IRA L II A It K, Editor and TuIjIMiit PRESIDENT VETOES BILL KILLING DAYLIGHT LAW Last Saturday President Wilson vo tobd the agricultural bill bocausc of the clause which abolished tlio day light saving net, which was pnssed SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono l'car l)T Mull. In ndtmice. .$ ." March 9th, 1918. Olio Year by Carrier, In ndvunco, $2.00, President Wilson stated that the ' abolition ot the daylight saving law Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraakn, would bo a Kravo lnconvonlonco. nnd Postoffleo as Second Class Matter, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 101!). "FS &MTffNC PARSOW Of CHICAGO . DR.. WILLIAMS LECTURE A SEAL EVENT?" OP CHAUTAUQUA WEEK not only, a grave lnconvonlonco, but would involve a sorlous economic loss. Ho said that tho law was passed after a thorough study of conditions all : 1 ovor tho United States by economic ti,a nitnn-,,,1 f i.,.nfin...' oxports. He also called nttontion to gcrs and pcarlpl women in North Platto ?, ulww consequences" which had is being &&by tho Maxwell Tele- followed the passage of this lniV i ; post nnu uwauinorinnu uourior as a .r : .. - - club to defeat tho now court houso operation for some tlmo. stressing proposition. While there are bootleg- l oconomy oi .um u , u,,erp re lun gers and scarlet women in North Platto 0,1 for nrll,Jclal 8ht, and fhc as there arc in every town of similar i foater efficiency of work done in tlay- slzo the country ovor, the conditions 1,g,lt hours. aro not such as to brand North Platte ' :o: :. a holl-hotasuch as theso two paporsi JltTHliej' Aowh. apparently dtftlre to convey to their . rom the Times, readers. tV&boUovo that the average1 Mr 1111(1 MrB J- l Show left tho lat resldent oft5 county will agreo withtor I,art of last .week In their nuto for us that the injection of a moral quos-' Donvor where they, expect to muko tlon Into a court houso proposition Is Uulr future homo. Mr. Show is cn rather far-fotched, and has no bearing SOBcd in buying stock in the yards at whatovor on tho question as to whoth- Denver. or Lincoln county does or doos hot Edward S. Crow, of Staplcton, has heed a now court houso. A now build- started tho erection of a $4,000 bunga lng Is not any more a North Platto low on tho nortli sldo near where W. need than a Lincoln county need; ov- C. Knight Is building. It is to have cry owner of land In tho county is in- seven rooms and a basement and will torcBtcd In tho prosorvatlon of tho bo modorn in cvory respect. Mr. Crow records;, ovory one who visits tho expects to deal in real estate and ln court houso will agree with us that suranco business In Ilorshoy. ovcry officer in tho building is liandi- Dr. W. M. Sadlor 1ms been here for capped by lack of room nnd convoni- severnl days tho past week, having nr oncos for transacting business and rived Monday morning. Doctor lias we bollovo that tho progressive farm- been traveling through several of the ors of Lincoln county realizing tho western Htntes tho past two months in need of a now buldlng will not vote his Ford. Ho has seen a cood hit o' against tho proposition becauso of tho territory but says that ho has yet to chargo that North Platto officials arc find any plnco that looks much better lax In thoir efforts 'to prosecute law to him than this valley. lib will leave brcakors or to drive out undesirable again soon, as ho has not qulto com- cltlzons. plotcd his trip. . viv7r,i;.'Vci.n umini; An,y L Wcn" of Omaha, deputy GERMAIN Y 'ltfjpc.vkn for the Brotherhood of American Yoo- f HUM I'UJ'IM. HAH men arrived Tuesday morning to work . , , . , . In bohalf of tho homestead in our Germany ncrcaned hor stock of town. Sfto comes highly recommend- gold during tho war but lost 123000,- e(, na ono of tho best workers 0f the 000 between January 1 and Mny 7 of Yeoman'flehHforco this year, according to information Danlol Becker, who has been in the obtained by tho fedora rcsorve board. hoavy nrtin0ry in Franco, arrived This loss was duo to reparations nomo Tll0S(lay nIght ,mvlng rccolvctl made Belgium and Rumania for gold hlB honorable discliarge. Dan has stolen from those countries and by, BOcn conHt(iorablo sorvlco and was shipment? to neutral countries, for -throwing pills" as ho calls them, at i i n . . , W'o Huns In most of tho last big bat- Doglnning with $98,000,000 In gold tics of tho war ?i!.hL,0lrQ!,,k .f 1,10 Ttt too Ocr- Th,0V08 cntc;e(i tho Ganson & Gan- Snssnnnnn'i t n,n n,i ,.r mm 80n. Blor. som Umo Wednesday night rm v r i an(1 tooU Uvojvo s c skirts from the coin J Z tlTXVn Vh? rack Tho los ot discovered country and tho Bank of England untii noon todav ft t . SrJ "!5 ?' Ai SSenl'nrruroSeS0 &S$ Italy Tlfewod dcrreases rUx ,a pa8S koy of 80,no Rort- oth itaiy siiowcu decreases. lng olso WQS found ralS8ln Tho ,08a Nobroslm's Gmln YJeld. 