The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1919, Image 4

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    Tak extfa glasses
on ydrtt vacation!
fTho loqs( "bf your glassed, 'or the
breaking of n Ichso, would jfrcatly
ma'r the pleasure- of yonr trip, Don't
start away With only 6ne pair of
Glasses. It's1 only good Judgment to
haTC this .reserve pair any way.
come In and pick ont a style a little
different from those you Iibtc. Yon
trill find It Jnst as ngrieablc to hate
ft change In glasses as In hats, suits or
other wearing apparel.
At the Sign of the Big Itlng.
Mrs. Prank; Scott and daughter Jennie-
loft Saturday, for Denver for, a
shorti visit with friends.
The Jlcxthl handles the goods. tf
Heal Brown, 'of Mollnc. 111., has, ac
cepted k ppsl'tloh as watch maker at
th Cllntoft Jewelry store. '
tet Banta replace. .the lights In the
hack of your au'torrioblle. , ,47-4
Misses Florence, and Mario. Stack
will Jeavo tomorrow for a two weeks'
visit with relatives In Lincoln.
Dr, H.- C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Mrs. Jf. Lnnnlng, of Lexington,
spent Saturday at the C. E. Fouser
nomc, wniie enroute 10 Bicmnr.
For Sale Dresser and side board.
Mr. Trayer, of Lincoln, is a guest
at the J .J. Crawford home. v
Gorgo N. Gibbs looked, after busi
ness matters In Trypn yeritorday
Always try, Tho Rexall first, It
pays. ; tf
Rawlins Ginn returned Monday'' from j
n business trip to iaramio, wyo.
Dr. Morrill, Dentdst. Office over
Wilcox liepartmcnt Store.
Miss Marr has reslgneil her posi
tion at tho Wilcox Department "Store.
Miss Bldn Doty left Monday -for a
three weeks' trip through tho Yellow
stone Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff returned
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDomW
State Bank.
Enquire at 203 east 12th street. 49-2 Monday from a two weeks' visit "with
Mrs! Lester Eells of Council Bluffs, relatives in Illinois.
is spending a few days at the Bare Clair and Dewey Boyer returned
home while enrouteto Denver. Monday from Hustings where-they
Wanted Liberty bonds at market hPent tho week end.
i price. Louis Lipshltz. This Is record week at Dixon's.
Miss Delia, Combs, of Paxton, un. 600 new Columbia records. They
I on nnni-Dtlnn' tnh nnnnrwHnlHnl Won t iBSt lOHg.
at tho General hdspltal. hist week. L. It. Walker Is expected to return
For quick service on-Woken lerises e first of next week from Eldorado,
see H. Dixon & Son. They grind their lUBla"u.!r u .,piiri 1,1
own lenses,
try The
Rexall first, It
tho affairs of the Walker Music Co.
Paul Schwalgcr arrlycd, home Sat
urday morning from overseas ser
vice, feeling good and looking lino.
Miss M. Sicilian, Rteatn baths and
Swedish Massage. ladleR and gentle
aien. Phono 897. Erodb'eck bldg.
Mrs. Leafie Dimmick spent Sunday
In Grand Island. Her son Fay, who
accompanied her, will spend the sum
mer there with his grand parents.
I Banta, makes new tops. 47-4
. North -Platte Chautauqua begins
August 11th and lasts six days.
For Sale Now Oliver typewriter No.
91, Dr. H. C, Brock. C0-2
Minerva Hastings entertained six
girls at a slumber party last Thursday-'.
pays. ;
'JI"B. McDonald, of Omaha, spent
Sunday with relatives and frl nds In
Wanted Man and wife to work on
ranch. Apply toT. P. Maddox, Koy
statie, Nob. 48-4
Cal Sharp, of Omaha, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Waltomath
Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building. ,
Miss Graco Hlrsch wont to Greeley
Saturday to visit her cousin, Mrs.
Cody Bonl.
.Hear "Dear Old Pal of Mine'', suns
bx, Oscar Seaglo on the Columbia at
Dixon s Jewelry Btore.
For Rent Unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. 002 cast Third
street. 49-2
Mr. and Mrs.'N. E. Buckley return
ed Sunday evening from an auto trip
'MBanta upholsters furniture.. Phone
UMF$ ' 47-4
. w . .... ,
Clitlus Waters, of Aurora, is spending-a
few days hero with hla sister,
Mrs. Jack Deal.
Atk to hear our favorlto Hawaiian
l-oco'rd, No. 1812 Columbia at Dixon's
ovtelry store.
"Wanted Separator man for shock
threshing. Will pay $8.00 per day.
