FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS fV. SIX PER CENT. We have first mortgage loans for sale in amounts from $500.00 to $10,000.00 secured by real estate worth from two to three times the amount of the loan. These mortgages are exempt from state, county and city taxes, and the collection of the interest is taken care of without expense to the holders. If you have smaller amounts than $500.00 to invest, call and learn our new plan for such investments. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co., North Platte, Nebraska. MISS KELLY WILL TAKE IT WELFARE WORK DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stat Bunk. ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL Sco Dlener & Co. for all kinds of insurance. Phone Red 672. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Steele left Wed nesday ,on a motor trip to Estes Park. Good ""'baby sulky for sale. Call Black 1102. 44-2 Ray Langford wont to Omaha Tues day to attend the bankers conven tion. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Mrs. Dan Burke will leave the first of the week on an extended visit to Illinois. See the latest styles and colors in motor hats, caps and bonnets just re ceived by The Leader Mercantile Co. If you are looking for a lot on which to build your home see Diener & Co. Thono Red 572. Miss Zoo Watts has accepted a position as bookkeeper, with 'the Ar tificial Ice Co. For Salo A John Deere two-row cultivator. Inquire of Claus Ander son, phono 788F3. Miss "Villa Whittaker is spending a week1 in Central City with her sister Mrs. Edgar Schiller. Lee Newton won the prize at the novelty boot dance held at the K. C. hall Tuesday evening. Misses Laura and Mina Canfer spent the week end at Horshey as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Case. For Sale A kitchen range. Call black 214, or at 208 east Third. 41-2 William Davis returned yesterday from Ames, Iowa, where he has been attending the Ames college. Mrs. O. W. Sprigg arlved Wednes day from Kansas City for a visit with her sister, Miss Julia Nolan. Miss Nina Rasmussen loft yesterday for Kenesaw Neb., where she will spend a month visiting relatives. Mr. .and Mrs. Ralph Hayden, of Wallace, are spending a few days in town looking after business interests. Mrs. Louis Petorson will leave the first of tho week for Cheyenne where she will spend a week with relatives. Miss Helen Soibert will leave today for Grand Island where she will spend tho summer with her aunt,, Mrs. Car son. . Little boys' bib overalls on sale at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s. at 75c, 85c, and 5c; for the larger boys at 5c, $12.5 and $1.45. W. H. McDonald and Ray Langford were in attendance at the bankers' convention held at Omaha Wednesday and Thursday. A handy can of Polarino Lubricat ing Oil on a long trip saves time and temper. You can get it at tho S. & R. Service Station, Sixth and Locust. A special train carrying ninetysev en convalescent soldiers and one car of mental cases passed west Wed nesday morning. On hand at all times a full line of tho well known Mobil A, Mobil 13, Po larino, and Enarco lubricating oils. S. & R. Service Station. F. L. Montgomery, who had been taking treatment at the Twinem hos pital, returned Wednesday to his home at Hershey. rumps, black, brown nnd grey Hiicdc. 'Beauties, every one of them. All sizes mid widths nt E. T. Tramp & Sous' shoe store. 4-1-2 Liver laziness means a dull brain and a poisoned body. Remove the cause by chiropractic adjustments. Consultation is without charge. See Dr. States today. Mrs. Mary Norris, who had been vis iting friends in town for tho past week, returned Wednesday to her home in Omaha. She was accompan ied by Mrs. Angelia Roddy who will be her guest for a week. Protect your Property Investment with paint! The cost cf building mater ials is going up repairs cost more every day. Hold; yourproperty on a rising mar ket by protecting it against depreciation with a weather-proof paint. Patton's Sun-Proof is a high-grade paint that furnishes a weather-proof film which will not quickly chalk, crack, or check. You'll find it gives years of extra service. . Let us submit suggestions and color schemes. STONE DRUG STORE Miss Anna Beckter, of Staploton, is visting her sisters, Mrs. Know and Mrs. Beckius. You automobile owner are you pro tected with liability insurance? If not see Diener & Co. Phone Red 572. Mrs. Ora White, of Grand Island, is the guest of Mr .and Mrs. Frafik McGovern. Mrs. White wns formerly iMrs. Ora Hall of this city. I have a buyer for a quarter sec. tion of good farm land with or with out improvements south of south riv er. Clabaugh, G18 Dewey. 