object and prayer
of said action being to quiet plain
tiffs' title to the NEVi of Section 18,
Township 13, Range 32 west of tho
Gth P. M. in Lincoln County. Ne
braska. Plaintiffs seek to have their
title quieted against a certain mortg
age upon tho abovo described real
estate executed by James C. Alex
ander and wife to the Lomhnril In,
vestment Company on July 13th, 1889,
which mortgage Is recorded In book
9 of mortgages page 320 of the reaj
estate records of Lincoln Countv Ne
braska, which mortgage wat after
wards assigned to tho defendant,
Mary Ann Craig, which said align
ment is filed of record In booV 27,
page 575 real estato records of Lin
coin County, Nebraska. Plaintiff al
lege that said mortgage has ben paid
nnd that tho samo is barred bv the
Statutes of Limitations of tho State of
Nebraska, plaintiffs also seek to iulet
their title against tho claim of Valley
Loan & Trust Company under a war
ranty deed executed by Samuel ' orn
messer nnd wife dated Dccemlx r 19,
1892 and recorded in book "L" of
deeds pago 4GI real estato reconls of
Lincoln County, Nebraska; plaintiffs
also alleged that they have acqulrod a
now independent tltlo to said real
estato by adverse possession.
You are further notified that unless
you answer said petition on our bo
fore tho 2nd day of September, 1919
Judgment will bo rendered against
HALLIGAN, Plaintiffs.
By Halligan, Beatty.& Halligan, their
July 22 A 15.
Farmers Take Notice
New Ford Truck
With Pneumatic Tires will haul your Grain
F. O. B. Detroit.
It will do the work of the large truck, will
save you in First Cost, License and Taxes.
Orders will be filled as received.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Who Works for You? Why?
Do You Carry Insurance?
Why Use a Check Book?
Confidence tlmt's ub answer- Generally speaking tho American peoplo nro"truBtfUl.
Tho very naturo of the government and of business prnctico tends to teach
confidence. Taken Into daily practices it mukes for bettor society, strong friendships and
consequent prosperity.
Resultant upon tho war there has grown up a feeling of economic unrest. In Russl.1 tho
spirit was capitalized by Lenlno and Trotsky and is known' as .Bolshevism. In America it Is
'. . Socialism) I. W. W.'ism or Anarchy. But It differs in degree; somo uro disciples of Karl Marx,
t while' some' nro tho willing followers of A. C. Townloy, Non-partisan league dictator.
A prominent physician told a patient that being sorry for one's self is tho iribst difficult
disease to cure. Tho preaching of tho Socialist agitator tends to mnko tho prospective victim
sorry for himself, breeds discontent nnd promises a paradise of chaos instead of organized
A Constitutional Convention will bo hold In Nebraska In December. Nominating petitions
must bo filed for delegates by August 9 election in November. Who will represent you at that
convention? Who would you hire to manngo your business if you yero sick? Better apply the
samo reasoning to tho election of a delegate to tho convention that you would to tho man who
handles your money or your horses!
Tho Now Nebraska Federation urges tho election of delegates who are broad enough to legislate in
tho interests of all the citizens of tho state: men who are actuated by patriotic intelligence rathor,,than
class prejudices.
If you are interested In the purposes of our Fed
oral Ion iv solicit your membership In any of the .
three classes $1, i?.r or $25.
O. G. SMITH, President,
Kearney, Nebraska.
W. T. THOMPSON, Lincoln,
Chairman Executive Committee.
HORACE M. DAVIS, Sec.-Treas.
Ord, Nebraska.
Always try Tho Rexall first, it
pays. ii
t Notice of Hearing.
In the matter of tho estate of Charles
Splesi deceased, in the County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
State of Nobraska, County of Lin
coln, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Charles Spies, deceased, both
creditors and heirs, take notice that
on tnq, uay or. Juiy, vjvj, Ameua
ai. spies, uieu tier petition in tne
County Court, of Lincoln County, No
braska, setting forth that Charles Spies
died on tho 22nd day of December,
1899, leaving his last Will and Testa
ment, that at tho time of his death, ho
was a resident and inhabitant of
Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Coun
ty, Iowa, that said last will and testa
ment was duly probated in the probate
Court of Pottawattamie County, Iowa,
and was possessed of tho following
described real estato in Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho H of Sec
tion 11, Township 15, Range 26 West
of tho Gth P. M,; that Amelia M.
Spies is the solo beneficiary under
tho last will and testament of Charles
Spies, decased, which said will was
admitted to probate In tho District
Court of Pottawattamie County, Iown,
on tho 2Gth day of Fcbrurary, 1900,
and duly probated in said court.
You aro further notified that tho
petition prays tho court to fix a time
and place of hearing on said petition,
that notlco of said timo and place bo
given to all persons interested in said
estates both creditors and heir.i nnd
for the court to determine the timo of
tho death of the said deceased, that
lio died testate leaving a last will and
testament, was duly probated in tho
Probato Court of Pottawattamie Coun
ty, Iowa, and that said will bo admit
ted to probato in LIncon County, NO'
braska; that under said will the title
to the above described land descended
frco and clear of all debts to tho peti
tioner. You aro further notified that said
matter will bo heard before tho Coun
ty Court on the 15th dny of August,
1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., when any
porson may appear, object or contest
said petition.
County Judge.
Model No. 10
Single Tub
Washer with
Thle Model offer the
liouaevrife the idrantaget
of tho moTiblo twlnslng
wringer without tho
bench equipment of other
model. Wuher tnb li
exactly the tamo that
tued on othlr modela
baa all modem Improie
menta. Klectrla motor la
troubleproof will not
"burn out" Wrlneor
twinci to any petition and
has Safety Quick Relcax
feature. Tub la equipped
with 9 ipeclal adjustable
caatera which permit ot
ralalne or lonerfcut to
any poiltlon.
I lAutgncWor
hlustm The Choice o! Women Who Know
A Washer that that will suit you because 50,000 Houswives uso It overy
Monday. A Washer that Is famous for what it DOES. There is no better
Washor mado for your service. It Is Blmplo, strong and
durablo. Washes and wrings by power. 4 great models
attaches to any eloctrio light socket guaranteed.
Two YnliiableJJooks TREE
Two complete books of formulas on
washing and dry cleaning, Call and
get those.