Call at this office. 49-4
Tho Wcnonah Camp Firo Girls and
FGtf their guardian, Mrs. R. R. Glnn, hiked
I in niolr'o irrnvo Innt Wfr1nfifu1nv mnrn-
Miss Rubv McMlchael returned Sat- ,g and spent the day nshlne nnd
I" wi
i CO
the New Hotel Palace and Cafe
, , . 1 i . i
Is now Open for the Accommodation of the Public:
While ft few of our fixtures arc still wo arc nhlo to take care of tho public both
as to rooms and dining room and lunch counter service. All rooms are equipped with
running hot and cold water and a- number of the rooms hare private baths attache ,,
All rooms are neatly and attractively furnished, thus giving to our patrons the max- (
mum of comfort. In our dining room and at the lunch counter tho best the market af
fords is served, and throughout our service is second to none.
Upon the arrival and installation of the delayed fixtures we will have a public
opening and will 'he pleased to show the public one of tho best appointed hotels and
cafes in tho state. ,
HUGH Y. IV AD A, General Manager. V. S. CHENEY, Assistant Mannger
urday from California where she had
spent the past year with her sister.
Wanted Position as housekeeper
either in town or country. Address
XX Trlbuno office.
Judge Grimes went to Chappell yes
terday where a special term of dis
trict court Is being held. J. J. Halll-
Kan nnd other local attorneys are In
A new record for the children, attendance.
T-T - " . ' I
"Children's Toy March," No. 1295
Columbia record. Dixon's Jcwejry kave th, week for Fark clty( MontJ
CtOre.. I rt trlalf rnlnHirna nrwl frnm iVinn will
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Schwaiger
Licenso to wed was granted Sat
urday to John L. Schroder, of Sta-
pleton, and Josephine Qulnn, of Hnrt-
probably make a trip through Yellow
stone Park.
Misses Graco Burke and Blanche
Fonda leavo this we k on a vacation
Wo have the Jazziest Jazz records to Portland, Seattle and other nOrth-
ln this new shipment you ever heard, west points. Thoy expect to be absent
Come In and hear them. Dixon, tho about sixty days,
OWtier. I t pnrnt nnrirlv fnrirfif tlntr in nflk If
Miss Ircno Hubbard iamo from you had heard Billy Murray, sing
Donvor Thursday to spend tho week "Heart Breaking. Baby Doll?" It
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. hurely Is heart-breaking the way he
W. Hubbard. sings this Columbia record, No.2727.
For Sale J. I. Smith's line lrrlgat- Plxon s'
od farm four miles northwest of North J, B. Edwards, of the Edwards-
Platte. Inquire at 203 west Second Reynolds Co.. left the latter part of
street. Phone 158. 47-8 last week for tho eastern markets,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stamp and da ugh- d boforo r eturning will visit Mrs,
C.iin.i n turn nfnnlro' trta. u. U"U -uun,u u otuu-
it with relatives in Kansas City and lnS the summer in Kentucky.
Council Bluffs.
Gamble & Springer,
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Store No. 1 622 North Locust.
Store No. 2, 116 East B.
Telephone 203.
Mrs. James Ware and Mrs. Paxton
Ware arrived from Blair the latter
pari oi msi wecit. ivira. jiunus wuru r i n' w 7
n Trftolrl-nn rofiirno.lTiVl.lnv to thBlr " l" " j
C i A" L future homo, and will occuDy apart
ments In tho Reynolds terrace
Remitting to Tho Tribune Mrs, F. E,
Bullard, of Willow Springs, Mo.. &c
"I shall never be real happy until I
Judge Grlmoo spent July 4th in am again living In dear old North
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds, who
had been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
homo in Omaha
"Eyes That Say I Lovo You," Colum.
bla record No. 2720, Bung by Irving
and Jack Kaufman. Harry Dixon.
Wallace where, ho delivered the ad-1 Platte, for tho friends therd will al-
drpss at tho celobratlon, which was ways bo nearer than any I will ovor
largely attended. mako again."
A. II. Fonda, who had been filling a
position with the Oregon Short Lino
at Kemmerer, Wyo., has been trans
fcrrecVito S,alt Lake City.
Hear1 the now Chinese Jap, called
"Chong" played by the Columbia Sax-
otmone Sextotto. Dixon's
are your employees
fagged out, ill-
tempered, and dis
couraged -J Or do
they end the day's
work with the same
snap and vigor with
'Clinton & Son' will which they started?
taKo care oi your uiye
Glass trouble; we guar
antee to give you satis
faction. Sign of tho Big
G-E Fans keep
office and factory
workers comfortable and effi
cient. They pay for themselves
l delightfully entertaining and educa-
Ring. Son is with Undo Sam In Ger-
jewolry many, will be homo soon.
