ZMoriw lite I) o rra Sirifatnt. mi- THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY S, 1919. No. 51' 1VILL ERECT HIG OARAGE ON NORTH LOCUST STREET. It. N. Lamb and Joseph Scott, who rocontly purchased a tract of land on tho west side of Locust street be tweeY Seventh and Eighth, have ask ed for bids for tho construction of a ono-sfory garage building 66x124 feet. Tho plans call for a truss roof that will obvlato any posts or supports on tho entire floor area, which will make It convenient for garage and storage purposes. Tho contract will be let In a short tlmo and tho contractor will be pre vailed UDon to rush the construction with tho greatest possible speed. A tenant for the building has beon secured who will move In as soon as it Is completed. ::o:: i Henry Sonnermnnn Dies. Henry Ferdinand Augustus Sonnet- maim, a well known former living on Jack Morrow flats, died Saturday nleht. and the funeral will be held from the residence this afternoon and interment made in a nearby cemc- tervi. The deceased was born in Glletzlg, Germany, July 6, 1874, and enmo to Lincoln county twenty-flve or more years ago. Ho was married in tms city July 6, 1899, to Mlnnlo Edler, to which union two sons were oorn, Harlan Herbosrt and Edward Hprman. Ho also leaves a brother Carl Sonner mann and sister Mrs. Colo who lives In Denver. Mr. Sonnermann lived on the former Hardin place, which he purchased a number of years ago. : :: i C. It. Morev returned Sunday from Hastings to which city ho journeyed by auto last Thursday. When Mr. Marey arrived in Hastings ho found his father, C. F, Morey, who is a prominent, lawyer, in a critical con dition due to. tho inhalation of gas from a running automobile in a closed garace. Wion lound Mr. Morey way in ,an unconscious condition and it was only through active and constant -work of the physicians that ho re trained consciousness. when Mr, Morey left Hastings Sunday morning the condition of his father had great ly Improved. ::o:: Just received 500 Columbia records, including about 100 cood Hawaiian records. Come In early and gp.t your choice. Harry Dixon. We Strive To f When in need of good things to eat Call 212. Quality in every pack age. Dick Stegeman, sPHOtfE 212. 815 NO. LOCUST. 92.00 orders and over delivered. Hold Neighborhood picnic Tho annual nlghborhool "picnic held at tho homo of Mrs. Bon Wilson was attended by about sixty, TJhcsei peo ple gather each year to ceieDrao tuo glorious, 4th of July. The 'special feature this year was the homebm ln'g of the nine boys praonty most of whom had seen service overseas. A special part of th program was an address by Lieut. Cobby, who won the Croix do Ouerro, and a. drill by the boys and bayonet chargp Upon sup posed Frltzles. Some of the boys had been In the Muse, Argonne and Cha teau Thierry battles. We wish to thank the following ladles for their Dart In the wecome of tho'boys,: Mrs. M. N. Johnston, Mrs. J. jH.' 'VanCleave and Mrs. Ben Wilson, and we. hppe next year to all meet as..blpasantly. ; A GUEST. LOCAL AyDrEBffpyAL Harry Hemphill Is lifoeiidW this week with friends In Ahisley, , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. lRchar'd8 and C. S. Clinton attended ttio funeral of the late Major White ln.tJrand Island Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carroll-and son loft this morning by auto for Estes Park where they will .remain until August first. Albert LeDloyt, of Paxton,. formerly of this city, who has been seriously 111 for ten days, was taken to Omaha Thursday, for treatment!1 Tho golf links at theCountry Club grounds are being placed in good condition this week and-inembers ex pect to begin playing, the, game next Sunday. ; Frank Barnes, who has been in, a hospital at Ft. Riley since last Sep tember, Is home on a furlough. He will return to the hospital and re main until his physical' Condition per mits' of his honorable discharge. Wm. Munson, who attended the Fourth of July celebration at Doni phan, says that town put on a big show something doing every minute. Crops In that section of the state are truly wonderful. t The people want good ''cars, cars of knewn reputation and 'tiblllty. The consequence Is that the Dodge factory is 25,000 cars behind orders today. 