5 Model No. 10 Single Tub ' Electric Washer with Swinging Wringer Thla Model offer the booaewlfe th adTantaeea of the moTablc -ewinjlnj ntfnsrt without tha lench tqulpmtnt of other modcli. Wither tnb Is eiactly the tame at that med on other modelt hat all modern improre tnenta. Electric motor fi tronhleproot will not "burn out." Wrlnser twines to any position and haa Safety Qnlck Roleaae feature. Tub la equipped with tpeclal adjustable casters which permit of raUlnu or lonertae to any position. i Autaliatic WorM-Famous ror MUST PROVIDE GHEATEll " SCHOOL ACCOMMODATIONS I"1 - The Choice of Women Who Know A Washer that that will suit you because 50,000 Houswlves ubo it overy Monday. A Washer that is famous for what it DOES. There is no better Washer made for your service It is simple, strong and durable: Washes and wrings by power. 4 great models attaches to any electric light socket guaranteed. Two Vnlunble Hooks FIIEE Two complete books of formulas on washing and dry cleaning. Call and get these. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & -POWER CO. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Shu Fly and spray at the Rexall. Wo have a few of those Hawaiian records left. Harry Dixon. John Sinarus, of Wellfleet, spent the week end with friends in town. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148; Mrs. Elmer Baker left Wednesday ' for a short visit with friends in Oma ha. Miss Elva- Lathan, of Sheridan. ' Wyo., is the guest of Miss Ruby Mc . Michael. Kodaks and films at the Rexall. i A new shipment of the Reason's' laiest modqls in skirts at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. we are anxious uuu you see our lino -of fine diamonds, and the prices s are right. Dixon, the Jeweler. Will Davis, who had been with the government forest service in Colorado, arrived home yesterday. A real opportunity to buy a dress at a big reduction. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mrs. F. L. Temple came up from Lexington Wednesday for a visit with her sister Mrs. L. C. McGraw. Mr. and Mrs. Orvill McDonald re turned Wednesday to their home at .Geneva after .a. two weeks' visit, with relatives. Mrs. P. A. Norton returned Tues day from Grand Island where she had been spending a few days with her son James Norton. Beginning Friday, July 11th, wo will give to our customers a dis count of V off on dresses and blouses. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Word received from Charles Wil son, who is with the army of occupa tion in Germany, states that he has beenl!quite ill for the past month. The Edison Diamond Disc Caberet Specials are here. Those popular songs you have be,en waiting for. Dixon's. v nMW Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dcivis, who are ftfiendlng the summer with, their niece 1V1F.S. fianK -tiaicn, visueu m ucuvur .tbia,' week. a vtsit in. Kansas' City and Council Bluffs, leaving Mrs. Stamp and daugh - ter to continue their visit in the latter city. Albert LeDloyt, who lives west ot Sutherland, stopped over in town Tuesday to visit his brother Herman while enroute home from an Omaha hospital where he had goneo consult Dr. Jonas G. S. Huffman this week sold the two houses which ho owned on west Sixth street west of his homo to Glen Moore and Arv Peterson, the former buying the east one and the latter the the west one. Always stop at the Rexall. For Sale Perfection oil stove and other household goods. 