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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
lltA L HAKE, Editor nnd l'nbllslicr SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono I'cnr by Mill, In udvnnco. .81.75 Ono Yeiir by Cnrrlcr, in advance, $2.00 Entorod at tho North Platte, Nobraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. FJtlDAY, JUNE 0, 1!)I9. IN A IINISIIEI) FJGIIT WITH BOMB I'LOTTEUS. ' CongroBs and government depart ments arc preparing to go Into a "fin ish fight" with anarchy which will mako forovor Impossible bomb out rages such as thoso of this week. The department of justice, under tho in roctlon of Attorney Oenoral Palmer, w combing tho country In an effort to locato tho anarchist leaders. Win. J. Flynn, formerly chief of tho U. S. secret sorvlce, has been put In NORTH PLATTE ONLY STOP IN OCEAN-TO.OCEAN FLIGHT. A Washington dispatch says: A transcontinental flight from New York to San Francisco, with one atop, 1 planned by the tinny, air service within a few days. Tho route for the flight, which will bo made In a Uni ted States Martin bomber plane, Is laid out ovor thirteen statos and 133 cltlos and towns. It Is planned to start tho flight from Mlneola field, L. I., at 3:30 o'clock on tno morning of tho dny chpson and to complete the (light In two successive days with On. ly one stop of a few hours at North Platte, Nob. According to tho care fully worked out schedule of army air Borvlco exports the cross-country flier, If It loaves Mlneola at 3:30 In the morning should reach Chicago at 11:42 tho same morning and arrive at North Platte, tho only scheduled stop ping place, at 8:09 In tho evening of tho samo day, less than seventeen hours from tho starting time. The plans contcmplato a rest in North Plntto until 3:30 tho following morning, San Francisco to no reached at 5:58 in tho evening of the second charge of tho campaign. Ho will be assisted by Francis Paul Gamin, act- ( day( a flyInK (1istnnco of 2,7C0 miles nig mien property cuniouiuu yyiiu im , 33 hour8 nn( 28 minutes, with gained a national reputation In tlw,ROVon hour(( for r08t nnd ropar3 al discovery of criminals and John F. Crelghton, of Springfield, 111., of tho war lntolllgonco buroau. With tho assistance) of these bril liant men and tholr corps of secrot service workers, Palmer feels confi dent that ho can ferret out tho Insti gators of tho bomb plots. i::o:: Now Fiction for Vacation Reading. Tho public library announces the receipt of tho following hooks: Abbott Old Dad. Adams Common Cause. Athorton Tho Avalancho. Bachellor Light In tho Clearing. Iiachollor Keeping up with William. Beach Winds q Chance. Beach Too Fat to Fight. BIndloss Lure of th'o North Blndloss Buccaneor .Farmor, Bower Cabin Fever. Bowor Shyrldcr. Brown Flying Fonton. Burrows Son of Tarzan Tarzan and tho Jowols. Canflcld Homo Fires in Franco. Cathor My Antonio. Davloss Golden Bird. Doylo Danger. Farnold Admirable Botty. Fcrbcr Chcorful by Roqucst. Falo Birth. Groy Desert Wheat. Hall SInstor House. Ibanoy Four Horsomon of Apoc nlypas. Lincoln Shavings. Maeterlinck Botrothal! Openholm Wfckcd Marquis. Parrish Wolves of tho Sea. Porter' Oh MonoyI Oh Monoyl Dawn. Rlnohart Amazing Intorludo. Rlnohart Twonty-thrco and One half Hours Leavo. Roosovolt Great Advonliiro. Tarklngton Magnjflcont Amber- sons. Stewart Buck. Wallor Out of tho Slloncos. Ward Elizabeth's Campaign. Wolls Vicky Van. Wilson Ma Pcttougall. i : 'o: : EIGHTEEN TRAINS OF SILVER PASSED THROUGH THIS CITY North Platte, If repairs are necessary. Tho plane will be piloted In Its Ion? flight by Captain Roy N. Francis nnd First Lieut. Edmund A. Clune, both of tho army air servlco, and they will by assisted by two or throe mccnanlcs whose names havo not been announc ed. Tho exact day of the flight can not bo nnnounccd because It Is uncer tain, dopondent upon weather and gen eral flying conditions. Tho route passes ovor thlrtcon states In a nenrly direct air Uno from Now York to San Francisco. It pass os from Now York over tho northern part of Now Jersey, central Pennsyl vania, northern Ohio, Indiana, Illin ois, southern Iowa, central Nebraskn, Bouthorn Wyoming, northen Utah, Ne vada and California. The large