1 am far behhmVbutaa early order will get your Dod car for you sooner. Do ,U today. J. V. Romigh, dealer. The colored ball team of this city played at Sutherland Sunday after noon, the score standing five to five at the eighth inning when me game was cauea on, account or an approaching storm. ' The colored Vibs kill jplay at. Brady next Sunday The big U. S. motor truck train, which Is to follow the Lincoln High Way from coast to coast, stoppnlg at all thb important cities and giving demonstrations of all tho various mo tor equipments used In the world war, left Washington yesterday. Sixty days later it will arrive Jn San Fran cisco. It will go thrpagh Nebraska between the dates of July 26 and Aug ust 1. W. G. Harbold and wife have return ed from a 2900 mile trip with a new 1920 Chandler Speedster, equipped to the last minute. Mr. Harbold' reports that he drove from tho? factory ati Cleveland to Denver, something over 1700 miles In six and one-half days actual running time. In Colorado they iook au uie trips ana wuti six pas sengers took the famous fLookout mountain hill on high gear all the way, with no sign of boiling wter, "Some car." says he. NINE BURGLARIES OCCUR iKITIIIK J8 HOURS The festive burglar is, still nlvlng his ypcatlon with, a trequency and cunning that baffles tho officers. For tho fortyielght hours endlntc Sunday . . a i a . i i . .. i morning not lesa man nino -nouses breakings occurred. At the Stmants home Just cast of the city Friday night tho burglar suc ceeded In entering tho houso through a window in a room in which a daughter was sleeping. In moving around the room tho girl was awaken ed, screamed and the visitor retreated through the window. The same night or early In tho 'morning the Nels Rasmusson resi dence In the First ward was entorcd by unhooking a screen door. Tho preseupo of tho burglar was evidenced by the scattered clothing and other articles, but the family reports noth lng missing. Saturday, night tho McGrew home at 623 west Seventh was entered, the burglar using a wire to unhook a screen door and passed through the odou house door. In the- room oc cupled by a son, Arthur McGrew, the burglar picked up a pair of trousers and removed therefrom about twenty flve dollars. This seemed to satisfy him. for he made no further molestation. At the A. J. Banta residence jit 315 south Chestnut the burglar entered through a screen door, ransacked sev eral rooms without .awakening the oc cupants and departed with four doll- .ars which he rifled from clothes. . The Woods residence at 1302 North Locust was entered anl investigated by tho intruder- who threw things around promlscously but tho family found nothing missing. Sunday night theBen Eshelman home on- west Eleventh street was on Eerea , through the unhooKing or a screen door and twelve dollars taken from Mr. Esholman's clothes. Tho same night tho Will Slvltts res idence on west 13th was entered and 235 taken from the clothes of a Mr. Greeloy, who was a guest at the house, During Sunday night two boys sleeping jm the Walter Eshelman Dorch In the Fourth ward wer,p awek ened and noticed a man at one of the windows. They snouted at him and he ran to tho street and got into waiting auto containing several other men. Awakened at three o'clock Sunday morning by a noise in the house, F. J Broeker got up Just In time to see the form of a man fleeing through a door that bad been forcibly opened John did not sleep well .the remainder of the .night. . . " - - Some time during Sunday night the .bouse in the First ward occupied by Mr. Wright, a traveling salesman, was entered and sixteen dollars taken. Oc cupants of the houso were not dls turbed by, the burglar who gained an entrance through a window. Mrs. "W. H. Munger, of Omaha, who had beon visiting her son Horton and family, received a telegram last evening that a fifteen year old grand son living at Portland, Oregon, had been accidntally drowned. Mrs. Mun ger left for Portland this morning,. The Union State Bank, soon to bo opened In this city, has purchased the Noble stock of groceries next door to the Crystal theatre In order to secure a location for tho bank. The grocery stock will be sold at once and tho room nlaced In readiness for the new Institution. The Third ward Lutheran aid will meet Thursday afternoon, with Mrs Henry waltemath. LOCAL AJND PERSONAL Miss Hazel Feenoy, of Koarnoy, is tho guest of Miss Julia Nolau. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tlloy spent Sun day with friends In Gothenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNotton, of Gothenburg, spent tho Fourth at tho I. Smith homo. Mrs. Blanche Smith went to Ilor- shoy Monday whoro she will make hor futuro home. Airs. Baker, of Detroit. Mich., will arrlvo today for a visit with hor daughtor, Mrs. Blanche Flold. Mr3. Harry Smith tnd daughter ar rived Thursday from Akron, Ohio, and will spend tho summor at tho J. I. Smith home. Miss Lena Buskins came un from Umalm Thursday to spend a week with her pardnts, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. liasklns. This Is record week at Dixon's. 500 now Columbia records. They won't last long. The now stato law on Sunday danc ing went into effect last Sunday. This will not affect North Platte dancers as Sunday dancles hnvo never beenP held Vi this cltv Tho ladles' aid of tho Presbyterian! church will meet in tho church par lors Thursday afternoon, entortalned by Mesdames Streltz, McDonald and Iddlngs. During the month of Juno the North Platte Red Cross Cantoon serv ed Junches to over nine thousand sol diers and sailors passing through. Last month this servlco was extended to 8,800 men in transit. July 11th tho Bible Groups will meet with Mrs. Howard, 809 east Fourth street; the Ann Hasseltlne Group with Mrs. N. E. Loudon, 602 south Pine; tho 14. js. Group with Mrs. Robert Arnold, 520 south Pine. Oscar Sandall has nurchasod a now Buick which wiR bo driven up from Ohmtia tliis woek. Oscar and family anfl Harry Samuolson will leavo noxt week In their cars for Estes far where they will spend a two weeks' vacation. Chris Sawyer received a telegram yesterday announcing that his son Chris, who had been overseas since last Sentomber had. arrived safe and sound In New York and Is now quar tered at Camp Mills. He will shortly rocelvo his discharge and return homo. For Sale Barn, jangoi rug., library tnoie. rockers and kitchen chairs. 109 east 8th St. Phono Red 817. 61-lp "Chong,-" a Chinese Jag, played by the Columbia Saxaphone Soxtetto. That saxaphono record you have been waiting for all those months. Colum bia record No. 273a. Harry Dixon. Room for Rent Lady Apply to 608. east Fifth. SHORTAGE OF CARPENTERS EXISTS IN NORTH PLATTE Building contractors In North Platte want fifteen caruontcrs and want Ihem badly, and without them build ing operations will lag. So many res-! ldonccs nro In courso of construetldul pushed their cars for about all they Races Well Conducted. Tho manner In which tho races on tho Fourth woro conducted received complimentary words from tho visit ors, of whoru there were sovoral thousand. Thanks to Startor Craw ford there were no delays, the drivers , or will soon bo startod that tho local, supply of carpenters Is by far lnaU cquato to do tho work, Ray Cantltn, head of tho North Platto Central Labor Union, has been appealed to and ho has sent out tele wore worth, there woro no scrlodn mishaps on tho track, and no colli sions going to or returning from the grounds, and at tho park there wero' uo disturbances of any uaturo. Tho races as a whole were very satlsfac- grams to Omaha, Kansas City, Lincoln' tory, and President Coatoa" and Soc- nnd Denver asking that carnoiitora bo I rotary Blrgo can rest assured that if;. sont hore, but in reply, to the messages sent out has como a reply fi'dra' eatjh city stating that no Idle carpenters can bo found: that there is a short age of this class of mechanics rather than a surplusage. This condition la said to exist all over tho United Stntos. It may be possible that the shortago of carpenters In North Platte will cur tntl the number of buildings orectcu ::o:: Yes. He Was. This Is to advise you that E. W., a day at tho county fair Is dovoted to auto races there will bo a. verv largo attendance. ' Just received 500 Columbia records', Including about 100 good Hawaiian records. Coma in early and pot your cholco. Harry Dixon, A few night ago whon Mrs. Jamen Roddy ralsod a sbado Bho faced a man standing nt tho window. She called to hor son whereupon tho man tppkjVto hla hcols. Tho supposition Is that tho Rinckbr, who was honorably dlscharg-iXw?,iM, tlD i W-Iua od from the service of the war rlsklthroueh wh,ch to enter tho U0U8fl- bureau of Insurance in which' I will bo satisfied If you will but he served for several months. Is now flold supervisor for tho J. E. Sebastian Agency roprosent lng the - Minnesota Mutual Life the bost there is in old lino life insur ance. Call or phono tho J. E. So bastian Agoncy, for full dope on gov ernment Insurance. Mr. Rlncker or any member of the agency will bo glad to tako it up with you. J. E. Sebastian, manager, C. F. Temple, assistant manager, E. W. Rlncker flold superintendent Pick your man, uso the phone. ::o:: Christian Church Notes. Rev. W. E. Anderson, of