The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 11, 1919, Image 8

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    IRA L BARE, Editor mid Publisher
Ono i'cnr by Mall, In ntlTnnco..$1.75
Ono Year by Carrier, In advance, $2.00
Entered at the- Platte, Nebraska
' Postofflco as Second Class Mattel
FJtfUAY, JULY 11, 1919.
Welfard Association Holds Meeting
Tho Welfaro Association hold Its
regular mooting at tho public library
Tuosday evening. While tho organ
ization Is not yet coinploto In all Its
departments, thore woro some definite
stops taken to tako caro of some work
that seems most urgent. A committee
with P. R. Elliott as chairman, was
appointed to confer with tho Rod
Cross of tho city with regard to Im
proving and safeguarding tho bathing
pool at tho south river bridge that Is
being enjoyed by so many of our peo
ple. Llfo guards will bo kept thoro
as soon as proper persons can bo se
cured. Stops woro also taken to make
this very enjoyable recreation a por
mahont thing. For the present, to
meet tho omorgency, temporary rob
ing boothB will bo erected and a
place for parking cars to koop thorn
off tho highway which is considered
very dangorous.
A commlttco of five with Mrs. A P.
Kelly as chairman- wan appointed
to prosocuto a great membership cam
paign for tho noxt ten days and all
"who aro in sympathy with tho bet
terment of our community should
boost such a worthy proposition
"When tho organization is complet
ed thero will bo at loast nlno differ
ent working departments laboring
for tho welfare of our city and sur
rounding community.
Death of Mr8.E.'Sv. McMlllcn.
Mrs. E. V. McMillan neo Luolla A
Pingrcc, was born near Eureka, Wis.,
August 12th, 18G5. In 1880 sho came
with her mother to Kearnoy, Nob. Sho
was a mombor of tho Kearney high
tjchool grauating class of 1884 which
was tho first class to graduate from
tho high school. Sho taught In tho
public schools of Kearnoy for flvo
years, alio was married Nov. Zl8t,
1889, at hor Blstor's homo in Kau-
Tcauna. county, Wisconsin, to Rev,
E. W. McMIIIen, who was pastor of
tho Methodist Episcopal church at
Arborvlllo, Nob. I
Sho was converted early in llfo and ,
had a bright christian oxoporlenco
Both hor paronts and sho woro mem
hers of tho Methodist Episcopal
church In which sho worked faith
fully, as well as In tom,peranco work.
At tho time of her deat' sho was a
member of tho Methodist church In t
North Plntto. I
Her health was not good for several
years. Sho lcavos to mourn her loss
her husband and daughter. Mrs. O. ,
(Bertha) RoynoldB ot North Platto,
a brothor, Lowla Pingoo, and n sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Gangdou, of Nennah.
, Hor doath took place at tho Omaha
M. E. Hospital, July 8th, 1919. and
sho wnB laid to rost In Forost Lawn
cotnetory, Rov. T. C. Wobstor, of tho
Florence Methodist church officiated,
President Wilson Homo
Presldont WIlBon returned Tuesday
aftor an nbsonco of four months at tho
pcaco conference. Ho took up his work ,
"Wednesday and found such a mass of
official buslnoss that probably will bo
two weeks before ho can start on his
tour of tho country, spoaklng for tho
poaco treaty and tho laeguo of na
tions: PlanB for the trip havo not yet
boon completed, but it wns said at
tho White Houso that tho prosldont
probably would so tlmo his schodulo
ns to reach tho Paclllo coast at the
tllno of tho arrival thoro of tho nowly
created Pacific Hoot, which is to start
from Hampton RondB for" San Fran -
clsco nbout tho middlo of thin month.
: :o: :
For Sale
My houses and lots on tho corners
of "Sixth and Cottonwood streets.
Inquire of Guy Swopp.
40-8 H. N. SMITH.
" ' The 20th Centry Fuel
Billions of Barrels in Storage. Over Forty Million Users of Ran
ges and Heating Stoves want Cheaper Fuel
Are The Answer
No Coal to Haul. No Coal to Carry In. No Ashes to Carry Out.
No Soot. No Dust. Just Heat.
Burns 96 per cent Oxygen, 4 per cent air. No Family can Afford
to be Without it. Saves You Money Saves You Work.
' " July 7, 1919.
Hoard of county commissioners met,
prosont Koch, Hormlnghauson, Sprin
ger and county clerk.
