emt-Hiftly tribune. IRA L ItAltE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Year by 3Inll, In ndrnnco. .81.75 Ono Year by Carrier, In ndrnnco, $2.00 Entered at tho North I'latto, Nohraska Postofflco aa Socond Class Matter. " FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1919. 1VILL ISOLATE HUNS IF THEY REFUSE TO SIflN Tho Poles and Czecho Slovaks will join tho allies In forming an iron ring about Germany In coso alio chcosos war rather than poaco. It was of ficially announced. Marshal Foch is planning a rapid concentration of this threo cornered ring which will entail the advance of tho Poles from tho cast, of tho Czechs from tho south, and of tho allied army Including American, British. Rolgian and French troops from tho west, while tho British navy would bottle up tho Gorman harbors In tho north. Tho chiof pressure of courso would como from tho allied front on tho west Tho German army now numbers not moro than one-half million. Fully one-half of this Is now concontrated against tho Poles. About ono hun dred thousand troops, under Gonoral liutwltz, are concontrated in central Germany. TIiIb force would havo, to bear tho brunt of tho allied attack. TJio Germans are Angry. Wlomar, Gormany. Grave feurs as to tho consequences of Gcrmnny re jecting tho revised treaty aro ovidont In government clrcloa. Opposition to tho treaty has not abated ono whit becauso of tho changes mado by tho allies in their reply to tho German countor proposnls, official summaries of which havo boon received by tolo grapb and tolcphono from Versailles. But fear of invasion, of the economic blockado, of bolshovism, and of food shortage obviously dominates tho thought of tho government loaders. Astonishment and anger at tho ut ter disregard of tho Gorman countor proposals is frooly expressed. Not a slnglo govornmont officer considers that tho changes mado by tho allies hotter tho situation. Criticism Is concontrated on America rathor than on Franco or England. Return to Old' Postal Rate? Tho two cent postal card and tho threo cent stamp aro slated for tho discard and tho post office force has heen notified that aftor Juno 30 their uso will bo discontinued. Tho threo cont Btamp will remain on sale until tho supply is exhausted, to bo used on matter whoro postage may be moro than two cents. On tho first of next month tho country will roturn to tho two cont postago rato, and ono cent post cards. Thoso having stocks of threo cont Botamps and two cont postal cards can oxchango them aftor that dato, at the post office. Tho poriod of oxchango is fixed at ono month, aftor which tlmo thoso war timo Issuo stamps will held will havo to bo placed in use. :o::- flormnnv Must Answer Juno 2fl Tho reply of tho allied governments to Germany s countor-proprosals is now in tho hands of tho Gorman na tional nssombly at Wolmar. This ro ply is tho final word of tho victors, and if Germany falls to sign by Juno 23d, an Invading army of G00.000 will ontor Gormany. Fow changes have been mado In tho rovUcd treaty. Flvo days was tho al- lottod period originally fixed for tho Gormans to answer yes or no to tho demands of tho allies. Two days nd dltlonal havo boon granted bucauso of tho liiBlstonco of tho Gorman dele gates that not suffiolont tlmo had boon allotted for proper consideration of tho rovlscd terms. This will oxtend tho tlmo limitation to Monday, Juno 23. Sco 'Clinton & Son" about your Eye troublos, satisfaction ovory timo. Son Is ovor In Gormany, Will hft limrm In n tnw weeks or months. Sign of tho Big Ring. -: :o::- IVJIhoii to Slump Country ProHldont Wilson has flatly declined to furnish tho sonato with a copy of tho peace treaty In Uh prosont form ns requostod by tho Johnson resolution, rocontly adopted. Ho convoyed his re fusal formally to tho nonato in n mos sago transmitted by Frank L. Polk, acting secretary of Btato. At tho Bamo timo announcement waa mado at tho White IIouso that tho president would roturn to tho United States about July 4 to bogln a coast to coast cam paign appealing to tho people ovor tho head of tho sonata for Bupport of tho leaguo of nations. XEYT DAILY TRAIN BETWEEN NORTH PLATTE AND CHEYENE Now trains Noh. 8 nnd 10 will bo Inaugurated between North Platte und Chojonnp commencing Juno 22, stopping at nearly all Intermediate points. Tfo. Jl Leave North Platte 2jW n. m. Arrive Chcyonno 10:30 a. in. No. 10 Lenvo Chcyenno CxGO n. m. Arrlvo North Fiutto 2:15 p. m. Tlio OinaliH-Choycnno sleeping car -will leave Omaha on No, 15 at 1:25 p. in. and bo attached to No. 3 at North riutto. OTHER CHANGES There trill bo a general change of schedule oh Juao 82, and patrons con tewplatlHg a trip are requested to ceasult Unloa Pacific Agent la regard thereto. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Juno 16, 1919. Board met pursuant to adjournment, prosent Koch, Hormlngbauson and Springer and county clork. Tho following claims wore allowed: Anthony Soils, road work, $22.50. J. S. Nelson, dragging, $22.60. F. B. Marr, houso rent, $12.00. Wesloy Cockle, road work, $17.00. C. F. Mapcs, road work, $7.00. N. D. We'lifl, road work, $17.00. Wesloy Cppklo, road work, $17.00. Win. Loypoldt, dragging, $25 00. Axtoll Bros.-, dnagglng, $4.60. J. B. Murphy, dragging, $7.80. Ed Huntqr,1'road work, $3.00. Paul M6yor, commissioner exten sion of road No. 309, $11.00. Sundry porsons, road dragging, $77.00. A. Stlnohauscn road work, $35.00. John Schram, road wor!k, $29.00. E. C. Long, road work, $25.00. G. Kratzsnsteln, tractor, $2175.00. Sundry persona, road work, $278.00.1 D. J. Pulilam, road work, $48.00. I Sundry porsons, road work, $77.40, J Wm. Smith and others, road work,' $200.00. I Petition for court houso levy pre sented and action taken as prayed, with July 22d as dato of election. Adjourned to Juno 23, 1919. ::o:: When a gallon can filled with coal oll rundown hill nnd splashed Into tho pool that marked a bubbling spring, life took a now twist on tho run down Indiana farm that had been tho Hopkins homestend for generations. Tho money-grasping skinflint (who lives in ovory rural community) drank from tho spring, tasted tho oil, and connived to beat tho Hopkins family out of what ho thought was a good tiling. How "Sis Hopkins" saved tho day and. turnod tho tables will be demonstrated by Mabel Normand when that famous play Is presented at the Crystal Saturday and Monday. Mrs, A. W. McDuffy and daughter Ann passed through Thursday morn ing on No. 19 enrouto from Iowa to tholr homo in Cheyenne. Chris. Jordan, a well known middle weight wrestler, was a business visit or in town yostorday. Mr. Jordan is conducting an athletic show at the carnival at Hershoy UiIb week. Llttlo fellows' rompers and waists on salo at 95c, $1.45, $1.95 and up at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s. rained Wild I 1 I I b r II oiore win oe n i impii i. hyp I WW MMV I I I and Earlv InihpiloDt Grocery Your Patronage Solicited, VEllM3k . PRESENTING rmwih'M km&fam ITosof9, lLD(p) WILL North Platte 0.1 Saturday, June the bacifman-tinscii wild an dial circus an Entirely different kind of a show Amusement goors will havo nu op portunity on Saturday, Juno 21, of soolng tho newest 3tylo of tonted ex hibition when tho Backmau-Tinsch Wild Animal" Circus comes to North Platte. Tho startling program offered by this organization has been received In all the largest cities with the highest praise and tho greatest commenda tion. 1 For highly skilled men nnd women trainers to give a long pralsoworthy program in tho two regulation circus rings, using forty-foot steel cago as a protective measure, principally to In sure safety to tho timid observers; of fering and producing all tho wild ani mal actors In tho most dangerous and thrilling acts, is such an extreme nov elty that no one should miss this op portunity of attondlng. This exhibi tion particularly 1111010313 and pleases tho ladles and children, and for whoso care and attention tho management is particularly noted. , No exhibition of a like nature or style has over been seen In this vicin ity for tho reason that tho lato war entirely excluded tho importation of wild animals, and this cntcrpriso has always had a large supply on hand tlioro was no uneasiness on the of Backman-Tlnsch in not being able to give their full and complete enter tainment. A special pleasing feature will be tho dally rides on tho ponies and lit tle horses given to all the children at tending this well conducted enter prise. ::o:: ' See "Clinton & Son about your Eye3 nnd ) satisfied. Snn la nvnr nti the Rhino, will be homo soon. Sign ot the Big Ring. :o: :- Stray Calf Strayed to my farm ten miles north west of North Platte, and ono mllo east of Nichols school house, April first, a calf. Owner can have same by Identifying same, paying for ad and feed bill. FRANK HENEKA. -: :o: :- ESTRAYED. Estraved from mv nlnee sevon mllen Southeast of North Plattp. Tlmrnrtnv'. May 29th, ono bay maro branded witli r lazy i on left shoulder; also ono Drown mule with scar on left hind leg. 42-G R. H. WILLIAMS. ' ::o:. To A. 0. U. W. Members. I will bo ahsont frnm tlin oitv until Juno 25th. Members will please pay thfir assessments at Newton's store V. VON GOETZ. 43-4 Financier. Notice of Special Election. Notice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an order of tho County Board. 