1 1 ,B climated t between $7C and $100. The estimated yield of small grain In Nebrneku is not holding up aq the'1 ' Wnllnre .Nfws. harvost' progresses. It was stated (From tl? WItuit) soveral Aveeks ago that tho crop Tno twenty-acre cliprrv, n-r'nn! would ho tho heaviest tho stato had 'south of .Wallaco In qulto a sif't nt ovor known, but tho hot woather tho Presont. The trcos, 7-10 years old aro latter part of Juno was somewhat '"'frliiR full capacity and it is report disastrous, causing 4ho berry to shriv- vd tbero iu quite a demand for chor cl. irles. . , Sneaklnc of tho oxaKKoratod es-1 Sundny afternoon Grant nnd Wal- tlmates mado a couplo of weoks 1)0-1 'aco mnt 0,1 tno Upl'l of Wallace nnd a fore lmrvnst. thn nmiilm linn huvjj! close gamo of baso bnll ensued. Tho "Now wo nro told that spring vhoat victory belongs to the visiting team, will not exceed 12,141.000 bushels and scoro Dcmc u l0 Ut that winter wheat will only reach 67,- J Tridlo, an old settler and 725.000 bushels. If these fluuros turn homesteader hero,, camo up from No- out eventually to bo correct, It will brasltn City City Tuesday for n fow wmtm m r iTTf rwrrrr-Tfi i Dr. Elmer" Lynn wllliams'has comianded" tho "admiration of 'thousands ovor tho country who know of his work in cleaning up vice and crime in Chicago's loup district. Ho wont Into this district a fow years ago as pastor of a church in tho heart of Chicago's million or two population. His parish was in tho center of tho vice district. Respectable families wore living alongsldo gamblers, thugs and thioves. In six years ho succeeded in cleaning up much of this vlco. Ho had tho cc-oporation of priests and ministers o all creeds, the city authorities and the police, and after one of the most foarloss campaigns ever waged In that city, ho secured reforms thoretofore considered Impossible. Dr. Williams' experience in social problems of tho city and community, and ns a leader In many great reforms, equlp3 hjm with a knowledgo and! power tchandlo ono o' tho greatest reconstruction problems facing tho world 'today, "Public Morals and Reconstruction.'' ' JOllk S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surtrcry McDonald Dank Uulldlnij Office riioho'88 Residence S3 DOCTOB D. T. QUIGLKY Wactlco Limited to Surgery uud Iladlain Therapy 729 City National Bank'. Building. Omaha, Nebraska, Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE. Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building Nortli Platte, Nebraska. THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, 1003 WEST FOUKTII STREET, ftorth riattc, For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where the sick are cared for so as, to bring about normal conditions in tho easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phono 110. North IMnttc, Neb, W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY.AT.LAT Office over McDonald Bank. Office Phono 113G Res. Phono 1120 Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black G33 W. T. PItlTCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Elht years a Government Vetorlnar l&n. Hospital 218, south Locust St one-half block southwest of the Court House. Miss Grace Banks was hostess at a kitchen shower Thursday evening In honor of Miss Irene Van Ceavo who ill becomo tho bride of Claude Wil son this week. Miss Van Cleave re ceived a host of useful gifts. 'Clinton & Sou' will take caro ot your Eye Glass trouble; we guar antee to give you satis faction. Sign of the Big Ring. Son is with Uncle Sam in Ger many, will bo home soon. r " '" w " mm" ' 1 For Salo My houses and lots on tho corners of Sixth and Cottonwood streets. Inquire of Guy Swopo. 4G-9 H. N. SMITH. glvo Nebraska tho biggest wheat crop It ovor sont to markot. Spring v hoat soldom has gono abovo 10,000,000 bushels, and tho winter varloty usu aly returns something loss than GO,. 