THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR, NORTH PL'ATTE,- NEB.t jlLY 4 191$. & 8 i : ftd. 50 CITY COUNCIL CONFIRMS WJ2LFAKE 1J0AIU) APPOINTEES Tho city council mot In regular ses sion Tuesday evening and one of tho features was tho appointment and con firmation of the Welfare Board which was recently created by tho passage of an ordinance. Tho personnel of this board Is J. H. Van Cleavo for llvo years, E. R. Goodman for four years, Airs. H. R. McMlchael for three years, Miss Laura Murray for two years and D. M. Loypoldt for one year. Tho du ties of this board are manifold, es pecially along tho lino of morality, and tho members are glvon consider able latitude and power In making nocossary investigations. Tho mem bora will enter upon their duties at once. An ordinance relating to hotels and boarding houses was Introduced and read for tho first time. This ordi nance requires tho hotel or room keeper to keep a close check on his or hor guests. Under this ordinance a hotol commission -Is created who will have power to visit and have a cer tain supervision over hotels and room ing houses. Members of the band were present and asked that a levy bo mado for next year for the purpose of main taining a band. Tho request was re ferred to tho flnauce committee with tho recommendation that a levy be made. The water commissioner requested that ho glvon the right to connect with tho Union Pacific water main In order to secure water for the water plant boilers and this was granted. Naturally this gives rise to the Ques tion that if the city water is not good for tho boilers Is it good for the Im uran stomach. HoweVor, there Ka probably, something in the water that effects tho boilers that does not harm the stomach. The Baker-Vawter-Wolff Co. was employed to audit the books of the city officials at a nrlce not to exceed $450, This company will also Install a new system of book-keeping for tho cltv which It is believed will result in a great Bavlng to the taxpayers. President Carroll, of the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before tho council and asked that Dewey street l)e roped off on July 4th, thus pro hibiting tho parking and traversing of that street by autos. The request was granted. It was recommended that the park commissioners" place lights In tho city park.-sb that those who frequent the park In the evening mav have light and not grope in darkness. The city attorney was instructed to draft, an ordinance raising the salary of those officials who are not already ' paid tho limit allowed under the stat utes. " The. city sewer inspector was vested with police power, so don't get chesty with the inspector or he may lug you off to.iail. After allowing a multitude of bills rte council adjourned. ::o:: Robert Sullivan left Wednesday for a short visit with friends In Omaha. Have you your beads for the sum fner wear? See Dixon's complete line. For Sale New Oliver typewriter No. 9. Dr. H. C. Brock. 50-2 Lee , Henderson, of Oshkosh, is spending a few days with friends In town. Miss Edith Hosteter, of Sidney, is the guest of her aunt Mrs. L. E. Hastings. Edward Dennis, of Torrlngton, Wy oming, is the week end guest of the R. C. Langford family. Miss Vivian Lannin, of Burwell, Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Lannin, fo two weeks. "SATAN JUNIOR" STARRING VIOLA DANA A 5-act Metro All-Star Series Frolic of a Bad Little Angel. ALSO "FATTY ARBOCKLE" Comedy AT THE SDN THEATRE FRIDAY, JULY 4th. COME IN AND KEEP COOL AND REST. . DEWEY STREET PROPERTY SELLS FOR RECORD PRICE A now price for Dewey street real cstato was established this forenoon when the 22-foot two story building owned by tho Meyer estato and. occu pied bv tho Gem confectionery store was sold to Harry I. Block for a con sideration of nlneteon thousand sov en hundred and fifty dollars. Tho property was offered for salo by E. K. Goodman, oxecutor of the estate, and tho opening bid of $10,000 wbb made by F. L. Moonoy. A dozen or more bid-, ders were present and this hid was rapidly advanced to $15,000 by several. Then all tho bidders but two dropped out, these being Ray C. Landlord, who was acting for Mr. Block, and Julius Plzer, who represented In tho bidding the firm of E. T. Tramp & Sons. The Drlce advanced on $50 bids until $19,750 was reached when the property was declared purchased by Mr. Block. The building Is 22x90 and In only fair repair, and tie price 13 certainly high. Mr. Block,' however, desired a permanent home for his store, and for this reason