SimMBeefcly Iribtme. IRA L BARE, Editor nndffinbllslior SUBSCRIP TION RATES: Ono'Tenr hjr Mnil, In advance. .$1.75 Ono Tear by Carrier, In advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postpfflco as Socdnd Class Matter. TUESDAY, JULY 8tli, 1010. REV. AND MRS. KOCH WILL ARRIVE HOME THIS WEEK. Writing from Mt. Vernon, Wash., under dnto of Juno 29th, Rev. C. S. Koch writes as follows: "Mrs. Koch and I expect to leave Mt. Vernon this Thursday morning for home, stopping off In Seattle, Port land nnd Salt Lnko City. Wo certain ly have been having an enjoyable time and a splendid visit. The best part of It Is that our visit haH been boneflclal to Dad's health. This Is quite a dairying community fine largo herds of registered IIol steln catto on many of the farms. Thero is also a lot of grain nnd hay raised. Strawberries? Some that big that they have to bo sliced for short cake. Tho other evening Mrs. Koch plckd one an inch nnd a half through at the thick part, actual measurement. Friends of tho family have been en tertaining us at lunch and dinner ad infinitum until I feel like a stuffed toad. Havo also been kept busy preaching and speaking have preach ed flvo times on three Sundays and talked to five other gatherings, ono being a big welcomo to returned sold .iors. Friday night a week ago. But, I mustn't tiro you with gossip. Will bo homo about tbo 10th of July." ::o:: - Local School Make Good Showing. .Supt Tout baa received tho credit cards of tho Class of 1019 from tho University of Nebraska. Thirty) cred its aro required to enter tho Univer sity and thirty-two Is tho maximum allowed any graduate of a high school. Every mcmbor of tho class received full thirty-two credits except ono who rccolved thirty-one. Tins is the best record posslblo and oquals any record made by any class of this school. Each of theso students is also admitted to any collogo or university of tho North Contral Association of Colleges which embraces all of the groat state unl .vorsltlea of tho central part of tho United States and most of tho other unlversltlos and colleges. Only a fow of tho exclusive private schools do not admit students by acroditmont. but require examination for entrance ::o:: Splendid Rains. , . Thursday aftornoon over and inch of rain foil, and this ,was. follpwcd by nearly,., an Inch and n half Friday night. Both of thoso rains covered a wldo territory In tho .county, and though tho wind Fridav nluht re sulted in lQdglngl,w1hpftt,and1!,patB n somo flolds, this damago could not ho compared to the . bonoOt , tho rain proved to growing corn, Prior to tho Thursday rain the top of tho ground had become quite dry, and continued hot weathor would also hayo. Injured tho wheat which was, still, in the. mjlk. , v Lames In SoHouh Condition E, J, Eamos and family oxpect to movo over from Maxwell via, auto truck Monday, having secured a"rosl- donco In which to resldo, Mr, Eamos recently roturnod from Rochester, winn.. wmthor ho wont In honos of re. celvlng medical treatmont to bettor his 111 health, but returned homo with no encouragement. His physical con dition has been pretty sorlous during tho past fow wcekB and ho has prac tically lost his oyo sight from the of- fects of his Illness. Wallace Winner. ::o:: ; "Jimmy" Ljingley JUc "Jlmm" Langloy. who will bo re memborcd by tho older residents of North pjatto, dlod nt his homo In i'oruana, Juno 30th, of stomach trouuio. Tho deceased .left North riatio a quarter of n contury aco af. ter having workedMn tho local shops uh u maomnisi, ho located vln Port land and through his efficiency was promoted from one nosltlon tn an. other until nt tho tlmo of IiIh death ho wns superintendent of motive pow er on mourcgon snort Lino. i ... Q i ABOUT l'KMr,r. tijaYi Silllth spent the week end with -irionus in umann. Dr. Fdft'or looked aftor buslnoes In torcsts In Iirndy Thursday. Miss Mlldrod Kodfo wont to Rawlins Saturday to visit her mother. Mrs. C. A. Hunt roturnod Wodnos day from a month's visit In Omaha uiiu vwucago wiui nor daughters. Phillip Tcmpto, of Lexington, spent ino rourm with iuh aunt, Mrs. L. C, Mcdraw. ' JB. F Krior, editor of tho Dawson County Pioneer, Bpont tho Fourth with ins daughter. Mrs. L. C. McQraw Frank Ilnnlan and Loo Cantry,, of I'axwn,. looiccn arter nuslnoss mat tors in town Friday and Saturdnv. Mrs. II, C. Brock and son Honry left tho last of tho week for Fnlrlmrv for a visit with tho formor's father. mr. nna Mrs. 11. A. Lawhead return od Friday from Rochestor. Minn whore Mrs, Lawhead undorwont an oporatlon, Judgo and Mrs. II. M. Qrlmos wero accompanied homo from Wallace by Mrs. Kiucn who was tholr guest over mo wook oud. Harry PUor camo up from Omaha Wednosday to spend tho sumtnor horo with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Plzer. Ho will return to his work with tho Armour Co. at tho opening of tho fall season, - Bessie and Rotha VnnNattor, nieces