The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 11, 1919, Image 7

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Pretty Party Frocks
The tenderness and
flavor of Libby's Dried
Beef are frequently com
mented upon.
. Chicago
New Rule Which Has Abolished For.
mal and Elaborate English Style
of Former Days.
Ktmllsh ns commonly written today
certainly seems to have lost the purity
oml strength that It lint a century iifio.
observes the Spokane Spokesman Re
view. Then such masters of the Inn
BtMKo as Cobbe, Coleridge, DeQulncey
or Hazlftt were journalists as well as
poets or essayists, and their leading
articles lost nothing of effect on the
public from being literature.
The arrival of the age of steam, elec
tricity and cheap postage was followed
by a change, not for the better, In the
popular style of speaking and writing.
"Say what you have to say as briefly
nnd quickly as possible, and don't
bother nbout fineness of expression,"
became the general rule and practice.
The new millions of readers demanded
that their reading be expressed In the
language of every-day speech. The
obligation of compressing conclusions
about Important matters Into 1,000
words, or fewer, Is death, In the end.
to style. The literary form favored Is
In touch, with the turnetl-up-trousers
fashion of wearing one's clbthlng. It
Is frea nnd easy and crammed with
linguistic atrocities. IMural subjects
re polygamously wedded to singular
erbs and Llndley Murray turns In his
grave on account of the death of grain
mar. Joy for Antiquarians.
A remarkable discovery of Roman
silver vessels has been made on the
estate of Arthur J. Balfour, British
foreign secretary, nt Whlttingluime, 20
miles enst of Edinburgh. The frag
ments are much hacked and broken,
but covered with designs classical In
tyle aud exquisite' In technique. The
ellver Is Christian In design, presuma
bly ancient church plate lost from
some monastery. No such find ever
had been made In Great Britain and
hnrdly even on the continent.
Caught the Craze.
First Grasshopper What become of
your brother?
Second Grasshopper The poor fel
low was drowned trying to be a sea
hopper. Some men reach the wrong destina
tion by traveling the right rond; they
travel In the wrong direction.
A wnr artist Is always successful,
even though his bnttles are all drawn,
When Yu're Tired Ij
l and need the invigora-
I tion of a well-flavored,
I full-bodied hot cup,
I there's nothing superior
i to .
Delicious and healthful,
it supports and cheers
with its refreshing good
ness, and it is an eco-
: nomical table drink as
; well
At Grocers.
I, Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c
Pretender of That Line to Britain's
Throne Is Now Prince Rupert
of Bavaria.
f There was once to be found. In Brit
ain, a little group of romantic senti
mentalists who remained faithful to
the Stuart line, and celebrated on Jan
uary I!0 a kind of Jacobite feast day.
A writer In the Living Age rememhers
seeing postage stamps bearing the like
ness of the "pretender," who happened
to he a princess of Bavaria. These
were nttached to the envelope y the
side of the officln! postage stamp, thus
constituting a source of nnnoynnce to
the serious-minded Victoria.
Since the death of bis mother. Maria
Theresa of Bavaria, a few weeks ago,
ex-Prince Rupert of Bavaria is now
the official Stuart pretender to the,
throne of Great Britain. The Muse of
history has ever had a leaning toward
He Is Ignorant of English.
Seeing a peculiar headline In a Bos
ton paper, the telegraph editor turned
It upside down nnd rend It backwards.
He could get no meaning out of It
"Four-Ply Slam by McNally Kayo
BJtJW" so he set out afte enlighten
ment. "Cinch," said the sporting editor,
with n withering glance. "It means
McNally slnmmed out n round trip
and put the game on Ice."
"Why McNally mnde the circuit nnd
broke their hearts," chipped In the po
lice court man.
"Yep. He hit her on the nose for
four sacks; good night" the society
"I'll tell you, old man," nt last spoke
up the city editor patronizingly. "You
have to have It In kindergarten style.
'Four-ply slam equals 'homer. 'Kayo'
equals 'K. O..' which equals 'knockout.'
Get me?"
"G-r-r-r!" growled the tel. ed.
"Mehhe. Mebbe. But It's probably an
'ad' for a new breakfast food." Brock-
ton Enterprise.
Heard in an Office.
"Phew! How can you smoke such
cigars as this one you've given me?"
"I can't. That's the one you handed
me yesterday."
Anyway, there's no danger of an old
toper's dying of water on the brain.
Time waits for no mnn, but the mu-
slcnl director can beat It.
If you would forget that there Is
anything In the world but joy, spend a
little time looking nt the party frocks
In which the summer girl will dnnce
some hours away. If these dance
frocks nourished In the dnytlme, bees
nnd butterflies might pursue them, for
they certainly borrow from flowers
their color and piquancy and sunshine
glimmers Jn their brocades and em
broideries. Evening gowns Indulge In
sumptuous nuiterlnls, In gold nnd sil
ver tissue, In rich embroideries and
twinkling sequins and all kinds of
shimmering things Including the new
shot taffetas. Finally they turn to
tulle and laces or sheer crepe. A world
of fine nnd fragile fabrics belongs to
The two pfetty party frocks shown
here are of the simpler designs, one
of them In white nnd the other In
black wkh embroidery nnd brocade
sash In metnl and colored brocade. The
white frock has a slim undersllp of
embroidered satin, draped about the
nnkles and full draperies of fine net
ending lir points nbout the Jjpttom,
hang over It. A vestee of twinkling
sequins fills the V-shaped opening of
the bodice the net makes a filmy
drapery that falls from the shoulder.
