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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
WM. S. HART IN "BRANDING BROADWAY" When a real man tackles the, great ..hite way. Fifth Avenue puts him in a panic, the cabarets daze i him but the men and women with their city stuff they can't fool Bill Hart. He shows them how a real man can fight and love. Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday EOCAL AtfD PERSONAL Mrs.'iCronin, of Whentlnnd, Wyo., is .vlsltingMrfl. Fred Oulmctte. Miss Jonnio Anderson, of Brnay, is the guesrof Mrs. Carl Rltenour. Always stop at tho Jtoxall. Dr. Pritchard spent Tuesday in Wal lace looking after business matters. H. Dixon & Son, eyesight specialists Miss Fern Doiph loft Thursday for Kcarno to attend tho BUtnmcr term of tho normal school. Mn and Mrs. L. E. Coy, of Staple ton, were guests at the E. S. Davis homo Wcduesday. J. E. Sebastian- loft yesterday morn ing on a business trip to townB on tho North River branch. Mrs. Chas. Dill returned to Chicago Wednesday evening after a ton-day visit with relatives in town. Tom Lind and R. A. Anderson, of Staplcton, spent Wednesday in town looking after business matters. Mrs. Herman Schleutor returned Thursday from- Grand Island where sho had been visiting relatives for tho past week. Miss Edna Sullivan returned Tues day from a month's visit with relatives and friends in Omaha, Kansas City and Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rowon, who had been guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hosier, left Tuesday evening for their homo in Thermopolls, Wyoming. Paint; varnish and dry wall colors best prices at tho Rexall. , During tho month of May tho Red Cross canteen served lunchos to soven thousand eight hundred soldlors and sailors passing through on trains. II. Dixon's have an optomotrist who Is a speciaist in chargo of their optical department. A special train conveying 135 con valescent soldiers wostWnrd, passed thrpnugh Wednesday evening. They wore- served with a lunch nt tho Red Cross canteen. Carl Westonfeld, with tho SUi Division in tho Argonno drlvo and later part of tho occupation army in Germany, arrived homo Wednesday. Ho is looking lino. I. S. Smith, who is sponding the summer n,t Julesburg looking after his . big wheat fields, spent Wednesday in town. Ho says wheat in that section JlBllnmno condition. Call 41-2 Olon Ritnor, who has been homo on a thirty-day furlough, will return to morrow to Nowport News. ( Mrs. Colo Durland camo up from Lexington to attend tho funeral ser vices of the lato Mrs. Baldwin. For Salo A kitchen range, black 214, or at 208 cast Third. 1. C. McGrow wont to Paxton Wed nesday and will spend two weeks look ing after business Interests there. Dr. Morrill, Dentiist. Offlco over Wilcox Department Storo. Mrs. A. Boyor arrived homo Tuesday from Hastings where sho had been vis iting relatives for tho past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Tito's; Qulnn returned Wednesday to their homo at Staplc ton after a week's visit hero with rel atives and friends Mrs, Donald Goodwill and childron of Minden, La., aro expected tolay for a visit with Mrs. Goodwill's mother, Mrs. Isaac Dillon and other relatives. Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Miss Anna McLano, who had been teaching at tho Nichols school, lln- ished tho term last Friday and return ed Tuesday to her homo at Hastings, I havo a buyer for a quarter sea Mrs. Cody Boal left Tuesday to Joii, her husband at Greoloy, Colo., whore Cody has purchased a garage. Tho Golden Rule bible class will I meet at threo o'clock this aftornoon j with Mrs. Strahorn, 10 west Second. I Farmers, sec our special policy for farmers' automobile and truck insur 1 ance. Clabaugh, CIS Dowoy. 39-4! Layland Stats arrived Tuesday from Alliance for a short visit with his mother, Dr. States, after which ho will go to Kansas to spend the summer va cation. Biliousness may be due to over eat-' ing, or weakness of tho stomach ot llvor. Chiropractic adjustments ro movo tho weakness. See Dr. States today. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Carroll and son Thomas and Mrs. E. Draney of North Platte came Friday and visited rela tives and friends hero, tho Carrolls returning to North Platto Monday morning and Mrs. Draney Tuesday. j Gothenburg Independent. , Sco 'Clinton & Son' about your Eye troubles,' satisfaction every time. Son Is over in Germany,1 will bo homo In a few , weeks or months. Sign of the Big , Ring. j The initial game of ball will, bo played on the city park diamond Sun day afternoon with Gothenburg as th- opposing team. This win. uo an op portunity to seo tho local players per form and you can iudgo of;tho future possibilities of tho team. ' H. Dixon & Son, eyesight specialists Christian Science Bervico-Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings overy week at 8:00. A cordial Invi tation is extended to all to attend theso services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Seo us for service tho Rexall Storo J. H. Kempton, of Fox Creek, as sessor for that precinct, was a bust ness caller at tho Tribuno office Tuesday. Ho had completed his work as assessor and brought in tho sched ules to tho county clerk. Ho found ninety-six families in tho precinct, which Is six by twelvo miles in area. Seo H. Dixon the quality Jeweler, boforo you buy your diamond: tlicir prices aro right. Among thoso who will attend th" Dnion Pacific safety committee meet ing in this, city next Wednesday are General Manager Jeffcrs, Genl. Supi. Hamil, Supts. Woodruff and Duffy, W. T. Gurloy, of Omaha,. Ratpu Richards, THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Logic ltnnt nf flirt tintrlt itnnntttmAht rv'l Yli "?HL "llL1,1.1.