of 11. J. van Natter, camo down from Bridgeport to npond tho Fourth and to remain a couplo of weeks with their undo. : :o: : Havo you hoard tho Missouri Waltz played by the Hawallans? Wo havo only, a fow of theso. If you want ono .you will havo to phone In or cotno In at once. Dixon, the Jowelor. OH Station nt Hcrnhoy. S. A. Johnson, representing the Standard Oil Co. was hero today and making hicasurcmonts for "the "new oil supply station tanks which nro to bo orected hero as soon TtS Ulycan bo shipped. Tho wohder Is that this had not been dono long ago In placo of transporting tho oils by trucks from distant towns. Locating tho tankB horo will nlso glvo two local men Bteady employment. Times. ::n;: Drug Store Burglarized Somo tlmo early Sunday morning burglars broke Into tho drug store of N. Edwards and carried oft Jewelry and other articles vnluod At over two hundred dollars. No money was se cured, by the thieves. Tho plato glass in the front door was first broken near the lock,, but entrance could not be that way. Thoy then went to tho side entrance, broke the glass In tho door, turned tho key and wont In. Two strnngers wero seen In town all Sat urday evening, and It Is presumed that these arc tho men that broke in tho store. No other attempted robbery was rooorted. Vindicator. ::o:: I'Izcr Rnys Ilershey Property Last Monday Julius Plzer, of North Platte, purchased tho O. M. Smith residence property, formerly owned by Dr. W. W. Sadler, and Tuesday ho closed a deal for tho Harry Porter property, In which the Horshey Con fectionery Is located. Tho two properties purchased by Mr. Plzer are among the best as far us location is concerned in our llttlo village, for commercial businesses. Mr. Plzer Informs tho writer that he Intends erecting a flno store building In our town, and evidently feels that thore Is a very bright future for Her shoy. Times. ::o:: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Wo, the undersigned dentists of North Platto, will close bur- offices -every Tiiarsday afternoon uaiu uc tober 1st, 1010. Signed: II. C. BROOK, A. L. LANE, I). E. MORRILL, L. J. KRAUSE, II. E. MITCHELL, 0. II. CRESSLER, W. P. CROOK. .:o:: flunrd Against Web Worms. Flold Manager Bryan Informs Us that ho bolleves the web worms have been checked In the beet fields, al though thero Is some danger of an- othor outcropping. Thero aro usually two hatchings and sometimes threo during a season. If this is tho case tho growers must continuously bp on tholr guard. Mr. Bryan also states that ho has Just received six new sprayers, two of which will bo placed at North Platte, two at Blrdwood and two at Hershoyf The losses so far may not be aB heavy as- at first anticipated as many of tho crowns of the beets have not been Injured and tho beets are shoot ing out now leaves. Slnco this is the case, ho coritendB that It Is much bet ter to lenv$ thorn than, to repladt. i Horshoy Times. ::o:: Always try Tho Rexall first, It pays. u STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Tim MUTUAL IIUII.IMNO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION f Worth Platte. Nebraska, on tliu 30th day or June, iviv. uertincaie iNo. aa. ASSISTS KliHt mortgage loans $1,001,600.00 .ounn qu stock or pans book Security 1,500.00 29,923.14 Ileal estate, office Statu and nuiticlpal securi ties, U. s. Gov't, boiulM Cash , 19.100.00 41.234.30 Delinquent Interest, fines, etc s Furniture nnd fixtures . . . . 762.60 1,232.97 ?l,01.1,4Mt.5l I ( IilAHILITIKS ItunnhiK stock and divi dend h S 458.aGG.50 'nlcl-up stock and dividends 572,400.001 Hosarve fund , 25.800.00 Undivided profits 38.237.41 Advnnce interest vu.uu Sl,oi.Vls:t.5t I HccclptN nnd Kxiipndlturrn for the I Yenr KndliiK June :tO, 1010. RECEIPTS Cash on hand last report., $ 19,740.51 Dues (runnlntr stock) ... Paldrup stock , ; 249,200.00 Morttftiiro payments ...... 151,843.39 Htock loan nayinn.nts 3.014,20 interest ta,0Bu,t2 Finos GG7.55 Hlomliurshlp and tranBfor- rees . . .- llotits office building re 590.75 ceipts Othor receipts In detalU 1,209.08 nule u. H. bonds 300.00 3Q.21 1 Bal, from former Treas... Foi'ocloMure account .... Tntol 9)121,020.00 v DISBURSEMENTS MortintKo lonnH .$ 36S.S00.0Ol Witnurnwais running stock nnd dividends qi.38Q.os Withdrawals pold-up atook 127,500.00 wiuiuruwKin iiiviuenu on imld-up stock 28,050.07 Muinrios 3.183.35 Other qxnense 658.59 Canli on 'hand 41,234.80 FurnlBhinKS . . 