The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 11, 1919, Image 4

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fl Harry Lantz and son of Sterling, B. OF 1. F. AND E. TOTE
, GlaSSeS OVerCOme tf&VerfhMfitfn this week vIMtlng, f FOR SBYT LAIlOJt I'AItTV
near sight
friends and transacting business.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Lltsoy
Near sight Is most
Denver, Colo., July 9. jUV roeolu-
4tn In v.itiirnf n with Aha ntron
. . iS. ?'5Self"k. other railroad brotherhood for the
; . L . I . I r 'ctljuMnM nijium Victim ,1 H
summertime, when one Is out O'Ljwedlsh Massage. ladieB and gentfe"
i men. Phone 897. Erodbeck bide. 85tf
n. A. O. Kocken returned Monday ev
glasses nrc n grcai ncnciiw .iney im- onlng fron, pang,jc Colo., whore he
prove the Tlslonnnd enable you to get J"ul been visiting his daughter, Mrs.
n great deal more enjoyment from be- Mr an(, Mr8 Robert Doobke nnd
nl ilniini nn.1 nnil fllA strain children and Mrs. H- F Doebke will
u"""' leave today, for nn extended vMl In
that Is Injurious to vision. California
nnr nntoniefrlst Is expert In fitting Ladles' blouson at a 20 per cont dls-
count" In tho organdies, voiles and
Kinases to- correct near sight. The LceorKetta cropos. B. T. Tramp &
... Sons.
Vork Is done with the greatest skill
?nnu care and your satisfaction Is
. At the Sign of the Big Ring.
Anna Q. Nilsson
Monroe Salisbury
ALSO 2 reel
Graduate Dentist
OWce over tho McDonald
State Bunk.
Mrs. J. J. Crawford,, son Robort and
Miss Colcste loft Thursday for a
month's visit in Iowa with Mrs. Craw
ford's mothor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hollman and chil
dren returned Tuesday from a month's
visit, in Tipton, Iowa,, with Mrs. Jtloll-
man s mother.
Mrs. C. J. Perkins and daughter
Juno returned Wednesday from Ogden
whore they had spent the past month
visiting rolatives.
Mrs. Walter Crook and children re
turned Monday night from Chadron
whore thoy had beon visiting friends
for several weokB.
Miss Grace Krogan arrived Tues
day from Now "Vork city and will
spend tho summer with ' her sister
Mrs. Thos. Cooloy
For Sale J. I. Smith's fine irrigat
ed farm four miles northwest of North
Platte. InmUro at 203 west Second
street. Phono 158. . 47-8
Mrs. Geo. Hatfield accompanied by
her grandson. Milton Chambers, left
Wednesday for Garble, Wyoming, for
a visit with relatives
Mrs. Joe Tottcnhoff and daughters
Romona, Naomi and Charlotte, nr
rived Wednesday for a visit at the
Dick Tottcnhoff home.
You will bo Interested in our very
complete lino of wrist watches
Watches of tho highest quality. El
gins from $30 up to $50. Dixon, the
Quality Jeweler.
Miss Arta Kocken returned Monday
night from Great FaUs, Mont., where
she had been teaching this past year
and will spend the summer with her
father, A. O. Kocken.
A big assortment of wash dresses
Just arrived which will bo Included
In tho discount given on dresses bp
ginning Friday, July 11th. E. T,
Tramp & Sons.
James Smlthers arrived Wednesda
for a visit with his brother Hoyt and
his sister Mrs. N. F. Harrison. Mi
Smithors has just returned from
year's servlco overseas.
10 dollars for a drink, one hundred
dollars for a kiss, was tho price he
paid when Kato Billings of Red Butto
waited upon him. Seo Monroe Sans
bury at the SUN Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hogge, who liv
south of Horahcy, returned Monday
from an auto trip to the Yellowstone
Park. Ed Is now busy harvesting
about 400 acres of Binall grain
A. W. Plumer sold G40 acres of hay
land at Maxwell this week to Kont-
Burko Cattlo Co. for a consideration of
$51,200, or $80 per acre. It is one of
tho best tracts of hay land in thatsec
creation of a national labor party
was adopted at Wednesday's soaMonj
of the annual conventloiy of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Englnemen. i
Tho resolution was Included In the
report of the protective -committee,
which was adopted. Action was tak
fin n nrpfiitlvn KoRsInn and ttm an
nouncement given out simply aid
tho resolution was adopted after
some discussion.
A rider to tho resolution for the
establishment of a "dally -press " to
aid tho now jiarty also was adopted.