'duly mado and entered on tho 16th day or juno, lUiu, ana hy virtue of tho Statutes of the State of Nebraska, In such cases, made and provided' I,' A. S. Allen, County Clerk of tho County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a npecial olectlou bo hold, in tho sov oral polling places throughout the County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of July. 1919, between tho hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. of said day, at which said election, tho following proposition sua'! be submitted to tho legal voters of said county, to-wlt: Shall tho County Commissioners of said county levy a special annual tax of five njllls on the dollar valuation of tho taxable property In said county for a torm of Hvo years, to-wlt, the years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 and 1923, fori tho purposo of building a now court house In said county? Tho ballots used at said election shall havo printed thereon tho words: "For directing tho County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to levy a specinl tax of fivo mills on tho dollar valuation of tho taxable property in said county, for a term of live years, to-wlt, tho years 1919. 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 for tho pur poso of building a now court houso In said County." "Against directing tho County Corn- Animal Circus lP(r(f(roijT)oo (rdl9( jD(r(F3 EXHIBIT AT 91 ??fEDAYogLY A I Afternoon-Night Rain or shine mlsslohers of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, to levy a special tax of five mills on the dollar valuation of tho taxable property In said county, for a term of fivf years to-wlt, the years 1919, 1920. 1921, 1922 And 1923, for the purpose of building a new court houso in said County." Thoso voting In favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballots with a cross (X) in the- squaro opposite the paragraph beginning "For directing the County Commls slot.prs of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to Ivy a special tax," etc. Those voting against said proposi tion shall mark their ballots with a cross (X) In the squarjo opposite tre paragraph beginning "Against directing the County Com missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka to levy a special tax," etc. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of Lincoln County, Nebraska, this 16th dav of Juno, 1919. O'ALl A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. Notice Notice is hereby given that tho as sessor in and for the Birdwood Irri gation District, Lincoln County, Ne braska, has completed the assessment for said district and has delivered the same to the secretary and the board of directors is hereby called to meet at the office of the secretary on SEVi of Sec. 35, T. 15, R. 32 W. of 6th P. M.. Tuesday, July 1st, 1919, to Bit us a Board of Equalization and to hoar all objections to the assessment. Tho said board to remain in session as long as necessary, not to exceed ten days, during which time, all objections to the assessment and valuation will be heard and determined. Dated this 16th day of June, 1919. MARY C. McNEBL. Notice of Final Report. Estate No. 1599 of Abner W. Dillon, Deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in- said estate, take notice that the administratrix has filed a final account and report of her administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which havo been set for hearing be fore said court on July 11, 1919, at 9 o'clock ,a. m., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated JJune 14, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J17J4 County Judge. NOTICI3 OP SALE In the Matter of the Instate of Lorln C. York, Deceased. Notice In hereby given that In pur suance of an order of Hon. H. tl. Grimes, Judge of the District Court of Dawson County, Nebraska, niade on the 24th day of May A. D 1919, for tho sale of the real estate nnd School Land Lease hereinafter described, there will be sold at the East front door of the Court House at North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 7th day of July, 1919, at two o'clock P. M. standard tlmo, at public venduo to the highest ii dder for cash, subject to the mcum brancea thereon, tho following describ ed real estate and School Land Lease to-wlt: All of Section 15, In Township 14 ftorth, range 23; Land Contract of pur Chase on the East half of the "West half and the West half of tht East half of Section 10, In Township 14, North, Range 2S: School Land Lease from tho State on all of Section 10, Township It, North, Range 28 which expires January 1st, 1.929: All situated In Lincoln County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open ono hour Dated Juno Gth, 1919. C. M. SKADE. Administrator of the Estate of Lorln C. York, decoased. N. M. YORK, Attorney. J9-2 NOTICE DECREE OF HEIRSHIP. Estate No. 1659, of Anna M. Schwerdt, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln coun ty. Nebraska. Tho heirs, creditors and all persons Interested in said estate will take no tice that on the 2d day of June, 1919, Lorenco Schwerdt and John P. Schwerdt, heirs of said decedent, flled tholr petition herein alleging