THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GREATEST OF ALL !S AT AH END TREATY SIGNED WITH CEREMONY MARKED BY 80LEMNITY. GERMANS DEFIANT TO THE LAST Foe First to Affix Signature to His toric Document Chinese Envoys Refuse to Sign Function Conducted By French Premier. Versailles, Juno JtO. TIio. greatest war In nil history formally ended Sat urday afternoon with the signing of tho poiico treaty. Tho historic scene took place In the Ilnll of Mirrors at Versulllas, whoro tho Germans hum bled tho French so Ignomlnlously In 1870. After preparing for forty yours for wur and world domination, tho treaty which forever shuttered their dream was Hlgnod In as many minutes. The deiluiil attitude of the Germans was noted nhove nil Incidents. Tho eeremony was marked by cir cumstances which Hotnewhat dimmed the expectations of those who had worked and fought during long years of war and months of negotiations for Its achievement. Tho absence of the Chinese dele gates, who at tho last moment were unable to reconcile themselves to the Shantung settlement, and left the eastern empire outside tho formal purviews of peace, struck the first dis cordant noto In tho assembly. A writ ten protest which General .Tan Chris tian Smuts lodged with his slgnnturo was another disappointment to the makers of tho treaty. The Gorman delegates, Foreign Minister Mueller nnd Minister Bell, were ushered Into tho Ilnll of Mirrors nt 8 :08 o'clock. ' s French Premier Clemenceau Imme diately opened tho meeting by assur ing tho Germnns tho treaty text was Identical with tho ono presented to them. Tho French premier In a sol emn tono mild: "Tho session Is open. Tho nllled and associated powers on one side nnd the German rolch on tho other side Imvo como to an agreement on the conditions of peace. Tho text hns been completed, drafted, and the president of the conference has stated In writing that tho text that Is about to bo signed now Is Identical with the 200 copies that have been delivered to tho 'German delegation. "Tho signatures will bo given now, and they amount to a solemn under taking, faithfully and loyally to exe cute tho conditions embodied by this treaty of peace. I now Invito tho defe cates of the German relch to sign the treaty." Mueller was tho first to sign, placing his signature on tho document nt 3 :12, Hall followed him. President Wilson, tho first of tho nlllod delegates to sign, wrote his nnmo on tho treaty at 3:14. British Premier Lloyd-George signed two minutes later. General Smuts, representing South Africa, signed under protest, Issuing a statement setting forth his objec tions to tho treaty. Tho signing was by delegations, In tho following order: Germnns, Americans, British (I- ncludlng colonlnls), French, Italians, Japnnoso, and smaller nations. Clemencenu declared tho proceedings closed nt 8:50, tho entire ceremony oc cupylng forty-ono minutes. "Tho conditions of ponco aro now an accomplished fact; tho proceedings are closed," Clemencenu snld.. Tho allied delegates remained .seated as tho Germans departed at 3 ;52, Tho ceremony had been planned do llborately to bo austero, befitting the sorrows nnd sufferings of almost flvo years and tho lack of ImpresslvenoHs and picturesque color, of which many spectators, who had expected a mag nlflcent statu pageant, complained wns n mutter of design, not merely omls us!on. Tho actual ceremony was far shorter than had been expected, In view of tho number of signatures which woro to bo appended to tho treaty and tho two accompanying conventions. The only uniforms seen in tho long hall to match tho rich coloring of tho celling, the paintings nnd magnificent marbles, which Louis IX built Into his chateauf were those of n group of ullled generals, almost ml wearing the flaming scarlet sash of tho Legion of Honor und tho ceremonial scarlet nnd white- garb of tho famous French re public gunrd, who wcru stationed about tho hall, General Pershing and Marshal Foch were among the general present, Among tho American guests woro Mrs, Wilson, Mrs. Lansing, Mrs, House, Mrs. Wnlhtce, Mrs. Scott and suvornl other wives of tho delegates nnd of ficials. Prepare to Receive President.. New York, June 30, Mayor Hylan's committee on reception to dlstln- gtiisnou gliosis are arranging to ac cord President Wilson a stirring "In formal" welcome upon his nrrlvul here, probably next Sunday, on tho steam ship Georgo Washington. tjio committee, nugmentod py men om national prominence, will go out on a special steamer to moot tho presi dential ship off Sandy Hook and es cort It Into port, where there will bo a welcoming demonstration. 