tuu teuton WwxM, THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 13, 1919. No. 44 TWO MOKE TRAINS TO UK ADDED .TO SERVICE LEASES K. 1. HALL AS LABOU "TRIPLE . Effectlvo Juno 22d two nddltlonal trains will bo added to the Union Pa cific service. Tho east bound train will bo known as No. 10 and will, do local work between Cheyenne nnd Platte will be about two o'clock in tho " use this hall as a meeting place afternoon. Tho west bound train will Tho North Platto Contral Labor Union has leased tho K. -P.; hall for a poriod of from three to five years and will designate it hereafter as Labor Templo. It will be arranged to have all local unions and labor organiza- JtfMJE lVOODROUGH DECIDES IMPORTANT IRRUJATION CASI. bo tho ro-instatement of No. 3 and will reach North Platto about three o'clock in tho morning. This train will also do local work between North Platto and Cheyenne. This local servico will bo especially valuable to people living along tho line from Julesburg west. No. 19 will also continue to do local work between this city nnd Cheyenne. The ro-instateraent of those trains will give employment to four addi tional North Platto engine crows and two additional passenger crows. ::o:: Smocks and middles in all sizes, made of best quality galatio and long jean, in plain colors, some comblna- imHnnn nnd nnmn whlt.n t.rlmme.d In Ted or bluo on salo now at BLOCK'S. ' ing her Tuesday. The trouble will bo until such a time as it is possible to erect a permanent labor temple. Tho orection of such a building is a fu ture possibility as organized labor is becoming very strong inNorth Platte and such a building will become a necessity as a meeting place for tho various and many organizations. ::o:: Mothers who have girls should not fail to attend tho big salo of girls wash dresses. Tho most wonderful bargains. For one day only, Satur day this week, at The Leader Mer cantile Co. ' ' Mrs. Margaret Rayomo field a complaint in tho county court "Wednes day charging Archie MoCIellnn and Mrs. Hornie Stromsburg with assault- In the federal court In this city yes terday Judge Woodrough deckled a seepngo enso of vast Importance lo all Irrigation companies, holding that 'such a company cannot bo sued for seopago damage In tho nbsonco of negligence. Tho caso aroso in Scotta Bluff county and was entitled Thomas Hooker against tho Farmers' Irriga tion District. Hooker alleged that his land had been ruined by seepage from the canal of tho Farmers' ditch. Tho evidence showed that thore are threo large canals above tho Hooker land, two belonging to tho government anil one in the Farmers' District. It also showed that the Hooker la,nd was subject to overflow from a large wat ershed. Tho inundation of Hooker's MAilOU TAKES A RATH; RREAKS THE TOR Major M. C. Harrington, of Denver, who is a guest at tho Hotel McCabo, is of goodly proportions; in fact ho Is a big man. Yesterday morning ho os snyed to take a bath, nothing unusual for the Major to do, but tho results were unexpected. As ho let his wolght down into tho tub ono of tho Iron sup ports or legs broko off, tho tub tilted and as It veered tho water , In the tub poured on tho floor. But this -was not all, for as tho tub lunged lloorward the plumbing connection whoro It entered tho tub was wrenched off and tho full pressure of water from the city mnlns poured forth. Beforo this could bo Remedied there was a pea of water In the room; it leaked to tho floor below, thonco trickled down into NEW RANK WILL RE OPENED IN THIS CITY nil. CRESSLI2R SELLS HIS ' RANCH FOR alS,000.00 Thinking of a silk sweater for the coming hot weather? Seo them at BLOCK'S. Glen Llndsey, charged with abetting tho delinquency of Laura Johnson, a fifteen year old girl, had a hearing before Judge Woodhurst Wednesday and was fined $200 and costs, which lio paid. Tho girl was paroled to an aunt. aired In court today or tomorrow. Hundreds of wash skirts made of best quality gabardine, washable sat ins, crepe do chine and georgette and tho styles are th very latest in sklrt dom. All priced very reasonably nt BLOCK'S. P. J. Norton came up from Grand Island Wednesday to attend tho saf ety first meeting. ENID BENNETT in "HAPPY THO MARRIED" Lots of couples who are trying to kid the world that they are happy, will be interested in this picture. Smiling Bill Parsons comedy. "THE SEA WOOF" KEITH SATURDAY. MAURICE TOURNEUR 46 PRESENTS SPORTING LIFE" the famous Drury Lane melodrama. A tremendous tale of fast horses, flying fists and