The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 04, 1919, Image 4

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, Are your crops fully insured against the losses from hail? Do .
you realize that at this date a hail storm is about the only thing that
can keep you from receiving the largest grain crop in the history of
Lincoln County?
If you have only $15.00 an acre insurance on a crop that will
pay you much more, better have us increase your insurance to some
where near its real value. Figure what your crop is worth!
Bratt, Goodman & Buckley
Ralph Starkoy, who Booms to bo pos
sessed of a desire to obtain easy
money by fracturing the laws, and who
! has In the past been convicted of klll
'tng prarie chickens out of season and
of tho Illegal handling of boose, is
now a fugitive from Justice and if
(apprehonded will face a penitentiary
j off onso in court.
I Stnrkey's latest episode occurred at
Maxwell last Tuesday morning when j
, JDeputy snenrc ivnapp round atarKey
at, the river bank south of Maxwell
: with a car. Suspicious that Starkoy,
who had driven into Maxwell during
, the night, had booze in his car, Knapp
kept watch on him during the night
hours after his arrival, and when parly
In the morning Starkey drove south to
the river Knapp followed. Upon
Knapp's approach, Starkey drew a gun
on him. but this action did not bluff
tho deputy sheriff, and he continued
, walking toward Starkey who lowered
tho gun and fled into the bushes which
lined the river and managed to scape J
from Knapp. ,
Knapp returned to the Ford car
which Starkey had drlvon and found
therein ono full case containing
twenty-four pint bottles of booze and
two partly filled cases, nearly fifty
. pints In all. Later Sheriff Salisbury
was called and going to Maxwell took
f ii 1 1 1 i ii i mm ih wnu.'u t- hii iiii iiii i mi iiii ii iiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir it yiiiu
Rexall first, It
Banta makes new tops. 47-4
w Judge and Mrs. II. M. Grimes woro
visitors in Lexington Wednesday.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Dldg. Phone 148
Miss Alma Morrill went to York
Wednesday to spond the Fourth with
Always try Tho
Mrs. R. P. Cochran entertained tho
Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office ovor
Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Madge Flvnn, of Holyoke, Col
orado, Is visiting her sistor MrB. Tom
Nice cut flowers for all occasions.
Phone 1023.
Mrs. 0. V. Turplc returned Tuesday
from a week's visit In Denver with
her sister.
Wanted Girl to assist with general
houHOWork. Phono G13.
,,.S. E. Farrell and son of Wallace
- woro In town Wednesday looking after
business matters.
Dr. L. J; Krause, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Lowell Paulson wont to Sutherland
Tuesday, to Bpend tho summer at the
Vista Leo farm.
r Always try The Roxall first, It
nays. tl
miss jiiuiu iuriai. wuui. iu Hil
ton this morning to spond tho Fourth
. with her sister.
Mrs. John Day returned Tuesday
from Greeley, Colo., where she had
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cody
Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle
men. Phone 897. Brodbock bide 8GU
Harry I. Block returned Wednes
day from Denver where, ho had been
transacting business for a couple of
For Sale J. I. Smith's fine irrigat
ed farm four mllcB northwest of North
riatte. Inquire at 203 west Second
street Phono 158. 47-8
Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle- McDonald, of
Geneva, are visiting tho former's
grand parents Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Miss Ruth Miller, who had been
- ' possession of tho whiskey as well as
: the car, which was owned by Starkoy
Rawlins Ginn transacted business but upon, which thero Is a mortgage.
in Paxton Wednesday. Tho car will be held and eventually
... t. . sold. A hunt was made for Starkey by
The Roxall handles tho goods. tf th(j sherl(f) dopuly shorIff anfl otlierS)
Byron Snydor, of Plattsmouth, ar-. tout he could not be found. It is a safe
rived yesterday to spend tho Fourth J hot that Starkey will never return to
as tho guest or Miss Hazel Simpson, i North Platte.
Banta upholsters furniture. Phone
480. 47-4
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Smith,, of Mel
rose, arrived yesterday to visit friends
ovor tho Fourth and to witness tho
auto races.