Tho following claims wero allowed:
Mrs. Oeorgc Williams, mdse county
poor, $3.00,
D. J. PulHam, road work, $54.00.
Geo. S. Williams, road work, $15.00.
Zach Carter, road work, $15.00.
Win. Johnson, bridge work, $317.00
W. T. Elliott, bridge work, $30.00.
I. V. Dalloy, road work, $30.50. ,
L. E. Alexander, road work, $18.00.
P, E. Aloxandor, road work, $12.00.
S. M. Souder, office oxponses, $83.09
Standard Oil Co., oil, $81.26.
Paul O. Meyer, supplies, $7.80.
Sundry persons, surveying, $141.50.
J. E. Schram, dragging, $18.00.
Chas. Burton, road work, $47.35.
A. C. Powers, road work, $6.00.
Rudolph Larson, road work, $8.00.
Win. Loypoldt, dragging, $19.50.
Sundry porsons, road work Dlst.
No. 9, $323.90.
Robt. Parcel, road work, $5.40.
Wiley Moon, road work, $11.40.
O. M. Smith Co., repairs, $10.90.
Nebraska Telephono Co., rent and
tolls, $57.50.
G. E. Henry, road work, $14.00.
C. M. Austin, repairing clock, $1.50.
Fred Tobas, road work, $42.00.
Will Blodgott, road work, $9.00
C. P. Carson, road work, $57.01.
Ira Wilson, road work, $42.00.
II. S. Haskins, road work, $70.00.
Jesse Donavan, road work, $18.50.
W. L. Donavan, road work, $12.00.
Earl Coleman, road work, $9.00.
George Bailey, road work, $0.00
Elinor Jacox, road work, $9.00.
J. B. Hemphill, supplies, $5.00.
Will Carr, road, work, $3.00.
It. M. McFadden, mdse county poor,
John Mulrhoad, dragging, $10.00.
N. P. Buick Co., cnglno, $1,885.00.
Good Roads Mach. Co., supplies,
E. & W. Coker, mdse county poor,
C. K. Jackson, road commissioner,
Chas. Garnor, road work, $81.00.
Adjourned to July 14, 1919.
Board of Equalization Meets
July 7, 1919
Board of equalization met, full
board present.
Cattle, horses and mules In the sov
oral precincts wero corrected In value
as follows:
Buchanan Horses lowered 15 pot
cent, mules raised 50 per cent, cattle
raised thirty-three and one-third per
Cox Horses raised 30 per cent, cat-
tlo raised 25 por cent
Cottonwood Cattlo lowered 15
Dickons Cattlo raised 15 por cent
Fox Creek Horses lowered 15 per
cent, mules raised 20 por cent, cattle
lowered 5 por cent.
Gaslln Mules lowered 30 por cnt
cattlo raised thirty-three and
third pr cent,
Hall Horsc3 raised 10 per
cattlo raised 10 por cent
Hooker Cattle lowered 8 por cont
Kem 'Mulos lowered 15 por cont
cattlo raised 25 per cent.
Lemon Cattlo lowered 8 por cent,
Miller Mulos lowored 10 pr cent
Myrtlo Horses raised 25 per cont,
mulos lowered 30 per cent, cattle
raised 10 pGr cent.
Medicine Cattle
lowered 20 por
Nowoll Cattlo lowored 20' por cent
Pockham Horse3 lowored 15 per
cont, cattlo lowered 5 per cent.
Plant Cattlo raised 20 por. cont.
Payne Cattlo lowored 5 por cont.
Rosedalc Cattlo raised 15 per cont.j
Nichols Cattlo raised 10 per cent
SoU"er-r?attle lowored 15 por cent
North Roaodale Horses raised 30
por cont.
SuthorlandCattlo lowored 12 per
Sunshine Mules raised 20 per cont.
Sprlngdale Mulos lowered 10 por
cont, cattlo lowored 8 per cont.
Table Cattlo raised 20 por cont.
Vroman Mulos raised 30 por cent
1 cattlo raised 20 por cent.
Wallace Cattlo lowered 10 por cent
Walkor Mulos raised 40 per cont,
cattle lowored 10 per cont.
' Willow Horses lowored 10 por cont
Whlttler Cattlo raisod 5 por cont.
Well Cattlo lowered 10 por cont.
Harrison Cattle rnlsed 10 por cont.