beauti ful women. A love theme that will warm your heart. The two sisters, one of whom loved a prize fighter and the other an Eng lish lord, are delightfully captivating heroines. KEITH THEATRE, Monday and Tuesday. land began In 1914. Tho Fanners' tho basement, making a horrlblo ditch began to carry wator In 1907. "muss:. Hereafter Major Harrington Tho government canals began their will tako baths only In tubs that aro water carrying In 1913 nnd 1915.' guaranteed to withstand a dead weight Tho negligence alleged by the plain- of 2S8& pounds. tiff consisted in tho construction of tho : :o: : ditch through bluo clay formation. It Cninp Eire Notes was claimed that this formation is The Cninp Fire Girls will leave to- cracked and readily allows water to morrow for tho state Camp, Camp leak from tho ditch. Judge Woodrough Mcttkotneesh, nt Crete, Nebraska, hold this was not a sufficient showing Eight of -the Pioneer and six of tho of negligence. Ho also held that there Nlcaflgeo girls will go, while tho was no sufficient showing of damage. Winnehaha group will be represented basing tho loss on the value of the by Elizabeth Bertho and the Klhco- land beforo tho ditch was constructed lichees by Mablo Uretornltz and and after its seepage. Louise Bybee. The caso was hard fought, the Irrl- The NMcafluoeS and Pioneers tocoth- gation companies feeling that It was er have earned $250 since March to a test case. t. ai. morrow 01 bcotts pay their camping cxpensesi Tho Bluff, represented tho plaintiff and L, giris imVo worked hard and will cn- I,. Raymond of bcotts uiuir, ana i. e. j0y their outing. Whllo nt camp they Edgerton of Aurora, represented the will learn craftswork, basket making, irrigation company. It is probable ctc., and swimming and diving will bo tne caso win do appeaieu. taught. A life saver will be in charge 7 at tho lako, .and thoro will bo an in uiu snniicr rnsscs Awnv. nrmary with trained nurse on tho John W. Martin, a veteran of the grounds, so tho girls will bo well civil war, tiled Tuesday at tno age cared for. Mrs. Crosby and the Misses 01 eignty-two years, i ne.ueceas nan Layton and Iddlngs, guardians, will neen in 111 neniui ior several years chaperono tho girls from troubles incident to oiu age. iv.r. Tho Kiheclochees hold their weekly martin was one 01 tne earnest seuieri meeting at the homo of Emma Bu to locate in uarilold precinct ami nnd channn. During the absenco of tho since been a resident of this county, guardian, Mrs. Koch, Miss Helen Bird Tiiree sons anu a aauKiuer aro 00 ng assistant guardian reft. O. H. JHartin, tsimer martin ami Tho Pioneer Camp Fire held a cero Low Martin, and Mrs. F. W. Jones. -monlal meeting Thursday night; Dor- tmnerm services were nein iroin tne othy Eldor lighted tho candle of work; Baptist churcli yesterday aiternoon E(na Barber tho candlo of health and and Interment made In tho city cemo- n.uth McGrew the candle of love. Eve tery. lyn Wilcox and Mablo Getty becamo ::o:: - I woodgatherers at this meeting, hav- ii you aro planning an auio irip c.ui lng attained this rank by winning tho ana see our complete ussorunent ui required honors Knaiu garments, jusi me uung iori ::o: auto wear and touring. Khaki suits JfocAL TE11SONAL dresses ana separate bkii-is ui iuwbsi prices posaiuiu ui miuuY o. Cna3 , F0Ster left Thursday on a Francis Shults and Fannie Nelson business trip to Chicago, applied for a. marriages license yester- T. Alden made a business trip to day. but as it was their desire to be Grand Island Thursday, married in Kearney, they were told Mra c L Thomas, of Laramie, is oy juugo woounurst uiai uiuy ""u'u the guest of Mrs. C. Shelver, neeu secure tneir license 111 uuuuiu county. America's best waists for women on sale at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s. at S1.00. $1.50 and $2.50. High class crepe de chine waists at $3.95. T. V. Austin loft this week for Kan sas, whore ho expects to make a pro tracted visit with relatives. A charter for tho Union State Bank of North Platto has heon granted nnd tho Institution will bo opened as soon ns a Huitnblo room can ho secured and tho preliminary arrangements, com pleted. The Institution has boon or ganized by Omaha men, but' included in tho stockholders arc a number of well-to-do Swedo farmers in tho section tributary to North Platte. The organization of a fourth bank In North Plntto has been anticipated for a year or more past, as it has generally been conceded that tho vol ume of business transacted by tho three