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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS SIX PER CENT. We have first mortgage loans for sale in amounts from $500.00 to $10,000.00 secured by real estate worth from two to three times the amount! of the loan. These mortgages are exempt from state, county and city taxes, and the collection of the interest is taken care of without expense to the holders. If you have smaller amounts than $500.00 to invest, call and learn our new plan for such investments. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co., North Platte, Nebraska. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office oyer the McDonald Stat Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Always stop at tho Rexall. . (Floyd Soaburg Is looking after bus lness matters In Sutherland this week. Mrs. M. F. Hosier has returned from a. visit with her son Robert In Tulsa, Oklahoma. , Water glass for eggs at tho Rexall. Miss Ethel Strong has accepted a position as assistant at the Crcsslcr dental office. The S. & R. Service Station means real service. High grade oil and gas. Miss Ina Diener went to Kearney Wednesday where she will attend the normal school this summer. Diamonds bought at Dixon's means diamonds bought at tho right price. Mrs. Geo. Dearlng, who had been tho guest of Mrs. Floyd Seaburg, re turned Wednesday to her homo at Brule. Seo us for service tho Rexall Store. Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. F. Strauss came ? down yesterday from Platteville, Col., where Mr. Strauss Is cashier of tub I bank. Wo insure anything of any value. . Try us. Clabaugh, 618 Dewey. 39-1 Mrs. Margaret Taylor, who had been visiting Mrs. Philip Deats and Mrs. Clyde McMIchael, returned today to her homo in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Ogier and son Robert will leave Sunday for a two months' visit with relatives and friends In California. Mrs. Susie Ogier, who has been vis iting her son E. N. Ogier, will leave Sunday for Omaha for an extended visit with her brother. Dr. Xi. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. Mrs. Mary Gutherless and Mrs. Jas. Golden and children will leave Sunday for Portland", Ore., where they will bo guests of Mrs. Earl Davis. See us for Paris Green tho Rexall. Hear tho New Edison, tho phono graph with a soul. This instrument is something entirely new in phono graphs. Hear them and bo convinced. Harry Dixon. Dr. J. G. Van Ness and family, who for tho past week had been guests nt ' tho Lochiel Johnston home, returned Thursday to their home at Mason City, Iowa. Paint, varnish and dry wall colors, best prices at tho Rexall. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dixon will leave tomorrow for Omaha where Mr. Dixon goes to attend tho meeting of tho ex ecutive board of tho Nebraska state board of optometrists. A meeting of the community welfard general committee, which consists of thirty members, is called for Monday evening at eight o'clock at tho pub lic library for tho purpose of organ izing what will be known as tho North Platte Welfare Federation. Have your gas tank filled at the S. & R. Service Station, Gth and Locust. The famous Whito Rose and Red Crown gasoline for sale at tho S. & R. Service Station. At tho meeting of the city council Tuesday evening the ordinance author izing tho city welfare board was pass ed and will become effective as soon as published. The ordinance is some what lengthy and covers many phases of the city's welfare as to morality. See "Clinton & Son' SwS) ul iv t your Eyes and satisfied. Son is over on tho Rhine, will be home roon. Sign ct tho Big Rfng. The rainfall Tuesday night and Wed nesday totaled 1.40 Inches and Includ ing the rain of tho latter part of last week run tho precipitation up to 2.24 inches within a woek. Thl3 has prov en a real soaker, wetting the soli to a depth sufficient to keep crops grow ing for some time. This rain camo at an opportune time for wheat, 'which prior to last Friday had commenced to show the need of rain. Just received a large shipment of Columbia Grafanolas and have a num ber of phonograph boxes for sale. Fine for packing . Dixon the jeweler. Tickets for tho banquet which North Platte citizens will tender to members of the Wyoming Division Safety Com mittee nt tho Masonic hall next Wed nesday evening are now on sale at l each. Tho members of the committee, of whom thero will bo about sixty, will bo guests at the banquet, hence it was necessary to place the tickets at three dollars. It Is expecto d that about 200 will bo present at the ban quet. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, both now and used, are very difficult to ob tain now and will bo until snow Hies. Tho world's second largest automo bile factory cannot keep up with tho wonderful demand. It will pay you to wait and obtain a Dodge rather than take some substitute. Order your Dodge today and get quicker de livery. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. At a recent meeting of tho board of directors of tho Suburban irrigation district, J. I. Smith was elected pres ident of the board. Mr. Smith has been a director for five or six years, and has taken a lively interest in mat- : ters concerning the ditch. At his sug ; gestion a number of needed improve I ments have been made, Including new I cement flumes under other ditches, ' cement drops and cement bridges, i Tho directors have endorsed plans for a now scouring dam at tho headgate which will be built this fall at a cost of $1200 or $1500. : :o: : E STRAYED. Estrayed from my place seven miles southeast of North Platte, Thursday, May 29th, ono bay maro branded with T lazy T on left shoulder; also one brown mule with scar on left hind leg. 42-G R. H. WILLIAMS. .Clark Buchanan Promoted. Clark Buchanan, a former Nor'h Platte boy, has been promoted to tho position of assistant to the general manager of the Southern California Automobile Club with offices in Los Angeles. This organization Insures against all forms of accidents that may occur to owners of automobileu. Clark has had tho superlntendcncy of agencies from Fresno to San Diego, including the Imperial valley, and now becomes assistant to the general manager. Tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan are glad to learn oi Clark'o advancement to such a sponsible nnd lucrative position which he has won through his own efforts in proving his worth to tho company, in tho minor positions which ho had hold. The company was not slow to recognize tho se'rvico he had given and rewarded him on tho scoro of merit. W - ' ! I .dMk 'R Si's 4fm 1 We take pleasure in announcing that wo have secured the services of Mr. "Leonard B.. Red mond, who 1ms been associated with this store for a number of years, first in the employ of Mr, Weingand and later with the Harcourt Clothing Co. During this period of association with thill store he has p?oven his worth as a courteous and competent salesman and ve congratulate' ouiv 3i lves that wo have been able to secure his ser vices. Mr. Redmond has but recently returned from overseas service where with thousands Of other good American young men ho served his country .i faithfully and well and returns homo wiCli' a clean record. Mr. Redmond, wo are sure, will serve us as raithfully as he did his country and that both our customers and ourselves will be benefited by his association with us. Mr. Redmond will be glad to meet his friends at this store. ED V ARDS-REYNOLDS CO. ( Keith Theatre Saturday SHIRLEY MASON IN Refuse to Aaccpt Resignation. W. B. Salisbury tendered his reslji nation as street commissioner to tho city council Tuesday evening, but that body declined to accept it. Instead, the salary of tho commissioner was ul creased with tho object of having Sal isbury stay on the Job. Salisbury stated that he presented his resigna tion not because of tho salary paid, but to escape "grief." Ordinances re lating to tho streets were being vio lated every day and when he attempt ed to enforce them the mayor and council failed to stand back of him. That's why ho ha.d resigned. He was assured that if he continued as com missioner he would be supported in tho enforcement of ordinances, and upon this assurance ho withdrew his' resignation. Salisbury stated yester day that ho had the names of twelve who had violated ordinances and that ho would file complaint against them. In enforcing tho ordinances, Salisbur says all offenders will look alike to him. ::oi: "Daddy Long Legs." Don't 'spose there's ono of you who hasn't read that fascinating story oi Jean Webster's, which ran in tho Lai. les' Home" Journal and then appeared ! In book form, and was then acted on tho legitimate stage. 'Momber "Judy." and the orphan asylum; and the di rectors' meeting; and tho mysterious gentleman with tho long legs who was Judy's godfather, and who sent her to collego and enabled her to realize her dreams of becoming a writer, anil whom she never saw until . Well. Mary Pickford is Judy, and tho plctuiv is Just full of fun, and pathos, and If you don't want to miss ono of th treats of tho season, better come an 1 see It. At tlio Sun Tucsdny, Wednos day and Thursday. Matinee each ';iy. Afternoon 10-nnd 25c; evening in and J15c "Doc" Bird Sells Out. E. M. Bird, of Gothenburg, who H. known to many North Platto people, closed a deal Monday transferrins his real estate holdings near tliit town. Tho deal Includes three quar ters nnd an eighty In the valley at $2"0 per aero; 9G acres of hay land and 4210 acres of pasture land nnd totals $21?, 000. "Doc" Bird homesteaded on the south sldo In March 1880 and has been on tho Job ever since. Ho has about COO head of cattle to dispose of nnd will clean up close to $275,000. : :o: : Mrs. Allen, who has been spending the winter with her daughter. Mre. Fred Kuser, will return tomorrow to her homo at Washington, D. C. 'The Winning Girl' j Winning btatiley was one " thing. Winning his haughty ; aristocratic mother was quite another thing. How does she do it ? spuek. Come on down to see. BILL PARSONS COMEDY "Wanted a Baby" mm You women buying your man tail ored suit can savo ?5 to $15, or on your coat $3 to $12, and got this sea son's best nnd latset stylo at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Household Economy is possible through two methods careful spend ing and careful saving. Having a record of household expense is (lit. first step in both methods. Having a household checking nccount with this, bank insures having a careful record of all buying. Make full use of this Bank's facilities in your Economy program. Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE. NEB. Sun Theatre Monday, June 9 The last day fo the "MAN OF MIGHT" Will show episode No. 13 in addition to No. 15. Also 5 reels Viti- graph Feature. Estrny Notice Taken up on Section 13, Town 12, Range 29, by tho uudorslgnod who thero resides, on or -about April 15, 1919, ono roan heifer, no brands. Own er can havo tho samo by proving prop erty and paying chargoB. PAUL SODERMAN, ' Route A North Platto, Nob. W. V. Hoagland returned Wednesday from Gandy whero ho had been attend ing district court, and left Thursday to attend federal court in Omaha. Just received a new shipment of men's Oxfords, very nifty, at the Shoo Market. Tho county commissioners have ap pointed T. F. Healey as hail insuranco adjuster for the county. Here's hop ing that tho farmers will not find Tom's services needed. Sergt. Ernest Casey returned Wed nesday nfter almost a year's service overseas. Ho took part in tho fight of tho Argonnc woods nnd the St. Mihici drive and was gasaed twice and wounded. Tho fees in tho county clerk's office last month exceeded six hundred dol lars, which Is an index of tho many real estate transfers that are being made. Three typists are kept busy pounding the machines in copying tho instruments filed. Harry Smith, a former North Platto schools at Akron, Ohio, has been of fered a similar position at Youngn town, Ohio, at an increased salary, but will probably remain In Akron. Ben Johnson, who was with tho 89th Division in overseas service',, arrived homo this week. For Rent Nicely furnished room In modern home. G04 B. 6th St., Phono 1068. Major M. C. Harrington, of Denver, arrived yesterday morning and will remain for a week visiting friends and looking after property interests. Tho Major is regaining his normal condition since his return from over seas duty. While on tho Chateau Thierry sector rainy weather and lack of proper housing resulted in bron chial trouble and this was aggravat ed my the inhalation of Gcrmnn gas, necessitating treatmont at. a hospital, From tills trouble ho has suffered since returning home, but is now im proving. ::o:: Benefit Dunce. A benefit danco for tho family of Clydo Frazie who was killed In tho lo cal yards and for Wm. Metcalf who lost a hand, will be given at the K. C. hall Monday evening. Music will bo furv nished by Doucet's fifteen piece or chestra. This is an opportunity to contribute to a very wirthy causo, and whether or not you attend tho danco Vou should purchase a ticket. ::o:: First Lutheran Church. Morning worship at 8:30 o'clock with sermon by Rev. II. E. Hess. Dur ing tho absence of tho pastor tho pul pit will be supplied regularly In the morning. aiemoers aro urgea 10 av tend theso services. REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor. oal -::o::- STRAYEJ) OR STOLEN. Two year old Holstoin Heifer, most ly white with fow black spots, swal low fork on left ear, undercut on right oar. Any information lending to tho recovery of animal will bo liberally rowarded. A. COOLEDQE, 42-4 North Platte -::o:: Strayed I bay roaro 7 years old, stocky built, shod in front, branded on left shorn dor. Frank Albro. Route 1, North Will Norris loft yesterday for Choy onuo whoro ho will accept a position with tho Wyoming highway commission. Piano For Sale Wo hnvo stored In North Platto a strictly high grado piano which, for immcdiato dlsposllton, will bo sold at a tremendous sacrifice Terms to a responsible party. It interested wrlto oi onco for particulars to THE DEN VER MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colorado. 38-5 TIRES, TUBES, OIL, GAS. Tire and Tube Repairing . We have in stock at this time a supply of the famous Federal Tires and Inner Tubes in the following sizes. 30 x 3 32 x 34 32 x 4 30x3 31x4 34x4 ' bo. These are all fabric tireB and are guran 'teed for 4000 miles. We also carry a supply of Crown Cord Tires guaranteed for 8000 miles. S. 8c R. Service Station, 6th & Loc, ONE BLOCK NORTH OF POSTOFFICE. We Strive to Please PRICES RIGHT A Trial Order Means a Steady Customer. DICK STEGEMANJST DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries and Confectionery. Phono 212. 815 North Locust $5.00 Orders Dollvorcd NORTH PLATTE 1 EtECTgiCAjrr.i.Sl II NORTH PLATTE,NEB. 1,11 ii i COW BRANDil 9 Cow Brand The Best Flour Made in the Best Town in Western Nebraska A Home Product Used by all Home People. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, MAZEPPA LODGE No. IIS. Meeting Nights Second andFourth Wednesdays of each Month. K, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, Phone Black 720. Harry B. York, C. C, phono Muck 42fi, G02 South Pine. O. E. Elder, V. C, phouo Jtcd 212 214 South Sycamore ). M. Hogsett, P., phono Jtcd C0!1 C21 West Fifth. C. L. Basklns, M. Y., phono Oi, Building & Loan Building. S. M. Soudor, K. JU S., phono Bed 425, 001 South Dowoy. J. E. Sebastian, H. l phono Bed S18, 011 East Second. Boy Mohlmnnn, H. E., phono Bluck, 084, 209 South Locust. C. jr. Austin, M. A phono Black 1128, 410 West Second. J. IV. Bowlaud, I. G phono Bod 407, 220 East E. IV. E. SInrr, 0. G phono C77, 20 West Fifth. Platto. 40-3