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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1919)
eeHjr THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 10, 1919. No. 43 (Tribune. TIIItKK DISTINCT TWISTERS NEAR HEltSHEY SUNDAY County Commissioner J. S. Koch who was In- town yesterday attending a mooting of tho board, nays threo dis tinct wind twisters were visible Sun day, two of Which crossed his rancn southwest of Horshoy but fortunately tho track of each wiu very narrow. Ono camo from tho south and It struck Mr. Koch's water plant a short dln tance south of his house. Tho mill, which is nn unusually large ono, was snapped from tho shaft and tho tower splintered. Anothed twister which camo from tho north struck a half mllo east of Mr. Koch's home, where ho had erected buildings for his son's uso. Hero a 10x16 chicken house was caught and blown to pieces, and tho windows on ono sldo of tho dwelling liouso blown In. Tho third twister traveled south of tho Koch anch, and veored on Its foundation tho garage on tho Henry Frols ranch and blow down and scattcrd around ono or two small buildings. Mr. Koch said all three of tho twisters woro plainly vlslblo and were watched by him and members of his family. It Is fortunate that the track of each was very narrow, prpbably not excedlng a quarter of a mile. oj A new shipment of silk klmonas just arrived. E. T Tramp & Sons. Dig Tax Collections During tho month of May collections at tho county treasurer's offlco wore $94,000, of which $84,000 camo from the payment of state and county taxes, in cluding school tax. The tax pay ments In April were almost ab heavy. Treasurer Souder says that tho pay-, mcnt of taxes In May vero about tho heaviest In tho history of tho office, and tho payment of 1918 taxes aro br ing made moro promptly than ever before. Ho takes this as evidence that there Is nn unusual amount of ready money In tho county, for ns a rulo If people aro short of money they dolay paying their taxes as long as possible. ' JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery XcDonnld Hunk Ilulldlnc: Office Phone S:i Residence !tS -::o::- A surprise shower was given at the now home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ackerman on east Fourth street Fri day evening by tho girls of tho O'Con nor store. A social evening was spmt after which a nice lunch was served by tho girls. Mrs. AckormaU, who wu formerly Miss Kathorlno Macey, re ceived many beautiful and useful ar ticles. Aprons for stout ladles, and they art! made right, too. E. T. Tramp & Sons. DOROTHY GISH IN "PEPPY POLLY" Unique romance of a girl who gets sent to the Reform School to help the inmates. ' Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. KEITH THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN 64 ARIZONA The Real West, Real Cavalry. The play that thrilled great crowds everywhere plus the inimitable "Doug" gives you the real thing in entertainment. SCHEDULE OF AIIM'LANE TlIHOUCai THE STATE Tho United States Martin bombor, tho airplane selected to make tho ocean to ocean flight, was originally designed for military pilrposos as a day or night bombing plane or lon distance photography. Tho power is supplied by two 400-horso power Lib erty motors, mounted in the wing gap on each sldo of tho body. The total wing and control area is 1,355 square feet. Tho span of tho uppor nnd low er wings Is 71 feet 5 inches and tho depth of each wing Is 7 feet 10 Inches The length ovor all la forty-six feet and helghth over all Is 14 feet 7 Inches. The present plan is for a single stop at North Platte, where the night will be spent. Tho tentative schedule Is for tho flight to bogln at Mlneola, N. Y., at 3:30 In the morning; nrrivo at Chicago at 11:42 a. m.; then on west, arriving at Council Bluffs at 5: OS p. m. Passing over Omaha at 5:11 p. m.. the plane will make a straight shoot for North Platte, keenlntr south of tho TTnlnn Pacific railroad until reaching Central juy wnero it will cross the railroad Knd then keeping north of tho road through the south part of Merrick, Howard, Sherman and Caster counties, reaching North Platto at 8:09 p. m.. making tho flight from Omaha to this city In two hours and fifty-eight min utes. Tho plane will resumo its flight tho next morning at :30, reaching Ogalalla at 4:05, Chappoll 4:39, Sid ney 4:57, Potter at 5:10 and Kimball at 5:24. From North Platto to tho wont lino of the state the line of tho Union Pacific will be closely followed. Lieut. Conklin, of tho Omaha haV loon school, who will have charge of the landing field, returned to tho city yesterday nnd will remain until after tho flight. Glenn R. Lindsay was arraigned In tho county court yesterday on the charge of violating the chastity of Laura Johnson, aged fifteen, and the hearing was set for this afternoon. The outrage is said to have occurred at three