For Sale Dresser and side board;
Enqulro at 203 east 12th street. 49-2
Arthur Hoagland loft Wednesday
evening for Atlantic City, N. J., to at
tend the annual convention of the B.
P. O. Elks.
. fliiss uum miner, wno iiau uuuii t om. umui
tho guest of her cousin. F. L. Mooney, light housekeeping,
will leavu tomorrow for a month's street,
visit with fricndB in Golden and Den
You can get a Rcpendnble Germ
Froo Vaccine for 25 cents per dose.
Why pay moro? It has Btood the tost
of tlmo; It saves tho calf. Ask Gum-mbro-Dent
Drug Co. 4Ctf
Did you read "Tho Heart of Ra
dical" in Pictorial Review. This story
mado tho Pictorial scarco during Its
tun. , This picture will be shown at
the Sun Saturday, Julyi 5th. -r-
Lot Hondy & Oglcr tell you what
lclnd of oil to use in yout rractor, Wo
arc In the business and know. Wo
have tho best 474
Word has boon rocolvcd tliat Paul
SchwalgorManded Juno 2Gth at New
port News from overseas service. Ho
sailed for Franco July 1st, 191S, so
was overseas a few days short of ono
Wanted Separator man for shock year,
mrcsmng. win pay w.w per uay.
Call at this office
Mrs. W. H. Mungor arrived Wed
nosdayi from Omaha for a vlBlt with
her son Horton and family.
; Wanted Man and wlfo to work on
ranch. Apply to P. P. Maddox, Koy
Btonc, Nob. - 48-4
,Mrs. Mat Walsh and children left
Tuesday for Donver whoro thoy. will
visit relatives for two weeks.
Froeh -vegetables such as lettuco,
, beets, cauliflower and kohlrabi for
sale. For prices phono 1023,.
Mr. and Mrc. Andy Scharmnn loft
Tuesday for an extended visit with
relatives at Portland and Taeoma.
. This is Just tho tlmo to plfint
GRASS Seed. DIRGE has It.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pizer, of Grand
Island spent Wednesday In town while
onrouto homo from a trip to Colo
You can got a Dependable Germ
Froo vaccine for 25 cents a dose.
Why pay moro? It has stood the tost
of tlmo; it saves tho calf. Ask Gum-
moro-Dont Drug Co.
Judgo Woodhurst performed two
wedding coremonles Tuesday. The
parties woro Earl Brlnloy of Colorado
and Georglo Slaton of Kentucky and
Carl Carlson and Graco Manion of
Christian Sclonco service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday ovonlng meetings
ovory wock at 8:00. A cordial invi
tation is oxtended to all to attend
thoso services. Building & Loan build
lng, room 25.
M. H. Douglas has so far recovered
as to bo nblo to take auto rides, tho'
ho cannot yet walk. Ho Is recovering
tho uso of his spOoch. "Bob's" hosts
of friends aro ploasod to know of his
improved condition.
Let Banta replace tho lights in tho
back of your automobilo. 47-4
It's no longer necessary to go into
the details describing tho practical
merits of the Ford car everybody
knows all about "The Universal Car."
How it goes and comes day alter day
and year after year at an operating ex
pense so small that it's wonderful. This
advertisement is to urge prospective
buyers to placo orders without delay.
Buy a Ford car when you can get one.
We'll take good care of your order1
get your Ford to you as soon as possi
ble and give the best in "after-service"
when required.
Rent Unfurnished rooms for
902 east Third
Lieut. Percy Schott, who was 1n ov
erseas service and landed in Now York
ton days ago, is expected tq arrive
nome touay.
Wanted Liberty bonds at market
price. Louis Llpshltz.
Donald Nowton has resigned his po
sition as driver for the Best Laundry
and has accepted a position at the
Durbln garage.