was willing to bid higher for tho property than though buy ing It for SDeculatlon or Investment. Mr. Block will enlarge Hip. building by extending It to the alley, and make other Improvements before occupying it. ::o:: 1 A. W. Plumer has returned from a business trip to the Gordon Jewett ranch elghty-flvo miles northwest of Rock Springs. Ho spent a week nt the ranch and while there had some fine trout fishing, catching a number that weighed from two to three pounds each. Leslie Wood landed at Newport News -Wednesday after a year's serr vice overseas with the 52d Engineers. He expects to receive his discharge and arlve'here tho last of next week, and resume' his work as fireman on the road. Arthur Howard came down from Paxton Wednesday to, spend tho Fourth with his parents, Mr. and ftirs. A C. Howard. See that new thin model Illinois watch, It Is a wonder. Radio dial at $36.50. It will please you. H. Dixon, the quality Jeweler. v Mr. and Mrs. John Beal will spend Julyi 4th with friends In Ogalalla. and witness the Round-Up stunts. Mrs. Roberts, of Maxwell, vtslte'd friends in town Thursday. AT THE SUN SATURDAY Bessie Barriscale IN "THE HEART OF RACHAEL'' s by Kathleen Norris w -"vara assisted by Little Glove Hope. Ben Alexander and Mary Janejj Irving with All Star Cast. ALSO BILLY WEST Comedy. Our Store will close at Noon, July 4th. Please do your Shopping Early in the day. Edwards-Reynolds Co. For Hen and Boys. RIIILEY WINS FIRST IN THE TEST RUNS YESTERDAY King Rhlley, of Oshkosh, western Nebraska's speed demon', won first in tho tes'Vl'aco for placo in tho big 25 mlle auto race scheduled for tomor row afternoon," going onco'riYound tho half-mile track in thirty-five seconds. Broede will tako second nlace, Bull itt third, Brlnker fourth, followed by four other drivers whoso places in the raco wcro not learned. That Rhlley se cured the polo does not necessarily mean that ho will pull down the $1000 which had been hung up for this race, for tho other drivers who have como from Denver and Kansas, are giving It out that tho Oshkosh man will bo pushed harder In this race than ho was ever pushed before Last evening, Raco Manager Craw ford, who will also bo the official Btartor, called tho fourteen men who will parttclpato in tho races into a conference and gave thpm final In structions as to rules, and asked that they uso their best iudgment In order to avert accidents. Tho racers and their cars will as semble at tho court house' at twelve o'clock noon, and. a half hour later will lead the procession to tho city park. Music for this parade will bo furnished by two bands. The first raco will bo called prompt ly at 1:30. This will be the midget throo mile race for light cars. Then comes the track rocord raco. This record stands at 1:08 for tho mile, but It Is believed that this record will bo lowered. A purse of $200 is also of fered for a lowering of the dirt track state record Which is" 1:3:3-5. Tho j North Platte ten mile special will be I called at 2:30. This raco will be run j In three heats with an hour Interven ing between each heat, and the Ave ! mile Lincoln county special will be run In two heats, this raco following the 'North Platte special. Tho Ne braska special will be called at 5:15. This is the big race with S1000 to the winner. Indications nolnt to a record at tendance at the races, as the ad vance sale of tickets has been very seavy. : :o: : Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart went to Denver yesterday for a Bhort" visit with their daughter, Mrs. H. N. Jacobs. Tho all platinum and diamond bar Jiln of dainty cut displayed in Dixon's diamond Case at $240.00 will interest you. Q MIJCH DEPENDS. ON-QNESjyL1 1 Good Hard. Sense as Applied to An cient Superstition Concerning "Blue Monday." I happened to find a most entertain ing old book In the free library a dic tionary of superstitions. It has three big volumes, all crammed with the fears and beliefs of the human race. Just to sample some of them that ap ply to Monduy, here are a few: "If things commence to go wrong on Monday they will go wrong all the week, but If you have good luck on Monday you will keep It up." "Tfl V r r tit 11a nn f nnln r If vrtiv nnn help It." (This Is congenial advice and easily followed.) "If you meet a cross-eyed person on Monday you will not hnve good luck till Thursday." "If the sun sets clear'Frlday night It will rain before Monday night.'' "It Is a bad sign to lose a .tooth on Monday." (Yes, or a hand or a leg either, I should say.) "If