THE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. LOW SALARIED SUFFER MOST Labor Department Compiles Sta. : tistios in Cities That Show i Expenditures. FOOD AND RENT COME HIGH The Lower Your Salary the Greater Proportion of It You 8pend for . Food and Shelter, Say. In vestigators. Washington, The lower your salary, (the greater percentage of It you spend for food and shelter, according to the latest government cost of living I lives Ifcsutlon. Tables complied by labor depart ment experts after study of hundreds of family budgets show the actual cash outlay for fond and ront Is grenter In families with the higher Incomes, but in the average family the expenditures tor these necessities does not Increase ob fast as the Income. In naltlmorc, for Instance, 1!1 fam ilies with Incomes under $000 averaged expenditures of $,'(82.05 for food and $120.41 for renL The average was 40.5 por cent of the total Income for food end 14.0 for rent. The families whose Incomes were $2,500 or more, however, average 13.5 per cent less for food In comparison with totnl Income and 11.5 less for rent. Showing how much more cheaply the higher-salaried families get off In other cities are these differences: Pittsburgh, food 15 per cent, rent 7.5 per cent ; Now York, food 0.7 per cent, rent 7.7 per cent; Boston, food 4.0 per cent, rent 5.2 per cent; Syracuse, food 4.8 per cent, rent 10 per cent; Scranton, food 3,7 per cent, rent 0.4 per cent. How Spending Varies. ITow families of varying Incomes spend them Is Indicated by tables showing average expenditures of dif ferent groups for Philadelphia and Camden, N, J. The table deals with oxpendltures of 301 families of seven different Income groups. ' Four families whose Incomes wero under $000 n year averaged per year for food $305.40; clothing. $100.87; rent, $170.25; fuel nnd light, $03.01; furniture, $15.22; miscellaneous, $100.52. The nverago totnl expendi ture per family was $821.20, and the nverngo number of persons per family 4.3. Throe families In this group re ported surpluses which averaged $24.33 per fnmlly, while oun had a deficit of $5157.85. Seventy-five families with Incomes of $1,500. but under $1,800. reported oxpendltures that averaged for food BRITAIN DEPORTING BOLSHEVISTS About oiu liundVed hoiVioi ts uv removed from Brixton prison. Lon don, for deportation to Russia They wero placed In motorbusses and taken to the embarkation port. The photograph shows a tuimll croud of relatives ami friends of tho prisoners gathering about tho enhance to the prison as the llrst motorhus was tilled up. RED ORGY iCity, Freed of Bolshevist Rule, Reveals Terrible Story. IMen, Women and Children Killed Without Trial, Many After Horrlblo Torture. . London, Parm, the llrst city of any jsr.o - retaken by Admiral Kolehnk's All-Russian army from the bolshevlkl. offers n great study in "red" atrocities. Perm Is virtually a slaughter houRe. HIundrodH of bodies of bolshevlkl vic tims already havo been recovered, and unore nre being found every day. In the garden of a seminary, where holshevlsf chleftalus wore wont to hold their revels, the bodies of two dozen schoolgirls nlready have boon recovered. These glrU, ranging In age from twelve to sixteen, were llrst. at nicked by "red" ollleetH, then when the .(lends hiu' tired of their orgy tho vic; .i.ri,itu.., ms3;rit.KKKMM; iiu-i mm iiiili ipMi.uil, J III ill ill I If $70.02; miscellaneous, $,'U0.fi0. Totnl expenditures per family averaged $1,585.77 fr urr average number of -1.7 persons por family. Sixty-two families ended the year with an ii vertigo sur plus of $125.0:1, nine experienced an av erage deficit of SirKLSl. while four bal anced their hooks evenly. Study Many Cities. Eleven families with an Income of $2,500 or over averaged In their ox pendltures for food, $I14.42 J clothing, JP470.M); rent, ?2.r0.;ifl; fuel nnd light, $05.10; furniture, $127.83; miscellane ous, $l0-J.;n. The total average ex penditures por family was $2,527.80 for an average family of 7.0 persons. All families reported n surplus. The average surplus was $409.52. Similar studies have heen prepared by the labor department for groups of representative families In Haltlniore, Yanks Salvage Immense Booty German Guns Worth Many Mil lions Are Found in Ar gonne Forest. WEAPONS ABANDONED BY FOE Teutons Left Artillery and Shells In Mad Flight When Americans Ad vanced Forest Cleaned by Doughboys. PnrlSi War booty valued at more than $5,000,000, left by the Germans In their flight from the Argonne for est, the scene of America's greatest battle In the world war, Iiuh been col lected by a force of negro soldiers who liavo been cleaning up the famous bat tlefield. Machine guns, rifles, muni tions and war supplies of all kinds have been collected In every wooded ravine, dugout and trench la the Ar-gonne-Mouse sector, comprising 480 stpinre miles. The American englueers moved up to the battlefield soon after tlio armis tice was signed. For miles around there was not a village or farm that was occupied. Orders wore issued to squads of American salvage engineers to pick up OF MURDER tims were killed by being tapped on the head with a wooden mn.Hct. Tills seminary garden is ope con tinuous grave of miked bodies and skeletons. Identification of the vie-1 thus Is Impossible. A Russian countess ; and her daughter