The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1919, Image 7

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Fnlluro Is, In a sense, tho highway
to success, Inamnurli us tvery dlscov
rrjr or,tho tniao funds us to seek
otirnestly utter wlmt Is true, una every
fresh experience points out some form
of error which we Hhiilf afterward
carefully nvold.-John Keats.
I'Mll crenm putts inmle the slxe of n
wnlnut with sojtHoned crwim
find servo with the
snlml. Atld whipped
erenin mill imy desired
sensoultiR to the cheese.
Prune Pie. Put
through ti sieve one cup
ful of stewed prunes, mill
u cupful of rich milk,
one teuspoonful of corn
starch find the volks of
two egj,'s, a third of a cupful of supar
and a hit of salt. Pour into a pastry
Hholl and bake. Cover with a meringue
using the egg whites, or they may lie
fitlrred into tho mixture Just before
Filled Rolls Cut a slice from the
op of tho rolls, scoop out the centers
find brash with butter, then brown
fn the oven. Kill with "any creamed
llsli, chicken or vegetable. Sprinkle
with parsley and serre.
A most delicious dessert may he
made when baking pastry. Reserve
a baked shell, which If kept in n dry,
cold place will be crisp and good sev
eral days later. Kill the shell with
sliced strawberries mixed with sugar
md heap over the top sweetened
whipped cream. Oarnlsh with quar
tered berries and serve very cold.
6trawberry Bouches. Cover tlmbal
molds with a rich biscuit dough and
bake, fill while warm with strawberries
crushed with sugar, top with the white
of egg and brown quickly, or they may
1)0 served with whipped cream or a
spoonful of Ice cream as a garnish.
Marmalade Tart Kill a pastry-
Jined plate with any desired marma
lade apple or plum are both good.
Cover the top with rings of npple cut
from a cored and peeled apple.
Sprinkle with lemon Juice nnd sugAr
and hake half an hour. Serve with
spoonfuls of whipped cream or cream
cheese In each ring of the apple.
Vienna Steak. Take half a pound
each of veal and lean beef; chopped.
Reason well with salt, pepper and onion
Juice, witli a few drops of lemon Juice
nnd a grating of nutmeg. Cook over
coals or in the broiler under gas from
eight to ten minutes. Serve with
creamed' butter and paprika spread
over each steak. A vtsry hot frying
pan may be used for broiling if it Is
hut lightly greased.
Never Klve up! There are chances nnd
HolplnR tho hopeful, n hundred to
And through the chaos, hlh wisdom
arrntiKes ' s '
Kver success. If you'll only hold on.
The onion Is one of the moit valua
ble vegetables, and should be enter.
freely throughout
the year. A little
sprig of parsley
eaten after eating
onions will remove
the objectionable
Onions Stuffed
With Nuts. HNl
even sized onions
.....II A .1 . . At A .....
i mini lenuer, remove me ruiitrrn, rmi
land mix these with butter, chopped
nuts, salt, pepper and bread crumbs.
Fill the. onions and pour around them
n little thin cream or rich milk, or any
broth with which to baste them while
baking. Serve as a gurntsh to a plat
ter of pork chops or they may tako
the place of meat.
Baked Ham. Soak a ham over night.
In the-morning pti In a kettle one
onion, one carrot, six cloves, six pep
percorns, one hay leaf and water to
cover. Simmer for two hours. When
tender remove the skin, plnce on a
rno in a baking pan and bake two to
three hours, bnstlng with cider and a
cupful of water from the ham liquor.
WJierf done stir in a tablespoonful of
brown HUgar Into tho cider sauce and
cover the ham and brown. Senre hot
witli the liquor from the pan poured
around It, or served In a gravy boat.
String beans are delicious cooked
for several hours with a piece of sweet,
llrm salt pork'. Thoy are good cooked
with olive oil or with bacon. Season
them sometimes with cheese or chop
ped parsley or chives.
Hot Potato Salad Boll half a dozen
potatoes and 'slice while hot. Fry
thin slices of bacon and cut them Into
small hlls, using half a cupful. Pour
off the fat, leaving two tablespoonfuls,
stir Into tills one tablespoonful of Hour,
a pinch of mustard, a dash of cayenne
nnd salt to taste. Stir until smooth,
adding gradually one-half cupful of
mild vlnognr. Let the dressing boll,
add the bacon and a small onion llnely
chopped, then the potatoes. Servo
very hot.