cities onrouto are" Clovoland, Toledo, Chica go, Dos Moines, Omaha (North Platte) Cheyenne, Salt Lako and Sacremonto. Tho southern end of Lnko Michigan Is to bo crossed, the Mississippi at Rock Island nnd Davenport, and tho Missouri at Omaha. Tho highest land elevation onrouto Is about eight thous and feet. ::o:: DELCO LIGHT. We have the Dclco Light Agency for North Platte and vicinity. All who arc looking for a good efficient Farm Lighting and Power System are in vited to call at our office, 106 East Front Street, where we have a plant installed for your inspection. W. I. STEBBINS, Dealer Arrange for your Gas be fore the spring rush is on Ranges from $27 to $60 NORTH PLATTE LIGHT 8c POWER COMPANY NUTS MILLION YEARS OLD COilDIISSIONEKS . PROCEEDINGS. ' - Juno 2, 1919. Board of County commissioners met ntirminnt in nillntirnmnnt. nriuintit Koch. HormtntrhauHon. Snrincor anil decoyed nor petrified, but fell Into county clork. pools of water, which Is one of the D. J. Pulllam, road work, $24.00. best preservatives in nnture, and soon- tntereetlng Fossils Recently Found by tho United States Geological Survey. Among the fossils recently discov ered by tho United States geological survey are remarkably well-preserved Impressions or casts of leaves of sev eral extinct varieties of ash, oak, beech and hickory, which were found, with three present-day species, In states bor dering the Gulf of Mexico, according to tho Youth's Companion. Although tho leaves themselves have rotted ,und jtone, here and there some were burled In soft clay by sediment In such n man ner as to leave perfectly preserved Impressions. The nuts, on the other hand, neither THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, 1003 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Plnttc, Ncbr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where the sick are cared for so as to Wanted-Liberty bonds at market "bl price. Louis Lipshitz. Choyonno That thousands of tons of silver tho precious metal that Is now soiling for approximately $28, 000 a( ton was transported through Nobrasn, during tho war without tho knbwlOdgo of tho people of that state or of othor statos or towns through which It passed, is a war tlmo Bocret that has boon made public by tho treasury department. Tho silver molted down Amorican dollars con signed to Asia wns sont from tho United States mint at Phlladolphta to tho mint at San Francisco, and from thq luttor was shipped to India. It was haulod In special trains guarded by armed men and bo thorough was tho guard ovor It that not an ounce of tho precious motnl wns lost. Elghteon of thoso treasure trains mndo tho trip across tho contlnont in tho twolvo months ended last April 3, with tho sllvor Ilka big bricks, piled high In each of the flvo cxpross cars composing a Bpoclal train. Two men, with automatlo pIstolB at their hlpn, nnd sawcd-olt shotguns on tholr laps, sat In each enr, and lator guarded tho Secret transfer of tho white bars from train to ship at San Francisco Each Btlvor brick wolghod about sixty-two pounds and was worth 1.000 and each train carried between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 of tho bricks Guarded shipments of stiver dollars also aro mado from tho United States treasury In Washington and frdm tho Now Orleans subtroasury to Phlla dolphta. Moro than 2(15,000,00 sllvor dollars wore moltod and shipped to India during tho year to moot urgont war domands for colnago. Wm. Johnson, road work, $219.00. A. Stolnhausen, road work, $28.00. II. M. Bradenburg, dragging, $2.25. J. R. Rltnor, brldgo work, $437.60. Fred Tobas, bridge work, $48.00. Sundry porsons, surveying, $47.10. A. McNlcol, road work, $3.20. W. T. Elliott, brldgo work, $G0.00. a. IL Palmer, brldgo work, $44.50. JobsIo Long, dragging, $15.00. N D. WollB, road work, $0.00. Mary Hutchins, care of Mrs. Kern holm, $25.00. James Ball, road work, $12.00. A. S. Allcii.offlco expenses, $52.12. Esslo Wessburg, salary, $77.50. A. J. Salisbury, salary, $145.80. Tim Sutton, salary, $100.00. L. A. Cambrel, salary, $75.00. Anna Anderson, caro of Emma An derson, $35.00. A. S. Allon, salary. $137.50. WoBloy Cockle, dragging, $10.00. Henry Rootton, road