The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 27, 1919, Image 4

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    tflTTT nit 11 nrf nil I
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iiwhwwiwpwi 'ii ' iii mnnnini "i i' TT'HTTirnir" i iwimiiiiiriiriiiMnif
t t
Bryant Washburn
' . ' ilt
"Venus in the East'7
Now York's all right If you take It
tIn small (loses, but Grooloy had the
right Idea whan ho said "Go West,
Young Man."
1 .
The Picture is a masterful visualization of them both
Lowls Kelly retuned yesterday,
morning from a week's visit In Ohey-
Banta upholstors furniture. Phono
480. 47-4
Mr. nnil Mm. Ed Trl. nt
visited friends In town Wednesday and I
Wanted Liberty bonds at market
tprlcc. Louis Llpshltz.
) C. V. Turplo left yesterday for Den
' vcr where ho will transact business
for a few days.
Mrs. Louis Derr and children, of
Laramie, are hero visiting her mother
MrB. Johanna McG'raw.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garrard and Mrs.
Webb Hughes loft Thursday for a two
weeks' trip to points In Iowa.
Mrs. John Weinberger returned
Wednesday from Omaha after a week's
visit there with hor daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan and chll
drcn, of Wood River, wero tho guests
. of Miss Julia Nolan this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen, of Far
nam, left yesterday morning after a
short visit with their son A. S. Allen.
W. It. Hodshlrc arrived Wednesday
fromLos Angeles where ho has spent
tho past year and a half with his sis-
Mrs. Raymond Tlch left yesterday
for Choycnno for a short visit with
her parents before Joining Mr. Tlgho
In Oklahoma City.
Wo Insist that you prlco our dla-
mqnds. , You will find our prices the
lowest for tho goods wo offer. H.
; Dixon, tho quality jeweler.
Mrs." Dean Richardson, who has
been visiting her parents Mr. and Mra.
C. S. Clinton, loft yesterday for her
' homo at Medford, Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. McClollan and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Thompson, of Elsie, wero
in town Thursday visiting friends and
looking after buslnoss matters.
Best grades Monogram, Wolf Head
H and Hcrmollno oils for your car, 20 (
cents per quart nt Hendy-Oglcr Auto
Co. ' 47-1
Tho woman's auxiliary of tho Epis
copal church will give a social In the
basement of tho church next Tuesday
afternoon to which all women of tho
parish aro Invited,
Tom Healoy, who has been out In
tho country for tho past ten days ad
Justing hall losses Bays ho Amis a
great many of tho farmers aro In fa
vor a new court house.
Wo havo a wonderful assortment of
skirts In tho white wash skirts, also
tho fancy silk skirts, practical skirts
and' the more drossy models. You will
do well to look nt our largo and varied
styles. B. T. Tramp & Son.
Word has been received that Ed
ward Llndblnd, the north sldo black
smith, has undcrgono an operation in
the Mayo Bros.' hospital at Rochester,
Minn., and is doing as well as cart
bo expected.
Just about ono person out of tho
two who will want a Chandler car
this summer can bo supplied. Won't
you got your order in beforo it is too
late and you have lost this best driv
ing season? J. V. Romlgh, Dealer.
1 11 111
l m m. ft- s. w m vn Rr?
1 1WU ullUWd Vd
Portraying the lives ol those Hardy Mountaineers who are as
clean cut and unaffected by the veneer of Civilization as the rock
bound hills in which they live.
!L7 Afternoons at 2:30, Children 25c; Adults 35c DlflC Wr Tov
J Evenings at 8:15, Everyone - - 50c ITdi IdX
Judgo Grimes returned yesterday
from Chattanooga, Tonn., where he
spent two weeks settling up his son's
ostate. Tho Judgo says It has been
excessively hot in the south, and that
ho does not, know when lio Buffered
more from tho hoat.
Tho Kearney Hub says that.grass
hoppcrs aro unusually plentiful In
Buffalo county and aro proving des
tructive to alfalfa fields.. In somo
sections of that county tho farmers aro
making a systematic fight agaiiiBt tho
voraclolls hoppors. Potato bugs and
tho army worm are also proving de
structive In that county.