were tied to posts ! In this garden, stripped of their clothes, then killed by a succession of dngger pricks-all over tljelr bodies. A dozen priests were crucllied head downward; two others were boiled In oil. Hundreds of the upper classes of the city, men, women nnd children, sentenced to death without trial, wero tnkon, to the edge of a swamp outsldu tho city and given their choice of Hoe ing Into the swnmp or being shot down where they stood. Miny (lashed Into the swamp, only to be engulfed In tho quicksands. Tho other wero shot down at the edge of a ditch, Into which their bodies fell, and left un- j covered iluilng the entire winter. South Sea Beauties Use Chalk on Complexion Philadelphia. -Paint and pnw- der oil the faeos of "women the world over" were condemned by X ltev. Dr. A. Pohlmnn at the i Presbyterian ministerial confor l ence In the Wlthorspoon build I Ing. Doctor Pobliuan, who was j formerly nn African missionary, s said : "In their desire to make their faces attractive by paint and powder women nro the same the world over. In Liberia they use ; white chalk on their black faces. ; Hero they use red and pink. ; What Is the difference" Uoston, Bridgeport, Buffalo, Chambers burg, Pa.; Dover, N. J.; Kail HIver, Mas. ; Johnstown, N. Y.; Lawreiwe, Mass.; Manchester, X. II.; Newark, N. .1.; New York city, Pittsburgh, Portland, .Me.; Providence, R. I.; Rut land, Vt. ; Scranton, Syracuse, Trenton, West field, Mass. ; and Wilmington, Del. every gun they found, broken or In serviceable condition, as well as all war material, and place the supplies along the nearest roail for collection In army trucks. The colored fighters received Instructions that whenever thoy came across an unexploded shell they were not to touch It, but to put up n little stick beside It with a noto, so that the munition salvagers could find It later. The doughboys soon made the dis covery that the Hermans In their (light abandoned hundreds of machine guns and even largo pieces of artillery which the Yankees, in their hurry to advance, hnd failed to see. Loaded In Box Cars. One of the discoveries made by the Americans who have complete'd the task of cleaning up the battlefield was the unusually large number of ma chine guns the Germans had Installed In the Argonne forest. No information was secured as to the number the enemy was able to save in his (light toward the Rhine, hut thousands of these weapons were left behind. In one small sector of the battlefield sev eral hundred enrs were loaded with machine guns. In one town located in the rear of tho battlefield there Is a pile of brass shell cases, abandoned by the Ger mans, that would more than (111 tho hold of n large ocean freighter. It Was estimated that nearly 1,000,000 shell cases hnd heen piled In that vil lage. These have been purchased by the French government. Salvage Work Expensive. Experts with the American expedi tionary forces have estimated that the Yankees hnd captijred 200 per cent more war booty In tho Argonne forest ! than their records will show. This was due, it Is said, to the rapidity of the American advance nnd to the hurry of the Germans to leave their dugouts add weapons and surrender to their conquerors. The work of cleaning up the Ar gonne battlefield, however, hns been an expensive one, although vast ounntl- ; ties of copper, brass and steel have i heen salvaged, it lias cost more than $2,000,000 to complete the task, hut the work has heen a success financial I ly, as the booty la worth more than twice that sum. Soldier Beats Train. Junction City, Kan,- Trains were too slow for a certain Kansas soldier I who lias heen away from his home at Sallna for two years. When he re turned to Camp Funston the other day i lie received a pass to spend Suntlny at Sallna, Instead of waiting several hours for the next train to his home town, he hit the highway and was for tunate In catching an automobile ride to Abilene. His good luck did not foresake lilni there, for ho again tool, to the road and another motorcar picked him up and landed him In Sn Una about the ti mo the train vu leaving Junction City. 80, SHE TAKES AIR FLIGHT Atlantic City Widow Goes Up 3,000 Feet as Aviator Does Stunt Atlantic City, N. J, Mrs. r, 0i Wilcox, who Is eighty, tho widow of nil army colonel, lives In a little cottage near the Hold where atrmon have neen doing daring exhibition performances The fascination tempted her until slu could stand It no longer and recently she gave the most experienced aviation fans at the air port a thrill by taking a ride with Kddlc Stlnson. who ascend ed 8,000 feet. "1 want, you to go as high as you can," she said to the daring llyer, "and ih ail tho stunts 1 have seen you do with others." Stuck With Gum. Maiden, Mass. A guiu salesman Htutsh several merchant with l.ooti sticks of gum for which ho promised to supply vending ,niachlue. He didn't Now ' the police are Mlcktng on lib-trull. GOOD ROADS PROSPERITY IN GOOD ROADS Future Development of Country Must Begin With Improved Highways to Relieve Congestion. There nro today some 2,500,000 miles of rural roads in tho United Stntes. Of till amount perhaps 12 per cent could be classified as Improved, while only about one-fourth of one per cent can 1)0 snld to be suitable for tho carriage of heavy-duty motortrucks. And In the face of tills