1 APPEALS TO AMERICA. Wilson Calls On People of U. S. to Sanction Treaty. Washington, Juno 30. President Wilson In nn nddroso to tho American people on tho occnslon of tho signing of tho pence treaty mnde a plea for tho acceptance of tho trcnty and tho covenant of tho league of nntlons with out change or reservation. His mes sage, given out hero by Secretary Tumulty, said: "My fellow Countrymen: Tho treaty of poaco hns been signed. If It Is rutlflojrt and acted upon In full nnd slncoro execution of Its terms, It will furnish tho charter for a now order of affairs In tho world. It Is a severo trcnty in tho duties anil pen alties It Imposes upon Germany, but It Is severe only because great wrongs dono by Germany are to bo righted nnd repaired ; It Imposes notning that Germany cannot do; nnd Mio can regain her rightful standing In tho world by tho prompt and honor able fulfillment of Its tonus. 'And It Is much more than a treaty of peace with Germany. It liberates great peoples who have never before been ablo to find the wny to liberty. It ends, once for all, nn old nnd In tolerable order which small groups of selfish men could use the peoples of great empires to servo their ambition for powor and domination, it asso ciates tho freo governments of tho world In a permnnent league In which they aro pledged to use their united power to maintain peaco by maintaining right nnd Justice. "It makes International law a reality supported by lmcpratlvc sanctions. It does nway with the right of con quest and rejects tho policy of an nexation and substitutes a new order under which bnckward nntlons populations which hnvo not yet como to a political consclusness and peo pled who aro ready for Independence, hut not yet quite- prepared to dls penso with protection nnd guidance! shall no more bo subjected to the domination nnd exploitation of a stronger nation, but shall be put under tho friendly direction nnd af forded tho helpful assistance of gov ernments which undertake to be re sponsible to tho opinion of mankind In tho execution of their task by ac cepting tho direction of the league of nations. "It recognizes tho Inalienable rights of nationality: tho rights of minori ties nnd tho sanctity of religious be lief nnd practice. It lays tho basis for conventions which shnll freo the cotnmerclol intercourse of the world from unjust nnd vexatious restric tions and for every sort of Interna tional co-operation that will serve to cleanso tho life of tho world nnd facllitato its common action in bene ficent servlco of every kind. It fur nished guarantees such as woro never given or oven contemplated for tno rair treatment of all who labor at the dally tasks of tho world. "It Is for this reason that I hnvo spoken of It as a great charter for a h now order of affairs. There Is ground here for deep satisfaction, unlveral roassuranco and confident hope." Signed In Good Faith. Pnris, Franco; Foreign Minister Mueller and Colonial Minister Hell, Gerninn signatories of tho peaco treaty, made the following statement at Versailles: "We aro signing without mental reservation. What we aro signing will bo carried out. The Ger man pcoplo will use every moans to meet tho terms. Wo believe the en tente will, in its own Interests, find It necessary to chnnge somo of tho terms, or they will see tho treaty Is Im possible of oxecutton. We bollevo the entente will not Insist on delivery of tho knlscr and other high officers. Tho central government will not tjssls't In nek on Poland. Germnny will ivory effort to prove herself any attack muKo every enort to pr worthy to enter tho league of nations." Rofuses to Suspend Dry Act. AVnshlngton, Juno 30. President Wilson has decided ho cannot legally lift tho wartime prohibition ban effec tive July 1, but ho expects to do as