For n lovely finishing touch a narrow
ribbon hangs In loops nnd ends from
the girdle.
Hats for Midsummer
WS J .vf " ' 4
Dress hats for midsummer, as i-miu-pared
to other millinery, are as orcln-is
compared to other lovely blossoms
These millinery blooms nre the un-t
fragile, most splendid of all, the falnt
nnd the shortest lived. They are nul
Hummer Interpreted In hats by de
signers whose fancies are unhampered
by thoughts of anything but beamy.'
They look to the sheerest fabrics and
to the most beautiful colors to trim
late their thoughts Into millinery.
In the group of three hats made f'T
the heart of summer, two nro of print
ed georgette and rfno of plain geor
gette In tin sheerest quality. The sumo
wlde-brlnimed, graceful shapes ap
pear developed In laces, mullne.- and
nets. Brims usually have' lines in
flowing curves about the face nu
crowns are often flexible. The Inn t
the right of the group Is a lovely ex
ample. A vague flower motif against
u black ground provides color. There
Is no trimming except the sash of vel
vet ribbon, In one of the colors In the
crepe, that Is brought about the rrn
and tied In n bow nt the back.
In the hat at the left there W a
hint of sport styles In the covering It
Is of white crepe georgette with 0'
Hgures of Hln-tln-tiu and Nanette (!.
porting themselves over Its surface. A
covered silk cord with small tusseN at
the ends disposes Itself In a careles
bow on the crown to answer "pns
cut" In niKc any one asks for tha
whereabouts of trimming.
i Black georgette over a satin slip
serves for the dignified gown at the
,pft of tll0 ,)lctm.e, lta construction Is
so simple that the picture tells about
all that can bo told. It has a very
plain bodice with round neck, bound
with brocade. The skirt Is gathered
to this and hangs straight with an
overhanging panel at the front that
Is embroidered near the bottom. The
same embroidery appears at the sides
below the hlpllne. A- very gorgeous
sash of heavy brocaded ribbon makes
the wide girdle with one loug hnnglng
Petticoat Substitute.
The long, slim suit and dress skirts
almost make the wearing of petticoats
an Impossibility. But we uiuy be Just
as modestly and comfortably clad, for
there are the long bloopers to take
their place. These bloomers or pan
talets are usually chosen In dark suit
colors and mny be hnd ankle length or
shorter and with or without ruffles.
A new style hns an accordion plnlted
piece set In Just nbove the shoe tops.
For summer the short silk jersey
bloomers In flesh nnd pink with un
even Insets of lace at the kneo, nre
perhaps the newest. Camisoles of sllli
jersey with lace or embroidered In
;lnk and blue silk are also Very new
in the last hat, georgette is shirred
over a wire frame with a wide nilllo
flowing about the brim edge. This Is
one of a few models In which the
crown Is not flexible. Although In this
particular hat there are no flowers r
fruit In the trimming It Is an exception
to the rule, the designer having placed
a wish of ribbon about the crown, tied
In a generous but simple bow near the
Substitute for Furs.
The reported decision of clothlnj;
manufacturers, particularly specialty
houses, of going more Into leather-lined
or convertible overcoats for next fall
und winter finds nn echo In the worn
en's wear trade. According to a dress
goods representative the suggestion
that leather he substituted In some
cases for fur trimmings has met with
quite a little response. The price con
sideration Is not one that holds the Im
portant place for the change, even
though there Is u difference In favor
of the use of leather, but the novelty
of leather trimmings Is expected to be
u big factor.1
Bluo nnd orchid Is a color combina
tion much In evidence this season, es
pecially for evening and stmil-evening
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be
genuine must bo marked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Alwnys buy at)
unbroken Bayer packngo which con
tains proper directions to safely re
lieve Honduche, Toothuche, Earache.
Neuralgia, Colds nnd pain. Handy tin
boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few
cents at drug stores lnrger packages
also. Aspirin Is tho trade mark of
Bnyer Manufacture of Monoacetlc
acldester of. Snllcyllcacld. Adv.
Couldn't Hear Him Crow,
Baby Marie Osborne was being fea
tured at nn Hast side theater. It
must have been a show particularly
suited for the little folk. At one
point In tho story n rooster llow on a
fence In the earjy morning, flapped
his wings proudly and crowed lust
ily. When he appeared on the fence,
so realistic was the picture that the
nudlenco became silent. Then the
stillness was broken by n smnll voice,
lost In the realism of the thing:
"Mother, mother, I can't hear him
crow-l" Indianapolis News.
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feel secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottlo of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
regctable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
tenspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's creat helper In relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should
have the bent. On sale at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a
ample bottle. When writing be sum and
mention this paper. Adv.
Creatures of Circumstances.