condition it can be said without chance of contradiction that the futuro development of the United States rest3 upon the roads. The past few ;vars havo witnessed n tremendous tu.nover in transporta tion from tho railway to tho highway, says Roy D. Cliapln, former chairman of the highways transport committee of the council of national defense. The congestion which prevailed during the wnr made necessary the commer cial utilization of the highway to on extent thought Impossible n scant few years ago. The motortruck, little known be fore the war, sprang into prominence as a commercially practical form of transportation, nnd while the lighting has ceased the need for the motor truck remains with us, more Insistent thnn ever before. Within certain limitations the freight car of tho highway Is' more efficient than the rail carrier, and be cause of It It may be taken as a per manent form of transportation nnd one destined to hnve a large influence on the movements of trade in the future. The hour has struck when the fast moving efficient motor vehicle of com merce must replace the horse dnd the costly terminal charges which prevail upon the short-haul branches of the rail lines. Already tho motortruck has become a "feeder" to tho railroad ; shortly It Is destined to aid enormous ly to the profitable long hauls, while entirely or very nearly so eliminating the unprofitable spurs. Ttallroad men generally recognize the new movement and welcome it. Street railway, men, not so keenly alert to Itg possibilities as n feeder to their lines, have yet to take the full est advantnge of tho opportunities which it presents. But back of the motortruck rests the road. While the highway as such is of little interest to those outside of the engineering Held, as ri means for transportation it becomes of vital Im portance to every citizen of tho United Stntes, whether he be In profession or trade, a minister, a merchant, n doc for. High and low, rich and poor, the toad comes Into contnet with all of us, and upon its relative efficiency de ptnds to, n greater extent than most of Motortruck Used to Haul Produce to Market. Farm us dream the ultimate cost of all that wo eat, wear, have. "No one knows how much the coun try pays for cartage," said William C. Kcdflcld, secretary of commerce, re cently, "but anyone who ( looks into tho question Is pretty-sure to find out that tho (Igures are larger than ho thought it could be. Yet enrtage Is but one phase of road costs. Poor roads mean Isolation, which in turn mean fewer possibil ities for education, fewer opportuni ties for wealth, lower real estate val uations as woll as lncreused costs of Bupplles. Kvcry sound, fundamental economic reason speaks out for tho durable road, just as it protests against the poor, Inadequately constructed highway. Despite these facts, which will bo verified, by all who have studied the question, despite the fact that the offi cial government figures placed the hauling over the highways at 2,000, 000,000 ton-miles In 1017, our roads are today all that they should not be. They are Inefficient, Inadequate, anti quated. IMPROVE TO SAVE HAULING Hardening Surface, Reducing Grade or Shortening Distance Brings Farm Nearer to Town. The test of a wagon road is the amount of work that can be dono on It without injury thereto, that Is the time and labor required In hauling over !(. Any improvement, whether in hard ening its'surface, easing its grnde, or shortening the distance, reduces the time and effort of getting to market and brings the farm nearer to town. Soldiers' Settlement Bill May Be Enacted Early WASHINGTON. The soldiers' settlement bill Is believed to be certnln of , passage early. Tills legislation Is designed to provide rural homes for men who hnve served In the mllltnry forces of the United States during tlie- war. Principal features of the legis totaling .$500,000,000 and will empower tho secretary of the interior to acquire lands by purchase, or gift, in addition to using public lands. Projects will be .developed in every state where suitable lands are available, but sites will he selected only where there are sulllclent nreas to form community centers. The secretary of the Interior also will be authorized to put the lands. . acquired for these purposes In condition for use and cultivation. v This work will Involve Irrigation In arid territory, drainage in swamps, stump pulling: and leveling in cut-over areas and general rcstoratlou, Including clearing, Jn ubandoned farming sections. Roads necessary to provide access to the projects will bo built. Cash will be advanced to help tho soldier-settler get started. Uncle Snm gives settlers 40 years to complete payments. The government will furnish instruction through experts in farming. . , , As Good New Fish in the Sea as Ever Were Caught ATA concerning sen fish hnving good food vnlue, but not generally knowa or ultllized, are being gathered by P. W. Partridge of the United States- bureau of fisheries, who Is In New Orleans to make a study of the drum fish off the coast' of that state. Mr. Part ridge has spent six weeks along tho gulf const from Caxamhns, Tex., to Pass Christian, Investigating fishing conditions nnd Intends to continue ills round of the coast to Galveston. "It Is surprising how many vajjle-" ties of good fish are practically