soon thereafter as his power bus been made clear by tho completion of de mobilization. In a cablegram made public nt tho Whlto Houso tho president said ho was convinced, after consultation with his legal advisers, that ho had no authority to act at this time. "When demobilization Is termi nated," ho continued, "my power to act without congressional action will bo exercised." Tho messngo expressed no opinion ns to the authority of the president when ho raiser tho ban, to mnko his action applicable only to boor and wine. Wilson Sails for America. Brest, Juno 80. President Wilson and party sailed from this port Sun day aboard tho U. S. S. George Washington for tho United States, Tho president Is expected to reach Now York July 7, from which plnco ho will go Immediately to Washing ton und mnko his uppeurauco before congresi, now In session. Ratify Before Blockade Lifted. Purls, Juno 30. Tho olllclnl notifi cation to Germany Uint the blockade will not bo raised until tho treaty Is ratified by Germany was ,ln the fornr of a resolution ndopted by tho council of foui and itesented to tho German dolopation boforo its depar ture for Berlin. Sign Pact to Protect France. Versailles, Juno 80. Tho ngroomont under which Great Britain and tho United States will como to the aid of Franco In event of an unprovoked at tack by Germuny was signed Ruturdny, Nebraska May Ratify, mucoid, roi July i. it is ru mored nt the state capltol hero that Governor McKclvio will call tho leg islating In special session July 21 to act nn tho sutTruge amendment. TO CURB All DS Senate Committee Provides $2, 000,000 for Use of De partment of Justice. VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN IS NEAR Sundry Civil Bill Also Provides for Continuing Permanently the War-Time Regulations of Explosives. Washington, Juno 30. The senate began consideration of tho sundry civil '(imirnnrlntlnn lilll which, as rcnortod tout of committee, carries provisions for a vigorous campaign by tlio dcpnrt- ,mcnt of Justice against nnnrchlsts. In addition to $300,000 as a spet clal fund to bo devoted to tho round ing up nnd deportntion of dangerous aliens, tho committee recommended an Increase of from $1,400,000 to $2,000, 000 in tho amount to bo used by the department of Justico in general sup pression of crime. Tho bill also provides for continuing permanently war-tlma regulntlons ns to purchase, storage, manufacture, Sale and distribution of explosives, under tho direction of the bureau of mines. The naval appropriation bill was pnssed in the sennto virtually as re ported by tho committee, and now goes to conference. Its totnl of about $044, 000,000 is $44,000,000 moro than tile houso bill' provides, and a stiff fight in conference is anticipated. The proposed appropriation of $35, 000,000 for aviation is $20,000,000 more than the sum proposed in the house bill. Provision Is nlso made for an enlist ment strength of 101,000 men from September 30 to tho end of the yenr, ns opposed to tho houso plan for a force of 170,000 after January 1, en tailing nn increase of pay of $12,000, 000. JOBS FOR MANY SOLDIERS Positions Have Been Obtained for 70 Per Cent of Returned Yanks Says Colonel Woods. Now York, Juno 80. Seventy per cent of tho soldiers "discharged since tho nrmlstlco hnvo positions riwaltlng them, Col. Arthur Woods, assistant to tho secretary of war, who is In charge of obtaining employment for dis charged servlco men, announced. "Enlisted men aro being dlschurged nt tho rato of from 00,000 to 70,000 a week," Colonel Wood said, "und only n compnrntlvely small percentage are unable either to return to their old positions or to obtain" new positions through the various agencies. Tho principal centers of unemployment nt the present tlmo nre Now York, (Jiu cago, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Bos ton. Colonel Wood ngnln emphnslzed tho fnct that ono of tho difficulties Is tho unusual demand among discharged servlco men for clerical labor and the reluctance of tho nvorago man to per form farm labor. SEVEN BROTHERS GO TO JAIL Operated Twenty-Seven Stores In Chi cago and Elsewhere $500,000 Involved. Now York, Juno 80. Seven broth ers, Aurunam, unnries, unvis, isnus, George, John