THE SEMIAVEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Choice bits of veal, creamery butter and fresh eggs combine with other tempting ingredients to give Libby's Veal Loaf its delicate, appetizing flavor. Order a package from your grocer today. Libby, M9NeilI & Libby, Chicago US uedruBMunvP wihuiticura Drmto; 5p. Kitnta!. Worn 25c ti&. Enemies Now. Mrs. Slush I don't bclleyo Miss Clmtz Is a true friend of yours. Mrs. Mush Wliy? Mrs. Slush She tried to get mo to say something about you. She pressed mo to tell my real opinion of you but not II SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE "RELIEF Tor 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Oil has enabled suffering human ity to withstand attacks of kidney, liver, bladder and stomach troubles and all diseases connected with tho urinary organs, and to build up and rcstoro to health organs weakened by disease. Theso most important organs must bo watched, because they filter end purify the blood: unless they do their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago nil warn you of trouble with your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules aro the remedy you need. Tafco thrco or four every day The healing oil soaka into tho cells and lining ot tno kidneys and drives out' the poisons. New lifo and health will surely follow. When your normal vigor has been restored continue treatment for a while to keep yourself in condi tion and prevent a return of the dis ease. Don't wait until you are incopablo bfi fighting. Start taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money if you are not satisfied with results. But bo sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. In thrco sizes. Sealed packages. At all drug stores. BLIND MAN POULTRY FANCIER Mlssourlan Has Made Success of the Work, Despite Handicap Wrlch Would Seem Insurmountable. Blind Edward Jones of Jefferson City, Mo., has made a record in keep ing poultry which many who have oyes hnvo not equaled. Moving among his birds, which seem to understand bow ho Is handicapped, and guided only by his sense of touch, ho per forms his dally work. He lins built his own poultry house and brood coops, and has hntched and raised all his chicks. Blindness does not pre vent him from culling his flock. The birds not Intended to be kept aro mar keted as broilers, and tho others arc kept for the production of winter eggs. Mr. Jones attended every poultry meeting held in his section last fall. Ho Is now trying to organize a poultry club for blind people, and the home demonstration agent In the county has volunteered to read to the mem bers the publications on poultry sent from tho United States department of agriculture. Nonexistent. "What's your notion of an Ideal hus band?" "A man who lets his wife have tho last word in hats, gowns and arguments." The Pleasures of Travel. "Wn-al-p'tu no," said the ancient Arkansawyer, "I hain't never did much of what you'd call traveling. I was 07 years old Inst grass; born and raised right hero In Shngbark township, and huln't been outside of the county but once. That was when I was about 30 years old. I went over to Torpldvllle, and they Just nacher'ly took and start ed to lynch me tho minute I got to town, for something or nuther, I never did find out what. One foot was al ready In tho air and the other barely touching the ground when some feller came running and hollered that they were making a mistake I wasn't the guilty party a-tnll. As soon as they turned me lioso I lit out for homo as the crow flies, and I hain't done no traveling to speak of since. I always flggercd that on tho next occasion tho feller that kn.owed It was a mlstako might not get there In tlmo to do mo any good." Judge. Tho Result "The police suspected a blind tiger foi tho building, so thoy raided a sus picious photograph gallery." "Ah I a case of arrested development." Quite Acceptable. "This star says she cannot bear any thing gross to come near her." "She does, does sho? How about tho gross receipts?" Now's Ttie Time to enjoy that drink of all table drinks, The Original POSTUM CEREAL An invigorating cup of rich, snappy flavor, full-bodied and delicious to the taste. The very thing to add to your solid table enjoyment, for it is part of the meal not merely something to drink with it. Postum is boiled just like coffee (full 15 minutes after boiling be gins), but unlike coffee it is pure and drug-free. Coffee drinking )sets nerves, stomach 'ostum contains usual harmful. ) thing Jit Grocers Two Sizes Usually sold at 15c and 25c 0 ff A SOT 0 POISON FOR JAPANESE BUGS Campaign of Eradication Being