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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
AL JifND PEKSOIfAli Call For RenU-Fornlshed room nod 342. Mrn. Fred Frob. of Tryos. Tilti frlonrls in town Saturday Good "my sulky ior mle. Call Black 11 0 or 118 YT. 6th., 46-2 Mrs, W. H. Comb, of Steraiw Point, Wis., is vlirttlng at the F. R. Blllott home. Mrs. Louis Petroa west to Chey enne Monday for a short vilt with relatives. For Sale Lot l..Block 75, 9th tret. Nnw pftment walk-3. at a bargain. Paul 44-2 A mator production of a great di rector "Sporting Life" Keith thea tre last time tonight Mr. Julln Todd came down from Freight traffic ovr the Union Pa- LOCAL A'D PERSONAL clftc.fs somewhat light at present. This In some mmtmrt la 4h to the) Miss Villa Whlttakor baa returned diversion ol a certain asMwst of the, from a visit with her BUter In Cantral Callfdrnla fruit traffic over the Den-(City. Ter & "Rio Grande road. Riley Warren returned a few days " -T.. j w. . aco from a visit with relatives In pfelaeIercure were graotea a mar- EPISCOPAL CONTOrATIOX NOW IS SESSION IN THL CITY rlage .license yesterday by Jge Woodborst. and they were later mar ried by a local clergyman. The bride was the former wife of the groom's deceased brother. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beau champ ar rived yesterday from Rurwell and will make North Platte their home. Mr. Beaacbamp has accepted the position of salesman for the Trotter garage and will be on the road the greater part of the time. Just received another large ship ment of hot weather tub drosses, all made In the newest patterns of col Horshey Friday to visit her daughter; ored, striped and flowered voiles, ging Mrs. Frank Buchanan Big sale of children's gingham dresses now on at The Leader Mer cantile Co.'s. Stella Banks arrived Friday 0 I Mm -th furDHure and will take possesion from Long Beach, Cal., to spki " - summer with her sister, Jirs. . T f:,, .tn w, ,,. Elliott. sw of nterIor finalltr. Nettle ... . . . . hams and tissues and they are surelj selling fast. Where? At BLOCK'S of course. Mrs. James Morrow has leased the LeMastT lodging house, purchased ton nnd Florshelm for the discrimlnat in man. E. T. Tramp k Sons' phoe store. Chairman Kanold, of the B. of L. E. protective board, spont yesterday in town while enroute to his home in Laramie. v W. R. Maloney returned yesterday from Omaha, stopping over la Hast- Thursday. ings Sunday to attend a K. c ciass initiation. Mrs. J. M. Griffith and daughter Jamie returned Thursday from Lin coln, where Miss Jessie had been at 'tondlng school. We have the most wonderful collec tion of summer washable street dress es ever shown In this city. Stop In and see them at BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dixon returned Friday from Omaha where the former attended the meeting of the executive board of optometrists. The degree team of the local Knight of Columbus council returned yester day from Hastings where they put on the work at a class Initiation. Mrs. Ira Whlttaker arrived Friday from South Dakota for ah extended Mrs. LeMaster will move to the former EHott house on west Fifth which they recently purcmased. H. Dixon & Son, Eyesight Specialists. Feelln' blue? Seems as If every thing's gone wrong? Well, maybe see In' another chap's troubles will kinda take the edge off your own. And Wil liam Farnum certainly sets you a tough luck example In "The Jungle Trail" Keith theatre, Wednesday and Kansas. . IL Dixon & Son.Eyesight Specialists Ernest Ruby returned Sunday af ternoon from a visit with his ' father in Beaver City. Aprons and house dresses on sale at S5c, $1.46, $1.96. $2.45 and! up at Th Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Mrs. O. H. Thoelecke and daughter, who have been In Omaha for, a wek, will return today. Mrs. Herman Schleuter has returned from a two weeks' visit wiul relatives In Grand Island. Mrs. Hazel Davls of Omaha, for merly Miss Stryker of this city Is visiting local relatives and friend? Mrs. Anna Redmond and son Janx-s are guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. J. D. Lonergan, In Peoria, I!1. Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. Mrs. J. H. Donegan and daughter Zita will leave in a few daye for 'al lfornia to visit relative for sev-ral weeks. J. C. Den and "Dutch" Meyers left early this morning for a lako thirty miles south of Grant where they will fish for bass for a day or two. The W. H. M. society of the M E. church will meel Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Kelly. There will be election of officers and a good attend ance is desired. Red Crown or While Rose Gas 29 Cents per gallon at the Ford Garace. Hendy-Ogler Auto Co., East Fourth Street. 45-2 Frank Sanford, who returned from Camp Dodge last week, has resumed his former position as mechanic at the Hendy-Ogler garage. Frank spent eleven months in the service and all the time at Camp Dodge as an auto mechanic. Hundreds of wash skirts made of White Poplin and linen high and low shows for summer near. Won derful (juallty. Purchase early, while onr stock of sizes is complete. E. T. Tramp & Sons' shoe store. 