000,000. Thoroforo, tho only treat "loss" bo far sustained is In thn dif ference betweon tho early and unjusti fiable ostlmates and tho grain that ac tually comes from tho field." A rain which was reported bv tho woather bureau as nlnoty-sovon ono hundredths of an inch foil Sunday evening. Apparently tho rain covor cd qulto aninrca of country north and west and oxtonded ovor bouUi, but railroad men say that east of Gannojt but little rain foil. days' visit nt tho Nick Snltzor homo near town, and to glvo him a lift In tho harvest field. Tho nine-year old daughter of Thos Ditto, south of town, was thrown from a horso Saturday evenlng-and sustain ed a broken arm. Tho girl wns unfor tunate enough to have tho right arm brokon in two places. Glonn, young son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Spencer, of this place, received iniurlcs to tho oxtont of a brokon clav- Iclo Wednesday when his pony fell on him. Tho child is doing nicely nt present. Dr. Nowmnn was called and set tho bono. ::,o:: , Always try Tho Rexall first, It nays. tf BOY SCOUT BAY UNUSUAL JUVENILE COMPANY ON OHAUTAUQUA PBO&RAM Boy Scout work has a strong appeal for tho boya ot any community Scout cralt la of universal intorost among thorn. Hero is a group ot boy scouts undor tho direction ot Francos L. Shaw, an uccompllshod pianist and Director. Tho boyB aro thorough musicians, playing saxnphonos and brass lnstru ments, singing, and violin solos. Program ot orohoatra music, military stuuts scout drills full of pep, norol and an inspiration for old and younir; Amer icans. Thoy appour In nifty boy scout uniforms, giving a distinctly military cast to their appearunco and programs. Program featuring Master Leland Wood, phenomonnl boy violinist, an artist 14 years ot age. A young "Helfltx" with a repertoire conalstlne ot such numbers as "Sarasate," "Faust," to tho boautltul Handel's Largo. Afternoon ot tho lourtn any. -1 ... This splendid Company 4th day of Chautauqua Estray Notice Taken up on -Section 13, Town 12, Range 21), by, tho undersigned who there resides, on or about April 15, 1919, one roan heifer, no brands. Own er can have the same by proving prop erty and paying charges. PAUL SODERMAN. Route A North Platte. Neb HERB HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAT AND NIGHT SERVICE Phono 90S. Black SOS DR. REDFIELD Physician, Ofostotrictan Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Dny Phono Office Gi2 Residence C7G Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Belton Bldg. North Platto, Neb. Phone for Appointments. Estray Nollco Taken up by the undersigned, or. Section 10, Town 15, Range 29, whoi thero resides, on or about April 1st j 1919, ono two year old red heifer; iu brands distinguishable. Owner cal.. prove property, pay Charges and take animal awny. H. E. WOODS. North Platte ! DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Nhrht phone Black 598 ? NOTICE In tho District Court of Lincoln Coun ty Nebraska. Ruth E. Winget, Plain tiff, vs. Helen C. Ross, Ethel M. Winget, Charles H. Winget and Charles Ross. Defendants. Notice of Sale in Partition. Notlco Is hereby given, that. In pur suance of a decree of the District Court, mndo and entered in tho above ontitlcd action on tho 31st day of May, 1919, tho undorslgned referee duly nppolnted In said cause and hav ing taken tho oath prescribed by law. and having given tho bond provided by law and tho Court, and which was duly approved by tho Court, I, O. K Elder, tho said rofereo, will ofu-r at public auction at tho east front door of tho court houso of tho county of Lincoln, In tho stato of Nebraska, to tho highest bidder for cash In baud tho following doscribed property by said decree ordered to bo sold, to-wlt: Lot threo (3) in Block sixty-nlno (C9 In tho city of North Platto, Lincoln. County, Nebraska. Snld salo will bo held, and said prop erty offered for salo as aforosald at 2 o'clock p m., on tho 16th day of Aug ust, 1919. Dated this 12th day of July, 1919. O. E. ELDER. J14al5 Referee NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. v (Incorporated) One Hall Block Noitb ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement caits. Completely equipped X-Ray and dingnusttc laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. DenU H. D. V. Lucas, H. D. J.B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, G, 7 Building: & Loan Building. Office Phone 70 Res. Phono Red 1009 GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclnn and Surgeon. Spoclal Attention Given to Surgery and Obstrotrlcs. , Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST. Osleopothic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LtPSIIITZ: STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OF THIS MUTUAL 1HIII.IJING ASD LOAN ASSOCIATION of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 30th day or June, iui. ueruueate no, 32 ASSISTS First mortgage loans $1,001,600.00 Loans on stocK or pass book security 1,600.00 Real estate, office 29,023.14 State and munclpal securi ties, u. 8. Govt. Donas iy.iuu.uu Cash 41.234.30 Delinquent interest, fines, etc. 7C2.60 Furniture and fixtures..... 