work. $81.75. J, B. Ilomphlll. supplies. $8.00. Fayo Elder, salary, $05.00. Alleen Cochran, snlary, $133.33. Allbon Cochran, visiting schools, $08.00. er or Inter were also burled under silt and clny. Owing to their hard shells, those that fell Into places favorable to their preservation are today In ex cellent condition, although slightly flattened by the long soaking nnd the gentle pressure of the clny. Tho de posit In which the leaves and nuts were found Is not less than a million years old. Architecture and Life Are One. - There Is another result of good teaching of art history that is Impor tant. A good teacher of nrt history cannot fall to Impress upon his stu dents how Intimately the history of art and the history of the race are con nected; how every great change In style Is only n symptom of some great change In ways of thinking and living. Tho history of architecture ought to teach thnt life and art are one and that falseness of Idcnl Is mirrored in evitably by a fake architecture. It ought to go far toward removing that AAUoon Cochran, offlco expenses, destructive vlowpolnt of the present $45.9G. day Unit sees architecture as some- J. D. Fitch, hall rent olectlon, $10.00 ihlng" far off and esoteric nnd unlmpor- W. l'. Klllon appointed justlco of tnnt Instead of the very stuff of our tho peaco for Wallaco precinct, J. W. Bates, dragging, $37.50. Will Blodgett. road work, $0.00. J. W. Bates, road work, $72.00. C, P. Carson, road work, $38.50, W. D. Waldo, road work, $40.00. Sundry porsons, road work Lincoln Illghwny, $219.00 Sundry porsons, road work District 33, $132.00. Wm. Sundqulst, road work, $00.00. Petition for leavo to piny Sunday contemporary civilization. It ought, In n word, to open the draftsman's eyes to the social ln.ipllcntlons and the so- clal responsibilities of his art. Talhot F. Franklin In Architecture. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1651 of Charles McDonald. deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of clnims ngainst said Estate is Oc tober 4th,'- 1919, nnd for settlement of said Estate" is May 28th, 1920; that 1 win sit at tno county court room in said county, on July 4th. 1919. at 2 o'clock p. ni., and October 4th, 1919, nt 2 o'clock p. in., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and object ions ituiy tiled. (SEAL) WM. II. C. AVOODHURST. J3J1 County Judge. easiest, most natural and scientific manner Phono 110. North Platte, Neb. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1628 of Dora Westenfold, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraskn. ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims ngalnst said Estate Is Oc tober 4 tit. 1919, and for settlement of said Estate is March 25, 1920; that I win sit at tne coun said county, on July o'clock a. m. and Octobe o'clock a. in., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims anu object ions duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J3J1 County .Tudgo. DR. SnAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb Phono for Appointments. Dli. ItEDFIELD riiysician. Obstetrician Surgeon, X-Rny ty court room in Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day ober 4,1i9ia.aat 9 1,lono 0fflco 642 Hcsldouco C7C BRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, G, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70 Res. Phono Red 1009 DR. L. E. TANDIVER Physician and Surgeon Rooms 5-0 McDonald Bank Bldg., North Platte, Nob. Helgoland. NOTICE OP FORMATION OK PAVING DISTRICT NO. 3 IN THE CITY OF NORTH l'LATTE. To the owners of record title of nil property adjacent to or abutting upon tno streets hereinaiter described, and all persons interested therein: You, and each of you, are hereby no tified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, did under date of May zutn. l'Jiy. pass nnd approve a cer tain ordinance forming and creating Paving DlBtrlct No. 2, of the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, ana that the following streets, in eluding the intersections thereof, with in the limits or said City, are comprised within said navlntr district, to-wlt: All that portion of 4th street of said City, commencing at the Intersection of 4th street and urynn avenue in