Stocks of merchandise in Brady
were changed as follows: A. E.
Woods reduced to $5,000, N. S. Cover,',
reduced to $2.0000. H. Jewell reduced
to $100, O. Kratzenstoln reduced' tof
?D,uuu, Neison tc auiuvan ruuuuuu 10
Board takes a recess to August 4,
Quoted from "Motor Ago" of Juno
26th, 1919. pago 38: "Tho Dodge car
Is a family and businosss man's car,
and as such fills tho need very well.
Thore aro somo records of Dodgo
Brothers cars running up exceptional
mileage, 134,000 In ono caso, without
any heavy repair expense." J. Y.
Romigh hoIIs them at North Platte.
Christian Science, servlco Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meoungs
overy week at 8:00. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all to attend
theso services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
Charter No. 3496. Reserve Dlst. No. 10.
Report of the Condition of the
at North Platte, in the State of Nebras
ka, at the close of business on June
30th, 1910.
Loans and dls-
counts S896.521.83
overdrafts unse
cured 1,031.7
U. S. lion (In (nthrr thnn
Ijllierty Jiond, !ut In
cluding V. t). Certin-.
cnfeit of liitlehtednen) t
U. 8. bonds de
posited to se
cure circulation
par '"value) . . . 100,000.00
Liberty- Lnnn nondn nnd
Victory Aoteni
Liberty Loan
Bonds, 3, i
and 4 Vi per
cent nnd Vic
tory .Noes un
pledged 81.050.00
Liberty Loan
Bond, 3, 4
and 4U per
cent, pledged
to secure U,
R. deposits .. 1,000.00
Liberty Loan
Bonds, 3, 4
and 4Vi per
cent, pledged
to secure post- N
at Ravings de
posits 5,000.00 87,050.00
IIoIiiIm, .Securities, Etc.,
(other than U. S.).
Bonds other than
U. S. bonds
pledged to .se
cure postal sav
ings deposits.. 3.000.00
Securities other
than U.S. bonds
(not Including
stocks) own
ed unpledged. 35 533.10
Totnl bonds, se-
securltleB, etc..
other thanlu.S. '
Stock of Feder
al Reserve
Bank (SO per
cent of sub-
scrlption) ....
Value of bank
ing house . . . 58,000.00
Equity In bank
ing house ...
Furniture and
Real estate own
ed other than
banking house
Lawful reserve
with Federal.
Reserve Bank. 61,370.13
Cash In vault
and net amount
due from na
tional Banks. 102,587.75
Net amounts due i
from banks and 1
bankors, and '
trust compan
ies other than
Included In
Items 13, 14, or
15 4,200.93
Checks on other
banks In the
. 58,000.00
same city or
town as report
ing bank (oth
er than Item
17) 34,381.57
Redemption fund
with U. S.
Treasurer and
'no from U. S.
Treasurer ....
5,000.00 207,540.38
Capital stock
paid In ......
Surplus fund . .
Undivided profits
Amount reserv
ed for taxes
accrued . . . .
Circulating notes
outstnndlnK . .
Net amounts due
to banks, bank
ors, and trust
tlmn In
cluded In Items
31 or 32) S1.440.0G
Certified chocks
outstanding . . 53.50
Cashier's checks
on own bank
outstanding . . 3.546.51
Individual tie- , '
posjltn (subject
to cheolt CC9.990.45
Certificates of
deposit duo in
Iohh than 30.
dayB (other
than for mon
ey borrowed). 52.593.25'
Dividends unpaid 12,000.00
Tlmo deposits i
subject to re
servo (payable ,
after 30 days.
or subject to 30
diirs- or more . ;
notice, and
postal savings:
Certificates of
deposit (other
than tor mon
ey borrowed) .
3,448.28 savings
Other time de
posits 3&.576.0&
United States de
posits (otner
than postal
savings) :
War savings cer- .
tincate ana
thrift stamp
dnliosit account 55.4G
Other United
States deposits
Including de
posits of U. 9.
disbursing of-
Moors , 1,000.00
Letters of Credit'
and Travelers'
Checks sold for
cash and out
standing 3,600.00 1,133,313.0$
Total 8t,301,127.o)
tuaie oi rtoorasKa, uouniy or Lincoln Ha.
I. F. L. 'Moonev. Cashier of the ahnvn.
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the best
ot my Knowledge ana oeuer.