tin used as food," suld Mr. Partridge. "The government Is anxious to get a market for these. America Is one of tho poorest consumers of fish in the world principally because the majority of the housewives do not know how to make that food palatable. Last winter the government sent me out with demonstrators who taught the women of several cities of the country how to prepare fish properly. The results were remarkable. In St. Louis we were informed by the ilsh dealers that their business had dojibled after our visit. "All along the gulf there is an enormous supply of drum fish which, makes splendid eating, but is not caught for the maiket. These fish vary in weight from 18 to, 45 pounds when mature. The lurgest ono ever caught tipped the scales at 140 pounds. The government hopes thnt this fish will be used as food. Then there nre the blue runners, ladyfish, groupers and many other kinds, which would supply great amounts of food if the public got to know how delicious they are." The government put the tile fish on the market two years ago In the markets of New Englnnd coast. Up to that time they were practically un known as food, hut now there Is a big demand for them. Another fish Introduced lately as food by the bureau Is smoked sand shark. Chicago took 10,000 pounds of it last winter. This shark -Is caught off the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., and resembles smoked hnlibut in flavor." 1 Porto Rico, Needing Schools, Asks Uncle Sam's Aid PORTO RICO, It appears, needs education and wants It. A petition request ing federal aid has come before congress. It is signed by Arthur Ynger, governor, and Paul G. Miller, eominlssloucr of education. It asks that a law be enacted appropriating $2,000,000 a dren of compulsory school age, be tween eight and fourteen years ; that of. the aforesaid number 10-1,005 children have intended the public schools during the current year, and that more chil dren can not be admitted for lack of teachers and facilities. That the resources of the people of Porto Rico are not sufficient to meet their educational needs nnd requirements ; thnt at the present time there are employed 2,081 teachers In all grades of public schools, Including the uni versity; that the salaries are entirely Inadequate; that in order to provide proper facilities for all the children not in school at tho present time 4,000 additional teachers carefully trained and adequately paid are necessary. That when the change of sovereignty occurred there was not a single public school building erected for school purposes In Porto Rico; that ut the present time there are 5-10 publicly Owned buildings ; that 1,200 schools are installed in rented buildings, few of which meet the necessnry hygienic requirements ; that to provide facilities for all the children not in school 5,200 additional modern schoolrooms ure necessary. The proposed appropriation is to he made available for school purposes of all kinds. Low salaries make it dlfllcult to secure trained Kuglish-speaklng teachers. If the Constitution follows the flag, education should keep it company. A New Problem: The "Joy-Flyer". Now in Our fViidst: RKCKLKSS "Joy-flyers" are already with us, and may becomo as much a problem In tho near future ns the reckless auto drivers. During a recent, parade in New York, a hydro-airplane Hew up nnd down Fifth avenue, over the heads of a crowd packed into the streets like cobblestoues, at an eleva tion estimated to be not more thnn 500 feet. Kvory aviator knows that flying nt low elevations Is the most dangor ous kind of flying. If englue trouble hud caused that llyer to come downt he could not have chosen a safe land ing. Ten to one lie would have smashed into the crowd, killing and maiming many. Tills occurrence wns called to the attention of the Joint army and navy board aeronautic cognizance, which has. control of nil aircraft licenses for civilians. It was discovered that the reck less (Iyer was u civilian who had no license. To protect the public agulnst careless flyers Is the object of tho aero nautic board. Licenses will bo Issued only to responsible persons who havo quallfied as pilots. The government is not opposed to civilian flying, but it does require that a person must first take out u pilot's license, to operate nu airplane, seaplane or u balloon. These licenses nre Issued without cost. Anyone desiring n pilot's llcenso should mnke application to the Joint army and nuvy board of aeronautic cognizance, building D., Sixth and IJ streets. Northwest, Washington, D. O. lation are: Discharged soldiers, sail ors and marines will bo employed at $4 a day In the development of public lands; those who desire may ob tain allotments of tho reclaimed land for farming at a price to be fixed later, with liberal terms of puyment; those who take over such land may borrow up to $2,000 apiece for devel opment of their furnis. The bill will enrry authorizations: year for 20 years, and sets forth the followlng facts umong others: Thar according to the federal census of 1010 the percentage of adult Illiteracy in Porto Rico was C0.C; that the present estimated percentage of. adult Illiteracy is 54. That at the present time there are in Porto Rico 427.0GG children of legal school age, between the ages of llvo and eighteen years, and 215,819 chil