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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1919)
(Maine Km- THIRTY-FIFTH 1SEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 22, 1919. No. 55 The Result of the Court House Proposition, upon which the people are voting today, depends upon the majority" given in North Platte. If you favor a new court house, donjjfc be so indifferent as not to vote. In this election women ajl yuu. mvui a. new vuuu liviuac, uuuu uc tu muu The polls will be open until eight q'clock this evening. are entitled to vote. TUIINEH IS FOUjfi) GUILTY . BUT TAKES AN APPEAL. Charley Turner, colored, was found guilty In the cdunty court Friday afternoon on the charge of Illegal possesion and sale of whiskey and sentenced to sixty days In Jail He gave notice of appeal to the district court, furnished the required $500 bond and was given his freedom until the next term of district court. This trial, conviction and sentence, 5omes trom the raid made upon the. Rebhauscn barber shop last Tuesday! morning when two valises loaded with booze was found. The incriminating evidence In the hearing came from a colored man and a colored woman, Mrs. Hill, a colored woman, who testi fied that on Monday night of last week sho uoenmnanled Turner into the bar- " bcr shop, that he got a pint bottle out of the grips and that he sold It ( to George Welsh, also colored, for . seven dollars. Welsh testified that he' got a pint of whlskoy on the night ' in question, admitted that he gave, Turner tho seven dollars, but denied , that ho got the whlskoy from Turner. This is Turner's second conviction under tho new liquor law and as such carries a jail sentence instead cf a fine of $100. ::o:: Tho Lady Foresters and their families plcnlced at Dick's Grove Sun day afternoon. Tho day was spent in nwimmlng and games, the featuro of the afternoon being a ball game be tween tho ladles and the men, the ladles coming off victorious with a score of 16 to 11. Plans had been made lor mo evening DUt storm Drone up tho party. ' Will Soules, who sold his house on east Third street yesterday to Cy Fox, "will leavo shortly with his family for California to make their home. They will make the trip west in an Olds mobile car. White wash skirts in best quality non-shrlnkable gabardine, mado up to the mlnuto In style, all sizes, positive ly tho best and largest assortment in tho city to choose from; all on sale at BLOCK'S. TRAMP & SON'S BUY THE REYNOLDS BUILDING. Negotiations which had been pend ing for two weoks wore closed Satur day whereby E. T. Tramp & boas bo caiiii' the owners of tho W. C Rey nolds building on Dowey street, the lower floor of which is occupied by J. H. Stone and the Gummcrc Dent Drug Co. The consideration was the highest price ever paid for Dewey street property, but the rental pays an average percentage on tho purchase price. Tho lease of J. H. Stone and tho Gummoro-Dent Co., expires July 1st, 1920 and following tho expiration of the lease these firms will need vacate and the two rooms will be occupied by the dry goods stock and the shoe stock of Tramp & Sons. The purchase became a necessity with Tramp & Sons, as the room now occupied by the shoe store is soon to be taken over by Harry Dixon, who WORK ON LINCOLN IIlGIfWAY IS PROGRESSING RAPIDLY. WILL ASK SECRETARY TO ACCEPT THE U. P. LEASE. t - By the employment of from eigh teen to twenty teams dally C. T. Whelan, who has the contract for building the federal and state aid road between North Patte and Suther land, is making rapid progress. Up to Saturday evening this roadway fromthe town of Sutherland eas. to the branch railroad crossing had been graded and covered with clay, and grading work is now in progress east of tho crossing. Mr. Whelan figures tha't It will re quire ninety days to complete the rond Into North Platte. When tho grading - and claying is completed, the road will bo turned over to the county and state author ities and under their supervision the road for the entire nineteen miles will be graveled, this work being out side of Mr. Whelan's contract As outlined by the state engineer tho j Camp Ground Commended. The auto tourists camping ground on east Second street, provided by the Chamber of Commerce, Is being taken advantage of by tourists. Water has been placed on the grquids, a small building erected In wh'eh are shower baths and toilets for both men and women, and sewer connections made. A Kansas City man who came through Saturday evening with two cars containing his family and equlp page, and who camped on the grounds highly commended the accommoda tions furnished. has leased It, together with