- Northwestern road, and several of tho uuv uiiiiui:iiiuiiii duuiii ui nuum n- r0(lpral safptv first organisation er. Clabaugh, C18 Dowoy. 39-4 Icuerai saIelv nrsl organization. When a big Sunday dinner is foi IrkWnrl liv n It 1 1 1 All a n fro rr If mnv Ko n Lincoln where ho had been attending fllgn of R slugB,gh llvcr. chiropractic Coy Slates arrived Monday from ' tho state university, and will spend adjustments remove tho cause of the the Bummer vacation hero with his sluggish action. Consultation is with out charge. -Sco Dr. States today. Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koch left Wed nosday night for Mt. Vernon, Was)i., to visit Mr. Koch's parents. They wont to St. Paul, Minn., and took tho Canadian Pacific route, expecting to stop over nt two or three of tho fa mous summer resorts in tho Rocky "nintaln section of Canada. They will bo absent about a month. Wanted Position as stenographer or bookkeeper. Normal and business education. Best of roforencos. For particulars call at this offlco. 42 Ernest Rinckor, who for somo timo past has boon stationed at Peoria, 111., in tho insuranco denartment of of tho quartermaster's service, write: his father that ho will bo in Chicago today to rccoivo his dlschargo and ex pects to reach homo tho early part of next week. Ho had an opportunity to remain In tho service with a rank onulvnlnnt to n llmitnnanfiv. lint nrmv I Hfo has not appealed to him. mother, Dr. States Miss M. Slcman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladlos and gentle men. Phone R97. Erodbock bldg. 85tf Bert A. Noblo has purchased the In dopendont Grocery storo of H. J. riyssmer and took possession of tho buslnoss tho first of tho week. Mr. Plyssmor.has accepted a position as credit manager with tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. For Sale My rcsldonco property at G18 wost Fifth. Inqulro nt tho prom ises. Luko Haley. 40-S Tho II. & S. Agoncy reports tho fol lowing sales this week. Tho Wilcox & Halllgan houso at G13 Garfield avo nuo to J. D. Hornsby; a Lanyon house In tho Fourth wnrd to Charley Llork and tho Wallonhnupt houso on west Third to C. V- Turpio, Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy your Hay and Grain. Obtain our "prices boforo you soli. tt There arc more than 3,000,000 Ford cars in daily use in (he country. This Is a little better than half of all the motor cars in use in the country. Tf ere is a very potent and profitable reason in this why you should buy Frd cars for your business and for your personal use. It is a demonstrated fact that Ford cars have in every line oi human desire so far as motor cars are concerned, best satisfied their own ers with the service given. They must bo safe; they must be comforta ble; they must be always reliable; they must bo convenient and they must be economical, or they wouldn't be so tremendously popular with all classes of I? L People. The big Ford Factory has not reached nor 01 jl aClS nm- production, but the war is over, and it is getting- bnck as fast as possible. We are getting a few cars in right along, and we w ill do the best possible (o give you early delivery. Runabout, $500; Touring Cnr, $525: Coupe, $650; Sedan, $775; Truck Chasis, $550. These prices are f. o. b. Detroit. Leave your order with us, and be assured of two things: First, the earliest possible delivery: Second, an after service that has the strongest commenda tion and endorsemenet of the Ford Hot or Company as being a reliable, satis factory and economical service. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Ford Authorized Sales and Service. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. aff-tjoat'-totrnd soft drink Rome was not Wilt in came cotiKtteywide for tteee mon&s .because ation in perfect 'm the Sold oorutoto - Families supplied by ifroror, druggist and drabt Visitors aro invitod to inspect our plant? ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS Paxton & Gallagher Co., Dlrtrtbutor NOKTil PLATTB. NUBR. 7. .4 Murl Maupin, a member of the graduating class, has accepted a po sition in the office of the Hendy-Oglti Co. At the city council meeting Tues day evening contracts, "were awarded for tho construction of lateral sowers, one 320 feet in length, tho other GZv feet, both in the south part of town. Complaint was filed against Jona than Higgins yesterday charging him with running an auto without a 1919 license, and tho case will be heard in tho county court today. A. B. Hoag- land is tho complaining witness. A. B. Hoagland is still looking for a machine man to help him on the county grading outfit. Through lack of such a man grading on the Lincoln Highway between Maxwell and Brady, has been delayed. That North Platto is tho hub of the universo is proven by tho fact that the government has selected this city as tho only stopping place in the ocean to ocean airplane flight. The selection of North Platto has put tho city on the map, for in overy daily paper pub lished last Tuesday appeared an ac count of the proposed llight with North Platte featured as the only stopping place on the 2,700 mile trip. Joo A. Swarts, of Lexington, who recently purchased the Georgo Fow ler ranch southwest of town has been sponding tho past few days In the city. It is probablo that ho will buy or build a homo In this city and move thereto from Lexington. His two sons Carl and Ray havo chargo of the ranch and Mr. Swarts will retiro from active business life. Ho recently shipped 250 head of cattle from Daw son county to tho ranch southwest of town. Just received a new shipment of men's Oxfords, very nifty, at tho Shoe Market. Tho vlllian said tho hero was a crook. Remember how it was in tho play? Everybody does, for everybody has seen 'Arizona" on tho stage. What susponso! What excitement when Lieutenant Donton started to square things with tho heavy. That was on a small stage in front of pumtbd scen ery. And even then It was a tremen dous scone. But imagino what hap pens when Douglas Fairbanks is tho horo and ho has all tho stato of Ari zona for tho stage upon which to glvti tho vlllian. what's coming to him. Doea tho vlllian get his? Como to the Keith theatro Wednesday and Thurs day, Juno 11 and 12 and see. 'Clinton & Son' will take care of your Eye Glass trouble; wo guar antee to give you satis faction. Sign of the Big Ring. Son is with Uncle Sam in Ger many, will bo homo soon. Clarence Splcer landed at Nowport News Wednesday after almost a year's! service ovorseas. Ho was a member of tho 313th Sanitary train attached to tho 349th Field Hospital and was awarded tho Croix do Guorro for his valor. One night when troops wore being transported along a cortain road which had boon shelled threo times boforo whon troops woro bolng moved over It, ho observed a light which he Immediately reported to tho colonel. Investigation led to tho discovery nnd capture of a German woman who had been signalling to tho Huns of tho nllied troops movomcnts. While mak ing his report to tho colonel tho Ger mans again throw over a barrago and Clnrenco went back through this for French artillery ro-Inforcomonts. $10.00 ' Howard Will bo paid for information lend--ing to tho nrrest and conviction of tho party bronking tho locks on the Gun Club house at tho city park. Notify M. F. Hosier. BUFFALO BILL GUN CLUB. COMBINATION SALE aturday, June 7th AT THREE O'CLOCK AT Besack Barn, North Platte Eleven Head of Horses, A Few Cattle Ten Head of HogsSome Harness A Lot of Household Goods Bring in what you have to sell, as this will be the last sale this spring. A Sale for Everybody S. M. SOUDER T. F. HEALEY Liberty Land Company Office Over Rexall Drug Store. Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count ies. Als some good Ranches. Houses and Lots in all parts of North Platte. Look for tho Dig l sign. Tho First Presbyterian Church At tho eleven o'clock hour tho Sun day school will havo Children's Day services, giving a splendid program of songs, recitations, and in connec tion with this service and as a part of it tho pastor will christen any chil dren that may be presented. At tho 8 p. m. hour the subject will bo tho third in a series "Tho Church, and tho Social Question." ::o:: Threaten Prosecutor. Cambridge, Mass., June 5. Death to District Attorney Nathan A. Tufts of Middlesex county unless he desists in his efforts to bring to justice tho perpetrators of tho bomb outrages of Monday night was threatened In a let ter received at tho court house today. ::o:: HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Wanted at onco a good housekeep er to tako chargo of a modern home on a farm by a widower of 3G with a girl nlno years old. Must be a good cook, plean and neat. You can seo mo Saturday, Juno 7th, from 10:30 to 3:00 o'clock at tho employment bu reau in tho fedcial building in Nortii Platto. Prefer party without children. The United States senate Wednes day adopted the womans' suffrage res olution previously adopted by tho house. The proposed constitutional amendment now goes to tho states for ratification. TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 109 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NE11K. Phone 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS There Is No Reason Why we cannot save yon money on Groceries, If you will only give us n chance. 1 largo package Crackers !lSe 1 large package Oatmeal 28o 1 package Post Toastlcs lie 1 package Kellogg Corn Flakes 14c 1 (nil can Red Salmon 80c 1 tall can Pink Salmon 22c 1 can med. Ynn Camp's Pork and Beans 19c 3 packages niaccaroni, speghctto or Egg Noodles 25c Wo will deliver nny 6lzo order any place In town for 5c Gamble with Springer, 822 North Locust Telephone 203.