. F. L. LIOONHY. C.hUr.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
ipis (in any oi JUiy,
E. U. GOODMAN, Notary Public.
correct Aiiesi;
Germany Untitles Pence Pact
Tho resolution ratifying -tho peace
treaty was adopted by thg. vGerman
national assembly at Wofm'ar' Wed
nesday by a vote of 208 tollBi
Ratification of tho peace treaty by
tho Gorman national assembly re
moves all doubt of tho acceptance of
the termB byi Germaay.
Tho national assembly by ratifying
the treaty makes It possible for tho
allied and associated powers to ralso
tho blockade Official notification
was sent to Germany Juno. 29 that tho
blockade would be raisod when tho
treaty was ratified. Placing this con
dition on tho raising of tho blockade
was looked upon in peace conference
circles ns a sure plan for securing
speedy ratification by Germany.
The council of five nn Monday de
cided to lift tho commerolal censor
ship on communication with Ger
many simultaneously with tho re
moval of the blockade.
: !i '
'cilnton & Son' will
take caro of your Eye
Glass trouble; we guar,
antee to give you satis
faction. Sign of the Big
Ring. Son Is with Uncle Sam in Gor
many, will be home soon.
We Strive To
When in need of good
things to eat Call 212.
Quality in every pack
age. Dick Stegeman,
PHONE 212.
$2.00 orders and over
Estrny Notice
Taken up on Section 13, Town 12,
Range 29, by tho undersigned who
there resides, on or about April 15,
1919, one roan helfor, no brands. Own
er can havo tho same by proving prop
erty and paying charges.
Route A North Platto, Neb.
Estray Notice
Taken up by tho undersigned, on
Section 10, Town 15, Range 29, who
thore resides, on or about April 1st,
19i9, one two year old red heifer; no
brands distinguishable. Owner call.
prove property, pay charges and take
animal away. II. E. WOODS,
North Platto.
Office over McDonald Bank.
Offlco I'liono line lies. Phono 1126
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for
Hides and Junk.
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funoral Directors
Day phone '11
Night phone Black SS8
.toiin s. smrMS, m. d.
Special Attention. Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offlco Phone 83 Residence 88
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Thornpj
728 City National Bank Ootldlng.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platto, Nobraakau
North Platto, N'cbr.
For tho treatment ot Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
whoro the sick aro cared for so as to
bring about normal conditions In the
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phono 110. North Platte, Neb.
Hospltal Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
Graduato Veterinarian
Eljht years a Government Veterinar
ian, Hospital 218, south Locust St
one-half blook southwest ot the
Court House.
Gamble &, Springer,
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Store No. 1 S22 North Locust.
Store No. 2, 110 East B.
Telephone 203.
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
109 West Sixth Street
Thone 210
General Farm Sales a Specialty.
References and Dates at First Nn
tlonal Bnnk, North Platte, Neb. -Phono
. Taxi and Livery
Phono 009. Black 80S
Physician, Obstotrictan
Surtroon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phone Office 642 Residence G76
of North Platte, Nebraska, pn the 3,0th
dav of June. 1919. Certificate No. 33.
First mortgage loans.- $1,001,600.00
T.nana nn stock or uasa
book security 1,600.00
Real estate, office 29,'JJrn
State ana muncipai securi-
tlR. TI. S. Gov't, bonus ia.iuu.uu
Cash 41 .-34.80
Ttal nnuAnt Inrprpat. tines.
fo. ' (U-i.uu
Furniture and fixtures 1,232.97
Tlimnlnir stor.k and divi
dends $ 458.955.50
Paid-up stock and dividends 672,400.00
T?nHrvn fund 2U.auu.uu
Undivided profits 38.237.41
Advance Interest tiu.ou
Itccelntx nnd ISxiiendlturex for the
Yenr KniliiiK June :w, mii.
P.ash on hand last renort..$ 19,740.51
Dues (running .stock) ... lab.js.iu
Paid-up stock 249,200.00
Mortgage payments iDi,s-o.oi
Stock loan naymnnts 3.014.
Interest os.oaa.oi
and transfer
Rents 'Office
building re-
Other receipts in
sale U. S. bonds . . . .
Ilal, from former Treas
Foreclosure account . .