you lose your temper three times on Monday you will have a great fnm lly quarrel." (This bit of sagacity has an excel lent chance of being true, one would think. Still, there may be some men who could get away with three blow outs and have no comeback.) To add our own observation to the collected wisdom of the ages your Monday Is neither more or less than what you choose to make It when you get out of bed In the morning. You can make It lucky or unlucky If you wish. Philadelphia Bulletin. Tlfo aiORE HOUSK-lUtEAKlNGS AHE RK1IOKTED WEDNESDAY A burglnrloUBly-lncllncd individual early Wednesday morning bent a ploco of wire and shoving It througlu tho netttlng unhooked tho window Bcrcon catdh at tho R. A. Garman residence. In Oils room was sleeping Miss Lou don, a telephone operator, and tho foot of tho bod was backed against tho window. As tho thief cllmbod "In he shook tho bed which awakoncd Miss Louden and sho reached out her hand to turn on a light to soo what was wrong and in doing this her hand came In contact with tho burglar. Sho screamed and tho Intruder mado a hasty exit through tho window which ho had entered. Some time during Tuesday evening an outfit car standing in tho yards and occupied by a member of tho bridge and billldlng gang was broken open and money and articles of the value of $G0 taken, also tho annual pass which the occupant of tho car held. Life Cttinrd for Swimmers. It Is probable that tho Red Cross will secure tho services of a llfo guard for the swimming hole at the south river bridge. This is deemed to be a necessary precaution, as tho place Is largely used by men, women and children and already thoro have been, two or three Instances whore drowning was averted only by timoly assistance. A commlttco of tho Red Cross directors will meet this evening to furthor discuss tho mattor and probably upon tho selection of a guard who will bo on duty from noon until nlno in tho evening. This guard will be given power to direct and govorn the actions of the Bwlm mers. U a Methodist Church Announcements. Preaching 11 a. m. Subject Thought and Tradition." Preaching 8:00 p. m., subject, "Go to the Ant.."- oujwuy -icnooi h;io a, m., m. a. Scott, superintendent Epworth Leaguo 7:00 p. m ::o:: . Chntenu-Thlerry A new pattern in heirloom pllvor, having perfection of design, cho mlng originality and mado in substantial silver. DIXON, the Quality Jeweler. i Dr. Anna Shaw Dies. Dr, Anna Howard Shaw, honorary president of the National American Womans Suffrage association, died at her homo lnMoylan, Pa., at 7 o'clock. Wednesday evening. - She was .71 years old.,,. .'L: ... O; Strike Called Off. The strike of telegraphers which began June 11 was called off at noon wednesuay by S. J. Konenkamp, presi dent of the Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America. President Konon-kamp,-who returned from Washington Wednesday morning, called off tho strike after hp had conferred with oth er officials of tho union. Mrs. Well returned Tuesday to her home In Bayard after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saudall ::o:i Prizes for Plgmanshlp. Every year a pig race Is held at Cnmesur-Marne. In the north France, a prize of 2,000 francs being awarded the lucky rider or tho win nine Die. This rnco Is held In accord ance 'with the terms of the will of a wealthy tradesman of the village, who died forty-two years ago. He ordered that amongst the amuse ments of the annual fete should be In cluded a race with pigs, to be ridden either by men or boys. Tho prize, however, was not .to he handed to the winning Jockey except on condition that he wore deep mourning for the deceased for two years after the raco. The municipality accepted the eccen tric bequest, and those singular races have been held regularly ever since. Felicity a Necessity. The presence of a wlso population Implies the search for felicity as well as for food; nor can any population reach Us maximum but through that wisdom which "rejoices" In the habi table parts of tho earth. The desert has Its appointed place and work the eteruul engine, whose beam Is tho earth's axle, whose beat Is Its year, and whose breath Is Its ocean will still divide imperiously to their desert king doms bound with unfurrowable rock, tad swept by unarrested sand, their powers of frost and fire; but the zones and lands between, habitable, will be loveliest In habitation. The doslro of the heart Is also the light of the eyes. Ruskln. Question of Opinion. ' The late General Booth of the Sal vation army