nnd Joseph Solomon, were sentenced by United States Judge Knox to servo two years each in the Atlanta penltcntlnry after pleading guilty to conspiring to swin dle merchants out of goods valued at moro than $500,000. Tho seven operated a wholesale business In wearing apparel, conduct ing 27 stores In Chicago, Boston, Phil adelphia, Baltlmoro, Trenton, Nownrk, Now York and other places. EARL DEAR IS HANGED Slayer of Chicago Chauffeur Pays Penalty for His Crime on the Gallows. Chicago, June 80. Enrl Dear, the Immunor Enrl Dour, tho robber, tho automobile bnndlt, tho murderer of Rudolph Wolfe, chnuffeur for Dr. Philip Doane, was bunged here. It was tho sixty-sixth official hanging In Chicago. CLOSE ENLISTMENTS JULY 5 Recruits for Service In A. E. F. Will Not Be Accepted After Midnight Week-From Saturday. Washington, Juno 30. Enlistments ior servlco In tho A. E. F. will not bo nccepted after midnight July 5, the way department nnnounced. Robbers Get $40,000. St. Louis, Juno 80. Robbers held up olficlals. of tho Middle-Fork mine, near Benton. 111., und obtained $10,000, ac - cording to advices received here. Two of tho rbbbers were reported to hnvo been killed by a posse which pursued. Wllklns Found Guilty. Mlncola, N. Y Juno 30. Dr. Walter Keono Wllklns, charged with having killed his wife, Julln, at their Long Bench homo. February 27, was found guilty of murder in tho first degree by a Jury in the stato supremo court. AL FUK MRS. ALICE L0NGW0RTH A new photograph of Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of the late President Itoosevelt nnd wife of Representative Nicholas Longworth of Ohio. Mrs. Longworth is now taking an active interest in politics, being associated with Mrs. Medlll McCor mlck in tho Republican women's na tional committee. SEIZE INDIANA MAYOR MUNCIE EXECUTIVE ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF SWINDLING. Prosecuting Attorney of Delaware County Also Taken on U. S. Warrant Muncle. Ind.-. Juno 27. Horace G. Murphy, prosecuting attorney of Del aware county, and Dr. Rollin H. Bunch, mayor of Muncle, were arrest ed In connection with operations by al leged swindlers who made their head quarters In Muncio. Tho arrests were mnde by United States Marshal Mark Storen on war rants Issued on federal grand Jury In dictments. Both men gave bonds for $10,000 each. Tho government's allegation is that they provided protection from ar rest to the alleged swindlers, victims of whom nro said to reside in several states. Mayor Bunch denied any connection with tho men recently arrested and ac cused by tho federal authorities of having swindled nt least 34 wealthy men by means of fako prizefights nnd wrestling matches. He asserted ho was the victim of splto work. Prosequtor Murphy was elected in 1010 on a reform ticket und re-elected In 1018. It has been charged that the alleged gang obtained more than $200,000 In its work. Thirteen men previously were arrested. HUNS BURN FRENCH FLAG Violate Armistice Terms by Destroy. Ing Emblems- Seized In the Franco-Prussian War. Paris, Juno 20. Word of the burn ing of certain French battle flags by the Germans has been received here. Peaco conference opinion Is apparently unanimous that this Is a distinct vlo lutlon of the peaco treaty, inasmuch as that document stipulated that tho flags should be returned to Frnnco by Germnny. It Is probable that a com mission will be appointed to consider taking action In the matter. Presumably the foregoing refers to French bnttle flags taken by the Ger mans In the war of 1870-71. - Article 245 of tho peace treaty, In tho orlglnnl draft, stipulated that within six months after tho treaty should take effect Germnny must restore to France tho trophies, works of art, etc., carried fiom Frnnce by tho Germans In tho Franco-Prussian war, "particularly tho French lings." MUST PAY FOR SINKING FLEET Allies In Note to Germany Demand Reparation and Punishment of Those Responsible for Act. Pnrls, Juno 27, Germany has beqn notified in a noto sent by the allies that they possess the right to punish the persons responsible for tho de struction of the German ships nud to collect reparation for tho loss. Tho sinking of the fleet Is