Mrs. Mary Schaeffer, residing on
west Tenth street, died Tuesday even
ing. Tho remains will bo taken to Myr
tlo today for Interment
Vaccinate before you lote tho first
calf. The value of that calf ,w,ould
vaccinate moro than a hundred. 'Gum-
moro-Dont Drug Co. 4Ctf
Claude Clark, a barber at the Gil
bert shop and Miss Hazel Earing went
to Sidney last Thursday and were
married by tho county Judge.
Claronco Day, who has been in tho
radio sorvlco for over a year and had
boon stationed at Atlantic seaports,
arrived homo Wednesday evening.
George Ream, of Birdwood, who con
tracted blood poisoning in ono or Ills
hands and had the hand amputated at
tho Twlnem hospital, returned to his
homo Tuesday.
Mr.and Mrs. W. R. Hnrcourt have
gono to Independence, Mo., whore Mr.
Ilarcourt will lnvctigato a business
proposition which will probably re
suit in re purchase.
J. D. Kollllier, or Maxwell, was a
Tribuno visitor yesterday and stated
that ho had finished cutting his first
crop of nlfalfa, tho yield of which was
ono-thlrd heavier than usual.
LeIMoyt Ilnys Trovillo Farm.
George LoDloyt has purchased the
Charley Trovillo 200-acre farm at
Nichols for a consideration of $150
per acre, or $30,000. About half this
acreago Is among the iest farm land
In the valley, the remainder is about
tho average quality. Tho price paid
is not excessive considering the price
at which land in the valley has been
Will Reach Rome This Evening.
A telegram received Tuesday noon
by W. L. Richards from W. W, White
stated that he and Mrs.' White will
reach home with the body df their son
Major this (Thursday) evening on No
20. instead of Friday evening as stated
in a previous telegram. A Masonic
funeral service will bo held at tho Ma
sonic temple Saturday forenoon and
tho remains taken to Grand Island
Saturday, afternoon for Interment.
; JO! I
Best grades Monogram, Wolf Head
and Hermollne oils for your car, 20
cents per quart at Ilendy-Ogler Auto
Co. 47-4
Townsond Dont hns acoptcd a po
sltlon as driver for tho Best Laundry.
Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Edwards and
ohlldron went to Scotts Bluff to attend
tho oponlng of Uio now Lincoln hotel
and spend the Fourth.
There will bo a picnic Monday even
lng In tho hills back of tho Eperlmont
Station for tho D. A. R. and their fam
lllos. Tho commttteo in chargo aslcs
that everyone hieot at the court houso.
square promptly at six-thirty.
'Clinton & Son' will
ff3BS-"V . ir.
uiku utru ui yuur
Glass trouble; wo guar
nnteo to give you satis
faction. Sign of the Big
Ring. Son is with Undo Sam In Ger
many, will be homo soon.
CryrUB Fox, of tho Garfield table,
who was In town Wednesday reported
that ho had sold his homo placo of
480 acres for a consideration of
$28,800, or ?C0 an aero. Mr. Fox, who
located in Gnrflold in 1883, has not
yet decided as to where ho will lo-
Tho party of mon who since last No
vomber havo been employed taking
an lnvontory of all mechanical nppn
nnces on tho Wyoming division, arrlv
ed at this torminal Tuesday afternoon
and will remain for two or threo
weeks. Losllo Bare Is a member o
tho party.
Miss Ella Fleishman, sister of liar
ry Flleshmnn formerly of this city
and until two months ago society ed
itor of the Omaha Beo, has been offer
ed tho position of private secretary to
Mr. HanBon, American consul in Bel
glum. Miss Fliesmhan for two months
past haa boon engaged In Jewish wel
fare work In Franco.
Bo from Missouri, tho "show mo
state. Start an Investigation on your
own hook. You want to know whether
it is true that chiropractic sninal ad
iustmonts will romovo tho causo of
95 per cent of nil disease You want
to know whethor It Is tho greatest
health discovery In tho world. You
wnnt to know whother It means health
to you. Call on Dr. States for con
sultation and Information.
Juno Weather.