the roomi graveling will bo done with the auto' no occup es ior a term oi years, ana trucks which tho government will will use both rooms for his business. furnish the state. When this gravellnfe No other location being avallablo for(i3 completed, the state will employ n the shoo store Tramp & Sons were man Whoso business will be to maln up against the proposition of cither, taln thc road that Is, keep it in por buylng a building or going cut of fect repalr and to do this he will be uuameaa mm mcy wismy ucuepiet.' me provided with an .auto truck for haul former, lino- rrnvpl TtiAro will hn nnn nf these maintainors for each six or olght miles of road. When the stretch of road Is com pleted it will mean a real boulevard between North Platte and Suther land It will be as good a stretch of road as is possible to make out of dirt and gravel. r:nr- ' The Band Concert. The initial concert by the Municipal Band Friday evening attracted a large crowd and tho fine program rendered was much enjoyed. Though tho band was somewhat disorganized for a year or more due to members In war ser vice, the organization is again getting together and the selections rendered Friday evening were exceptionally good considering the few practices that have been held. Jnmqa Shaffer At The Sun SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY a WEDNESDAY Viola Dana as, 'June' in "Blue Jeans" Her Greatest Charact erization. Thursday & Friday Beatriz Michelena IN "Just Squaw" Mrs. L. ti. McGraw Is visiting rel atives and friends In Lexington Fred Pierson, who was down from Sutherland last evening, said that while the yield of wheat south of thatj-sane to songs with' band accompanl- iuwn wuuiu not ue ua Heavy as was uieui. uiui wcio wen iaci expected, he was confident the aver- ( It has been suggested that tlio park age yield would be fully twenty bo pollcea during the concert in order bushels to the acre. Some of the fiolds to prevent children from becoming too will go thirty bushels or better. i noisy during tho selections and that t, ,i Mi, ' auto drivers do not start their cars fn Si r arndm! 1 ?""?t while the bd Is playing but wait iJ 7rJ ?L S Jifor an Intermission. Wh of these years on sale at 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.45, ,, . , . . r,,j .,, $1.95 and up at THE LEADER MERC. ! proved annoying loat Friday evening. C0, I Episcopal 'Service. E. J. Eames, who recently moved ! in a letter to Guy Swopo, Bishop from -Maxwell to Wallace where he Beecher says: "I am planning to hold and his son are publishing the Winner 1 the services at North Platto Sunday, newspaper, spent yesterday in town. ' July 27th, as follows: Holy corn He Is in rather bad shape physically , munlon at 8 a. m., morning prayer and owing to heart and kidney troublo and . sormon at 11 a. m. Rev. Dr. Rollltt is also having serious trouble with his expects to be present and I have ask eyes. Specialists at the Mayo Bros. 1 e,j i,jm to preach. We will have a hospital gave him little encourage- meeting of the nation-wide campaign ment. ( committee at tho church at 7:30 in The final platting of the land em- j the evening." hrnofwl In tlin formr Pnrlv r.uifli In-' '"OS to small tracts has been made, and tho H"Gh Songer and family,, who llvo tracts will at once be placed upon tho southwest of town, left In tholr car The state board of Irrigation, high-1 Ways and bridges, at a meeting held I in Lincoln Friday, authorized Stato Engineer Johnson to make a trip1 to Washington shortly and call upln tho secretary of agrlctulturc, present ing him with a copy of tho Union Pacific right of way leaso and urging that official to endorse it. Thus thero will bo roleasod for fedoral and stato aid funds all roads within tho railroad right of way. The railroad makes a proposition to lease the land for road purposes for fifty years, at five dollars from each county In the event tho highway Is required for railroad extension pur poses a highway, equal to tho one condemned, will be constructed by the railroad. If tho department acts favorably upon this request it will speed up making permanent Improve ments on tho Lincoln highway hore. Lincoln county Is Interested in this proposition for tho reason that tho greater part of tho Lincoln Highway between , North Platte and the enst line of the county is laid out on tho U. P. right of way. :o: LAND I LAND ! LAND I Duel County, tho Homo of Good Wheat. Now Harvesting 30 to 40 bushels per acre. Look them over, prices aro right, suro-to advance, buy now and become independent. You can't make money working for someone olso your efforts aro making others rich. Lopk these over and act at onco. G40 