Nippon Salad. To one cupful of
crab meat add one dozen stuffed olives
chopped, tv. cupfuls of celery and
French dressing well seasoned to mar
inate. Serve with mayonnnlse dress
lug garnished witli capers and pickles.
It Is scarcely an exaggeration to say
that many matters which agitate tho
public mind are not worth u thought
In comparison with dietary questions
to which a thought Is seldom given.
There are some Ideas which It Is
hard to get away from, In regard to
meat values. Tho
tender cut.of meat
do not contain any
more nourishment
than the coarser
cuts and these are
richer In flavor, as
they aru' cut from
active muscles.
Meat that has been used for soup has
lost Its llavor but the food value Is
thtru, und by adding various season
ings a most palatable dish may he
prepared. .
A thrifty housewife may have two
good meals from a three-pound knuckle
of veal. Cover) the meat with cold
water and cook 'until the moat Is ten
der but not tasteless. Remove tho
meat and add two tablespoonfuls of
rice that Is well cooked, a grating of
lemon rind or a pinch of mace, and a
pint of milk, when hot serve at once.
' For tilt; second meal, cut the meat
Into bits. Fry a small onion In a little
fat, remove the onion and cook tho
meat. Cook with stock or water and
cook live minutes, llav.or with two tea
Bpoonfuls of curry powder, thicken the
gravy with Hour and add a tablespoon
ful of vinegar. Servo with a border ot
Pieces of rare steak or roast boot
make a most delicious dish when com
bined with the following: Put the meat
through the meat grinder. Fry a small
onion in a tablespoonful of fat. Put
a layer of parboiled potatoes, cut In
nil cos, in the bottom of a baking dish,
sprinkle with the meat and the fried
onion, ndd a little gravy If at hand
nnd pour over a cupful or more of to
matoes. Hake In a moderate oven until
the potatoes are tender, .lust before
serving garnish the top of 'the dish
with a tnlilospoonful of cooked green
pens. One Piece Dish. Arrange a layer of
sliced potatoes 'n a baking dish, cover
with a sliced onion, then place pork
chops over all and put Into the oven
to hake. Serve from the dish In which
tho food was baked. Salt and pepper Is
added when arranging the food In the
dish. Rnke until tho choptf brown
on top.
The womnn who pays her bills
promptly will get better fervlce", for
if tho merchant has to wait Indellnlte
ly for hlllR to be paid lie Is apt to
charge Interest by adding a cent here
or there which swells I he hills con
pi d era bly.
Wouldst thou fashion for thyself u
seemly Ufa?
Then do not fret over what Is past and
And spite of nil thou mayest have left
Live each day ns If thy llfo wero just
Tho early greeti apples make doll
clous spiced apples to use throughout
the year. Prepare
a moderately sweet
sirup with a few
cloves and twice as
much cinnamon.
Wash, but do not
poel the apples, as
green apple skin
cooks well and adds
to the llavor. Drop In the sliced apples
a few at a time and cook until tender,
when nil are cooked let tho sirup poolc
down until quite thick and pour over
them. Seal In small glasses or Jars.
Cheese Salad. Dissolve a table
spoonful of gelatin in four table
spoonfuls of hot water, add half a
pound of grated cheese and a pint of
whipped cream, season well with salt
and paprika with a few dashes of cay
enne. Pour Into a wet mold and allow
It to become llrm. Turn out and out
In slices, serve on lettuce with may
onnaise dressing or with any desired
boiled dressing.
Savory Rice and Vegetables. Peel
and slice six large tomatoes and chop
two sweet pepilers fine, butter a bak
ing dish and put lit a layer of toma
toes, cover with half a cupful of cooked
rice anil chopped poppers, repeat with
another layer , season each layer with
two tablespoonfuls of butter, a sprink
ling of sugar ami salt. Hake covered
for" thrue-quarlers of an hour, then un
cover for 15 minutes.
Date, Nut and PHeapple Salad.
Chop a cupful of dates and three good
sized apples, add a cupful of chopped
celery, a cupful of broken nutmeats
and a half pound of seeded and
skinned grapes. Mix all together ami
heap on a slice of pineapple arranged
on a lettuce leaf. Serve with may
onnaise dressing. A few niarshmal
lows mny be added or substituted for
the nut meats If desired. .
