The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 13, 1919, Image 4

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(Now Mrs. Chas. Chaplin.)
A heart-searching story of love 'lost and won will seize
on your sympathies like a bridal wreath of orange blossoms.
See the best actress, the best story, the best directed
photoplay you have seen in months.
10c and 15c plus war tax. Use your Coupons.
Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday.
Comedy Night TonighT
George Walsh
The man who put the
"move in moving Pictures,
A whirlwind of joy, a two
part Sunshine comedy.
Virtuous Husbands.
"White Hobo and Itcd Crown gas
means more mileage. For sale by S.
& It. Service Stnttlon.
Boys' rompers and waists on sale
at 7Cc, 95c, $1.25 and up at The Leader
Mercantile Coa.
Go to tho Keith tonight to see "Vir
tuous Husbands". and tomorrow night
to see "Happy tho' Married."
For Sale My residence property at
018 west Fifth. Inqulro at tho prem
ises.' Luke Haley. 40-5
Mr. and Mrs. H. Qllfoylo returned
today frpm Denver where they had
boon spending a fow days with friends.
We sell tho celebrated "Racine
Tires,." both cord and fabric, 8000 and
5000 milo guarantee. S. & R. Servico
"It's All Wrong," starring Dryant
Washburn at Tho Sun Monday. As a
salesman ho was original,, but ar a
husband ho made a dismal, failure in
the matrimonial romance "All
Mrs. H. A. Noli, who had been tho
guest of Mrs. Jas. Guyman, returned
Wednesday to her home at Schuyler,
Sho was accompanied by Master Joe
The gasoline and lubricating oil
used by tho government aeroplane in
tho cross country flight was furnished
by tho Standard Oil Co. Wo sell both
Standard, gas and lubricating oil. S.
& R. Servico Station.
Attorney F. E. Edgerton, of Aurora,
,and Attornoys T. M. Morrow and L,
n S. Simrns, M. D., McDonald I t fl' , u , attending
Building, phono 83. tf , h(J BQm of fcdora, CQUrL
Hundreds of wash skirts made of
best quality gabardine, washable sat
Ins, crepe do chine and georgette, and
tho styles are the very latest in skirt-
dom. All priced very reasonably at
Monogram oils, Havolino oils and
.T.,t ..iMlvml. n new shinment of greases anu wnue uoso gasoline, an
men's oxfords at the Shoo Market. w7 products at tho Romigh garage
Mrs. W. J. Fettor loft Thursday to1 Bob McCabo, of Cheyenne a former
snend a fow days with friends in 1 North Platto boy, spent a day or two
Maxwell, j l ( .' tin town this-woek, coming down to
. , J- attend the safety first conference: Bob
Women's, misses' and children's sun ,, .; ,t,.nn,i r, naa,n
bonnets on sale at 47c by Tho Leader ftop twenty.ono months. ,Berv!co wUh
Uncle Sam.
Will Davis, a student nt tho agri
cultural collego at Ames, la., arrived
homo yesterday. He will visit, his
parents for a fow days and then go to
Colorndo whero ho will accept a po
sition with tho United States forest
sorvlco In tho Mount of tho Holy Cross
I f
J Tho monthly meeting of the Wyom- Land in Lincoln county reached the
ling division safety conforonco cbm- record price of -two hundred nnd fifty
l mltteo held In this city Wednoriduy dollars per aero Tuesday when W. C.
was largely attended and brought to f'ole sold eighty acres of his farm for
North Platte a largor number' of Un- that price nnd the remaining 135 acres i
ion Pacific officials and mdn associ- for two hundred and thirty-five dollars j
'ated with railroad work than ' had per acre, the 215 acres selling for
perhaps ever been here before, In the $51,700. Tho purchaser was Harry
i nolgborhood of soventy-flvo being Yumnrl, a Japanese. A month before
prosent. Mr. Cole turned down an offer of $225
While tho attendants were largely Pr acre for the land. This farm slt-
' from the Wyoming division, there uatcd .seven mllos west of the city,
wero present Gonl. Mnnngor Joffora. Hes on the ridge nnd is considered
Gen. Supt. Hammlll, P. Groome, saf- n of tho best tracts in tho valley. The
I cty agent for the' road, M. II. LoomK Inntl is In a fine state of cultivation
.general counsel, H. J. Plumhoff assist- and tho buildings are fairly good,
(ant to tho federal manngor, Ed. S. ! Mr. Colo bdiight part of thlsr land
I White director of tho U. P. war ser- under contract from the ditch corn-
vice club and Ralph C. Richards, di-, Pny twenty-three years ago. After
rector of safety first on the North- arming it ror a year or two uut not
western road. Supt. Woodruff hpnd- making very onrouraging headway ho
ed the employes from the Wyoming i concluded to abandon tho contract,
division. The businos men of thu cltv However, E. F. Seebergcr, who wns
associated themselves with the con - then manager of the ditch, and Chas.