Homo grown cherries aro now com
ing into tho local market. By the
bushel growers aro asking four dol
lars. Two dollars per bushel is con
sidered a fair prlco for picking cher
ries, which cuts tho growers npt
prlco to two dollars and this is fur
ther reduced by tho cost of market
ing. When you strain your back you
know that tho trouble is In your
spine; you folt It there, you put your
hand upon tho placo to rub out tho
pain. When you disorder tho spina
by bad habits of sitting or stanuing,
howovor, there Is no pain, Just loss
of vigor, nervousness and weakness,
and you havo to bo told by tho chiro
practor analysis that tho splno Is out
of order beforo you believe It. See
Dr. Statos today and get on the road
to health.
Soo "Clinton & Son'
about your Eyos and V
-i -n r, f
tho Rhine, will bo homo soon. Sign ot
the Big Ring.
5l!t ,MJz
vl i i r i 1
Protect. Your Credit
The man .with a hundred dollars In cash
but with no credit can buy only a hundred
dollars worth of goods. The man with a
hundred dollars and good credit can buy
double that amount.
Credit is more valuable than cash. Keep
it good. If you owo merchants for goods
pay them. If you can't pay all, pay part. If
you cannot pay at, all, go $eo your creditors
and explain the circumstances.
Platte Valley State Bank,
The annual meeting of the Western
Nobvaska Bar Association was held
In this citv WflilnnRilnv w.tli nn nt-
tendanco of between thlrtv-flvp antl
forty visiting lawyors. T!ho meeting
convencu at ion o ciock at the court
room in tho federal building where
nddrossns worn miuln liv w. T. wli-
cox, president of the association, Vic
tor naiugan, llout. Simmons and J.
G. Mothorsend of Scotts Bluff. R TT.
Evans of this city and Mr. Irving of
uriugoport , all or whom wero in ser
vice Other sneakers nt tho fnrpnnrtn
and afternoon sessions wero J. A. Rod
man, of Kimball, Harold Prince of
Grand Island, Chief Justlco Morrissoy
or tho state supremo court.
At tlin KOIrn nfflnra fnr
tho onsulng ye&r wero elected as fol
lows: President, Win. Morrow of
Scotts Bluff; vice-president, J. E. Nis-
le.V of Lexlnctoil! trr-nsnror Onlfo
Halllgan, now in servlco In Germany;
secretary, wus uieson ot, Lexington.
Tho next annual meeting will bo held
at Scotts Bluff.
In. the nvrtnlni. : linrlin. na umo
at Dick's grovo, whoro the nttondanco
was in tho neighborhood of 125. A
bund ennnnrt. who iT.vnn li.n.i..n i-,
. - - - ' O " '-" " I --1 1 1 1 f, m-
uluged In, a fine suppor servxed, and
a numuor or rattling good addresses
Nearlv all flirt vlnlt nra annnl V- 1
"night in town and left for their re
spective nomes yesterday morning.
Real Summer Wcntlior
We have been having real summer
weather this week, and corn which
was backward is now humping Itself.
Sunday tho temperature roso to ninety-three,
Monday It registered nlnety-
bix, luesuay ninety-two, Wednesday
ninety-seven, and yesterday above
nlnoty-flvo. Tho tompornturo at North
Platto Wednesday was tho highest re
ported by any weather bureau In the
United States, ovidonco that North
Platto leads In moro ways than ono.
Tho woathcr may causo us a little dis
comfort, but for tho sake of tho
growing corn wo should smile and bo
Can't Run Special Trnln.
President Coatos, of .tho fair associ
ation, who took up with tho Union Pa
cific officials tho proposition of run
ning a special train on thoibranch on
July 4th. has been notified that on ac
count of lack of equipment it cannot
bo run. Passcngor travel Is now so
heavy that overy available car is
needed for tho regular trains.
Tho now lighter six Chandler.
named tho "Clevoland," is announcod
to tho publlo In this week's Saturday
Evonlng Post. Look it up. I will
havo samples of this beautiful small
car in my show room early in July.
J. V. Romlgh, Dealer.
Lot Banta replaco tho lights In the
back of your automobile 47-4
Hereford Units for Sale.
Somo extra good registered Hero
ford bulls of sorvlceablo age for ealo.
Address Fred McClymont,' North
Platto, Nob., or phono 7SCF4 47-2
Albert Coolidge, aged seventy-seven,
ono of the early settlers north of the
river and a prominent and well known
ranchman, passed away yesterday
morning shortly after eight o'clock at
a local hospital. Mr. Coolldgo was in
his customary health up to Sunday ev
ening when'he became sick and be
gan vomiting and this was followed by
tho appearance of blood poisoning.