Leaders said this might include the
establishment of for or five news
papers In the larger cities to at as
publicity organs for th new party.
o: :
, Return from Auto Trip
Wm. E. Shuman and daughter Doro
thy have Just rctur-ned from a 750-
mile trip by auto, all within the Mate
They drove to Kearney, Hastings. Llm
coin and Omaha and returned over the
Lincoln Highway. Mrs. Louise Burke
accompanied them as far as Omaha
and then went east to visit friends at
Ft. Wayne, Inds While In Lincoln Mr.
Shuman argued a case before the fed-
Ural court. Mr. Shuman says the
ieople of the east part of tho state
are very enthusiastic over tie ques
tion of good roads and-street paving
Is being laid in many towns and cities,
including such small towns as Shelton
and Crete; also that different naved
" Sr Is "ei?& T". MioininB GRATEFUL
Including a paved highway extending
from Lincoln to Beatrice.
. ::o::
Rborn for Rent Lady
Apply to C08 cast Fifth.
. i 1
The New Hotel Palace atii tafeC
Is now Openforthe Accommodation of the Public. :
lVJille n few of our fixtures nrc still IncK'ntr'wb nrc nblc to tnke enro of the. public both
ns to rooms and dining room and lunch counter service. All rooms nre equipped with
running hot nnd cold wnter nnd n number of the rooms hnvo privnte bnths attached.
AH rooms ure neatly nnd attractively furnished, thus giving to our patrons tho mnxi
mum of comfort. In our dining room nnd nt the lunch counter the best the market af
fords is served, and throughout our service is second to none.
Upon the arrival and installation of the' delayed fixtures we will have u public
opening nnd will be pleased to show the public one of the best appointed hotels and
cafes in the state.
HUGH Y. IV AD A, General Mnnagcr.
TV. S. CHENEY, Assistant Manager
Now Prepared for Them.
The frequency of house breakings
during the past week has resulted In
house occupants arming themselves
and Just at this time fifty per "cent or
more of our householders have with
in reach a shotgun or revolver. One
hardware deatar said Tuesday that ho
bad sold every cartridge ho had In tho
house to citizens who announced that
8oldier Might Have Seen Good In Oth
er Chances, but Not In That
, Last Greeting.
The man who had volunteered his
life for his country came back fr,om the
western front. His experience had
completely changed him. Ho carried
within the sense of nn entirely new
He went to Washington. He heard
they proposed to be ready for early tne RPpech of n senator. He saw the
morning callers. If the burglar or 'ouoyisis cunsurung luguuier. no
burglars keep up their work there Is wanted something, nnd he waited for
pretty certain to bo a killing, for the It In vain.
"It Is the same old crowd," lie snld.
He met the girl he loved with an
other fellow. She told him that she
still loved him nnd that the only reason
she wns with the other fellow was be
cause she was loneome for him.
"It's the same old girl," he said.
Tie traveled on a railroad. The guard
was surly. The train was late. The
average man will shoot to hit and not
to scare.
Divine Services nt Episcopal Church-
Ho'y communion 7:30 a, m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11 a. m.
Sunday, school 9:45 a. m. 4.
Sunday school north side 3 p. m.
: :o: :
Robinson Circus Cnmlni?.
Al Butler, advance man for the Yan- fo0(1 wns P001" Tll rate WKS nearly
keo Robinson circus, was -in town double.
Tuesday making arrangements for "It's the snme old transportation
that show to exhibit in North Platte onlv worse." he said.
ruesuay, July 29th. This circus show- He reached his home town. He wns
ed in North Platto last year and was met by a delegation and a bund. Wlth
pronounced very good. ,n two weeks four of neighbors
lino nVii'uTTi - had gotten the best of him, another
. Tho OgaTaUa ball team, 'which has "rowed half his pay, and at the end
been winning nit Pnmoa fi,i of u month when he walked down Main
will play tho North Platte team at the street no onc knQW nlm l)ecaUR0 ho
city .park next Sunday afternoon at wn ''e.
3:30. Tho local team hnn hepn' unmo. He went back home. There wus a
what strengthened and attired In womnn wnlting for him on the door-
their new uniforms promise to per- step.
"My baby hero 1" she said.
And putting his nrms around her, he
"Same old mother thank God!"
Thomas L. Mnsson In New York Eve
ning Post.
You aro going to buy a Tempolnt
Fountain Pen somo day sure, be
causo aftor all they have many points
that othor pons havo not. Dixon, tho
MIbb Esther Schwalgcr Is quite 111 Quality Jewolor, 'will bo moro thnn
glad to show ypu his very complete
form better than In the last game
Notice to Property Owners
nntl Tenants.
ah outside closets in sewer dis
tricts must bo connected with the
sower on or before September 1st.