mltteo of local railroad men in 0-i MrUonnld prevailed on Cole to stay
tending courtesies to the visitors, aw' on 1,10 Ian(1-' IIe tk their advice and
as tho latter arrived on the morning p,t'r another year of effort he began
trains they were given an auto rM fo ujiiKe a winning and alter these
which extended to tho state fnrm. twenty-three years Mr. Cole finds his
There they were met by Supt. Sny'uVr assets above $60,000.
who conducted them over the farm! . .o..
and shown some of the Holsteln cowd Library Notes
each of which produce more milk In a I 1,10 rary now possesses a num
Finder ' For Sale Kimball organ, good as
now. Phone 788F11. 44-lp-
S. & R. means "Service Rendered,"
try us and bo convinced.
Pick tip bargains nt E. T. Tramp &
Winfleld Thiel, of Sutherland, visit
ed friends in town Thursday.
Dr. Morrill, DonMst. Offlco over
Wilcox liepurtment Store.
Mrs. Jas. Frazler and daughter Ty
rona aro- viBlting friends in Staple-ton.
Mrcantllo Co,
Miss Bessie Smith wont to Gothen
burg Wednesday to spend a fow days
with friends,
White Poplin nnd linen high nnd
low shows for summer wear. Won
derful quality. Purchase enrly, while
nut stock of nIkcn Is complete. E. T.
Tramp & Sous' shoe store. ' -i 1-2
Liberty Land Company
Office Over Rexall Drug Store.
Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count
ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots
in all parts of North Platte. Look for the m l sign.
week than do three ordinary cows,
The party returned to town at noon
nnd following lunch convened in ses
sion at Odd Follows' hall whero tho
business session wns held. During this
session tho suggestions along the lines
of safety first as made by employes
were considered and disposed of, the
suggestions as a rule being referred to
the local official at or nearest the sta
tion or point whero the defect exist
ed. To an outsider it seemed as
though n good many of these sugges
tions were trivial, but we learned
that no matter how small the existing
defect might bo It was considered, for
n tho safety first program nothinc
that might avert an accident or iniury
to employo Is overlooked. These re
medial suggestions came from every
branch of tho service and covered
therefore a wide range. This part of
tho program was conducted by Supt.
Following the disposition of these
suggestions the meeting was address
ed by Ralph C. Richards, of Chicago,
director of safety on the Northwestern
road, and who is known as tho father
of tho safety first movement. Wo were
not present to hear Mr. Richards,
but it is learned that the address was
a particularly instructlvo nnd interest
ing one. About two hundred employ
es were present at this meeting.
in tno evening the visitors wero ten
dered a banquet at tho Masonic hall
by North Platto citizens. Plates were
laid for 208, and thoUKh handicanned
by crowded conditions, Manager Dodd,
oi mo union racillc dining hall, serv
ed an excellent menu of seven cours
es. xno uinncr was served by wives
of members of tho local committee,
tno young ladles employed in tho
local offices of tho company and a fow
other young ladles, about twenty in
With Goo. N. Gibbs vory accontablv
filling, tho toastmastcr's chair. -toasts
wero respondedto by Messrs. Jcffors,
iticimrds, Hammlll, Row Weber of
Green River, Groome. Hnlliean. Loom-
is, Plumhoff, White, Federal Judce
Woodrough and Woodruff. Generally
speaking these talks wero along tho
saioiy nrst lines, nnd as each speaker
interspersed his remarks with woll
told stories, tho procram thoiich
lengthy did not become tiresome Tho
Stamp orchestra and tho Elks' double
quartette furnished tho music for the
ovonlng. I
ino officials present exnrossed
themselves as highly pleased with the
business conforonco and the courtesies
extended by North Plntte people.
See 'Clinton & Son1
about your Eye troubles
satisfaction ovcry timo
Son is over in Germany,
will bo homo in a fow
weeks or months. Sign of tho Big
ber of the Underwood Stereographic
View which form a most interesting
means of pleasurable information
Late Mechanical Books are Wil
liams' Automobile Repairman's Help
er; Russet's Motor Truck and Auto
mobile Motors; Williams' Now Tin
smith Helper and Pattern Book.
Mrs. McGrath Pnsses Awuy.
Mrs. Chas. Boguo received a mes
sage Wednesday morning stating that
her mother, Mrs. McGrath, had died in
California. Mrs. Bogue and her
daughter Emma left for the
coast on an ovonlng train. Mrs. Mc-
Grath's death followed a serious op
oration, from which sho seemed to be
recovering satisfactory when a set
back occurred. Tho deceased was well
known in North Platto as sho was a
resident of the city for several years
and highly esteemed by all.