Judge Whnt Is a fair compensa
tion for the receiver and his uttorney
'In this case 1
Attorney I should say, your honor,
$1,000 for the attorney and $500 for
the receiver would be n very meager
allowance, considering the great
amouut of actual work performed.
Judge The amount In the hands of
the receiver Is how much 7
Attorney Fifteen hundred dollars.
Buy a Farm Now.
Because land Is cheaper than It will ever
be again. The U. S. Itallroad Administration
Is prepared ta furnish free Information to
homeseekers regarding farmlnic opportuni
ties. We have nothlne to sell; no money to
lend; only Information to give. Write me
fully with reference to your needs. Nam
the state you want to learn about. J. L.
Edwards, Manager, Agricultural Section,
U. S. Itallroad Administration. Room 70,
Washington, 13, C adv.
"Why did you call your mother when
I tried to kiss you?" "1 I I I didn't
think she was In tho house."
Keeping everlastingly at It has turn
ed many a good tempered, man or
woman Into a dribbling, f mil Minder.
at mimr.-a PER CENT.
AV&dof nWelVcfiflt ation&rAs
neither Opium, Morpuinu ,
Mineral. Not JN ahcu ,
Pumphn it
JlocStUi Jala
a i.otnful Remedy for
and revcrisnii";.
Loss ofSuhsp
K -- 'i ' -i-!X-.sni n annm
Extxt Copy of Wrapper,
m mm
Nothing Like Plain Bltro-Phosphato to
Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and
to Increase Strength, Vigor
and Nervo Force.
Tii.1i.Ihi. it.Jt Ml,lAaa nv.Vpn.nllnna
. nut, null, tuuitiicaa ikviuuuvii.
nnd 'reuimoiUH which are coiiunuully be
Ins advertised for tho purposo of milking
thin peoplo fleshy, developing arms, neoR
and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and
uiii;icb ay uic
soft curved
lines of health
and beauty,
there are evi
dently thou
B.inds of men
and women
who keenly
feel tholr ox
cesslvo thin
ness. Thinness and
woalsnesa ar
often due to
nerves. Our
boillun need
more phos
phate than Is
contained In
modern foods.
UEORGIA HAMlWun. clnlm- Ulcro ,
nothing that will supply this deficiency
so well as tho organic phosphate known
among druRKlsts as bltro-phosplmto,
which Is Inexpensive and Is sold by most
all druggists undar a puarantoo of satin
faction or money back. By feeding the
nerves directly nnd by supplying the body
colla with tho nccossary phosphoric food
elements, bltro-phosphato should produce
n wolcomo transformation In the appear
ance; tho Increase In wolght frequently
belnt; nBtonlshlnv.
Increase) In weight also carries with It
n general Improvement In tho health
Nervousness, Bleeplossnoss and lack of
energy, which nearly always accompany
excosslvo thinness, ahould soon disappear,
dull eyes ought to brlchtcn, and pale
checks rtlow with tho bloom of perfect
health. Miss Ooornla Hamilton, who was
once thin anil frail, reporting her own
experience, writes; "Ditro-Fhosphate has
brought about a maglo transformation
with mo, I gained IS pounds and never
before felt so well,"
CAUTION; Although bltro-phosphate Is
nnsurpassod for relieving nervousness,
sleeplessness und penoral woakness. It
should not, owlnn to Its tendency to In
crease wolKht. he used by anyone who
doos not dcslrn ta put on flesh.
. . - . I- II V H 1 ClllllH
Proving It.
"Pussyfooting Is n calamity."
"I suppose It Is something of a cat
nstrophe." San Frnncjsco Chronicle.
Often Caused by
Yes", Indeed, more often than you think.
Because AC1D-STOMACH. starting- with In.
digestion, heartburn, belching-, food-repeat-Ins:,
bloat and ens, It not checked, will even
tually affect every vital orean of the body.
Severe, bllndine, spltttlne headachts are,
therefore, of frequent occurrenoe as a result
of this upset condition.
Take 13ATONIO. It quickly banishes acid
stomach with Its sour bloat, pain and can.
It aids digestion helps the stomach sst
full strength from every mouthful of food
you eat. Millions of people are miserable,
weak, alok and svlllnir because of ACID
STOMACH. Poisons, oreated by partly di
gested food charged with acid, are absorbed
Into the blood and distributed throughout
the entire system. This often causes rheu
matism, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver,
heart trouble, ulcers and even cancer of
the stomach, It robs Its victims of their
health, undermines the strength of the
most vigorous,
If you want to set back your physical
and mental strength bo full of vim and
vigor -enjoy life and be happy, you mutt
get rid of your acld-stomaoh.
In EATONIC you will And the very help
you need and it's guaranteed. So get a big
60o bqx from your druggist today. It It
falls to please you, return It and he will
refund your money.
uniui i li niLi.1.11
cbesp. Lasts
all season. Made of
metal, can't sdIU
metal, can't spill or
tJoorert it ill bos sail
or Injure anrtmnc.
naaranteea enrcUre.
Bold . by dulrrs. or
0 by isxruE-ss,
prepaid, 11.26.
UAUOLD tJOUUta. 140 Do iiolb Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
M w a a
ft i fVV