Tntol 9021,029.00
Mortgage loans 36S.S0Q.00
Withdrawals running stock
nm iliv nenils
Withdrawals pold-up stock 127.500.00 illvlilnnu on
paid-up Stock 2S.650.ti7
Salaries j,ij.jd
miipr ftxnensn 658.59
Cash on hand 41,234.80
Furnishings . Zlb.uu
Tntol.... 021,C20.00
Statu of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss
I. 13esslo F. Salisbury. Secretary of
the above named Association, uo sol
eninlv swear that tho foregoing state
ment of tne condition sam Association
Is true nnd correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
UUSjjlU F. WAUlbtJUllX,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this day of July, iuia.
SKAL A. C ItltAaiL'il.
Notary Public,
Notico to Creditors
Estate No. 1G73 of Maurice Lanulng,
deceased in the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, ss. Credit
ors of said estate will take notice that
the time limited for presentation nnd
filing ot claims against said estate is
November 8, 1919, and for settlement
of said estate is July 3, 1920; that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on August 8, 1919, at nine
o'clock a. m.. and on November 8, 1919,
nt nlno o'clock a. m to receive, exam
ine hear, allow, or adjust all claims
and objections duly filed.
(Seal.) WM. H. C. WOODHURST,
J8al County Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estate No. 1G74 of Albert Coolidgo,
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nbraska.
Tho State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested In said estate take
notico that a petition has been filed
for tho regular administration of said
estato, by Dolla A. Coolidgo, widow
of deceased, ror tho appointment of W,
II. McDonald as administrator of said
estato, which has been set tor hearing
on August 1st, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dated July 7th, 1919.
J8J23 County Judge.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Poslofiicc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement case.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent M. D. Y. Locas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
5, 6, 7 Buildinp & Loan Building.
Offlco Phone 70 lies. Phono Rod 1009
Phsjlclnn and Surgeon.
Special Attention Glron to Surgery
and Obstretricn.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Office phone 241. 'ReB. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
Office Phone 340
Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Belton Bldg. North Platte, Neb.
Phone for Appointments.
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 1599 of Abnor W. Dillon,
Deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested In said estate, take
notice that tho administratrix has
filed a final account and report :6f
her administration and a petition for
final settlement and discharge as such,
which havo been set for hearing be
fore said court on July 11, 1919, at D
o'clock a. m., when you may appear
and contest the same.
Dated JJuno 14, 1919.
J17J4 County Judge.
Notice of Petition
Estate No. 16G7, of Cyrus G. Parsons,
deceased, In the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested in said estate take
notice that a petition has been filed
for the appointment of Maude E. Par
sons, as administratrix of said estate,
which has been set for hearing herein
on July 17, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated June 21, 1919,
i24lll County Judge.
Notice of Special Election.
Notice is hereby given, that by vir
tue of an order of the County Board,
duly made and entered on tho 16th day
ot June, lDl9, and by virtue ot the
Statutes of the State qt Nebraska, in
such cases, made and provided- I, -A.
S. Allen, County Clerk s)t tho County
of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, do
hereby direct and proclaim tliat a
special election be held, .in tho sev
eral polling places throughout the
County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska,
on Tuesday, tho 22nd day of July. 1919,
between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p.
m. of said day, at which said election,
the following proposition shall be
submitted to tho legal voters of said
county, to-wlt:
Shall the County Commissioners of
said county levy a special annual tax
ot five mills on tho dollar valuation ot
tho taxable property In said county
for a term of five years, to-wlt, the
years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 and 1923,
fori tho purpose of building a new
court house in said county?
The ballots used at said election
shall have printed thereon tho words:
"For directing the County Commis
sioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to levy a special tax of five mills on
tho dollar valuation of the taxable
property In said county, for a term of
flvo years, to-wlt, the years 1919.
1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 for the pur
poso of building a now court house In
said County."
"Against directing tho County Com
missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, to levy a special tax of five mills
on the dollar valuation of the taxable
property in snld county, for a term ot
five years to-wlt, the years 1919, 1920.
1921, 1922 and 1923, for tho purposo
of building a new court house in said
Those voting in favor qf said propo
sition shall mark their ballots with a
cross (X) In the square opposite the
paragraph beginning
"For directing tho County Commis
sioners of Lincoln County, Nobraska,
to levy a special tax," etc.
Those voting against said proposi
tion shall mark their ballots with a
cross (X) in the squario opposite tre
paragraph beginning
"Against directing tho County Com
missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras"
ka, to levy a special tax," etc.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the seal
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, this 16th
day ot June, 1919.
County Clerk.