denounced as a violation of tho armistice nnd a de liberate breach In advance of the con ditions of pence. Nat's Liquor Brings $6,000. New York, July 28. Approximately $0,000 wns paid for the prtvuco liquor stock of the lute Nat O. Goodwin, actor, wheu it was put up at auction. Veterans Urge $120 Bonus. Aurora, 111.. Juno 28. Tho World , War Veterans, In their first national 1 onenmmnont here, adopted resolutions - condemning bolshevlsm and calling upon congress to vote $l!t0 bonus to all men. nn additional 'Killed by Liquor Runners. I Coffecvllle, Kan., Juno 23. P. S. Pe ter, deputy sheriff of Lafnyetto coun- ! ty, Knusns, wns fatally shot by liquor runners nenr Chetopa, Kan. The liquor haulors were in an uutomoblle, headed for Oklahoma. GERM REDS" RULE HAMBURG City Completely in Hands of Spar tacans Crown Prince Is Still in Holland. KAISER PLANS EARLY RETURN Plans to Go Home Before Allies Can Demand His Surrender From Holland Prussians Plot Now War. Tho Hague, Holland, Juno 28. I Frederick William Holienzollern, the former German crown prince, whoso escape from Hollnnd to Germnny had been reported, was still at his resi dence on the Island of Wlerlngen lrt tho Zuyder Zee Thursday, .It was an nounced officially here. Hamburg, Juno 28. Tho city Is com- pletely in tho power of tho Commun ists nnd Spartucans. In tho rioting Thursday they storm ed the city hall and overcame the gov ernment troops, capturing quantities of ammunition, rifles and machine guns. They then swept oVer tho en tire city, plundering, killing and de stroying. Tho killed in tho rioting at Ham burg number 185. Paris, June 28. The American re lief associations hero have received a dispatch from Col. Ryan, sent from Hamburg on Wednesday. It says: "Thero was considerable street fighting between government troops and civilians. "Machine guns were used on both sides nnd a number of persons woro killed and wounded. "Tho American destroyers Bernard nnd Upshur are here, and tho food ship Ellut is also in Hamburg har bor. London, Juno 28. "After peace Is signed I will return to Germany to live on my estate in Sllesln and perform my duties as a landowner," said the former German crown prince In an In terview last week at Welerlngen. A Brussels dispatch to the Dally Mirror so quotes him, and says ho added : "East Prussia nnd Silesia will never consent to bo governed by Poland. There will be another war In ten years." Berlin, June 2S. Former Emperor William Is planning to return to Ger many before the allies can demand his surrender from Holland, says a Stuttgart dispatch to tho Neue Berliner Zeltung. HERO AID BILLS PASSED Courses In Vocational Training for Sol diers and Sailors at Govern ment Expense. Washington, Juno 27. Soldiers nnd sailors disabled by war would begiven the opportunity to begin Immediately courses In vocational training nt government expense under terms, of an amended senate bill appropriat ing $0,000,000 for tho purpose, passed unanimously In tho house. It Is esti mated 7,000 men will take advantage of the opportunity within tho coming your. Tho measure would eliminate any delay to the men because of fail ure of tho war risk Insurance bureau to commence making Indemnity pay ments. Large increases In payments to men while being educntcd were made by the house In passing the bill, which would fix $80 per month ns com pensation for single men and $100 per month for men with dependents, In ad dition to government family allot ments. RAISE NAVY BILL $297,000,000 Senators Add $20,000,000 to Aviation Fund Without Debate Bill Car rles $782,000,000. Washington, June 28. Without de bate tho senate npproved a committee amendment to tho naval appropriation bill, increasing the fund for aviation from the $15,000,000 voted by the houso to $35,000,000. Tho bill carries about $782,000,000, ns compared with $485,000,000 provided by tho house. Shoe Exposition July 7 to 11. Chicago, Juno 27. An exposition unlquo In that It Is being promoted, arranged, conducted and paid for en tirely by traveling salesmen, without aid from manufnetuers or Jobbers, is scheduled for the Morrison hotel, Chlcngo, July 7 to 11. It Is the Chi cago National Shoo exposition, nnd will exhibit all lines