All householders In tho nit v m ft
maintain garbage cans which will be GOT THE WRONG IMPRESSION
ompuecl nt stated times by the city
Grandfather Was Convinced His Pet
Had Joined the Church, and Re
jolced Accordingly.
with an Infection of tho oyos
Dr. L. J. KrauBo, Dontlst, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Harry Block returned Wednesday
from a business trip to Omaha.
Wanted A housekeeper,
tho Marti Meat Market,
. ... . . . . , , nfimno Hint, rrnk'n itinlt ia.
uari wicKsirom. or iiorsnoy. irnns- -""'" "v w. v.... .....
acted business in town Wednesday. cnargo,
Tho figures for tho school census
rtov. T. A. Llndenmoyer spent the
wcok end hero with his family while
enrouto back to Now York. Uov. Lln
denmoyer Is In servlco as a Y. M. C. A,
Apply at worker and Just at present Is nccom-
bin panying troops from Now York to the
Shu Fly nnd spray at tho Rcxall.
I linvn liint lmnn mrnpfl in hv. H'rort fcil
-LA. A. .1 . .!. t At.-.
two sons left Wednesday for Estos hi4i of ednmtlnn.. The total num-
Park. . i,nr nf linvn nnil elfin hnfwnnn thfi nirfiB
AlwayB trv Tho Rcxall first, it of 5 and 21 on Juno 1 wns 2184. There
. I . . in . m - fnn . 1 i mt.
pays.' tf wero ilia uoys ami iu.iu giria, uw
, ,, , . . ., total is -mi more man uic toiai one
Jnmos Smallwood has begun tho , m,. lu,,,,,,, ! ,
nrtiil IriTi nt n nnw 1imidi it unntlt I . ' '
VWV V.T Q BUUIU fopycarB
1HW l UJL IU VV 11. I
Mrfl Wm. Hupfor loft Wednesday !, ,iv ,id ir it nn i.n,f,.iiv i
VAIUIiUliU IIOIl IIUU 1HD11UO ill I 1.1 l,t - l.n.,l.,,r .nn inim..n
UOKianu, uai. '1 wonther. Tf nhnnt 200 of tho IfiOO fol-
Wantcd Liberty bonds at market lows who gwo us a dollar or two each
would liquidate wo might bo In post
tlon to escape about two weeks of hot
price. Louis Lipshltz
Mrs. H. M. Johnston wont to Denver
Tuesday for a short visit with rela
tives and frionds.
Misses draco Burko and Blancho
Fonda loft Wednesday for a month'o
visit in California.
Always stop at tho Rcxall.
weathor by fleeing to tho pine clad
hills of southern Wyoming and try
our luck at trout fishing.
If cvory nerve In tho body was do
llverlng 100 per cent of its power tho
health would bo 100 per cont vigorous.
Only foolish oxcesses could mnko It
Mm. Tonno of TTnrai.ov .nint n. otherwise. Get your backbono In or-
... I jinn ftsf iti trv nHirin nf niiAiiniiaA
lirst or tlio week hero with hor s stor. "uu i p.uddu.u
Mra. 11. m. T.nvnnhu. canscu oy misaugneo spinal joints,
. A" I ., , A 1
i uuu juu win iiiiu uitiuru Kuuiib uu
JJr. WOrrlll. DOntflSt. OlflCO OVDf hnnlthv. Pnll on rp f?tnton trulnw for
TTTII.. 1 - . o. I ": . " '
wiitu ixyuiuutm oiuro. a consultation. No charcc.
If. .l r a i s-v i l
mr. uuu aire, -ftliurow UlCSOn nUU MIrb TVirothv ITnhhnr.1 linn hnnn
son George returned Wednesday from
xceiuior oprings, juo. Jefferson school for tho comlnc venr.
For your vacation you will huvo to Sho is a graduate of tho local high
havo an Ingersoll. Dixon has a big school nnd tho advanced courso of tho
BtocK. ivuarnoy aiaio wormai. uuring tne
. ,, , ljL , , past two yoarB sho has been teaching
Mr, Fowles, of tno Commercial In-ltt, n,u.v ., Ai.n 0v.t
vostmont Co.. of Lincoln, transacted I
businoss in town Tuesday. but u!d uot nccont n8 shft nrfnr?P'i
l . . .
Wftntod Separator man for eliock ,a" tllo placo offered her here
tlirnnlilni .Will nnv tQ fill -.-. n I
Call at this office. 49-4 fV wa0?1 ncom, a nroinor
(u .mo. in, o. vaiiiuii, ui iuih uiiy uuu
Miss Mntldo B. Tollo. of Tlrlilironort.
liomo in Orogon after a short visit were married Tuesday, morning at tho
hero at tho R. Falk homo. Carlton homo. Rov. Mackintosh offl-
garbargo collector,
Falluro to comply with this notice
subjects tho ownor or tenant to ar
rest and fine. D. N. VALERIUS.
