The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 11, 1919, Image 1

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NORTH PLATTE, , NEB., 'JULY 11, 1919.
No. 52
c3r itf ;
Tho motor transport corns which Is
'Comprised of sixty trucks and numer
ous other vehicles and with a com
plement of about 30d 6fflcers and men
is duo to roach North Platte ac-
cording to tho official schedule Sat
urday evening, August 2d, and will
remain hero until Monday morning.
Friday night will bo spent at Lexing
ton and tho run from that place to
this city will bo made Saturday,
which covers a distance of but sixty
two miles. Tho run Monday, August
3d, will be from North Platte to Big
Springs, a distance of seventy-five
mllos. This is tho schedule as now
announced but should bad roads be
encountered tho arrival of the corps
at iNorin riaito may uo aeiayea.
Preceding the motor train will bo
tho official pilot car. containing H. C.
Osterman, vice-president of tho Lin
coln Highway Association, and Lieut.
W. B. Doron, publicity officer of the
army. This car will travel from two
to ten days In advance of the motor
Mr. W. H. Allwlno, of Omaha, spent
a fow days here with his sister, Mrs.
H. E. Mitcholl.
W. T. Alden, accompanied by his
6rother, C. P. Alden, returned Wed
nesday from a fishing trip in Wy
oming Mr. and Mrs. "White and daughters
Leona and Ruth, of Council Bluffs,
spent tho week with tho former's
1 . T T .Til t 1,
Mrs. L. "W. Walker And Miss May
"Walker entertained at a bridgo party
Tuesday afternoon complimentary
to Mrs. Arthur Bullard and Mrs.f
Donald Goodwell.
Baby Marie Osborn
in her latest picture
Five reels of joyous enter-
tainment for, the Kiddles
and thoirp,aronts. "Jack' .
and", the- Beanstalk" in a
modern setting.
We shall also show
the fifth part of the
Pearl White.
At The Sun
Tho Concluding Chanters of "Tho Itomnncc of Turzan"
from tho Jiovel by Edgar Itico Burroughs.
A cast of selected stars headed by Elmo Lincoln. In addi
tion a troup of wild Apes, Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Croco
diles and other beasts, including a Mammoth African "Die
pliant. The marvelous Sup-story of Blood Tingling ad
venture and love that bridged the gulf between savagery
and civilization.
Three Days Commencing, July 15th.
MATINEES each afternoon starting at 2. p. m.
Frices Evenings 15 and 35c. Afternoons 10 and 25c
Clyde Sheets, arrested for stealing
a grip last Sunday from E. Bunocko
at the Hlnman lodging house, wan ar
raigned before Judgo Woodhurst
Tuesday afternoon and pleaded guilty.
Wednesday ho was taken beforo Judgo
Grimes and sentenced to the peniten
tiary for an indeterminate period of
from three to twenty years.
Sheets has been a 'bad actor" for
somo time past, and his guilt hat)
practically boen established in con
nection with other criminal offenses.
There aro others who have been as
sociated with Sheets, and tho officers
are keeping pretty closo tab on them
It is bclievod that evidence can finally
be secured that will lead to their ar
rest, and the chances aro that they
will follow Sheets to Lincoln.
Mrs. John Koontz has returned
from Julosburg where she had been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Uuorgo
Amens, for a week.
A party of ten young people enjoyed
a picnic at tho canyons Thursday ev
ening at which Lt. and Mrs. Arthur
Bullard were honor guests.
Mrs. J. J. Halligan gave a dinner
party "Wednesday evening- compli
mentary to Lt. and Mrs. Arthur Bul
ard. Covers were laid for seven.
J. O. Beeler, wo are informed, will
be a candidate for delegato to ft he con
stitutional convention from Lincoln
county In opposition to W. V Hoag
land. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickey and Mr.
and Mrs "Will Tlley expect to leave
by auto tomorrow for Estca Park
where they will spend a couple of
We grind lenses in our own shop.
If you break yours bring in the pieces,
we can make now ones to match the
asmo day. Dixon & Son, eyesight
You will be surprised at what $35
will buy at Dixon's. A 14k bar pin
with a platinum front and a very
fine diamond mounted in the center.
A very good Value.
Mrs. R. A. Garman and Mrs. Geo.
Garman entertained their little niece
Clarice and a fow of her friends "Wed
nesday afternoon at a party in honor
of Clarice's fifth birthday.
A telegram received yesterday stat
ed;, that. Ferdinand Stre4t.z.and Will
"Brodbeck had landed from ovorstt3
service and would gd to Camp Mer
ritt, N. J., to be demobilized.