l'.iver dale Addition to said City, thence west along said 4th street to and Including Pine street of said City, thence be ginning nt the intersection of Locust street with said 4th street and contin uing west on said Fourth street to the intersection of Washington avenue of said City, with said 4th Btreet; also that portion of Pine street of said City commencing nt the interscclion of said Pine street with said 4th street of said flltv. tlinnnn north nlonir sail! Plnft street to the south lino of 6th street of Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building: snld City, as It Intersects snld Pine street of snld City. Unless objections are filed thereto ns required by Statute within 20 days from the first publication of this notice, the Mayor and Council shall proceed to construct such paving. Dated this 21st dny of May. 1919. A. F. STREITZ. O. E. ELDER, (SEAL) Mayor. City Clork. GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Office 130, Residence 115 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North of Postoflice. Pbone 58 A modorn institution for the eiantlfic treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casci. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lncas, M. D. J.B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specialty. Itefcrences and Dates nt First Na tional Bank, North Piatt, Neb. . Phono 1000. HERB HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAT AND NIGHT SERVICE Phono DOS. Black 80S Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist North Platte, Nobraska. Hcltrolnnd lies In the North sea. 40 i notice nv ixcohpouation ,l!o frnm tl.n ,nt, nf tllo ! BmVAIlS-IlKYX01.DS COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have formed a corporation under tho laws of tho State of Nobras ka, under the nnme nnd stylo of "Edwards-Reynolds Company," with the principal place of transacting its busi ness in the City of North Plntte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, the genoral na ture or me business to ho traiiBactea buttresses 10 feet thick nnd 240 foot I erating of retail stores for tho sale Hospital Phone Black G33, House Phone Black 633 W. T. PRITCHAR1), Graduato Veterinarian m30J2 Eljjht years a Government Veterlnar- ip ian. Hospital 218. south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. miles northwest from the mouth of the Elbe. It consists of a steep, rocky ball nf Sutherland heard and crantod plateau, 184 feet high, with a strip of v nrayod for, oxcoptlng that games nrm sunn in us-southeasterly root, us shall not bo played during church area Is about 12!1 acres, hnlser Wll hours on Sunday. Ham Is snld to have expended $,"0.000.. S. J. Koch, services nnd mlleagt, 000 on the practical reconstruction of U1-""- tho Island: It Is fortified nunlnst sen by said Corporation consisting of buy- mo nn tui..i T.t nnn.itnn E. H. Rnrincor. services nnd mlln- .., ..... .. .... ' Inir and selling of men's elothlnir. fur- M-a aibuuimm uuuuuib. aco. $134.90. . .. J .. . T7A ntshing booub, hats. Hhoos and the op- 'Umana, AObr&SKfi. Paul Moyor, ofuco rent, $1G.00, J. n ml stti T. F. Healoy Is hereby appointed uKuir - '' 3"" ' ? : K CQmr;no Sin online, nr Tfinu nr ir ' a urn t u I c m 1 1 a . . - - - i-i w " - . "" corporation; anu mo commencement r-t DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and Radiant Therapy W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offlco OTor McDonald Bank. Offlco Phono 1130 Bos. Phono 1126 NOTICE OP INCORPORATION Notice Is heroby given that an Incor poration has been duly formed under tho laws of tho Stato of Nebraska, the namo of whloh Is "North Platte Home Builders, Incorporated." The principal place of transacting business Is In the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. xno general nature or tho business to bo transacted by this corporation shall bo the buying, selling, leasing, renting, or otherwise holding of real estate and personal property, either for itself or as agent, representative or trustee for others; tho contracting for and the constructing and erecting of buildings of any and all kinds, and all the appurtenances thereof; to loan, borrow, and invest money, take and t give security