was conducting a biff iiioetlng which lasted unusually long, and toward the close a newspaper re porter loft his seat and gained the M .sle. General Booth pointed a finger nt him and said: "Whoever leaves this auditorium will bo damned by God." The reporter answered: "If I don't leave tins auditorium anu nurry back to my office I'll be damned by the city editor." "God Is above the city editor," re torted General Booth. "Yes, I think he la," piously respond ed tlw reporter, "but the city dltw SEVEN TEAMS IN C1IUUCII BASE BALL LEAGUE A church baso ball leaguo, which Includes a team from each of the sev en churches of Uib city has been or ganized and games will bo played at tho city park on Monday,, Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each wcol: .be ginning at 7:30 Tho games will run tho full nlno Innings. While tho schedule has not been fully completed, It will be so arranged that tho season will continue until tho last of August. Included In tho teams are somo "has boon" players, men who in years past gained considerable notorloty- on tho diamond, and In addition thoro arc a numbor of players who glvo promise of becoming real artists. Tho first game of tho nowly organ ized league will bo called this evening at 7:30 at the north side city park with tho Catholics and tho Methodists as tho opposing teams. Attention Mnsons. Tho funeral of the lato Major Whlto will bo held at tho Masonto temple at 10 o'clock a. in., Saturday, Julyi, 5th. All Masons and frlonds of tho deceased aro, respectfully Invited to attend this service. Lodgo will open nt 9:30. S. O, MECOMBER, Master. :o:s- Mlss Elaln Bundy and Harold R. Wright wero married Wednesday ev ening at ten -o'clock at tho Episcopal church. Ror, R. O. Mackintosh read ing tho marrlago service. Only tho mombors of the immediate families wero Dresont. Mr. and Mrs. "Wright left on a late train for Milwaukee. Tho eyes of all sport fans will bo turned toward Omaha and Toledo to morrow. In tho former city Joe Steelier and Ed Lewis meet on the mat, in tho latter cltyi Josa ."Wlllard and Jack,Demp8cy will hnvo a 12- round mill that promises to ho a hum mor. License to wed was granted this forenoon to John A. Horn, of Rath burn, and Ellzaboth Sanders, of Pal isade CHRISTIAN BIBlvSCHOOL CORNS-R THIRD AND VltfE ST. Beginning with July . biir driv acainst the usual SUMMER SLUMP, Next Sunday; July 6th, will be known as VICTORY DAY at 9:45 a special program in keeping with Nation wide Prohibition, Signing of World Peace Treaty and the Nation's Birthday, July 4th. The returned Soldiers of the Church will be special guests of honor. We invite you to this Sunday School. PRESS COMMITTEE. PARIS GREEN Why do without it when Gummere Dent still have a ton on hand at the best prices in the county. , . We realized the need of it in plenty of v time to be prepared to furnish it, and. at prices which were set became so great. 1-2 lb 1 lb 8 lbs, per pound 14 lbs, par pound 28 lbs, pr pound ... 60c 100 lbs, per pound 57c GET IT AT Gummere-Dent Drug Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. PHONE 6. Or with the Farmer's po-Operative Association at' Hershey. Police Court Fines Heavy. During tho month of Juno tho fines, collected in tho police court amount-' ed to $350, ovtdenco that tho tho po llco forco is active In corralling thoso w.ho fracture laws1 and ordinances. A company capitalized for $25,000 at Grand Island and to be dovotcd to matters pertaining to the aeroplano Industry is the first of Its kind in tho stato. Tho purpose1 is tho buying and selling of aorottlanos and accessories; the conducting of flights, with pas sengors, tho Instruction of prospoct lvo lllors and other buslnoss pertain ing to tho advancement of aviation. R. N. Lamb and daughter Miss Jen nlo returned Wednesday from month's visit with relatives In Call- fornla. ,' " ' . " ' . A A pleasing optical service It's our endeavor to mnko thp so-, curing of grosses at Clinton's li" thor-' oughly satisfactory transaction from every viewpoint. Interested nttcntlTenoss Is given to your oye needs.. Tho examination I scientific and thorough We glvo' you professional help- In selecting tho typo of glasses best adapted to your needs and most becoming to yon. To flt you as yon should bo ilttotl, and want to bo fitted, Is our sole do-' sire. C. S. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. At the Slga of tho Big Itlag. , the Sunday School is in a before the scarcity;-? 40c 78c ... . . . 70c 66c First Show starts at 10 a, m doesn't I"