The work of remodeling their rooms
has been completed and with the ar
rival of their office equipment this
week Drs. Fetter and Selby have
opened their offices in the rooms nbovc
the Rexall.
There will be a free demonstration
of Mazola Oil, a lard substitute, given
in the basement of the Presbyterian
church next Tuesday afternoon from
3 to 5 o'clock to which all indies in
town are Invited.
Neale Turple, .who recently pur
chased the Belton property on west
Pburth, lias sold the same .to J1.
Hlrschfeld, who buys with the in
tention of eventually erecting an
apartment house on the lot.
Tho following Is tho schedule for
tho games between tlio church league,
ball teams for tho month of July:
July' 14th Presbyterians vs. Chris
tians. July, 15th Eplscopals vs. Baptists.
July 17th Catholics vs. Eplscopals.
Methodists vs. Lutherans.
July 21st Christians vs. Metho
dists. July 22nd Catholics vs. Lutherans.
July 24th Presbyterians vs. Epls
copals. July 28th Lutherans va. Eplsco
pals. July 20th Christians vs. Baptists.
July 31st Baptists vs. Methodists.
Presbyterians vs. Catholics.
Will Organize .Military Post.
Organizer Jewctt, of Lincoln- will
visit North Platte next Monday for
tho purpose of organizing a post of
tho Veterans of Foreign Wars. This
takes in as members all men who
have been In service on foreign shores.
The mooting will be held in tho hall
of the fire station at eight o'clock
Monday evening and all -men eligible
to membership aro urged to attend.
: :o: :
Troops to Stay on tho Rhine.
In talking with a bunch of news
paper rcportors in Washington yester
day President Wilson expressed him
self ad believing that lt Is necessary
that American troops bo maintained
in Germany until the Germans had
compiled with all tho military terms
of the treaty. It was pointed out that
there were several million veteran
soldiers In Germany and munitions
sufficient for them to operate.
TJio German have from one to four
months In which to deliver all ma
terial except that sufficient for the
reduced Gorman army, provided for
In the peaco treaty and tho president
belloves American troops should stay
on the Rhine until the material is de
livered. ::o:
J. B. Hemphill left thifc morning
for Sumner, Neb., where he will trans
act business for a couple of days.
Christian Bible School
Corner of Third and Vlrie streets,
meots at 9:45 each Sunday. Begin
ning with tho month of July the
School Is in a great, '
Xug oFWar
This is a contest that will last for
three months and evory member p
tne cnurcn wno is staying nouie on
account of the warm, weather will
sure get smoked out, for this con-
tost Is going to be the very hardest
fought battle that this Sunday school
has ever put on. We aro bound. to
mako that
Summer Slump
look like 30 cents and you anight as
wall mako up your mind If you are
a member of the Christian church
that you will go to Sunday school
these three months.
Come next Sunday and find out all
about the plan, you can't help but
be. interested in It and you will be so
anxious for your side to win you will
be stripped for the race before y,ou
aro aware of lt.
Visitors are always welcome.
At the close of the study period
Rev. AV. E. Anderson, who 'Is here
from Indiana, will preach having for
his subject
"The Illimitable and
Unchangerag Christ"
Mr. Anderson has -just been released
from tho United States navy, having
served for four years as chaplain In
tho Asiatic fleet. Ho has bem twice
around tho world in that capacity.
Ho Is hero at tho call of the church
with a view of locating If It seems the
wise thing. Tho membership of the
church should 1)o present as ho is
particularly anxious to meet each one.
Ho speaks tonight on tho subject
"Faith and Tho World's Problems."
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public. PRESS COM.
yfo havo a fow of those Hawallnn
records left Harry Dixon.
Mr8 Jamos Stafford, of Paxtou, vis
ited;jfrlnds in town Wednesday..
Wo havo a fow of thoso Hawaiian
.records loft. Harry Dixon.
For Sale Good milch cow. Call
at 303 south Walnut street.
The A K T Club will moot Satur
day nfternoou with Edna Barber.
Geo. Brownlleld, of Horshey, trans
acted buslnoss In town Wodnosday.
Wanted Girl or young woman to
do general hoUsowork. Call Rod 533.
Mrs. Fred Donaldson will leavo to
morrow for a two weeks' visit with
rolattves in Colorado.
-Tho July 10 Columbia records are
hero. Tho best wo have over had.
Dixon, the Jeweler.
Mrs. Jack White arrived Tuesday
from Alllanco for a visit with her
brother Oliver Carroll.