Jim Knowles and John Roebecker in improved spirit and mistakes
faced Judge Mutonberger Saturday on c-,r,i
1 . . , i 1 t I W . V. w .
tno cnarge oi naving cuit:uruiuu in uh
upwiso manner on tho Fourth, heir
unwiscness Doing auo to too mucn
booze. The Juduo handed each of
thorn a fine and costs totaling $15.80. with G-E Fans.
In writing to Tho Trlbuno Fra. El
mer Mills, of Big Trail, Wyo., says:
It is awfully dry here, and the grass
on tho range has practically dried up.
A number of ranchmen In this ooun
try will either ship their cattle to
Nebraska to bo fed tUIs winter or will
have to ship In hay."
Is thoro a hen-necked husband in
this twon? If there is "Fatty" Ar
bucklo has a sure euro for his ail
ment. If thero isn't you know Fat-
Let us show you how little it
will cost to equip your office
North Platte Light &
Power Co.
Physician, Olbstetrictan
Surgeon, X-Ray
ty. Can't you imaglno tho "King ot Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Avordupols" playing such a part? You
bet you can nnd it a a now picture,
not some old re-hashed stuff. Keith
theatre Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rons arrived
Wednesday from Greeley, Colorado,
to visit their daughter. Mrs. Geo. Trex-
rhone Office 042 Residence C7C
Phone 308
!er. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bons nro enroute I Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
on a motor trip to Omaha. Kansas
City and Phoenix, Arizona. They were
accompanied this far by Mrs. Dale
Holland and Ron who will spend a
woelc here with Mrs. Troxlor.
North Platte. Nabraskx.
North Platte, Nebr.
For the treatment of Medical, Surgical
Suit has, or will bo, started against
property owners In tho Keith thentro
block for a violation of an ordinance
aen with tlifi Rnwnr. Bv ronsnn nf nnu uusioiricui ,uua. -v yixw
where tho sick are cared for so as to
noodctl and backs tho wator up into M"S aooui normal cpnaiuons m
ltnanmnn a T a ontf la nt l-1 UUlUfill UUU OUUUUUU
North riattc, Neb.
stanco of Claudo Welngand who has mannorj
suffered damngo through tho flow of lnono
water into tho basement of tho Hotel
wrnesi cuwnni wnisn ami Airreci j . .
Powors pnssed through town Snturdav AlAOllK.i.-Ai-iiA
on an elucational walking trin from Office OTer McDonald Bank.
Snn Francisco to Now York. Mr. Office l'hono HB6 Ros. rnone 1120
Walsh, who writes for Scrlbner's
magaino, Is gathering new material
and also hopes to bonoflt his health,
for ho was qulto soriously injured
last summer by a fall while training
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for
Oyepola (Singing Water) is a beautiful Indian girl, niece ot tho present nt flirt nvlntlnn flolil nt Vt WnrtV. M
lohiof of tho Crook Indians of Oklahoma. Her great, groat grandfather was Walsh and Mr. Powors are students of
ito Oklahoma and was chief of tho trlbo until his doath two years ago. taking special curses In literature rllflPC! AriH illltfK.
.yjfvyaia io iuu itiutury ilium ui uur iiuupiu. Olio wub HliollBOl lur mil I uuu imvivy wm'ii wiuy uvumt'u lu Kmrl
Crook Indians at tho recent congress In Tulsa, Okla. A graduate of the on this trip. Their Journed will end
Idramatlc department ot tho Christian College, Columbia, Mo. Sho takes t Now York whore thoy will present
'hor nudlenco back 400 years to tho primitive stages of civilization, and ino mayor wun a letter irom tnc may
(through her own interpretation and transposition of tho beautiful Indian or ol OIUl p ranciaco.
'TnHInn Rnncrn nml iliinr.nn In hinntifiil hnnrinri rnntnmnn m-n n fnntnro nf thn paiO
nrorram . I My houses and lots on tho corners
Oyepela will be ably assisted by two concert artists personally f Sixth
4by her for this program. Afternoon of tho second day.
... - : ' ' . - 146-8 H. N. SMITH
and Cottonwood "streets.
Inqulro of Guy Swope.
Licensed Emb&mers
Undert&kora and Funeral Dtrectora
Day phone 41
Night phono Black CS8
K6 1
cow brand:
The Best Flour
Made in
the Best Town
in .
Western Nebraska
A Home Product UseH by
all Home People.
Attend Your Meetings at the
Hear what is being said and done for the
next Thirty Days by the educational com
1 mittee in behalf of union-made goods and
against mail order houses. Patronize home
industry and the merchants who have co
operated with the Central Labor Union.
North Platte Central Labor Union.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
THe Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in'.the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
Taxi nnd Livery
Phpno 90S. Black SOS
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
Graduate Veterinarian
Elzht years a Go7erument Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest ot the
Court House.
North Platte Tent
and Awning Co.
109 West Sixth Street
Phone 210