Married' nt Lexington.
Two Maxwell couples, Benjamin F.
Briggs and Miss Edith D. Knapp, and
Frank D. Knapp and Miss Elsie F.
Addlngton, were married at Lexing
ton on Wednesday, June 4, County
Judge I. J. Nlsley, officiating.
Roy F. Harnan and Miss Ethel B.
Burke, both of Brady, were married
at Lexington on Thursday, Juno 5th.
by Rev. H. H. Millard. GotheDbure
The Ford Motor Company have in
structed us to soil the genuine Ford
Parts to any and every reliable Garage
who will pledge their use in the repair
of Ford cars. The genuine Ford Parts
are absolutely necessary to tho owner
of Ford cars that he may get full
service from his car. Wo cany them
and so, wo hope, in a short time will
every reliable Garage. Wo solicit your
service business because wo have tho
Ford Methods, tho Ford Parts, the Ford
Mechanics and tho Ford prices. Inci
dentally would be glad to get your order
for one or more Ford cars.
Mrs.' Casner Dollish, of Mnllnlnz
precinct, was In town Wednesday
transacting business and mailn Tim
iTiouno a can. Mrs. Bolllsh Is ono
of tho earlier settlors In Mmlininn
precinct, having located there with
nor husband thirtv-four vrnr ntm
'Mr. Dollish Is rnthor crlnnltwl wnii
rnoumaiism and has not visited North
Platto for sovcral years.
Mothers who have girls should not
fail to attond tho big salo of girls
wasn crosses, tho most wonderful
bargains. For ono day only, Saturday
this week, at Tho Leader Mercantile
Watch your step today this is Fri
day tho 13th.
Mr. Spurgln of Pnxton. transacted
buslnoss in town yesterday.
Wo havo tho most wonderful collec
tlon of summer wnBhablo street dress
es ovor shown in this city. Ston in
anu sco thorn nt UUJUK'S.
: :o: :
Stray Cnlf
Strayed to my farm ten miles north
west of North Platto, and ono mllo
east of Nichols school houso, April
nrBt, n cair. owner can have same by
identifying same, paying for ad and
feed bill. FRANK HENEKA.
::o:: '
Church of Our Saviour Episcopal.
uivino servicss ror Sunday (Trinity
Holy Communion 7:3Q a. m.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Holy communion and sermon 11 a.
Sunday school on north side 3 p. m.
Confirmation lecture 4 p. m.
Evening prayer and sermon 7:30
p. m.
Flying machine gas and oil for salo
at the S. & R. Service Station. Can be
used in all automobiles.
A Little Information
About some of our Groccrfcs and
Stents. We deliver nny order nny
nlnce In town for 5c.
Special on Brooms while they Inst lCc
1 large can Tomatoes 15c, doz. $1.75
1 can Early June l'eas Lie, doz.
1 can cornn 15c, doz. $1.80
1 bur V. &. (i. Xnntlm Sonn 8c, 13 $1
1 packngo Rub N'o More 7c, IS $1.0
I package Oatmeal 25c, 1 packages 95c
1 package Matches 5c, 12 pkgs. 55c
1 pint bottle Blulnt? 9c, S bottles 25c
Fresh Bread nnd Milk every morning.
Gamble with Springer,
822 North Locnst.
Telephono 203
We havo calls for west end residence
properties located on west Second,
Third Fourth nnd Fifth. If you wnnt
to sell list It todny. We sell listed
stuff only. Try onr sonice.
43-1 Urodbcck Building-.
Having purchased
H . J . 'Plymesser's
grocery store known
as the Independent
Grocery, we will
have the store open
every week day
until 7 o'clock sun
time or 8 o'clock
federal time.
Your patronage
Hear Your
Favorite Record
I ET us play your favorite record regardless of
make. You will wonder, as thousands of
others have, how it is possible to reproduce such
true and natural tones heretofore thought im
possible. Come in and carefully examine the Ultona
the new all-record reproducer which plays all rec
ords at their best.
Also see the Oval Allwood Tone Amplifier
then you will know why The Brunswick is the
wonder phonograph of today.
Walker Music Co.
Attend Your Meetings at the
Hear what is being said and done for the
next Thirty Days by the educational com
mittee in behalf of union-made goods and
against imail order houses. Patronize home
industry and the merchants who have co
operated with theCentral Labor Union.
North Platte Central Labor Union,
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited'funds at itscomrriand to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
We have the Delco Light Agency for
North Platte and vicinity. All who
are looking f or n good efficient Farm
Lighting and Power System are in
vited to call at our office, 106 East
Front Street, where we have a plant
installed for your inspection.
W. I. STEBBINS, Dealer