of shoes, shoe acces sories and shoo store fittings made In tho United States. The Chicago Shoe Travelers' association Is responsible for Jho exposition, nnd Its purpose Is to bring together nil lines nt onco, for the convenience of buyers. Plot to Kill King. Wnshlngton. June 30. Rumors of nn nnnrchlst plot to assasslnnto King Al fonso of Spain during tho procession accompanying the reopening Of the cortes Tuesday were -responsible for tho sudden change of coremony. Wilson Bids Yanks Good-By. Pnrls. Juno SO. Tho president went to American headquarters to meet tho other members of tho American dele gntlon nnd Gen. Pershing, the Amerl- i can commander In chief, for n j conference and to say farewell. flnnl FRANCESCO NITTI Fmnccsco Nlttl Is tho new premier of Italy, succeeding Orlando. Ho was formerly minister of tho treasury. DRASTIC U. S. DRY BILL IRONCLAD LID FRAMED IN THE. HOUSE AT WASHINGTON. Measure Provides $3,500,000 Fund for Enforcement of Prohibition Punishment Is Severe. Washington, June 27. Drastic leg islation for tho strict enforcement ofi both war-tlmo and constitutional pro hibition was completed by the houso Judlclary committee. With only slight modifications the bill- Chairman Vol stead will submit to the houso is tho same us that proposed by tho ultra drys. An appropriation of $3,500,000 Is provided to carry out tho act. Tho main provisions of the bill urc: Any beverage containing moro than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol la "lntoxicntlng liquor." When tho war-tlmo prohibition act or constitutional prohibition goes, into effect, It shnll be unlawful to "manu facture, sell, barter, give away, trans port, import, export, deliver, furnish receive or possess any intoxicating li quor except ns authorized by this act." The only exceptions are for medicinal, scientific or sacamcntal purposes, or whero liquor is stored in prlvato homes before prohibition goes into ef fect, for private use. Punishments for violations are as follows: A fine of not less than $100 nor moro-. than $500 for the first offense, and n fine of not less than $200 nor more than $1,000, with imprisonment from. 80 to 00 days, for the second offense. A fine of not less than $500 and Im prisonment from six months to two years Is provided for tho subsequent offenses. In addition, courts may re quire bonds as security that violators will not aguln break tho law for one year. Enforcement of the prohibition law is lodged with the commissioner of In ternal revenue nnd tho department of Justice. Patent and proprietary mcdiclno manufacturers must prove to the com missioner that their products cannot bo used In place of intoxicating liquor. TO LICENSE WHEAT DEALERS. Wilson Order Puts Trade Under Regu lation Small Bakers and Farmers Exempt. New York, Juno 20. Julius Barnes. United States wheat director, an nounced that President Wilson hns signed a proclnmntlon putting under license of tho wheat director persons,, firms, corporations and associations--dealing In wheat, wheat flour or bak ing products, manufactured cither wholly or partly from wheat flour. The only exceptions are retailers, far mers and small bakers. SENATE ASKS ABOUT SIBERIA Resolution Adopted Requesting Presi dent to Give Information as to Policy in Russia. Washington, Juno 28. By unani mous vote tho sennte adopted tho res olution of Senator Johnson, Republi can, of California asking the president for Information as to the administra tion's policy In respect to Siberia and as to the maintenance of United' States troops there. To Name First President, nelslngfors, Finland, June 28. Tho new constitution adopted by tho d'et provides that the first president shall bo elected by tho diet. His term of ofllco will he six years. Poles to March on Bandits. Paris, Juno 80. The council of four hns granted Poland permission to uso Gen. Ilnllor's army or any of Its other troops In restoring quiet to eastern Gn- i llcla nnd driving outlaws from tho country. Austrian Ex-Kalser Is III. Geneva. June 80. It Is reported from Pranglns, where former Emperor Charles of Austria Is Staying, that his health Is cnuslng anxiety. He has not left the houso for a week. Ho is at tended by a Swiss doctor.