41-2 The Elks are planning a family pic nic for the latter part of July, with the state farm as the probable scene of action. A program of sports, bas ket dinner and dancing will be the featured Bull For Sale One roan Shorthorn bull, pure bred. Will be three years Old in Alienist. A cnori lifrd hull In prime service condition. University . bcst quality gabardine, washable sat of Nebraska Experiment Substation. ia' crePe do cnlne and georgette, and North Platte, Nebr. 44-4 tne styles are tne vry latest in fKirt- aom. ah pneeu very rcusonauiy ai The twenty-ninthiannpal convocation of the Episcopal Missionary DUtrlot of Western Nebraska convened this morning, and will hold morning, after noon and evening sessions today, to morrow and Thursday. About sixty delegates are present. Including clergymen, laymen and women, the latter attending, what is termed the "House of "Church tubmen at1 which is discussed the women's phas es of church Work. 1 " J : The convocation will be conducted by Bishop Beecher, of Hastings, and opened this morning at 7:30 with a celebration of the holy. ; communion followed by a breakfast at which the clegymen w,ere the guests p the Bis hop. This forenoon Rev. J. J. Dixon, d-n of the- Valentine deanery read a paper on "The Teaching Mission of the Church," followed by a general dis cussion. This afternoon Rev. J.M. Bates, of Red Cloud, and Rev. C. R. Tyner. of Hastings, will read papers and this evening Rev. C. C. Rollitt, of Minneapolis will deliver a public ad dress on "-The Nation-Wide Cam paign." Tomorrow forenoon and afternoon will be given over largely to women's work, including conferences, reading of reports, papers by Mrs. Gutterson of roken ow d.!- .N..l.e.GWy pGcbox of Broken Bow and Mrs. R. O. Mack intosh of this city, and the election of officers. In the evening a public ser vice will be held with a sercmn by Rev. James Klrkpatrick, . of Wash- ngton, D. C. Thursday the convocation will take up busines matters, which will include the Bishop's annual address at 10 a. m., and the election of officers and the appointment of committees. In the evening there will bo a confirmation service, followed by a social gathering at the parish house. J E. Nelson and Clyde Frlstc ?pent Sunday in Hayes Center. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis.. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148 Harris Stuart has resigned at the Dixon Jewelry store and has acepted a po-sitioa in the Hirscafeld c! fostore, t t h Miss Helen Minshall wishes to an nounce that alio Is now representative of the Goodwin corset, successor to Lillian Eaton, and will be glad to meet all of Miss Eaton's old customers and visit with her parents Mr, and Mrs... ,, ,u. , . 4V1 H. I. Block and son, accompanied j by Mr. Share and children. d-ove to rnlnmhna Riinrtnv. Mm. Block left! Monday to Join Mr. Block in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Ellas and the Misses corset. Clinton & Son' will take care of your Eye Glass trouble; we guar antee to give you satis faction. Sign of the Big JStorJuSrT Weilio and! g Son is with Unci. Sam in Ger Gladys Hall attended the ball game at Julesburg Sunday. H. Dixon & Son.Eyoslght Specialists. Among the auto tourists In town yesterday was a party from San Fran cisco and a party from Seattle, both of whom report the roada in good shape all the way through Orr See "Clinton & Son' 'f ',out 'our ETes and satisfied. Son Is over on the Rhine, will be home soon. Sign ot tho Big Ring. The session of federal court which ban been In session since Monday of last week will close at the conclu sion of the case now being heard, which will probably be this afternoon or tomorrow. Judge Woodrough and Marshal Flynn state that their official visit to North Platte has been very pleasant and enjoyable. many, will bo home soon. BLOCK'S. Wo stopped at Maxwell Sunday to say howdy to Jim Elliott, a former North Platte druggist who owns the Maxwell drug store and found him well satisfied with business condi tions. He expected to leave b' auto yesterday for York to attend the state convention of druggists. During the latter part of July an army motor truck train will pass through North Platte on an ocean-to- ocean trip. This truck train will ticio n tirii. leave Washington July 7th and It is Miss Alta Wells, , a former teacher! . . i ' .m In the North Platte schools who has ,, 7, ? J, Tn ,w J been teaching at Deer Lodge, Mont., c"umc from rty-seven to sixty tho past year, has been re-elected ati ,y ' a salary of 11500. Miss Wells will A general meeting of the Baptist oend her vacation at her home at auxiliary will be held this week at the Alexandria, Neb. i homo ot Mrs. Dan Valerius, G09 west . . . , .. , . , Fourth. The hostesses will .t Mes Just received another large ship- damea inters, Barnell and iiitmt ui uui culu-r tuu urcaa, u.. Va,eriUg. Ladies aVo requested to raauu in uio neweiii pauerna oi coi- , fc anawers to question box In ored. striped and flowered voiles, ging- M Q pMl88lons and to brlng ,n nny hams nnd tissues and thnv are surelvi . . , i l Wri.n r.rrnia mission dooks tney nave out course. Mrs. Ada Turpie and two children, accompanied by the former's father, A. O. Kochen, left today for points in Colorado to spend the Bumirnr with relatives. They will bo ioined by Miss Arta Kochen who has been teaching at Great Falls, Mont., the past year. sols- SFECIAL NOTICE Wc hnve calls for west end residence properties located on west Second, Third Fourth and Eifth. If you want to sell list it today. Wc sell listed stuff only. Try our semcc. THE II. & S. AGENCY. 