The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 04, 1919, Image 5

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fVUftfclcgj Aggrcssin (Knnsns Germ J?rce Vaccine)
if Wr&-.
We guarantee over)- dose of our Blackleg Aggrcssin
.(Kansas Germ Free Vacclno) to be made according to Kan
sas Method, worked out under direction of the president
of this company by his subordinates, at the Kansas State
Agricultural College.
25c Per
A Forest Reserve Grazing Examiner in sending in a
"rush" order for 320 doses for a friend writes us: "I in
formed him that in so far as I knew 100 per cent efficient
results had been obtained the past two years in Mr. T.'s
herd on the Reserve.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
Stat Bank.
Miss. Cora Souser spent Wednesday
with friends in Overton.
Mrs. Mary Carpenter, of Hershoy,
visited friends in town Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. Fetter spent the first of
kho week with, friends in Maxwell.
. Harry A. Shilling left Tuesday night
for Denver where he will visit until
Sunday night.
W. R. Maloney returned TjuGcday
from Silver Creek where he conducted
the funeral of the late J. C. Penning
ton. Vaccinate before you lose the first
calf. The value of that calf would
vaccinate morO" than a hundrediGum-
mere-Dent Drug Co. A 46tf
Mrs. "Hillebrand and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Cook went to Grand Island
; .Wednesday, having been called there
by the death of Mr. Hillebrand's -father.
Joe Boley reached Camp 'Merrltt
.last week after a year's service ov
erseas with the 28th Engineers. After
a short visit at Des Moines he will
return here and resume his work as
fireman for the Union Pacific.
Ed Briggs, a former fireman on tho
road here landed at Camp Mills last
week, after fourteen months overseas
service with tho 14th Engineers. After
visiting in Washington, Chicago and
Kansas City he will return and re
sume his poition here.
Always try The Rexall first, it
Dava. tf
Captain Harry E. Shilling, of Wash
ington. D, C arrived this morning for
a ten day visit with his brother, A. W.
Shilling. Capt. Shilling recently re
turned from Overseas service with
tho 110th F. A., 29th Division and
prior to overseas service was sta
tioned on the Mexican border.
Miss Dulcle Frater passed through
Tuesday morning enroute to San Fran
cisco. Miss Frater was one of a
group of twenty-four nurses being
transferred from tho base hospital at
Camp Dodge to tho Letterman army
general hospital at the Presidio. The
nurses wero accompanied by Miss
Louior, tho chief nurse at the Letter
man, who had been in Chicago attend
ing a conference of the heads of the
army nursing corps.
Use Bank Drafts Whn
Safety first if you use bank drafts in
sending money by mail.
" They are most acceptable anywhere and
any bank will cash them for you. They
cost less than Express or Postoff ice Money
Orders, and if lost, payment can be stopped
at once without loss to you.
Successful business men use this method.
Platte Valley State Bank,
Why Pay
Wm, Munson went to Doniphan this
morning to visit friends over tho
The Rexall handles the goods. tf
L. F. Cauffman and family returned
Wednesday from an auto trip to the
Yellowstone Park.
Mrs. Harry State and daughter left
Tuesday for Oklahoma City for a two
weeks', visit with relatives.
A party of twenty-two young people
enjoyed a picnic and swimming party
at Dick's grove Wednesday evening.
Dorsey Leypoldt and Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Mustard attended the funeral of
the late J. C. Pennington at Sliver
Creek Tuesday.
Wm. Horner, of Wallace, who trans
acted business in 'town yesterday,
reported crops in his section of the
county "as fine as silk."
Mrs. Chas. Bpgue and daughter Em
ma, who were called to California
several weeks ago by the death of Mrs,
Bogue's mother, returned home Wed
nesday evening.
