The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 20, 1919, Image 1

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Jlortlt fllattc eii4ltcdjli;
fNORTH PLATTE, N&3., JUNE 20, 1919.
No. 46 ,
Tho Homo Scrvlco welcomes the re
turn of soldiers, sailors and marines
and to theso returned men directs at
tention to the fact that an offlco has
been op&ncd on tho second floor of
tho federal building and will bo there
Successful Convocation., ,
The Episcopal convocation" wjiloh
had been in session in the clt for
three das closed lust evening. Ono
gratifying feature was thiylnrge nt
tenuauce of delegates, more ' parishes
In tho missionary district being rep-j
resented than usual; and tho reports!
read showed that tho church work
to glvo you our best service. Office
hours will be from 10:30 a. m. to 3:00 dltlcns, generally speaking, very sat
p. m overy day oxcept Saturday, 1 isiactor. During the sessions n iuim-
whon tho hours will be from 1 to 5. her of Interesting papers on church.
p. m. Outsldo of office hours call Red
339 or 12. It Is our aim to give twenty-four
hour service. Consult'us free
ly regarding: ,
1. Insurance; how to keep it from
lapsing; how to bo reinstated.
2. How to file claims for compen
sation. 3. Back allowance and allotment.
4. How to apply for arrears in pay.
5. Liberty bonds subscribed for
and not received.
G. How to straighten out business
7. How Red Cross will help you
with your family problems.
8. "What the Red Cross can do to
Tiolp you get employment.
Whatever we shall be able to do for
you, wo shall do gladly In tho same
spirit that you served us.
Yours for service,
Appreciates Work of Canteen.
Gardner Morris, of Chicago, director
of bureau of canteen service, in a let
ter to Commandant Mrs. Boguo says:
''It was a pleasure to note in your re
port that tho good work you have al
ways done there still goes on, and in
work wore read and discussed. A
feature of the closing session last ev
ening was tho confirmation of a class
of seventeen.
: :o: :
Teachers' Examination.
Tho next teachers' examination will
bo held Friday and Saturday, June
27th and 58th at North .Platte. Tho
Reading Circle examination will be
given at tills time. '
County Superintendent
Mrs. Heldn Tlghe returned Thurs
day from a short visit in Lexington
with Mrs. Wilfred Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Boatman .return
ed last night from Illinois whero Mrs.
Boatman was called the first of April
by tho illness of her mother who is
suffering from kidney troublo and
whose condition remains unchanged.
Mr. Boatman had been In the east two
or three weeks.
The streets in the new H. & S. ad
dition In tho south part of town are
being graded, sidewalks and cross
walks will be laid and arrangements
made for connection with the city
water mains. When these improve-
fact there were almost 3000 more ments aro completed the 120 lots
men served during the month of May which comprise tho addition will be
than In April. Also to note that the placed on the market. At a recent
number of your canteen workers re- meeting of the city council this ad
mains tho same. They have certain- dition was Incorporated within the
ly done their bit and I take this' op- city limits.
portunlty to congratulate both you, ?The most wondorfui saie 0f gfris'
and them." - gingham dresses The Sale held last
7::o::, L , Saturday The -quantity wo had only
Rev. Jones, formerly rector of the supplle1 about one-half the buyers.
Episcopal church, who Is now lo- 1 mornm(y We received another
cated at McCook, has been in town lot of theso wonderful 'dresses and
this week attending tho Episcopal thoy WU bo placed on -ale s0 comc
convocation. Rev. Jones- Is well early and mako your selections. They
yiuuaeu mm xuai. ,, u are gomg at 98c 533, ?179 ?li98(
says, has started in to pave tho streets $2 25 and up In slzeg to flt glr,8 ln
and have laid out a three-year pro- rom 3 to 18 yearg Tho Leader
gram which when completed will Mercantile Co.
cover a good portion of the entire , ' ,
town. The people in that town de- No lBr; fir,mer . "r mr0
viand that laid-evqrybody flavo . strawberries than those
lavors It. In the business section the. Brown & Thos. DoolltUe Uving
alloys aro also to bo. paved... &we- -to-vn hj? reachedorth
- Platte. Prom a-small patch. Mrf poo
Mrs. Mary Norris arrived Wednes- uuie has been marketing forty boxes
day from Omaha whero she has re- a day. Tho yield this season has
Bided for Borne time past and will peen very prolific If the valley farm
again mako North Platte her home. org cared to engage in the berry
Tho store building on Dewey street growing industry the local demand
occupied by the Qem candy kitchen could easily be supplied and tllous
wlll bo sold by the executor most any j ands of dollars kept at home each
day, as a deal Is pending now. season.