o'clock Sunday morning at tho city park, and the complaint was filed by the father of the girl. Prlntiess wash sklrtd for ladles now on display at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. Sixteen candidates were initiated Into the Elks' lodge last night, the largest class that has beejn put through In several years. Another good sized class will be In readiness next month. Following the initiation last evening lunch was served in tho dining room. The Twontieth -.Century Club Jollifi cation supper party will bo In the Methodist church parlors instead of the Episcopal church basement as pre viously announced. Time 7:30 p. m. railroad time. Frank S. Lovltt,, o, Kearney, book keeper for tho Gilchrist Lumber Co., was found dead on the streets Sunday evening with a bullet through his head. It is believed he was murdertd. It. L. Cochran came up from Lin coln this morning to visit Mrs. Coch ran and look after matters pertaining to tho etato engineer's offlco. - C. M. Reynolds arrived' from Omaha this morning to transact business and visit friends. Mrs. J. B. Hayes, of Omaha, will ar rive next week for a islt with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. (, A. AuPtln. JSC THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Coupe, the ideal two-passenger Ford car for every day in the year; a car as handsome as it is comfortable. The Ford Coupe Coupe, $650; Sedan $775; Touring Car, $525; Runabqut, $500; Truck Chassis, $550. These prices are f..o. b. Detroit. We will be pleased to take 'your order and make as prompt delivery as possible. Normal production at the Factory has nojt yet been reached, so it is suggested that the sooner you leave your order the sooner you will get your car. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Ford Authorized SaUis nnd Service. xL0CAL ASH PERSONAL 'Mr. and Mrs. Honsolt loft Sunday on nn auto trip through Yellowstone Park. ' Just a few moro pl'ienpples loft at $1.60 a dozon. McMlciiaol's Grocery, 408 south Dowoy. B. B. Boatman left Sunday for a two weeks' visit In Chicago nnd other points In Illinois. The Presbyterlnu aid society will meet in tho basoment of tho church Thursday aftornoon. Havo you aeon our whlto wash silk petticoats? E. T. Tramp & Sons. Miss Georgtna McKay returned last weok from Sutherland, whero Bho had been teaching tho past year. Mrs. Q. O. McKay and Miss Flor ence will leavo next ueok for Don vor to look up a now location. Ensign Ernest Rlncker arrived homo Sunday from Chlcaga, having received his discharge from tho navy. Mrs. Fred Elliott returned Saturday frof Ottawa, III., whore sho wntf called by the death of Graham Duder. Baronetto satins, crepo do chine, tho PowKlst silk and tho trlcoletto skirts for ladles. E. T. Tramp & sons. Mrs. Joo Qulnn and two children loft Sunday for Omaha whore the chil dren will receive medical attention. Mrs. Ed Burko returned yesterday froni Denver where sho had been tak ingi voice lessons for neveral montha past. Mrs. Mary Norrls camo up from Omaha Saturday to look after property Interests In town and visit frlonds for a fpw days. M. E. Scott goes to Omaha tonight to nttend the bankers convention which will be In sosslon Wednesday nnd Thursday. Miss Edith Chrlssenborry, a return ed missionary from India will speak this afternoon .at the Baptist church at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swopo and Mr. andi Mrs. Sidney Baker attondod tho haw; raising Saturday at tho Tho. Qulnn ranch near Eclipse. Mrs. Frank Hoy and daughter Lorot to came down from Garfield Sunday evening and this morning Lorctto left for a visit with tho Sivitts family at Twin Falls Idaho. W. R. Malondy will go to Omaha to night to attend tho funeral directors' conyantlon nnd will a!io preside ns president at an examination given by the state, embalming board. In Judge MUtonbergcr's court yes etrday Cliff Matson, Jack Decns and James Moore wero fined $15.10 each on the charge of drunkenness. They were picked up on tho streets Sunday. Mrs J. Mallmei. of Wood River, who had been mrought here for treatment at a local hospital, died Sunday even ing. Tho remains wero shipped tins morning' to Springfield, Mo., for in terment. M. J. Forbes was called to Ringgold last night to prepare for burial tho body of Mrs. Hlldebrandt who died last evonlng. The funeral will bo held Friday and tho remains taken to Co zad for Interment. Arthur Windsor, charged with is suing a worthless check at Overton, was taken off a train Saturday eveu Ing and held until yesterday when tho Dawson county sheriff arrived and took Windsor to Lexington. Sergt. Ernest Casey and Miss Ethel MrVoy, who went to Lincoln Thurs day evening wero married In that city Friday evening by Rov. B. A. Cram. Following tho ceremony tho nowly wods left on a trip to Denver and oth fr Colorado points. See "Clinton & Sou about ydur Eyes and l satisfied. Son