Rocks. Peat together g half cup
ful each of lard and other shortening,
ndd a cupful and a half of sugar, two
eggs well beaten, a cupful of sour
milk, two cupfuls of oatmeal and three
cupfuls of Hour, sifted with a teaspoon
ful of soda and ono of cinnamon. Add a
half cupful each of raisins nnd wal
nuts chopped. Mix and drop on a nat
tered pan and bake In a moderate
The First Kipling Book.
Few i are reading Mr. Kipling's
new volume of poem have seen n copy
of that precious Item of Klpllnglnna,
the first edition of "Departmental Dlt
rics." It was, as its author says, "only
i sort of book" n lean, oblong docket,
wire stitched, bound In brown paper
nnd secured with red tape, In Imitation
of nn Indian government report. A
hundred copies or so wore put togeth
er by the poet himself nnd posted, In
imitation ofltclal envelopes, "up and
down tho emplro from Aden to Singa
pore, from Quetta to Colombo." Tho
first Issue contained only twenty-six
poems, but others were added to tho
new edition rapidly called for, until
presently the book chnuged Its format
ami grow Into a conventional stiff-back,
gilt-topped volume. "Out," si.j'b ,Mr.
Ivlpllng, "I loved lr best when It was a
little brown baby." Manchester Gunr-tllnn.
No Trust.
"Rufus, aren't you feeling well?"
"No, Nib. I's not feel In' very well,
"Have you consulted your doctor,
"No, sab; I ain't done dat, sail."
- "Why? Aren't you willing to trust
your doctor, Rufus?"
"Oh, yes, snh ; hut do trouble Is he's
not so alt'gethor wlllln' to trus' me,
snh." Yonkers Statesman.
That Language of Ours.
"Ah. your Idioms, I cannot grnp
"What's the trouble, count?"
"The politician is happy because ho
was whitewashed."
"Yet the baseball pitcher who was
whitewashed today, he Is sad." Kan
sas Cfty Journal.
Couldn't Read German Sign.
"No, I don't want any Insurance?
Didn't you see 'No Admittance' on the
Agent Sure I did! Tho Germans
hnd "No Admittance" written In barbed
tvJre and bullets outside their trenches,
but we got in, Just the same. Life.
Power Pays.
It Is said that a sewing machine
with an Individual motor averages
1,000 stitches a minute, while tho old
foot-driven mnchino accomplishes only
300 or 400 stitches a minute at most. ,
Although Unpopular, "Thirteen" Has
Been Decidedly Mixed With This
Englishman's Life.
Superstitious readers will be Inter
ested In tho following extraordinary
siory, of which tho hero Is Mr. F. G.
' ordwcll, the well-known nnd popular
Meet street Journalist.
Mr. Cortlwell has been literally
dogged by the number thirteen. It
wns on the 13th day of the month
that he attested, went to France, went
Into action, got his first leave and re
turned to tako up his commission. It
was In the thirteenth tent, In 111 lines,
1.'! camp that he had his tlrst lodg
ment In France. Tho tent contained
K! men. He had 13 dnys In hospital,
lie was given No. 18 pills. And, re
turning to civil work on January 1!5,
he found thnt his old room had been
renumbered 113. ' .
Now count up the coincidences. You
will find 13 of them! Answers, London.
One on the Judge.
A certain Judge could not control his
temper, nnd consequently could not
control other people. Ono day there
was unusual disorder lu court, and at
hist the Judge could endure it no
"It is Impossible to allow this per
sistent contempt of court to go on,"
lie exclaimed, "and 1 shall bo forced
to go to tho extreme length of taking
the one stop that will stop It."
There was a long silence, then ono
of the lending counsel rose, und with
Just a trace of a smile, I mini red : "If
It please your honor, from what date
will your resignation take effect."
Many Break Downs and Failures
Due to Exposure and Hard Work s ,
Catarrh in Some of It's Many Form
Claims Thousands
Every farm family has Its medlclno cabinet ani In
almost every one will bo found a bottlo of Dr. Hartman's
"World Famous Peruna. For coughs, colda and catarrh
it Is invuluablo. It's uso la Indicated In all cases oil
catarrhal Inflammation and congestion whether of res
piratory organs, Btomach, bowels or other organs of tho
Mr. W. J. Templo of 300 Lincoln Ave.. Delaware, Ohio, Buffered for
years with Inflammation of tho mucoun linings of the stomach and!
bowels. Acccn-dlnc to his own otory ho did not cat a meal for flvo years
Peruna la sola evcrywnere. xou
may buy it In either liquid or tab
let form. Ask for Dr. Ilartman'a
Well Known Peruna Tonlo and in
you are seeking health tako nothing)
else. Insist upon rerunft.