"2-2 Sanitary Inspector.
:o: :
She Is a newspaper woman nnd her
grandfather formerly was a local
He Is very
Teachers' Special lixainlniillon.
There will bo a snecial tnnrhora- v- Preacher of circuit fume,
amlnatlon for renewing tho qertifl- much Interested In her religious stato
catcs under tho old law Friday, July linu" worries because sho does not nt-
laut at worm I'ntto. Onlv tho five tend ciurcn every aunuay nignr,
essontlals and llfo subjects will bo Tho other evening she went to a
Klven. church to write a storv about the new
G2-2 AILEEN GANTT COfiHTlAN. I nrnn tho niirr-hnao of tvlilph hnd hoon
County Suptl made possible by her stories In the pa
. .a. . pen g0 sno toojj grandfather with her,
VYAiS Ihli knowing that while ho could not hear
To hlro by the Community Welfare much of the services, still he would en
organization, a competent director Joy being In the church
who can glvo his ontlro time directing
tho swimming and overseeing tho
grounds at tho swimming pool.
wane your application in person to
At Tho Hub
Scientific Eyo Tcstlny
Our modern equipment and skillful
examinations in every detail, assures
At tho close of tho sermon enmo a
surprise for the newspaper womnn,
The minister announced : "Miss S., who
wroto the stories which brought tho
money for our organ, is with us to
night nnd I would like for her to comQ
up In front so that all of us may seo
her and shake her hand."
Grandfather saw his grandchild ad
vance to the front of tho church nnd
toPeTrnBdftvSa?o,na,,y ? 8""kln?
ilium. I if mill uui iiuiini ii nmu iiiu
minister hnd said, but still he hnd the
Wo Grind our Own Lenses.
memory of enmp meeting days to In-
Notice to Suburban Wntcr Users. 'onu him of what wns happening.
All water users on tho Subnrimn Ir- They convinced him thnt his grnnd
rlgatlon Ditch must keep their lat- daughter hnd joined the church and
orals clean If they expect to get good with luindshnklng the people were
results irom uio water. Tho nrosl- welcoming her into the roiu. Ho ne
dent of the board will not stand for did his part. lie rose to his feet and
any waste of water. 52-4 bejmn shoutlnc at the ton of his voice.
Klvwv rrn rrun nnnr Tn "l'"
-ie, tho undersigned dentists of I
North Platte, will close our offices
every Thursday nftcrnoon until Oc
tober 1st, 1919.
. ii: c. imocif,
i). e. MonitniL,
L. .7. KKAUSE,
0. 11. CRESSLER,
Power From Ocean Tides.
So far such little power as has been
abstracted from ocean tides has been
Insignificant. The rise nnd fall of tho
tides Is not very great, even though It
does Hmount to 70 feet In some places,
nnd hence If any considerable power
Is to bo obtained bnslns of large area
must be used
By damming tho boy at Mont St
Michel In France, where the tide rises
about 45 feet, It is estimated that
enough power, may be obtained to op
erate half of the Industries of France,
A French engineer with vast powers
T. F. Henley, stato hall adjuster for
Lincoln county, has moro calls for
loss adjustments thnn ho can look nf
tor and has asked thnt nn. nriilitinnnl
adjuster bo provided. In adjusting of Imagination hns conceived tho idea
thoso losses, which aro scatters! nil of building dikes across the channel
Mr 'u.oRtor v.nia inft fo Tnnvn elating. Tho couple left tho snme day over tho county, ho travels such lone and across the Thnmos estuary to
Wednesday morning after visiting !or 1,uyar" wnoro iney win mnito inoirj uiBtancos mat mucn time is consumed form two inrge tidal basins winch may
Iriends in town for a few days.: ". iuo unuu hub uuuu iuhchhib in matting uio trips, ne stnrteii out be used alternately to furnish a con
ni.mii not ' wjuuvjr (wiu uu yunmruu hhu a ubi 01 vniriy losses, tlnuous supply of power.
.., hUA;in lumij iuuuuim ii um buinto uu 01 wiucu occurreu in me nan
Liberty Land Company
Office Over Rexall Drug Store.
Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count
ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots
in all parts of North Platte. Look for the Big l sitn.
Always try Tho
Cow! Brand
The Best Flour
Made in.
the Best Town
1 i
Western Nebraska
A Home Product Used by
all Home People.
Attend Your Meetings;atOthe
i -
Hear what is being said and done for the
next' Thirty Days by the educational com
mittee in behalf of union-made goods and
against mail order houses. Patronize home
industry and the merchants who have co
operated with the Central Labor Union.
North Platte Central Labor Union .
Mutual Building andLoan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the Raiding or purchase of homes for the' people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to- acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
paye.''' '
torm of July 5th