39-4 Mrs. Brailey, president of tho Re bekah State Assembly, and Mrs. Tal bot, the state secretary, will come up from Omaha on June 20th to make an .official visit to the lodge hore. Mrs. J. A. Crusen and Miss Dorothy Hlnman will arrive tomorrow from iVkron, Ohio, where they have been visiting Mrs. E. L. Ford. Mrs. Ford was formerly Miss Elizabeth Hlnman. Bull For Salo One roan Shorthorn bull, pure bred. Will bo three years old in August. A good herd bull in prime service condition. University of Nebraska Experiment Substation, North Platte, Nebr. 44-4 Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings every week at 8:00. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend these services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Mrs. R. J. Clabaugh, who had been spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clabaugh, returned Wednesday to Greeley, Colorado, whore Mr. Clabaugh has gone into partnership with Cody Boal in the Cody Garage. . Attention Farmers: A good motor truck will save you much, both in time and money, and tho time, is soon nere when you will need it. Investigate Dodge Brothers and White trucks, known the world over for their value. V. Romigh. Dealer. Blouses! Blouses- We are selling more waists anu mouses man any store in town. ,Why? Because wo have hundreds of beautiful silk waists on display every day of the year, and priced to stand comparison at all times. BLOCK'S. C. W. Black, of Grand Island, sec retary oftho allied labor press, spent day or two in town this week cqhj ferring with President antlin, of the Central Labor Union. During the next thirty days tho local Central Labor Union will engage in a strong cam paign in favor of union made goods against the purchasing of goods from mail order houses and a more heart.' support of homo merchants and home products.. "Sporting Life," showing at tho Keith Monday and Tuesday, is one of tho big ones. It was addpd to the Paramount program because of its ex cellence. The director, Maurice Tour nour, has put out such successes as Tho Bluebird "Barbary Sheep" and "Tho Poor Little Rich Girl." This play is tho most lavish of the long string of Drury Lano melodramas, one of which was given each year at tho fa mous London home of melodrama prior to the war. ::o:: Strayed I bay mare 7 years old, stocky built, shod in front, branded on left shoul der. Frank Albro. Route 1, North Platte. 40-3 ESTBAYEI). Estrayed from my place seven miles southeast of North Platte, Thursday, May 29th, ono bay mare branded with T lazy T on left shoulder: also one brown mule with scar on left hind leg. 42-G R. H. WILLIAMS. STRAYED 0R STOLEN. Two year old Holstein Heifer, most ly whlto with few black spots, swal low fork on left car, undercut on right ear. Any information leading to tho recovery of animal will bo liberally rewarded. A. COOLEDGE, 42-4 North Platte, ::o:: Estrny Notice Taken up on Section 13, Town 12, Range 29, by tho undersigned who thero resides, on or about April 5 5 1919, ono roan heifer, no brands. Own er can havo tho samo by proving prop erty and paying charges. PAUL SODERMAN, Route A North Platte, N o ::o:: Estrny Notice Taken up by tho undersigned, on Section 10, Town 15, Rango 29, who thero resides, on or about April lxt, vjvj, one two year old red heifer; no brands distinguishable. Owner vli, prove, property, pay charges and take animal away. II. E. WOODS Miu Sarah Kelly has returned from Omaha where she gpont lx week tak ItiK a course of Instruction in the home service section of the .Red Cross, pri'paratqry to assuming the position of secretary of that phaso of Red Cross work. Miss Kelly in a fow days will open an office in the federal building and do vote nil her time to tin1 work, which will relato to tho "welfare of soldiers, sailors and ma rines nnd families of the men who have been, or are yet, in service, ren dering such assistance as conditions demand. Hor work will cover a wide scope, for to h6r will bo assigned tho f.uty of "keeping tab" on every Lin coln county man who lias been In tho service. If tho mnn is wounded ef forts will bo mado to secure for him a position which ho can fill; it ho has tronblo with his government insur ance such will be looked nftor if help is needed; if the family of a man still in service needs assistance such will he given; men who'aro unemployed will be holped to positions; in fact th" secretary's business is to do any thing nnd everything in tho lino of welfaro work, nnd Miss Kelly will be JSiau to have returned sorvico men consult with her in regards to their heeds. It Is tho intention to appoint Rt several points in tho county as sistants who will report to the secre tary any needs that may nrlso in their communities. Lnter the wolfaro Work will be extonded so as to include veter ans of the civil war nnd Spanish American war, and