His condition was not considered ser
ious until Tuesday when tho attending
physician' recommended his removal
to a hospital, to which he was taken
Wednesday morning, and within twen
ty-four hours tho spirit took Its flight.
Bereaved aro the wife, son Clarence,
and daughters Mrst Rector, living
near Hershey, and Maud, who lives at
: :o: :
Farmers Visit the Stuto Farm.
One hundred or moro Frontier coun
ty farmers, a number of them accom
panied by members of their family,
wero visitors at tho state farm yes
terday and wero shown everything that
was of interest to them by Ejupt. Sny
dor .and Jils assistants. Tho visitors
arrived early in tho forenoon and at
noon were served with a lunch fur
nished by the business men of North
Platto In conjunction with tho state
farm employes. At this lunch one
hundred and seventy-five wero served.
Later In tho afternoon quite a number
of tho visitors came to town, some
of whom had never before visited North
Platto. In talking with ono of the
visitors ho stated that he had driven
seventy miles, but that ho felt well
repaid for making tho trip, aB he had
seen many things at tho state farm
that wero Interesting and would prove
of benefit to him.
Wire riant Urines Now Men.
Tho Installation of tho now Western
Union efficiency plant and tho opening
of tho down town office will bring to
iNorth Platte from six to ten additional
employes, nearly all of whom have
families. Three of these new men are
now on tho ground. They are O. A.
Carroll, who will bo manager of tho
plant; C. A. Griffin, wire chief ana
chlof operator; and N. G. Bowen, early
night chlof operator. Yet to come are
thq day chier operator, tho late night
chief operator, and a half dozen op
crntors and llnmen.
Tho perplexing quostlon with these
mon Is where they can get houses In
which to live.
Burlington hosiery, tho best ho
siery mnde; give thorn a trial and bo
convinced. B. T. Tramp & Sons.
Army Worm Cleaning finrdeiiH.
Is tho army worm devnstlng your
garden? If not yet, it probably will,
for a number of gardens havo been
swept clenn of vegetation by this
worm. Several residents In the south
part of town havo reported to The
Tribune that tholr gardens have been
cleaned not oven tho stub of a stalk
loft. Tho worms camo In hordes, from
whonco no ono knows, and In about a
day they cleaned gnrdens and contin
ued their onward march to newer
fields. Watch for tho army worm If
you value your garden.
If tho "Committee of Property Own
ers" who sent the communication on
street paving to The Tribune will send
us their name3 we will publish the
article, otherwise not. That communi
cations for publication bo signed by
the writers is a rule laid down by this
paper years ago and has been observ
ed. Tho writer's name is for the in
formation ot the editor.
W'anted 25 pounds of carpet rags
cut and sowed, hit a miss, white and
blue. Must bo clean cut and sewed.
Phono Red 975.
An Oshkosh man in town yesterday
was very much disappointed when he
learned that a special train would not
bo run over tho branch on July 4th.
"A special train would have meant a
thousand people from branch "towns,"
said he; "Wo would ride in stock, box
or coal cars, if tho company could not
get coaches. However, lots of us will
come down the night beforo by train
or get an early start and como by
Mrs. J. S. Sirams entertained tho
Pan Hellenic society Wednesday after
noon. Miss Jennie Schleof, of Overton, and
Miss Ora Davisf of Maxwell, wero week
end guests at tho C. E. Souser home.
Tho "Eyes of tho Soul," founded on
the story 'Tho Salt of the Earth," with
Elsie Ferguson as the star will fur
nish tho entertainment at tho Crystal
Vincent Roddy, who has been sta
tioned at Goat Island for tho past two
years, has received his discharge
from tho navy and has accepted a
position in the Bhlp yards there.
Does it pay to have a one-record phonograph when there
are so many good artists? Why not have one that plays
all makes of records at their best?
This is possible on The Brunswick, due to two exclu
sivs features the Ultona, an all-record reproducer, and
the Oval All Wood Tone Amplifier built entirely of mould
ed wood, like a fine violin.
These two exclusive Brunswick features make it pos
sible for you to play all makes of records at their best.
Let us prove this to you.
Walker Music Co.
Liberty Land Company
Office Over Rexall Drug Store.
Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count
ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots
in all parts of North Platte. LooV ior lhe B1 L