Dr. Shaffer has returned from Chi
cago where ho attended an osteopathic
convention tho past week.
H,s Dixon & Son, sight specialists,
grind their own lenses. Ono day ser
vice. Just bring in tho pieces.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Smith camo down
from their ranch In Arthur county and
spent tho week with friends In town.
Mrs. Julia Todd camo dowu from
Hershey to .spend tho summer with
her- daughter Mrs. Frank Buchanan.
Consult Dixon & Son, oyeslght spe
cialists' and you will bo advised of
tho true condition of your eyes.
Miss Francis Cadwoll returned
Tuesday to .her home at Malvern, la.,
after a two "weeks' visit with Mrs. R.
A. Garman.
(Mrs. Julia Fredrlckson, of Kansas
Clty Is expected tomorrow to visit
her sister and to look after hor real
estate Interests.
Will tho boy who took the tricycle
from! in front of the Building and
KiOanf building please return it at
once.,' Dr. States.
Mrs; Dale Holland and son James
returned Thursday to thelrUiomo at
Qroleey, Col., after a short visit here
with her sister, Mrs. George Trexler.
Mrs R. A. Armstrong and chlldroi.
returned the first of the week to their
home In Portland after a two weeks'
visltre atthe 3tt. H( Douglas home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. JVStuart have re
ceived Word from their son Sgt. Ed
ward G. Stuart that he was scheduled
to sail for home July fifth. Ned has
been overseas with the R. T. C. for
over a year and has been serving as
yardmaster at LoMous.
Misses Mildred and Josophlne Mc
Keown and Wynne Sullivan enter
tained twelve yound ladles at a the
atro party at the Sun Wednesday ev
ening complimentary w Miss Lillian
Weeks, of Kansas City, who is tho
guest of tho Misses McKeown. After
tho show a delightful supper was
served at the Oasis.
Oakland Six Touring, overhauled
and repainted, $G00; 1917 Maxwell
Touring, good shape, $450; Ford Tour
ing, new engine and good mechani
cally, $250. J. V. Romlgh Garago.
Wash dresses with our discount
off are surely within tho reach of all.
10. T. Tramp & Sons.
Seo "Clinton & Son'
-bout your Eyes and
satisfied. Sou Is ovor on
th Rhine,) will be home soon. Sign ot
tl Dig Ring.
Marguerite Clark went to bed with
tlu eggs and got up with the chick
(- in "Little MIsh Hoover" at tho
hi 1th Monday and Tuesday. The pic
t m was mado from tho story "The
Golden Dlrd" and la live entertain
u nt and of just the right sort for
tli- so warm days.
ileut. Byron Oborst spent Wednos
Jiiv In town looking after business
n .tters and visiting friends. Since
t return from ton months' seivlco
irseas he lm'S been stationed at
(mp Dodge, but hopos to soon ro
(ivo his discharge Ho has been
ah the 134th Regiment.
V newspaper item tells us that
"'thin tho next six months a pair of
ordinary shoes will cost $12 to $14
'illo an extra good pair will cost
S'0; that wp will not bo ablo to buy
very common suit of clothes for less
f an $46. while for a good suit wo will
o.y $80 to $100. Prospects of this
fc'nd aro very cheerful.
The offlcoryof the agricultural so
oty iinu mat tno net proms rrom
the auto races on July 4th were
H500. This will enablo-tho society
pay, nearly all Its Indebtedness con-
acted In provlous years by tho erec
on of buildings, additions to the
rand stand, fences and tho race
' ack. A furthor enlargement of the
fand stand seems to bo a necessity
f order to accommodate raco attend
. its.
Forty years ago yesterday Mr. and
Mrs. Butler Buchanan wero married at
Mt Pleasant, Iowa., and early In their
married life they removed to Lincoln
'onnty, locating In tho precinct that
now bears tho namo of Buchanan
whero they encountered a number of
very "lean" years. Slnoo moving to
North Platte more than a quarter o
a'contury ago lU'e has been more pr b-
perous and thoy now travel on easy
grado As a momcnto of tho fortloth
anniversary, Mr. Buchannn presented
Mrs, Buchanan with a Victrola.
Two twolvo year old boys of this
city named Ward and Greas atolo a
horso and buggy of Mrs. Baker Mon
day and drovo east to Kearney. They
tarried thoco a short tlmo and then
started homo. When they reached
Brady they took two othor horses,
ono from Abercrombio and tho othor
from Roberts, riding these two horses
and leading tho ono hitched to tho
buggy. Traveling In this manner they
reached town and were shortly there
after taken In custody by Sheriff Sal
isbury. Tho boys will havo a hoarlnt; soon
beforo JUdgo Woodhurst anil will
probably bo committed to tho reform
school at Kearney.