acres, 12 miles northeast of Chappell, Nebr., 480 acres in wheat, 1G0 acres In pasture, an attractive price Jit $65 per acre. Terms 1-3 cash balance at 6 per cent. 640 acres, 13 miles northeast of Chappell, Nebr., all fenced, good well and wind mill, 600 acres In wheat now, 4Q acres pasture, a snap at $75 per acre. Act quick. For additional in formation call McCabo Hotel, North Plattb, ask for Lieut. R. G. Conklln. Hest of bank references. market. There will be a general meeting of the Baptist Woman's Auxiliary at the church auditorium Thursday, July 24 with "Our Work In tho Philippines" as tho subject. Mrs. Leon Sawyer will be leader and tho hostesses will be children, of Tampa, Florida, are ex Mesdames U.I J. Van Natter, A. M. i pocted to arrive In North Platto next James. J. L, Louden and A. C. Hull. 1 Sunday to visit friends and relatives. today for Montana whero they will visit Mr. Songer's brother for a month Tho regular Lincoln county teach ers' examination wll b&jield Saturday, July 26th at North Platte. 55-2 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren and SAI F JULY CLEA.RA1MCE ' In order to make room for Fall Merchandise we are offering all white shoes, for men, women and Children, from Tuesday, July 22, until Saturdays July 26th, inclusive. At 20 per cent Discount. This includes shoes, oxfords and pumps, in white kid, linen, poplin, reignskin, canvas and nubuck. In view of present prices of shoes, this sale will prove a real MONEY SAVER to all who take advantage of it. SHOP EARLY. E. T. Tramp & Sons Shoe Store. LOCAL AyD.l'EKSOXAL Mrs. Chas. Krowartz left Saturday for a two weoks visit with friends in Donvor. Misses Ruth Ballard and Bertha Fcoken have accoptcd positions at thc Ideal bakery. J. Hlrshfold and family returned yesterday from a two weoks' visit with friends in Montrose, Col. Mrs. Hnrry Block and children leavo today for Idaho Springs, Col. where thoy. will remain several weeks, AH tho women's and Misses Nash dresses on snlo at 1-5 offtho formor low prices at THE LEADER MERC. CO. Miss Elda Doty roturncd Saturday from Salt Lake whero sho had beoh spending a couple of weeks with friends. H. Hlrshfohi and family loft Satur day for Denver whero -thoy will spond a couple of weeks with frionds and relatives. Walter Hoxlo, who1 had been In tho naval radio service and spent a year or more In foreign ports, arrived homo Saturday night The family of C. H. Walter loft tho latter part of last week for Idaho Springs, Col., where Mr. Walter has been taking trcntmcnt for ten days. A manufacturers sample line of Nash Skirts made to sell up to $6.50. All go on salo at $2.95. Less than you can possibly buy tho cloth at THE LEADER MERC. CO. J. T. Murphy returned Sunday from a brief visit in Council Bluffs. Ho was accompanied homo by Mrs. J. C. Worloy, mother of Mrs. Murphy who will spend a couple bf weeks with her daughtor. A. H. Frame, of Hershoy, was In town yesterday onrouto to Hot Springs, Ark., where ho will tako treatment for a leg troublo from which he has suffered for about a year past. Lose Hall Series. Tho North Platto ball tenm whlrf? wont to Scottsbluft for a aorfes o't throe games lost two and wUtt ono. gnmo. In Saturday's ganio tfte" Bluffs team won by a scoro of four to, throe, In Sunday's gamo North Platto won, six to live and in yestorday's gamo tho Bluffs team won twenty to four., Card or ThnnkSi We dostro to thank nil tho nolghbora and friends for their kindly asslstanco nnd sympathy and beautiful floral ot-t fcrlngB during tho Illness and follow lng tho death of our beloved husband nnd father. Mrs. H, Sonnemnn and Sons. ' :o::- AU tho Women's and Mlssos Nash, dresses on sale at 20 per cent oft at THE LEADER MERC. CO. Harold Burke, at ono tlmo la tho employ of tho First National bank, yesterday accepted a position with tlio McDonald Stato bank. The most wonderful Nash waists for women mado In America to soli at $1 $1.50 and $2.50 on snlo at THE LEADER MERC. CO. Crystal Theatre " Thursday and Friday. Dorpthy Daltoffi IN "EXTRAVAGANCE" a lesson in high finance and worth less rnatrimony. Formal Opening of the - New Hotel Palace and Cafe The formal opening of the New Hotel Palace and Cafe will be held Saturday ivening, July 26, from 8 to 10 o'clock, and the people of North Platte and tributary country are respectfully invited to attend and inspect this splendid new hotel of seventy-six rooms, provided as it is with all the modern conveniences in kitchen, dining room, lunch room, lobby and sleeping apartments. An orchestra will be in attendance, punch will be served and souvenirs will be given to lady callers and cigars to the men. Richi Ugai, Owner.