1,232.97 $1,003,153.51 LIABILITIES Running stock and divi dends $ 458.955.50 Paid-up stock and dividends 572,400.00 Reserve fund 25,800.00 Undivided profits 3S.237.4X Advance Interest 60.60 Notice of llrarinir. In tho matter of tho ostate of Herman Sonnorman, deceased, In tho County ouri 01 Lincoln ijounty. weiiraskn To tho holrs nnd all persons Interested in said ostntoi Notlco Is heroby given that a petition for tho appointment of Mlnnlo Son norman, ns Administratrix of the es tato of Herman Sonnorman, deceased and nlso an application for an allow ance to said Mlnnlo Sonnormnn, as widow of said decoased, Jiavo been tiled in this Court and thnt the said potltlon and application for widow's nliowanco will bo heard before the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, in tho County Court roim in tho court house In tho City of North riatto. in said County and Stato. on August 5, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. nt .which tlmo any poraon interested mny uppuur mm bhow causo, u any thero bo, why tho prayers ot said potltlon and application shorn! not bo granted Dated at North Platte, Nebraska.' July 14, 1919. (SEAL) TOI. H. C. WOODHUBST, , JIBal County Judge. Legal Notice' To Amanda Seward, and If dead, her heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives and all other persons interested in ner estate: Samuel Peugh, and If dead, his heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives and all other persons interested In tho estate of Samuel Peugh, deceased. Marlah Hartley, and If dead, her heirs, dovisees, legatees or personal rep- rresontntlves and all other persons in torestod in her estate: Lllllo M. Rich ards- and if dead, her heirs, dovisees, legatees, or personal representatives and all other person intorested In her estnto; and the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, or personal repre sentatives and all other persons in toreated in the ostate of Josephine Scanlon, decensed, .Tho Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Tovnshipl2. Range 31. Lincoln County, Nobr., 'and all person claiming any intorest of any kind In said real estnto or any pprt thereof, defendants. V' .You and each of you take notlco thnt ion the 25th day of Juno. 1919. J, L. Doming ns plaintiff filed his potltlon against you In the district court of Lincoln " County, Nebraska, alleging that ho is tho absolute owner In feo simple of tho following described land in Lincoln County, to-wlt: . Tho Soiithwost Quarter of Section Fourteon, Township Twelve. Range FThlrty-ono, Lincoln County, Nobrnska. Holding the same by good nnd suf ficient record title nnd by reverse. open, notorious, continuous, uninter rupted, exclusive, hostile, possession by himself nnd his immedlnto grantors for moro than ten years prior to the commencement of said action. Tho object and prayor of said petition Is to obtain a decreo decreolng and con firming plaintiff's tltlo in feo simple to said land, nnd every part thereof and quieting said tltlo In plaintiff as aeainst the defendants and each and all of them and forever barring and oxcluding and perpetually onjolning tho dofondnnts and each and all of them from ovor claiming any right, tltlo to, or Intorest In or lion upon tho said land or any part thoreof of any kind or natur$other in law or. equity nnd for gonoral equitable roller. You and each of you aro required to answer or pldad to said potltlon In said court on or beforo Monday, tho 25th day of August. 1919. or tho alle gations of Bad potltlon will bo takeri as truo and a decree ontored accord ingly. , . , . , - ' J. L. DEM1NG f . ' " f PJalntlff. By D. P. WEST, Attorney. J15a $1,005.-151.51 Receipt nnd ExpendltureN for the Yviir EndluR June 110, mil). RECEIPTS Cash on hand last report..? 19,740.51 Dues (running stock) ... 126,328.11 Paid-up. rstock 249.200.0Q Mortgage payments 151,843,39 Stock loan, payments 3 014.26 Interest . i ......... ,r . I . 68,fe89.52 Fines . ..t 667.55 Membership and transfer fees 590.75 Rents office building re ceipts 1,209.68 Othor receipts In detallj sale U. S. bonds 300.00 Bal. from former Treas... 80.21 Foreclosure account .... 