Danville, Ind., will be In tho city on Wednesday and remain over Sunday. Mr. Ander son comes with a view of locating with tho congregation If It seems wise. He will probably preach each night while hero as well as at the morning hour on tho Lord's day). drive ono of my Chandler cars for flva miles, then you will know and the de cision is in your own hands. Maybo not now, but somo tlmo you will want a Chundler for your family car. Mako the test now. I am making de liveries In tho order of filing of pur chase blunks with mo. J. V, Romigh, dealor. Wanted A housekeeper. Apply at tho Martl Meat Market 51tt Alice Brady IN "HER BETTER HALE" nn irl(.ll rsiptlirw.rlpnn nf )rtnnind rSH nd wholly beauUfuH lne story of twin alstera who loved, one man makes a picture which does credit to the screen. CRYSTAL THEATRE Toiight &7 Tomorrow,.. should take noto of this and arrange to meet and become acquainted with him. Also noto the Summer Slump, contest that Is on In tho Bible school, If you are dad wo havo a very slmplQ plan of resurrection. ::o:: Carl Sheetz was Jailed Sunday on the charge of hypothecating a grip belonging to J. C. Benecko who was stopping at tho Hlnman .rooming nouau. no win oe arraignoa touay, Both men are returned soldlors. preferred. Cl-2p Last Sunday was pleasantly spent by tho membors of several families at tho home of Curt Hlnman, In tho west part of the city. Tho guests of honor wore William Slcbold, Ben Johnston and Julius Forstedt. Tho company was soyally entertained by tho -ladles of the famly Rest grades Monogram, Wolf Head and HcrnioIJno oils for your car, 20 cents ppr quart nt Hendy-Ogler Anto Co. 47-4 The people of Maxwell seem to bo excited over conditions In North Platte mid -iome of them threotiui to vote against the proposed court house li the officials of North Platto are not more vigilant In getting after boot leggers and houbes of prostitution. Perhaps tho people of Maxwell know mon - nbout the conditions in North Platto than do wo residents, I J they do, as gooH cltlz'.ns of the county, they should havo the courage to fllo Infor mation against tho purtle against whom they have the evidence. They are not half as anxious to cinch boot leggers and close houses of prontltu tion as are tho peoplo of North Platte, and if thoy havo evidence to con vict, for heaven's sako produce It: but I don't give North Prtitte a black oyo through hearsay, rumors. To do that 1 is absolutely unfair. I ::o:: : r. 1 , Shelve Are Fireproof. Not n stick of wood Is used In, two fireproof houses being built in 15ns- . land ns un experiment, says nn Illus trated arllcle In Popular Mechanics magazine. Concrete nild steel ure used 1 exclusively, the floors being of Joint- less composition with rounded cor ners, while window frnines, trimmings, doors, stnlrcases, and even the cup- bonrd shelves nre of steel. The cot tages are fitted wllh every modern Im provement and, are said to have ex celled similar dwellings of wood or brick, both In time and cost of con- structlon. Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. CHARLES RAY in . i "GREASED LIGHTNING" All right, Twelve Cylinder Aristocrat have your day, you'll reckon up later. Greased Lightning wasn't much of a looker but it was sure some car. Don t fail to see Charlie b carl Whoa Boy? Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. "The Midnight Patrol59 A Thos, H. Ince Production that presents a stirring story of love, intrigue and lawless adventure, a masterly pro duction of life in a Western Metropolis, " ::o::- At The Sun, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8th and 9th. Notice of Petition. Eatato No. 1G74 of Albert Coolldgo, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nbraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said estate take .notice that a petition has beon filed for tho recular administration of saiu estate, by Delia A, Coolldgo, widow of deceased, for tho Appointment of W. H. McDonald as administrator of said estato, which has been, sot for hearing on August 1st, 1913, at z o'iock p. m. 'Ml Every Home Should Have A Hall i Cold Pack Canner. The Hall Canner is made of 28-gauge galvanized steel; height over all, 21 inches; diameter, 12 inches; canning capacity, 12 jars, either pints or quarts . (18 pints of some styles.) Weight 11 pounds net. Each canner furnished with six holders and complete directions for canning fruits and vegetables. W. R. MALONEY CO. Dated Ju y 7th. 1010. (SEAL.) WM. H. O. WOODHURST, J8J23 County Judge.