Card of Thanks
Wo expross our sincere apprecia
tion of tho kindness and courtesy
shown us by friends and neighbors,
tho Masonic fraternity, tho B. of L. F.,
tho i 20th Contury Club, tho Class of
1915, and Co. A of tho Red Cross can
toon at the funoral of our son- tho
lato Major Whlto, and for tho beauti
ful lloral tributes.
Discharged Soldiers
Tako ndvantago of your homestead
fights and get ono beforo they aro
picked over. Wo can locato n few
goob ones close to railroad iu Wy
oming. All good tilablo land. N. A.
Robinson, room 27, Tlmmorman hotel,
Miss Myrtlo Franson returned this
morning to hor homo at Cheyenne af
ter a weeks' visit hero, tho guest of
Miss Mablo McFarland. Miss McFar
land nccompanled her to Choyenno for
a short visit.
Ralph Alden arrived home Thurs
day after a year's sorvlco with the
115th ammunition train.
Mrs. J. W. Fetter spent Wednesday
with friends in Maxwell.
Street Car Statistics.
According to a preliminary report
Issued by the bureau of tho census, de
partment of commerce the street and
Interurban railways of the United
States during the year 1017 transport
ed over 11,000,000,000 faro paying pas
sengers, representing an average of
something more thnn 100 trips for each
mnn, woman and child in the United
Crystal Theatre, TONIGHT & SATURDAY.
The two part comedy
Roaring Lions and Circus Queens.
Just as fast as the name.
REX BEACH'S Alaskan Story.
Keith Theatre, Tonight & Saturday.
Gladys Brockwell in "The Forbidden Room'
Vivian Martin in "The Rescuing Angel"
ADULTS 30c and 25c. CHILDREN 15c. Including tax
from the atory, The Golden Bird or
When Marguerite Clark Raises Chickens,
With a few hens she tried to frighten the wolf from the
door, and you know how difficult it is for chickens to frighten a
wolf. However when last seen the wolf was fleeing over the hill,
scared to death. But see the picture and enjoy every minute of
your evening nt the
Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday.
Brady Kows.
(.rrom ino vindicator.)
A ! l .
Bruco Brown loft Monday night for
Lincoln to attend a three days' ses
sion of tho Nebraska llndopondont
Tolophono Association, which con
vened Tuesday.
Among tho ninety Ncbraskans ar
riving Monday night on. tho Groat
J t... -Jf-
rtuiuieiii iium rriuiuu ih mo uuuio
of Sergeant Dolbor A. Pease, son ''of
Mr. and Mrs. John Pease, of this"" vil
lage. Mrs. Win. Beatty and daughter
Effio wont to Thermopolls. Wyoming,
last Sunday to Join Col. Beatty "who
has been out thore about two weeks.
Thoy expect to romaln there a couple
of months. v
Nl Edwards made-a trip to Ognlalla'.
this week on ndvlce ' that two menrj
were selling Jewolry at a ridiculously
low prlco In that town. Nono of tho
jewelry proved to be that taken from
hla store some ten days ago.
Tho North Platto colored ball team
will play the Brady boys on ,tho
homo grounds next Sunday afternoon
at 3:30. This promises to bo ono ot
the most Interesting games of the
season. Both teams havo v won tho
majority of their games and a hot
contest can bo oxnectod.
Geo. S. WilliamH loft this week fo$
tho hay camp near North Platto. Ho
Expects to handle about 2500 ncres.vot,
hay this soason and has purchased
toams, new harness, etc. Georgo is a
plunger when it comes to taking big
hay contracts.
Work on tho diko which will turn
a portion of tho river hlto a now
channol and drain considerable land
was started tills wook. Tho ditch is
nearly finished and piling Is being
driven, this week. W. T. Elliott, is
superintending the work. Work will
brobably begin on tho now bridgo
early next spring.
A Sutherland subscriber' writes tin
that tho Sutherland package of Tho
Trlbuno issued Tuesday foil benoath
tho mall car wheols along with other
mall and was chopped to pieces. This
for tho information of sixty or moro
Sutherland patrons who failed to re
ceive that Issue.
At a'tnoetlng of directors of tlie.
Chamber of Commerce last evoning a
commltteo was appointed to mako ar
rangements with tho band for summor
concerts and; another committee ap
pointed io provide a camping placo
for auto tourists who pass through
tho city.