Tho monthly summary of Juno
weather Issued by Observer Shilling,
of the local bureau, shows the highest
temperature of the month was ninety
sovon and with seven days of the
month above ninety decrees. The av
erage for the month, however, was
five degrees less than June, 1918.
Tho total precipitation for the
month was 4.14 inches as compared
with 2.18 inches for Juno, 1918, and
with 3.25 as the normal for Juno for
forty-five years past.
Tne total movement or wind was
5,428 miles and the highest velocity
twenty-eight miles an hour.
Twenty or tne thirty days were
u. .-
-We, the undersigned dentists of
North Finite, will close our offices
OTcry Thursday afternoon until Oc
touer 1st, 19IS.
L. ,7. KRAUSE,
Card of Thnnks.'
For the kindness shown us and tho
assistance given us by our friends dur
ing our recent breavement, we 'extend
our heartfelt thanks, also for the beau
urui norar orrenngs. wnen sorrow
comes to them, as it must some time
como to us all, may thoy find friends
as kind and loving as they have been
to us.
Estraycd or Stolen.
Estrayed or stolen on or about May
1st, n two year old red heifer branded
J-5 (connected) on left rib. Suitable
roward will bo paid for Information
leading to recovery of nnlraal.
49-2 Phono 798F11 North Platte
Estray Notice
Taken up on Section 13, Town 12,
Range 29, by tho undersigned who
there resides, on or about April 15
1919, ono roan heifer, no brands. Own
or can havo tho same by proving prop
erty and paying charges.
Route A North Platte, Neb
Fstray Notice
Taken up by tho undersigned, on
Soctlon 10, Town 16, Range 29, who
there resides, on or nbout April 1st
1919, ono two year old red heifer; no
brands distinguishable. Owner cnl
prove property, pay charges and take
animal away. II. E. WOODS,
North Platte,
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for
Hides and Junk
Homo Decoration
Visit our Chi-Namel store and
learn how you can make any old,
dirty, softwood or painted floor
look and wear like a real hardwood
finUh. Waterproof, heelproof,
costs little, easy to do.
Learn how easily and economically
. you can beautify new or old hard
or soft woodwork, doors, floors,
furniture, walls, screens, radiators,
bric-a-brac, etc., with Chi-Namel.
Find out here, why these beautiful
ISHES are easiest for amateurs
to apply successfully.
Look over the interesting Chi
Namel color cards, inspect these
remarkable Chi-Namel products
on the same kinds, of surfaces,
which you want to apply them.
Let us prove their economy and
durability by convincing tests 5n
water, under hammer blows, etc.
Come in today and bring in your
Chi-Namel varnishes arc for new
and old hard or soft wood, im
parting highly protective lus-
trous surfaces .equal to "factory
finishes". Being self-leveling,
they can be applied by anyone
without laps or brush marks.
Tough, elastic, waterproof.
Cost least by the square foot
on account of great covering
where in 5 minutes you can learn how to
re-finish everything in the home and save
the expense of re-furnishing It's a pro
gressive store look for the sign if you
don't find one readily write us.
Stone Drug Store.
Cow Brand
The Best Flour
Made in
the Best Town
Western Nebraska
A Home Product Used by
all Home People.
1'rcsbyterlan Church
The following services at the First
Presbyterian church:
Church 10 a. m..
Sunday school at 11 a. m.
Reception of members and baptism
of children. The session will meet
just before tho church hour.
Members please take notice of the
above services.
:o: :-
See "Clinton & Son'
about your Eyes and
satisfied. Son is over on
the Rhine, will Tie home soon. Sign ot
tho Big Ring.
Gamble & Springer,
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Store will be
Open Late
and Early
Store No. 1 822 North Locust.
Store No. 2, 110 East B.
Telephone 203.
are your employees
fagged out, ill
tempered, and dis
couraged ? Or do
they end the day's
work with the same
snap and vigor with
which they started?
G-E Fans keep
office and factory
workers comfortable and effi
cient. They pay for themselves
in improved spirit and mistakes
Let us show you how little It
will cost to equip your office
with G-E Fans.
North Platte Light &
Power Co.