Waged Against Beetle in New Jersey Injures Foliage.. (Prepared by tho United States Depart mont of Agriculture.) The .TnpuneHi' beetle, a small insect that attacks n groat variety of plants, has become established over an area ot approximately 10,000 acres near Mvorton, N. .1. The United States de partment of agrlcultutf, In co-opera-tlon with tho New Jersey department of agriculture, Is waging n campaign of eradication, or If eradication Is Im possible, of such control as to hold the Insect within a limited territory. Tho mature beetle feeds on tho leaves of orchard trees and ornamental plnnts as well as a number of annual plants. It shows a fondness for flower ing plants, and Is particularly destruc tive to roses. However, It Is not fas tidious In Its tastes. It feeds voraci ously on tho foliage of smart weed. In the control campaign poison belts have been established, one Inunedlutel.v outside tho Infested area and others af) Intervals farther back, somewhat like a defensive system of trenches In hui jnnn warfare. The foliage of all vegci tatlon In these belts Is jMlsoned. llnml picking is resorted to, and the Insect are collected by bushels. The larva Is a whltu grub that feed on the roots of living plnnts and t some extent on decaying vegetation, Tho destruction of larvae In the soil 1.4 undertaken by the use of Insecticide and by plowing operations. The great, danger of the spread ot the insect Is In shipments of sweet corn. The beetle burrows Into the eai and detection Is dllllcult. All sweet corn shipped out of the Infested arcil must undergo Inspection, and any that Is Infected cannot be shipped but must be canned or otherwise disposed of. HOME GARDEN STRAWBERRIES Varieties Having High Quality Should Be Given Preference Get In selecting varieties of strawberrle for the home garden those having hlg( quality should have preference, and i group of varieties which will give th jongest possible ripening period shoult be selected, says Kami Journal, li deckling which to plant be sure to gV fome "perfect" (Fig. 1) varieties that Is, varieties which have bott stamens and pistils In the blo'sson The "Imperfect" (Fig. 2) varieties huve the pistils and not the stamens, and will not produce fruit unless fertl llzed by pollen from other plants hav lag both stamens and pistils. Tb Kill All Flies I W i'il nTwbro. DAISY FlY K1LI.KK attracts ami aiU til fifti. Nut, tnn. ornamental, eonvanlrnt and cnp- ijHuiiiiri inn. Mlda of m.t.1. can't IDllI or tin orrn will not aotforlnlura anything, Gn.rtolMd. ELY KILLkR m roxtr dealer or tbr EXPRESS, cnr1!. II .25. JUR0UJ S0MEK3. tub Kalb Av... UrooUrn, M. T. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toll.t preparation of merit, ITlp. to .radical, dandruff. ForR.itorlng Color anil D.auty toGrnr or Faded 1 latr. too. and 11.00 at It'a Condition. "A sword-swallower's profession must be appetizing." "I supposo It does put his appetite on edge." Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes. That itch and burn with- hot baths of Cutlcura Soap followed by gcntlo anointings of. Cutlcura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe cially If a llttlo of the fragrant Cutl cura Talcum Is dusted on at tho fin ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv. Sinn wants but llttlo hero below when tho people living In tho flat abovo own a trapdrum outfit. How's This ? Wo offer J100.0O for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATAIUtH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tnk en Internally and acts through tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Bold by druBKlsts for over forty years. Price 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Qblo. A ship Is called "she," therefore sho must be a sails-lady. mm VmWXpi. Contents 151utdDfaoli riaRL rue GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER lias been u household remedy nil over tho civilized world for mora than half n century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and tho generally depressed feeling that accompanies fiuch disorders. It Is a most valuablo remedy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpita tion of heart, and many other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you. It is a gontlo laxa tive. Ask your druggist. Sold in all civilized countries. Adv. Her Work. Minister It Is necessary for mo to ask tho mother ot the bride If sho has anything to say before wo proceed with tho ceremony. Tho Lady All I have to say Is that If I hndt't had a good deal to say al ready, they never would hnvo lnndcd hero. ' Ftg.l ' Flu. 2 I Perfect and Imperfect Varieties. common method of arranging tho vn rletles where the Imperfects aro planted Is to plant one row of tho perfect variety, then two of the Im perfect, and so on. FILLING UP APPLE ORCHARD Smaller Growing Trees, Such as Peach or Plum, May Be Placed There Temporarily. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) It Is possible to plant between apple trees, when set 82 feet apart, smaller growing trees, such as the peach or plum, placing one between each two trees In the row, as well as planting n row In tho center of tho spaces be tween the tree rows. This Is a tem porary arrangement, however, since the apple trees will eventually nei'l all tho space. Before crowding begins the Inetrplanted trees should bo removed. VARIETIES OF FRUIT SOILS Best to Avoid Light, Sandy Land and Heavy Clays Latter Are Diffi cult to Manage. (Prepared by the United Statox Depart ment of Agriculture.) Most fruits can be grown on a great vnrloty of soils, but where possible it Is better to avoid light, sandy soils nnd heavy clays, Tho latter are of'en dllllcult to manage In the intense way necessary for the best Hiu'f-H with fruit, while the light soils i.-u likely to be affected by tho extremes of heat, cold and drought. KEEP ORCHARD PESTS DOWN Desirability of Keeping Insects Re duced Cannot Be Emphasized Too Strongly, (Prepared by the United States Depii ment of Agriculture.) Tho great desirability of keeping n sects reduced by modern orchnrd prac tice, and nttentlon to pruning and other operations, cannot be empha sized too strongly and Is well apjre- dated by most progressive und i.ue Cfssful growers. FRECKLES New Ii (lit Tim t C.t Rid of Tint Uflr Tb.rt'a no lonter th allfhteat need ot reeling tihamed ot jour frecktea, Othlnn doubl. trenfth 1. ruiranteed to r.mort tbeee bcm.ljr pot. Blmpl jet an ounc. at Othlna double, tr.nttb from jour drafittt, and apply a llttlt of It nliht and morning and you (hould loon art tbat ntn tbt wont frecalei bT. brirun to nl, while, tb. lighter onea ha?. Tanlibrd en It ta a.ldom tbat mora tban on. ounce la Deeded to completely tba akin and (tin a beautiful completion. B aura to atk for tb double etreusth Otbln., aa tbla Ii aold under gutrant.a ot montj back If It falla to remote frtcklw. Adr. A man cither gives according to his means or his meanness. Children TMT HE IN 'S LIFE WOMAN Mrs. GorJdcn Tells How Ii May be Passed in Safety and Comfort. mmmmm Fremont. O. "I was passing through tho critical period of lifo, being forty- six years 01 ago ana had all tho symp toms inctdonttothat chango heat flash es, nervousness, and was in a goner! run down condition, so it was hard for ma to do my work. LydlaE.Pinkham'i Vogotablo Com pound was recom mended to mo aa tho bost remedy for my troubles, which it ourely proved to bo. I feel better and stronger in overy way sinco taking it, and tno annoying symptoms have disap peared. Mrs. M. GODDEN. 925 Na polcon St, Fremont, Ohio. Such annoying symptons as heat flashes, nervousnssB, backacho, head ocho, irritability and "tho blues," may bo speedily ovorcomo and tho system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetablo Compound. If any complicaUons present them selves write tho Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them. Tho result of forty years experionco is at your servlco and your lottcr held in strict confidence. I ?shs? -sj affggagfti ' it rniinr-!! PRH CENT, f AetablcIVcpafau'onfcrAs-j tmuueStcmchsandBovrelsrf M9i saw k ttrawtUU"lW tf Til H U3U II 1 1 aiccrfulncssandRcstCotrtJiMTj CticcrfutncssondRc: nntfhpr Onlrim.Mor Mineral. NoTNAncoTic, Mm S-J k f.MtTfniRfmcdvfbr Constlpationnndpiarry; arm rcvmsuy-T-IossofSwep rttX-SIraUcSiiaatoreO CEOTATTtCOHPfflB "VOHH. Cry Fop What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SEW Exact Copy of Wrapper, In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI OUNTAUII COMPANY, MIWYORK OITV. Guess Manager's Nationality. Sign In thenter lobby "Crying chll lrcn must bo Immediately taken out r wo will refuso to admit them." Salt Houses In Russia. Houses constructed entirely of salt aro a unique fenturo of somo of tho villages In Russian Polnnd. Modern Marvels. Joshua mudo tho sun stnnd still, but we hnvo men todny who make the moonshlno still. Boston Transcript. 1 Bitter or Better Baking A letter makes a great difference in a word. Awordmakes a great difference in baking powders. If the little word "alum" appears on the label it may mean bitter baking. If the word ROYAL stands out bold and strong, it surely means BETTER baking. This is only one reason why it pays to use Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste 1