65.72 20.110 Tntol 9J DISBURSEMENTS Mortgage loans $ 368,S00.00 "Withdrawals running stock ntwl dividends 51.386.68 Withdrawals pold-up stock 127 600.00 WltlifirnwnlH dividend on paid-up stock 28,650.67 Salaries 3,13.3& Other exnenso 658.59 Cash on hand 41.234.80 Furnishings J15.60 Tntol 9021.020.00 State of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss I. Bessie F. Salisbury. Secretary of the above named Association, do sol emnly swear that the foregoing state ment of the condition said Association Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this rth day of July, 1919. (SEAL) A. C. KRAMPH. Notary rublic. Approved: FRANK TVJ. BUCHANAN. M. J. FORBES. JRA L. BARE, Directors. TENTS AWNINGS COVERS POIICII CURTAINS North Platte Tent aod Awning 'Co. 109 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phone 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS ED. KIERIG" Auctioneer General Farm Sales n Specialty. References uud Dates nt First Na tional Rank, North Platte, Neb.' Phono 1000. Notice of Special Election. Notice to Creditors Estate No. 1G73 of Maurice Lanning. deceasod in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of said estate will take notice that the tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estato Is November 8, 1919, and for settlement of said estate Is July 3, 1920; that I will sit at tho county, court room In said county, on August 8, 1919, at nlno o'clock a. nvu and oh November 8, 1919, at nlno o'clock a. m., to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or adjust all claim's and objections duly filed. (Seal.) TO H. C. "WOODHURST, JSat County Judge. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1074 of Albert Coolldgo, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nhraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said estate take notlco that a petition has been filed for the regular administration of said estato, by Dolla A. Coolldgo, widow of deceased, for the appointment of W. H. McDonald as administrator ot said estato, which, has been set for hearing on AugUBt 1st, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. Dated July 7th4919. (SEAL) TO, H. C. WOODHURST, J8J23 County Judge. Notice Is hereby given, that by vir tue of an order of the County Board, duly made and entered on the 16th day of Juno, 1919, and by virtue ot the Statutes of the State of . Nebraska, iu such cases, made and provided. I, A. S. Allen, County Clerk of tho County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a special election be held, in tho sev eral polling places throughout the County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho 22nd day of July. 1919, between tho hours of 8 a. m. and -8 p. m. of said day, at which said election, tho following proposition Bhali be submitted to tho legal voters of "said county, to-wit: Shall tho County Commissioners of said county levy a special annual tax of five mills on tho dollar valuation ot tho taxable property iu said county for a term of llvo years, to-wlt, the years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 and 1923, fon the purpose of building a now court houso In said county? The ballots used at said election shall have printed thereon tho words: "For directing tho County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to levy a special tax of five mills on tho dollar valuation of tho taxable property in said county, for a term of five years, to-wlt, tho years 1919. 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 for the pur pose of building a now court house In said County." "Against directing the County Com missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, to lovy a special tax of five mills on tho dollar yaluatlon of tho taxable property In said county, for a term ot flvo years to-wlt, tho years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 and 1923, for tho purpose of building a now court houso In said County." Those voting In favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballots with a cross (X) in tho square opposite the paragraph beginning "For directing tho County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to lovy a special tax," etc Those voting against said proposi tion shall mark their ballots with a cross (X) in tho squar-o opposite tre paragraph beginning "Against directing tho County Com missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, to levy a special tax," etc. In Testimony Whereof, I havo here unto set my hand and affixed thn seal of Lincoln County, Nobraska, this 16th day ot Juno, 1919. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, ,. , . County Clerk.