What It Was In the Days of Old Can
Still Be Discerned In Spots
Of oiir forefathers, nine out of ten
lived in tile rural parts; and the re
mainder, the busiest and the best
tithe of English humnnlty, In towns
whose darkest Inne wns never a mile
from the orchards round the town, so
that the recreation of the city dweller
wns by the hedgerows and river-
banks. . . . The spring and tho winter
came unsought Into every man's life,
not ns they come today, wnyfarers be
wnndered among the housetops, feebly
whispering of unknown things In far
salubrious lands, but fresli with burst
ing bough or strong in glowing frost
The thoughts of the "Allegro" and "11
Penseroso" are indeed the thoughts of
a raro mind, but the most vulgnr slavo
of custom enjoyed In the days of King
i Charles the conditions of daily life
which Milton there described; the
sweet Influences of tho seasons, hnd
their effect. . . . Whether they knew
It or not, the Cavaliers drew their
chnriu from the fields, and the Purl-
tans their strength from the enrth.
. . . What this old England wns can
still be seen und felt In the combea
and on the round hilltops of Somerset
and Devon, 1n the wooded lands over
which Malvern looks to tho west, and
in the broken valleys that lead the
lake mountains down toward the sea.
-Q. M. Trevelyan.
From the Dead
IBIS, by the Wciltrn- Nw.
paper Union.)
He had mndc the mistake of hlo life, !
but was facing It manfully. Ks-1
tranged from his family, stubborn i
inuc itt;u miiu in tiuiiiuuvu uiaitituvtii
Wedded to a mere doll of a woman,
who had become n hopeless invalid,
Wilfred Marsh closed every past chap
ter of his life and devoted , dreary
hours to her care, and worked like n
slavo to provide her with luxuries she
demanded as wltlessly as though he
had a royal fortune.
He hnd married under an Impulse
urged on by loneliness and hnd ac
cepted a position on a river steamer ,
ns clerk, because nothing better had ,
come nlong. He was gone four days '
a week on his trips, the other three
he was nt her side, ministering to her
illness and her whims. He tried to
hide from himself that he had censed
to love her, but the conviction caused
him to make even greater sacrifices to
emphasize his loyalty.
Finally Adela became so hopeless an
invalid that it wns necessary to pro
vide her with n nurse. There came
in answer to an advertisement a young
woman, whose very loveliness was ac
centuated by eyes that told of sadness
and firmly compressed lips that' indi
cated that her path in life had not
been a flowery one.
"It will not be the pleasnntest of
homes for you, and your cares will bo
heavy," Marsh told Her frankly.
"I hnve had neither home nor friends
for five years," answered Blanqhc Ty
son smllelessly. "I will do my duty.
She kept her word. During two
months her efforts to plense and add
to the comfort of the Invalid were
Incessant. She lifted many a burden
from the oppressed shoulders of her
employer, and her presence in the
house calmed and encouraged him the
few brief dnys of the week he re
mained nt home. . Adela Marsh sank
rapidly. The doctor had told Miss Ty
son that the end might come at any,
time. It was dawning when terrible
news came to the cheerless home. The
river steamer hnd collided with an
other craft one dark night, the lives
of fifty persons were sacrificed and
listed among the dead and missing wns
Wilfred Marsh.
Blanche did not tell Adela of her
widowhood, under Instruction from the
attendant physician.
The end came within the same week.
Blanche saw to nil funeral and other
arrangements. The sale d tho fur
niture in the house barely covered ex
penses. Alone in the stricken home';
gathering up Its belongings for snte
Blanche came across some letters'.
One she rend to learn of the pnst of
Wilfred Marsh. It wns from his
mother, beseeching him to return
home. Even if he had married, she
implored him to bring his wife with
him loving, forgiving hearts were
ready to welcome both. The next day
she came across Uie marriage certifi
cate of Marsh and Adela Bortell. She
passed a troubled night. Wealth
hqme mother these seemed to cry
out to her to seek repnyment for the
long, lonely years of the past- Who
would ever know?
