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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
1 Scene at Versailles whoa Premier Clomenconu bunded tlio pence terms to the Gorman envoys. - Company nf Polish leglonulres pnsslng through Wursnw on the wny to tight the bolshevlkl. H Pen Unit hns beon presented to Premier Clemencouu with which to sign the pence trciily. ILLINOIS TROOPS COME HOPE ON THE LEVIATHAN Tho glnnt transport Leviathan arrived ut lloboken with Illinois troops of the Thirty-third division. This photo graph shows sotno of the fnon of the One Hundred nnd Twenty-ninth regiment upon their urrlvnl. In tho photo graph nre L. .T. Lnudry, Neltzel O. Clowell, 0. Bnslnger, A. Boesch, K. O. IJbldlng. nnd W. Deegan. DR. ANNA HOWARD Recognition of tint work of women during tho wur was given by tho wnr department when Sccretnry Dnker presented tho Distinguished Service Medal to Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman of tho woman's committee of the council of national defense. Doctor Shuw was nt tho head of tho committee throughout thu wur. TURKS IN' HUNGER DEMONSTRATION n k Here In front nf the Yeul DJnnil mosque In Constantinople hungry Turk ish citizens are holding a meeting asking the government to feed them. SHAW GETS MEDAL THE SEMI.WEEKLV TRIBUNE, '- WORLD'S GREATEST SOLDIER When Sergt. Alvln 0. York of the Three Hundred and Twenty-eighth In fantry, Eighty-second division, reput ed to hnvo accomplished the' greatest slnglo feat of tho war, arrived from Franco ho wns greeted by tho Tonnes seo Society of New York and tnken to tho Wnldorf-Astorln, whero n dinner was served In his honor. Tho sergeant wns presented with $2,000 In Liberty bonds, This photograph shows Ser geant York holding n picture of his aged mother. Beautiful South American Bird. On some of the islands of the Pa cific, In tropical South America, Is found the beautiful bird known as the Jacnna. It Is famous for Its so-called lovo dances, which appear to bo exe cuted by tho mnlos to excite tho nd miration of tho feinnlo birds. When tho mating season approaches the Jacann will single out Its favorite lady and try to win her ndmlrntlon with nil Its bewitching maneuvers. In the dance- the wings are sprond nnd worked In such a manner that tho beautiful colored foathora produce a brilliant oftect. One Cold Leads to Another. "A cold novor leaven tho Individual as well ns he was before the cold; lRs must recupornle," writes Prof, Oliver tf Osborno of tho Ynlo School of Medicine In tlio New York Medical Journnl. "Thereforo It takes some thing out of him and dos something to him. This Is particularly trim nf young children. A cold always pre- disposes to another cold." 1 NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. BOYS FROM THE PRAIRIES ARRIVE AT The steamship linperntor docking nt tlio lft Is Lieut. Col. Levi G. Drown of the Three Hundred nnd Thlrty-llfth right n little grny-lutlred mother who wont all the wny from Lincoln, Neb., to ANOTHER ENTRY IN THE TRANSATLANTIC AIR RACE mi limn inn in i , n iniimiiiii mi.'nn m l-iit..ivlt. The Vlmy-Rolls machine entered by Messrs. Vlckers In the transatlantic tligbt contest. It will start from New foundland. At tho left Is Lieut. Arthur W. Brown, nuvlgnlor, and nt the right Captain Alcock, pilot of this airplane. COL CORNELIUS VANDERB1LTI Col. Cornelius Vunderbllt Is here seen seated nt his desk nt the Salvation Army headquarters In New York, from whero ho Is directing tho drive to col lect $13,500,000 for tho Salvation Army to continue Its wonderful work. Why the Delay? II. H. Frlcdley, state tiro nmrshal, tells a story of a fire which occurred recently under mysterious circum stances. He says that a barber In a certain Indiana town Insured his $400 shop equipment for $000 and 25 days later a Hro wiped out the equipment supposedly, for the equipment for the most part had been removed secretly )ust boforo the lire. Tho Insurance agent wired tho Insurance compnny his suspicions nnd laid stress on tho fact that the flro occurred only 2T days after the Insurance policy went Into effect. "Why the delay?" wired back tho In surance company. Indianapolis News. The "Same Again" Drink. A foreign representative of a large Welsh house wns staying at Carmar then over night, and with a fow friends was addressing himself In moro senses than ouo to the subject of drinks, temperance nnd otherwise. "Ah," l' exclaimed, "your Scotch whisky good, good, vory good; your Welsh ule, what you call Goockley nlso good; but the other drink what yim call him 'sumo ngaln,' yes, 'same again' no good at all ; give a very bad head tomorrow." Cardiff Western Mull. New York with happy troops from BRITAIN DEPORTING BOLSHEVISTS About one hundred bolshevlsts were removed from Brixton prison, Lon don, for deportation to Russia. They were placed In motorbusses nnd taken to the embarkation port. Tho photograph shows a small crowd of relatives and friends of the prisoners gathering about tho entrance to tho prison ns the first motorbus wns filled up. Y. M. C. A. SECRETARIES ARE HONORED Threo Y. M. C. A. secretaries who ing wim marines m inmce were presemeti wirn tlio Croix de Gnerre bv Gen it. uiiiiruvi, iiiiiumj imauiu ai uie i rencn emimssy )n Washington. Tho secretaries are Ernest C. Butler, Skowhegan, Me. ; De Roy R. Fonvllle Burling ton. N. 0.; Rev. Dr. William R. Farmer, Western Theological semlnnrv. Pltts- Durgn. tonvino iosi mu signt or oue NEW YORK ! Wetf rn Newipnper t Nebraska, Kansas nnd Missouri. At Infantry, from Nebraska; nnd nt the welcome her son. ' V.-. . s were wounde,d and gassed while serv eye in the service.