Merchants Split Time
Thirty or more merchants assem
bled at tho court house Wednosday
evening pursuant to a call anil aftor
"discussing tho question and hearing
objections from tho Central Labor
Union relatlvo to a change ln time
resolved to open tho stores one-half
hour later In tho morning and closo
ono-half hour later. Tho "Wilson"
tlmo will remain unchanged, tho stores
closing at 6:30 that tlmo Instead of at
G o'clock as at present. Tills was ap
parently a compromiso between tho
demands of the farmers and the ob
jection of tho Central Labor Union.
The now closing hour will go Into
effect next Monday.
Knock Out Ucer Law.
Repeal of tho war-'tlmo prohibition
law was given a knockout blow by
tho senate Wednesday when by a vote
of 55 to 11 it refused" to entertain a
motion by Senator Plielan of Cali
fornia to set aside tho restrictions
as to wlno and beers.
The local Rebokah lodge has in
vited all neighboring lodges to at
tend tho meeting tonight at which the
state presfdent, Mrs. Elinor Brniloy,
and state secretary, Mrs., Emma Tal
bot, will be present. There will be
Initiation followed by refreshments
and a general cood time. Mrs. -Brailey
and Mrs. Talbot, who aro making an
official trip through this part of the
state, will go to Gerlng Tuesday to
install a chapter there.
Julius Pizer returned this morning
from a business trin to Omaha.
Keith Theatre
"Alias Mike Moran"
Held is the speed merchant of
the films and lie certainly de
velops some speed in this pic
ture Hp is tho Twentieth Cen
tury Unlimited.
Smiling Bill Parson
'The Midnight Alarm'
North Platte Merchants Unaminous in
Wishing to Serve Entire Community
in Best Possible Way.
At admass meeting they l.iy aside all personal feeling: and consider
ir f.
- f -v 1 "A 3 ' A",
' ' . '
and after hearing from all of these decido that ALL are entitled to CONSIDERATION
and that so long- as Post Office, Court House, and Rail Road MUST he run on Geyorn
ineiit time and that labor insists on working on Government tlmo, that to meet tho
wishes of tho farmers, that commencing Monday, 'June 23, and until September first,
thoy will change tho hours of opening and closing the stores, opening from 7:80 to
S:30 and closing at C:30.
Trusting that this action will meet with the approval of the entire community,
Yours for tho development and upbuilding of a greater Lincoln County,
North Platte Chamber of Commerce.
Karts Greon any quantity at Tho
Rexrill. 46-2
Sirs. Thos. Axtoll, was called to
Lincoln this morning by tho Illness of
hor sister.
Horry IHxon & Son, Eyesight Spe
cialists Miss Minn Miller, of St. Paul, has
accepted a position at tho Wilcox
Department Store.
Federal Tires guaranteed for 400
miles a moderate priced tiro that
give,s the purchaser satisfaction. S.
& Rl Service Station.
TvVnty-nlno hundredths of an inch
of Vain fell laBt evening and last
night, moistening tho earth and keep
ing vegetation in a fine growing con
dition. "Billy" Woodrlng is back on his Job
ns commercial traveler after about
eighteen months scrvico for Unclo
Sam part of which time was spent
LlouU Arthur May, of Gothenburg,
was a guest at the G. S. Huffman
homo yesterday. Lieut. May was In
overseas service for a year, having
had chargo of tho telephono oxchango
at tho American headquarters in London.
A benefit danco-for the North Platto
band will bo given at the K. C. hall
tomorrow evening with music by a
flftoen-pleco orchestra. This Is tho
first of a sorles of dances to be given
for tho purpose of raising funds to
purchaso now uniforms.