Six months to a day after the de
parture of Blanche the man the world
hnd supposed to be dead appeared at
the dismantled home. Wilfred Marsh
had escaped from the river disaster
by being picked up on a piece of
wreckage, badly injured and Insen
sible. He had not been recognized
and had lain in a hospital, practically
devoid of memory nnd reason. Pale,
attenuated, he hod come back to his
former home to find It teuantlcss. It
would take muny further months to
recuperate. His soul longed for home
nnd his own people, ne had barely
enough to pay his faro back to his
native town. It was just at dusk that
he stood at the threshold of the home
of his happy childhood. He quivered
with fear as he reflected that his fa
ther or mother, or both, might have
died during his absence.
But no I With a joyous cry his aged
mother folded him In her eager arms,
welcoming him ns one restored from
the grave, while his father embraced
him, weeping with compnsslon and de
"Oh, father I call Adela, quick 1
quick l" cried his mother. "We gave
you up as dead, and oh, "Wilfred 1 the
angel who came to bring tender love
Into our lives, your wife "
"My wife!" repeated Wilfred.
"Yes. She enrae to us directly after
it was supposed you had perished in
tho river accident. She has been our
solace our comfort. Adela."
Blanche Tyson, never knowing why
she had been summoned, entered tho
room, Btared bewilderedly at Wilfred,
and fell to a chair in a swoon. Fa
ther and mother rushed for restora
tlveB. Blanche opened her eyes.
"Forgive 1" she whispered brokenly.
"I was hungry and thirsting for love,
nnd they hnve given me their hearts'
store. Oh I must I go back to the
drear, chill old life!''
"You brave woman 1" he whispered,
"truo as steel to my dead wife, nn
angel In the household here. If I am
worthy your love give it also to me,
Hush I they are coming."
Wilfred Mnrsh made nn excu.e to
neet a friend nnd Blanche went with
ilrn. Two hours and a discreet cler
gyman sufficed to cement the mar
riage tie, and tho fond mother and
father, calling Blanche "Adeln" to the
end, never knew the secret of her
imposture which had brought lusting
Tlic dnrlng . scono (n "Satan Jun
ior,' .lii; which' Vid)a.Dana is seen 'on
a runawny,, horso'provos to be one
of reality.
All went well until a passing army
truck startled the nervous animal;
who then dashed off In fright.
The scene was cnught by tho cam
era and provided a splondld bit of
realism for tho pictdro.
It was not until her return that Miss
Dana found that aho had been riding
a horse who Is well known on all race
tracks of the- country nnd, who wns
loaned for her especial use by the
ovnor. See it at tho Sun Friday, July
Leypoldt & Pennington IVIn Case
W. V. Hoagland .returned Wednes
day from Omaha whore for a Week
he had been conducting n case
In court. A man up in the
Elkhorn valley had agreed to sell
Leypoldt & Pennington, of this city, a
certain quantity of hay nt an agreed
price. Hny ascended in prlco after tho
agreement nnd tho fellow refused to
deliver tho hny. Leypoldt & Penning
ton brought suit for damages and wero
awarded a judgment of eighty-one
hundred dollars.
Our modern equipment and skillful
examinations in every detail, assure
our patrons glnssses especially
adapted to their individual viBion.
Wo Grind Our Own Lenses.
Agcd Man Hangs Himself'
John Strollborg, of Kearney, need
eighty-two, father of Frank Stroll
berg, who lives near Blrdwood sldlugr
nanged Himself In the city jail at
Kearney Sunday night. His body was
found by tho Jail keeper when tho lat
ter proceded to cntor tho coll with
breakfast. Strollbcrg had looped his
suspenders about his neck tying ono
end to tho cell, door bars and then
slowly strangling to death. His feet
touched the ground. Apparently after
death set in the suspenders gave way,
the body being fond on tho coll- floor.
Strollborg was arrested late Sunday
on complaint filed by a number' of
women residing in his neighborhood
and was to have a hearing Monday
morning. Ho was a well to do re
tired farmer.
Grade Crossing Accidents
The State Journal has compiled a
list showing that for the six months
ending Juno 30th twenty-three people
wero killed and twenty injured while
crossing railroad grade crossings in
automobiles. The Journal adds that
the list is not complete as those re
corded were sent in as nowa items,
and undoubtedly somo accidents oc
curred that were not sent In to tho
paper. Theso accidents were, largely,
if not altogether, duo td the careless
ness of tho drivers.