If you aro sick and suffering,,
wrlto The Peruna Company, Dept.
77, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hart
man's Health Book. Tlad book in
freo and may help you. Ask yous
dealer for a Peruna Almanac
without distress. Ho says: "I am
a farmer and must bo exposed to
all kinds of weather. After years
ot suffering, a druggist recom
mended Pcrunav I took all together
flvo bottles and am a well man.
Formerly, I could not do a day's
work. Now. farm work does not
fatigue mo In tho least. Peruna la
the best medlclno and tonlo on tho
market. Time only strengthens my
admiration for It, especially for
.catarrh and colds.
Old Friendship Sweet.
The years have taught some sweet,
some bitter lessons none wiser than
this: To spend in all things else, but
of old friends to be most miserly.
The prices of cotton nnd linen have
been doubled by the war. Lengthen
their service by using Red Cross Bar
Clue in the laundry. All grocers, 5c.
After reciting "Curfew Shall Not
Ring Tonight" a school girl Imagines
sho Is n born elocutionist.
Pntlence Is the right bower of success.
Crawfish Decide to Migrate.
Passengers arriving In New Orleans
on a recent Sunday evening by tho
Louisville & Nashvlllo railroad said
the tracks were swarming with craw
fish practically the whole distance be
tween Mlchcnud and Chef Mentour.
Hundreds wero wnlklng along gath
ering the seafood. Baskets, heavy
with squirming, wriggling, pinching
crawfish were br.ought In by scores of
persons. Expert fishermen said the
Ash were crawling bnck to calm wa
ters to escape the squalls outside.
Subject to Change.
"Mrs. Smith-Jones Is n decided
blonde, Isn't she?" "Yes, but she
only decided Inst week." Strny
Women dress for thp benefit of men,
but their clothes nro seldom noticed
except by other women.
Rnlnbow chnsers get at least a run
for their money.
"I planned tho house out of my own
head." "Oh, I didn't know it was a
wooden house."
To feel "blue," crois and nervoui all
the time is not natural for anyone.
Often it is due merely to faulty kidney
action. Housework and tbo many fam
ily cares wear the nerves and so weaken
the kidneys. Then comes that tired,
fretful, half-sick state. If you have
backache, headache, dizziness and kid
ney irregularities, and sharp, shooting
pains, try Doan's Kidney Pills, They
liavo brought health and happiness to
thousands of women.
An Iowa Case
Mrs. A. D. Bum
gardner, Forest City,
lowa, says: "I Buf
fered untold agony
from kidney trouble,
it began with back
ache. I had head
achoo and was vary
nervous. My ankles,
feet and wrlsta be
gan to swell and
soon I was all run
down. I had to take
to bed and lie there
,u- six weeitB. i muu
iMn different remedies but
got no better until I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills, In a short while I was able
to walk around and was soon entirely
relieved of the troublo."
Get Doan'e at Any Slot; 00c a Box
DOAN'S "SgfifiT
Care and Responsibility
'T'HE responsibility attached to the preparing of a remedy for infants and ohildren
is undoubtedly greater than that imposed upon the manufacturer of remedies
for adults whose system is sufficiently strong to counteract, for a time at least, any
injurious drug. It is well to observe that Castoria is prepared today, as it has been
for the past 40 years, under the personal supervision of Mr. Ohas. H. Fletcher.
What have makers of imitations and substitutes at stake? What are their
responsibilities? To whom are they answerable? They spring up today, scatter
their nefarious wares broadcast, and disappear tomorrow.
Could each .mother see the painstaking care with which the prescription for
Fletcher's Castoria is prepared: could they read the innumerable testimonials from
grateful mothers, they would never listen to the subtle pleadings and false arguments
of those who would offer an imitation of, or substitute for, the tried and true
Fletcher's Castoria.
Children Cry For
!iNet Contents 15FluidDraohm
"it r-.i-mnr.-.l PKI1 CENT, fl
Cheerfulness andlkstCctrtittf,
neither Opla-Morphine n
HinernL NoTNAupoTiCj
A f.oTnfnIRpmedYfof
iWM-.qhness ana
new xyyiM:
A Word About Truth.
flftM ia 1.4t nn 1 . 1 , At. 1 . . o a 1 a-.. .
' Testament, yet it Is equally true to-day. Truth shows no favors,
fears no enemies.