301 east Fifth street. Miss Ida Ottenstein is planning a trip to California where , she will spend a couple of months. The Rexall handles the goods. tf ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rnnntt loft 'Wednesday for Hastings where they will make their future home. Miss Ethel Winget left Thursday for California where she will spend three weeks visiting friends. Kodaks and films at the Rexall. Swan Leaf, living north of Brady, Jbasjaeea .in town this- week taking treatment of Dr: K.C. Drost. Now is the season for vacations see Arbucklo take his "Cam-ping Out." Keith theatre Friday and Sat urday. James Miller, who for the past four teen months has been overseas in the engineering corps, isc expected to ar rive home Sunday. Special salo on ladies' dresses be ginning Friday. E. T. Tramp & Sons Floyd Williams, who left here with Company ,E, landed at New York last week. After a short visit in Wis consin with his parents, he will re turn here. Mrs. Thos. Jenkins and H: C. Jen kins, mother and brother respectively of Mrs. J. H. Van Cleave, arrived Wed nesday evening for a visit at the Van Cleave home. Many are waiting to see the new small six, the "Cleveland". I am as sured that I will have the first sample touring to show you this month. It will bo ainnounced at the time. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. Dr. V. Lucas wont to Overton Tues day night and brought Mrs. A. Hasen yager to the General hospital for an operation. Mrs. Hasenyager was for merly Miss Elizabeth Young, of this city. tjAlways try The Rexall first, It pays! . If The initial game of ball of the church league, composed of seven teams, was played Monday evening with the Cath- olio and Methodist as the opposing teams. The former won by a score of twenty to four The best picture ever taken In North Platte was made by . O. Dedmore of the entire crowd and cars at the race track on July 4th. These pictures are on sale at the Kodak Shop, in the rear of Gummere-Dont Drug Co. 52-2 Cupid continues fairly busy not withstanding the hot weather. Tues day Judgo Woodhurst united in mar riage Delbort Ruddy and Ellen Gates both of Sidney, and the following day ranklin Hill and Maysle Drake, both of this city were married by the. Judge. ' Withyovery school room crowded to the uOhQst limit last year, the boara of education is "up against tho propo- sltion ot providing accommodations for tho coming year for '201 more' pu pils than was ,hovn by the 1918 cen sus. The totaj number ot chlldron of r. 1. i. ...11.1. .lt,.4.nt , OV11UU1 lU Wlllllll W1U UlSlllV shown by tho 1919 census is 2184. whoraa tho census of 1918 showed 1988. Just what method will bo pursued in taking care of this lncreaso of chil dren of school age and which is equivalent to filling four or five school rooms has not yet been de termined; in fact it is a problem not easy of solution. About tho only plan that presents ltsu a hiring rooms outside tho school buildings for cer tain primary work. Tho conditions are therefore such that a new school building must bo provided, and it would seem that tho sooner this proposition ia taken up and a tract of land secured, tho bet ter. ::o:: First Lutheran Church. ' Morning worship, 8:30 o'clock." subject, "A Glorious Freedom." The pastor will be glad to seo all members at the service. REV. C. F. KOCH, , Pastor. ::o:: 1 Binders In Demand. ' Tho Derryberry & Forbes Imple-i ment Co. shipped out from their dls-' tributlng plant in this city ten car-) loads of binders during the first four days of this week. During the same period two cars of binding twlno were shipped out. This is evidence of the need of machinery in harvesting tho immense "wheat crop in Western Nc- braska. t A Timely Service For Farmers ' Thru our bank-by-mail service you can make deposits, pay bills, buy drafts and transact other business without leaving home. T i ' I Time is money on the farm these . busy days. Conserve the hours by doing your banking the easiest way our bank-by-mail service helps make it easy. Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Coming M'restlinp Match. J. E. Selby, North Platte's pports promoter, has made arrangements for a wrestling match between Chris Jorilan tho Greek wrestler of Brook lyn, and Bobby Bylund, of Illinois. The date of the match has not been definitely settled but will probably be tho latter part of this month. : :o: : Curd of Thanks' Rev. E. W. McMlllen and daughter, Mrs. G. R. (Bertha) Reynolds express their ' thanks for tho sympathy and hell) of their many friends during the last illness and death of Mrs. E. W. McMillen. E. W. McMILLEN. MRS. O. R. REYNOLDS. LOCAL AND PER S ON AL Wednesday was the hottest day so far this season, the temperature run ning up to ninety-eight. Tho Rexall handles the goods. tf Mr.and Mrs. J. C. Den and Harold Langford motored to Arapahoe yes terday to look business interests. The July 10 Columbia records are here. Tho best wo have ever had, Dixon, the Jeweler. Rev. C. T. Koch and Mrs. Koch ar rived home Thursday morning from their month's visit at Mt. Vernon, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. Lane leave tomorrow ifor Estes Park where they will re main until the latter part of tho month. Tho Edison Diamond Disc Caberet Specials are here. Those popular songs you have been waiting for. Dixon's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lansford and two Isons leavo tomorrow for Estes Perk where they will spend the remainder of the month. It's love first, then gold oven in tho frozen north. Rex Beach depicted Alaskans as they are in "The Brand" showing at the Crystal Saturday and Monday. Our friend Tom Gutherless. who is one of the most successful growers of flowers in town, has our thanks for a boquet of dahlias and zinnias, two lants in which he specializes. Bert Barber left Wednesday! for Ft. Worth, Texas, where he is entering the oil business. Mrs. Barber and the children will follow him to their now home in about two weeks. Is your town honest? Is you town clean? Aro its women on tho job Gladys Brockwell shows how one wo man rescued a city from the grip of looters. Keith theatro tonight.. A. T. Yartor, of Brady, who is grow lng sixty-five acres of beets this year, was in town yesterday, and said that by prompt spraying his loss by tho beet worm would not exceed three acres. After breaking into a score or more houses and obtaining less than orie hundred dollars in cash, the bold burglar ha$j taken a lay-off during tho pasi iwo nignis. .remaps no con eluded his reward was too small for his work. Seo 'Clinton & Son about your Eye troubles satisfaction every time Son is over in Germany will be home in a fow weeks or months. Sign of the Big Ring. Pity, tho poor, hen-pecked husband! He s so delicate tool Tho mere pay' steal strain of cxlstenca Is quite enough for this ill-nutured spouso why add matrimonial suffering? But what's ho going to do? Go camping! leavo his "happy homo" behind him Ah, but supposing a "sweet young thing Is at the camp! And suppos lng "Friend Wife" shows up! Leave it to Fatty ! Just leave It to that boy! With "Fatty" Arbuckle, it's great! Keith Friday and Saturday ? CO-OPERATION "The First Principle of Success' All Union MEN and WOMEN, your FRIENDS and FAMILIES are requested to be CONSISTENT PAT RONIZE HOME INDUSTRY, BOOST FOR NORTH PLATTE and demand the UNION LABEL on all com modities you purchase whenever possible. The follow ing business interests ot your city solicit the support of ORGANIZED LABOR and are recommended by th e NORTH PLATTE CENTRAL LABOR UNION. AMUSEMENTS. Sun Thcnfrc. Keith Theatre. Crystal Theatre. AUTOMOBILE COMPANIES. J. S. Davis Co., Nash, Stearns and Chev rolet Cars and Nash Trucks. North Platte Buicfc Co., Buick Cars and G. M. C. Trucks. S. & K. Servico Station, Automobile Accessories, Gas arid Oils. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. ' J. S. Davis Auto Co. North Platto Buick Co. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 1 Derryberry & Forbes. D. J. Antonides (North Side). BANKS. Plntte Valley State Bank. First National Bank. McDonald State Bank. BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. Mutual Building nnd Loan Associa tion of North Platte. BAKERS. Model Bakery, C. H. Stamp, Prop. Dickey's Bakery, R. R. Dickey, Prop. Ideal Bakery, A. & J. O'llare, Props. BOOTS AND SHOES. Tramp and Sons. Wilcox Department Store. Shoe Market. ; The Hub. v Leader Mercantile Co. T( Harry Samuelson. Edwards-Reynolds Co. Tho Star. Hirschfeld's. J. C. Penny Co. BOTTLING COMPANIES. p Star Bottling & Mercantile Co. CAFES, CAFETERIAS, RESTAURANTS. Palace. ' Oasis. Dickey's. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Brunswick. C. T. Wielan. Silver Front, Chris Paulson, Prop. CLOTHING DEALERS Wilcox Department Store. Star Clothing House. Hirschfeld's. Harry Samuelson. The Hub. Edwards-Reynolds Co. ,1. C. Penny Co. Leader Mercantile Co. CONFECTIONERY DEALERS. Dickey's. Oasis. CONTRACTORS. McMIchael Bros. CREAMERIES. North Platto Creamery Co., (Alfalfa Queen Butter.) CHIROPRACTORS. Drs. States & States. , CLOAKS AND SUITS. Block's. f ";. E. T. Tramp & Sons. , , Lender Mercantile Co. Wilcox Dept. Store. The Hub. ' J. C. Penny Co. DRUGGISTS. North Side Drug Store. J. H. Stone. . Rexall. Nynl. George Frater. t Gummere-Dent Co. DRY CLEANERS. The C. O. D. Dickey's. Best Lnundry. DEPARTMENT STORES. , Lender Mercantile Co. Wilcox Department Store. .... J. C. Penny Co. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho Hub. 5, 10 AND 25 CENT STORES. , i W. J. O'Connor. FURNACES. Simon Bros. V tf FURNITURE DEALERS. W. R. Maloney Co. Derryberry & Forbes. FLORISTS. ' C. J. Pass. The Florist. FRUIT COMPANIES. Stacy Mercantile Co. FLOUR, FEED AND COAL. Leypoldt & Pennington. GAS COMPANIES. North Platte Light & Power Co. GRAIN COMPANIES. Leypoldt & Pennington. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Rush Mercantile Co. Lierk-Sandall Co. , F. D. Westenfeld & Sons, (North Side) John Hcrrod. i HARDWARE DEALERS. W. R. Maloney Co. Derryberry & Forbes. D. J. Antonides (North Sido) HOTELS. Tim menu an. The Palnce. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Frank N. Buchanan. H. & S. Agency. 0. H. Thooleckc. Bruit, Gjoodmnn & Buckley. Sebastian &s Temple. Liberty Land Co;, Henley & Souder. JEWELERS. C. M. Austin. Harry Dixon. C. S. Clinton. LAUNDRIES. Dickey' Sanitary Lnundry. Best Laundry. LUMBER AND COAL COMPANIES. W. W. Birge Lumber & Coal Co. Wnltemnth Lumber & Coal Co. North Platto Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte Lumber & Coal Co. Coatcs Lumber & Coal Co. MEAT MARKETS. I. L. Stebblns' Cash Market. H. Simon & Son's North Sido Meat Market. Brodbeck & Son, City Mont Market. 7 Fred Marti. MERCANTILE COMPANIES. Stacy Mercantile Co. Rush Mercantile Co. Star Bottling & Mercantile Co. Lender Mercantile Co. MILLING COMPANY. North Platto Electric Mills (Cow Brand )The Quality First Flour. MUSIC STORES. Walker Music Co. OPTICIANS. Harry Dixon & Son. C. S. Clinton. OFFICE SUPPLIES. C. M. Newton. , " PRODUCE COMPANY. 1 North Platto Pro Produce Co. . PAINTS AND OILS WALL PAPER. L. R. Duke. C. M. Newton. J H. Stone. North Sido Drug Storo. Rexall Nyal. v POCKET BILLIARDS. The Brunswick. SOFT THttNK PARLOR. C. T. Wholan. SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS. Simon Bros. TRUST COMPANIES. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. UNDERTAKING. W. R. Maloney Co. ' ' Derryberry & Forbes. UTILITY PLANTS. North Plntte Light & Power Co. WHOLESALE COMPANIES. Stacy Mercantile Co. Leypoldt & Pennington. North Platto Electric Mills. Star Bottling nnd Mercantile Co. North Plntte Produce Co. Rush Mercantilo Co . 2 Buy at Home.. Buy at Home. GUARANTEED NOT TO BREAK