Four or five years ngo our friend
Engneor Bob Douglas had introduced
in tho legislature a bill requiring
drivers of autos to stop boforo pass
ing over a grade crossing, but tho
overly wiso legislators regarded the
bill as sort of a joke. Had the bill
become a law and strictly observed
by auto drivers during tho period
since, not less than 250 lives would
have been saved; and an equal num
ber of injuries averted. ,
New rinn for Homes.
Owing to tho surface water condi
tions and considerable property dam
age to tho public in this city and
surrounding country are subject to
contend with when Uuch conditions
exist after heavyt rains as recently
happened during the last heavy rain
fall, it is my desire to acquaint tho
public with my idea of planning a
house that would overcome tho in
conveniences that are experienced
when this surfaco wnter occurs. For
this purpose I have planned a resi
dence building that will not only ov
ercome this condition, but at tho samo
timo can be planned nnd designed to
bo modern in every way and to give
all tho comforts thnt aro desired in a
homo. This plan is entirely now and
differont from tho ordinary method of
houso planning. Those who aro In
terested in building homes at this
timo should sco Victor F. Beck, archi
tect. For further information in re
gard to the above mentioned plnris a
preliminary drawing of this plan can
bo seen in tho window of tho New
ton News and Stationery Store(
North Platte, Nobraska.
: :o: :
In Need of Harvest Hands.
One thousand harvest hands aro
needed by farmers of Nebraska to
holo Uiko care of tho monster wheat
crop now ready for cutting, according
to information given out by tho fltate
labor bureau at Lincoln. Tho wheat
yjeld is reported to bo tho largest in
years, somo of tho fields going from
40 to 70 bushels to tho aero. Tho
crop is ripening fast and many farm
ers are having trouble in securing
help enough to take caro of the gram
Wages offered range from CO to 05
cents an hour, with board.
Public Library Notes.
The library will be closed July 4th
Over 500 more books were given out
during tho month of June, 1919, than
in June. 1918.
Tho folowing persons were appoint
ed bv the city council as members of
tho library board: Miss Annlo Kramph,
Mrs. Josenh Roddy. Judge Hoagland
Ed. Davis and T. C. Patterson. Tho
board will meet for organization Mon
day, July 7th.
: :o: :
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster, former
North Platte residents, arrived from
Donvor this morning and will visit
friends for several dayB.
Old Hickory Furniture For Porch
Or Lawn
Disappointment Invariably follows the purchase of
cheaply made, poorly constructed Porch or Lawn Furni
ture. Furniture designed to withstand weather exposure
must necessarily be carefully and sturdily built of woods
especially suited to the purpose.
Our "Old Hickory" Furniture embodies the qualities
best adapted to the rigorous service which porch and lawn
furniture must undergo.
Every piece is carefully made of selected, thoroughly
seasoned "Old Hickory," and will render many years of
absolutely satisfactory service.
Our assortment includes Tables, Chairs, Rockers,
Ferneries, Settees, etc., and the prices are very moderate.
Reed and Fiber Furniture A Splondid Display Our
wonderful display of Reed and Fiber Furniture for the
breakfast room, sun parlor and living room lias-caused no
end of favorable comment
Those who have seen it have been fairly amazed at
the volume and variety of the selection, and the wealth of
pleasing color combinations from which to choose.
Juno 30, 1919.
Board met, present Koch, Herming
hausen and Springer and county
Petition from residents of Brady for
privilege of playing ball on Sunday is
horoby granted.
Claims wero allowed as follows:
Sundry persons, road work, Com.
Dlst. No. 2, $12G.70.
Sundry persons, road dragging Dist.
No. 4, $346.50.
Anna Anderson, caro of Emma An
derson, $35.00.
Tim Sutton, salary, $100.00.
A. J. Salisbury, Salary, $145.00.
A. S. Allen, salary, $137.50.
A 'S. Allen, office expenses, $29.(15.