43-4 Brodbcck Uuildintj. The Telephone Company Must Earn Something This company has no "watered stock". A dollar has been invested in the property of the company for every dollar's worth of securities issued. More than 130,000 men and women are stockholders in the Bell System. If the money invested in our business did not earn a reason able return, the owners of our securities, would get rid of them and invest their money elsewhere. And if this company did not earn chough so that our present investors would keep their holdings, it would-be impossible to sell, additional securities. . "The result would be that we could make no improvements or extensions of any kind, ' NEBRASKA E -J to J- LOCAL N'EWS John Lincoln, Jr., spent the week end visiting friends in Kearney. Jjs. Hart and Son Lawronco spont yesterday in Omaha on business. Mrs. C. E. Souser feturned yesterday from Clarkb, Neb., where she had ben visiting her son. Misses Anna and Josephine O'Hare and Mrs. Elmer Baker spent Sunday in Gothenburg. T,orrri TTnsflnir'i famp in 1mm Hastings Saturday to spend tfie week enu wun mo nome ioiks. Mrs. Edward Pierson who has" been visiting in eastern points, is expected to return the later part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L.' Pennington and daughter, accompanied by two Omaha friends, left last week for a month's stay in Estes Park. Members of Silver Leaf Camp R. N. are requested to pay their as sessments and dues before June 30, at tho First National Bank. j M. SCHMALZRIED. Recorder Sgt. Rawlins Ginn returned Thurs day after sixteen months Bervice over seas, a member of the headquarters company of the 35th engineers. He was met at Camp Dodge, where he re ceived his discharge, by Mrs. Ginn. The remains of the late Mrs. Wm, Pearsall, who died In Denver Satur day, were received here yestrday ana later taken to Overton for burial. Mrs. Pearsall was taken to a Denver hospital about ten days ago. Her hus baiMfls employed with the U. P. bridge and building gang under Foreman Murphy. Dr. Fetter returned Saturday from army service and will re-enter the practice of medicine as soon as he can secure office quarters. Dr. Fetter was In overseas service for several months and stationed in a hospital near the front where were treated the soldiers suffering from German gas. As the clothing of the men brought to tho hospital were impregnated with tho gas, more or less of the fumes were inhaled by the attending physicians and Dr. Fetter was more or less af fected and he has since had consid erable trouble with his throat. Judging from the talk of some of'the farmers who have visited The Tribune office during the past week, the bus iness men of North Platte should have given more study and thought before Ignoring the change of time resolu tion passed by tho city council. Tho action of the business men is not well recolved by the farmers who signed tho potition. According to sua time the business houses now close at 4:18 In the afternoon, which you must ad- mlt Is rather early In the day. ' Misses Sadie TrovlllO a!H Bcrsio , Chamberlain spent Sunday with friends In Omaha, j,. j If you1 .ire planning an auto trip call and see our completelino of khaki garments, Just the thing for auto wear and touring. Khaki suits, dresses, otbing i and separate skirts at lowest prices possible at BLOCK'S. A Little Information About some of our Groceries Hiul 3fents. We deliver any order any place in town for Tic. Spociul on llrooms while they hist 16cJ 1 IniKe can Tomatoes 1.1c, dox. $1.7.") I 1 run fcarly June Peas loc, iloz. !i.t 1 enu corn lHv, doz. Slfitt 1 bar P. k. (. Naptlm Soap Sc. lit $1 1 pHckHge Kub No More .7e, is 1 pneknge Ontmcal 2'c, 1 package Ofic 1 package Mutches .1c, 12 pkgs. .'Ac 1 pint bottle Itluliibr 9c, bottles 25c Fresh Itrontl and 3111k evory morning. Gamble with Springer, Store 'o. 1 Sl'2 North Locust. Store No. 2, 1 111 Must It. Telephone 203. r.l UNION MEN Attend Your Meetings at the NEW LABOR TEMPLE Hear what is being said and done for the next Thirty Days by the educational com mittee in behalf of union-made goods and against mail order Patronize home industry and the merchants who have co operated with the Central Labor Union. North Platte Central Labor Union. VBESTl NORTH PLATTE, NEBM i COW bkahu Cowl Brand The Best Flour Made in the Best Town in Western Nebraska A Home Product Used by all Home People. T r s, SnedldAnimal Circus lj feYailSv PRESENTING .jwZfi&wS Aouoffeife (Sipaitett PAfotmg53 'T I T T WILL EXHIBIT AT North Platte Ol JgE day only Q . j i A I Afternoon-Night Saturday, June A Rain or shine 1 - -- fe-j" . v i i n mi gy INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan' Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. 'IJhe Association has unlimited ftinds at its command to assist Jn' the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Rlatte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it Fs to acquire your own home. T.'C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. t