Tho "Squaw Man" which will bo
shown at tho Keith Monday and Tues
day Is a plcturlzatlou of Edwin Milton
Roylo's famous stage success. It Is a
photoplay of tho red blood variety
and overy moment of It is filled with
Interest and heart appeal. -
ForvSale or Exchange Three hous
es and a vacant corner In Denver,
good looking, well located, well rent
ed, clear, actual value ?GO00. Might
exchange for North Platte property
or Lincoln county farm. FRED EAST
MAN, Owner, Hinman House, 4G-2
The sermon at tho First Presbyterian
an, .church noxt Sunday at 11 a. m.
will be "The Promise of Comfort,"
and for the evening hour "Tho One
Thing Lacking." Tho Sunday school
at 10 a. in., Leigh Carroll, superin
tendent Have you got your children
in Sunday school? If not wo would
bo glad to have them with us where
they Yflll bo carefully taught and train
ed in-.the best things. If -ypu npo a
memuor of this church we desire to
ask you to look over your record of
church attendance and seo if it is
what it should be and ask yourself
tins question "what kind of a
church would my church be If every
member was just like me?" Rev. J.
H. CURRY, Pastor.
Grand Opening of
North Pintle's newest exclusive La
dles High Grade Outfitting Store,
MONDAY, JUNE 2, 11)10,
7t!10 to 10i(M) P. jr. -.Music,
Flowers and Sninenlrs for the
In connection.
W'c Invite yon nil to Inspect our
now store.
Open for Uuslncss Tuesday, June 21
Phone 19D for Mhrlncllo nppolntnients.
Threo Daley boys, formerly of
North Platto, who have been itr.pvor
seas service for nineteen months in
tho 148th field nrtlllory, landed ln
Now York last Saturday. The boys
aro sons of Judge George W. Daley, a'
former resident hero and brother of
Chns. Daley of tho Tryon State bank
and of Mrs. Clias. Seeley and Mrs.
Geo. Dolph of this city.
President Coates, of tho Agricul
tural Society, has taken up wltti tho
Union Pacific officials a proportion
to run a special train ovor tho bfancU
,on- JUly 4j(h. Oshkosh people have
written Mr. Coatcs that thoy will guar
antee 100 tickets from that town alono.
E. R. Goodman, the executor of tho
ostnto of Anna M. Meyer, deceased,
has sold to tho North Platte Homo
Builders the property on south Locust
street formerly ocupicd by Air. and
Mrs. Gu3 Moyers as their home, for
Mrs. Clark Buchanan and Mrs. Jack
Dillon, of Los Angeles, and P. W. Slt
ton, of Rawlins, Wyo., arrived today
for. a visit at tho Butler Buchanan
Word has been received that' Mrs.
T. C. Patterson, who underwent an
operation last week at tho Mayo
Bros, hospital at Rochester. Minn., Is
doing very nicely.
Mrs. G. A. Zentmoyer will be host
ess this aftornoon to the Pan Hellenic
A. li. Hongland, past exalted rulor
of tho Elks, will loavo July 3d for At
lantic City to attend tho annual con
vention of the ordor.
Everybody knows
Sis Hopkins
Everybody loves
Sis Hopkins
the gawky llttlo girl Itoso Mel
ville made famous tho country
over, nnd
Everyone will
to seo f
Sis Hopkin
In the now Goldwyn production
of tho comedy classic, In which
you sco tho ninny clever hap
penings tho stage version conld
only hint nt. It's ii solid laugh
even ln Its most exciting parts.
Saturday & Monday.
Large size. Jar Preserves '30c per jar. Choice can
peas llzc per can, Choice can Corn 7jC per
can. Tall can Red Salmon 30c per can. Large
can Reaches 26c per can. Post Toasties 14c pkg.
We receive fresh' every morning Butternut and
rtVeam Krust Bread in sanitary parchment wrapping
Phono 212. 81S North Locuit
6 i
- K f
See the Sublime
In Metro's Super-Production de luxe. The soul of a Paris Grizettee laid bare
to all the world. Seven Acts of Powerful Drama.
Three Days, Beginning June 26th.