eventually it will be applied to civic conditions. For this work Miss Kelly is splendidly equipped; she is a bright young worn nn of good judgment, is an energetic and willing worker; she was closely associated with war work as carried on by the Sammy Girls and tho Red Cross, and her experience in this lino has been supplemented by her course of training in welfaro work in Omaha. ::o: 3Inkc Interest Enrn Interest Liberty bond interest which will be paid by the government on Juno 15 will amount to $G,GS5,37G.G3. The gov ernment makes the suggestion that if tins interest is invested in war Sav nigs Stamps it will again earn inter est. In order to make it easy to do this, post office officials all over the country have been instructed to ex change War Savings Stamps for Lib erty bond coupons. Tho post offlco here reports a marked falling off In tho purchaso of War Savings Stamps sinco the signing of the armistice, in dicating that, although the govern ment still needs money, people are less willing to lend it now that tho ex citement of abtual warfare is past. Asido from patriotic motives, war sav ings stamps aro a good investment. taken from" a financial standpoint oniy. ::o:: 'Clinton & Son will take caro of your Eye Glass trouble; wo guar antoe tn clvn von snlis V! fnptlnn. Rlin nt ihn TMt Ring. Son is with Uncle Sam in Ger many, will be home soon. At The Sun MONDAY "All Wrong" STARRING Byrant Washburn ALSO Starting the Nevy Serial "THE FIGHTING RAIDER" G.W.PUGHE ftc'Wy KCUOAMO' NATIVE !r-S vc otvs&i ni piayed, FAMOUS HAWAIIAN AND AMERICAN MUSIC AS YOU HEAR IT IN HONOLULU. With William Farnom in "THE JUNGLE TRAIL" Keith Theatre, Thursday, June 9th, AN INVITATION TO FARMERS. High prices of land, feed, seed ami ma chinery demand Unit the business nnd fi nancial end of farming; receive greater at ( tcntion than ever before. i Farmers aro invited to bring their bus- . incss and financial problems here. IVo offer , ji service which business-farmers will find s especially valuable at this time. Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. i JOHN S. SIMMS. I). Special Attention Given to Sursery McDonald liank Bulldlnc Office Phone 83 Residence .'IS k NOTICE OP JIHATIINO In th County Court or Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, In tho Matter of the estate or iumnie uornei, uucuuneu. To All Persons Interested In Said 13s tntn. Notice is hereby given that Leonard Cornet on June 7, Med In this Court an Instrument purporting to bo the last Will and TeBtnrnent or Minnie Cornet, deceased, and wlilcn will ro lutes to both roal and per son.ll estate nnd also a petition pray Inn that said Instrument be ndtnltted to probate and that letters testamentary be laued to is. it. uoouman as uxecu- tor of the Estato of Mlnnla Cornet, uu ceased, and that said petition will bn heard boforo the County Court In tho Court House In tho City of North Platte, County of Lincoln, and State of Nebraska, on the 28th day of Juno, 1919. at nine o'clock a. m.. at which time anyone may appear and contest tho probate of said "Will and show cause, if any there be. why letters testamentary should not bo Issued to Bam h, H. aooaman. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska June 7, 1919. (SEAL) WM II. C. WOODIIURST. W. H. DIENER W. H. BARRETT DIENER & COMPANY REAL'ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. We have for sale a number of city residences ' and residence lots, farms and ranch property. 1 1 We handle Life, Fire, Tornado, Hail, Automo bile, Plate Glass, Burglary and Casualty Insurance. See us when ready to build your home. We will assist you financially. We will go on Your Bond. Phone Red 572. Office over Austin's Jewelry Store r NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. We Strive to Please PRICES RIGHT A Trial Order Means a Steady Customer. DICK STEGEMANN DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries and Confectionery. Phone 212. 816 North Locust $0.00 Orders Delivered KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, MAZEPPA LODGE No. 116. Meeting Nights Second and'Fourth t Wednesdays of each Month. K, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, Phone Black 720. Harry II. York, C. C, phono Black 425, C02 South Pine. 0. E. Elder, Y. C, phono Bed 212 214 South Sycamore 1). M. Hogsett, l phono Bed COB C21 West Fifth. C. L. Buskins, M. W., phono 01, Building & Loan Building, S. M. Souder, K. It. S., phono Bod 125, C01 South Bowoy. J. E. Sebastian, M. l phono Bed 318, Oil East Second. Boy Meliluiann, 31. E., phono Black, GS1, 200 South Locust. C. M. Austin, M. A., phono Black 1128, 110 West Second. J. W. Bowlund, I. G phono Bed 107, 220 East E. IV. E. Starr, 0. G., phono G77, 320 West Fifth. North Phto, J10-27 County Judge.