existing banks would sooner or later nttract tho attention of men look ing for a bank opening. Tho Omaha men interested in tho now Institution aro intorosted in several banks at various points In tho state. : :o: : North l'lattn Is Itcndy. North Platte, tho only stopping place on tho ocean to ocean airplane flight, is ready for the arrival of the big Martin machine, but just when it may bo expected no ono nt this writing knows. Lieut. Conklin and his men havo the field east of tho river brldgo in readiness, tho Standard Oil Co. has contracted to supply tho piano with gasollno nnd lubricating oil, and tho bulletin wlro surmounted by tho Mc- Oraw piano nnd with cities enrouto marked has been stretched across Dowoy strcot. Wo nro all now wait ing for word that tho piano hns start ed from tho Long Island station. :;o;:- The Jollification Supper. Tho Jollification supper party of tho Twentieth Century club which waB held In the Methodist church pn-lors Tuesday ovonlng marked tho close of a successful club year, for In spite of tho Influenza epidemic, war work ac tivities of its members, and many other hindrances, tho club hps ac complished a great deal in its efforts to live up to its motto, "Bo Useful Where Thou Livest." Decorations wore in the club colors, pink and white, and groat bow's of pink and whlto garden flowors graced tho long tables. Streamers of tho same colors wore draped from tho chande liers marking tho officers places at tho head of tho table. After a mock business meeting, in which reports wore given by tho of ficers, Miss Kramph presented tho re Dr. O. II. Crcsslor hns sold his 1280 aero ranch in Myrtlo precinct slxteoa miles northeast of tho city to Dick Baker, of Stapleton, for a considera tion of twenty-eight thousand dollars, ' or an avorago of $22.75 por aero. In cluded In tho tract Is tho former Mc Nlcol land, much of which is a good quality farm land. Mr. Baker, wo un derstand, purchased It for speculatlvo purposes and with land Bteadlly in creasing in valuo will no doubt mako some "easy money." ::o:: If you vo planning an auto trip call ' and boo our complete lino of khaki garments, just tho thing for auto wear and touring. Khaki suits, drosses, and separate Bklrts at lowest prices possible at BLOCK'S. ::o:: Hoth 8ldcs "Sntlsiled" In tho strlko bf tho Commercial Tolegraphor's union, both tho strlko-, leaders and the telegraph componles announco thlomsolves as "satisfied" with the showing mndo up to last ov onlng. The president of tho union announces that 18,000 workers aru out, whllo tho officials of tho Western un ion and Postal companies say that already tho strlko is "practically at an ond." So thoro you aro; tako whichever statomont you wish. , At tho local Postal office Mr. Clabaugh stated yosterdny aftornoon that conditions . east of Chicago Were unsatisfactory nnd that messages for points east of that city wore accepted only subject . to tho delay clause. ::o:: You may chooso your most bo coming stylo and color from tho largo assortment of motor hats, caps and bonnets shown by The Leader Mor- cantllo Co. ::o:: Ocriuun Arrogance Growing t Hostility botweon tho American sol diers and tho German civilians In tho occupied roglon, and especially around , Coblenz, which has been increasing , recently, has resulted In additional , clashes during tho last fow dnys. In ono Instance an American was killed and in othor encounters in' various 1 parts " of tho occupied zone sovoral Americans woro wounded. -WOW'. Complete- assortment of infants' wear, short drosses, long dresses,f short coats and long coats, capes: ' tiring president, Mrs. Cotterell, with wool Jackets, sweaters, bonnets, shoos, v. a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers. I carriage robos, bibs, etc.,- main, floors,; Following the installation of officers BLOCK'S. ' ' Mrs. Frnter. the now president, then' ::o:: threw wide the doors to the Twonti-.375.000 TKOOPS COMING A Field of Panamas and Straws to Choose From Come on Men: We are ready ior you with a complete line of fancy and conservative Panamas and Straws in all shapes, sizesand band effects. It's Panama and Straw Hat time right now, so why wait till the best models are grabbed up by the other fellow. Our showing is full of this season?s best styles and we want you to see them ail .before you de cide on the shape that best fits and suits you. EDWARDS-REYNOLDS CO. Mrs. A. McVlcker, of Cozad, visited relatives in town Thursday. Mrs. John Kcllhor, of Maxwell, vis Isted friends in town Tuesday. Mrs. M. E. Scott is suffering from a severe attack of throat troublu. Miss Elizabeth Bergman has enter ed training at tho General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stackhouso of Wal lace, vlslto d friends In town yester day. Miss Ollvo Harshflcld, of Suther land, visited friends In town yc'stor-dav. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spencer, of Wallace, spent yesterday in town vis iting friends. Mrs. Edward ICorbett, of White, Neb., has been visiting friends in town tho past week. Special bargnlns for as long as thoy last, but thoy cannot last long at tho sale prices. E. T. Trtnnp & Sons. Mrs. W. II. McDonald will leave Sunday for Lincoln to attend tho state convention of tho P. E. O. Mrs. F. II. Barber Is taking treat ment at tho Sycamore Mineral Springs at Sabetha, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Del Bonner arrived Wednesday from Lincoln, for a month's visit with tho former's mother, Mrs. Carl Bonnor. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckloy wont to Omaha Wednesday whore Mr. Buck loy will attend tho bankers convoiv tlon. Fred George and Miko McCul louRh, of Brady, arc In town today en routo home 'from a business trip to Steamboat Snrlncs. Cal. Mrs. C. F. Snoncer, Mrs. F. W. Rinckor and Mrs. Wm Reynolds will loavo Monday to attend tho P. E. O convention lo bo hold in Lincoln next week. Shoes of superior qualify. Nettle fon and Florshelm for iho diHcrlmlnnl iii man. E. T. Trnnip & Sons' shoo store. 1-2 A. Wnngnn, who has recently boon released from sorvlco at Camp PIko, visited his sister Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Jr.. yesterday whilo enrouto to North Dakota. When ready to build your home seo M-. Wo will assist you financially. ::i nor & Co. Mrs. R. A. Armstrong and threo ' Mghtors will arrive tho first of tho v ok from Portland, Oro., for a visit tli tho formor's sister, Mrs. M. II. 1 uglns. llss Edna Moock has completed li i- season at tho Hub mllllnory do 11 tment nnd will loavo Sunday for a' hi rt visit nt hor homo In St. Joe bo- f going to Now York. 'iovcrnor McKolvIo hns Issued a pn ilamation designating tomorrow ns fi.i - day. Bo suro thnt you float uiu lil'.rv to tho broozo. Tho local lodge of Elks, in common with lodges -all over tho country, will obsorvo Sunday as Elks' flag day and n committee lias been appointed to prepare npproprl eth Contury Club, cordially" Inviting. all tho women" of tho city to Join in the work for next year. : :o: : Very pretty now smocks Just ar rived. E. T. Tramp & Sons. W. C. Shelver spent Friday in Om- HOME THIS 310NTII aha looking nftor company business Mrs. uasmusson nnd Miss Cramil, ot 1 Britain movod across tho channel in Paris, Juno 12. Gonoral Porshlng has advised that ho lntonds to trans port 375,000 mon homownrd during tho month of Juno. This breaks all pre vious records for moving troops over seas and oxceods tho number Groat Sutherland, visited friends in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brooks went to Gothenburg today to attend tho alum ni banquet. Misses Ellznbeth and Fern Fostor. of Ecllpso, aro tho guests of Mrs. Ralph Smith. Ernost Ruby 1 left Wednesday for Beaver City for a two weeks' visit with his parents. Misses Helen and Jesslo Baker loft this morning to spend the wool; end witn relatives In Donvor. Irene and Elizabeth Norton of Grand Island nro spondlng tho week with their grand paronts, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton. If you wish to bo both stylish and comfortal le whllo motoring son tho largo and varied assortment of motor hats, caps and bonnets at Tho Loader Mercantile Co.'s. at 50c and up. any month. : :o; :- You may bo comfortable and still look your. beBt if you wear ono of tho pretty now motor hats, caps or bon nets shawn by Tho Leader Mercantile ' Co. at 50c and up. J. M. McCrono, of Poland, Ohio, who had been visiting his brother T. S. McCrono, loft this morning Jot' tho Pacific coast. This was tho first meet ing of tho brothers In sevonteon years. Austin Bedell Is expected to return the first of tho week from. Omaha where ho has boon attending Creigh ton collegor : :o: : This Week Only. .. v With overy $1.00 purchaso wo will glvo ono pound of sugar at five centu la pound. DICK STEQEMANN. At The Sun Friday, June 13. "AS THE SDN WENT DOWN" STARRING EDITH STOREY Also FATTY AEBUCKLE COMEDY Saturday, June 14th. "FIGHT FOR LOVE" STARRING HARRY CAREY Also TOM MIX COMEDY. MATINEE 1:45 P. M. ate exercises.