From the inception of Fletcher's Castoria, Truth has been the
watchword, and to the conscientious adherence to this motto in the
preparation of Fletcher's Castoria as weU as in its advertising is due
the secret of its popular demand.
Mi imitations, all substitutes, all just-as-good preparations lack
the element of Truth, lack the righteousness of being, lack aU sem
blance even in the words of those who would deceive.
And you I Mothers, mothers with the fate of the World In your
hands, can you be deceived? Certainly not.
Fletcher's Castoria Is prepared for Infants and Children. It is
distinctly a remedy for the little-ones. The BABY'S need for a med
icine to take the place 6f Castor Oil, Paregoric and Soothing Syrups
was the sole thought that led to its discovery. Never try to correct
BABY'S troubles with a medicine that you would use for yourself.
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Comparing Notes.
"Truly, am I tho first ySx you over
"You nre, (inrllng: nnd It makes tno
happy to hear you say I nm tho first
until who over kissed you."
"if I urn tho tlrst, how does It hap
pen you do It so expertly?"
"And If I tint tho first,' how do you
know whether I do It expertly or not?"
It Is- never safe to Jmlgo n woman's
courage by the way sho manages to
nvold nn Interview with n mouse.
Nebraska Directory
Om.hi, Nebraska
Roomn from ti.00 up slug-le, 75 cents up double.
When Print Ar Ordered
Frtnte Xx JX, S cint; ; 2H iH, 4 cents
postal card site, 0 ceuts, postpaid.
Beaton Photo Supply Co.
lSth & Fexnam SU. Omaha, Nek,
If Not Already Represented We Wn
a Dealer In Your Town for
am of all
Henshaw Hotel
T. J. O'Brien Co., Pro pa.
11.00 WITHOUT BATH vp vrmi jiATU
IStli and Faraam SU, Omaha
IF you are having business, do
mestic or other trouble, write
us. We furnish expert legal
advice and assistance oy corre
spondence. Advice for year $10,
6 rnths. $5, in advance. Lefjal Aid
Dureau,611 DecBldg.,0maha,Neb.
,hog5.shcep STOCK YARDS'OMAHAi
Let Us Mako a New Car Out of Your Auto
. Tfe build to order a solid Victoria, ton with
berated plate glaaiea on aides and reari or Coup
lJodT, Heilan, Spurt or ltoadater llodr.
Fainting, Slip Corera , etc Our paint department
puta 18 paint operaUons on a now paint Job. Bqual
to tbe beat factory work. Write Department No. X,
"Viu. rfelfTer Anto Ss Carriage Works
I(ut An. Un..w.rtk t, Omk, S.k, n,.. Tlw JflJ
Alto build Cabs and Track Bodies
Standard equipment. Ample power. Inreatl
(fate tliln enr before bujlng. Write or call for
catalog and our proposition to dealers.
8107 Faruarn Htreet Omaha
We repair and supply
parts for all maker of
electrical eaulDinenta
Mtvi?.UHcE nsed on automobiles.
Autnortied ractorjr repreientatlrea for Atwater
Kent MIV. Co., BMur Motor Lighting Co., Columbia
H to rage Batter?, Connecticut XoU & Bleo.Co.,Ietrolt
lllectrlo H tarter Co., Dlico Ulectrlo Htarter Oo
1)7 D to Ulectrlo Co., Ulectrlo Auto-Lite Corp., Brlcs
aim Mf . Co. (llerllng Magneto), Orar A Darla. lna.
The IC-W Ignition Co. (Mauneto), Nortli 11 jut llleo
trlo.Co., 1'ertnallfe Btoraire Uatterr Co., SprU
Vruhlngton Co, (Uparton Horns). UpUtdorf tfarrlea
A Balea Co., Van Blcklen Co, iHpeedmetera), Ward
Leonard lllectrlo Co., Weatlngbouie Ulec. tt Mfj . Co.
Auto Eloclrlo Service Company
... Jfrnltlan
Kleotrlo Htiirter Bl'ECIAUSTS
btorage Uuttery )
3708 Farnam Street OMAHA. NEB.
Kodak Finishing
Expert work, Prompt return. Special
mail order department. We pay
return postaee. Write for price h'st
The Robert Dempster Co., Box 1138, Omaha, Nek.
HUV THAT 1'AJtM where alfalfa wua cut
May C, corn alioulder high June 6, cat dens
and fruits beyond belief. Cutover landa on
I'emlarot County, Mlaaourl. Main Line Frisco.
W. N. U., OMAHA, Nbi261919.