210.60 TntoU tl21,G20.0 State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, as. I, Bessie V. Salisbury. Secretary of tno nnovo named Association, do aoi oninly -swear that tho foregoing atate- nieitt or tno condition sunt Association Ih true and correct to the best of my Knowledge and uouei. BESSIE P. SALISBURY. Secretary. Subscribed nnd sworn to before no' tins &tn uay oi ouiy, iviv. (SEAL) A. C. Kit AM PH. Notnry rubllc. Approved: FIIANK m. BUCHANAN. M. J. POltBES, I It A L. BABE, , Directors. Notlco to Creditors Estate No. 1673 of Maurice La lining, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraskn. Tho Stnto of Nobraska, ss, Credit ors of said estate will tako notlco tint tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims "ngalust Bald estate Is Novembor 8, 1010, and for settlement of said ostato Is July 3, 1020; that I will sit at tho county, court room In said county, on August 8, 1010, at nine o'clock a. m and on Novembor 8, 1010, at nlno o'clock a. m to rocelvo, oxatn- lnO, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and bbjoctlona duly filed. (Soal.) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, J8al County Judge. North ... ' I August Patte Chautauqua BEGINS AND LAST! v v Six Days. 11th . . . f' NORTH PLATTE ;: ..feral ial:. (Incoq)prated) One Hah Block North ol PosUftice. Ph.53 . A modern Institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. r Completely aquipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. H. D. V. Lacas, M. D. J.B. RedfieId,M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, G, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70 Res. Phono Red 1000 GEO. B. DENT, Phsyiclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Ob9tretrIc8. ' Office: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Offlco 130, Residence 115 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Offlco Phono 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob Phono for Appointments. Notice of Final Report. Estate No. 1600 of Abner W. Dillon, Deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate, take notice that the administratrix has filed a final account and report of her administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, ' wnicn nave been set for hearing be fore said court on Julr'll, '1010, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated JJuno 14, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST. J17J4 County Judge. Notlco of Petition Estate No. 1667,-of Cyrus C. Parsons, aeceaseu,- in tne uounty court or Lincoln CoUnty, Nebraska. : ' . Tho State of Nebraska-. To all' per sons Interested in said ' estate take notice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of Maude E. Par sons as administratrix of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on July 17, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated June 21, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, i24Jll County Judge. Notice of Special Election. Notice Is hereby given, that by vir tue of an order of the County Board, duly made and entered on tho, lGth day of Juno, 1919, and by virtue of tho Statutes of the "State of Nebraska, In such cases, made and provided, I, A. S. Allen, County Clerk of the County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a special election be hold, in tho' sev eral polling places throughout the County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho 22nd day of July. 1919, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. of said day, at which said election, tho following proposition shall be submitted to tho legal voters of said county, to-wlt: Shall tho County Commissioners of said county levy a special annual tax of fivo mills on tho dollar valuation of tho taxable property In said county for a term of flvo years, to-wlt, the years 1919, 1920.-1921, 1022 and 1923, forf the purposo of building a now court house In said county? Tho ballots used at said election shall havo printed thereon tho words: "For directing the County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to levy a special tax of fivo mills on tho dollar valuation of the taxable proporty In said county, for a torm of flvo years, .to-wlt, the years 1919. 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 for tho pur poso of building a now court house in said County." "Against directing the County Com missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras ikn, to levy a spoclal tax of five mills on tho dollar valuation of tho taxable property In said county, for a term of flvo years to-wlt, the years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1022 and 1923, for tho purpose of building a new court house In said County." Thoso voting In favcr of said propo. sltlon shall mark their baljots with a cross (X) In tho square opposite tho paragraph beginning "For directing tho County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to levy a special tax," etc. Those voting against said proposi tion shall .mark their ballots with a cross (X) in tho squatio opposite tro paragraph beginning "Against directing, the County Com missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, to levy a special tax," etc, In Testimony Whereor, I havo here unto set my hand and affixed tho seal of Lincoln County, Nobraska, this 16th day of June, 1919. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.