Briggs & White, supplies, $15.00.
H. W. Favingor, road work, $27.95.
L. H. Kreuger, dragging, $23.00.
Sundry persons, road work Dist.
No. 135, $297,70.
C. W. Krougor, dragging, $25.50.
Sundry, persons, road work, $25,50.
Fred Schick, dragging, $7.50.
H. S. Hasklns, road work, $19.50.
Harry Blackstone, road work, $13.20.
Jesse Long, road work, $25.00.
A. L. Yarter, dragging, $18.00.
Georgo Karlgor, dragging, $32.00.
J. E. Schram, dragging, $18.00.
Sundry persons, hauling dirt, $491.
It. J. Hartman, .road work, $9.00.
Sundry persons, road work, $201.00.
F. M. Elliott, road work, $21.00.
Chns. Hcndrlckson, dragging, $10.60.
C. W. Kreugor, road work, $50.25.
Aileen Cochran, Balary and office
exponses, $184.95. ' """" ,
Ed Prcltnncr, road work, $20.00.
Stephen Pool, road work, $9.60.
O. M. Sholtcy, blade man, $90.00.
Fayo Eldor; salary, $65.00.
F. O. Johnson, dragging, $40.30.
Hormlg Andoraon, road wqrk, $49.
Tob Bunting, road"work; $54.00.
Chas. Leypoldt, engine man, $63.60.
Howard Perkins, bridge work, $21.
Jako RIst, bridge work, .$18.00.
Anthony Soils, road work, $42.00.
Chas. Wills, road work, $5.90.
Paul Moyera, office rent, $15.00.
Sundry persons, surveying, $106.50.
Clifford Swanson, road work, $4.00.
Virgil Sells, road work, $35.00.
Z. A. Russell, road work, $24.00.
F. Robinson, road work, $18.00.
W. T. Elliott, bridge work, $90.00.
H. H. Reed, road work, $49.70,
Ferris Sanders, road work, $22.70.
John Bogard, road work, $21.70.
F. Linderman, road work, $18.00.
Georgo Hosford, road work, $27.90.
Frank Shaw, road work, $8.40.
L. A. Gambrol, Balary, $76.50.
Wm. Jopson, road work, $39.30.
Henry, Artz, plumbing, $7.00.
Geo. Hosford, road work, $6.40.
W. D. Wells, road work, $31.50.
J. R. RItnor, bridge work, $480.75.
Liberty Land Company
Office Over Rexall Drug Store.
Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count
its. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots
in all parts of North Platte. Look for the Bit l sit".
R W Olson, dragging, $28125.
F. M. Elliott, dragging, $27.00.
N. D. Wells, road work; $43.00.
R. E. Licklytcr, road work, $67.00.
Sundry porsons, dragging,. $200.00.
Mrs. A. P. Kelly, services, $20.00.
Sundry persons, road dragging, $120.
Jan Jergensen, repairs, $15.70.
E. H. Springer, services and milcago,
F. W. Hormlnghausen, services
and milcago, $104.50.
S. J. Koch, sorvlcos and mileage,
Katherino Laughlln, supplies, $4.50.
Lincoln Fino Arts, $70.30;
T. J. Keofe, Balary, $320.00.
Petition presented to board for
chnngo of road and petition
Adjourned to July 7, 1919, and met
as a board of equalization. County
assessor not being ready, board takes
a recess until tomrorow.
Seo 'Clinton & Son'
about your Eye troubles,
satisfaction ovory timo.
Son is over iu Germany,
will bo homo in a fow
weeks or months. Sign of tho Big
We are still in business at
815 No. Locust and have a
number of very attractive
Large size jar Premium Pre
serves - . - - 30c
Early June Peas
Sweet Corn r
Post Toastiss
Libbys Salad Dressing
23 c
And so on all' the way
through our line of goods.
We carry the famous Sun
Kist Brand of can goods.
Don't be mislead by an in'
ferior brand of goods.
We receive daily Butternut
and Kream Krust Bread in
sanitary parchment wrap
PHONE 212.
happiness to all.