that the said Anna M. Schwordt died intestate on or about May 27, 1919, a resident of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that at the tlmo of her death she was the own er of Lot 8, of Rlock 55, of the original city of North Platte, a homestead of less value than J2.000 In said Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd that no applica tion has been made in the said state for tho nppointment of an administra tor. That she left survtving hor Mra. Mary Lowe, a daughter, ago 58, resid ing at North Platte, Nebraska: George Schwerdt, a son age 46, residing at North Platte, Nebraska: Lorenco Scwordt, a son ago 43, residing at North Platte, Nebraska; Mrs. Bertha Adamson, a daughtor pge 40, residing at North Platte, Nebraska; John P. Schwerdt, a son age 33, residing nt Laramie, Wyoming, Mrs Viola Lannln, a grand daughter ago 57, residing at North Platte, Nebraska; Roy Oorkln, a grand son ago 25, residing at Maywood, xTaIi T.nnnni'il iSnn n 1 ,1 ann n nriiiiilanii ago 16. living at Sedgwick, Col.: Marie Donaldson, a grand daughter age 8. re siding at Sedgwick, Col.; Claudo Don I aldson. a grandson age 10, residing at Sedgwick, Col.; Jessie Donaldson, a grand daughter age 6, residing nt ) Sedgwick, Col.; Clyde Donaldson, -i , grandson nge 4, residing at Sedgwick, Col. That all the debts of said decedent t have been paid, and said real estate Is wholly exempt from attachment, exe cution or other moRne process nnd not liable for the payment of the debts of said deceased, and praying that regu lar administration be waived and a da rreo bo entered barring creditors and flxlng the date of her death nnd the decree of kinship of her heirs and tho right of descent to said roal estate. Said petition will be heard June 2Sth, 1919, nt 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of the County Judge of snld county, WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J10-3 County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of tho Estate of Hattle K. Andruss, Deceasod. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, sn To all persons Interested In tho Es tate of Ilattie K. Andruss, Deceased. You are hereby notified that on tho 6th day of Juno, 1919, William W. An druss, administrator of tho estate of Hattlo JC. Andruss, decoased, nied In said court his llnal account n8 said ad ministrator, and that said final account will be heard on the 4th day of July, 1919, nt the hour- of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county cotfrt room in tho city of North Platte In said county, and you are hereby cited to nppear at tho time and place above designated and show cause, if nn', why said account should not be allowed and decree of distribu tion entered. It U hereby ordered that said administrator give notice to all persona Interacted In said estate by causing a copy of this onler to be pub lished In the North Platte Trldune, a Untied in the North Platto Trlbunn. ti said county for three successive weeks prior to tne uate set ror uaid hearing. Dated June 6th, 1919, WM. II. C. WOODHURST, J10-? County Judge, Arrange for your Gas be fore the spring, rush is on Ranges from $27 to $60 NORTH PLATTE LIGHT 8c POWER COMPANY THE TWINE M HOSPITAL, 1003 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Platte, Ncbr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place whoro tho si,ck aro cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific maunor. Phono 110. North Platte, Neb. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST. Oateopafhic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb, Phono for Appointments. DJL KEDFIELD Physician, Obstctrictan Surgeon, X-Bay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phone Office 612 Residence G7G BUS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 6, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Tlione 70 lies. Phono Red 1009 GEO. B. DENT, Fhsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention GlTen to Surgery and Obstrotrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Fhonea: Office 130, Residence 115 Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital Phone' Black 633, House Phone Black 633 W. T. PBITCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Elht years a Govornmont Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEI Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. Obi alt a, Nebraska. DEREYBI5RBY & FORBES. . Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black 5S8 TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 109 tVest Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS ft ft Service Service ft 8 NEW Ford Repair Shop it 722 N. Locust. Phone 152. g- A Trial Will Convince Yon, i ft Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ol Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casts. CompUtoly equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: V Geo. B.Dent. M. D. V. Lucas. H. D. J.B. Rcdfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, RID." JOH2T S. SIMMS. M. D. Special Attention Given to Sunrcry McDonnld Bank Building Office Phono 83 Itcsidoncc 33 ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specialty. Itcfcrcnccs nnd Dates at First Na tional Bunk, North Platte, Neb. Phone 1000. HERB HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phono 90S. Black 398 W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LA1) Office over McDonald Bank. Office Phono 113(1 Res. Phone 112ft NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1651 of Charles McDonald, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said Estate is Oc tober 4th.vj.9i9, and for settlement of said .Estate is May 28th, 1920; that 1 will sit -at the county court room In said county, on July 4th, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. ni., and October 4th, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims -and object ions duly flled. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J3J1 County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1628 of Dora Wostenfeld, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation 'and fil ing of claims against said Estate Is Oc tober 4th, 1919, and for settlement of said Estate is March 25, 1920; that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on July, 4, 1919, at '9 o'clock a. m. and October 4, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. ni to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly flled. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST. J3J1 County Judge. notice to onuniToits. . Estate No. 1653 of Dave A. Reynolds, deceased, In the County Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, , ss. Credl Itors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims agalndt said estate Is October 11th, 1919, and for settle ment of said estate Is June 4th, 1920; that I will sit at the county court room In said county on July 11th, 1919, a't 10 o'clock a. m., and on October 11th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., -to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly flled. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. Heeler & Crosby, Attorneys. J9-1 NOTICE OK INCORPORATION OV EIMrAniJS-REYN01.IlS COMPANY Notice Is hereby given that the Un dersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebras ka, under tho name and style of "Edwards-Reynolds Company." with tho principal place of transacting Its busi ness In the City of North TMatte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, tho general na ture of tho business to be transacted by said Corporation consisting of buy ing nnd selling of men's clothing, fur nishing goods, hats, shoes and tho op erating of retail stores for tho sale of the same; the amount of the cap ital stock Is $25,000.00, which was paid at the time of tho commencement of the business, which was on the 1st day of April, 1919, by goods sold to this corporation; and the commencement of the Corporation wns on the 24th day of March, 1919, and to continue for a period of twenty years from that date, and the highest amount of Indebted ness or liability to which the corpora tion shall at any time subject Itself Is two-thirds of Twenty-five thousand 00.100 (125,000.00) Dollars; tho affairs oi the Corporation to bo controlled by a Roard of Directors, of three In number, such Directors to elect a President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasur er, who are to conduct the business of the Corporation under the Instructions of the Hoard of Directors. Dated this 19th day of May, 1919. JOHN II. EDWARDS, SOPHIA B. EDWARDS, m2GJ20 EDWARD W. REYNOLDS. NOTICE OF HEARING In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, In the Matter of the Estate of Minnie Cornet, Deceased. To All Persons Interested In Said Es ' tate. Notice Is hereby given that Leonard Cornet on Juno 7, 1919, flled in this Court an Instrument purporting to be tho last Will and Testament of Minnie Cornet, deceased, and which will re lates to both real and per sonal estate and also a petition pray ing that said instrument be admitted to probate and that letters testamentary bo Isued to E. R. Goodman as Execu tor of the Estate of Mlnnlo Cornet, de ceased, and that said petition will bo heard before the County Court In the Court House In tho City of North Platte. County of Lincoln, and Btato of Nebraska, on the 28th day of Juno. 1919, at nine o'clock a. m at which time anyone may appear and contest tho probate of said Will and show cause, If any there be. why letters testamentary should not be Issued to aald E. XI. Goodman. Juno1? North Platte, Nebraska, (SEAlY WM II. C. WOODHURST. J1027 County Judge.