Is over on tho Rhine, will be homo soon. Sign ot tho Big Ring. With our three lncliec of rain dur ing tho past ten days, It can bo said that barring hot wind tho wheat crop in Lincoln county Is made. Tho crop of tho county Is estimated by tho state statistician at about 1,200,000 bushels based on 65,000 acres. Frank O'Rourke, who had lived or a farm southeast of Maxwoll since 1SS0, and whoso father was at ono time custodian of the national cemo t'-ry, died May 30th, at tho ago of slx-tv-nlno. Tho decoased was unmarried and resided with his brother Thomas. Misses Hazel Lew's and Gladys Hanson loft Saturday to visit their urandmothor, Mrs. Ernma Pulver, at I'omona, Cal., and spend a couple of months visiting relatives and friends. Miss Hanson, whoso homo Is In Coun '! Bluffs, camo up Thursday for a islt with her aunt, Mrs. Ada Lewis. Mrs. Joseph Condlt of San Francisco, i oe Esther Hogsett, arrived Sunday . nd will visit her parentH for a coupl-3 "' months. Mrs. Condlt went to tho i oast seven months ago, and was mar rlr cl to Mr. Condlt tho early part of April following his release from army nervlco. Mr. Condit holds a position with tho Internal revenue department In Frisco. W. II. Dloner, former shoo merchant of tliis city, and W. H. Barrett, for ! morly chief clerk to trainmaster of tho i Union Pacific R. R., havo purchased 1 tho roal ostato and insurance business of F. j, Dlener & Co, and will con duct tho business undor tho firm j name of Dloner & Company with of flco at tho comer of Front, and Dow-,oy. BUSINESS HOUSES IlKCIDE ifOT TO ( JIAXOK TIJIE A canvass of tho business houses was mado last ovoning and it Was unanimously decided not to doprirt from tho dnyllght saving or Wilson standard of tlmo until the existing law Is ropealed by congress, which Is lllto ly to occur In tho very near future. Tho new tlmo was tried out to a cor- (taln extent yesterday nnd resulted In mo uunosi contusion ror tno reason that practically four standards of tlmo woro used two by tho railroad and two by tho city. In fnmllles whero ono momber was employed by tho Union Pacific and another In rtorc, offlco or nt a trado, two distinct meal hours had to be obsorved, and us a result tho good housowlfo did not do anything but cook menls. Ono business house did not know what the other Intended to do In regard to tlmo, and this led to tho canvass last ovoning when thero was a unanimous expression that so long as tho daylight saving Btandard was n legislative enactment by con gress thnt It should be oboyed until SsT- uffoflllo unanmuslolil.pneoldraa ropealed. , Therefore beginning today nnd con- tlnuing until tho law Is ropealod, Xortli Platto buslnoss houses will con tinue to bo operated undor tho tlmo which beenmo effective the latter part of March. Last night all switching crows in tho yards Went on west time thus rovort lng to tho standard used prior to March. ::o:! Mrs. Mnbollo McDonald has been qulto 111 tho past threo weeks, but is hotter now nnd hor frlonds will find her back nt work In hor Beauty Shop in tho McDonald building. Miss Florenco Stamp will lenvo noxt Weok for San Francisco and other points In Callfornfa for a six wccl-a visit with rolntlvcs and friends. Mrs. Henry Gllfoylo leaves this week for Denver whero sho will visit for a week or two. Miss Annie Krampn returned today from her trip to Portland, San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. E. P. Robhnuson spent tho weok end looking after business matters In Hastings. Rov. Hess left Sunday for a week's visit In Omaha and Llacolu. "DADDY LONG LEGS" Miss Pi ckford paid $40,000 for the screen rights to this great story and . presents it as an example of the sort of photo plays she will give her friends now that sho has her own studios. AT THE ' SUN THEATRE THREE DAYS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Matinee each afternoon at 2 P. M. Painting A Good Investment Good paint is a three-fold investment it preserves, beautifies and increases the value of your property. Do not neglect painting, whether house, barn, silo or out buildings, because they represent a big in vestment to you and should be protected from decay. A coat or two of good point is the most effective and at the same time the least expensive, way to preserve and lengthen their natural life. A few dollars invested in Paints or Varnishes will re turn you a rich reward in better property values and a more attractive home. W. R. Maloney Co. W. H. DIENER W. H. BARRETT DIENER & COMPANY REAL ESTATE, LOAN AND INSURANCE. We have for sale a number of city residence and residence lots, farms and ranch property. We handle Life, Fire, Tornado, Hail, Automo bile, Plate Glass, Burglary and Casualty Insurance. See us when ready to build your home. We will assist you financially. We will go on Your Bond. Phone Red 572, Office over Austin's Jewelry Store NORTH PLATTE, NEBR.