or obligations therefor; and to do a general contracting busi ness; to deal in all kinds of building materials, fuel and other commodities; and said corporation shall have power to make and execute all kinds of con tracts and obligations Including deeds, leases, and mortgages of real estate and personal property and bills of sale and shall havo power to take, hold, own, use, Improve, lease, sell, assign, mortgage and convey real estate and all other kinds of property or interests therein, including its own capital stock, for itself or as agent, repre sentative or trustee for others; and to take, hold, hypothecate, assign and col lect all kinds of obligations for Itself, or as agent, representative or trustee for others, including power to take, hold, collect, nsslgn and trnnsfcr stock In othor corporations as well as of Its own for Itself or as agent, representa tive or trustee for othors; and said cor poration shall havo general power t do and perform all things necessary or expedient In the carrying out of the purposes aforesaid. It shall have pow er to conduct its business In its prin cipal place of business and at any branch ofllce established by It, and to , maintain an uince ui wwu curiiuruuun within tho State of Nebraskn, or in any other part of tho United States, District of Columbia and the United States territories. The authorized capital stock is $25,000.00, $10,000.00 of which is fully paid, tho balance to bo sold and pay able subject to tho order of tho Board of Directors. Tho highest nmount of Indebtedness or liability to which the corporation may at any time subject Itself shall not. exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. The tlmo of commencement of this cor poration shall be the 1st day of May, 1919, and the same shall contlnuo for a period of fifty years. Tho affairs of tho corporation are to be conducted by a Board of flvo di rectors and such other officers as may be provided for by the Board of Di rectors. Dated April 26, 1919. J. C. IIOLLMAN, J. E. SEBASTIAN, C. F. TEMPLE. mlim30 mi Aioyor, on co roiu, iu.uu. . . .. . . . n ( f tho same; the nmount of the cap- . T. Keoto, mileage to Grand Isl- "K11," 'V Sl , ,,,, , ll!,s"rLf u ' ttnl stock is 25,000.00, which wns paid .wo....w..M, on county enso ?13.80 - Its cllrts luive been tilled up nnd hound , t tho time of the commencement of S"" county hall adjustor. ! :o:; II. Iledlllngor returned Wodnosda from a two weeks' buslnoss trip to nance, Donvor. wholly Incased. with a cemented belt of armor, fortified with modem ord- -::o: TESTED AND PROVEN INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. - RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimitedjfunds at itsTcommand to assist in the building or purchase ofhomcs for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is tb acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, ' r , President. Secretary. of the Corporation was on the 24th dnv ?. 01 mure", iju, ana 10 continue lor a NEW ponou 01 twenty yearH irom tnal uato, K Tl I rfc PI "t nnd tho highest amount of indebted- ii UnfH KAllOll llfin noss or liability to which the corpora- ii fUlll UCUdll ulIUU U tlon shall at any time subject itself Is j two-thirds of Twcnty-ilvo thousand ft 700 M T npiiQf Phnnp1fi? i 00.100 ($2G.000.00i Dollars: tho affnlrs o. 5? l IN.- L.OCUSI. flOUL IOC. There Is a Heap of Solnco In Ileln? Abie to Depend Upon n uelU Eariied Imputation. For months North Platto readers havo soon tho constant xprosslon of praiso lor lioatrs Kianoy puis, and read about .ho good work thoy lnva done In this locality. What other remedy over produced such convinc ing proof of merit? M. G. Rogers, Prop, of harness store, 614 Locust St., North Platte, says: "Onco In a whllo my kldnoys havo bocomo disordered and If I didn't attend to them right away I would got in bad shapo. My back would bocomo latno and there would bo a steady ache in it. When I tried to Btralgthon up after sitting down, a sharp pain would catch mo. I know my kidneys were tho cause of It, for at such tlmos they acted too ofton, especially at night. Doau's Kiduoy PUIb havo always relieved any digus or such trouble, putting my kldnoys in a good condition. I know Doan's can be depended upon and I am glad to recommend them." Price GOc, at all dcalors. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy remody set Mr. Rogers had. Foster-Mllburn I Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. the Corporation to be controlled by a ft it Doard of Directors, of three in number, it k Trial Will Convince You. i'.t such Directors to elect a President, I :.t ' 5.: Vice-president, Secretary and Truasur-l5.rf.....w..w..,wv...,......w.w,w..i5.J or, who aro to conduct tho business of i!rfM.t...m.. the uorporation uniler the Instructions of the uoarii or Directors. Dated this 19th day of May. 1913. JOHN H. EDWARDS, SOPHIA n. EDWARDS. m2SJ20 EDWARD W. REYNOLDS. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. DEBBYBERBY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers andFunoralDlrectorg Day phono 41 Xlght phono Black 588 NOTICE. To Conner Moore, defendant: You aro hereby notified that on tho 14th day of January, 1919, tho plaintiff, Mary Moore, filed her petition for abso lute divorce from you in tho District Court ofLlncoln county, Nebraska, alloR Inir in said petition as her irrounds for said divorce that you havo been guilty of extreme cruelty toward said plaintiff nnd that you have wholly failed to pro vide maintenance for her. although of suiuciem uuiiuy to uo so, anu mat vnu have been culltv of extreme cruol- tv in othor respects as set forth In her petition now on fllo. That plaintiff has unable, nftnr dun nml rAnunnnltln lnnilpv nnd KAlirMi ir. rlatormlna vnlir NOTICE OP PETITION plnco of address, and has therefor? ob- Estate No. 1663 of Dave A. Reynolds, taineo nn oruor lor service upon you oy i ueceanou, in u v-uuui vuu. k v. ....i.iicnMon nml thnt ninintifr lo n.klno I rnln County. Nebraska. an absolute dlvorco from the bonds of Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per m.trlmnnv. I sons Interested In the estate take no You aro required to answer this petl- tlco that a petition has been filed for Itv thA 23rd dnv nf .Tun a into nr thn nnnolntment of J. H. Kelly as ad- Judgment will be taken against you as mlnlstrator of said estate, which has DrayfiJ " inuiiuiii n petition, i uucn net iur ucuimi, uu u n, Dated May 8th, 1919. nine o'clock a. m. By J. C. HOLLMAN. (SEAL,) WM. It. C. WOODHURST, M9J6 Her AttornoyJ mB-23 County Judge, NOTICE OK HEARING In the Matter of tho Estate of Caroline Frnnson, Decensed. in tho County Court of Lincoln1 County, Nebraska. To All Persons Interested In said Es tate: Notice la hereby given that on May 23, 1919. Fred E. Pease, Executor of said estate, filed In said Court, a re port of his doings as Executor of said estate, together with his application for the distribution of the personal property of said estate and tho assign ment of tho real estate thereof, accord ing to the 'provisions or tho last Will and Testament of said Corollno Fran zen, deceased, and it is hereby ordered that tho same be heard before said Court in the County Court Room in the Court House in the City of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 14th day of June, 1919, at nine o'clock A. M., at which time nil persons interested may nppear, object to and contest tho same. Notice of this proceeding and the hear ing thereon is hereby ordered given to all persons interested therein by pub lishing a copy of this order In The North Platte Soml-Wcekly Tribune, a semi-wekly newspaper printed In said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to tho date of said hearing. Dated May 23, 1919. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, m27J13 " County Judge. Xotlce to Creditor Estate No. 1G48 of Mary E, Evarts, de ceased, in the County Court of Lnl coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estato will take notico that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said en tato is September 20, 1919, and for set tlement of said estato is May 17, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on Juno 20, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on September 20, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, oxamlno, hear, -allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. II, C. WOODHURST, mJ13 County Judges.